MVP Church Bulletin Jan 8th

Sunday: Worship Services at 8:30 and 10:30 am Prayer Life Ministries 9:00 am in the Choir Room Monday: Prayer Life Ministries 10:00 am Book Club 6:30 pm Tuesday: Choir 6:00 pm Session 7:00 pm Wednesday: Staff Meeting 10:00 am Pipeline/ Jr. High 6:00 pm Thursday: Men’s Breakfast 6:30 am Women’s TLC 7:00 pm Riptide/ Sr. High 7:00 pm Saturday: Jr. High Winter Retreat departure !"#$ &''( )! *+,!' -#$!) ./01/23 4567 8968 +:; $!)<< Rev. Tom Stephen, Pastor ([email protected]) Carol Benson, Commissioned Lay Pastor ([email protected]) Matt Elam, Director of Youth Ministries ([email protected]) Mary Nelsen, Children’s Ministry ([email protected]) Lori Maier, Director of Music Rev. John Josselyn, First Service Music Facilitator Toriann Garner, Choir Director - Kathy Josselyn, Pianist Jim Lambert, Facilities Director J.J. Shaules, Preschool Director ([email protected]) (499-6610) Michelle Chastain, Secretary ([email protected]) Erin Blackburn, Nursery Attendant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


Church bulletin for MVP & PCH Disciples

Transcript of MVP Church Bulletin Jan 8th

Sunday: Worship Services at 8:30 and 10:30 am Prayer Life Ministries 9:00 am in the Choir Room

Monday: Prayer Life Ministries 10:00 am Book Club 6:30 pm

Tuesday: Choir 6:00 pm Session 7:00 pm

Wednesday: Staff Meeting 10:00 am Pipeline/ Jr. High 6:00 pm

Thursday: Men’s Breakfast 6:30 am Women’s TLC 7:00 pm Riptide/ Sr. High 7:00 pm

Saturday: Jr. High Winter Retreat departure




Rev. Tom Stephen, Pastor ([email protected])

Carol Benson, Commissioned Lay Pastor ([email protected]) Matt Elam, Director of Youth Ministries ([email protected])

Mary Nelsen, Children’s Ministry ([email protected]) Lori Maier, Director of Music

Rev. John Josselyn, First Service Music Facilitator

Toriann Garner, Choir Director - Kathy Josselyn, Pianist

Jim Lambert, Facilities Director

J.J. Shaules, Preschool Director ([email protected]) (499-6610)

Michelle Chastain, Secretary ([email protected])

Erin Blackburn, Nursery Attendant
















Celebration of Worship

Sunday, January 8, 2012

8:30 am

As you prepare for worship, consider these words from Jesus,

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

Have you come this morning carrying trouble? Are you looking for help? God offers you peace this morning as you turn towards Him and experience

the victory He has for you.

PRELUDE OPENING HYMNS #323 Holy! Holy! Holy! Lord God Almighty #325 All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name WELCOME & OPENING PRAYER Carol Benson HYMN Lord, Listen to Your Children Prayin’ CELEBRATIONS AND CONCERNS Tom Stephen

* Commissioning Prayer for Carol Benson LIFE OF THE CHURCH Matt Elam

“Aging in America” Announcement

During this time, ushers will pass out the friendship pads. Please sign your names and welcome those who are sitting next to you after the service.


Offertory: “Praying and Listening” DOXOLOGY AND PRAYER (please stand)

Ushers will bring the offering forward as we commit our gifts to be used to further the Kingdom of God throughout our community and the world.

Next Week

Jesus walked a life of compassion. When Jesus saw the crowds, He longed for them to know that God was their shepherd. He felt the compelling desire to share with them about God’s love in order to feed their spirits and their bodies. Jesus cared for the whole person. Do you want to learn more about fulfilling God’s call to be a person of compassion? You can literally have the compassion of Jesus! Come next week and join us as we explore this foundational characteristic of living God’s abundant life: to be a person of compassion. Invite your family and friends and get ready for a rocking worship service.





SCRIPTURE FOR TODAY James 5:13-18 and 1 John 5:13-15 (Pew Bible pages 856 and 864) Karl Smith and Larry Lindsay SERMON Tom Stephen

“Cross Training – Seven Characteristics of Abundant Living: PRAYER” Mark 1:35-39 (Pew Bible page 707)


Join us on the patio for coffee and refreshments!








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Monte Vista’s Prayer Shawl Ministry is a group of women/men who knit or crochet Prayer Shawls and Prayer Afghans for a person in need with the intent to shelter, comfort and give solace to the recipient. .

The group meets on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 6:30pm. If you cannot attend the meetings, but would like to get involved, we have yarn and instructions for you to use. For more information, please contact Karen Washburn at xxxx email [email protected] or Juanetta Cook xxxx. Please let us know of anyone who could use that extra prayer or moment of TLC. Please visit our website at

Monte Vista Prayer Shawl Ministry Tuesday, January 17th at 6:30 pm

Aging in America This coming year, Monte Vista will be hosting a series of four seminars on aging. Ti-tled Aging in America, these events are designed to support the aged and aging, and their caregivers, through education about aging and the support services available to them. Reserve the dates and look for additional information in upcoming bulletins. These will be great events to share with friends, neighbors, and family members. Invite them to come! To join our email reminder list, please contact John Andersen at 805-435-1226 or at [email protected]. As the dates draw near, reservations will be strongly encouraged.

Saturday, February 4, 2012 9:00am to noon Topic: Support Services Saturday, April 21, 2012 9:00am to noon Topic: How Do I Pay For It? Saturday, August 4, 2012 9:00am to noon Topic: Where Will I Live? Saturday, November 3, 2012 9:00am to noon Topic: Care Decisions

You may register and/or ask questions at the table on the patio.

January 8, 2012

MV Men’s Breakfast at Parkview Café Every Thursday 6:30AM to 7:30AM

Fresh start for the day with discussion, friendship and fellowship while sharing thoughts on scripture in our daily lives.

Come join us weekly or as often as your routine permits. Oatmeal, Egg Bagels & Coffee to boot!

THE FACE OF GOD IN HOLLYWOOD. Presbyterian World Mission Director Hunter Farrell is excited about the team of Young Adult Volunteers who have been discovering the face of God amidst the broken, overlooked, and ignored in Hollywood, CA. He, colleague Matthew Schmitt, and some of the Volun-teers will lead a workshop in the Santa Barbara Mission Conference, Jan. 20-2. Pre-registration is closed after Jan. 11, so register today. The price goes up substantially if you register at the door: $40 general/$15 students. Fill out a registration brochure or go to



What is a PCH Disciple?

Someone who strives to be...

P=Prayerful C=Compassionate H=Humble

Pick up your 2012 Offering Envelopes in the Narthex.

REFRESH a PCH Discipleship Group for Women

Beginning in January

Calling all women—save the date Friday, January 20th, 6:30-10:30 pm

Join us for an appetizer & dessert potluck, a movie, and fellowship. Sign-ups on the patio beginning January 1.

For more info call Ginny Stephen xxxx or Jeannie Sparkman xxxx

The church office email address has changed to:

[email protected]

Please make changes in your address books.





Let us Know how we can pray for you by filling out a Prayer Card. They are available in the pews & in the Friendship Pads. They can be dropped into the offering plate.

Prayer Requests can be added to the Prayer Chain by emailing Richard Vickers at [email protected] and/or the church office at [email protected]. Please remember to pray for the following needs within our church body:

• Pray that the people of Monte Vista come to know the love of Christ in a deeper way.

• Thanksgiving and prayer for our neighbors at First Christian.

• Pray for comfort and peace for the family and friends of Sarah Galbway who lost her life in a bike riding accident. She graduated from NPHS in 2011. She was still active with the NPHS Girl’s Waterpolo Team.

• Pray for our former Monte Vista deacon, Paula Haydter, that the sepsis will be successfully treated and that she will be completely healed.

• Pray for the healing of Condee Blackwood who broke several ribs from a fall off a ladder at work.

• Pray for Condee Blackwood’s mother, Bea Blackwood. Pray for healing and re-lief from the pain she is experiencing.

• Pray for Terry Avezzie for healing of her eyes.

• Pray for Helen Monroe and Neal. Helen was in the hospital.

• Sympathy to Lynn Lindsay’s family. Her sister Janet’s husband, A.J. Pankratz, passed away this week. Pray for comfort, peace and strength.

• Pray for Ruth Connerly, mother and grandmother of the Grieder Family. She is in the hospital.

• Pray for Tanya Paulsen. The cancer has spread to her lungs. Pray for the clinical trial to shrink the four small tumors. Pray that the family continues to find peace and God’s love.

• Pray for Rosalia Lewis’ sister-in-law, Danita Crivello. The cancer has spread to her brain.

• Pray for the Schwaiger Families. Don’s father has been diagnosed with inoper-able pancreatic cancer.

• Pray for Ann Riley’s son & daughter-in-law for their marriage and better commu-nication.

• Pray for Ken Au, Cal Au’s father. Pray for continued healing.

• Pray for Sally Losey for healing in her legs and feet and less pain.

• Pray for these difficult economic times and for employment.

• Pray for Warren & Gloria Stelzmiller.

• Pray for healing and strength for Steve Medler and family.

• Pray for Dan Guiteras and family for strength and healing.

• Prayers for Larry Augustine.

• Pray for Pat Kihm that her pain to be reduced and for her mother Marie to sense the peace and comfort of Jesus.

• Continued prayers for Jazzy Betka for recovery and healing.








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