Music Presentation


Transcript of Music Presentation

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His tory

Rock music is a loose ly de fine d ge nre of popular mus ic that e nte re d the mains tre am in the mid 1950s . It has its roots in 1940s and 1950s rhy thm and blue s ,

country mus ic and also dre w on folk mus ic, jaz z , and clas s ical mus ic. Time line …

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S ocial Effe cts Of Rock Mus ic

The mass iv e popularity and worldwide scope of rock mus ic re sulte d in a powe rful le v e l of social impact. Far be yond s imply a mus ical s ty le ; rock and roll influe nce d daily life , fashion, attitude s and language in a way fe w othe r social de ve lopme nts

have e qualle d.

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Economic Effe cts Of Rock Mus ic

Rock and roll as social activ ism re ache d a mile s tone in the Liv e Aid conce rts , he ld July 13, 1985, which we re an

outg rowth of the 1984 charity s ing le "Do The y Know It's Chris tmas?" and be came the large s t mus ical conce rt in

his tory with pe rforme rs on two main s tage s , one in London, Eng land and the othe r in Philade lphia, US A (plus some othe r acts pe rforming in othe r countrie s ) and te le v ise d worldwide . The conce rt las te d 16 hours and fe ature d ne arly e v e rybody

who was in the fore front of rock and pop in 1985. The charity e v e nt raise d millions of dollars towards famine re lie f in

Africa.Liv e Aid be came a mode l for many othe r fund-rais ing and

consciousne ss -rais ing e fforts , including the Farm Aid conce rts be ne fiting family farme rs in North Ame rica, and

te le v ise d pe rformance s be ne fiting v ictims of the S e pte mbe r 11 attacks . Liv e Aid its e lf was re prise d in 2005 with the Liv e

8 conce rt rais ing aware ne ss of g lobal e conomic policy . Env ironme ntal is sue s have also be e n a common the me , the

g re ate s t e xample be ing Liv e Earth.

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Rock magaz ine s . Q is a publishe d e v e ry month in the UK, with a circulation of 130,179 as of

June 2007. Mark Elle n and Dav id He pworth co-founde rs of the Q we re dishe arte ne d by the mus ic pre ss of the time , as the y fe lt it was ignoring a ge ne ration of olde r mus ic buye rs , who we re buy ing CDs (a ne w te chnology of that time ). the y we re produce d e v e ry month and had highe r s tandards of Photography and

Printing . The magaz ine usually has ; a re v ie w se ction that cov e rs , ne w mus ic re le ase s , re is sue s (mus ic), mus ic compilations , film, radio, te le v is ion and liv e conce rt re v ie ws . The s tar rating that the magaz ine use s to rate albums , is adde d to print and

te le v is ion adv e rtis ing . The magaz ine also shows the be s t ne w re le ase s ov e r the las t 3 months .

Mos t of the magaz ine inc lude s inte rv ie ws with popular mus ical artis ts . The magaz ine is also we ll known for compiling lis ts , such as ‘The 100 Gre ate s t albums ’ and ‘100

Gre ate s t ‘100 Gre ate s t’ Lis t’ the mos t famous lis t is ’50 bands to se e be fore you die ’.

Ke rrang! Is a mus ic magaz ine that is re le ase d e v e ry we e k and publishe d by Baue r consume r Me dia in the UK, the name come s from the sound made whe n

smashing an e le c tric guitar.The magaz ine was firs t publishe d on June 6th 1981 and was e dite d by Ge off

Barton, as a one -off pie ce in the S ounds ne wspape r de v ote d to the curre nt Ne w Wav e of British He av y Me tal, and the ris e of othe r rock acts such as AC/DC who

we re the cov e r for Ke rrange !’s firs t is sue . During the 80’s and 90’s the magaz ine place d many thrash and g lam me tal acts

on the cov e r, Motle y Crue , S laye r, Bon Jov i, Me tallica, Poison, e tc .. More re ce ntly the re are many complaints on Ke rrang!’s curre nt e mphas is on e mo

and me talcore mus ic .

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Rock Radio s tations

Q-Radio: a fe w ye ars as a radio juke box, Q radio launche d in June 2008 as a full s e rv ice radio s tation, (with lots in it) S hows and pre se nte rs inc lude OPM with S amanthi and Russe ll Kane and Acid Jazz with founde r Eddie Pillar.

The s tation is transmitte d on the dig ital te le v is ion ne tworks in the UK, across

London on Dig ital Audio Broadcas ting and online . Ke rrange ! Radio: in 2000 Emap launche d Ke rrange ! As a dig ital radio s tation, across the UK and in June 10th 2004 Ke rrange (105.2) was

launche d as a re g ional radio s tation in Birmingham. The y broadcas te d acts such as the Re d Hot Chili Pe ppe rs , Oas is and Kaise r Chie fs , and on the

we e ke nds / e v e nings the y would have diffe re nt spe cialis t programs de dicate d to many sub ge nre s of Rock Mus ic.

The radio s tation also include d inte rv ie ws with those affe cting popular culture and socie ty as we ll as those involv e d with mus ic.

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Rock mus ic awards

• The Q Awards are the UK’s annual mus ic awards run by the Q magaz ine , s ince the y be gan in 1990, the Q Awards hav e be come one of Britain’s bigge s t and be s t publiciz e d mus ic awards , the ce le britie s that atte nd the e v e nt also he lp make it succe ss ful.

• Ke rrang ! Awards ; the magaz ine holds an award ce re mony to mark the mos t succe ss ful bands in the inte re s ts of the ir re ade rs . The re ade rs v ote for the ir fav orite artis t the band that wins that usually wins mos t awards in the ce re mony . Although re ce ntly this has not happe ne d as the winne rs we re agains t the ge ne ral publics v ie w. Afte r winning an award that band ge ts a lot of me dia cov e rage .

• The awards we re firs t put on TV in 2001 and was shown on channe l 5 and channe l 4, the y have also be e n shown on MTV UK whe re the award winne rs colle ct the ir award alongs ide an inte rv ie w.

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Rock TV Channe ls Q TV is a UK mus ic channe l base d on the Q magaz ine ; it s tarte d in 2000 and is run by Box

Te le v is ion. This channe l spe cializ e s in indie , rock and alte rnativ e mus ic. It was orig inally a juke box channe l, whe re mus ic v ide o se le ctions made we re by the v ie we rs us ing pre mium rate

phone line s , but this s toppe d in 2004, its only on dig ital sate llite and cable now.

Ke rrang TV: launche d in 2001 by Emap, it cove rs more the more mains tre am s ide of the rock mus ic as we ll as c lass ic rock bands like Ae rosmith, AC/DC, Guns N’ Rose s and

Me tallica. It is a joint v e nture be twe e n Baue r Consume r Magaz ine and Channe l 4.

The channe l shows v arious mus ic v ide os (some of which are fan re que s te d) from the nu me tal and punk ge nre .

S cuzz is a British mus ic te le v is ion channe l owne d and ope rate d by CS C Me dia Group, it was launche d in 2003 and plays a wide range of rock mus ic from class ic rock to e mo, with ‘Rock hard, only with S cuz z ’ be ing the channe ls tag line . The y also play more hardcore , unde rground mus ic v ide os unlike Ke rrang , and show a fe w e xclus iv e one s . The channe l also runs we e kly compe titions , g iv ing the v ie we r a chance to win s igne d me rchandise .

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How the youth use mus ic?

Music e spe cially affe cts te e nage rs as at a party it de pe nds on the mus ic you are lis te ning to rathe r the n what we are doing which is said to be important according to a profe s sor of communication. The ly rics of a song also affe ct te e nage rs and is said to be dange rous for some me mbe rs of youth,

"Mus ic alte rs and inte ns ifie s the ir moods , furnishe s much of the ir s lang , dominate s the ir conv e rsations and prov ide s the ambiance at the ir social gathe rings . Mus ic s ty le s de fine the crowds and clique s the y run in. Mus ic pe rsonalitie s prov ide mode ls for how the y act and dre s s ."

Mus ic alte rs s tudy habits and damage e ardrums. Adole sce nts de v ote the ir time and inte ns ity to mus ic.

Mus ic also controls mood and e nhance s e motional s tate s , such as alte rnativ e rock making the ir audie nce happy and fe e l calm whe re as hard rock may cause some te e nage rs to want to commit suic ide as this is portraye d in the song ly rics .

Te e nage rs also use mus ic to gain information about the adult world, to withdraw information from social contact, to facilitate frie ndships and social se tting s or to he lp the m cre ate a pe rsonal ide ntity .