Mulwaree High School · Emma Watson ANU are now at MHS every Monday 3.30 -4.30 Rep Rap Thank you to...

Week 6 Term 2 30th May 2016 Mulwaree High School Endeavour to Achieve The next P & C meeting will be on Thursday 23 June 2016 7:30-9:15pm sharp in the Staff Common Room. Agenda items for P&C can be emailed to: [email protected] two weeks before the meeting for inclusion on the agenda. 40 McDermott Drive, Goulburn 2580 Ph: 02 4821 4499 Fax: 02 4822 1432 Email:[email protected] Mullee of the Week This week we are recognising the efforts of Rebecca Stevenson and Wesley Mullan-Marriott. These two students are regular attenders of Ag Club and constantly display a positive attitude toward their peers as well as their teachers, Mrs Jessep and Mrs Holmes. Rebecca and Wesley always go above and beyond to help during activities and constantly display a cheerful approach to learning at the Ag farm. These two students should be congratulated on their responsible behaviour and be proud of their commitment to the club. Hip Hop Dance Workshop On the 17th May junior Dance students had the opportunity to participate in a Hip Hop workshop with dancer and choreographer Shyamla Eswaran. The students had just one hour to learn a 3.30 minute routine and they explored movement from the Electric Slide to the Robot and the Whip/Nae Nae. The students worked extremely hard and there was a buzz of excitement in the air when it was time to perform the routine from start to finish. Well done to all involved.

Transcript of Mulwaree High School · Emma Watson ANU are now at MHS every Monday 3.30 -4.30 Rep Rap Thank you to...

Week 6 Term 2 30th May 2016

Mulwaree High School

Endeavour to Achieve

The next P & C meeting will be on Thursday 23 June 2016 7:30-9:15pm sharp in the Staff Common Room. Agenda items for P&C can be emailed to:

[email protected] two weeks before the meeting for inclusion on the agenda.

40 McDermott Drive, Goulburn 2580 Ph: 02 4821 4499 Fax: 02 4822 1432 Email:[email protected]

Mullee of the Week This week we are recognising the efforts of Rebecca Stevenson and Wesley Mullan-Marriott. These two students are regular attenders of Ag Club and constantly display a positive attitude toward their peers as well as their teachers, Mrs Jessep and Mrs Holmes. Rebecca and Wesley

always go above and beyond to help during activities and constantly display a cheerful approach to learning at the Ag farm. These two students should be congratulated on their responsible behaviour and be proud of their commitment to the club.

Hip Hop Dance Workshop On the 17th May junior Dance students had the opportunity to participate in a Hip Hop workshop with dancer and choreographer Shyamla Eswaran. The students had just one hour to learn a 3.30 minute routine and they explored movement from the Electric Slide to the Robot and the Whip/Nae Nae. The students worked extremely hard and there was a buzz of excitement in the air when it was time to perform the routine from start to finish. Well done to all involved.

National Merino Challenge On Saturday 14th May, a group of seven Year 12 students travelled to Sydney Olympic Park to compete in the National Merino Challenge. This competition is run nationally each year and aims to build industry based skills in secondary and tertiary students. Our Year 12 students were competing against ten secondary schools from across Australia. Mulwaree High students undertook a range of activities as part of the competition including wool classing, visual selection of ewes and rams, nutrition budgeting and condition scoring. The two day event also allowed our students to meet tertiary students studying Agriculture at TAFE and university levels, as well as network with industry professionals from companies such as Landmark, Elders, Australian Wool Network and Australian Wool Innovation. Students were also treated to an industry dinner, held by AWI, which allowed them to ask lots of questions about careers in the Agriculture industry. Our students conducted themselves in an extremely professional manner and thoroughly enjoyed their time in Sydney over the two days. Mulwaree High School would like to personally thank Goulburn Landmark for assisting in the donation of sponsorship money to help cover student entry fees into the competition. Goulburn Landmark are fantastic supporters of the Mulwaree High School Agriculture farm, for which we are extremely grateful. Congratulations to all of the Year 12 students involved in the challenge.

Club of the Week - Harriers “I am in Year 7 and started Harriers in the first term. I enjoy going to Harriers because it is lots of fun. I have made new friends and going to Harriers has helped me get fit and stay fit, which has been good for my activities inside and outside of school. I love the sport challenges that we face at Harriers. They are set by Mr Armstrong, who pushes us while making it fun also.” Cody McCallum “Harriers is run on Monday and Thursday afternoons from 3.15 - 4.30. It focuses on improving physical fitness, things like abs, running and strength. It’s run by Mr Armstrong and is designed for all fitness levels. I really enjoy it and I strongly recommend it. So if you are interested, just turn up to the Hall after school with your PE uniform. See you there!” Jem Green Harriers is continuing into its 4th year and is still attracting a decent number of people. We meet straight after school every Monday and Thursday for an hour to participate in a range of running, strength and core exercises that are designed to push you individually, while also attempting to add elements of teamwork, comradery, and fun. Everyone is welcome to attend one or both sessions and there is no prerequisite for ability. For more information, you can speak to Mr Armstrong or come along for a look.

Boys Hockey Mulwaree High Open Boys Hockey team travelled to the Goulburn hockey complex to face off against Bega High in the first round of the open knockouts. The boys came away with an unfortunate 3-0 loss, but played exceptionally well considering they had no subs. Old faces including Matt Hindi and Tom Hazelton played like superstars as they came out for their final once a year hockey game. Ollie Anable, a new face to

the MHS team showed excellent skill and teamwork and rising stars including Ryan Dodson, Dylan Gray, Mitchell Chalker and Cody Estall showed their skill and commitment, despite their loss. Well done boys! Report and Photography by Samantha Estall

Athletics Carnival Tuesday 31st May at Hudson Park Students must arrive by 8.55am

BBQ & Canteen available Students should wear PE uniform. Feel free to add a splash of House colours as well.

It is compulsory for all students to attend. Year 10 are required to participate in 2 events to complete their assessment task.

Top 2 in each event (top 4 for 100m) go through to Zone Carnival.

Important Calendar Dates 30/5 Mon AFL 30/5 Mon Yr 10 Passport meeting 31/5 Tues MHS Athletics Carnival 1/6 Wed Primary Link Soccer 1/6 Wed Boys Zone Tennis 2/6 Thurs South Coast Dance Festival 2/6 Thurs HSC Careers Expo 3/6 Fri SCSSA Cross Country Nowra 8/6 Wed Hospitality Dinner 13/6 Mon Queens Birthday 14/6 Tues South Coast Touch Final Yrs 9-12 20/6 - 24/6 Yr 11 Construction and Hospitality Work Placement 23/6 Thurs Zone Athletics 23/6 Thurs P & C Meeting 27/6 Mon Yr 11 U Turn The Wheel 28/6 Tues Yrs 10-12 Endeavour Awards Excursion 29/6 Wed TAFE Taster Day 29/6 Wed Mulwaree Unplugged 29/6 Wed Museum of Human Disease Yrs 11/12 30/6 Thurs Yr 10 Health Presentation 1/7 Fri Semester 1 Formal Assembly

Quote of the Week “If not me, who? If not now,

when? Emma Watson

ANU are now at MHS every Monday 3.30 - 4.30

Rep Rap Thank you to everyone who purchased something at the biggest morning tea on Friday. All funds raised go to the Cancer Council. Keep your eyes out for upcoming events.

Meet Your Leaders

Laura Baird - Sports Captain - Banjora What is your favourite joke? Q. Why did the chicken cross the road? A. To get to the other side. What meal would you have if it was your last? 6 nuggets from Maccas. What is your favourite subject and why?

Senior Science because we get hot chocolate. What would you like to do after you leave school? Get a job. What was your first job? Bunnings. What is your best memory from school? Swimming Carnivals. What is your favourite Disney movie? High School Musical.

Puzzle Time: Put numbers 1 to 9 in the blank boxes making sure no numbers are the same up, down and sidewards rows. Once you’ve managed that, you have completed the puzzle.