Multiple Certainties By Don Briddell © 2012 An Implication of Field Structure Theory (FST) 1.

Multiple Certainties By Don Briddell © 2012 An Implication of Field Structure Theory (FST) 1

Transcript of Multiple Certainties By Don Briddell © 2012 An Implication of Field Structure Theory (FST) 1.

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Multiple Certainties

By Don Briddell © 2012

An Implication of Field Structure Theory (FST)

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Comments about the Uncertainty Principle

• determined by the method of analysis (math)• Nature is not constrained by the math of quantum

mechanics• Uncertainty is a field object perspective• Implies something from nothing• Uncertainity is inherently unstructural

“It is important to realize that in physics today, we have no knowledge what energy is. We do not have a picture that energy comes in little blobs of a definite amount.”

Volume I, 4-1 Richard Feynman

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Field Structure Theory (FST)

• Views reality as the effect of fields• “Field” as opposed to field object• FST = the “something comes from everything”

approach; there is a plenum (background dependent aether)

• Having discrete form produces determinism• QM’s Uncertainty Principle destroyed all possibility of

discrete form and structure.• FST begins with a discrete field form (Occam’s Razor

compliant)• And thus retains determinism

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The problem is…..

• Waves are inherently not visible directly especially when the medium is invisible (plenum)

• How then can a wave be formalize ?• Big problem: The smaller the platform of

structure, the more wave-like it becomes.• Wave is frequency is energy ( E = fh )• QM & SM has no way of accounting for a wave.• Waves are field like, not object like.• Fields are volumetric an non-local. • Field objects are discrete localities having position

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In FST, fields are deployed waves.Field objects are condensed waves.

OrIn transition between these two states

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Condensed Chiral Wave

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• Background independent (QM + SM + ST )• Background dependant (FST & GR)• Michelson Morley refutes a background

independent aether• But allows for a background dependent


Wave versus Particle

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Consider the Knot

• A Knot is not background independent• The knot does not exist apart from the string• A condensed knot localizes (string) energy• A deployed knot totalizes (string) energy

• Condensed wave = particle• Deployed wave = energy

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FieldStructure: Tet-StructorA three-dimensional KNOT

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A conclusion of FST is that group behavior has a structural

connectivity to individual behavior.

That idea challenges the corebeliefs of QM, which forbids the knowing of individual behavior.

Richard Feynman: “I think I can safely say that nobody understands quantum

mechanics.” Ch. 6, “Probability and Uncertainty”

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FST sees group behaviorverses individual behavior as

fractal iterations of complexity, andnot as the operation of two

unconnected systems of organization

(particle and wave mechanics)

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Structural Skew Topology, and Field Structure Theory (FST) physics can precisely know

• the exact shape (frequency & amplitude) of the orbit of an electron.

• the exact number of places where the electron can be found.

• the momentum of the electron at each location.

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The basic assumptions and postulates of FST are

• each platform of structure is deterministic and unique.

• begins with discrete entities (loops), it becomes possible to determine the exact momentum and position.

• each energy state of a structure is determined by the number of loops and the number of places the loops interact

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Greek geometry and its modern derivatives are based on line

intersections defining points having no volume. This has led inexorably to

chaos, probabilities and so-called random order.

Modern physics is the physics of intersection, and that is the


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Axioms of SST (Structural Skew Topology)

1. Lines are loops. Lines don’t end.

2. Lines have dimension. Lines are not infinitesimally thin.3. Lines interact. Lines do not intersect.

Taken together (axioms 1 through 3), lines of action define space and time.

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• The loop satisfies the axioms of structure. A loop is a three-dimensional line.

• However, we live in a three-dimensional world volume.

• In FST, three or more interacting loops create space and time; a space defining nuclear event and a field defining volume of action.

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Dodecahedron – 5 circuits with 20 interaction vortices

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Fieldstructures (FS)

• FS are unique interactions of loops creating a unique space; a polyhedron.

• Each polyhedron has a unique frequency; the structural meaning behind spectral analysis.

• FS introduces the notion of time as being the difference between number of loops and number of places of interaction (vortices).

• Mass is how time is stored in space.

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Interaction• Where one Line of Action (LOA) interacts with

itself (a) or another LOA (b),

• an interaction occurs and a change of frequency is made.

two loopsOne loop

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The physical meaning of interaction

• What is meant by an interaction is dependent on the what platform of structure is involved; molecular level interaction different then atomic interaction.

• In the atomic platform, for instance, where the deployed EM field interacts, is where the electron can be found.

• The electron particle is where the electron wave is interacting. (consider an interaction to be a unit of twist)

• The positron side of the EM wave condenses to become a proton in the nucleus where it interacts with two other condensed positron waves to become quarks.

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Form is defined by systematic interaction

Loopage Name # of loops # of intersections

a 3 3b 6 18c 9 35d 18 180

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In the Atomic Fieldstructure, (In 1-D a line crossing a line is an event. In 3-D three the

crossing is not an intersection but a interaction of three of more lines.)

• The number of places the electron can be found is the number of line crossings in each loop.

• The more energy in the form, the more loops in the form, and

• the more places the electron can be found.

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So which intersection is the electron?

• The certainty is that the electron will be at all the places of intersection.

• Insert a probe and the electron will be found at any one of these multiple certainties.

• The probe collapses the wave.• All the energy of the EM wave will be at the

place of the probe and nowhere else. • Can this be modeled?

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YESDeployedEM wave


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The geometry of the electron is deterministic.

• If you concede that the electron is where the field interacts with itself. The number of electrons in FST is the number of circuits in the field.

• The mass of the electron is a count of the number of loops in a circuit.

• The energy of the electron is the number of times the electron twists (rotates) while performing a circuit.

• And the total energy (E) is the number of loops (L) times the number of twists (t) squared.

E = L t2 which is E = mc2

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Electron wave

• The electron wave is an EM wave and has no locality. HBM (has been modeled)

• When the electron wave interacts with itself or another EM wave, an electron particle appears. HBM

• An electron wave is a deployed electron particle. HBM

• An electron particle is a condensed electron wave. HBM

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KTS an EM wave is RH and LH

• An EM wave is both a LH electron wave and a RH positron wave. HBM (has been modeled)

• If LH electron wave remains deployed and RH positron wave collapses, the positron wave becomes a proton condensing the energy 1836+. HBM

• In reverse, when an electron collapses and the positron remains deployed, an anti-proton is produced. HBM

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• When the RH positron wave and the LH electron wave both collapse, a neutron is produced. HBM (has been modeled)

• In Neutron decay, however, when the decay happens at or near absolute ZERO temperature, the hydrogen atom is produced.

• The e- does not have sufficient energy to escape the charge attraction of the proton, which is a collapsed positron wave.

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Illustrating: Loops to Interaction Ratios

6 loops having 36 interactions (62)

Single loop unit

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18 loops having 324 interactions (182),

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Geometry of the Inverse Square

• Fieldstructures obey the Inverse Square Law.• Collapsed EM waves have condensed mass.

The mass is the square root of the energy.• Deployed EM waves have deployed energy.

The energy is the square of the mass.• The conversion of condensed mass to

deployed mass is entropic energy.• The conversion of deployed mass to

condensed mass is extropic energy.

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Physical manifestations of deployment and condensation of energy are:

• Stars condense EM energy into mass via neutron decay.

• Galaxies deploy condense mass back into radiant EM energy.

• Galaxies feed energy to their stars and stars feed mass back to the galaxies.

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Inverse Square Geometry demands• The number of interactions squares per unit of

distance. HBM

• This shows space and energy are linked. • The number of interactions increases by the

square of the number of loops. HBM

• The number of interactions is a time issue, whereas the number of loops is a space issue.

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Equation work for 2012

• Gravity is related to twists. considering

• Electromagnetism is related to loops. Done

• Both are inverse square geometries. • Each start at a different place on the fractal


• Energy > twists > gravity (E = fh2) considering

• Energy > loops > electromagnetics (E = mc2) 35

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Time and space are in a fixed relation to energy and mass respectively.

Time is linked

to energy

by twists

Space is linked to mass by loops

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LOOPS & twists in 3-D3-D torsion structures

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The Sequence• More energy = more interactions = higher

frequency of the system.• The Inverse Square law insists the number of

interactions is the energy of the system which is the number of multiple certainties there are of finding an electron in the atomic cloud.

• There is a discrete number of places where the electron will be found and at no other places. We know momentum and location because we know loops and interactions.

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There is a discrete number of places where the electron will be found and at no other places.

By knowing frequency and the number of circuits/loops, we know momentum and location at the same time!

There is now a way around the probabilities and randomness of Uncertainty Principle.

We can have determinism by accepting multiple certainties !

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One circuit making multiple loops

Does this meanthere is only one location the electron can be Found? NO

One circuit making 12Loops making 122

Intersections (144)

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Do 3-D intersections work as do 1-D

• To get a world, first Nature creates space and time

• And does that with energy and mass. • Space and time is delineated by energy and

mass.• How space is produced by the the interaction

of energy has been discussed. • How do fieldstructures delineate time?.

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Why 3-D is a unique world• Something very interesting happens when

looping is in 3-D, more interactions occur than there are loops.

Three loops make four intersections.

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Dodecahron has 5 loops and 20 intersections.

Note: In 3-D, three lines interact. In 2-D two lines interact.

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• While we live in a three-loop, three- dimensional spatial world, we experience something extra;

• we experience time.• Time has structure as well as space. • Fieldstructures model Time and space.

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• Fieldstructures show from where the extra event we call “time” appears.

• A loop by itself is not a unit of time.• A loop by itself is not a temporal event.• Time and space arise only after loops

interact.• This fact has been missed in String

Theory resulting in there being no way to predict what energies produce what masses.

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Multiple Certainties role in AtomsThe FieldStructure model for an atom is the



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Linear nuclear triangle domain A) to field triangle domain (B). Curvilinear version shown

as a single orbital

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This point is that point

Inner and outer shells: linear and curvilinear versions

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Orbitals of 1st and 2nd shells of the Lithium atom.Lithium with 2 e- in 1st shell and 1 e- in 2nd shell.

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Neon with 2 e- in 1st shell and 8 e- in 2nd shell.

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e- probability for 1st shell of H

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e- probability for 2st shell of H

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Third H shell

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FS of 3rd shell

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Summary• The geometry of an event = number of loops and the

number of places the loops interact.• An interaction is an event.• Time is quantified by the number of events. • Space is qualified by the geometry of the events.

Events are particles.• Events are multiple certainties of there being particles

at each event position.• Event positions are determined by the energy of the

particle.• If you know the energy you know the position.

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• The relationship between time/space and mass/energy is coordinated by the geometry.

• A quantum system has a multitude of places its defining events are at an instant in time.

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