Multigenre Project Unit (Autobiographies)€¦  · Web viewThis project will have the students...


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Page 1: Multigenre Project Unit (Autobiographies)€¦  · Web viewThis project will have the students share a world event that occurred in their lives, ... and inference across a variety

Caitlin Holley

Clarion University of Pennsylvania


2013Multigenre Project Unit (Autobiographies)

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Introduction to Unit:

This unit is designed to hit many of the state standards while also allowing students the freedom to choose. The multigenre project is a great way to get students to open up and share their ideas in a creative way. Students are still expected to have at least one writing assignment completed (a newspaper article), but the rest is fair game. This project will have the students share a world event that occurred in their lives, two of their favorite things, and an event in their lives that affected them directly. All four of these assignments must be different genres from one another, and the students are expected to choose one of these genres to present to the rest of the class.

Objectives/ Expectations: (Task Analysis)

Students will be able to create a newspaper article that reports a specific event between the years 1997 and 2013

Students will be able to present their ideas and creations in front of the rest of the class Students will be able to identify specific defining features of many different genres Students will be able to report their own interests through many different genres


EIII.1.1.11.D.  –  Demonstrate comprehension / understanding of a wide variety of appropriate literary works from different cultures and literary movements, including classic and contemporary literature.

EIII.1.2.11.B.  –  Distinguish among facts and opinions, evidence, and inference across a variety of texts by using complete and accurate information, coherent arguments and points of view.

EIII.1.3.11.A.1.  –  Describe how an author conveys intent and perspective in contemporary and historical writings.

EIII.1.4.11.A.4.  –  Include elements of style in writing to develop a personal style. EIII.1.4.11.B.2.  –  Use precise language and specific detail. EIII.1.4.11.C.3.  –  Clarify and defend positions with precise and relevant evidence,

including facts, expert opinions, quotations, expressions of commonly accepted beliefs, and logical reasoning.

EIII.1.5.11.A.  –  Write with a clear focus, identifying topic, task, and audience. EIII.1.5.11.B.3.  –  Write fully developed paragraphs that have details and information

specific to the topic and relevant to the focus. EIII.1.5.11.D.1.  –  Create tone and voice through the use of precise language. Subject: Language Arts

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Lesson Beginning:

Write the words “Multigenre Autobiography” on the board Ask the students to define either one of these words Most students will define multigenre as “many genres, including comedy, suspense,

horror, mystery)o Further explain the definition of “multigenre” in this projecto Many genres

“Multigenre projects entail a series of generic documents that are linked by a central premise” (

What is an autobiography?o The story that a person tells about their own life

Lesson Development:

Ask the students to think of a big event that happened in their liveso It could be good, bad, or just crazyo Have the students write these recollections in their journals

Facilitate discussion about these big events:o Why did that event appear to be important to you? o Did that event impact who you are as a person today?

As students are writing, walk around the room to see what the students are writing about Ask if any students are willing to share their journal entry for the day

Lesson Ending:

Remind the students that we will be starting a big project called a “Multigenre Project” that involves creating a mini-autobiography for each and every student

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Lesson Beginning:

Introduce the students to the weebly site From here, the students will find a page with the title “What is a Multi-Genre Project?” Have the site projected onto the board to explain the instructions for the first part of

the project Explain the rules of our project:

o Minimum of 4 different genreso Each genre must be different from the otherso Each student must present one aspect of the project to the rest of the class

Lesson Development:

Introduce the first genre: Writing a newspaper article On the projector, scroll to the “One Required Genre” section of the site Explain to the students how to fill out the comment box on the right hand side of the page On the left, further explain the expectations of today’s assignment Have the students choose a world event from his/her lifetime

o Social Networking Invention, Exploration of Mars, BP Oil Spill, 9/11, The Royal Wedding, etc.

o The students must then research their topic by reading other articles about that topico After finding two sources that discuss their topic, the students are to copy and paste the

links of those sources into the comment box on the weebly siteo Along with the links of their sources, students are also expected to give at least a two-

sentence description of what their intended topic is going to be about.

Lesson Ending:

Once the comment box is filled, the students will click “Submit”, which will send their comments to the instructor’s email inbox

Tomorrow, we will begin writing the articles based on the topics the students have chosen

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Lesson Beginning:

Have the students access the weebly site again: Eng2project.weebly.como Click on “Genre 1” (Each link will open as the days progress. Students will not be able to

work ahead or look ahead at the other parts of the project”)o Have the weebly site projected at the front of the room

Lesson Development:

Explain to the students pay attention to the format of the newspaper articles in the slideshow on the weebly site

Discuss:o What do they all have in common?o How is the author listed?o How are columns implemented?o What do the headlines have in common?

After discussing the expectations of the students with their articles, the students will spend the rest of the period writing their articles

o Help students as needed

Lesson Ending:

Students will work on their articles today and tomorrow in class Articles are due at the end of the day tomorrow Articles must be printed out and handed in

o No articles are to be emailed to the instructor

Page 6: Multigenre Project Unit (Autobiographies)€¦  · Web viewThis project will have the students share a world event that occurred in their lives, ... and inference across a variety


Lesson Beginning:

Have the students access the weebly site again: Eng2project.weebly.como Click on “Genre 1” (Each link will open as the days progress. Students will not be able to

work ahead or look ahead at the other parts of the project”)o Have the weebly site projected at the front of the room

Lesson Development:

Have the sample newspaper articles projected at the front of the room to set an example for the students as they work on their own articles today

o Help students as needed

Lesson Ending:

Students will work on their articles for the remainder of the period Articles are due at the end of the day today Articles must be printed out and handed in

o No articles are to be emailed to the instructor

Page 7: Multigenre Project Unit (Autobiographies)€¦  · Web viewThis project will have the students share a world event that occurred in their lives, ... and inference across a variety


Lesson Beginning:

Students will be introduced to their 3rd and 4th genres Have the students once again access the weebly site:

o Click on “Genres 2 & 3” Project the weebly site at the front of the room for the students to follow along

Lesson Development:

Genres 2 & 3 may be any of the genres on the “Genre Ideas” page of the weebly site Genre Ideas:

Journal Entries Personal Letter Greeting Card Schedule/Things to Do List Inner Monologue Representing

Internal Conflicts Classified or Personal Ads Top Ten List/Glossary or

Dictionary Poetry Song Lyrics Music CD Autobiographical Essay Business Letter or

Correspondence/Persuasive or Advocacy Letter

Biographical Summary Critique of a Published Source Wanted Poster Speech or Debate Historical Times Context Essay Textbook Article Science Article or Report/Business

Article or Report Power Point Presentation Informational Video Web Site Future News Story Letter to the Editor Newspaper or Magazine

Feature/Human Interest Story Obituary, Eulogy or Tribute News Program Story or

Encyclopedia Article Short Scene from a Play with Notes

for Stage Directions Short Scene from a Movie with

Notes for Camera Shots Dialogue of a Conversation among

Two or More People Short Story Adventure Magazine Story Ghost Story Myth, Tall Tale, or Fairy Tale Talk Show Interview or Panel Recipe and Description of

Traditional Holiday Events Classroom Discussion Character Analysis or Case Study Comedy Routine or Parody Liner Notes Picture book Chart or Diagram with Explanation

and Analysis Brochure or Newsletter Time Line or Chain of Events Map with Explanation and Analysis Magazine or TV Advertisement or

Infomercial Restaurant Description and Menu Travel Brochure Description How-To or Directions

Booklet/Recipe Receipts, Applications, Deeds,

Budgets or Other Documents Wedding, Graduation or Special

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Announcement Tumblr Page YouTube Video/Channel Tabloid Article

Event Invitation Birth Certificate Local News Report Pop-Up book Review and Poster for a Movie,

Book, or TV Program Board Game or Trivial Pursuit with

Answers and Rules Comic Strip or Graphic Novel


The main requirement for genres 2 & 3 is that they reflect the favorite things of the students Show the students some examples of what kinds of genres can be used

o Favorite food: Grilled Cheese; Genre: How-to speech on how to make the ultimate grilled cheese

o Favorite actor: Brad Pitt; Genre: Mock-interview with Brad Pitto Favorite show: Arrested Development; Genre: Review and poster about the show

and why it’s so greato Favorite book: The Perks of Being a Wallflower; Genre: Soundtrack for the book

Lesson Ending:

Exit slip: Students fill out the contact form at the bottom of the page with their name, what favorite things they’ll present, and what genres they’ll use to present them

The submissions will go straight to the instructors email inbox Students will spend the next two days (tomorrow and the next day) working on Genres 2 & 3

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Work Days (2 Days)

Keep students on task Supply students with any necessary materials to create their genres

o Construction papero Markers, Crayons, Colored Pencilso Technological Resources (Wordle, Voki, etc)

Assist any students who require help in getting any genre started

Page 10: Multigenre Project Unit (Autobiographies)€¦  · Web viewThis project will have the students share a world event that occurred in their lives, ... and inference across a variety


Lesson Beginning

Today the students will be starting their 4th and final genre Again, have the students access the weebly site:

o Click on the link “Genre 4”

Lesson Development

This genre is about reflection in the students’ pasts Project the weebly site at the front of the room Students are required to write about an event in their lives that affected them directly Suggested life events:

o A new peto A new siblingo Starting at a new schoolo A vacation destination/places traveledo An injuryo A weddingo A sporting event/concert/performance

Students may use the event that they wrote about in their journals at the beginning of the unit Again, this genre can be any genre on the “Genre Ideas” page, as long as it is different from the

other genres that they have already created Explain that positivity is key! Some students may want to focus on things that hurt them or

affected them negatively (divorces, deaths, etc)o Explain that students may use these events for their project, but they are required to

find the positivity of that experience All events in life are learning experiences!

Lesson Ending

Have the students scroll to the bottom of the page on the weebly Exit slip: Fill out the contact form at the bottom of the page

o Students should explain what their life event will beo Students will also fill in what genre they will use for this part of the project

Students may work on this genre during the entire period tomorrow

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Work Day

Keep students on task Supply students with any necessary materials to create their genres

o Construction papero Markers, Crayons, Colored Pencilso Technological Resources (Wordle, Voki, etc)

Assist any students who require help in getting any genre started

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Lesson Beginning:

Today, the students will learn about public speaking etiquette via PowerPoint Students are expected to take notes on this PowerPoint

Lesson Development:

Explain to the students that they are required to give a 3-5 minute presentation on one of the genres of their choosing, starting tomorrow

Students are not allowed to use their newspaper articles for their presentations The following points will be elaborated upon:

o Introductions to speecheso How to act while presentingo Keeping eye contacto How to read to an audienceo How to act as an audience membero Concluding a speech

After explaining the expectations of public speaking, pass out one notecard to each studento On one side, have the students write what their genre will be and have them write their

introductionso On the other side, have the students write their conclusions

Lesson Ending:

Before the end of class, each student must have an introduction and a conclusion written on their notecards

Have students sign up for which day they choose to present (Day 1 or Day 2)

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Presentation Day(s)

Distribute copies of the presentation rubric to the students before they begin their presentations

Remind students that if they follow this rubric and their notes from yesterday, their presentations will be successful

Students will be timed during presentations Students who do not present due to lack of readiness will have points marked off Students will be expected to write their names on their rubrics As students approach the front of the room to present, they will hand in their rubrics to the

instructor to be filled out while they present Presentations will go on until the list is completed (roughly 3 days of presentations will take


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CATEGORY 2 1.5 1 .5Attractiveness Project actually

looks like the genre presented with all necessary elements.

Project has many elements of the genre presented.

Project somewhat looks like the genre presented.

Project doesn’t look like the genre presented.

Originality/ Creativity

Product shows a large amount of original thought. Ideas are creative and inventive.

Product shows some original thought. Effort was put into this project.

Little evidence of original thinking. Some effort was put into this project.

Little evidence of original thinking. Little to no effort was put into this project.

Accuracy It is obvious what idea the students is representing. The audience can see what the topic of the project is.

The topic of the project is evident. The lines are somewhat blurred on what message the student is trying to convey.

The topic of the project is vague. The audience may have difficulty figuring out what message is being conveyed.

The topic of the project isn’t evident. It is almost impossible to figure out what the student is trying to convey.

Page 15: Multigenre Project Unit (Autobiographies)€¦  · Web viewThis project will have the students share a world event that occurred in their lives, ... and inference across a variety


CATEGORY 4 3 2 1 Volume Volume is loud

enough to be heard by all audience members throughout the presentation.

Volume is loud enough to be heard by all audience members at least 90% of the time.

Volume is loud enough to be heard by all audience members at least 80% of the time.

Volume often too soft to be heard by all audience members.

Posture and Eye Contact Stands up straight, looks relaxed and confident. Establishes eye contact with everyone in the room during the presentation.

Stands up straight and establishes eye contact with everyone in the room during the presentation.

Sometimes stands up straight and establishes eye contact.

Slouches and/or does not look at people during the presentation.

Preparedness Student is completely prepared and has obviously rehearsed.

Student seems pretty prepared but might have needed a couple more rehearsals.

The student is somewhat prepared, but it is clear that rehearsal was lacking.

Student does not seem at all prepared to present.

Listens to Other Presentations

Listens intently. Does not make distracting noises or movements.

Listens intently but has one distracting noise or movement.

Sometimes does not appear to be listening but is not distracting.

Sometimes does not appear to be listening and has distracting noises or movements.

Introduction/Conclusion Has a solid Introduction and Conclusion. Properly introduces and concludes the speech without being abrupt.

Either the introduction or the conclusion are lacking. One makes the speech feel abrupt.

Weak introduction and conclusion. Very short. Doesn't fully introduce and conclude the presentation.

Almost completely lacks any introduction or conclusion.

Student Name: _________________________

Points: __________/20

Page 16: Multigenre Project Unit (Autobiographies)€¦  · Web viewThis project will have the students share a world event that occurred in their lives, ... and inference across a variety