Mtthigan Mimr Health Unit Cherry Queen mmm I Hil0OL...

••^^r^W^j^y^!^j: > * ' , - , < : < . - M •«• . M o •.«.•*» ,^0:,. .. V- r >0«0 . >»"• -'-J •-*'! •" %»^ K BvJV. *• fell* .. fa:"* The Ptockney Dispatch Every year Mich, newspapers salute the fanners of Micbiqan by serving an All-Mich, dinner. At this \ dinner a number of new facts w«re learned about Mich. For instance Michiqah won the national championship - in 1349 for the largest potato yie- ld, 1-038 bushel per acre on the. Marquette county farm of Paul VanDame. This came from a six acre plot of cleared land. A half century ago Mich, was the leader among states in pot- ato production. She now ranks fifth. In 1949, 17.160,000 bushel of Wednesday* January Mtthigan Mimr Health Unit Cherry Queen mmm NEWS I Hil0OL ^^ i ^ ta ^7ZZ;. PW ~ ir u Dr TV, ur^ I * Mar *' 8 ^ 0 ^ Church , BRIGHTON WINS BOTH GAMfiS UlfllinW Svery year Mich, newspapers , « • Pon McGregor, firiahtonf MMBHMBMaMHHHMM Pinrla» v M^i n . n *».._,. WI.AL* . Dr. Don McGregor, Brighton dentist talked on the proposed County Health unit before a mee inq of the Pinckney Civic Imp. Aj&s'ru a t t h e t o w n h a l l Monday night. He explained it a n d answ ered questions' The purpose of such a unit is to stop the spread of disease and arrest the development in the ear iy staqes before they become prevalent It calls for a supervis OT and 5 nurses* also cars for them to visit diflerent places u* the county and go where called. Besides an office would have to be equipped and maintained in Howell for them. The estimatec cost is $32,000 a year. As thero potatoes were produced. Mostly in the uppisf peninsula a n d the* oennfl , -.--- upper part of the lower. Twenty- °5 -«>,U00 p e o p l e in the county iivfe vears ago the bulk of the' £ ^ £ ^ 11 ^ down would be about iivb years ago Mich potato crop was raised in southern Mich. Potato raising has almost disappeared there now- Mich, also produces over 90 per cent of the nations bean crop She ships to every state in the union and also to foreign traa^ The Thumb Michigan. f $1.08 a person. However taxes are not levied per capita but on property. Dr. McGregor said the county health unit has also ask 1 ed the county board of supervis ors to allocate them a room in the new county jail for a health ilso to toreign traa^. i —~ "~" v«i«ir ^ M * aiwuw is the bean capitol oil ^ - ¾ w * ^5 t a n c l * !!* h a health unit would only act in SSrVtag accounts for one third I f" a d ^ry capacity. They per- i^uuyuiy yvww**xi« form no ooercrtiona . « other sur- farmers income °!n%Si Michigan ^£~* "™~;; gical work- but inform you. what 140.000 farmers in Michigan own h , , . , one million ~ J * * ^ of supervis- vear old c ™,"* a 3 5 ^°££ r | { | ors will be asked at their next cord b y . P ^ ^ V t ^ u c ^ d ' b v - »®ettnq to establish sucli a unit milk. This b u t ^ iat produced by W e h ^ ^ ^ one cow would have ^ d 3 1530 j ^ ^ ^ unwil|ln £ lbs. of butter equal to the product gum0 guch resp0nflibility but <hal ton of six average cows. u ^ ^ are convinced a sufficient 170-000 Michigan farms produ number of people are in favor of ced $600,000,000 worth of agricult i t they will put it on the ballot for jural products. It exceeds all pre I m e people to vote on. St Mary's Catholic Church Pinckney. Michiann REV. FR. ALBERT J. SCHM1TT Sunday Masses -8:00 and 100C Novenna. Wed.. 7^0 p> m Confessions Sat 1Wb to fcub p.m Sundays,-beiore b:00 mass Fridays after Nove&na Devotion OOMMBWHy CHUHCH j 7¾^ * * Wed. nights /•30 Senior Choir Practice. *ganirt and Gfe* 1 ¾ ^ ^ _ -£*•-">- mm, Mexwin Campbell Tlwrr'Eve. *:00 j ^ study a « ^ parser age Thurs., 8:00 ^ on took bo ill gumv.- Pinckney Friday niqlu, d.-i. the second team 29 ic i5 first l o a m 4U 10 28. '1 team could not/hi: the laskc and trailed all the way. A.Lo. Mrofka 'woo- hiq^i muo. toi ney with 9. .. ... •* - in the iinal qamc Biiqhtoe 2 men on Joe Jofi.ys and ::e ed ic qet a s^nqlo basket, ; sinkmq 2 live ihiov?j. juh.. er was hiqh ixuin ior P.UCKII wit.i 13. joe Ciaik 5, Wcu^. Coyle 3 each and i!iicnu.:st Owens led Briqlitou. with 15 ; ! Anderson got y.O'Djuqh.r.y 7. i i ^ m : w Son at •-Ko ic-. 1 inoi; pat ^lliV Pacx- v "0 J qu - A Porter of lev _ I..d 0. \m QUEEN TRIES FOB 1G CROWN. TOO '"r'."»r nrc:! Evan- Sunday Jan. 15 10:30 Church will lead. Thursday, 7:30 Prayer Meeting and Preparation for Evangelism Visitation- at the Parsonaqe. CALVARY MENNOwTi£ CHUBCH l?ev. tiara beachy, i> a 3ior 10:00 11:00 v^ous yields but due to decline • in prices the value was slightly leMjhan 1948. CONSERVATION NOTES r^ "A— Michigan's 1950^° 1 ^ Wwsnip _ ChArry Queen, practices for h e r 1 ¾ ¾ ¾ ^ . * * < « * ..«— ..... entr^r m one of the state's many I vZ^^J **?"* «••••— il:45 Cherry He baking contests. n?w &SS/^F^L 1 ^*^ .... /:30 under way. "Bake-downs" will * Z q Wor ^P 8:15 P^feld to select town. counfy,!Ac?i m £ni"*~'"' l < oaco ^ ^>arrow fpctional and state champions.I P " ,; Marvin bhirey latter of whom will compete m>*^*X«" "'^1 ----8:00 p. M. the national contest at the MorrS; °o^% %?**' Meetings Wed- on Hotel in Chicago in the app™' BQQ P ' R priate date of Feb, 22nd next, thi Pinckney Res. WiiiHJ J. Mrofka A. Mrofka Barrett R. Ciaik Substitution Var.Slnmbrook Maitisbn, White j. Jeffreys PINCKNEY Coyle , .... iirevs Ware Enguist Matieson Substitution: Lrignton Res. F BLii't;]iqon F. C. B.MW-,11 C. - A;- * • G' Wo;d G Chapped Pinckney. ^< bin .\v ;y. C'ur H^-rn !• Hen: - BRIGHTON Anderson F Owe,..-. C Dii tni' G. Dav. . G O'D.- urjhr-'fv I Bi'u-;sfi< puyr.nls back :^ tiie liM, V liiev a: , bfcb.2dl,jj i. ;s wciq : mcivjay-::-: and IUi-nnq c v / ; f^-avial uu;:es couiii t- : some <>.l ,^. .:..roaj bui ^uy.j bUL'U :np:ovt'..o C' t • cui art wjtli -u: <niy S:J;- vie :• suff. r uq M< experi-.'ncD oi u p:uv\. ja'/.j usS' i,a!>.' takiiiq n m : t i n e j q h 1¾•.• y c a i s n. Liica u.y jnci -a: a. comni.soi iiJ .::- bvinq a:. xiuin.i .1'. kivbj ? P>.i.- ! . "tio:.. w rn san. - but :.d tj . 1 W J U ! • P a y : .]j ' n< 1 bo' W h bu 4 a i* q W have •..!•: d i d :h " . ; i p:-. p iai braiu b nim.i w '»n. put m v . r un w e> h- a: cl cdib, '^Pl SiO;: Of whlC- "'• -'.t D- ;: ,:t' n; 111 ID :J<;;.q ,;JI U' i. P -u: d Pmcknev -nek U. S. CENSUS APPLICATIONS TO BE TAKEN - Assistant District Supervisor Murray J. Kennedy of the United M i/*Ki„„„ mn\A *** «i« 0 * <*-u^« ( st ^es Census Bureau announces ichigan sold me most fishing ( ^^ he wUl be in Howell Friday icenses last year 1,110,109L Calif February M t 19§0 , to receive ap .rma was second with 1-030,617.1^^^ fof ^ ^ ^ iobs in l B ™ti(Livingston County. f ^^^ Applications are to be made at « , , ,, , , ., < , «. „, the Supervisor's Room at the Cost of fighung[the forest fares ^ ^ ^„3^ , ^ hour8 OT6 from dropped to $69,000 for last ^ A R to ^^ ? ^ Approxi . ve ? r b x i\^? n ^^ Q d o n Q 1f op * i xnately 30 enumerators will be p e d t o $ 1 2 9 . 0 0 0 . _ 2 1 ^ L ^ S JgJ? | employed totake the Census in licenses ornia Sales for the entire 48 were 15-487,570, This is more, than 1.400,000 than sold in 1948. climav of National Cherry We« Ann is sure that a Michigcu. air 1 , will be the national winnerJ not only because of local bakin< prowess, but because Mlchigc Cherries are- the "pick of tl pack". W. Jeffrey. L. Ciaik- Schn Briqhton: Luckc-r, Pa::, -h, F. O'Dougherty. Roferoe: B?rtoni, Umpire: Chapman r>- boen ll JU3i •-J cul- pa; ;.r • - ^: i'ae- 1 ;: P of t: ' c ll nf/d with r -i iq.: q i:om it/' Some cji! ::U wer ciinrlnin a a ; a • -•'• Cuoks union ro f:arn-;j ^i ih • coit;e. d M ,ico:m Pr < ed compared to 14,856 in 1948. Careless smokers caused 624 fires and brush burners 602, in" Livingston County. Applicants for enumerator iobs must be citizens of the United cendiary 71, railroads 63, camp- ' eH™LTJT;-" U >-L "L^, a j„ ---. ' ^ft itnVitn<«irr ift' inwKorinrt Stcwts, have a high school edu Tv-rrnni« ejrDenence, be CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank all who assis e d i n a n y way Jn making kiddibs Christmas party a suc- cess. Pinckney Fire Department SOME HORSES LEFT Horses are getting to be a thincr of the past and the prediction ii freely made that in time the on INCOME TAXES MADE OUT . I will " make out income tax forms at my home from now on. MRS. J. M. McLUCAS 4 0 6*E.Grcmd River Phone 3731 Brighton, Michigan ?5 Years Ago BASKET BALL-SCORES Ann Arb^r 45. l/insmq S* xt n 37; Mason 4b. How- 1 : 3&; Pox*. •• 52, South L y n 29- Md-m .')6 Dun doe 25; Univ-rsity 32 S^Ii— 21; Cliolsea 30, Flat Rn-ck 19 \?>n.;.> vc\\ 24, Line!:: 22; '•/. suirection 40 St. Thorn';.- 37; Stockbviq^. 45, Fowleivillo 39; Hash-;! 45, Dansyillo 33;' ft dt 68.. WilLamj- •on -35. w- ie- It h. i th a;..- ii an: '/J Q- 'in- supp r bv I* ;.si wc J-n T c;> ' coho. w :s p u:c ih.s ->;pl d d fiinrfay. D : A F Judq • G.\. s an : :... i.'. w . i e b a d i y iiu: t. iu' a :.OV, r ,;auv..: m til j{ iuaqo Ira t ci:to:. jayna Any- o 1 lore. ers 56. lightning 18; lumbering. "l^^J or furnish evidence ot com- . . . , ,.,, V. unknown 47, No dept. toe Uq- ?SS&fiSSS«S be in Qood', W ^ ° * * ? «£.£ ^ . ¾ IOSX inwu; i » w «» —.»• __ _ . er. a n a oerween UW_UMW y* — h^ VO r. Although SO ptarmigan or Arct-i cmd g 5i ^ppliccmts with veteran ic grouse were planted in Iron ^ ^ ^ 3 w h o meet those reguir -county a year ago conservation ements wi n j ^ qiven priority ov men have, since beei* unabie to» er non . ve t e ran applicants, lind any trace of them. Applicants for enumerator jobs Sealed bids for the purchase 1 ^ ^ ^ ^^g mUBt have an aut0 of 357 deer hides will be received mobile available in good operat ct the conservation ; , 3¾¾g'condUion. The method of oifice at Lansing until Feb. ^-1 ney payment wu | orovide for the cost are from illegally killed deer. j operatind cars on official Cen- Beaver and otte* trapping wdl busme8 B. be^ennitted in the upper as well; S the lower peninsult next w * Bounties paid on the foxes coyottes, bobcats and wolves in 1948-1949 amounted to_$^/iOou . .. ._ .— «?S« department will purchaS; fues. Jan. 31. The busses leave SHRINE CIRCUS The rural school pupils will go } to the Shrine Circus in Detroit on e and Widmeyer however, sees a future in them as he has 27 now at pasture on the McNamra farm on the Howell Pinckney Road. ACCIDENT RECORD re - opera he staged a picture show first show is Sat. nite. The Cavell farm on Ore Lake Rd. has been subdivided and Ik lots are beinq sold. Eiqh't below zero here Monday. S. H. Carr is busy fillmq Ids ce houses here and at Por.aqe Ik The fixtures of Frank Gainid: who operated an ice cream par lor here were sold for $300 Inst week. He went into bankruptcy. Slayton & Parker are r3modei Tnq their Ford Safes 6 Seryico of fice Bert VanBlaircum is doing the work, Roy Cavcrly has sold his inter est in the C» & W. qrocery storo in Howell to Paul Wheelock. h.s 27 ob. 17 Hrirtland eh. 24 Brighton Thp. No. 3 men: U t h L v o n - f n w a v . . - anChester - w>me Dexter • a w a y 3 Grass Lake -- away ham* 3 homo : three games By S-m. ra lor<-:.c pjt'L.a car. a tors . Van o ator F vo f 56a '1. n IB h • t x : ti u M lias :i ,111 i cilo r J' n ;• a liu j.'.l r»'l,c; 11 i :: '• O. til l< nb'.rq vo : t r .rqu.: 0 r:y i.: . -n: ai Vv r U. S. 0 last .iV vo, w aif- nt and thu J! w;il bo- s wo .;on- ll £ iViL: . t oid S( n .. V ,!.:x ' WtV 0 ;. -Oi." i p'iiic:pu. p:odt:clo wa.; 1 H' v\ v .0 irn s . iV''.' ch in sinoo father was a bo / and ti' 1- m. r •-'. MUSIC TEACHER STABTS Mrs, C.areoo Fori f l ! o v / '.! 'tnr'-ar-J a.- nmrir !•' ach-'a in th - Pinckney Community sclo :\ to- day. Sh' % fornpTiv • loqh' muo c hero a few y> an: nq•-,. 7h 011.: P li no JO (, Trie Michiqan Bell Tfelephone . utl Company had the safest year on | partner, record in 1949,- when a low of ] Stanley Hall has been elected 13 kxftljme aecideriJs oociued [ to the Stoic Society of (ho Mich for 8,000 plant department em- Stat© Normal. ployees throughout the state. | Jdn. 10 some 30 employees and These men. with the periormem friends of Frank Battle at th^ work, took part in thfe company's ce of 16,000,000 man-hours of annual safety contest. The* safe- BOWMNC NEWS In th'-: b o w l i n q lyiqu-- boat Tip Top 27 v. 41; St. tied Van's 39 to 39 Fab. F. W. 38 10 38; Km-,- -iy Hockey's 38 to 36: Shire^, r^rv'q 29 t-, 24. T'lvan b--->:< Set 26 to 19. Games Ian. 25 Mr Di S' 1 Rood's. Fab- vo C r v- K'nni' vs Tavern- - V. F. W. v s Ttj; T Shiroy's vs St. Marys. )-.0- • : 0 Mo:y'. b. b. :t. 1 aq * by ;ne cko'vin j of h . bu ( : j ged : mo. t t t I m; !. Tii I !c; :. m : i p i h'biuv I pr i,;ib.y p. ' n o » I <i.b : I tl IV .-!• - ' ! • : D -1 l.-'.o n p a : fer : n, ' : ,i:v in i : In hi' V m :h •aov "o: i.un ,1 .0 but- t of .: i.', . ;un p •',- in V' q<-: m t n -L'.ts l'.' p.. by pc- ii nil' ail attempt.; the ta>o T'i' qu-s- if. c s Mich. T • pco- . d :h ' • :x .. 1943 mm \m\ \>y a .:nl ;t,nq q ' m lii •! v I on it 0 • : si. put if to 00- D d- Mich. State San. gave him a prise on his birthday. ur 0«; vm acresof marsh land along Howell onthat day at 11:15 a. m. like Michigan for fishing and! They wi u return to Howell at 5:55 wild" fowl habitat. LOCAOEWS Miss Dede Hinchey is a patient In St. Joe hospital, Ann Arbor - since Jan. 15. Tuesday last week Joe Plummer. Bill VcrnBlaircum, Joe Jeffreys and Richard Schneid •r went down and gave blood lor transfusions. Bennie VanBlaircum has taken! over the Gulf Oil Station in Bri ghton. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Collins left last week* on a two weeks visit to Arizona to visit her sister. Mrs. Gertrude Cloakey and family. Fot&aaster Lawrence Bcughn has rearranged the postoftice.! The boxes now extend across front of it making more room in the oifice: The card party given by St Mary's Altar Society at tha .school trym. Sat night drew a big attendance. Mrs. Irvin Kenn edy won the door prize. Week end guests of Mrs. Jen- "nie p. m. DEXTER COMMUNITY FORtfM The Dexter Community Forum opens at the Dexter high school Feb. 7 at 7;30 p. m. Proi Arthur Mauch of Mich. State will speak on the Bronnen Plan. Other speakers are'- Dr. Steiner- Saline head of the soil conservation dist net. Don Johnson county 4-H du> ector. Prof. John Brumm. U. of M. There will be singing by the Dex ter Male Quartette. Dr. James Davis is pre*, of the forum. All are cordially invited. CRIBBAGE PLKYT5TABTS The Pinckney cribbage touma men. started in the fire hall here the'Monday night with 24 enteries. They will play there again next Monday night, Jan. 30. The two winners pkry in the finals at Ann Arbor in March- The women are invited to take part Three partic iated Monday night CHARITY RACKETS EXPOSED! ty record applied to time spent actually on the iob or in comp- ve*hicles going to and from regu- lar work assignments. , In announcing the results pf last year's contest, Robert L MRS. ETTA BLAND Mrs. Etta Famngton Bland died at her home near Pinckney Jan. 2 at the age of 84 years. She came to Michigan with hor parents from New York State at ^,v- „ — - -- v ht r i 1 In doing their work, the men __ Devexeaux and <^«£- When you contribute^nioney to. realize that were Wm. Devereaux ana wue» -»~- Tripp. manager here for Michv | the 7 " age"of "eight: s'pe'ndina'"the gan Bell said the company s saf eiy program covers cdl phasess of construction, installation, and repair work, as well as the oper- ation and maintenance of a fleet of over 3,000 motor vehicles the) handling of heavy eguip- taent, and the up-keep of cuntral offices. "Those taking i^art in the con- test included installers, repair men, linemen, splicers, engineers an>d building and motor eguip ment forces. 'Thisy are on the fob during good weather and bad, during normal times and emergencies to meet Michigan Bell's growing telephone needs on a 24-hour, day-by-day basis." Tripp said. The importance of personal saf ety is maintained continously as the number one objective of the plant department. WRESTLING AT WHITMCRK LK Pr"f^s-d'- , K:' wr- ot'.i- a wiT st 0 again at the Roilerrink- yj...:m- .- Lakp on 'Umr.-.acsy r ^v^- 26 at 8:30 p. m. Ther from thi^ a i*o ^n wr - s / Thursday mqht r.-t 8:30 Phone 4362 WL.tmoie reservations. L < e ll q : P' p: o: 1 un' I :o . , T iMtoioq i Acjncuour c ii : .' v;... st : 1 ot M.chiq-:n ^cti c iv A-V.-m <•.'.-• '• o.'ir h t iunche.s. , : to,,- 1950 ;n i> pot.- ha. ^q.veii t cu.t 11 a- cclo, ao 75 < rv: q cdoo A s::. ' law v;cifl.--L.a' only bu:ter n;oy b-> •/. d in s: !*• m.otutiorio such 0:00 ois. io.,0, h spitalb, etc. o.nq. j : v.dll !: .;KI v. : Lok' , f. 1 . » .^,. . itk s u . no lob is so Import- cnarity make sure it aoesn t get > ant, and no service Is so urgent mto the hands of racketeers.; that they cannot take time, to do laam how you can spot these, me ir work safely/' he said phonies. Read rack. The force taking part ta the serf eflsers in "Don't B e A Sucker', ln| e ty drive is divided into 27 separ , The^ American Weekly, great' ^ qroups of from 50 to 700 em Shewa. tne moxn« * ~ { n^gatoe^wlth this Sunday's, ^ S e T ^ c h which anuaUy com Benham., _ . L ^^ gMmAU , ^ , tjanuary 29) Issue of The Detroit. pe te f or highest honors. * Sunday Timet. of CommbuS' Ohio. Fred Smith a n d fcxmlly of Ev&rt Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Dart*ow were called to Ann Arbor Sun. by death of Mm. Regina Schmidt **-- - ~ - the mother of Mrs. Bert remainder of her life in this vic- inity. She attended the Pinckney sch ool and taught several terms in rural schools. In October 1891 she was united in marriage to George D. Bland of Putnam town ship who preceded her in death | in 1942. She leaves to mourn her pass ing one sister-in-law, Mrs. Lessir Farrington and many neices and nephews. Lorenzo Murphy was called to Howell to serve or: jury Tuesday The V. F- W donkey basket bail game here at the school is set for Feb. 16. t Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Webb ana family of Ypsilanti called on Mrs Cora Webb Sunday. Mrs.. W. Vail and Mrs. F. Cham berlcdn were dinner guests of Mrs. Cora Webb and Gene Mann Monday. The Senior Class of Pinckney High School attended a Court session in Howell today. 3c io £. I C O \ V.. O/J .. 1 1:1:.0 :! . J .. ,.J in , cvo. I i; h .v/n.sti.p : o a o . woh ih tiock in JC. , D..' u Dl.U.c: , t i . c • 10 m o ROBERT G. ROWE Robert G. R o w . 46. forme: ford editor w h o ooUi th. > Mi M.l f ri Times- owned by his fi'!: r on i grandfather before him loo- N- v. died in Mt. Carmel ho-p.t .', D t roit, Friday of a :,r/nt a.lmno He formerly owiv-d half in'.: rest in the Briqhton Arquo ar.d wos 0 past master of the MJWa M''«' n ic Lodge. He l^ave;^ a wif'--- 2 daughters and a son. The funeral was at the Milford Presbyteri-: 0 church Monday. .0 V/iilCO : ' X U1U aupe.'vi.: .. ibZA a p ';ic: N -. i t N .. b by rri ..•a ih .... diotnot 6 has b< • .. q u sen- 1 ' ;X 1 vied n :i. ih. small until :h-., Ko.q-S'el'.' cry pu' up -; bu.ia.nq - n .t uq - v/.Tto SJOO.OOU. Tho lax en .t lao: yo'Ci wa.: . Sco -.'.'. ois-.oc: No. 1 ;:o.: q; to court <ood got (\r\ order Juoqe Br'---k y Twp. T*eos. Lvlyn BIOJJ pay nq this money to d. Th. 0 'ax tdngios will h Yen:, oqo the Cobb farm D- xt,o . l.C til. in ;hc iCG. ol , ,1 pl.t ^ioke. .-• ana w a s , iuo yr^. Ichooi 1237. le in- Irom Sco, [nnqe^ ict 6. ppen. S f c . Robert * d _ t o g * << CABD PASTY JAH. 28 The North Hamburg Extension &-ABW dinner c^iesto 3 wjiGroitp wm hem^^ Card pa,^ levenma January 28tli. KINGS DAUGHTERS The Pinckney Circle of King's Daua 1 iters will hold their regular i^jr meeting Thtrrs. P. M« Feb. 2 at ^ zi LOSE 3 TO STOCKBRJDGE Pinckney lost 3 games to Stock bridge last night. The girls lost 18 to 28. Susie Campbell got 7 points and Virginia Shirley 6.The Doys second team dropped® their 42 to 28. The Pinckney first team lost 43 to 32. Joe Jeffreys got 11 Siaie liquor stores sold only about 8 per cent'-of the liquor sold in Michiqan last year, SDD, dealers sold 68 per cent ar.d liq-j C >bb dii not vote and uor by the qlass 25 per cent. H^s-! ir-' for a number of ye-irs pitals only used 0.02 per cent. ( a state tax mar: come t In Ann Arbor the ptato 'iqnor}o. r .d put hwn oo the tax roll storo sold $2,099,913.13 compared ' ' i to $2,422,929.65 in 1948. j t Pert aqo lake woo not on any tfcx roll P'-irt of it w a s in Putnam arid part tii Dexter twp. Putnam sunposed 1! we;-, ail -u D x*-r aoa pexter thouaht ;t woo ai! in Pute.crn. Mr wfr. tax until rouqh Th- Boston million-doiloj hold up takes one back to the apys of >?** o i Mrm. A n n a io*~ VSJ^LrSSS effi? 001 ^ ^ i Brinfl thlncnLto a Silent Auctton. h ^ f T6fA ^ ^ on N< nowe] { I Street "Jess'- James although he no million dnllor hauls. In the Brink Co. operates a armored cars which delive ey to the Boston banks. T so provide vrmlts to stor Last week 5 bandits in Th« American foreign policy practised by conqress invos one groggy."A week aqo the Rep ubltcan conressmen were ccn- ^eirrnHg Pros. Truman because he refused to send navv and planes to the island of Formesa and take OVT thus preventing the Chinese Communists from talr ween costumes and rubbe; ing it. Then last week thev rev- got through 5 locked dooi ersed themselves and voted pass keys scooped up a down all aid to Korea \hich is al dollars, left another millio; so being taken over by the Com because they could not munists. Apparently they axa iust^cmekjjot away without Anti-Truman. If he had been a- amy «lues. The whole a&xk only nainst aidinrr Korea they would took 20 minutes. So far no. dues harrbeen for i t ... 'naye been found, ^j * ••;;• incr ^ *& K% W i\ % V.: *--. V-

Transcript of Mtthigan Mimr Health Unit Cherry Queen mmm I Hil0OL...

Page 1: Mtthigan Mimr Health Unit Cherry Queen mmm I Hil0OL ^7ZZ;^uuyuiy yvww**xi« form no ooercrtiona .« other sur-farmers income °!n%Si

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T h e P t o c k n e y Dispatch

Every y e a r Mich, n e w s p a p e r s s a l u t e the f a n n e r s of Micb iqan b y s e r v i n g a n All-Mich, dinner. At this \ d inner a n u m b e r of n e w fac t s w « r e l earned a b o u t Mich .

For i n s t a n c e M i c h i q a h w o n t h e nat iona l c h a m p i o n s h i p - in 1349 for the largest potato y ie ­ld, 1-038 b u s h e l per a c r e o n the. Marquet te county farm of P a u l V a n D a m e . This c a m e from a s ix a c r e plot of c l e a r e d land .

A half century a g o Mich, w a s t h e l e a d e r a m o n g s ta te s in pot­a t o production. S h e n o w ranks fifth.

In 1949, 17.160,000 b u s h e l of

W e d n e s d a y * January

Mtthigan Mimr Health Unit Cherry Queen mmm NEWS I Hil0OL ^^ i ^ta^7ZZ;. PW ~ i r u Dr TV, u r ^ I * M a r * ' 8 ^ 0 ^ Church , BRIGHTON WINS BOTH GAMfiS U l f l l i n W Svery y e a r Mich, n e w s p a p e r s , « • P o n McGregor , firiahtonf M M B H M B M a M H H H M M P i n r l a » v M ^ i n . n *». ._, . W I . A L * . Dr. D o n McGregor , Brighton

d e n t i s t ta lked o n the p r o p o s e d C o u n t y Hea l th unit before a m e e inq of the P i n c k n e y C iv i c Imp. Aj&s'ru at the town ha l l M o n d a y night. H e e x p l a i n e d it a n d a n s w e r e d ques t ions '

T h e p u r p o s e of s u c h a unit i s to s top the s p r e a d of d i s e a s e a n d arrest the d e v e l o p m e n t in the ear i y s t a q e s before they b e c o m e p r e v a l e n t It c a l l s for a s u p e r v i s OT and 5 nurses* a l s o c a r s for t h e m to visit diflerent p l a c e s u* the county a n d g o w h e r e ca l l ed . B e s i d e s a n office w o u l d h a v e to b e e q u i p p e d a n d m a i n t a i n e d i n H o w e l l for them. T h e es t imatec c o s t i s $32,000 a y e a r . A s thero

p o t a t o e s w e r e produced . Most ly i n the uppisf p e n i n s u l a a n d the* o e n n f l , - . - - -u p p e r part of the lower . Twenty - ° 5 -«>,U00 p e o p l e in the c o u n t y iivfe v e a r s a g o the bulk of t h e ' £ ^ £ ^ 1 1 ^ d o w n w o u l d b e about i i v b y e a r s a g o M i c h pota to crop w a s r a i s e d in southern Mich. Potato ra is ing h a s a l m o s t d i s a p p e a r e d there now-

Mich, a l s o p r o d u c e s o v e r 90 per cent of the na t ions b e a n crop S h e s h i p s to e v e r y s tate in the u n i o n a n d a l s o to foreign traa^ T h e T h u m b M i c h i g a n .

f $1 .08 a person . H o w e v e r taxes a r e not l e v i e d per c a p i t a but o n property. Dr. McGregor s a i d the c o u n t y h e a l t h unit h a s a l s o a s k 1 e d the c o u n t y b o a r d of superv i s ors to a l l o c a t e t h e m a r o o m in the n e w county jail for a h e a l t h

ilso to toreign traa^. i —~ " ~ " v « i « i r ^ M * a i w u w is the b e a n capitol o i l ^ - ¾ w * ^ 5 t a n c l * ! ! * h

a h e a l t h unit w o u l d o n l y act in S S r V t a g a c c o u n t s for o n e third I f " a d ^ r y c a p a c i t y . T h e y per-i^uuyuiy yvww**xi« form n o ooercrtiona . « other sur-

farmers i n c o m e ° !n%Si M i c h i g a n ^ £ ~ * " ™ ~ ; ; g i c a l work- but inform you . w h a t 140.000 farmers in M i c h i g a n o w n h , , . ,

o n e mil l ion ~ ™ J * * ^ of supervis-v e a r o ld c ™ , " * a

3 5 ^ ° £ £ r | { | ors wil l b e a s k e d at their next cord b y . P ^ ^ V t ^ u c ^ d ' b v - »®et tnq to e s t a b l i s h suc l i a un i t milk. This b u t ^ iat p r o d u c e d b y W e h ^ ^ ^ o n e c o w w o u l d h a v e ^ d 3 1530 j ^ ^ ^ u n w i l | l n £ lbs . of butter e q u a l to the product g u m 0 g u c h r e s p 0 n f l i b i l i t y b u t < h a l

ton of six a v e r a g e c o w s . u ^ ^ a r e c o n v i n c e d a sufficient 170-000 M i c h i g a n farms produ n u m b e r of p e o p l e are in favor of

c e d $600,000,000 worth of agricult i t t h e y wil l put it o n the ballot for jural products . It e x c e e d s a l l pre I m e p e o p l e to v o t e on.

S t Mary's Cathol ic Church Pinckney. Michiann


S u n d a y M a s s e s - 8 : 0 0 and 100C N o v e n n a . Wed. . 7 ^ 0 p> m

Confess ions S a t 1Wb to fcub p.m Sundays , -be iore b:00 m a s s Fridays after Nove&na Devotion


7 ¾ ^ * • * • W e d . n ights /•30 Senior Choir Practice. • * g a n i r t a n d G f e * 1 ¾ ^ ^ _

- £ * • - " > - mm, Mexwin C a m p b e l l Tlwrr'Eve. *:00 j ^ s t u d y a « ^ p a r s e r a g e

Thurs., 8:00 ^

on took bo ill gumv.-Pinckney Friday niqlu, d.-i. the s e c o n d team 29 ic i5 first loam 4U 10 28. '1 team could not /h i : the l a s k c a n d trailed all the w a y . A.Lo. Mrofka 'woo- hiq^i muo. toi n e y with 9. .. ... •* -

in the iinal q a m c Biiqhtoe 2 m e n on Joe Jof i .ys and ::e e d ic qet a s^nqlo basket, ; s inkmq 2 l ive ihiov?j. juh.. er w a s hiqh ixuin ior P.UCKII wit.i 13. joe Ciaik 5, Wcu^. Coy le 3 e a c h a n d i!iicnu.:st O w e n s led Briqlitou. with 15 ;!

A n d e r s o n got y .O'Djuqh.r .y 7.

i i ^ m : w Son at

•-Ko ic-.

1 i n o i ;


^ l l iV


"0 J qu

-A Porter of

lev _ I..d 0. \m


'"r'."»r nrc:! Evan-S u n d a y Jan. 15 10:30 Church

wil l l ead .

Thursday, 7:30 Prayer Meet ing a n d Preparation for Evange l i sm Visitation- at the Parsonaqe .


l?ev. tiara b e a c h y , i>a3ior

10:00 11:00

v^ous y i e l d s but d u e to d e c l i n e • i n pr ices the v a l u e w a s s l ight ly

l e M j h a n 1948.


r ^ " A — M i c h i g a n ' s 1 9 5 0 ^ ° 1 ^ W w s n i p _ ChArry Q u e e n , pract ices for her 1 ¾ ¾ ¾ ^ . * * < « * . . « — . . . . . entr^r m o n e of the state's m a n y I vZ^^J **?"* «••••— i l : 4 5 Cherry H e baking contests . n ? w & S S / ^ F ^ L 1 ^ * ^ .... / :30 u n d e r w a y . "Bake-downs" wil l * Z q W o r ^ P - » 8:15

P ^ f e l d to se lect town. c o u n f y , ! A c ? i m£ni"*~'"' l < o a c o ^ ^>arrow f p c t i o n a l a n d s tate champions . I P " , ; Marvin bhirey

latter of w h o m will c o m p e t e m>*^*X«" "'^1 - - - - 8 : 0 0 p. M. the nat iona l contest at the M o r r S ; °o^% %?**' Mee t ings Wed-o n Hotel in C h i c a g o in the a p p ™ ' BQQ P' R

priate d a t e of Feb, 22nd next, thi

P inckney Res. Wii iHJ J. Mrofka

A. Mrofka Barrett R. Ciaik Substitution Var.Slnmbrook Maitisbn, White j . Jeffreys PINCKNEY C o y l e ,....iirevs W a r e Enguist

Matieson Substitution:

Lrignton Res. F B L i i ' t ; ] i q o n

F. C. B.MW-,11 C. - A;- * • G' • W o ; d G Chapped

Pinckney. < bin . Ga. la\v ;y. C'ur H -rn !• Hen: -


F Owe,..-. C Dii tni' G. Dav. . G O'D.- urjhr-'fv I


puyr.nls back : tiie liM,

V liiev a: , bfcb.2dl,jj i. ;s wciq : mcivjay-::-: and

IUi-nnq cv / ; f^-avial uu;:es couiii t- : s o m e <>.l ,^ . .:..roaj bui ^uy.j bUL'U :np:ovt'..o C' t • cui art wjtli -u: <niy S : J ; -vie :• suff. r uq M< experi-.'ncD oi u p:uv\. ja'/.j usS' i,a!>.' takiiiq n m : t i n e j q h 1¾•...• y c a i s n. Liica u.y jnci -a: a.

comni.soi iiJ .::- bvinq a:.

xiuin.i .1'.

k i v b j

? P>.i.-!. " t io: . .

w rn

san .

- but :.d t j . 1 W J U !

• P a y : .]j

' n< 1 bo' W h bu4

a i* q

W h a v e

•..!•: d i d :h " . ; i p:-.

p iai braiu b

n i m . i w

'»n. put m v . r un we> h- a: cl cdib,

'^Pl SiO;: Of w h l C -

" ' • -'.t D- ;: , : t ' n ; 111 ID :J<;;.q ,;JI

U' i. P -u: d

Pmcknev -nek


Ass i s tant District Supervisor Murray J. K e n n e d y of the United

M i/*Ki„„„ mn\A *** « i« 0 * <*-u^« ( s t ^ e s C e n s u s Bureau a n n o u n c e s

i c h i g a n s o l d m e mos t fishing ( ^ ^ h e wUl b e in H o w e l l Fr iday i c e n s e s last y e a r 1,110,109L Calif F e b r u a r y M t 1 9 § 0 , to r e c e i v e a p .rma w a s s e c o n d with 1 - 0 3 0 , 6 1 7 . 1 ^ ^ ^ f o f ^ ^ ^ i o b s i n l

B™ti(Livingston County. f

^ ^ ^ Appl ica t ions are to b e m a d e at « , , ,, , , ., < , « . „ , the Supervisor 's R o o m at the Cost of f i ghung[ the forest fares ^ ^ ^ „ 3 ^ , ^ h o u r 8 OT6 from

d r o p p e d to $69,000 for last ^ A R t o ^^ ? ^ A p p r o x i . v e ? r b x i \ ^ ? n ^ ^ Q

d o n Q 1f o p* i xnately 30 enumerators wil l b e p e d to $ 1 2 9 . 0 0 0 . _ 2 1 ^ L ^ S J g J ? | e m p l o y e d totake t h e C e n s u s in

l i c e n s e s ornia S a l e s for the entire 48 w e r e 15-487,570, This i s more,

t h a n 1.400,000 than s o l d in 1948.

c l i m a v of Nat iona l Cherry We« A n n i s sure that a Michigcu.

air1, wi l l b e the nat iona l winnerJ not o n l y b e c a u s e of local bakin< p r o w e s s , but b e c a u s e Mlchigc Cherries are- the "pick of tl pack".

W. Jeffrey. L. Ciaik- Schn Briqhton: Luckc-r, Pa::, -h, F. O'Dougherty. Roferoe: B?rtoni, Umpire: C h a p m a n


boen ll JU3i

•-J cul­pa; ;.r

• - ^: i'ae-

1 ; : P of

t:' c ll • • n f / d w i t h r-i iq.: q i:om it/' Some

cji! ::U wer c i inr lnin a a ; a • -•'• Cuoks union

ro f:arn-;j ^i ih • coit ;e .

d M ,ico:m Pr <

e d c o m p a r e d to 14,856 in 1948. C a r e l e s s s m o k e r s c a u s e d 624 fires a n d brush burners 602, in"

Livingston County . Appl i cant s for enumerator iobs

must b e citizens of the United c e n d i a r y 71, rai lroads 63, c a m p - ' eH™LTJT;-"U>-L " L ^ , a j „ ---. ' ft itnVitn<«irr ift' inwKorinrt Stcwts, h a v e a h igh schoo l e d u

— Tv-rrnni« ejrDenence, b e


W e w i s h to thank al l w h o a s s i s e d in a n y w a y J n m a k i n g kiddibs Christmas party a suc­c e s s .

P i n c k n e y Fire Department

S O M E HORSES LEFT Horses a r e getting to b e a thincr

of the past a n d the prediction i i freely m a d e that in t ime the on

INCOME TAXES MADE OUT . I will " m a k e out income tax

forms at m y h o m e from n o w on. MRS. J. M. McLUCAS

4 0 6*E.Grcmd River Phone 3731 Brighton, Mich igan

?5 Years Ago

BASKET BALL-SCORES A n n Arb^r 45. l / in smq S* xt n

37; M a s o n 4b. How- 1 : 3&; Pox*. •• 52, South L y n 29- Md-m .')6 Dun doe 25; Univ-rsity 32 S^Ii— 21; Cliolsea 30, Flat Rn-ck 19 \?>n.;.> vc\\ 24, L ine ! : : 22; '•/. suirection 40 St. Thorn';.- 37; Stockbviq^. 45, Fowle iv i l lo 39; Hash-;! 45, Dansyi l lo 33;' ft dt 68.. WilLamj-•on -35.

w-ie-I t h . i

th a;..-ii an: '/J Q- 'in- • supp r bv I* ;.si w c J-n T c;> ' coho. w :s p u:c i h . s ->;pl d d fiinrfay. D : A F Judq • G.\. s an :

:... i.'. w . i e bad iy iiu: t. i u ' a i h i . i l : .OV, r , ;auv. . :


t i l j{

iuaqo Ira t c i : t o : . j a y n a

A n y -

o 1


e r s 56. l ightning 18; l u m b e r i n g . "l^^J or furnish e v i d e n c e ot c o m - . . . , , . , , V. u n k n o w n 4 7 , N o dept . toe Uq- • ? S S & f i S S S « S b e in Qood', W ^ ° * * ? « £ . £ ^ . ¾

IOSX inwu; i » w «» —.»• __ _ . er. a n a o e r w e e n U W _ U M W y* — h ^ V O r . A l t h o u g h SO ptarmigan or A r c t - i c m d g 5 i ^ppl iccmts with ve teran

i c g r o u s e w e r e p lanted in Iron ^ ^ ^ 3 w h o meet those reguir -county a y e a r a g o conservat ion e m e n t s w i n j ^ q i v e n priority o v m e n h a v e , s i n c e beei* u n a b i e t o » e r n o n . v e t e r a n appl i cants , l ind a n y trace of them. • • Appl icants for enumerator jobs

S e a l e d b i d s for the p u r c h a s e 1 ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ g m U B t h a v e a n a u t 0

of 357 d e e r h i d e s wi l l b e r e c e i v e d m o b i l e a v a i l a b l e in g o o d operat c t the conservation ; , 3 ¾ ¾ g ' c o n d U i o n . The m e t h o d of oif ice at Lans ing until Feb. ^-1 n e y p a y m e n t w u | orov ide for the cost a r e from i l l ega l ly ki l led deer. j operat ind c a r s o n official Cen-

Beaver a n d otte* trapping w d l b u s m e 8 B . b e ^ e n n i t t e d in the upper a s w e l l ; S the l o w e r peninsult next w *

Bount ies p a i d o n the foxes coyo t t e s , b o b c a t s a n d w o l v e s in 1948-1949 a m o u n t e d to_$^/iOou. .. ._ .—

«?S« department wi l l purchaS; f u e s . Jan. 31. T h e b u s s e s l e a v e

SHRINE CIRCUS The rural s c h o o l pupi l s wil l g o

} to the Shrine Circus in Detroit o n

e a n d W i d m e y e r

h o w e v e r , s e e s a future in them a s h e h a s 27 n o w at pasture on the M c N a m r a farm on the Howel l P inckney Road.


re- opera he s t a g e d a picture s h o w first s h o w is Sat. nite.

The Cave l l farm on Ore Lake Rd. h a s b e e n subdiv ided and Ik lots are beinq sold.

Eiqh't b e l o w zero here M o n d a y . S. H. Carr is b u s y fillmq Ids

c e h o u s e s here a n d at Por.aqe Ik The fixtures of Frank Gainid:

w h o operated a n ice cream par lor here w e r e sold for $300 Inst w e e k . He went into bankruptcy.

S layton & Parker are r3modei Tnq their Ford Safes 6 Seryico of fice Bert VanBlaircum is doing the work,

Roy Cavcr ly h a s sold his inter est in the C» & W. qrocery storo in H o w e l l to Paul Whee lock . h.s


ob. 17 Hrirtland eh. 24 Brighton Thp. No. 3 men:

U t h L v o n - f n w a v . .-

anChester - w>me Dexter • a w a y 3

Grass Lake - - a w a y h a m * 3

homo : three g a m e s

By S-m.

r a lor<-:.c p j t ' L . a

car . a tors . Van o ator F

vo f 5 6 a

'1. n

IB h • t x : ti u M l ias :i

,111 i cilo r

J' n ;•

a l iu j. ' . l

r»'l,c; 11 i ::

'• O. til l<

n b ' . r q v o : t r

. r q u . : 0 r :y i.: .


a i


U. S. 0 last .iV v o ,

w aif-nt and thu

J! w;il bo-s wo .;on-

ll £ i V i L : . t oid S( n

.. V ,!.:x

' WtV 0 ;. -Oi." i p'iiic:pu. p:odt:clo wa.;

1 H' v\ v .0 irn s . iV''.' ch in sinoo father w a s a bo / a n d



m. r •-'.

MUSIC TEACHER STABTS Mrs, C .areoo Fori f l !ov/ '.!

'tnr'-ar-J a.- nmrir !•' ach-'a in th -Pinckney Community sclo :\ to­day . Sh'% fornpTiv • loqh' muo c hero a few y> an: nq•-,.





no JO

(, Trie Mich iqan Bell Tfelephone . u t l

C o m p a n y h a d the safest y e a r on | partner, record in 1949,- w h e n a l o w of ] S t a n l e y Hall h a s b e e n e lec ted 13 kxftljme aecideriJs o o c i u e d [ to the Stoic Society of (ho Mich

for 8,000 plant department em- Stat© Normal . p l o y e e s throughout the state. | Jdn. 10 s o m e 30 e m p l o y e e s and

T h e s e m e n . with the periormem friends of Frank Battle at th^ work, took part in thfe c o m p a n y ' s c e of 16,000,000 man-hours of a n n u a l safety contest . The* safe-

B O W M N C NEWS In th'-: bowlinq lyiqu--

boat Tip Top 27 v. 41; St. tied Van's 39 to 39 Fab. F. W. 38 10 38; Km-,- -iy Hockey ' s 38 to 36: Shire^, r^rv'q 29 t-, 24. T ' l v a n b--->:< Set 26 to 19.

G a m e s Ian. 25 Mr Di S' 1 Rood's. Fab- vo C rv- K'nni' v s Tavern-- V. F. W. vs Ttj; T Shiroy's v s St. Marys.

) - .0- • : 0

Mo:y ' .

b. b.


1 aq * by ;ne cko'vin j of h . bu (: j ged : mo. t t t I m; !. Tii I !c; :. m : i p i h ' b i u v

I p r i , ; i b . y

p . ' n o »

I <i.b:

I tl IV .-!• - '

! • : D -1 • l.-'.o

n p a : fer :

n, ' : , i : v


i :

I n

hi' • V

m :h • a o v

"o: i . u n ,1 .0 but-t of .: i.',

. ;un p •',-

in V' q<-:

mt n -L'.ts

l ' . ' p.. by pc-

ii nil' ail attempt.; the ta>o T'i' qu-s-if. c s Mich. T • pco-

. d :h ' • :x .. 1943 mm \m\ \>y a .:nl ;t,nq q ' m lii •! v I on it

0 • : s i . p u t if t o 0 0 -



Mich. State San. g a v e him a prise o n his birthday.


0«; v m a c r e s o f m a r s h l a n d a long H o w e l l o n t h a t d a y at 11:15 a. m. l i k e M i c h i g a n for fishing a n d ! T h e y w i u return to H o w e l l at 5:55

wild" fowl habitat .

LOCAOEWS M i s s D e d e H i n c h e y is a patient

In St. Joe hospital , A n n Arbor - s i n c e Jan. 15. T u e s d a y las t w e e k

Joe Plummer. Bill VcrnBlaircum, Joe Jeffreys a n d Richard S c h n e i d • r w e n t d o w n a n d g a v e b lood lor transfusions.

Benn ie VanBlaircum h a s taken! o v e r the Gulf Oil Station in Bri ghton .

Mr. a n d Mrs. Henry Col l ins left la s t week* o n a two w e e k s visit to Ar izona to visit her sister. Mrs. Gertrude C l o a k e y a n d family .

Fot&aaster L a w r e n c e B c u g h n h a s rearranged the postoftice.! The b o x e s n o w e x t e n d a c r o s s front of it m a k i n g more room in the oifice:

T h e c a r d party g i v e n b y S t M a r y ' s Altar Soc ie ty a t tha . school trym. S a t night d r e w a b i g a t t e n d a n c e . Mrs. Irvin Kenn e d y w o n the door prize.

W e e k e n d g u e s t s of M r s . Jen-"nie

p. m.

DEXTER COMMUNITY FORtfM The Dexter C o m m u n i t y Forum

o p e n s a t the Dexter h i g h s c h o o l F e b . 7 a t 7;30 p . m. Pro i Arthur M a u c h of Mich. State wi l l speak o n the Bronnen Plan . Other s p e a k e r s are'- Dr. Steiner- S a l i n e h e a d of the soi l c o n s e r v a t i o n dist net . D o n Johnson c o u n t y 4-H du> ector. Prof. John Brumm. U. of M. There w i l l b e s i n g i n g b y the D e x ter M a l e Quartette. Dr. James D a v i s i s pre*, of the forum. All a r e cordial ly invited.

CRIBBAGE PLKYT5TABTS The P i n c k n e y cr ibbage t o u m a

m e n . started in the fire ha l l h e r e t h e ' M o n d a y night with 24 enteries .

T h e y wi l l p l a y there a g a i n next M o n d a y night, Jan. 30 . T h e t w o w i n n e r s pkry in the finals at A n n Arbor in March- T h e w o m e n a r e i n v i t e d to take p a r t Three partic i a t e d M o n d a y n i g h t


ty record a p p l i e d to t ime spent a c t u a l l y o n the iob or in comp-ve*hicles g o i n g to a n d from regu­lar work a s s i g n m e n t s . , In a n n o u n c i n g the results pf las t y e a r ' s contest , Robert L

MRS. ETTA BLAND Mrs. Etta F a m n g t o n Bland died

at her h o m e near Pinckney Jan. 2 at the a g e of 84 y e a r s .

S h e c a m e to Mich igan with hor parents from N e w York State at

s » ^ ,v- „ — - -- v h t r i 1 I n d o i n g their work, the m e n _ _ D e v e x e a u x a n d < ^ « £ - W h e n y o u contribute^nioney t o . real ize that w e r e W m . D e v e r e a u x a n a wue» - » ~ -

Tripp. m a n a g e r here for Michv | the7" a g e " o f "eight: s'pe'ndina'"the g a n B e l l sa id t h e c o m p a n y s saf e i y p r o g r a m covers cdl p h a s e s s of construction, installation, a n d repair work, a s w e l l a s the oper­at ion a n d m a i n t e n a n c e of a fleet of o v e r 3,000 motor v e h i c l e s the) h a n d l i n g of h e a v y egu ip-taent, a n d the up-keep of cuntral offices.

"Those t a k i n g i^art in the con­test i n c l u d e d installers, repair

m e n , l i n e m e n , splicers, e n g i n e e r s an>d b u i l d i n g a n d motor e g u i p m e n t forces .

'Thisy a r e o n the fob during g o o d w e a t h e r a n d b a d , during n o r m a l t i m e s a n d e m e r g e n c i e s to m e e t M i c h i g a n Bell's g r o w i n g t e l e p h o n e n e e d s on a 24-hour, d a y - b y - d a y b a s i s . " Tripp said.

T h e importance of p e r s o n a l saf e ty is m a i n t a i n e d cont inous ly a s the n u m b e r o n e object ive of t h e plant department .

WRESTLING AT WHITMCRK LK Pr"f^s-d'-,K:' wr- ot'.i- a wiT st 0

a g a i n at the Roilerrink- yj...:m- .-Lakp on 'Umr.-.acsy r v -26 at 8:30 p. m. Ther from thi^ a i*o ^n wr - s / Thursday mqht r.-t 8:30

P h o n e 4362 WL.tmoie reservations.

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. ^ , . . itk s u . n o l o b i s s o Import-cnari ty m a k e sure it a o e s n t g e t > an t , a n d n o serv i ce Is s o urgent mto t h e h a n d s of racketeers . ; that t h e y c a n n o t take time, to d o l a a m h o w y o u c a n spot t h e s e , m e i r work s a f e l y / ' h e s a i d p h o n i e s . R e a d r a c k . The force taking part ta the serf eflsers i n "Don't B e A S u c k e r ' , l n | e t y drive i s d i v i d e d into 27 s e p a r

, The^ A m e r i c a n W e e k l y , g r e a t ' ^ qroups of from 50 to 700 e m S h e w a . tne m o x n « * ~ { n ^ g a t o e ^ w l t h t h i s S u n d a y ' s , ^ S e T ^ c h w h i c h a n u a U y c o m B e n h a m . , _ . L ^^ gMmAU, ^ , t january 29 ) Issue of T h e Detroit. p e t e for h i g h e s t honors . *

S u n d a y T i m e t .

of CommbuS' Ohio . F r e d Smith a n d fcxmlly of Ev&rt

Mr. a n d Mrs. M. E. Dart*ow w e r e c a l l e d to A n n Arbor S u n . b y d e a t h of Mm. R e g i n a Schmidt **-- - ~ - the mother of Mrs . Bert

remainder of her life in this vic­inity.

S h e at tended the P inckney sch ool and taught s evera l terms in rural s c h o o l s . In October 1891 s h e w a s united in marr iage to G e o r g e D. Bland of Putnam town sh ip w h o p r e c e d e d her in death | in 1942.

S h e l e a v e s to mourn her p a s s ing o n e sister-in-law, Mrs. Lessir Farrington a n d m a n y n e i c e s and n e p h e w s .

Lorenzo Murphy w a s ca l led to Howel l to serve or: jury T u e s d a y

T h e V. F- W d o n k e y basket bail g a m e here at the school is set for Feb . 16. t

Mr. a n d Mrs. Joseph W e b b a n a fami ly of Ypsilanti ca l l ed on Mrs Cora W e b b S u n d a y .

Mrs.. W . Vai l and Mrs. F. Cham berlcdn w e r e dinner g u e s t s of Mrs. Cora W e b b a n d G e n e M a n n M o n d a y .

The Senior C l a s s of P inckney High S c h o o l a t tended a Court s e s s i o n in Howel l t oday .

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ROBERT G. ROWE Robert G. R o w . 46. forme:

ford editor w h o ooUi th. > Mi M.l

f ri Times- o w n e d by his fi'!: r on i grandfather before him loo- N- v. d ied in Mt. Carmel ho-p.t .', D t roit, Friday of a :,r/nt a . l m n o He formerly owiv-d half in'.: rest in the Briqhton Arquo ar.d w o s 0 past master of the M J W a M''«' n ic Lodge. He l^ave;^ a wif'--- 2 daughters and a son. The funeral w a s at the Milford Presbyteri-: 0 church Monday .

.0 V/iilCO

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diotnot 6 has b< • .. q u sen- 1 ' ;X 1 vied n :i. ih . smal l until :h-., Ko.q-S'el' . ' cry pu' up -; bu.ia.nq - n .t uq - v/.Tto SJOO.OOU. Tho lax en .t lao: yo'Ci wa.: . Sco -.'.'. ois-.oc: No. 1 ;:o.: q; to court <ood got (\r\ order Juoqe Br'---k y r o t r o . n o . q Twp. T*eos. L v l y n BIOJJ pay nq this m o n e y to d. Th. 0 'ax tdngios wil l h Yen:, oqo the Cobb farm

D- xt ,o . l .C t i l .

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1237. le in-Irom S c o ,

[nnqe^ ict 6. ppen.

S f c . Robert * d _ t o g * <<

C A B D P A S T Y JAH. 2 8 T h e North Hamburg Extension

&-ABW dinner c^iesto 3 w j i G r o i t p w m h e m ^ ^ C a r d p a , ^

l e v e n m a January 28tli.

KINGS DAUGHTERS The P i n c k n e y Circle of King's

Daua 1 iters wi l l ho ld their regular i ^ j r mee t ing Thtrrs. P. M« Feb . 2 at ^ zi

LOSE 3 T O STOCKBRJDGE P inckney lost 3 g a m e s to Stock

bridge la s t night. The girls lost 18 to 28. S u s i e Campbe l l got 7 points a n d Virginia Shir ley 6.The Doys s e c o n d t e a m dropped® their 42 to 28. The P inckney first team lost 43 to 32. Joe Jeffreys go t 11

S ia ie liquor stores sold only about 8 per cent'-of the liquor so ld in Michiqan last year, SDD, d e a l e r s sold 68 per cent ar.d liq-j C >bb d i i not vote a n d uor b y the q lass 25 per cent. H^s-! i r - ' for a number of ye-irs pitals only used 0.02 per cent. ( a state tax mar: c o m e t In A n n Arbor the ptato ' iqnor}o. r .d put hwn o o the tax roll storo sold $2,099,913.13 compared ' ' i to $2,422,929.65 in 1948. j

t Pert a q o lake woo not on a n y tfcx roll P'-irt of it w a s in Putnam arid part tii Dexter twp. Putnam sunposed 1! we;-, ail -u D x*-r a o a p e x t e r thouaht ;t woo ai! in Pute.crn. Mr

wfr. tax until


T h - Boston mi l l ion-doi lo j hold up takes o n e back to the a p y s of

>?** o i Mrm. A n n a io*~ V S J ^ L r S S S e f f i ? 0 0 1 ^ ^ i Brinfl th lncnLto a Si lent Auctton. h ^ fT6fA ^ ^ o n N < nowe]{ I Street

"Jess'- James a l though he no million dnllor hauls. In the Brink Co. operates a armored cars which de l ive e y to the Boston banks . T s o provide vrmlts to stor Last w e e k 5 bandits in

Th« American foreign pol icy pract ised b y conqress i n v o s o n e groggy ."A w e e k a q o the Rep ubltcan conressmen w e r e ccn-^eirrnHg Pros. Truman b e c a u s e h e refused to send n a v v and p l a n e s to the island of Formesa a n d take O V T thus preventing the C h i n e s e Communis ts from talr w e e n c o s t u m e s and rubbe; ing it. Then last w e e k thev rev- got through 5 locked dooi e r s e d t h e m s e l v e s a n d voted p a s s k e y s s c o o p e d up a d o w n all a id to Korea \ h i c h is a l dollars, left another millio; s o be ing taken over b y the C o m b e c a u s e they could not munists . Apparent ly they axa iust^cmekjjot a w a y without Anti-Truman. If h e had b e e n a- amy « l u e s . The w h o l e a&xk o n l y nainst aidinrr Korea t h e y w o u l d took 20 minutes . S o far no. d u e s h a r r b e e n for i t . . . ' n a y e b e e n f o u n d , ^j * ••;;•

incr *& K %







Page 2: Mtthigan Mimr Health Unit Cherry Queen mmm I Hil0OL ^7ZZ;^uuyuiy yvww**xi« form no ooercrtiona .« other sur-farmers income °!n%Si

Pinckney" Civic Improvement hi'v. J

we wish to thank Br. McGregor for his splendid talk Monday Bight on a Public Health Unit



NEIGHBORING u E> Ct\^^y> w h o retired os ed itor of the Sprinqport Sinqnal last No*, has married Mi* Grace Hathaway, who worked on the paper. He is a brother of Clyde Sibley of Stockbridqe.

Bob Price, star Stockbridqe pit-Cher, has signed up with the DM rpit Tiqers and will play with' tnejr Flint team next year. He qoes to Fla. to train March 26.

The boys and qirls from the 4th up thru the 8th qrades of the cou-J nty rural schools will qo to Det* roit Jan. 31 to see the Shrine dr cus. Greyhound busses will pick them up at Howell Fowlerville and Brighton.

A star mail route from Detroit out Grand River as far as far as Howell has been started. It arri­ves at Howell at 7:30 a. xn. No. parcel post is carried.

Shexriff Bassett's report for 1949 shows 519 coxnpliants answered 42 men and women reqistered at the jail and 6,497 meals served-

Gov. Williams will be the speaker at the Howell Chambe of Commerce banquet Feb. ljoe Brady is toastmaster.

Clay Gordon, county surveyor, has qone to Fla. for the winter.

Dep. Frank Zeigler was called to Greqory one niqht last week when a car driven by Wm. Woods. 26' negro, instructor of the Boys Vocational School Lan sinq was wrecked on M-36 a mile west of Greqory. A loaded

4qun was found in the car, Woods J had no qua permit. He and his companion. Charlye Mae Read of Lansinq were taken to Howell jail. The woman was later releas ed.

Haslett near Lansinq approved a $175,000 bond issue last week to build a new school buildinq. South Lyon has raised $2500 td support the hiqh school band.

Russell Housner & Son have; open an electric and television shop in Briqhton.

Robert LaFlame. prop.of Robert Cloihinq StoreiBriqhton has been elected head of the board of pom merce there.

Dan Dickerson, 81. a former r© was brouqht to Hamburq for bur sident, who died in Diamondale Jal las week.

Howell Theater SYLVAN THEATER HowelL Michigan , fVlsen MML

Tkareday. Friday. January 28, 27 Richard Conte. Valentino Cortesa Lee 1« Cobb, Barbara Lawrence



Saturday, January 28 Charles Starred Smiley Burostte


Gloria Henry' Stanley Clements Is


Friday, Saturday. January 27. 28


Robert Montgomery, Ann Blyth New*

Sunday. Meaday, January 28. 30 Mann— Sunday at 2;15 f M continuou* Paul Douglas, Linda Darnell l Celeste Holm, Charles Coburn!


Comedy New* f

Tuesday ,We4a*aday, January 31. f*b,l) Gregonfr Peck Ava Gardner! Melvyn Douglas- Walter Husto:

Sunday, Monday, January 28. 80 M

"CHICAGO DEADUNE" 8J A Drama Starrlna

Alan LadcL Donna Reed and lune Havoc

Sunday Shows 3.6..7.J -Cartoon Pole Smith Now*

TuMwW«dv Thuru Jan, 31,T*b, I t

TASK FORCE" m Technicolor A Drama Starring

Gary Cooper- lane WyattWayne Harris, Walter Brennan

Show* 7; 10 4 8:15

"THE GREAT SINNER" i Cartoon Now* Travelog I





Friday, Saturday, January 27. 28 Double Feature

Robert Ryan Audrey Totter to


COURT Popoyo Cartoon __

Sunday, Monday, January 29, 30 Sunday Shows 3 p, m, cont

fi TIIK (iliKK.N I'liOMISK I v\ Mdifruefite CHAPMAN • Waiter BRfNNAN I t

AV< >N THEATEB Stocfcbrldae. Michigan

Friday, Saturday, January 27, 28

"UNTAMED BREED" In Clnoeolot

Sonny Tufts Barbara Britton Magic Flute Go Ghaee Yourself

Acrobatic Babies Sunday, Tuesday, January 48. 31

"WORDS & MUSIC" In Technicolor

A Bigger and Better Musical with with

Judy Garland Mickey Rooney In a Story of P»co*

Comingt "Accused", "Lulu BeUe"

M G N Cartoon Sports



TueavWed., Thur., Jan, 31 Feb, 1 2 Jeanne Ccdne Linda Darnell Kirk Douglas Paul Douglas Ann

Sothera in



Coming Next Weeh, -Ada,, ItV | p J ^













Livingston Motor Sales HOWELL. MICH. 'TfOUH JBOtCK DEALER"

j 47 rears Ago John Mclntyre, is now at Arqyle

Minn. The Livinqston Mutual Tele

, phone Co.. will vote Jan. 27 on in creasinq their capitol stock to $50

| UU0. The ocmpany ran their wires f into Pinckney last week.

Rev. G. W. Mylne will preach aqain Sunday at the Conql church.

The persons who took Geo. .Reason's diamond qlass cuiter from the store are requested to return same.

Fred Younds and Maybelle Dailey were married at Howell last WWinesday.

W. E. Murphy has installed a new steel safe in his store.

Albert Frost had a sow killed last week which qot on the tail


MILDRED SCOTT, .»* ... ~ _ ~



Suit pe^dinq in the Circuit Court tor the County of Livings­ta™0^ **? l 7 t h * * oi January. 1950, at the City of Howell, in said County.

It satisfactorily appearing to the Court by aifidavit on file that the defendant. Harold A, Scott, is not a resident of the State of Michi­gan, and that his present place of residence is unknown.

On motion of Stanley Berriman attorney for plaintiff,

IT IS ORDERED that the said defendant, Harold A. Scott, cause his appearance to be> entered in this cause within three months from the date of this Order, and

| In case of his appearance that he cause, his Axlswer to the plain tiff's Bill of Complaint to be filed, and a copy thereof to be served upon the plaintiffs attorney with in fifteen days after service upon the defendant of a copy of said Bill, and notice of this order, and that in default thereof that said Bill be taken as confessed by said non-resident defendant.

And it is further ORDERED that within forty days after the date hereof, the .said plaintiff cause a notice of this Order to be publish ed in the Pinckney Dispatch* a newspaper printed, published and circulating in said County of Livingston, and that such publi­cation be continued once in each week for si*^Successive weeks, or that .she cause a copy of this Order to be served personally* on said non-resident defendant, at least fifteen days before tke-time above prescribed for her ap


£r«nd Award Winner, Fifth Nation*! AAA Traffic Safety Potter Contest

FLUMBJNG • NBA 7/A/&— &7I7Lokes'deDr • • • Ru*,' \ Ae

Phone PiNCKNLY I S f !F%f


Tie Mark Nash family were James Smith dropped a cake, Cat, dinner mi*** ••-* **- x ^ — -M w a a cajce' Mrs. a ic. Roe*

d Mr. andjf ice on his foot last week and It walking with a

road track. Max Ledwidqfe has qiven up

attendinq Howell hiqh school on account of his health and is sell inq qas lamps-,

Drs. H F. & C. L. Siqler went to Webberville Tues. to perform an operation. They hired a livery riq to barinq them^ome. The team rarf away at Plcriniield,. throwtna mem out. Dr. H F. landed in a - . , - _. . ..» pond and Dr. C. L. in an ever Attorney for PlamtUt qreen hedqW. Neither was hurt. Business Adress*.

Chas. Reason has sole* his, Howell Mcihiqan place at Bannister and moved to (Telephone No. 183. Durcmd.

Claude Reason is workinq on the Ann Arbor railroad.

t. The boys here should remem



Washing Machines Repaired, Furnaces Repaired Electric Draft Regulators Installed

Brash Heating Company . 117 Main St, Pinckney, Mich. AIR CONDITIONING PHONE 150*

pearance. And it is further ORDERED that

the said plaintiff cause a copy of this Order to be mailed to said I defendant at his last known post I office address, by reqistered mail ' and a return receipt demanded at least twenty days before the l -w-^ tTmaflra o n ASTP toe herein prescribed for the' ^ ° ° "CENSES ON SALE appearance of the defendant.

Glenn C. Yelland Circuit Court Commissioner

Stanley Berriman

j wiu. i m ^ A y ^ m m i TOWN HAU. m THE

Every Saturdry . FROM 10:00 A. M. TO 5:00 P M.

Wayne D. Carr -Putnam Twp. Traa.


bef that ther% !• a vlRaa* «W-inanee aqcdnst/hrowlna « o w ^aQt on the sireets* .


25c to 65c ^aw«*i,ou-BructVanBIaricum

I e* 8s8jw^e^BiBiBWew e> -^^, ' PIIDNE leT)

Page 3: Mtthigan Mimr Health Unit Cherry Queen mmm I Hil0OL ^7ZZ;^uuyuiy yvww**xi« form no ooercrtiona .« other sur-farmers income °!n%Si


J<3$W/ «'%•" -V'

" ;K ; •,?i . • >


a* ptnotawj vmm


yf^tomdar. January 25, 1950

kney Disputes { Entered a s 2nd class act of March 3. 1877

matter at Postotfico

Subscription Price $Uf} Q Year The Pindsney JJtfpatci*

Paul W. Cude t t PubUsbei 114 So.Howell St, PinckneyMich

^ - ' i « .

Mrs. Bucher's sister Mrc. S.T. Reid of Kalamazoo spent the wk end at the Bucher home and with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Reid of Dot roit were dinner quests Sua. ' f Mr. and Mrs. C E. Bucher.


Groceries, Dry goods Canned Goods, Shoes

Gents Furnishings Lingerie


Charles Whitehead • and wife and Beatrice Lambern of Greqoiy were Sunday dinner quests A Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Henry, also Gerald Henry of Detroit.

- Mrs. Illah Reason spent the woek end with relolives horo She is now takinq -are of a Ic .' / at Wyandotte.

Week end callers' at the Wm. Mercer home were Jack Mercer of Pontiac. Dr. Walter Mercer and family of E. Lancinq and Mrs. Helen McGreqor of Br.qhton







ii Kennedy V Gen. Store a


HORSES $4.00 COWS $4.00

HOGS $1.00 per Cwt.


f lume 68 Plnckney

Central Dead Stock Ce>

15 members of the Pinckney Chapter O. E. S. attended the Fri endship niqht at Fowlervillo last Friday niqht despite bad weath­er.

The Dominick Conklin family A Pontiac spent the week end at the Ray Burns home.

The V. ;F. W. basket ball team beat Dexter Sunday 52 to 50.

Mrs. Lucy Reason has retired I on a pension as operator a'r th? j telephone office. Mrs. Edna. 1 Campbell has replaced h rr . I

' Rev. and Mrs. Hancock and dauqhter of Wriqhts Corners and Mrs. Mildred Trost and dauqhter, and Mr. arid Mrs. lames Nanco of Dearborn were Sunday quesf-j of the Andrew Campbell family.

ji Week end quests at the W. H. j Meyer home were Cy AtLo-y and

family of Gladwin, Wm. Lamb | MeMn Atkins- who operates J and family and Edsel M^yer an-i

thai Shirey Garaqe had a finqer tamily of Ann Arbor W. G. May-cut off last week while iackina! er of Stockbridqe.

E L S S * ' uQ , W n n t 1° M c Pf

h e r s o n ! Rosalie Nash was home from hospital- Howell where it was . , . T «7 / c , , ^™-sewed back on aqain. " j M i c h - S t a t e S u n d a y *

J Mis. Francis Robinson ana Mrs Born to Mr. and Mrs.. Roy R e a ' Arthur Crawford attended a meet

son Ian. 16 at St. Joe hospital, i n q 0f Tynan Chap. O. E. S. at Ann Arbor a 9 lb, boy- j Ionic Temple Detroit today.

IT'S MODERN...REVOLUTIONARY! No more expensive unhealthy pumping and digging up of < e u p o o l i , lepfic fankj , seepage pools, greo»« tropi ond clogged fine*.

H -t-'s (he moM reliable and lotesi method io liquefy, d iuo lve ond joponify grea ie , sludge, hair, r'oth and other organic solids.

T ! .A iroHem rh.'.-nical guarantees quick and effl-c " r r , t reiy!». ; - 12 to 16 hourj. N O S H U T D O W N « ' -.ool or tank n « . - . n , y •„ >• •,. , i„ . . ; r , l C 0 | IS ^orfcing, 5, . 0, J 5, 25, y-. ,..',, ONTA/NFRS

•^T.-9aBa<j;on P„f. Off. t- c . Off. P.nding

Myron Hughes Phone 57F11 8717 L a W r i - Dr. Rush Lake Pinckney

• * $


R.C.A., Victor & Admiral Lines


Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Vedder! Fred Dean and wife and C. H. left for Oklahoma City- Okla. i Schultz and wife of Detroit w r

Suru quests at the John McD ,iv. ii home.

Thursday b y auto. He will work in the bakery where Douqlas Plummer is employed. They left, -,, ^. ~, , ., , . their baby with the James Sinqer" ™ e Omar Gass . family of Br, i««,n« qhton were Sunday quesu A Uv: I a m u v ' . Lester McAfee family.

W. C. Miller, who recently suf.: T h e Petty svi'le Extension Group fered a stroke, is much better. He< met at the home of Mrs. Francis is able to qet up and set up and Robinson for their last meeting. recoqmze people, who come in Glove maklnq was the project but cannot talk. t a k e n u p




Keefw Furniture Stor Phone 4431 Brighton. Mich. 7UG W. Main

* i

. <i , -#.«•-**»«# >-*>« >•<>«»• '%»-* . ' « r v *


Mrs. Winifred Graves spent the week end at her home here- and attended "Friendship Nile" of O. E. S. in Fowlerville.

Cy Rupert and wife of Howell spent Sun with the Lloyd Hendee family.

Al Johnson of Jackson and Rex Sackett of Detroit called on Law rence Camburn one day last wk.

Frank White and family of Howell were Sat. quests of Mr. and Mrs. Ben White.

Billy Shehan of Ann Arbor spent the week end with Mr. and

Vern Smith and Mrs. Mable Ol ^ ^ ^ , ¾ ^ Wylte. won j son ana Bob Carr of Lansinq a n a c 1 1 n j _ v rfinnpr nupst* at th the Leo Bettes family of Walledi l s h e ? W i e home Lake spent Sunday at the Roqerl M n j E d n > u n d Haines called ^n

Pluisibitt Water Syt^ms

Stanley Dinkel


• • ^ ^ • " « ^ V*> I><JJ X++K1&+.

• lit

•Jbwi' 3naiiJnan is bringing gour copg of the latest

P h j ] ^ BoaVlet This handsome booklet lolls how you

can arrange to have Philgas in yo lr home . . . beautifully illustrated with photos of the complete line of Philgas appliances.

Mos everyone living in homes beyond the gas mains is talking about Philgas — the modern fuel for* cooking, water heating and refrigeration.

Make a selection of the appliance needed for your home . .'., '

' come in and see our complete display. New low prices to fit your budget. . •

Hoekcj Bwartheut

Ccrrr home.

Mr. and Mrs. John Carver enter tained the Winston Bauahn- Bill Bauqhn, Lawrence Bauahn fam­ily and Mr. and Mrs.Earl Bauqhn at dinner Sunday on the occas­ion of their 7th weddinq anniver sarv.

The Merwin Campbell family*

Miss Dede Hinchey Thurs. at St. Joe hospital, Ann Arbor.

Jerry Ledwidqe is homo from Notre Dame University this woek on account of exams.

Sunday quests of Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Kennedy were Mr. and Mr.i. Emmett Berry of Stockbridqe ana Gerald Kennedy and family of Ambrose Kennedy and family.


attended the concert qiven Sun.; Ernest White and wife. niqht at the Howell Baptist chur­ch by the Shiloh Choir- colored, of Detroit

Mrs. Fern Reason and new baby Terry William, returned home from St. Toe hospital Thurs

Mrs. Lucy Reason spent the week end with her sister, Mrs; Majble Suyd&m of Tcckson,

Howard Read and family were in Jackson Sunday for dinner.

Mrs. Edna Reason and Leotr tnd . Roy Reason called on Fred Carpenter who is ill in Pontiac, "undery.

and Mrs. Nelson.of Ba^ Cir\K were Sunday quests of Am old Bereruist

W i n e Dexter school election 12 districts havV sianed petition askina for a reorganization elect tion. Of the 1576 electors 119r

signed .petf lans lavoring reor ganizations. As soon a s the state ef the petition* the county,

The Frank Aberdeen family were in Ann Arbor Sunday at tho Rex Noqqle home.

Mr. and Mrs. Georqe M'^abon Jr. cal led 'on her mother- Mrs. Wm. Marshall at Rowe hospital. Stockbridqe Sat. Leon Meabon and wife called Sunday.

The John Carver family wore Sunday callers at _th^ Willar* Murrell home in Ypsilanti.

Hrca& Ahefdeen transacted business in Lansinq Saturday.

Andrew Nesbitt and wife" -left .by auto for Kissimmoe- Fla. last Sunday for the winter.

Francis Shehan was in Detroit Sunday. * « »i

Mrs Lydia Karus of Howe a spent Sunday at the Thomas Ware horn©. ' T ,

Mrs. Winifred Graves of jack-son spent the week end with tha Clyde Fisher family.

Ellis Cy Green of Dexter called at the Dispatch office Monday.

C. J. Clinton and wife spent Sun . . . . . . . | r

From where I sit .../iy UOQ Marsh

Give Us Back Our Sidewalks, S!i«;i!

I wrote that over an article in the Clarion last week, but I didn't like doing it. After all, the man it was aimed at — Slim Henderson — is a good friend of mine.

Slim came into quite n windfall last month, and bought the old Clarke plaro. The deed pave him title to all, the land- right down to the street. Then Slim started to take up the sidewalk tn make his lawn look better.

I felt i t wasn't fair to the tmvn and said so in my article. Next morning Slim comes around and wants to know what I mean—get­

ting folk's riled a;.',.in-t liini. I felt oniffy myt-elf, and we had jpite a set-to over the whole hi MMC: S.

From where I sit, that was fool­ish. Once we'd cooled off (over lunch and a bottle of beer at Andy's Tavern),Slim decided the sidewalks should stay—for the common good and I promised next time I'd take a pood look at the other fellow's point of view before writing any articles about him!

fflc %Ud£ Copy//.7/.7, !'>.~0: i m'fn,' <>-!'rs Un u crs Foundation


deot. of publicTnTtrucuon a p p r ^ at the Gerald Clinton home £ h c o l comm. will d ? ^ ^ ^ p ^ i n s o n m d

Mrs.-Emma Broaan and i fe r J dauqhter of Ann A * " ^ 1 * * ? Lueila Patterson of Stockbridae' the Walter Clark ) ¾ ^ ¾ $* r ; were Sunday callers at the Stan Ed»el Meyer and Children of Ann le« Dmkel home. Arbor called Friday.

H o w « d Ootaa and wife of Det Ambrose Kennedy and familV HG u s I r o J w e r a Sunday quests at theJ of Howell were Sunday quests ^ 0 , U 5 I Don Swarhout*home. at the Murray Kennedy heme.

I - M r s : Carrie Griffith qave 4 Frank Lonq a n d wife of. Dexter 1 shower at her home Wed. for 8 p e n t Sunday with Mrs. Monda * Mrs. Don GWifttJUft were presentj Morxto

Come and Have






•£»• ^ - :$m L.'iiA*


Page 4: Mtthigan Mimr Health Unit Cherry Queen mmm I Hil0OL ^7ZZ;^uuyuiy yvww**xi« form no ooercrtiona .« other sur-farmers income °!n%Si

St. >

* *

mm^ms^m^mmMjf^^^m , ' i • • • > • ~« t

D3KA3JP fr*dn~W. i q a i ^ j IMP W^^to . few** «, tM9


# :

# ^ w ^ M » ^ STRAIGHTEN &tf


JTtf/jg? /J/S/T HARROW



,¾ ,>*v>

« 3¾ ****'

: * » &

*§#- Now...JohnDetreDiskHarrows can be q*ickb ttr*ifbt**«i for cross* ing grassed waterways or wee spots atutatiglH/ agate without stopping or even slowing down. When tqoipMd for operation with the new John Deere Powr-Tro!, smooth hydraulic power angles or straightens the disk

Sang* si the touch o(the^peratorV ! and ft) thedOBttflml wOturoLi ^sJ AXUowffk^OmlUrfomn areM

reguKrly equipped with a Vmphv ' positive trip-rope control for angling or straightening the disk gangsTrom, -the tractor seat. .^-^- ~-**sag»|fl

The sturdy John Deere^JB^'irt; double*action harrow with no costly, built-in weight to bury It in light soil; yet in hard ground or'tough stalk conditions, you can add weight 10. secure plenty of penetration, msibjt construction, ample clearance, proper weight distribution, and easy adjust*1

mem—these are other Important features that make it easier to do good disking with a Model **JB". Set us soon for complete detail**



D I V I D E N D i Your insurance dividend repre-1 ' senW money you have saved [ Now that you see how money/

\ counts up, keep the habit, start-[ inq with your dividend check.! Deposit it in a savinqs account at I

\this bank then follow through I with a deposit here every pay (day.

w«»ffiy SANITARIUM* , ¾ ¾ ¾ . * VANWDWLT Hag gutty, M. U ,&W.VanWIn$le OtVamWrnia,

Attorney* ct Law First State and Savinqs Boa*

Howejl Michigan

'•yt; ?fer



m#m-$r Lfr ;^», .-^

•••m ••i£f.




Dally 11:00 A. M. lo 2*06 P. M. Except Wednesday

) Mo*wTues»Fr{jkg, 7t0u-dt00p«. D& a R. McCLUSKEi*

Dentist 112¾ North Michigan

Telephones 935 Residence 814

IsenJnas by Appointment Howell Michigan HERB SNEB;


-SOPHIE STORANOWSKI-Conlaci Mrs* D. D. Brady

Phono 164 Pinckney Lessons Given on Saturday i


Member Federal Deposit Ensui*. Q*— I^A^ emA Fawn Property ano» Oami AD deposit* ..«p tej ^ Speciality

$5000 Insured. s j ^ Toay ftppffr , ^ ,1« 1 LEE LAVEY

•Sonera! Insurance Phone 59F3

>#mckney Michigan A U C T I O N E E R ~

ta ia s»» so-* sw •SaSL^fif HcwJl Michigan Php», 13 ~ * BriohtoJL Mich.

tuns lS7Fll MYHON

<rfA; l'**". !4& i4J2£

. f t ' i iWi"

JOHN DEERE... £ W ^ / ^ w a*> -route, CaayfrfftestZ'

n.; Lavicy Hardware




Allan Davis



HORSES $4.00 Each

CATTLE $4.00 Each




HOWELL 450 T Jeeosew 4a?




& <|rand River, HoweU TION

OLD RADY on All Makes

DR. G. 7. TOWNKR Dentist

|8044 Portage Lake Road, Dexter Phone Dexter 3461




1 4 0 WEST MAIN ST.Pinckaiey John Eisele Bldg. Phcme 126 ; "SO IT WILL BE SAFE FROM 1 IHESTHAINSOF EXCESS



FOR SALE: 1 Two burner oU heat hag stove, two one burner oil heatinq stoves. ), Kitchemx range bums wood or coal.We have pur chased a furnace and new kit­chen equipment. These stoves may be seen at the Masonic tern pile. Pinckney. They sustained no fire damage.

Llvinqston Lodqe No. 76 F.&A.M. Curlett. Secretary.

Repairing J. HUGHES

Plumbing and Hearlna Slate 6717 Lakeside Driv license Rush Lak*

* H. ''SWARTHOUT 6 SON Funeral Home

Dc.i C. Swarthout Director Modern Equipment Ambulance Service

Phones 39 4 63. Ptockney,KPck "FRED C. REICKHC T Sr-

OPTOMETRIST 120 West Grand Rurer Ave-

HoweU Michigan For Appointment

PI >ne 358 Residence 611 fcLOYD HENDEE

Lire Stock HomHcv WeekV Trips Made to Detre*

General Trucking Phone 64F14

E REED, Jeweler WATCH* CLOCK REPAIRING Accurate ^_F««t ~JJ^*>nable' p^c**" Laid Piece or OmtratA

CARL IONES poncrete Products. Crtavel

Sand. Top SolL Road Gsavei FUl Din and Road BuSlt

Guaranteed Work 7626 Toma RdL# Pinckney Rte. I 210 W Main 8t Plnclc^y. MU* ' f ^ S ^ T l T n

« U E OF ""^"flJHI the Proboss Otfloa la the Gttf oi Mow-

FOR SALE: Classical Baby Bug­g y $7.00; Maple Hiqhchair with pad $5.00; Basinet $5.00; lumper Swinq $3.00; Also Rayon and Cotton Camask Table Cloth. 64x84. 8 dinner napkins- Never Been Used. Green and Peach Satin Comforter.

Phone Dexter 5091.

FOR SALE: Muakrat Fur Coat In \ -qood condition. Inquire at Robin

son Soda Bar.

Cy AtLee and family of Glad* / win spent . the week end here. / They left for F l a / M o n d g y with a i house trailer. /


1018 EAST GRAND RIVER Howell, Michigan

At a •—itoa *f said Court Uld la ths Or? ©i HowaU ta asld Oounty oa tha Uth doy of January A. D, 1850.

R. ssmitfeu fvda* oi

Want Ad% FOR SALE«-Frigldalre. 6.9 cubic feet refrigerator In good condit Ion. Mrs. John Cologne 596 Mowers Rd, Phone 100

FOR SALE: 1932 V-8 Ford Coupe 1836 Rebuilt Motor Good Tires. $100.00. 6 Gal. Automatic Electric Hot Water Heater. $25-00

]. Dougherty, Hi-Land Luke.


5 9 19 Brighton Rd. Phone Brighton 73C">

FOR SALE: Two Female Geese Phone 9IF 11 Pinckney

WANTED:-Washinq and Ironinq Miss Rampe 1220 Mower Rd. FOR 8AL& Potatoes and Onions

Umstead Farm HoweH-Pinckney Rd- Pbone 71F2

i Pinckri.ey's

Fr«s«ot;Hos. Probata ,

fa aw Mottaf ol tk* Bstota of Uwli Moors, Daosas*d.

AgoM Galbraith adminittrator.havlng filed in said court her final adm.account and *ls petition praying for the allowam M thwaol and for tha aasignmant and ilstnbutton of tha aoU aalota

1 . " n °\™*'J^ *• i* t*7* *£' F O « RENT-Six room house in" A D 1950 at tsn o^ock tattw H Q ^ m o d o U t o m a t i c h o t *. fsrsaaoa ba on. U hereby app tot- ^ ^ lc[mdly ^ ^ a u t o m a t i c

•d for ajtamlnlng and allowing satd ac- ^ ^ w a U g n e w l y painted, count and hearing said paction, | Q^ HoweU 1198 J after 7:30 p.m.

It is Further Ordered, That pubUK i- _ _ _ ^ _ _ •ottoa thareaf be aire* by publication FOR S ^ J - I C E L ™ S £ £ ? f f i j of a copy at tjua ORtor oeoa aaoh waeb , ALL KINDS. OPEN EVERY DAY lor thrae stxcceaatfa waaka previous to ) GRAND RIVER SPORT SHOP asad day of bsjartng fa the Pfaebnar ONE MILE EAST OF HOWELL Dfapcrtsh. a nawspepar, pifatad end cfr. dcukrtod fa aaid •Sattffv.

FOR RENT: Completly modern apartments. 5 rooms and bath. 512 Main St EM Pinckney Phone U4

, FOR SALE:-10 White Rock I Puilels now laying, also fat hens

Phillip Sprout Phone 19F11

A true copy Catastia Parahafl


Mlram It. fttnilb iMlaes/

FOR SALE:-Quick Heat heating stove with blower, heats 6 rooms,

i W. Morgan 311 Hamburg St. J

QUALITY Meats Fruit

Groceries Vegetables


FOR SAL£:-\Vhtte Legnoms White-rocks chickens 4 to 5 lbs. WKite Muscony Ducks

Mr. and Mrs. Mark Nabh attend' F*mk P^no» 10960 BtincMleltf ed the Soil Conservation ban- } £ ; ^ ¾ ¾ ^ near Silver Lake quet at the Boy Scout hall near Phone Dexter 4067

1 SOFT WATER:-on a servtce bas Brighton last Tuesday niqht The Gerry Eichman family

spent Sunday at the Russell Glo /ef home at Fowlerville.

Jdhn Carver has taken a posit ion as salesman for Steel Cook* tog Co.

Estabtshed 1865 i t


1*. No Equipment to buy—No con tfacf ot sign—Ne work to do. Rust and lion control service.

Culligan Salt Water Service Jefferson and Main Streets

Phone Ann Arbor 8522

Market Prices i

Courteous Service :« ; :

Clarks X feat Wi PDfCKNEYt FDCBST

McPherson StateBank


A Smile is an indication o{ happiness and contentment.

The knowledge that the family budget is In balance can be one cause for smiling and contains some provision for saying.

A Savings Account at this bank which is increased regularly will make its owner "The Mem With a Smile."

FOR SALE: - Potatoes from $1. to L5a Spy apples Roll for winter. 10 cords of dry wood. James Baker, Pinckney Rl Mich. Anderson Comers


FOR SALE:-8trictly fresh egg at ail times at reasonable prices. Mrs. Percy Ellis, phone 3F1 1 .. WANTED: Custom Cord Wood Sawina Wesley Umstead Phone 71F2 FOR SALE: — 1 pair of Snow & Mud tires with Tubes 6x16, used one Winter. Apply at:

Rush Lake. Bert Smith . - ~ — — — » • i i »

WANTED:—Washinq and Ironina to do at my home at 4323 Patter son Lake Road Phone S8F12 WANTED: Tree Trimminq or Re* moving. Orchard Trimming.also Stump Qemoving- Experienced work. Free Estimates. Allowance for wood. Art Rents 5030 Burgess Road. Phone 9IF 11

WANTEk....P5ULTritf. Will pay Detroit; market prices C H. Lloyd Phone 62F13 FOR SALE: Hattfe Swarthout home. 7 rooms and bath, garage, stable* all in good condition. Large around*, beautiful tretsv

&500.I0 fjBRMS H. G. Swarthout 17910 Telegraph Rd S> Romulus, Michigan, Call

Wyandotte 7156 Rll FOR SALE: 2 acres and 7 room house. Lovely knotty pine sun-room, bath and laundry. Steam furnace, storm windows aria screens- 2 chicken coops and barn: Price $-5000

Andrew Campbell 747 Patterson Lake rd.

Asuuzitig Invention Brngs Millions Low-Cost Heating

When folfcs sat ma^ataated. L_ dative intario; construction of tha WARM MORNING Cos) Hemtat tbay exclaim "Why didn't some* Kody thiokoi ahwhatotaT WARM

EORNINO b tha ooij heater of kkiadttt the world. Heats all 4sy d a s a ^ w i ^ t a f a d i o j , *

P%: r\

McPherson State lank Under Federal Supervision

Member Federal Deposit Ineuran ce Corporation, AR Deposits up toSSOOO far each Deposits!

HoweU Mfcldgan_r



* > • ' : & * : *ft