Hi. V*'V ^inrtuic)'pinckneylocalhistory.org/Dispatch/1944-06-14.pdf · Poster White and Willard Cox...

;v£tf^' •ti' *?-*#• itf& pi 1* Mitoft LitoUftd|Ife*4a ^-¾^. - 1 ^% iv* >* . /.- jfe . # 1 ' - Hi. V*'V ^•"**s^*^fas$-^ »>T' ^w^^rfv^Hp^^ .i. ^'^F^^^^^T^Tp \ *•*- ^inrtuic)' VOlUftTE NO. Mtcttixw Wednesday June 14, 1944 No. 24 ) Local Interest Putnam Goes Local School War Mews Goes Over Top N«w» and Item* concerning Our Boy* Who Arm Serving in the Armed Forces In a recent letter to his folks Paul Young of Gregory mentioned that he had contacted and enjoyed a visit with Levi Ludtke % aLjo of Gregory. Two Pinckney 'boy? wJac «rc both in Oklahoma recently got together to spent Sunday together. The; werx- liec.v,e Aschenbrnner who ,., nitc-nd- ding the naval senuol at Muimun, Ok- lahoma and Edward Spear & jr of the air coi-p^ at Will Uogers rxeld.* Josepn Uasydio is attending the naval school at Great Lakes, 111. Louis Swartheut left Monday for Fort Sheridan, HI Mr. and Mrs Da'le Miller were Sut: guests of Mr # and Mrs Roy Wngia of Gregory honoring Sergt Elmer Wright and wife who ai norae on a furloogh from Kobbins rield, Ga. We wish to correct an KVUI in our papei last week which stated that Cpl. Howard Kram of Camp bieckenridge Kntucky^ was married to Miss Gatehel at Evansville, lnd g recently. It was his brother, Corpl Arthur Kram who was married instead. A letter from Joe Basydlo from Great Lakes, 111 says he has seen Em- mett Roche who is taking a course f l0 at the school there. The name of Charles D Barren of Howell is listed among those wound ed in the S Pacific and Merrill Austi.. jr< as among those missing in action _ A letter from Joe Lave^ supposeu to be at Bouganville South Pacific says they have to wear more clothes now as a company of WAC'S'has ar- rived > 40 more boys from this county ar called to the Leiruii exaiinnuuuji a-n ter on June 20 1 None are over 2C years of age. Some have been there be It.e but i)0 days have elapsed so they must undego another physical exami nation. They are Fred Singer, Win. George Myer and Wilson Westerby of Pinckney Spencer Tomion, David Cassidy of Fowlerville,Fd t Suk.Duane Hyne. Clayton Kenny. Bnghton > Win Gartrell.Frod Reickoff, Donald Wine•.-, Paul Allen_ Wm. Cooper, Marrv Idle, Poster White and Willard Cox «,i Howell t Others are Ervin Reid, C'e.i^ Lawrence. Glen Daily. John Lvornik, John Hicks, Alfred Schrerr, llownn. Seigle, Edgar Sherman, (has. Cuth- erie Beverly Borst^ Robert F.uter, V>' 4 .i". I.uca., 'lUnbcrt' MilK'T 'Hen Loh •man, Leroy (Voucher, Von flair Christ ian, Wm ( Macki, Howard Oliver and "Wi^on Yaiiron. Curtis Chamberlain who is home 0:1 furlough from the Great Lake; nuvi training station accompanied by his wife & son is visiting his parents and sister. Mr. and Mrs Charles Cham- belan and Joyce. Loren Meabon ha? been transferred from Williamsport, Va. to California t In a letter from Joe Luvey he said Max Reynolds was only a mile and a half from him in the south Pacific and they recently spent Sunday to- gether. Ed. Sprout went to Detroit Tuesday and enlisted in the navy. Putnam i» the First Township in ? Livingston County tu Sell its Bond Quote and Pinckney The First Vill age or City Catches Blaze There Last Friday Extinguished by Qu:«.:t Putnam township sold their quota The Pmckney also had sold their quoca $i4,SS0 in the same length of of the Fifth War Bond Loan at the first hour of June Est plus the 40 per cent which is $10,0:-0 The village/ of Pmckney of lime. A fine record , T'd.s speaks weil of the co-operation of the citizens and the fine organ- ization in this community. This will also be gratifying news to the boys in service a.- it will <how them that their home /oiks are omdrd them, Credit should be given to Ross Read who acted as chairman. He got together a fine organization wi'ich vvoihtd nard and as a result beat the othei townships in the _ounty getting over the top. However bond selling will not here as Pinckney and Putnam out to double their cjuota. e Pmckney school caught fire l'Vi'iay night after midnight ono prompt action prevented the building from being destroyed Mr. am! ,\li> ; Clifford Haines were on way I'uiih' after die O. E. S ••i-t and sac the blaze in the Mich Mirror State News URRE>I T MMEN 1 1 Sight Work I In Wluch More SUts Politics Discussed At Length last and < tiiei ha'i( ST. MARY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH Rev Francis Murphy St. Mary's c' i!: ill Sunday, Jute- * ] A, Sunday uilinu the Octave o\ the 'Fa.a of the Sacred 11 lean ol ium. Tl gave thy alarm ami in tot- are .!• I. . K.rae was loteed into the building 1 !'K- nlaze .SCCKU'U to be confined 1^ comejits of a barrel. This was put out t>y means 0 a chemical exti.ig.iish?r ami ti;e baj'irl carrred out doors. 1'hi- fi re (tigine came but was not needed A iioie about tiiree fe<-t in circumfer- ence was iiurned in the wood block floor of the gymn. a piaiiO stool de- Miuu'd and some carpenter tools be- l'uu;ing to Wm Jeffreys, school en yiiut!' There was also some smoke damage and it took several hours to get tac 1 »1-..-.» i n iti t K/ i tt \' Ma..M-. Sunday al U ami 12 ( (m Jtl ion .Sunday for tim Young Ladn » tiej'a.ish, young ladi.-s ,odiii;y Xovona Devotioia- Friday the l e 1 of the Sacred Heart al 7": J.> followed bj co:,t'c.sions, ^1.^,^ from S t.) !* jj.ni and Sundii,- on* b.d'ore .Va-.- J ^ ' i.tion,- in' »|,e ma-s this ^i:.nday w . 1, . late James i.', ih>fc rpijue- :< •Us , of: •t tan t S a t . i .01;) ,oi v ! and made ' c ount\ ofl by ' and Mr-. Thorn;!.-- Ander-or, '1'LII- for tin 1 late Mrs. Margaret Mel\in and John Mehin iV(|i:e-ted i;v Miss Lva Mei Murphy l'i" bovs in. Sat the in \ci!!i corrajipmoration .<ii. 0•• in tip ha". C.A P GOES TO DETROIT 01J members of the Hackney CAP went to the Detroit city air port Sun the* air show and exhibition Only those in uniform took part in the manuvers there which were participated in by over iOlei t'Al' from Michigan. The ieturn iiome was: set for 4:o'0 p.m but all the Pinckney contingent did )iot take off then. Those t\ho went in their own autos did but. the boys and giris who went ,'n iTeyor's truck had a long wait The truck 1,.-y became rmsplaeed o)- IOSL and the door to tij.*f truclv i.ii) had to he broken in and a Key made for the ignition. Those who went in tiie trucK aid not come home until i :(>'.) a.in Aiondav morning smoke out of the buildm fiv.y-i itad been working ':te gymn r'jtday and iiad swept . •..•me shavings and diit which h< pa. in an empty steel sweeping coin pound barrel. A can of wood stain was spilled and this i! e wiped up witn t rag- which he threw in the barrel j iil s o'clock Worship ;rn; in service GOSPEL JtflSSrOiN CKURCl-i Mennonite l]'/,)\l V'OUth 0y .... Pa Marvin Shirey -.. .. .. S. Simdav Si-hi'.'o s (. Chioii en's y,crv which he threw in the barrel Jt is; thought they became ignited by spontaneous combustion. jj.oi.ng -^---— 1 Cottage Prayer Meeting Wed Vigorous oiJposuion to home ruie for Wa\ne count; likelv to be a consti- tulional anienoment for the November geani al elect ioj: is indicated from up- .-tal._- )-'a)'ai ;.rea,- .\c\t Ttiesdav '(June 20) the Midi -utate for Local < lover.imcnt head b\ .Van- 1 reasurer 1>. Jiale Brake UJJ of .-tale letulers ol a la's, w ill be a >k>-d to take 1 a definite stand on the issue Other I proposition- before fe institute I . 1 hah w a- i'minded imly a 1'ew montli- atio. Will be tiie three proposed con- l ;iitu ; ional ^u.jeiidnieiit.-: designed t'> j-i'vect ^1 e third of the slate sale,- tax ,i-e\enues to local governments; mun- Jeipaldie.-, town- h;j)s, counties ami ate I.t. Paul \^ h ' )ul '\ . , . . c 1 At a meeting ot the institutes ex [ectltice eommiltee last week, to wmch J ;!.e jjre.-s wa- iidnntted, Melville Mc- ' Pherson, acting as spokesman for the i'(a,. nship s.ip<'rvisor.- advocated that *he institute g<j on record by cinnin tiiteo action condemming the Wayne ^county horn.' rule plan. Action w ,-e ^ " i)il I defer.'-ed until June 20 :n order to By Y.fttjtar O'Jll li.lV ! ill' Ot. Ar« I Well the P-Day haa arrived and ap- parently oar forces are pushing beck the enemy on all points on a 100 mile front where the landings were made* in France However it Is too early to be optimistic as we well remember that the same easy auccess prevailed '" 'on our first landings on Italy until ' i we encountered .S'azi resistance in j force at Cassino and the Nazi Beach- »head which it took us four months to overcome with an estimated loss of some oofiOo killed, wounded and missing. This time the 'Nazies were apparently caught completty by sur- prise by the far reaching assault but when they have time to reform their lines and bring up their troops can be expected to offer fierce resistance ai tiie war to them is a battle for exi»- tance, Hitler having sold them on the idea that defeat means the wiping off of tiermany from t»)e map and tht end of Cerman existance. The most significant thing about thfe invasion w as its perfect timing and our super- iority in the air. This was not so at tiie beginning of the war. Lack of air superiority were the causes of the le feats at Pearl Harbor and in the 'hillipines and Corrigidor. Von 1 1 :.J0 ' 7:30 i e r entne members' ip an oppor- ^ : K) ^ tunity to v.eijgli the arguments. IIow-J ' ; ^ ;; J ever, symp . h . vvi!h I he anti-home ] CIRCUIT COURT NEWS Judge ColTTns held co.p\ da^ •; ml Tim.-day in Howell. Peside- signing the order to t-el! the Pmekney opera house property he also gran Led divorces to Knos from Willie Ray Brown Mildred from I)a\<d Provvn « and Harold from Clara Hayner. This end.- f ':<_' May term" of -conn. t Mon- ; SUMMER BIBLL SCHOOL !N SESSION Dyiiv D:"0 t 0 ; | 1", .,.,,,^ Monday through Friday. Closing program June 2'J, S:." i - 1ve?-ybody weh'oma NOW J r >j'' I pre e ' v;ewjeijnl <sed by conn State T>e 'airman n\ tin •J p m vi -orv coinmi t' > . niif.tt.'e would co in (In day ion wa ; po^-ii»!p was tv of . -lll'ei sta'e lax •K repojtei generally ex •i ds la-t we< P ake who is tudy atl- the coii)- Tiie war and its length has caused 1 change in the minds of many per- ^0:1.-. For long Cermany's system of alrhooeh the judire mtiy for a day or -o i<it(.'r on. WINS FIRST LEAGUE CAME PAST MATRON and PATRON NIGHT The OES Chapter honored Past Matron and Patrons ui meeting 1 -''^^y evening. The Pett;* Uaugnn and Dorothy their . then Mis.-.es Piirk^v vere taken utto the eider by the:>- mothers T'lbrencc ilaughn and iia::••• i'ai'ker acting as worthy Matron ana *, one! , assisted by Past Matrons filing Hiier chairs Mrs Nettie Vaughn w.»- honored being the mother of the Past Matrons. Mrs Florence Paughn was presented with a gift as it was 15 years ago she served as W.M of her chapter also having been organist . i he chapter since The Past Matrons assisted by ten gii'iN presented a very impressive mem oral service in memory of their mem- bers passed on_ Pi tic km -ea.-on at game piayed und'-i from i-'m.cn. r-.h.le '< outliit Pinckney h fi.l t'l* incka.-) W iii-n m _nd open* d the county lea; low eil Monday nigh', la a light,- by winnin;-; to -'. i- o v .v ler-* lie to ',i but Pinkel ckne> got iH'ttet .-up- .- big irm' eg \v as i • ey si ored •', 1 u•:.-. nli - a. :d '•''• f 1 afs. 'i >\K\ r, t lie third on tf" ht . cored :,<•:! tJ e I'lgl'T COMMUNITY CONG'L come bad; Rev. .1. M. Mcfmai * ••' Herman vVidm«vo*- l Alfi-ed Lane. Assist. S Florence Baui;hn, Org«nLst Choir Director I, f \7 ' tiie dale Mr<5 M'O CHURCH tV7ini<ettr S.S. Snpt. S. Supt. nd inplete ils study with- '»uL that n-o recommenda- b-.. M'mdav, June \'J -pe< la flatlv K'clari p i t > ;)0) ; : 1 e J ba.-' • 1 ; lm 'added anomor ny .•';.-;.•;(')• 'iV'to f ieider dropped Palmer's ll\-. 1 fiey added 2 more in the <>th when i'aJmer opened with a home run. Reader v a.-> safe oil an error and scored on. Joiucs hit •cored 2 runs in the a single, and a triple, re in tiie last iniinig .-en up and Fowier- U and 2 hi*.s. lieii well, Jones made Firs t:.l\ e Jun. fi'O 1 i 1 ; : L M. (•'•. 1 ' Mc:l ••'U'.e P_ Mr, •lodi.a "e 0 : The '.> . , 'Of Df I'D •re war we shall not be :Lt 'I'b'p^ion of the -a'e.. lax amend-[in state of total unpreparedness with em., would automatically invoke a | its reulting lii^h casualties and hieh m state finance.-, resulting in [cost of preparing ourselves Many ad- vocate a two year course of military training for all high school graduates. ( tin <'. L; rmi , e V .-tor j'eiiee VHII.ATHEA NOTES 'f',rt , 1 .... ,,.,.,.., W. Fowlerville 5th on a wall Tiiey got .. when J,ink< ville got a Pincknev > ae ea v, a l Pe a -hoesuing catch of Tomion's Mrs. Lettie Nesbitt was presented d.ive the first inning to retire with. Mrs. ./(-.-..--' il'.'ii", 'in .S'.mday .Mr- Peck led the group in a helpful discussion of tin; lesson "Paul Pleads for a Runaway Slave ' i'or Sunday, June Ji>, the ie.--.-on "A Cood Soldier of Chr:-t Je.-ais", Cur LM.'!,- .re . ad al 'bm time heia-i.-i: of th<; pa.-iug of one of our <h;ii-t(-;- class members Mrs Millie Ilovvman-Parchus. Sevem! times she had filled the office of president, and every wav had beep one of (HJIU oyal and dear'v loved I'hilath imp m the 1 most with her Past Matrons Pin # Two flags side. In the 4th Cus Ledwidge threw ' pas Our sympathy L extended to the were presented to the chapter f the out Hoisington at the plate from cwi-! bereaved family at this time. KIRK VANWINKLL Kirk Van Winkle, son of the late Carey and Clara Allisicn VanWinkle died at his home in Lansing Monday after an illness of several months. He was born in Putnam township and was married to Miss Florence Marble of this place. For a/ number of yoavs ne operated the Reeves farm at what is now called Hi-land Lake, specializ- ing in Hereford cattle. About 1910 he moved to Lansing where he enraged j in the grocery business. Later he sold The Seniors left Pinckney on Tues- out and started the VanWinkle- Coal j day morning at II o'clock for. Detroit Co there which he operated up to the Jiiri.-tian flag and rvasiwn Star visitors were from Deuoiv Chelsea, Ypsi, Asn Arbor and Howell CHAMBERS - POULSON ter field when the latter tried to score from second on a hit to center. Singer and Palmer also pulled down a number of hard drives Gill is feat- ured for Fowlerville with fine 1 ield In- hnruleling N chances COUNTY SOFT BALL LEAGUE has entered a team in U;e file te legislature He v. .m a d eifint v officials Pi 111 cr,-L- in state finances, resulting in .dternahves of nducir,.' vital sercice,- <.)f stale ;••«,! •eminent or increasing ; . - u t . v c- ii'iMi'ini: obviously t 0 : • s! a 1 '' r e tax itself. It is Pi-.'ikeV- iielief that the insti- itute .1,0eld take a -'and on this iss- "• t'uil in ol\c. the \> eifai'e of local ,.ov ernetei'i,-. 1 ( a -11 •die-.-, o; \Vh>'tber it . oj- liiiij in- "...1 !(• com roversal among m.ibhc oM .< ,.,].- and tin public.The at -. fade ij ,-nartd by many otliei.-, in mid.ng M .\.r p.,"'i'-oii wlio sought to ha\e tne institute endor.-e the tow 11 hip sup<o vt.sor s oil.rial resolution with rrspiv; to Wayne county home rule Fearful that the institute become another pressure group -uper lobby" tut" s public r recommended .should not be !t\e or politi.-al js.ee.. and should (-on- line its function.- to that of a clear- ing hou&e for tne exchange of idaaa and information between its members to the end that through open discuss-, ion a better under.-tandin problems of local government. ).; J compulsory military training was de- cried as a relic of barbarism. However many people now believe that if w« do not want a repitition of the early Jays of World War I and World War II when Germany swept ov§r all of Kurop? we must adopt some kind ession of Hie i of a military training program so that in the future when we are obliged to caUKhjt For many years many townships and other governmental units have purposely kept their assessments low 11 oider 10 get more state emergency aid funds For a time ni«ny school districts itot enough .school aid funds so they <nd not have to levy any school tax la Ann Arbor recently Jie people voted down an amend- ment to raise the 15 mill property tax limit. As the money had to be rais ed somehow, the property assessments might ll " tnat c ' lv hud to be increas- v OI |,*i In pen <nt to get the necessary at Lansing the Insti- I ''""<ls. Of course an alternative would •lations committee has t ,,,; to economize or cut expenses, the that the Institute J"' 1 ^ trouble being every person wants o r e involved in legi-da- ' lllt ' t ' ( ' (J ' 10 " , y to a '- art w ' l h the other fellow of '->; :ie v pi; Mr. Otto Poulson and Miss Hazel l^ncknoy Chambers were quietly married at the Con^nunity Congregational parsonage 1 Saturday afternoon at 1 :h0 P. M^ Rev J' M. McLucas officiating. Mr. Clifford Chambers, brother of the bride and Mrs. Henry Johnson, sister of bride were the attendants Mr. and Mrs Poulson will make their home for the present with the oride's mother -and brother on the Chambers farm Fowlervilh SENIOR CLAi:S TRIP Miller, 2b # Ledwidge.cf Shehan rs, Reason, lb, Singer, 3b Palmer Is, l ' , a d e r . <a Paughn rf, Chanyi, rf, Jones, lf_ Dinkol, p 3b AB 3 3 0 M 4 4 3 0 R 0 0 0 0 ir.c '•-' cdiini;, .-nit ball ieagfce where I began this week. Other teams ;••••_• H 'ii, v.ell-CoaleNs, Fowlervilh- and Me " ford, the latter replacing Brighton All be ac(juired by its memtjers. ENTERTAINS FOR FRIENDS Mrs Wm. 1J rash entertaint'd The trend to a centr: ized g«/. . u- ment is nothing of recent orgin al- though it may have been somewhat thr . I intensified by the war. Hack in the ,„.,,, I old backwoods days the control of ma\ j ' , phe governmental units was 100 per- •<pnt or at least 90 percent in the 'ocal communities The school teacher taught a one room .school for as low her 1: $?• a week and borfrded around If he school needed a new roof or chim- 0 I 2 I i AD K 4 1 timf> of his death^ He wals prominent in Masonic Circles. While at Pinckney he was master of Livingston Lodge 8 years^ In Lansing he helped organize Walter French Lodge and served as its master. Surviving are his wife and twr *''o arrived in ! and Howard ' Detroit -.bout I »'c!oc>' 'raigs mother sorved us a delicious lunch We boarded the ship about 3:. r -;0 and left the Detroit dock at 4 o'clock^ At 5:30 we were served a fine dinner^ at 7:30 movies were shown in the lounge A get together was held at daughters*. Mm Cp.va P, ker of Lans , 0 :()0'and each school was introduced. ing and Mrs_ Ruth Gorrell of Detroit.! There were 16 schools aboard The Also three grandchildren.The funeral WES' held at the Estes Leadley Funer al Home^ Lansing, Wednesday; Walter rest of the eveni.ig was spent in dancing. Wednesday morning was spent in Foimps, Gillis Is. 4 ' ti Tomion, 2b 4 0 L. Vogt, c," 3D Hosinger, r, 3 0 Grostic, If 3 0 C. Vogt, lb. 3 Hyst, -cf 3! 1 Breslin, rs, 2 T Millft^ p. 3 I : Home run- Palmer. Three bnse hit- Giliis. .Struck out by Dinkel. 5, Miller, 2 Walks off Dinkel, 2, Miller 6 V > on bases Pinckney. 7 Fowlerville,;. Umpir«»- Miner and Hagman. MRS. MILLIE BOWMAN BACKUS 0 0' 1 I I 0 ()' 0 i H 0 0 0 1 0 2 1 • r game.-: will be played a - Howell u l.gh' r, .-: u-ting at !' :Do p m The schedule is as fo'uow:s: Monday, Jtine'12. i'mekney vs V lerv'eie. ;W \N 1-line; \Mfevd. Mon. « :i(.w-ii. \!on. t Wed., f.> 1 X' n n"\ Vrd,. Ton . r \ rr?;. v : he .'•ion. ville. W-.! . •day, June 14, Howe unc: If, Mil ford vs I : une 21 -Fowlmvili 1:1 e 0. 1-1^ S. Chapter from Detroit "Idyll j of the Temple" So 4(,:, at luncheon at j n) , y U)0 s( . hoo , patrons had a bee and jla-r home south ol town la J afternoon. There were 5() present The Pinckney people present were 1 .Me.-damos Eloise Campbell Lulu 1 Lamb Ruth McLucas Anna Reason, Ponnie Henry and Ruth Curlett. 2 ! of the number stayed over and attend led the Past Matrons and Patrons June June 2«; Flow-ell 2X-howler vs Pincknev, ville vs M'! Jtrv 'i Fowlerv ,'e j.r- Julv Ju'v .)- I'. 1 •> Milford v, -I'inckjie;. Howell ' j I •>•;; v, \T •V l'"o uf >iH ijigle at tne Pinckney Masonic temple , in the evening. ! Among those present were the fol lowing officers of the Detroit Chap- j toi :Lottie |!allantine,W.M.Sam Pallan Jine.Wi', Mildre<l Smith, AM (lene- ! vieve Stonahouse, (^ond. Marie Lock- I ney AC Kdna Curleff, Mar Edna i * * Eager, Cnap^ Verna Jeffkee, Martha and Anna Porter, flag bearer. Ju'y 17-Mil> d vs Fo-lm- J.-Iy 10-Pinekny vs Howell. French Lodge P. and A > M had chart viewing Lake Huron playing cards or ge of services and Livingston Lodge; amusement to our own taste, at If :30 sent a large delegation there # Burial' lunch was «erve. We arrived at Mack- waa at Lansing:. " ? inac Island about 1:30 and viewed the — — # Island in a horse and buggy. Wc spent Ann Shirley Reason entertainted 1<\ awhile at Mackinac Fort We boarded ]n 1S0r > sho rr.arried Fred Bowman of fronds in honor of her 8th birthday the bnnt at 5 o'clock and our supper Pinrknny who died in 1937. Two child Mrs. Millie Bowman Backus died nt her home in Lum. Mich , on June f.th. ShJ was horn in Putman township in 1*81, being the daughter of the late nispnte-h of fie 0 for the Jefferson and Rose Leland Parker. ?ame3 f or $ 1 2 o for the seaaon. *Ton , Jul 24- Pinckney vs Fowlor- 11c Wed._ Julv 2C-HOWP11 VS Milord. Mon., July 31-M'P>ird \s Pinckn-v Wed • Aug. ,; .-Fow'e r v ; l!e vs Howei! Mnn.. Aug_ 7-Foulerville vs Milford Wed., Aug. 0-HoweU v- Pinckne- Season tickets are on salp at the schpd'ilpd WALTER CCO< - Walter Cook 45. died suddenly at his home in Howell on June 'i. He was the son of the late Kdward Cook A\,d Klva Hall Ce>ok itnd was born in P-e.'-knpy where he livprl until early mad.ood. Surviving fire hi- wife and 2 sons, Jam^s, with the V S. air foi\e in 'I rxas and Witiuim in school .\:,< his aged. moMior, TWO brothers. Clifford ;ind Norman of fv 'vi! and thre" sisters. Mrs Ma Ige I'.i.iwisle of Detroit Mrs. Fred CntrHI an<l Missi ipper Thursday. Games were played and .The evening was ppent enjoying the refreshments were served and a fine movies a talent show nnd darning. time had. Ann Shiley received many We arrived back in Detroit at 1:3'i nice gifts # Miss Gertrude Spear; fhursday afternoon. We then attonerl time had Ann Shirley received man; a show, had dinner, and went to East assisted Mrs. Fern Reason, Miss Leota Wood park. We arrived back in Pinck Reason and Mrt.Edna Reaon. ney about 1:00 o'clock Friday mom ren were born to this union, both of whom are now deceased, Madeline and J. C. Surviving are her husband. Rev 'Florence Cook of Howell. : I The funeral wax held Saturday af- CARD OF THANKS I wish to express mv thanks to Mr.^ "(nmoon^t the- Schnada nKrg Funpr Fred Read and Mr.*. Roy Dillingham J,,; Home Howell, Rev. N'oble offic R. Backus whom she married in 1<»4!) for th * tWr>rs they sent" he..They j.,,i nC r t Burial was at Howell # and throe grandchildren Harhara Wftrf? beautiful;- * " j _»».— Aschcnbrenner of Detroit and Harriet Mrs. Zora Chambers, j pLAY A T YPSILANTI SUNDAY ; hr/ which nmro ] 0 f theae'deptt. CMt Born to Mr. and Mrs. Re^cop.i Thf pj nr ]< r ey so ft hall team will ' ""* * J '" *~ ^ ' ' ' st Friday!, il( j ,, t h < . ni ., r .| V o.s. The same held true for the roads. If they were blockaded by snow or suffered a bad washout tiie people turned out and helped jfix them. But the population grew • d «hn nennl^ wanted something , better, in rt.irar'd to the Bctiools they were supported by propertv tax excl- usively for many vears and control was in the hands of the people of the district. Consequently improvement* ver^ slow as these people had to pay for them # Then some bright legislator evolved the idea of diverting some date funds back to the schools such is the railroad, telephone taxes ete # The people eagerly grasped at this aa il mrnnt educational improvements without cost to themselves. However 0 get these funds they had to surren- der some local control over their schools as the state collected the mon- ey and laid down certain conditions under which is was apportioned. The same- was true for highways. The coming of the auto made paved roads :» necessity. The local "communities •ould not pave the roads under the property tax system.so they demand- ed part of the auto weight tax and the ;as tax and got it but in return for this they had to surrender control of heir roads to the county road com- mission and state highway dept la joiner dept* the same has occuredu v.'Parp w.is at one time a strictly -Vein or village affair but now has , , bpen taken over entirely by the state. ' There is one thing the people roost ( rea' : ze there ia absolutely no and Russel Bowman of Jackson • ^ - ing very tired but happy and well sat Tn * funeral was held Friday from the y arb oroue;h of"Detroit fFranci- Led- ' Miss Ella Hartman was home from isfied with our trip Swarthout Funeral Home, Rev. Mc- ^ . j ^ e ) j u n e 10. a daughter Lynda Detroit over the week end. | By Dorothy Parker Lucas officiating. Burial was in the ^ nne ' Pinckney cemetery. be returned d rectiy to the local gov- plav the Ypsilanti Moose " i t Ford "nlng unit, as long as the statt <*£ Fidd Sunday at 3:00 p m. Players lectsthefund, by which thty ready to leave at 1:30. , mimstertd.

Transcript of Hi. V*'V ^inrtuic)'pinckneylocalhistory.org/Dispatch/1944-06-14.pdf · Poster White and Willard Cox...

Page 1: Hi. V*'V ^inrtuic)'pinckneylocalhistory.org/Dispatch/1944-06-14.pdf · Poster White and Willard Cox «,i Howell t Others are Ervin Reid, C'e.i^ Lawrence. Glen Daily. John Lvornik,

;v£tf^' •ti'

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* • * -

^inrtuic)' VOlUftTE NO. Mtcttixw Wednesday June 14, 1944 No. 24 )

Local Interest Putnam Goes Local School War Mews Goes Over Top

N«w» and Item* concerning Our Boy* Who Arm Serving in the Armed


In a recent letter to his folks Paul Young of Gregory mentioned that he had contacted and enjoyed a visit with Levi Ludtke% aLjo of Gregory.

Two Pinckney 'boy? wJac «rc both in Oklahoma recently got together to spent Sunday together. The; werx-liec.v,e Aschenbrnner who ,., nitc-nd-ding the naval senuol at Muimun, Ok­lahoma and Edward Spear& j r of the air coi-p^ at Will Uogers rxeld.*

Josepn Uasydio is at tending the naval school at Great Lakes, 111.

Louis Swartheut left Monday for For t Sheridan, HI

Mr. and Mrs Da'le Miller were Sut: guests of Mr# and Mrs Roy W n g i a of Gregory honoring Sergt Elmer Wright and wife who ai norae on a furloogh from Kobbins r ield, Ga.

We wish to correct an KVUI in our papei last week which stated that Cpl. Howard Kram of Camp bieckenridge Kntucky^ was married to Miss Gatehel at Evansville, lndg recently. It was his brother, Corpl Ar thur Kram who was married instead.

A letter from Joe Basydlo from Great Lakes, 111 says he has seen Em-mett Roche who is taking a course fl0

at the school there. The name of Charles D Barren

of Howell is listed among those wound ed in the S Pacific and Merrill Austi. . jr< as among those missing in action _

A letter from Joe Lave^ supposeu to be a t Bouganville South Pacific says they have to wear more clothes now as a company of WAC'S 'has ar­rived >

40 more boys from this county a r called to the Leirui i exaiinnuuuji a-n t e r on June 201 None are over 2C years of age. Some have been there be I t . e but i)0 days have elapsed so they must undego another physical exami nation. They are Fred Singer, Win. George Myer and Wilson Westerby of Pinckney Spencer Tomion, David Cassidy of Fowlerville,Fd t Suk.Duane Hyne. Clayton Kenny. Bnghton> Win Gartrell.Frod Reickoff, Donald Wine•.-, Paul Allen_ Wm. Cooper, Marrv Idle, Pos ter White and Willard Cox «,i Howell t Others are Ervin Reid, C'e.i^ Lawrence. Glen Daily. John Lvornik, John Hicks, Alfred Schrerr, l lownn. Seigle, Edgar Sherman, (has . Cuth-erie Beverly Borst^ Robert F.uter, V>'4.i". I.uca., 'lUnbcrt' MilK'T 'Hen Loh •man, Leroy (Voucher, Von f la i r Christ ian, Wm ( Macki, Howard Oliver and "Wi^on Yaiiron.

Curtis Chamberlain who is home 0:1 furlough from the Great Lake; nuvi training station accompanied by his wife & son is visiting his parents and sister. Mr. and Mrs Charles Cham-belan and Joyce.

Loren Meabon ha? been transferred from Williamsport, Va. to California t

In a letter from Joe Luvey he said Max Reynolds was only a mile and a half from him in the south Pacific and they recently spent Sunday to­gether.

Ed. Sprout went to Detroit Tuesday and enlisted in the navy.

Putnam i» the First Township in ? Livingston County tu Sell its

Bond Quote and Pinckney The First Vill age or City

Catches Blaze There Last Friday

Extinguished by Qu:«.:t

Putnam township sold their quota


Pmckney also had sold their quoca $i4,SS0 in the same length of

of the Fifth War Bond Loan at the first hour of June Est plus the 40 per cent which is $10,0:-0 The village/ of Pmckney of lime. A fine record ,

T'd.s speaks weil of the co-operation of the citizens and the fine organ­ization in this community.

This will also be gratifying news to the boys in service a.- it will <how them that their home /oiks are omdrd them,

Credit should be given to Ross Read who acted as chairman. He got together a fine organization wi'ich vvoihtd nard and as a result beat the othei townships in the _ounty getting over the top.

However bond selling will not here as Pinckney and Putnam out to double their cjuota.

e Pmckney school caught fire l'Vi'iay night after midnight

ono prompt action prevented the building from being destroyed Mr. am! ,\li>; Clifford Haines were on

way I'uiih' after die O. E. S ••i-t and sac the blaze in the

Mich Mirror State News

U R R E > I T M M E N 1

1 Sight


I In Wluch More SUts Politics

Discussed At Length

last and

< t i i e i

h a ' i (


St. Mary's c' i!: ill Sunday, Jute-* ] A, Sunday uil inu the Octave o\ the 'Fa.a of the Sacred 11 lean ol

ium. Tl g a v e t h y alarm ami

i n

to t -


.!• I . .

K.rae was loteed into the building 1 !'K- nlaze .SCCKU'U to be confined 1^ comejits of a barrel. This was put out t>y means 0 a chemical exti.ig.iish?r ami ti;e baj'irl carrred out doors. 1'hi-fi re (tigine came but was not needed A iioie about tiiree fe<-t in circumfer­ence was iiurned in the wood block floor of the gymn. a piaiiO stool de-

Miuu'd and some carpenter tools be-l'uu;ing to Wm Jeffreys, school en yiiut! ' There was also some smoke damage and it took several hours to get tac

1 » 1 - . . - . » i n i t i t K/ i tt \'

Ma..M-. Sunday al U ami 12 ( (m J t l

ion .Sunday for tim Young Ladn » t i e j ' a . i s h , young ladi.-s ,odiii;y

Xovona Devotioia- Friday the l e 1 of the Sacred Heart al 7": J.> followed bj co:,t'c.sions, ^1.^,^ from S t.) !* jj.ni and Sundii,- on* b.d'ore .Va-.- J ^ ' i.tion,- in' »|,e ma-s this ^i:.nday w . 1, . late James i.', ih>fc rpijue- :<

• U s ,



t a n t

S a t . i


,oi v

! and made ' c ount\ ofl

by ' and Mr-. Thorn;!.-- Ander-or, '1'LII-

for tin1 late Mrs. Margaret Mel\in and John Mehin iV(|i:e-ted i;v Miss Lva Mei Murphy l ' i " b o v s

i n . S a t the i n \ci!!i corrajipmoration

. < i i . 0•• in t ip



01J members of the Hackney CAP went to the Detroit city air port Sun

the* air show and exhibition Only those in uniform took part in the manuvers there which were participated in by over iOlei t 'Al ' from Michigan. The ieturn iiome was: set for 4:o'0 p.m but all the Pinckney contingent did )iot take off then. Those t\ho went in their own autos did but. the boys and giris who went ,'n iTeyor's truck had a long wait The truck 1,.-y became rmsplaeed o)-IOSL and the door to tij.*f truclv i.ii) had to he broken in and a Key made for the ignition. Those who went in tiie trucK aid not come home until i :(>'.) a.in Aiondav morning

smoke out of the buildm fiv.y-i itad been working

':te gymn r'jtday and iiad swept . •..•me shavings and diit which h< pa . in an empty steel sweeping coin pound barrel. A can of wood stain was spilled and this i!e wiped up witn t

rag- which he threw in the barrel j i i l s o'clock Worship ;rn;

in service

GOSPEL JtflSSrOiN CKURCl-i M e n n o n i t e

l]'/,)\l V'OUth 0 y ... . P a

Marvin Shirey -.. .. .. S. Simdav Si-hi'.'o

s (.

Chioii en's y,crv which he threw in the barrel

Jt is; thought they became ignited by spontaneous combustion. jj.oi.ng

- ^ - - - — 1 C o t t a g e P r a y e r M e e t i n g W e d

Vigorous oiJposuion to home ruie for Wa\ne count; likelv to be a consti-tulional anienoment for the November geani al elect ioj: is indicated from up-.-tal._- )-'a)'ai ;.rea,-

. \ c \ t Ttiesdav '(June 20) the Midi -utate for Local < lover.imcnt head

b\ .Van- 1 reasurer 1>. Jiale Brake UJJ of .-tale letulers ol a la's, w ill be a >k>-d to take

1 a definite stand on the issue Other I proposition- before f e institute I .1 hah w a- i'minded imly a 1'ew montli-atio. Will be tiie three proposed con-

l ;iitu ;ional ^u.jeiidnieiit.-: designed t'> j-i'vect ^1 e third of the slate sale,- tax ,i-e\enues to local governments; mun-Jeipaldie.-, town- h;j)s, counties ami

ate I.t. Paul \^ h ' ) u l ' \ . , . . c 1 At a meeting ot the insti tutes ex

[ectltice eommiltee last week, to wmch J;!.e jjre.-s wa- iidnntted, Melville Mc-' Pherson, acting as spokesman for the i'(a,. nship s.ip<'rvisor.- advocated that *he institute g<j on record by cinnin

tiiteo action condemming the Wayne ^county horn.' rule plan. Action w ,-e

• "i)il I defer.'-ed until June 20 :n order to

By Y.fttjtar

O'Jll li.lV

! i l l '


Ar« I Well the P-Day haa arrived and ap­parently oar forces are pushing beck the enemy on all points on a 100 mile front where the landings were made* in France However it Is too early to be optimistic as we well remember that the same easy auccess prevailed

'" 'on our first landings on Italy until ' i we encountered .S'azi resistance in

j force at Cassino and the Nazi Beach-»head which it took us four months to overcome with an estimated loss of some oofiOo killed, wounded and missing. This time the 'Nazies were apparently caught completty by sur­prise by the far reaching assault but when they have time to reform their lines and bring up their troops can be expected to offer fierce resistance a i tiie war to them is a battle for exi»-tance, Hitler having sold them on the idea that defeat means the wiping off of t iermany from t»)e map and th t end of Cerman existance. The most significant thing about thfe invasion w as its perfect timing and our super­iority in the air. This was not so at tiie beginning of the war. Lack of a i r superiority were the causes of the le feats at Pearl Harbor and in the 'hillipines and Corrigidor.

Von 1 1 :.J0 '


i e r entne members' ip an oppor-^ : K) ^ tunity to v.eijgli the arguments. IIow-J ' ;^ ; ; J ever, symp . • h . vvi!h I he anti-home ]

CIRCUIT COURT NEWS Judge ColTTns held co.p\

da^ •; ml Tim.-day in Howell. Peside-signing the order to t-el! the Pmekney opera house property he also gran Led divorces to Knos from Willie Ray Brown Mildred from I)a\<d Provvn

« and Harold from Clara Hayner.

This end.- f':<_' May term" of -conn.


Dyiiv D:"0 t0 ; | 1", .,.,,,^ Monday through Friday. Closing program June 2'J, S:." i-1ve?-ybody weh'oma


r > j ' '

I pre


' v ; e w j e i j n l

<sed b y c o n n S t a t e T > e

' a i r m a n n\ t in

•J p m

vi -orv coinmi t' >. niif.tt.'e would co in (In day • ion wa ; po^-ii»!p

was tv of . - l l l 'e i

s t a ' e l a x

•K r e p o j t e i

generally ex •i ds la-t we< P ake who is

tudy atl-the coii)-

Tiie war and its length has caused 1 change in the minds of many per-^0:1.-. For long Cermany's system of

alrhooeh the judire mtiy for a day or -o i<it(.'r on.



The OES Chapter honored Past Matron and Patrons ui meeting 1 -''^^y evening. The Pett;* Uaugnn and Dorothy

their . then Mis.-.es Piirk^v

• vere taken utto the eider by the:>-mothers T'lbrencc ilaughn and iia::••• i'ai'ker acting as worthy Matron ana *, one! , assisted by Past Matrons filing Hiier chairs Mrs Nettie Vaughn w.»-honored being the mother of the Past Matrons. Mrs Florence Paughn was presented with a gift as it was 15 years ago she served as W.M of her chapter also having been organist

. i he chap te r since The Past Matrons assisted by ten

gii'iN presented a very impressive mem oral service in memory of their mem­bers passed on_

Pi tic km -ea.-on at game piayed und'-i from i-'m.cn. r-.h.le '< outliit Pinckney h

f i . l t'l*

incka.-) W iii-n



open* d the county lea; low eil Monday nigh', la a

light,- by winnin;-; to -'. i- ov.v ler-* lie

to ',i but Pinkel ckne> got iH'ttet .-up-.- big irm' eg \v as i • ey si ored •', 1 u•:.-. nli

- a. :d '•''• f 1 a f s . 'i >\K\

r, t lie third on tf" ht . c o r e d \« :,<•:! tJ e I'lgl'T

COMMUNITY CONG'L come bad; Rev. .1. M. M c f m a i


••' H e r m a n vVidm«vo*-

l A l f i - e d L a n e . A s s i s t . S

F l o r e n c e B a u i ; h n , O r g « n L s t

C h o i r D i r e c t o r I, f \7

' t i i e d a l e



CHURCH tV7ini<ettr

S.S. Snpt. S. Supt.


inplete ils study with-'»uL that n-o recommenda-

b-.. M'mdav, June \'J -pe< la

flatlv K'c l a r i

p i t >

; ) 0 )

; : 1 e

J ba.- ' • 1 ; lm

'added anomor n y .• ' ; . - ; .• ;( ' )• ' i V ' t o

f ieider dropped Palmer's ll\-. 1 fiey added 2 more in the <>th when i'aJmer opened with a home run. Reader v a.-> safe oil an error and scored on. Joiucs hit

•cored 2 runs in the a single, and a triple, re in tiie last iniinig .-en up and Fowier-U and 2 hi*.s. lieii well, Jones made

F i r s

t : . l \ e

Jun. fi'O

1 i 1;: •

L M .

( • ' • .

1 ' Mc:l


P_ Mr, • l o d i . a "e 0 :

T h e '.> . , •

' O f Df


• r e

war we shall not be :Lt 'I'b'p^ion of the -a'e.. lax amend-[in state of total unpreparedness with em., would automatically invoke a | its reulting lii^h casualties and hieh

m state finance.-, resulting in [cost of preparing ourselves Many ad­vocate a two year course of military training for all high school graduates .


t i n <'. L; rm i

, e V


j ' e i i e e

VHII.ATHEA NOTES 'f ' ,rt , 1 . . . . , , . , . , . . , W.

Fowlerville 5th on a wall T i i e y g o t ..

when J,ink< ville got a


> ae


v, a l Pe

a -hoesuing catch of Tomion's Mrs. Lettie Nesbitt was presented d.ive the first inning to retire

with. Mrs. ./(-.-..--' il'.'ii", •

'in .S'.mday .Mr- Peck led the group in a helpful discussion of tin; lesson "Paul Pleads for a Runaway Slave '

i'or Sunday, June Ji>, the ie.--.-on "A Cood Soldier of Chr:-t Je.-ais",

Cur LM.'!,- . r e . ad al 'bm time heia-i.-i: of th<; pa.-iug of one of our <h;ii-t(-;- class members Mrs Millie Ilovvman-Parchus. Sevem! times she had filled the office of president, and

every wav had beep one of (HJIU

oyal and dear'v loved I'hilath

i m p m

the 1 most with her Past Matrons Pin# Two flags side. In the 4th Cus Ledwidge threw ' pas Our sympathy L extended to the were presented to the chapter f the out Hoisington at the plate from cwi-! bereaved family at this time.


Kirk Van Winkle, son of the late Carey and Clara Allisicn VanWinkle died a t his home in Lansing Monday af ter an illness of several months. He was born in Putnam township and was married to Miss Florence Marble of this place. For a/ number of yoavs ne operated the Reeves farm at what is now called Hi-land Lake, specializ­ing in Hereford cattle. About 1910 he moved to Lansing where he enraged j in the grocery business. Later he sold The Seniors left Pinckney on Tues-out and started the VanWinkle- Coal j day morning at II o'clock for. Detroit Co there which he operated up to the

Jiiri.-tian flag and rvasiwn S ta r visitors were from Deuoiv Chelsea, Ypsi, Asn Arbor and Howell


ter field when the latter tried to score from second on a hit to center. Singer and Palmer also pulled down a number of hard drives Gill is feat­ured for Fowlerville with fine 1 ield In-hnruleling N chances

COUNTY SOFT BALL LEAGUE has entered a team in U;e

f i le

t e l e g i s l a t u r e

H e v. .m a d e i f i n t v o f f i c i a l s

P i


cr,-L- in state finances, resulting in .dternahves of nducir,. ' vital sercice,-<.)f stale ;••«,! •eminent or increasing

;. - u t . v c - ii'iMi'ini: obviously t 0 : • s! a 1 ' ' r e t a x i t s e l f .

It is Pi-.'ikeV- iielief that the insti-itute .1,0eld take a -'and on this iss-"• t'uil in ol\c. the \> eifai'e of local

,.ov ernetei'i,-. 1 ( a -11 •die-.-, o; \Vh>'tber it . • oj- liiiij in- "...1 !(• com roversal among m.ibhc oM .< ,.,].- and tin public.The at • -. fade ij ,-nartd by many otliei.-, in mid.ng M .\.r p.,"'i'-oii wlio sought to ha\e tne institute endor.-e the tow 11 hip sup<o vt.sor s oil.rial resolution

with rrspiv; to Wayne county home rule

Fearful that the institute become another pressure group

-uper lobby" tut" s public r recommended .should not be !t\e or politi.-al js.ee.. and should (-on­line its function.- to that of a clear­ing hou&e for tne exchange of idaaa and information between its members to the end that through open discuss-, ion a better under.-tandin problems of local government.

).; J compulsory military training was de­cried as a relic of barbarism. However many people now believe that if w« do not want a repitition of the early Jays of World War I and World War II when Germany swept ov§r all of Kurop? we must adopt some kind

ession of Hie i of a military training program so that in the future when we are obliged to


For many years many townships and other governmental units have purposely kept their assessments low 11 oider 10 get more state emergency

aid funds For a time ni«ny school districts itot enough .school aid funds so they <nd not have to levy any school tax la Ann Arbor recently Jie people voted down an amend­ment to raise the 15 mill property tax limit. As the money had to be rais ed somehow, the property assessments

might l l " t n a t c ' l v hud to be increas-v OI |,*i In pen <nt to get the necessary

at Lansing the Insti- I ''""<ls. Of course an alternative would •lations committee has t , , , ; t o economize or cut expenses, the

that the Institute J" ' 1^ trouble being every person wants o r e involved in legi-da- ' l l l t ' t ' ( ' ( J '10" ,y t o a ' - a r t w ' l h the other

f e l l o w


'->; : i e v

p i ;

Mr. Otto Poulson and Miss Hazel l^ncknoy Chambers were quietly married at the Con^nunity Congregational parsonage 1 Saturday afternoon at 1 :h0 P. M^ Rev J' M. McLucas officiating.

Mr. Clifford Chambers, brother of the bride and Mrs. Henry Johnson, sister of bride were the at tendants

Mr. and Mrs Poulson will make their home for the present with the oride's mother -and brother on the Chambers farm



Miller, 2b#

Ledwidge.cf Shehan rs, Reason, l b , Singer, 3b

Palmer Is, l ' ,ader. <a Paughn rf, Chanyi, rf, Jones, lf_ Dinkol, p


AB 3 3 0 M

4 4

3 0

R 0 0 0 0

ir.c '•-' cdiini;, .-nit ball ieagfce where

I began this week. Other teams ;••••_• H ' i i , v.ell-CoaleNs, Fowlervilh- and Me " ford, the latter replacing Brighton All

be ac(juired by its memtjers.


Mrs Wm. 1J rash entertaint'd

The trend to a centr: ized g«/. . u-ment is nothing of recent orgin al­though it may have been somewhat

t h r . I intensified by the war. Hack in the ,„.,,, I old backwoods days the control of ma\ j ' ,

p h e governmental units was 100 per-•<pnt or at least 90 percent in the 'ocal communities The school teacher taught a one room .school for as low

her 1: $?• a week and borfrded around If he school needed a new roof or chim-


I 2 I i

AD K 4 1

timf> of his death^ He wals prominent in Masonic Circles. While at Pinckney he was master of Livingston Lodge 8 years^ In Lansing he helped organize Wal ter French Lodge and served as its master.

Surviving are his wife and twr

*''o arrived in ! and Howard '

Detroit -.bout I »'c!oc>' 'raigs mother sorved us

a delicious lunch We boarded the ship about 3:.r-;0 and

left the Detroit dock at 4 o'clock^ At 5:30 we were served a fine dinner^ at 7:30 movies were shown in the lounge A get together was held at

daughters*. Mm Cp.va P, ker of Lans , 0 :()0'and each school was introduced. ing and Mrs_ Ruth Gorrell of Detroit .! There were 16 schools aboard The Also three grandchildren.The funeral WES' held a t the Estes Leadley Funer al Home^ Lansing, Wednesday; Walter

rest of the eveni.ig was spent in dancing.

Wednesday morning was spent in

Foimps, Gillis Is. 4 ' ti Tomion, 2b 4 0 L. Vogt, c," 3 D Hosinger, r, 3 0 Grostic, If 3 0 C. Vogt, lb. 3 <» Hyst, -cf 3! 1 Breslin, rs, 2 T Millft^ p. 3 I :

Home run- Palmer. Three bnse hit-Giliis. .Struck out by Dinkel. 5, Miller, 2 Walks off Dinkel, 2, Miller 6 V > on bases Pinckney. 7 Fowlerville,;. Umpir«»- Miner and Hagman.


0 0' 1 I I 0 ()' 0 i

H 0


0 1 0 2

1 • r

game.-: will be played a- Howell u l.gh' r, .-: u-ting at !' :Do p m

The schedule is as fo'uow:s: Monday, Jtine'12. i'mekney vs V

lerv'eie. ;W

\N 1-line;

\ M f e v d .

Mon. «

: i ( . w - i i .

\ ! on . t


f.> 1

X' n •

n"\ Vrd, . Ton . r \ rr?;.

v :he

.'•ion. vil le.

W-. ! .

•day, June 14, Howe

unc: If, Mil ford vs I

: une 21 -Fowlmvili

1:1 e

0. 1-1 S. Chapter from Detroit "Idyll j of the Temple" So 4(,:, at luncheon at j n ) ,y U ) 0 s ( . h o o , p a t r o n s h a d a b e e a n d

jla-r home south ol town la J afternoon. There were 5() present

The Pinckney people present were 1 .Me.-damos Eloise Campbell Lulu 1 Lamb Ruth McLucas Anna Reason,

Ponnie Henry and Ruth Curlett. 2 ! of the number stayed over and attend led the Past Matrons and Patrons

June June

2«; Flow-ell 2X-howler

vs Pincknev, ville vs M'!

J t r v 'i Fowlerv ,'e

j . r -Julv Ju'v

.)-I ' .

1 • >

Milford v, - I ' i n c k j i e ; .

Howell '

j I •>•;;

v, \T •V l'"o

uf >iH

i j igle at tne Pinckney Masonic temple , in the evening. ! Among those present were the fol

lowing officers of the Detroit Chap-j toi :Lottie |!allantine,W.M.Sam Pallan Jine.Wi' , Mildre<l Smith, AM (lene-! vieve Stonahouse, (^ond. Marie Lock-I ney AC Kdna Curleff, Mar Edna i * • *

Eager, Cnap^ Verna Jeffkee, Martha and Anna Porter, flag bearer.

Ju 'y 17-Mil> d vs Fo-lm-

J.-Iy 10-Pinekny vs Howell.

French Lodge P . and A> M had chart viewing Lake Huron playing cards or ge of services and Livingston Lodge; amusement to our own taste, at If :30 sent a large delegation there# Burial ' lunch was «erve. We arrived at Mack-waa at Lansing:. " ? inac Island about 1:30 and viewed the

— — # • Island in a horse and buggy. Wc spent Ann Shirley Reason entertainted 1<\ awhile at Mackinac Fort We boarded ] n 1S0r> s h o rr.arried Fred Bowman of

f r o n d s in honor of her 8th birthday the bnnt at 5 o'clock and our supper Pinrknny who died in 1937. Two child

Mrs. Millie Bowman Backus died nt her home in Lum. Mich , on June f.th. ShJ was horn in Putman township in 1*81, being the daughter of the late nispnte-h of fie 0 for the Jefferson and Rose Leland Parker. ? a m e 3 for $ 1 2 o for the seaaon.

*Ton , Jul 24- Pinckney vs Fowlor-11c Wed._ Julv 2C-HOWP11 VS Mi lord . Mon., July 31-M'P>ird \ s Pinckn-v Wed • Aug. ,;.-Fow'erv ;l!e vs Howei! Mnn.. Aug_ 7-Foulerville vs Milford Wed., Aug. 0-HoweU v- Pinckne-Season tickets are on salp at the

s c h p d ' i l p d

WALTER CCO< - Walter Cook 45. died suddenly at

his home in Howell on June 'i. He was the son of the late Kdward Cook A\,d Klva Hall Ce>ok itnd was born in P-e.'-knpy where he livprl until early mad.ood. Surviving fire hi- wife and 2 sons, Jam^s, with the V S. air foi \e in 'I rxas and Witiuim in school .\:,< his aged. moMior, TWO brothers. Clifford ;ind Norman of fv ' v i ! and thre" sisters. Mrs Ma Ige I'.i.iwisle of Detroit Mrs. Fred CntrHI an<l Missi

ipper Thursday. Games were played and .The evening was ppent enjoying the refreshments were served and a fine movies a talent show nnd darning. t ime had. Ann Shiley received many We arrived back in Detroit at 1:3'i nice gifts# Miss Gertrude Spear ; fhursday afternoon. We then attonerl time had Ann Shirley received man; a show, had dinner, and went to East assisted Mrs. Fern Reason, Miss Leota Wood park. We arrived back in Pinck Reason and M r t . E d n a Reaon. ney about 1:00 o'clock Friday mom

ren were born to this union, both of whom are now deceased, Madeline and J. C. Surviving are her husband. Rev

'Florence Cook of Howell. : I The funeral wax held Saturday af-CARD OF THANKS

I wish to express mv thanks to Mr.^ " (nmoon^t the- Schnada n K r g Funpr Fred Read and Mr.*. Roy Dillingham J,,; Home Howell, Rev. N'oble offic

R. Backus whom she married in 1<»4!) f o r t h * tWr>rs they sent" h e . . T h e y j.,,inCrt Burial was at Howell#

and throe grandchildren Harhara Wftrf? beautiful;- * " j _ » » . — Aschcnbrenner of Detroit and Harriet Mrs. Zora Chambers, j p L A Y A T YPSILANTI SUNDAY ;

h r / w h i c h n m r o ] 0 f theae 'dept t . CMt

Born to Mr. and Mrs. Re^cop.i T h f pjn r]< rey s o f t hall team will ' ""* * J ' " *~ ^ ' ' '

st Friday!, i l (j ,, th<.ni.,r.|Vo.s. The same held t rue for the roads. If they were blockaded by snow or suffered a bad washout tiie people turned out and helped

jfix them. But the population grew • d «hn nennl^ wanted something

, better, in rt.irar'd to the Bctiools they were supported by propertv tax excl­usively for many vears and control was in the hands of the people of the district. Consequently improvement* ver^ slow as these people had to pay for them# Then some bright legislator evolved the idea of diverting some date funds back to the schools such is the railroad, telephone taxes ete#

The people eagerly grasped at this aa il mrnnt educational improvements without cost to themselves. However 0 get these funds they had to surren­

d e r some local control over thei r schools as the state collected the mon­ey and laid down certain conditions under which is was apportioned. The same- was true for highways. The coming of the auto made paved roads :» necessity. The local "communities •ould not pave the roads under t he

property tax system.so they demand­ed part of the auto weight tax and the ;as tax and got it but in re turn for this they had to surrender control of • heir roads to the county road com­mission and state highway d e p t l a

joiner dept* the same has occuredu v . ' P a r p w.is at one time a strictly

-Vein or village affair but now has , , bpen taken over entirely by the s ta te . ' There is one thing the people roost

(rea ' :ze there ia absolutely no

and Russel Bowman of Jackson • — ^ - ing very tired but happy and well sat T n * funeral was held Friday from the y a r boroue;h of"Detroit fFranci- Led- '

Miss Ella Har tman was home from isfied with our t r ip Swarthout Funeral Home, Rev. Mc- ^ . j ^ e ) j u n e 10. a daughter Lynda Detroi t over the week end. | By Dorothy Parke r Lucas officiating. Burial was in the ^ n n e '

Pinckney cemetery. •

be returned d rectiy to the local gov-plav the Ypsilanti Moose " i t Ford " n l n g uni t , as long as the s t a t t <*£ F i d d Sunday a t 3:00 p m. Players l e c t s t h e f u n d , by which t h t y — —

ready to leave at 1:30. , mimster td.

Page 2: Hi. V*'V ^inrtuic)'pinckneylocalhistory.org/Dispatch/1944-06-14.pdf · Poster White and Willard Cox «,i Howell t Others are Ervin Reid, C'e.i^ Lawrence. Glen Daily. John Lvornik,


^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ W ^ ^ i P " 1 ~^&3ESPv^Jr* *••*•• ?;

FTTT^-V-' T» r--.- / . , , ,

* tv ^


. V S * I I 'U

PINCKNEY DISPATCH Wediv^av June 14, 1944

Sylvan Tbeare THE AVftl» fHEATEB j»'««"i«»i»«imiiimi«iiiiiiiin„„ HIMIIHIHII ,„„,,„„„„„„„„„,,„,



Friday and Saturday. June 16,17.


W l ith

Fri and Sat June 16-17.

' HOSTAGES A Czech Underground \ Drama 12

witU Reviewers Highest Rating. _ Show Starring j 3

LU1SE RA1NER.WILLIAM BEND1V S Plus cartoon "Jasper and the Choo: S Choc'* • ' " - " *- " " " "Halfway to Heaven".

• • • • •


News »

Sunday and Tuesday June 16 20.


IN TECHNJCOLOR Cartoon Pete Smith *'Grovie Movie".

Sun. Moo. Tues, June 18,19 and 20.


In Technicolor Starring

GINGER ROGERS, RAY MILLAND, JON HALL WARNER BAXTER, BARRY SULLIVAN. Sunday Shows -3:00.,:500,7:00,9:00 Cartoon •Weakly Reporter*',

Wednesday and Thurs. June 21. 22,






Music- HIGH JINKS and DESERT Starring


Plus News \ Cartoon* Sport Night


Coming- "Riding High".

Monday night- June 26 ONLY

AND THE ANGELS' SING" A Musical Comedy

One of the Newer Pictures starring DOROTHY LAMOUR, FRED Mc-


1 • • Any person a War Bond through the AVON THEATER will recei ve a rec eipt good for Free Admission to the BOND PREMIERE, June 26th, Only Bond Purchasers admitted. district.

Now Open! Meats, Groceries



niiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiifiiiiiiiiiiiti HiiuiiiiiiiuiiiuHtciiPiiiiiiiiitiu


! V. O. Brau i!

Howell Theatre


Air Conditioned

tax on all ticket*

Wed. Thur , Fri., June 21, 22, 23 Beautiful*But Black Hearted*




TAMIROFF Solef 1«;! p h : > r l *

NO 1 E S o f 4 7 Y t v A K S A U U

The Orientals will rolvi a' banquet at i"e Aiaccuuee nail on bat unlay night, June 226. ,

work naa commenced on Charles Bowman s cold storage building ai the corner ol Main and Mill streets, Win, Moran is tne contractor.

The lawsuit of Thomas Birkett vs klemni over tne HncKney mill has

. been settled and tne mill will soon be I in operation again, i Mrs Martin Harris, 75 died at her home south ol town Saturday. I he

• iuneral was held from St. Mary's N church Monday. _

A large crowd attended the b e n e f i t s social luesday night at t^e b\ K, Hause home for Kev Pearc* ¢20 was realized.

14u people attended the O. E, S. banquet at the opera house last Wed- ' '^f


8 Worked on the farm.

S Worked in the foundry and shops.

S Taught in high school and college>

g Debated in Courts and Legislature,

3 His training and experience qualify

3 him for re-election as your State

iTiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiifiiiiiiiiiiiriiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiitiiii _ > . .

Sat June 17. MYSTERY


nesday night. Arron Alexander has been awarded Kevt (J. S. Jones will preach the ba- the contract to carry the mail from

ccalaureate at the Cong 1, church on th e postoffice to the depot for $19[) the night of June 20, Commencement p e r year. r

is a the opera house on June 23. i Clare Reason arrived home from Dr. C. L# Sigler was village presi- J France last week>

dent, Koy Yeeple, clerk and Fhlan- J Michael Roche has returned home News <ier Monroe, marshall, from France where he was os duty

" j A number from here went to Dex- wth the Knights of Colum* tr Tuesday to attend the funeral of Glenn VanHorn underwent an op-

INTRIGUE. j Daniel Sackett, well known contrac- eration for appendicitis at the Pinck-

t-r I

i n






VIRGINIA tor. He built theDr. H\ F. Sigler and ney Sanitarium Tuesday night. 1 Thomas Rtead houses here. I The Junior class reception was reld J Michael Roche closed his school at at the home of the Misses Loretta Parkers Corners Friday and Floyd Clinton Friday night.

Sun. Mon. Tues. June 18,19 and 20. Something New In Pictures!


Randall his is District Not 9. The lat­ter had a picnic at Schoollot Lake,

NOTES of 25 YBAftS AGO In the writup by James Eaman

this week on Pfickney Pionoefs, ihe the subject in Sanford Marble.

P. H. Svarthout has taken ihe ag­ency for the Starr Phonograph.

A party of gypsies oo.i-si^ing of

Fied Lake attended the Lake re­union at Lansing Sunday

The annual Freshmen and Soph-more picnic was held at Portage Lake Wednesday.

'horse traders, fortune tellers etc who in j were accused of picking the pocket of


Coh°ctah ?f $2f? we,re

©AIM u c v B r m V r - » \ ™ ^fJT overhauled in Pinckney, nauu-duy by PAUL HENREID. ELEANOR PAR. S h e r i f f M i U e r > a n d f / J r ( l e p t . t ! ^ ^ KERf FLOYD EMERSON T h e gypgieg w e r e allowed to pro-

Snapshots C.rtoon News c e e d after they had returned the $25 ""~~—ZT and $40 additional. LaVern Richards t,t? • ** ' • J u n * ' 2 ^ 3 , acted as go-between and received the BEAUTIFUL A«D MYSTERIOUS m 0 ney in escrow. Vera it seems once

MARIA MONTEZ • lived with the gypsies and learned i n I their language

" COBRA WOMAN" • This issue contains a letter frojn


In the soft ball league last week, Dinkel beat Shehan 23 to 6, to take first place and Meyer won from Clark 9 to 3. Batteries for Dinkel — Dinkel and Meyer, for Shehan. Jones and Darrow. For Meyer —Dinkel and Meyer, for Clark—Jones and Singer

Home run hitters were K Ledwidge and Jr. Doyie,

Oificial Standings Lost Won

DinkeJ Shehan . . Myer ...;-Clark . . . .

__ 5 .. 4 - 3 .. 2

2 3 4 4

Pet .714 555

,*428 :285

Games next week JON HALL, SABU LON CHANEY F r a n c i s H a r r i s who is in Coblenz, Pra' Monday —Shehan vs Clark :

Selected Shqrts News nee with the U. S. army

I Coming "Stars on Parade*' Jack".

"Lumber 9e9«P



NEIGHBORING NOTES Bill Peek of the Linden Leader says

a penguin has been seen at Byram near there

J J o r n *• Mr, and Mr,. Un^-> |0;IU,en of Bunker Hili at ROWP ho;-[pital, Stockbridge, on June 3. a son Tm-othy Steph^r. ^

Tl.p Fowlervah p-raduating ,:,^.,-la.-t Friday numbved 44 \

Mrs, Mary Sha-v :,eardsleo. n o - »» f of Mrs Cyde Dunning of Hamburg, died at Holly June 6 *

Two Howell high 'school graduates have been awarded scholarships at the l

University of Michigan. They are J Patricia Bollinger of Gregory and Barbara Belles of HoweJI.

Four soft ball leagues started in Howell this week,They are the county league, the city, the old timers and {

girls league-Howell American Legion will spon­

sor eight boys to attend the Wolverine Boys State at East Lansing Juno 1 3 - \

Mr. and Mrs, Patrick Dillon have been notified that their son. PFC. Wm. Dillon, has been awarded the "U, S. A. Good Conduct Medal" for 1 efficiency and honorable service s,»r- | vice. He is now in Italy and was in North Africa before that where he ' wounded.

Miss Patricia Newkirk, daughter of' Birkett Newkirk of Portage Lake was married to Stanley Ralph LaUDG o f

Ann Arbor at the Presbyterian church to Ann Arbor on the night of Jtrne 6

(We will win the European War in '44 if every man and woman will do his or her full duty.'

*r —General Dut^ht D Eisenhower at a Presi Conjcreaa

JLHERE IS n o question about our men on

the fighting fronts do ing their full duty And there

can be no question about those of us here at home.

In this v r.ient of invasion, the effort is ALL O U T .

That IT. ;:.s backing our armies with everything we

have •)> Ask yourseit this ques t ion : If victory or

defeat hinged on M Y contr ibution, h o w many war

bonds would I buy?




Buy More Than Before In The 5th War Loan f


-Dtokel v, M.y»r „ ^ ^ „ » £ ^ t o f W

^ 1 - . , , ^ . , .. W,-..- . .<<: •::•:': ..: •: »!:.;.:• [-..W. : -.' • " f r j f r i ,; •_

• M W

ev#>«>#>e><>^< t+m*"'



8act/Ac J/fac/t /


Much emphaaia is being made of 11M fact that many southern states a w showing an antagonistic attitude attitude toward President Roosevelt i and sending uninstructed delegations I to tb» BAtional convention. This act- (

F.33rt*Vv.. tel i* mUy polit)-.^1 howwever. These * ^s»» states arc fighting to retain J

poll-tax laws and what is called f supremacy or preventing the \

_ from \oiin<r If the- i tie | Wpmumgh vosos on the first b^.lct to j H # W t tlko president's renomination # S # w f l l km a bargaining point with * M f c to Mtain these two principals

to HttJe likelehood of their vot-' r«srjrthing bat Democratic, as un-i-p; JfapsbUoaa regime they would sii<Mtrfommittes chairmanships

His qualiflestioM are unqtMstioneH. The Repub­licans ol Michigan have a right to demand such a man in this important office. Responsible Republican leadership, as well as rank and file workers throughout the State, believe that Vernon J. Brown is the one man in the Party who, as Lieutenant Governor, can function as a cooperating member of the Republican team.

In recognition of the need for his services as Lieutenant Governor, Vernon J. Brown wee willing to forget selfish coneJderations and ac­cede to the wishes of Republicans throughout the State. He believes the Republican Admin, ittration is entitled to the services 01« Tleuten ant Governor who will work with the tration in the public interest*


SALVAGE SPELLS VICTORY Oura 1* A Vitally Estonia! Salvage Orgmniaatton, •



according to tixe and condition!




Such an attitude certainly ilesinn the sincere '* ^ d e r a t i o n of every Republican on Primary « day, July 11» e ^ * 1

Urfee »s Vemea J. Ivewa, MUsgan tests Network, 1 Jons Sew.it |» 1*11 rja, I.W.T.

S 'uiHiiiM*ttditiHimniitrnrmiHHitiininniitii»iiiiitttiiiiiiiiiiiniiiMuitiiiituiiiiit


I GENERAL TRUCKING I Weekly Trip sMade to Detroi

1 Frank Plasko | \ PHONE 4SF4 §

tiiiiiiitiaiuitiiuiiiHHiHiiiiniiiiiiiiiim Sunday guests of Mrs# Eleanor Mrs. Jennie Devereaux and daugh

Ledwidge were Mrs. Kittie Berlin ter, Mrs. Fred Smith of Evart spent dautrhter, Ann and Mrs. Mae Barron a couple of days at their home hero of Howell }££ w<ffr

Page 3: Hi. V*'V ^inrtuic)'pinckneylocalhistory.org/Dispatch/1944-06-14.pdf · Poster White and Willard Cox «,i Howell t Others are Ervin Reid, C'e.i^ Lawrence. Glen Daily. John Lvornik,


><.<->'-'li»:fti. l-I-'!:

* . * *

I^^^^X^T??-: .

r ' -' HS'':'

: : 3 / , .••;'- • • ' r :^-> '^^

; / * ; < • "

•< • " - r

« - i * ; ••"•

«» »'WW|


5 * • ! I'.J 1


fINCKNEY DISPATCH Wednwlay June 14, 1944

! NN6KNEY DISPATCH His patriotism is written in Entered at poswlfice FlBcknej, MgL*

Sabeorlptien' *L2iN»/eei Paid m Advance. PAUft W. CUKLBTT, PUBUSHE1


1 1

Yours is written on every Bond you buy



for Oats, Wheat, Barley, Rye, Millet Sorghum,



Kennedyi Drug Store

in the


TH E stepping stones to vic­tory arc r ? J \v:t'\ Mood of

Amer i can heroes . T a r a w a . . . Sa lerno . . . Gassino. The i r pa­triotism is wri t ten in blood.

Yjnur patriotism is wri t ten on eve ry Bond you buy in this vital 5th W a r Loan. Your name on a W a r Bond means you ' re behind o u r invasion troops.

H e l p hasten the day of Victory by investing In extra W a r Bonds

now. Invest in mar? than you've ever p'irc)i3s?d before. Invest J100, S200, 5300, JyifK). These who enn, niir.u invest thousands of dolljvs.

F o r this is fhe biggest job we've ever hud to do Wc r««V fail our fighting men as they plunge info the biggest and bloodiest struggle of all.


when they call to teii you about War Bonds


Kennedy Store

Thurber Cornell Candidate for

Representative in State Legislature

Mr and Mrs. Fred Read were in i Battle Creek Sunday.

Peach Palmer was in Detroit a couple of ays lust week#

l Boone Amburgey and family, Jack aon were in town sunday.

i Miss Gloria Craft of Ann Arbor ' was home over the week end.

Mrs, Ursel DeBarr of Comma is visiting at the Robert Pike home.

Dr. and Mrs George Mann of Detroit spent the week end at their

Mrs. John Bowman spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs# \Vrn_ Bowman in Detroit.

Mr. and Mrs. Norman White of Howeil called at the Ben White home Sunday.

Louis Shehan ana family called at the home of Gc*ald Bauer near Bright en Sunday#

Vernon Clark spent a couple of days last week with Richard Snyder in rortage Lake.

Mrs. Mildred Snooks and daugrter, ( _ Joan, spent Sunday at the Wayne! 3 Wagner home. E

Bob and Mary Jane Nash attended § u birthday party Sunday in honor of j iviavis Basydlo,

The Misses Janet and Betty Carr of Detroit spent the week end at the K. ! 5 J. Curr home.

j Mrs Joseph Swope of Ypsilanti i I visiting at the home of Edward j 5

.Spears sr. Miss Denise Ledwidge is home from

t 'Joseph's Academy, at Adrian for j the summer ! Tomimie and Jimmfie Shehan ofj Jackson are spending the week at the Wm. Shehan home cottage at Half Moon Lake. _

j Khvin Hulse of Chelsea called on ' 2 friends here Saturday. j S

. Mr. _and Mrs. Joe Struyers and M

i loul h tShehan ho me" Sunday ^ ^ 1 «"""Mlllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllltlllllllllllllllllll|l| | | | | | | |tUIMl|||| | t | | |l n m m f I Mt^ and Mrs. Louis Coyle were Sun- ' —rr^^^^^!^^^^^s^ss^^^mmm^^mf^ \ day "dinner gueat.s of Mr. and Mrs | jVWNr^y^^^r^^dV^SA*VW^rV^r^^r t r t f t f t r \ f tA^^^^^^y^ l^^rVi^tfWS '.Herman Smith near Howell. , """"""" "" ~ I Maggie Sed-rm-tn who Jives in i re!

* ; Daller house entertainted a,number of i jfricMids at a party Saturday. * j Mr. and Mrs. 1,. J Swarthout and j ( family spent Sunday .with Mrs.

IMerril Galiirp in Fowlerville y . Keith Ledwidge spent several days < : in Detroit last week and winle then' J suffered a sprained ankle.

Mrs. Phyllis Soule and children of Howell were Sunday guests at the

^••••"• i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i iMi i i i i i i i i i i in i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i imin,! , , , ! iiHiiiiimiiiiiHHi


Tomato, Cabbage and Pepper Plants for ftale




J O E GENTILE Open Every Event ig !

Alive HORSES $3 COWS $2

Farm Animals Collected Promptly rViodern Equipment Capable Mea

L. L. PARKER. Agent Phone 88, Pinckney 1 he FASTFST Dead Stock Service in Michigan

Central Dead Stock Co home of Phillip Sprout George Hornshaw, wife and son, ofi —

Howell were Sunday guests of ^ } * V - V W b W W W W W W W ^ ^ V «»

Miss Barbara Haines is visiting

in Si.;;?e Legislature. orn,

are High

i.e..' on Kem:bl:ean Ticket fori. :n eseniati" raised anu always lived on ufarm.

laiucaUd in Public Schools and Michigan State College. Alan led. Has a family of U'o s -nsand five daughters Six Hi-'1 School graduates and two arc.-ollbge gradtnites. cu«,iessful farmer and businessman. >iip«-rvi.'Or of lv:- io-v.i^ei p (•.);• cvr-nu<e»",is. Oiivcto}- of the following f-M' or-;i),./.at:vns: LiMi't'-ston-bounty MUIUJI'. lire lv.> ;r.Mao Company. !-i(.wc-; <'o-";-»er;^r-"e A.-socia4.!"!^ ] iving-ton County Farm li^iKU^ M,.n of Good judgement. R-Iiui»le.Horr^t% capable and desorvm.?. Will re'.iesent'no special interest butu.-e his best efforts fei the entire


nioth.er, Mrs Francis Hornshaw Mr. and Mrs Robert Plasko and two

;* j children of Detroit were Sun. guests

.of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Plasko<

T! Mr and Mrs. Jerry Bci.s.smoau have • sold their cottage at Hi-land Lake C h a r , o ^ Schmidt m Suline.

and purchased a tavern it De>'t?r.. Mr and Mrs Stanton Line and two

childen of Royal Oak were Sunday-callers of Mr and Mrs. Asher Wylie.

We understand Mr. Hamel who owns the Frank Barton farm west of town has over 100() young turkeys there.

' Miss Harriet Bowman^ daughter of Mrs Boone Amburgey vas one of

Mrs. Clare McMacken was in Ann I fc Arbor Saturday. j • , ,»"nillllllllMIMHIUtlJllllllllllllui||»^

| First (Vational 1 am

Mr. and Mrs. John Martin spent 2 Sunday at the Fred Bortz home in ' Vpsilanti S

Mrs. Don Hearl and children of % Howell were guests of Mrs. Evelyn ;S Nash Sunday i £

Mrs. Walter Clark^ daughter, J e a n ' | son


luy at the Leon Mcubon nun..-ivortape Lake


, » < • -+* •** -n * .








The quarantine will re quire all dog owners to

prevent their pets from running loose at any time.


Mrs Boone Amburgey vas one of ,irtA ._ . . , . . „ ,. -\ . , , ,.,- . \ , .» , i (»ana son Maynard. were in Howell \

the Jackson high school graduates last Saturday ' week.

Mr. and Mrs. Louis Coyle and Mrs (;COrge Meabon jr. and family .pent Ella Care Dixon attended te graduat-1 S u T 1 ( j U v day the*latters nephew, Carence Munsel being a graduate. .

CJeorge Crane and wife of Detroit! Sally and Betty Lou Reason are _ spent Sunday at their home at Ander j spending the summer with Mrs^ Kay, 2 son and had as their guest Col Edwin menda Morris ' {5 S Ceorge | Mrs. Andrew Campell and children i s

Sunday guests of Mrs. Hattie , called on Mrs. T> Howell near CimbbsiS De< ker were Mrs. Emma Efliatt, Miss ', Corners Friday sight. 15

A. Moore of Miss Gretchen Ta.-ch spent Sunday jg j with her grandmother, Mrs. A n n a ' s

T,wch in Ann ArboK 5 sho.ving considerable interest in a j Roy Clark has torn down his h a m ( r girl \fho recently arrived here from | » " ^ is using the material to build an ' |£

Mrs Georw Meabon sr. and grand' Ro common. j addition on his home. | § son Donald, are visiting relitives in Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hooker and Mr., , Mr and Mrs. Vincent Shields and .,s Jack-OIL U n t l Mr^ Poy DilHngram were in Ann daughter of Ann Arhor were Sunday , |

1 Arbor Sundny to help Calvin Hooker J jruests at the Lee Lavy home Hariey Miller of Pontiac spent a celebrate his birthday,

couple of days last week atthe W. H. J MJS S Fannie Shi rev. Irene Bokros. Clark homri Mar-. Bezeek and Rev, Beechie

. ,» ., . atfp'c:! a church conference in Mrs. Gordon Hester of Yps.lanti G o s l „, I n d l a s t w e ek.

spent Wednesday at the Dndrew i ^ Xesbitt home

Denis and Susan

Mr and Mrs. Jo!r' McDonald -pending * !>e v. i ; k its. l..< ' ''i:#

Mr and Mrs. Frank McKolvey of STarjorie Hurd and Fmswonh, Pa. JUT pending the .nun- Yp,ilanti , n.er in the FliAtot cottage at Rush It is reported that Don Clark is | Ta«ch m Ann Arbo K


Yarborough of

Mr. and Mrs^ W. C# Atlee spent Sus 2 day at Starkweather farm at North. ! S ville and en joyed a sulkey ride. j 5

Sunday guests at the Curl*--' horn S were Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hauck and £

Don Hammer has built a popcorn Mr. and Mrs. John LaValle of Detroit 2 istand which he will move just south, P:ml A?ims who ha« been li/ing on I s of the Gulf gas station. He has work-1 the Fred Teeple farm has purchased —



THE country at war called upon banks to help sell War Honda. Besult: the greatest sales record in American Hist­ory. Over 80% of all bond sales flow throvvh hr.„\. Thjg \a just another instance of the flexib­ility and responsiveness of our American banking system, proof again that banking is ccared to meet the needs of every individual, the community and the nation JOIN IN INCREASING YOUR DURING THIS 5th WAR LOAN PURCHASES OF WAR BONDS DR7VE and deposit them with this bank for safekeeping.

R..1 Et tau , Mort fag . o» pfraonabl* •» Haa*©11*^* * » l # i



i 3

Mr an

the Bert Daller place east of town. <S Member Fed»r»1 I>JP^ U I n »-Mr. and Mrs. Paul Rnmsd'll and 2 " r a " c Corporation. All 4epu»«

(the" King4 Daughters convention at children of Stockbridge were Sunday 2 iu Insured UD ^ 5,000 tmmch d Mrs. John Lobdell and 5on' Hamburg last Thursday: Mrs# Lulu visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Hollis Wylie 2 Depositor.

Detroit are visiting th*ir grandmother ' ed up quite a popcorn trade Mrs. Eleanor Ledwidw. ! The following from here attended

Jimmie are spending the week at their i , a m b . Mrs. Flossie Fifher Mrs. Mae. Sunday guests of Mr^ and Mrs. W. £ •- ,%r-- :-- ^ f : u j Daller. Mrs Clare Palmer, Mrs Tressa « Hendee were Dr; and Mrs Ce< i r 2 cottage at Marion. Mich

1 - and family of Lansing 2 KEEP BUYINC WAR BONDS Ma. .one Parkinson and daughter of S R-£CULARLY AND DEPOSIT Ann Arbor «2 THEM FOR SAFEXEE1 INC

Mr. and Mrs. Mollis Wvlie and child § WITH THIf? BANK

Herbert Palmer and family spent Lawrence Geary oi the Theological Sunday in Detroit. School ..' Washington D C. visited

Mr and Mrs. Albert Olinger of his aur.t Mrs. Crtlft over Sunday. !Manchester, Iowa, Mr. and Mrs. liar- Sunday gue.ts of Mrs. N^ttw

Nan Ledwidge spmt the week end Coyl and Mrs. Viola Read. with .loan Hirst at V itter.-on Lake. Mr and Mrs. Merwin Campbell and

Mi and Mrs. Joseph Griffith and son Dick, Rev. and Mrs J. M. Mc family spent Sunday in Detroit daughter. Norma Jean and Mr# and _ —

Rr.v. and Mrs .! M. McLuc;^ and Sally Daniells of Brighton «pent Sun,ren called a t t he Kenneth Wyhe home "S daughter. Norma Jean and Mr and" day evening with Mr. and Mrs. James.at Portage Lake » u « d ^ " ' ^ ^ V g ' * nnt,i<miUlffaillWIUHIimllllHlimWM Mr- Merwin Camhell and son Dick Hall of Plainfield had his tonsds out at McPliersons Hos " were in Milford Saturday evening on —'. P»t*l. at Howell last week » • M ^ — ^

' Sunday guests of Mrs. Lulu Lamb ——• Bert Smith and Mrs Mildred Acl! y^ Mr». Gladyt

business GROW PICKLES , - . Miss Helen Reason and Mrs. Dori?', The Gov't wMit* WWes grown on | were Mr. and Mrs.

iiancnesver, iowa, «ir. anu Mrs. aar- ouiu-o ^*""" "' . 7 ' " .' A p M M . w n r r i n Ann Arhor Saturdav contract. One-half acT» tip; No. 1 - , Oliver Smith of Perry. Mrs. Oliver Lee and Mrs. Aljre, Lee attended the aid Rairchild and family and Mrs Vaughn were Dr. Mor!e> Vaughn and Ivoa^on ^ « > in A

Tn" ^ r h ° ^ a ^ r a a ^ . S 4 00 ;No. 2 - $1.75. No- « - 7ft cents. -

Donna Pairchild of Detroit were week Mrs. Hyne of Careleton and Mr,, uM r ' a n d

n M r s . L?^ n

w ^ F T i J ^ , T l i e s # prices apply to all contracts is-Xorma MeVill and daughter, Mercid- Howell called on Mrs , Mary Eichman ^ ^ ¢ ^ ¢ £ ^ be obtained from

F r i d a y . ^.^+.^-. . _ - - . . ~ [end guests of Mr. and Mrs Frank

Aberdeen# eea. •~»i C.F. H*wl»tt, Pinotaejr

Smith and children who have been high school graduating exercise* at spending a week here returned home Jackson last Thursday night Ustt with them ^ . A. I Yvonne Kettter was a ffiitnHi -.. r^,

^*; it' ^ . . ¾

• . V


Page 4: Hi. V*'V ^inrtuic)'pinckneylocalhistory.org/Dispatch/1944-06-14.pdf · Poster White and Willard Cox «,i Howell t Others are Ervin Reid, C'e.i^ Lawrence. Glen Daily. John Lvornik,

hi^'j-' \ • M?

?v M

X •r>


fe- *• / • • • ^ " - • ; . / : • : ; ^ % «

" • . * * .


• A j K « .'

p^MHumitraikimtmiHiuiti iiiiiuiitiiuiiunuuttunitnnm g

"Victory Gardens"i a

PINCKNEY DISPATCH Wednesday ~ June 14, 1944

iCIassitied f* Want Ad

* .




2, f FOR SALE-Eating & Seed Potatoes

Dede Hinchey J § 5 WANTED Tl'o "exchange 2~new~ bicjrT A cyles for an electric refrigerator. 91 /^11.. ir .... W es t Shore Drive

lli-Land Lake

\>etter /awns

**I have tried other plant food* in mak-iag new lawtu and rchabllitatinc old lawns." write* Mr. Floyd R. Hurray, of Hammond. Tndiana.

"No other plant food hat fives the result* shown by Vigor a.

"Ores* was up within nine day* after ©Untie*!"- •

You can have equal sueees* with Vic* oro for lawns, flowers, garden*, shrub* bery and trees.

Clean, odor/ees, easy to apply, it is not to be compared with any other plant food you have ever known. Its cost U remarkably low!

_ Orlla Fruzier, 5 j Ti?!.l'iiu'kiR*y 5bK4

iiay to cut on shared. I ! Henry &r»hn-i p h o ^ 45F22 | j FOR SALE: Auto trailer house 8x24 § or will trade for good sound band 5 i truck, g I " Sjtuart Anderson. S t L O b i ; a gir ls wrist waiva* with a S : heart shaped face. S ! Devie Hammer

1'UK o A b ^ - o e c u beaiis Joiiu ' h " - ' -

4 Si itt * Company produot

, FOR JSALE-Oil burning healing stove j lieaU urooms Emory Piununer

3 F O R SALE-Two worK. martb wt.abouL sliiiOO each, 7 and 12 yrs. old.

Clay Musson, 23Go Pinckney Rd. Phone 7220 Howell

M FOR SALEHiural Russet late "seed ^ 'potatoes $1.25 bu# Percy Ellis

FOfl ~SALE-2~wheel~trailer in "good condition, lVaHP gasoline engine, a double bed with springs and mattress, set of croame strips for 600x16 wheel. Call after 6 or Sun^ Jack Wilson Hi-land Lake

r ._. Continued from First Po* e


The oomrnittee submitted recom-mendations^ both of which were ap-proved, whereby the institute would sponsor training courses to be held late in the year at Michigan State College and would emphasize educ­ational study through loan of techni-.:.:1 books and literature by the Mich­igan State Library. Lansing.

This mlormational and educational function, however, is not enough in minds of many county officials who look upon the institute as a defender of their interests and hence an agency to be utehzed to favor or oppo.se leg­islation or political issues that are, in their sincere judgement, inimical to tiie welfare of local governments.

PROFESSIONAL CORNER \ The Pnwfaey Sanrttrtom

Ray If. Dufrr, M, D. Ptnclmev, Mf«Ufna

Of fie* Hourss 2s*6 to 4s60 P. M. 7t00 to tftOO fc M.


112¾ » . Michigan Tefephonos

Office, 220 !|e*ide&«e, 123 Evening* by Appointment

Hmroll, MMxlf an



Phono 19F12 Ptackney, Mich

LAVEY HARDWARE „ _ . ^ ^ , - ^ -" ^ w 5 IFOR SALE-Several used house doors

§ I will sacrifice. Percy Ellis 1 FOUND- Hub cap for Buick car.

ajUMIimMUlillllllMlllllHIIlllllllllllllHHIIIIIIIIIIIIirHllhlllllllllllllinillllirHPIIIIll^^ Dispatch Office 1

' - • --v- --^-=. •• 1-—i - -^, . —.. . - -• „, c FOR SALE- 2 Jeraey cows^ 4 and 6 years old fresh. W. C. Miller


Republican Candidate



/ o u r Support wwJ be appreciated

[TO LET: Twenty acres of land on shares. Mike Pankroff


Signing the report were four of the five.members who participated in pol­icy discussions; Albert Rlasht'ield, sec^ of Mich State \l<xi\ chairman; Win. Nestle Ithaca, pros. Mich^ Sheriffs Assoc '; Allen Williams Ionia county road com. and Gene Alloman, sec# of Mich. Press Assoc_

Michigan's land Doom, a result c/ war inflation, may bring a headache to many investors, in the opinion of the agricultural committee of the Mich^ State Planning commission, un­less the land is utelized according to i;s potential use.

At a recent meeting of the commiss­ion authorities of Michigan State college reported that a land use map has been compiled for each county in Michigan and that a copy is available at the office of the local agricultural. ^ .

'agent# I J These maps show the location of J

plow / l a n d s n o t n<>w in farms and not suit- \ Notice is hereby given that, Norman ; L f * l a b l e f o r f a r m u s e ' ^ we*l as the lo-; Reason, Paul W. Curlett and Claude

: cation of existing farms that are not JH Kennedy Trustees have been em-

HERB SNEED Phone 183 »07 )* | , Qrnnej M M

HowojL ntiiwif«ai Real Eateto. tnartrnw, Brihamf

City. Lake and Ft*** PfyUtf' A jlnoolntttp

Li.t Your Prooirly W l « Urn • •


Se^tftLEfl "All Workm«.i<«lip (MftMntayiS

WILLIAM DAVIS 123 North Court Suroot

Howotl, Mlcbiffsvn

MARTiN J LAVAN Attorn*? »• ' 4 W

Phone 13 Briti«roi /licit tfn


PMoNfi 78TU Pincknoy, Mlonigan


Phone 59-F3 rfneknoy, MHkignn


VanWiitWe & Va^^mkit Don W. V i n W i n k f e

Charles JC ^.^MriojM Attorneys a!t Law

First State and Saving* BAUU

Howoll , Mienffor ••sw * * ^ * * M * e ^ ^ H ^ i ^ M ^ M ^ B M a ^ M M p M ^ ^ t f - 4«t asawannt a>

P. H. Swarthout & Son FUNERAL HOME Modern Equipment AisoaUnce Servio*

Phpno 39 Pknckney, Michigs.

3925" Monks Road, Pinckney A.C. Model B-

for continuation in recommended farm use.

"Before you buy farm lands


FOR SALE: Tractor*-11 hole (Bring Certificate) Septic .suit the county land use map"*' is the tanks- Steel, 300 gallon, Bathroom'commission's advice If it were heed-and plunatdng supplies. led, many investors will avoid needless

[grief and save many dollars ?

powered and authoried to sell and convey to the highest bidder, the so-

con- | called the opera house property in the Village of Pinckney. j

Sealed bids will be received any V _ _ „4 I

Howlett Bros., Gregory. FOR SALE: Late seed and eating i ••• potatoes. Russell Bokros. COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS June,7/44

Dr.J George Pearson has sold at the corner of M 36 and Dexter road to Charles Skinner.

Mr. and Mrs. C J Clinsen Mr a.

and Mr.s. Ralph Clinton and baby and MIS. Ruttman spent Sunday at the. Olm Fishbeck home in Lansing.


antil you



Dor't sell your woo: know it^ true value.

Phone r>r eso me for M^r^et informst-V»ii.

I pp.'/ top market price on a grade basis \JI' will i.aixU.c your wnol under the Government Purchase ; Ian, where >y you are guaranteed coiling price.

Lynn Hendee, Pickney, Tel 23F12

New electric ranges are now avail­able. We will make prompt delivery. Johnson and Company, 209 South 4th Avenue, Ann Arbor, Mich. Phone 5002.

<FCJ& SALE:, Coarse and fine wool » faheep. James Murphy I Council convened with the follow-

Phone 32F11 ling members present: Pres# Kennedy, | THE ARMY needs more scrap in 'Trustees-. VanBlarieum, S. Dinkel rags, newspapers, magazines, old cars, Ross Read. Absent Loll and G. Dink-for the "boys/* el and Lavey

We weigh and pay at your door The following bills were presented;

i tim and up-to and including- June 24 i 1944. ] All bids should be mailed to Van-

Winkle & Van Winkle, attorneys for

The following marriage licenses wer< issued at the COUJV »• chrk< off­ice last week: Floyd M.-Ali*hy>l "2

. — . il; moure v II-L> i n i i r , , . , - i.-. r\ . (the Trustees, Howell, Michigan, [Leioy Warn r 2 j • ' -i ' Dc*iei:

Vaniroostenberghe, 2~, Glendon Hoisington

FOR SALE- Petoskey seed potatoes, $1 per bushel, pure cider vinegar 50c

er gallon, sanitary couch, $10. Harrison J. Cooper, Unadilla.

town or farm. A postcard calls us, Logan Papworth, Howell, Mich

LAWN mowers ground and repaired. Parker's Garage East Gd. River

H. F. Hemenway.

Jesse Richardson^ labor and * mowing square __ $38 ()0 Pat Jefferies cleaning Park .... 12!ou

s Co. supplies l.Ofi 'Dr.

ion a. old * %

ytewmg Chickens, 1 yr. Hazel Chambers

n* —rr.




H. Shwlt.' Ray Duffy measels and

' !Scat let Fever pigns 3() 00 R. Jt Carr, postage __ 3.00

. H E. Murphy, safety deposit JBox ..: __ « 2.20 | Motion by S. Dinkel, supported by 'VanBlarieum to....i,'ay bi 1 U-i Motion

; carried 1 Motion by Read supported by Van­Blarieum to set tax rate -it 8 inill.s. to accept assessor's roll and to instruct Treasurer, to start tax collection July 1st to Aug. - 15th. Motion carried^

Motion to adour^ Nellie E. Gardner, Clerk

Terms of sale cash I'l'on acceptance of bid 2 5 ^ of

purchase price to be paid in cash at I'Kcv ilaiance in ca^n upon delivery of abstract and proper deed of con-\ ^.•v,,^i^'^,

s 1 The Trustees reserve the rijrht to reject any and all bids. Dated June 14, 1944 .. .

Norman Reason I Paul Wg Curlett, Trustec-ss 1 Claude H. Kennedy-

Ma 23

arj'aret Kuth Sixou Cecil (Jordon 30, H mire 27, I-Ynton Howcil, Lois Butts, 22. John Nichols, 21, Stockb Gullet 19, Gregory; Otto Poul'son, 48 Pinckney^ Hazel Chambers, 35, Pinck­ney; Myron Richardson 28, Hamburg, Helen Wenderlein, 37, Hamburg.

n; Mary :, Brighton;

r'o'.uervill.'*, *.?!, Howell;

oily, Virginia Dor-Lerny Hcnc/, 21,

Traverse City; ridge Alda


BY JOSEPH DUNNINGER The famous mind vizard who has

amazed radio audiences by tolling their most innermost thoughts^ ex-poses the fake spirit mediums who arc preying on our countries war dead_ : Begin reading "Seers and Suckers", nl the American WetV'.v Nvit this Su:iuay's (Ju.^e 1 JO issue to' ; Sunday TimeSt

i? The Det-







^¾^ fey

*A*T use 6 6 6 *<* TA^ET5. SALVE. MOtf DftOM

Established 1943 Incorporated 1916

McPherson State Bank






_ There are various types of loans off-.= s crd one of which will surely meet ( ? IF YOU ARE NOW INTEREST-ED IN CONTRIBUTING YOUR = your needs as an investor

S The Series E Bond pays th e largest - return of all,being 2.9 ojo or in other

M> S words, you receive $4,00 in ten years s for every $3 00 invested now For S individuals only 5 The Series F Bond is similar only it B can be purchased by associations, etc S and matures in 12 years, s The' Series G Bond pays 2½ olo , S ca.sh:<ble six months after purchase

ON THE HOME FRONT, TOO! TtoS IS IT! This is the big posh

yon have been waiting for! This is the "aero hour"! Our fight-lag men are ready—ready to strike anywhere . . . anytime . . . anyhow • . . BAR N O T S N G !

What about yomt Are you ready to match this spirit with your War Bond riirrhMhil Erery Bond you

buy is so much more power be­hind the big push... the push that will send Hitler and Tojo into ob­livion.

Get behind the invasion drive! Invest, MORE than ever before! Double . . . triple . . . what you've done in any previous drive. The job is bigr-you've got to dig!


I Howell Electric Motors Co. . t . IIVIIVU MJM.^ = a t . ™ f y n g prices up to muturity date I ..H..,.„..IH»IHIIIII •..•..•...•••••••••Him""""""'' HIHIHimmiMMIIIHligi Th c ' s c r i e s "? Note

years and may be





F^i- Clark s




s run for three used in order

to pay income taxes after being held for two months. These notes pay 1.07 0;0 interest if held to maturity, lesser rate if cashed before^ May be cashed in six months for other than tax purposes^

Then there are 7.8 ojo Certificates of Indebtedness due June 1, 1945

1¾ ojo Treasury Notes due Mar 15, 1947.

2 oio Treasury Bonds due June 5, 1952-54.

2¾ Treasury Bonds 1965-70. due Mar 15,

Perhaps we can help you decide which issue is best for your needs.

McPllersM Stale Bank Money to loan at reason AD) e

Interest paid on Savings Book* ' Time Certificate*. t>t Deposit ' MdPhenon State Bank

All deeoelU «p to «,000.00 ta* •ored by oar niembereliip te the 'eeV •rsJ Depoeit

r*tte> •H4


K*KA ^ ¾

Page 5: Hi. V*'V ^inrtuic)'pinckneylocalhistory.org/Dispatch/1944-06-14.pdf · Poster White and Willard Cox «,i Howell t Others are Ervin Reid, C'e.i^ Lawrence. Glen Daily. John Lvornik,

'MNCKNEY D'S-ATCH Worln^day JM«e 14, 1S44

..1..1/...1 RLGlSTlcA.i^y.

pO. •

d u l y

< - i : . ( • >

• . • l l l l [ ' l \

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il fiuliiiay,Llie .No. . *. -u ei

. . . I l u l l .

I !

&t>-fry-...r & , —-^. 'Wto: . (u,r„

/ / . /



Ife V Sirorgest cf Perils -aiid Year f-'ibiry,

Fat::/s Day,

. . . I ,U! '«V LLECTION JUt-Y l i t . .

Notice is lu t'i'uy .U.VCJI that in con­

formity with the "Michigan :-:1^1-

ioo i.u\V'. 1 ihe undersigned luwn-,.. . : . , \ , . i| I . [ I ; / I J ; I ai i , . d >y, e x -

•. v- ^) C S U i i < i i t y ;i m i a

day ul' any regular or special elect

inn, receive for registration tin- nana-

Oi any Ic^al VOILT in said iwp. mo

already registered who may apply

To .Me Personally for such registrat

ion. Provided, however, that I can

! cere: ,\,- no names for registration

during- the time intervening between

liii- Twentieth Day before any regu

lar, special, or official primary elect

ion an l the day uf such election.

Notice is IK r.'by furthur given that

I will be at niy home

WEDNESDAY JUNE 21, 1944 The Twenty-first Day lVy—dum

bciuy; tt Ivgal holiday

As p r o v i d e d by S e c t i o n s 2~*>7, .' -"d IVSI'.' .Michigan K l e d i o n L a v s Rev­is ion of 1941 .

From 8 o'clock a.m. until 1 ov]o< K

p.m. on each said day for the pur

a i .-, I H I i ; i ^ d u l y

. ! H ' I > i.v ' h a t I a 111

: - U . i i ; i ' i r i i e h . i ' l o r i ) i

ol ' t i l l ' lw J), o f . . ..

I ' l l

p o h e of K K V I E W I N G t h e R E O I H - •" i a n d fciworn to

s W o I ' l l d » ' i

c i U / . i i i a n d

t i l e l>: e -

in tee

ul , a n d S t a l e o f . M i c h -

r a t m y p o . - l o l l ici u d d i « s s is

t of ' K . l b l b N O P < »•

. I a in in >t n o w r e g i s t e r e d

l o r 1 f i ' - i 'c in a ml l h . i t I .1 n •

.1 i i>i-iii vi 11 • i s ha Hot a I I In •

j o i i n . i i y e l e c t i o n t o 1»

t h e . . . . d a y of I | ) i .1 . i | i l i r , i ! i o n I 1 .1 • U ll in 11 b o I l o t

l a p a U i e - t h i . - , i ppli< . 1 l i o n 1 t h a t

iK a lb'ida . it f o r t h e p u r p o . - «•

of in 1 i.-i: r i m ; m y 1 1 , ist ra t i o n a s a 11

L'I "i c a i a a 1 1 1 n-daii in wi t h t h e ;,t,-i 1.

11.e, t h a i I m a k e t h e f o l l o w i n g s t . n -

c i i c n t s in c o m | 1 i.i l i r e u i I r l J11 . . M i d i

i ' r l l l i H e e l i o n L a \\ : , \ ^ c , . ; K ; i r r . . ,

P i r t h p i a c e . . . . ; I " a l e of n a t u r a l i / a t

' , a . . I f i i r U n i r s u e a r ; ( n d a f f i r m

t h i i U ie a n s w e r s w i v e u t o t h e i p i e s -

" , | l : ; c o m ei n i n g m y q u a l i f i e a t i o n s

a s a . ; e!« a l o r a r e t r u e a n d c o r r c e t i n ; t | v b e s t of m y k n o w l e d g e f i n d b e ­


S i a n o d ' I ' a h e n M i h u c r i b -

(.- a i l

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'.•[• c t i e i l u l

h e l l ii j M i n

a i m

i n a i

da \'


o l i :i

r •3 13—L^uy ^ ; J !

WASHINGTON, D. C - J u n e (JO--Father's Day wiiich fnVs on J-..:'r- \V.[h 1044, will be a diT'Tont I;i::d of celebra­tion of this event than in day: b.-.e:') the war. Th'«i year finds American fa-

one a cr\' : : t'-.e o. l ' v t:

: ' r

V ^ i i r

' mot

1 re ai


. t'. o f i.

"d ': T h e b a t i i t

e ,• i f o -

V'. I^atber 'S " • " . e ^ b : ' ; : " ' , r : i o f and Vour C untrv

beforx mo thw . .

.My commi.ssiori ex

1 if. . .Notary Public in and

County, State of Michigan.

receipt of suoh uffid.'iAil*

specified herein, the dej k

shail write ill (he registration book

the name of the applicant together

with the other information required

f o r . -aid

C ) . o n

111 t i t l e

t' t, 01

;tured here is Ted R. Gamble, National Director of the T r e a s - r s M ance Division, and his son, Ted R., Jr . The youngster is p i n " " - a! Path-y_rosctte in h-s dad's coat land. The rosettes are m a d " f i of War Stanii

rosettes on Father's nay. June 18.

Buy a Bond for Father's Day." Father, himself needs no reminding and will

"s away from home and family and hundreds of thousands in uniforms

«.. .ne Afrned Services oi our country. N iy father» are overseas.

D this year's Father's Day is Amer« u ' s "Salute to our Fighting Dads". 1 f National Father's Diy Committee, in conjunction with the United States Ti asury, is conducting a gigantic Fa-tij .• Bond Drive. There is an earnest ai all-abiding awareness to push on to vi ory in the observance of this year's Fi her's Day. And^every move being «1 ™Li*Z?ii.~a*?ry

t m o Y e oemg as quickly as possible and that n

pl uied for the event is keyed to that | War Bonds and more War Bonds

take note of the holiday created in hit tec #*lw£QU,h^\nS b o n d s for Fa . ther s Day. Tne family is being urged to remember Da--with War Bonds The nation is being asked to wear the Father Rosette, a flora] decoration made oMjrar Stamps—a gentle remind­er to all that there is onlv one idea in anyone s mind for this vear's Father's Day and that is tho winning of the war as quickly as possible and that means W a r R n n r t s a n H «~rn>« T i r ~ _ T> j _


of the qualified electors in said

TOWXSHIP a.-s i>ALL i'KO! 'VAil/ apply therefor.

J,-: any village In -wlm h the ( b :1.

d'H's no! maintain regular o,-

fice hours, the village council of

such village may require that the

ch-rK of such village shall be at hij

office or other designated place for

the purpose of receiving applications

.'or l'i gi.stration on Mich other days

as it shall designate prior to the liut

day for registration, not exceeding,

be at .my home ."Won., June 1 !i, 1!»44,

Tues June 220 I'll.} and Wed .Juno

• - 1 , 1 :M4 front !> o'clock a. m. to ;) p

m vOK ( ; l . \ i : K \ L l{K(;.ISTItATJ4)X'


The name of no person but rn

ACTUAL Rf:*'"dent of Townsliin at

the time of said rogi.stiiition, and on-

titled under the Constitution, If re­

maining such resident, to vote at the . , • >

next election, shall be entered in ilu1 TOWNSHIP 2i) registrytion book.

Although See. 2774, Laws Relat­

ing to [elections, Revisions of 1U?,'.\,

The portion of application shown

may apply for registration at time

of applying- for ballot, and gives form

of Affidafit ho should make, Act i>'-'

of P.A.I9.19 .stipulates that In absent

vote'es ^application for ballots ho

still provides that an absent voter

must state that he is a "(July oualifl

led AND RRGISTKHMD elector".

Opinion of the Attorney (lenornl

is that acts KC> and 0:] "must bo con

fltruee* to repeal the inconsistent pro

vision of See. 2 774 permitting absent

registration AT THE TIME OF

makirig application for an absent

voter's ballot."

This the absent voter's applicat­

ion and affidavit for registration are

useful only in cases where voter may

mail these in, then make application

for ballots later, after registry h?.s

been cofploted.

herewith enclosed in backets should

be crossed out when applying for

1 **efifistration.

FORM OF AFFIDAVIT Eleanor Ledwid>e Twp Clerk SI ATE OF MICHIGAN, County of aDted June 122^ l*St4*

by t h i s a d a p t e r a n d s u c h a p p l i e a o i

s-hall! I li >•)••' u p o n he d o o m e d t o

d u l l ' a n d p r o p e r l y r e g i s t e r e d ,

N o t e - 1 1 ' this- a c k n o w l e d g e m e n t .

l ( l k- i, o u t s i d e of t h e S t a t e , t h e C' -r-

t i l i e . l e o f t i n ' I ' l i l l l ' l t h a t t h e p e j v - ' O U

i,i,\.iia the- ae|<riowledgem»!it 1« a

notary must he attached.

JiMilSTK.Vno.X OF AliSlbVri.l '


If any whose 'name is not r-fa.-I?

tend .-hall offer and claim the right

t:> Vote at any elec'#un or primary

eleetion .and shall, I'.VDKJ! OATH

M i e tliat he or idle js a resident <••

sue)) pi-ei i n<-( and has resided in UK

DAYS next pre­

ceding such election or primary eh-c-

of Ins <>!• lar residence and that )e

o r s h e p o s s e s s e s t i l e o i l i e r i | " a l i f i c a t -

ions of an elector under the constil

ution; and that, owing to the sick­

ness of bodily infirmity of himself or

.iiiiii" meni her of his or her family,

or owing to his or hor absence from

the township on public business,

or his or hor business, and without

intent to .-.void or delay hla or her

registration, he or she was unable' to

make application for registration on

the last two (Jays provided bylaw

for the registering of electors pre

reding such election or primary elect

ion, then the name of such person

shall be registered, and he or uhn

shall then be permitted to vote at

such election or primary election .If

such npliration aballl

wilfa'!- n in sab] matter '>' false statement.

. " " " ' - u i , t y "f Perjury , ! ' " ' ' " ' • m p i l P M L a W o .

. , r " v i ' " ' » * '-HMlvo to n v . r bip.s anrj cities ' " forco -ia *

^ ' n s t a t i o n /n townships. '

lie s!


\ ' . • . .

S , . . , O

l )

t ! .

I f

•a? b

Page 6: Hi. V*'V ^inrtuic)'pinckneylocalhistory.org/Dispatch/1944-06-14.pdf · Poster White and Willard Cox «,i Howell t Others are Ervin Reid, C'e.i^ Lawrence. Glen Daily. John Lvornik,
