MS Laptop Handbook 2014_2015

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Transcript of MS Laptop Handbook 2014_2015

  • 8/11/2019 MS Laptop Handbook 2014_2015


    Middle SchoolLaptop Handbook

    2014 - 2015

  • 8/11/2019 MS Laptop Handbook 2014_2015


    Table of Contents


    Term o! Loan2


    %are o! the Laptop....4

    So!t"are and &ile.'

    Student (eponibilitie.)

    *mail and Internet +e..,

    Monitorin Laptop +ae..

    +nacceptable /ehaior.10


    Technical Support and (epair.1$

    arrantie3 amae3 and The!t.14

    arent *6pectation15

    arent and Student 7reement....1'

    7cceptable +e olic81)

  • 8/11/2019 MS Laptop Handbook 2014_2015



    Visionilke %ount8 School S8tem undertand tron leaderhip i the ke8 to preparin tudent tobe 21t%entur8 learner. 9ur leaderhip upport teacher and ta!! in becomin 21t%entur8educator throuh ualit8 pro!eional deelopment. Technoloicall8 adept adminitrator andteacher challene tudent to become el!-motiated3 hih per!ormin3 and loball8 a"areciti:en.

    It i the reponibilit8 o! educator to proide a !uture read8 "ork!orce prepared to meet thedemand o! a loball8-connected ociet8. Technolo8 enhance di!!erentiated intruction andpromote creatie learnin3 allo"in tudent to become actiel8 enaed learner. roidineual acce to technolo8 reource "ill leel the pla8in !ield !or all tudent3 reardle o!ocio-economic backround.

    GoalsIncreae tudent enaement3 motiation3 and el!-directed learnin.Improe the ualit8 o! tudent learnin and academic achieement a tudent deelop 21 t%entur8 kill.roide reater acce to educational opportunitie3 !ormatie aement3 and di!!erentiatedintruction.

    *uip tudent to become li!e lon learner.


  • 8/11/2019 MS Laptop Handbook 2014_2015


    Terms of Loan

    Issuing of LaptopsStudent ne" to the laptop proram "ill be iued a laptop a part o! the reitration procea!ter a parent meetin i conducted and proper parent and tudent inature are proided. Thelaptop "ill be ained in the ame manner a a te6tbook. The erial number o! the laptop "ill be

    recorded. 9nce the laptop i iued to a tudent3 it "ill ta8 "ith the tudent !or the remainder o!the chool 8ear3 or until the tudent "ithdra" !rom chool. Student "ill be reained theiroriinal laptop each 8ear "hile enrolled in ilke %ount8 School. The laptop "ill remain atchool at all time.

    Conditions of Loanilke %ount8 School "ill loan a laptop to tudent upon compliance "ith the !ollo"in;

    a< Student Trainin eionb< arent 9rientationc< 7 ined Student 7cceptable +e olic8d< 7 Laptop 7reement ined b8 the tudent and parent

    ilke %ount8 School "ill hold the leal title to the laptop and all acceorie. (iht o!poeion and ue i limited to and conditioned upon !ull and complete compliance "ith all/oard policie and other uideline outlined in thi Laptop Handbook.

    ilke %ount8 School doe not uarantee that it technolo8 reource "ill be uninterrupted orerror-!ree. 7cce to the net"ork i proided on an =a i> bai "ithout "arrantie o! an8 kind.In the rare cae that the net"ork i do"n3 neither ilke %ount8 School3 nor an8 o! it aent oremplo8ee "ill be reponible !or lot or miin data.

    Terms of AgreementThe riht to ue and poe the laptop and all peripheral terminate no later than the lat da8o! the chool 8ear unle earlier terminated b8 the ditrict or upon "ithdra"al !rom the choolthrouh droppin-out3 upenion3 e6pulion3 or tran!er. I! the tudent enroll in another chool"ithin the ditrict3 he or he "ill be reiued a laptop upon admittance into the ne" chool. Thelaptop remain the propert8 o! ilke %ount8 School and cannot be loaned3 old3 bartered3

    traded3 leaed3 rented or ien to an8 other peron?

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    ard!are and "oft!are

    ard!are Pro#idedMini Laptop %omputer%harin %able%arr8in %ae

    "oft!are Installed on LaptopsMicroo!t 9peratin S8temMicroo!t Internet *6plorerS8mantec *ndoint Securit89pen 9!!ice

    7dobe 7crobat (eader7dobe &lah la8er7dobe Shock"ae la8er(eal la8er

    9ther o!t"are application ma8 be intalled b8 member o! the Technolo8 epartment.

    Student inoled in the *6ceptional %hildrenA roram "ill be iued a laptop upon therecommendation o! the irector o! *6ceptional %hildren and chool principal. 7n8 aitie

    technolo8 deice reuired b8 a tudentA Indiidual *ducation lan "ill be iued baed on therecommendation o! the irector o! *6ceptional %hildren and chool principal and intalled b8ilke %ount8 SchoolA Technolo8 epartment peronnel.


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    Care of t%e Laptop

    General CareBeer remoe the laptop !rom the carr8in cae.Beer remoe the batter8 !rom the laptop.hen uin the laptop3 keep it on a !lat3 olid ur!ace o that air can circulate. +in a laptopdirectl8 on carpet can caue damae due to oerheatin.o not et book or tack item on top o! the laptop.o not "rite3 dra"3 paint3 or place ticker or label on the laptop or carr8in cae.Ceep the laptop a"a8 !rom manet andmanetic !ield3 "hich can erae or corrupt the data.Thi include lare peaker3 ampli!ier3 tran!ormer3 and old t8le teleiion et3 etc.o not place !ood or drink near the laptop. Liuid3 !ood and other debri can damae the laptop.

    7oid eatin or drinkin "hile uin the laptop.o not keep !ood or !ood "rapper in the laptop carr8in cae.o not leae the laptop e6poed to direct unliht3 ultraiolet liht3 e6treme temperature3 ormoiture ource !or e6tended period o! time. *6treme heat or cold ma8 caue damae to thelaptop.I! the laptop ha been in a cold enironment3 allo" the laptop to "arm to room temperature be!oreue.Beer attempt repair or recon!iuration o! the laptop. o not attempt to open or tamper "ith theinternal component o! the laptopD nor hould 8ou remoe an8 cre"3 doin o "ill render the

    "arrant8 oid.%are!ull8 inert cord3 cable and other remoable torae deice to aoid damae to the laptopport.o not bump the laptop aaint locker3 "all3 !loor3 etc. It "ill eentuall8 break the laptop.Immediatel8 report an8 laptop damae3 lo3 or problem to 8our teacher.

    Cleaning t%e Laptopipe ur!ace "ith a clean3 dr83 o!t cloth.Beer clean the creen "ith la cleaner.Beer ue liuid to clean the laptop./e ure 8our hand are clean "hen uin the laptop to aoid buildup on the touch pad andke8board. Ereae and dirt buildup can caue problem "ith the laptop.o not ue the laptop in dut83 dirt83 or and8 enironment.

    "creen Careo not pick up the laptop b8 the creen.

    7oid touchin the creen "ith !iner3 pen3 pencil3 or an8 harp intrument.o not lean on the top o! the laptop.

    7oid placin e6ceie preure or "eiht on the laptop creen./e care!ul not to leae pencil3 pen or paper on the ke8board "hen cloin the creen.

    Carrying t%e LaptopThe laptop and all component are to be carried in the chool proided laptop carr8in cae atall time.

    7l"a8 cloe the lid and :ip the cae be!ore moin or carr8in the laptop.To preent hard drie damae3 laptop need to be put in tandb8 mode or hutdo"n bet"een

    clae.+nplu all cord3 acceorie3 and peripheral be!ore moin the laptop.Te6tbook3 notebook3 binder3 pen3 pencil3 etc. are not to be placed in the laptop carr8incae.

    7n8 damae due to oertu!!in o! the laptop carr8in cae "ill be treated a abue.Beer it or tand on the laptop.


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    "ecurityo not leae laptop in unuperied area. +nuperied area ma8 include the lunchroom3computer lab3 bue3 locker room3 media center3 unlocked claroom3 8m3 drein room3retroom3 hall"a83 etc.

    7oid uin the laptop in area "here damae or the!t i likel8. o not ue the laptop durinportin actiitie or eent.

    Loaning '(uipment to )t%ersStudent ma8 not loan laptop or laptop component to other !or an8 reaon.

    Po!er managementimmin the brihtne o! the creen "ill e6tend the li!e o! the batter8./e care!ul not to caue a trippin ha:ard "hen pluin in the laptop.&or proloned period o! inactiit83 hut do"n the laptop to conere the batter8.rotect the laptop b8 uin a ure protector "heneer poible.


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    "oft!are and +iles

    General InformationLaptop come "ith a tandardi:ed pre-loaded imae. Thi imae ma8 not be altered or chanedin an8 "a8.

    7lterin !ile3 chanin /I9S ettin or hidin directorie or !ile i prohibited.o not alter cop83 remoe or add an8 o!t"are includin iru protection o!t"are.

    7ll o!t"are mut be approed and intalled b8 ilke %ount8 SchoolA Technolo8 epartment.o not chane the computer name.So!t"are3 hard"are3 or additional plu-in are not to be loaded on the laptop.Student are reponible !or damae caued b8 an8 attempt to add3 chane3 or delete o!t"are.The chool doe not accept reponibilit8 !or the lo o! an8 data deleted due to re-imainlaptop.

    Music, Games, or Programs+nauthori:ed muic3 ideo and ame "ill not be do"nloaded3 intalled3 or aed to the harddrie3 M8 ocument !older3 or home director8. Thi i a iolation o! ilke %ount8 SchoolA

    7cceptable +e olic8 and ma8 be a iolation o! !ederal cop8riht la". Muic and ame can bediruptie durin cla and "ill not be brouht to chool unle the tudent ha permiion !romthe teacher !or an educational pro@ect.

    Deleting +ileso not delete an8 !older or !ile that 8ou did not create or that 8ou do not reconi:e. eletion o!!ile could inter!ere "ith the !unctionalit8 o! the laptop.

    -et!or. "tudent "torageStudent "ill hae net"ork torae pace acceible "ith a uniue tudent loin. Student aree6pected to ae important item in thi pace.

    "creensa#ers/0allpapersThe laptop "ill be euipped "ith a tandard creenaer and "allpaper3 "hich "ill not bemodi!ied.

    Pass!ordsStudent are not to actiate an8 pa"ord on the laptop uch a tart-up ?/I9S

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    "tudent esponsibilities

    The tudent ained the laptop i reponible !or all ue o! the laptop. +nuperied laptop "illbe con!icated b8 ta!!. iciplinar8 action ma8 be taken !or repeat o!!ender.

    Student mut brin the laptop to all clae3 unle peci!icall8 intructed not to do o b8 theirteacher. +er are reponible !or their action and actiitie inolin chool o"ned computer3

    net"ork and Internet erice and !or their !ile3 pa"ord3 and account on chool o"nedeuipment. Student mut ak !or aitance i! the8 do not kno" ho" to operate an8 euipment.Student are reponible !or their ethical and educational ue o! all computer hard"are ando!t"are. Student hould monitor all actiit8 on their account?< and report an8thin upiciouto their teacher or intructional technolo8 !acilitator. Student "ho identi!8 or kno" about aecurit8 problem are reuired to communicate the iue to their teacher "ithout dicuin it "ithother tudent.

    The ame rule and e6pectation !or tudent conduct alo appl8 to tudent ue o! computer.Intentional miue or nelect can reult in lo o! laptop ue3 diciplinar8 action3 and#or !ine !oran8 needed repair or maintenance. The chool principal "ill hae !inal authorit8 to decideappropriate diciplinar8 action i! tudent are !ound to be reponible !or an8 unacceptableactiit8.


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    'mail and Internet 4se

    'mailStudent are proided a !iltered#monitored email account b8 the chool. *mail correpondence"ill be ued !or educational purpoe onl8. hen email are ent3 the name and ueridenti!ication are included in the email meae. Student are reponible !or all email oriinatin!rom their uer account. /8 utili:in an email account3 the uer authori:e deinated 8temadminitrator acce to the email. *mail "ill be made aailable to ditrict3 local3 tate3 and!ederal o!!icial in aociation "ith an8 inetiation. *mail3 tored data3 tranmitted data3 oran8 other ue o! online erice are not con!idential and ma8 be monitored at an8 time b8deinated ta!! to enure appropriate ue.

    Internet 4se7 reuired b8 the %hildrenA Internet rotection 7ct ?%I7

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    Monitoring Laptop 4sage

    Monitoring and "uper#isionStudent hould not be le!t unattended "hile uin laptop or other computer. The laptop "illbe ub@ect to routine monitorin b8 teacher3 adminitrator3 and member o! the Technolo8epartment. Student "ill proide acce to the laptop and an8 acceorie ained to themupon reuet b8 the chool or ditrict. 7 earch o! the laptop and tudent !ile ma8 be conductedi! there i upicion that an8 policie3 procedure3 or uideline hae been iolated.

    Pri#acyThere hould be no e6pectation o! priac8 reardin the content o! computer !ile orcommunication uin an8 chool o"ned computer or net"ork. ilke %ount8 School reerethe riht to inetiate3 reie"3 monitor3 and retrict in!ormation tored on or tranmitted iailke %ount8 SchoolA euipment. arent3 uardian3 and tudent do not hae the riht ore6pectation o! priac8 !or an8 ue o! chool o"ned laptop3 computer3 or other euipment.

    School or ditrict adminitrator or member o! the Technolo8 epartment ma8 conduct anindiidual earch o! the laptop3 !ile3 muic3 ideo3 email or other related item. The ditrict "illcooperate !ull8 "ith local3 tate3 or !ederal o!!icial in inetiation o! upected illeal actiitieconducted throuh ditrict o"ned computer 8tem.

    Laptop InspectionsStudent ma8 be randoml8 elected to proide the laptop !or inpection. Student "ith damaedlaptop "ho !ail to report the damae "ill be ub@ect to !ine and diciplinar8 action at thedicretion o! the chool principal.


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    4nacceptable 7e%a#ior

    4nacceptable conduct includes, but is not limited to t%e follo!ing8

    +in the net"ork !or illeal actiitie3 includin cop8riht iolationD

    7ccein online ite or material that do not upport the curriculum or are inappropriate !orchool purpoeD

    o"nloadin inappropriate material3 irue3 or o!t"areD

    +in or poein hackin or !ile harin o!t"are3 includin ke8troke loer3 batch !ile3 orapplication ued to b8pa laptop or net"ork ecurit8D

    Eainin unauthori:ed acce an8"here on the net"ork includin attemptin to lo onto theInternet3 net"ork3 erer3 router3 "itche3 printer3 or !ire"all a a 8tem adminitratorD

    +in the laptop or net"ork !or !inancial ain3 adertiin3 or political in!luenceD

    Fandali:in or tamperin "ith euipment3 !ile3 o!t"are3 8tem per!ormance3 or other net"orkeuipmentD

    7ttemptin to repair3 remoe or intall computer hard"are or o!t"areD

    9penin the computer to acce internal partD

    %auin net"ork conetion or inter!erin "ith the "ork o! other3 includin endin chain emailor broadcat meae3 ubcribin to mailin lit3 ma email3 ame3 etc.

    Intentionall8 "atin !inite Internet or net"ork reource3 includin3 do"nloadin !ile3 treaminmuic3 ideo3 or ameD

    Intallin3 actiatin3 or creatin proram that inter!ere "ith the per!ormance o! the net"ork3Internet3 or computer hard"areD

    (eealin3 harin3 or potin peronal in!ormation includin !ull name3 addree3 phonenumber3 ocial ecurit8 number3 drierA licene number3 or pa"ord !or 8ourel! or otherDInadin the priac8 o! otherD

    +in another peronA uername or pa"ord3 or allo"in another to acce 8our account uin8our uername or pa"ordD

    retendin to be omeone ele "hen endin or receiin meaeD

    +in email3 other than the chool iued email account3 on chool o"ned euipmentD

    &or"ardin or ditributin inappropriate email meaeD

    *nain in harament or tranmittin obcene meae3 picture3 "ebite3 or other !ileincludin racit3 terrorit3 abuie3 e6uall8 e6plicit3 ular3 threatenin3 talkin3 demeanin3landerou3 or an8 other in!lammator8 contentD

    +tili:in ite ellin "ritten paper3 book report3 and other tudent "ork or an8 act o!plaiarimD


  • 8/11/2019 MS Laptop Handbook 2014_2015


    +in unauthori:ed technolo8 to ain adantae or aement b8 proidin or receiinin!ormation not allo"ed b8 the intructor or that i unaailable to other tudentD

    7itin3 oberin3 or @oinin an8 unauthori:ed actiit8 uin the laptop3 net"ork3 or InternetD

    otin anon8mou meae or illeal in!ormationD

    7ccein or attemptin to acce chat room3 intant meain3 or ocial net"orkin iteincludin M8Space3 &acebook3 etc.D

    7ttemptin to diable or circument ilke %ount8 SchoolA Internet content !ilter and !ire"allincludin3 uin or attemptin to ue pro6ie to acce ite that "ould other"ie be retrictedD

    &ali!8in permiion or identi!ication in!ormationD

    %op8in or modi!8in !ile3 data3 or pa"ord belonin to otherD

    Cno"inl8 placin a computer iru on a computer or net"orkD

    ritin3 dra"in3 paintin3 de!acin3 or placin ticker or label on a chool o"ned laptop or

    laptop acceorie3 or cauin other intentional damaeD

    7ttemptin to alter data or the con!iuration o! a computer or the !ile o! another uer "ill beconidered an act o! andalim and ub@ect to diciplinar8 action.

    7ccein or attemptin to acce the "ired or "irele net"ork "ith an8 deice that i notpropert8 o! ilke %ount8 School. Bote; Student are not to brin their peronal laptopcomputer to chool. 9nl8 ilke %ount8 SchoolA o"ned computer ma8 be ued on campu.

    reence o! un3 "eapon3 pornoraphic material3 inappropriate lanuae3 alcohol3 dru3 oran related 8mbol "ill reult in diciplinar8 action.

    %8ber bull8in in an8 !orm i unacceptable. Student "ill not enae in an8 c8ber bull8in

    actiit8. In ituation in "hich c8ber bull8in oriinated !rom a non-chool computer3 but brouhtto the attention o! chool o!!icial3 an8 diciplinar8 action "ill be baed upon "hether the conducti determined to be eerel8 diruptie o! the education proce o that it markedl8 interrupt oreerel8 impede the da8-to-da8 operation o! a chool. In addition3 uch conduct alo iolatechool polic8. Such conduct include3 but i not limited to3 threat3 or makin a threat on or o!!chool round3 to harm a member o! the chool ta!! or a tudent. icipline !or c8ber bull8in"ill be handled on a cae b8 cae bai a deemed appropriate b8 the chool principal. Inaddition3 "hen an8 kind o! threat i communicated or "hen a hate crime i committed3 it "ill bereported to local la" en!orcement.

    Student "ill compl8 at all time "ith /oard policie3 the 7cceptable +e olic83 and the LaptopHandbook. %oneuence !or non compliance "ith the policie and procedure in thi documentinclude diciplinar8 action and !inancial reponibilitie. 7n8 !ailure to compl8 ma8 immediatel8end the tudentA riht o! poeion. The tudent "ill alo be ub@ect to diciplinar8 action. Thechool principal "ill hae authorit8 to decide appropriate coneuence reardin noncompliance. ilke %ount8 School cooperate !ull8 "ith local3 tate3 and !ederal la"en!orcement !or computer crime reconi:ed under Borth %arolina Eeneral Statute GG 14-45$ to-45,.


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    iciplinar8 action "ill be taken it a tudent !ail to compl8 "ith an8 polic8 or procedure in thidocument.

    %oneuence ma8 alo include !inancial compenation !or damae3 abue3 nelect3 or lo.

    The chool principal "ill hae authorit8 to decide appropriate coneuence reardin non-compliance.

    The principal ha the dicretion to permanentl8 con!icate the laptop !rom the tudent at an8time.


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    Tec%nical "upport and epairs

    In the eent the laptop need repair3 report it to the teacher a oon a poible. The teacherma8 ecalate the problem to the choolA intructional technolo8 !acilitator. 7ll repair "ill beper!ormed b8 ilke %ount8 SchoolA Technolo8 epartment. arent3 uardian3 tudent3 orteacher are not allo"ed to attempt repair themele or contract "ith an8 other indiidual orbuine to repair an8 chool o"ned computer euipment.

    ilke %ount8 SchoolA Technolo8 epartment "ill coordinate the repair "ork !or laptop.

    Serice proided include the !ollo"in;Hard"are or o!t"are maintenance and repair+er account upport9peratin 8tem or o!t"are upportHard"are upport(e-imain computer+pdate and o!t"are intallationarrant8 repair

    I! a laptop i damaed3 it "ill be repaired a uickl8 a poible.


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    0arranties, Damages, and T%eft

    ard!are 0arrantyarrant8 coerae i purchaed b8 ilke %ount8 School a part o! the purchae price o! thelaptop. The manu!acturer "arrant the laptop aaint de!ect in material and "orkmanhip.Thi "arrant8 coer mechanical !ailure or !ault8 contruction and "ill proide replacement partneeded !or laptop repair. The manu!acturerA "arrant8 doe not "arrant aaint damae cauedb8 miue3 abue3 nelect3 or accident. Immediatel8 report all laptop problem to 8our teacher.

    Damageilke %ount8 School "ill proide an accidental damae polic8 "hich "ill coer the laptop.The polic8 "ill coer no more than $ incident !or an indiidual laptop durin the $' month period.4p to a :*9;99 fee per incident !ill be c%arged to t%e parents for any accidental damage orneglect to t%e laptop; amae !ee ma8 be chared to the parent o! a tudent "ho damaethe laptop ained to another tudent.

    eripheral uch a charer3 batterie3 and carr8in cae are not coered under the accidentaldamae inurance. +ees !ill be c%arged for damaged c%argers, batteries, and carryingcases;

    Laptop Damage Procedures

    The tudent "ill report an8 damae or problem a oon a poible to their teacher.

    The teacher "ill noti!8 the aitant principal o! the hard"are damae.

    I! the aitant principal ha an8 uetion concernin the damae3 he or he "ill contact thechoolA Intructional Technolo8 &acilitator.

    The aitant principal "ill peak to the tudent i! necear8.

    The aitant principal "ill contact the parent b8 phone and#or letter to noti!8 the parent o! thedamae that ha been incurred.

    The aitant principal "ill maintain the laptop in their poeion until it i turned oer thechoolA Intructional Technolo8 &acilitator !or repair.

    7 "ith an8 chool propert8 deliberate or accidental detruction o! chool propert8 ma8 reuire!inancial compenation. &inancial compenation "ill be determined b8 the chool principal. I!!inancial hardhip e6it3 the parent ma8 pa8 !ine in cheduled pa8ment areed upon b8 thechool and the parent.

    T%eft7n8 the!t occurrin on chool round mut be immediatel8 reported to a teacher.I! the laptop inot in a locked location and i lot3 it i de!ined a a m8teriou lo.Mysterious loss is notconsidered t%eft and is not co#ered by t%e laptop insurance co#erage; T%e full price of t%elaptop, c%arger, and carrying case !ill be c%arged for replacement;

    The ditrict "ill "ork "ith the police department to report all model3 aet3 and erial number o!laptop to local pa"n hop and area la" en!orcement aencie in the eent o! lo or the!t.

    +inesThe chool ha the riht to etup pa8ment plan to clear !ine i! !inancial hardhip can be proen.Student mut pa8 all !ee be!ore participatin in an8 end o! 8ear#a"ard ceremonie.


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    Parent '

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    Parent and "tudent Laptop Agreement

    e are e6cited to be able to proide 8our child "ith a laptop computer "hile the8 are enrolled inilke %ount8 School. Thee laptop are to be ued b8 the tudent !or learnin purpoe onl8.leae note the !ollo"in condition o! the proram;

    I undertand the laptop i propert8 o! ilke %ount8 School and i ained to the tudent.I undertand the laptop and it content ma8 be inpected at an8 time becaue it i choolpropert8.The tudent "illreturn the laptop3 carr8in cae3 po"er cord3 and an8 other acceorie in"orkin condition.The tudent "ill ue the laptop appropriatel8 !or chool purpoe.The tudent i reponible !or ecurin and takin care o! the laptop.The tudent and parent?< "ill be reponible !or all damae or lo caued b8 nelect or abue.4p to a :*9;99 fee per incident !ill be c%arged to t%e parents for any accidental damage orneglect to t%e laptop;The !ull replacement cot "ill be chared !or lot or damaed cae3 batterie3 and po"ercharer.The tudent "ill leae the laptop in the carr8in cae proided b8 the chool at all time.The tudent "ill not remoe the batter8 !rom the laptop !or an8 reaon.The tudent "ill not tore paper3 pen3 pencil3 or other item under the laptop or bet"een thecreen and the ke8board in the carr8in cae.

    The tudent "ill not attempt to diable or circument ilke %ount8 SchoolA Internet content !ilteror !ire"all to acce ite that "ould other"ie be blocked.

    7 25.00 reimain !ee "ill be chared i! tudent do"nload o!t"are "hich reuire the laptopo!t"are to be reintalled.The tudent "ill !ollo" the policie3 procedure3 and uideline outlined in the Laptop Handbookand the 7cceptable +e olic8 at all time.The tudent "ill not loan the laptop to another indiidual.The tudent "ill not ue the laptop near !ood or drink.The tudent "ill not diaemble an8 part o! the laptop or attempt an8 repair.The tudent "ill not place ticker3 dra"in3 marker3 etc. on the laptop or carr8in cae. Thetudent "ill not de!ace the erial number ticker on the laptop.

    I! the laptop i not in a locked location and i lot3 it i de!ined a a m8teriou loMysteriousloss is not considered t%eft and is not co#ered by t%e laptop insurance co#erage; T%e fullprice of t%e laptop, c%arger, and/or carrying case !ill be c%arged for replacement;


    iciplinar8 action "ill be taken it a tudent !ail to compl8 "ith an8 polic8 or procedure in thidocument.

    %oneuence ma8 alo include !inancial compenation !or damae3 abue3 nelect3 or lo.

    The chool principal "ill hae authorit8 to decide appropriate coneuence reardin non-compliance.

    The principal ha the dicretion to permanentl8 con!icate the laptop !rom the tudent at an8time.

    J Ke3 I hae receied a cop8 o! the Laptop Handbook and undertand the condition o! theproram.

    Student Bame ?leae rint

  • 8/11/2019 MS Laptop Handbook 2014_2015


    ACC'PTA7L' 4"'/I-T'-'T "A+'T= P)LIC=Policy Code:$22*/3$29

    The Internet#School Bet"ork proide a uniue opportunit8 to enhance lobal intruction3 appealto di!!erent learnin t8le3 and meet the educational oal o! the ilke %ount8 /oard o!*ducation. Throuh the Internet#School Bet"ork3 uer can obere eent a the8 occur around

    the "orld3 interact "ith other on a ariet8 o! ub@ect3 and acuire acce to current3 aried3 andin-depth in!ormation.

    The Internet hould be ued in teachin the Borth %arolina *ential Standard and in meetinthe educational oal o! the /oard o! *ducation. Teacher "illinteratethe Internet into theircurriculum. .

    '>4I'M'-T" +) 4"' )+ T' I-T'-'T A-D "C))L -'T0)?

    The ue o! the Internet i a priilee3 not a riht. Inappropriate ue o! the Internet ma8 reult in

    limitation or cancellation o! uer priilee and appropriate diciplinar8 action. Before using theInternet, all students shall receive training about appropriate on-line behavior. Such training shallinclude cyberbullying, interacting with others on social networking websites and in chat rooms, andcyberbullying awareness and response.

    +er o! the Internet3 includin ta!! and tudent3 mut compl8 "ith the !ollo"in reuirement.

    The Internet#School Bet"ork i proided primaril8 !or chool-related purpoe. Bo riht o!priac8 e6it in an8 communication on the Internet or the School Bet"ork. The choolditrict monitor and archie e-mail meae a a part o! enurin compliance "ith/oard o! *ducation policie3 applicable la"3 and reulation. *lectronic in!ormation iub@ect to inpection or deletion b8 authori:ed member o! the Technolo8 epartment.

    Student#Sta!! mut meet all tandard o! e6pected online behaior and compl8 "ith all/oard o! *ducation policie3 applicable la"3 and reulation.

    7ll ta!! "ill model and promote ethical ue o! technolo8.

    Teacher "ill educate tudent in uin appropriate online behaior includin Interneta!et8 "hile uin ocial net"orkin ite and chat room a "ell a the daner o! c8berbull8in.

    Bo peron ma8 ue chool 8tem euipment3 o!t"are3 or chool email !or peronalain3 pro!it3 or to promote a political poition. ilke %ount8 School doe not upportthe adertiement o! an8 product or the promotion o! an8 political aenda ia electroniccommunication. It i the reponibilit8 o! chool adminitrator to addre uchiolation ?ee coneuence ection

  • 8/11/2019 MS Laptop Handbook 2014_2015


    7ll la" and /oard o! *ducation policie appl8 !or all emplo8ee and tudent3 includinthoe relatin to cop8riht#trademark3 con!idential in!ormation and public record.

    In!ormation electronicall8 tranmitted or tored i ub@ect to the ame cop8riht la" aoern non-electronic data. The intellectual propert8 o! other "ill be ranted the repecta!!orded cop8rihted material.

    Teacher "ill uperie and monitor tudentA ue o! computer and other technoloie. 7ll emplo8ee are reponible !or uperiin their children a "ell a children under

    their care "hile uin computer and other technoloie be!ore and a!ter reular choolhour and on teacher "orkda8.

    7ccein proram and "ebitenot appropriate !or educational ue areprohibited.Student "ill not participate in Internet intant meae actiitie3 iit chat room3acce peronal e-mail account ?unle it i a curriculum-related reuirement< orparticipate in an8 actiit8 that ma8 caue harm to themele or other. Thi includereealin peronal in!ormation.

    Teacher and tudent ma8 ue approed eb 2.0 tool !or collaboration. 7 lit o!approed ite ma8 be !ound on the %S 8tem "ebite.

    +er "ill not attempt to ain unauthori:ed acce to proram3 "ebite3 net"ork !ilepace3 or computer euipment. 7ttemptin to diable or circument 8tem !ilterino!t"are i prohibited. romotin3 adocatin3 or participatin in hackin i trictl8prohibited. It i the reponibilit8 o! the principal to en!orce thee policie ?eeconeuence ection

  • 8/11/2019 MS Laptop Handbook 2014_2015



    %lae inolin computer or net"orkin technoloie "ill ue iolated tet

    enironment to !ul!ill coure curriculum.

    Student and intructor?< in thee clae mut ue hard"are purchaed or donatedpeci!icall8 !or ue a an intructional computer kit. Hard"are under "arrant8 cannot beclai!ied a an intructional computer kit. 9nl8 intructional computer kit ma8 be ued

    !or intallation3 repair3 con!iuration3 or hard"are or o!t"are uprade b8 tudent orintructor. To complete curriculum reuirement3 thee clae hould acuire the euipment the8

    "ill need. %omputer and net"orkin clae are not allo"ed to ie" or alter the chool8tem net"ork to !ul!ill cla curriculum reuirement.

    9pinion e6preed a repreentin the ie" o! the chool ditrict mut receie prior approal b8the uperintendent or hi or her deinee.

    ilke %ount8 School i not reponible !or indiidual emplo8ee maintained "eb pae orcontent. *mplo8ee mut !ollo" all /oard o! *ducation policie !or chool "eb pae.


    7ll uer are reponible !or appropriate ue o! technolo8. arent3 tudent3 and emplo8eehould be a"are that the chool ditrict monitor ue o! computer. /e!ore a tudent ma8 uethe Internet3 the leal parent#uardian hould be a"are o! the poibilit8 that the tudent couldobtain acce to inappropriate material. The chool 8tem onl8 upport indiidual tudentuin !iltered3 teacher controlled e-mail account and elect eb 2.0 tool. The o!t"are ued !orthee tool mut be approed b8 the irector o! Technolo8.The chool ditrict ha etablihedtechnolo8 meaure that protect aaint Internet acce b8 both adult and minor to iualdepiction that are obcene3 child pornoraph83 or3 "ith repect to the ue o! computer b8minor3 harm!ul to minor. The /oard o! *ducation hall en!orce the operation o! theetechnolo8 meaure.

    In the eent a leal parent#uardian chooe not to allo" their child to participate in "eb baedactiitie3 it i their reponibilit8 to complete the Internet3 *mail3 and eb 2.0 *6emption &orm.Thee !orm are aailable in 8our choolA o!!ice. The8 mut be completed and returned tochool adminitration annuall8. It i the choolA reponibilit8 to tore thee !orm in a centrallocation at the chool. Leal parent#uardian permiion i not necear8 !or tudentparticipation in epartment o! ublic Intruction reuired online tetin.

    The /oard o! *ducation i a"are that in!ormation i aailable on the Internet that i not related tothe curriculum. The /oard o! *ducation alo i a"are that the Internet o!!er in!ormation andopportunitie to communicate on ub@ect that are not uitable !or chool-ae children. &ilterino!t"are i ued to uard aaint accidental or intentional acce to inappropriate Internetlocation. It hould be undertood that no !ilterin o!t"are i 100 e!!ectie. The chool ditrict"ill take reaonable precaution to preent tudent !rom hain acce to inappropriatematerial "hich do not ere leitimate pedaoical concern. Thee inappropriate materialinclude but are not limited toiolence3 nudit83 obcenit83 pre@udice3 or raphic lanuae. The8tem doe not condone the ue o! controerial or o!!enie material. The chool ditrict "illnot limit acce to the Internet olel8 !or the purpoe o! retrictin political idea or ocialperpectie. The uer i ultimatel8 reponible !or hi or her actiit8 on the Internet. Teacheruperiion i reuired "hen tudent are uin computerand other technoloie.

    %on!idential tudent in!ormation "ill be handled accordin to the uideline et !orth b8 the&amil8 *ducational (iht and riac8 7ct ?&*(7

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    7ll chool 8tem emplo8ee and tudent "ill !ollo" the uideline et !orth in the %hildrenAInternet rotection 7ct ?%I7

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    (eied; Boember )3 20053 Nul8 )3 200,3 Nune )3 20103 Nanuar8 $13 20113 ecember 53 201129