1961archives.ubalt.edu/acgs/pdf/1961.pdf · Mrs. Susie May Geddes van den Berg passed away on the...


Transcript of 1961archives.ubalt.edu/acgs/pdf/1961.pdf · Mrs. Susie May Geddes van den Berg passed away on the...

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American Clan Gregor SocietyINCORPORATED

Containing the Proce edings of the1960 Annual Gathering



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CLAN OFFICETh e Office of The American Clan Gregor Society,

Incorporated was moved on Ju ly 18, 1961 to :

Miss Regina Magruder Hill926 Massachusetts Ave., N.W.

Washington 1, D. C.

Copyright, 1961




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1870-1 961

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Mrs. Susie May Geddes van den Berg passed away on the

evening of May 20, 1961. She was a hard work ing member of

the American Clan Gregor Society and served as Registrar

from 1928 to 1958, when she was made Registr ar Emeritus.

She also served as Chair man of the Program Committee from

1935 to 1952. Mr s. van den Berg was also a member of

Magruder Chapter, D.C.D.A.R., and of the Society of the

Descendants of Mar een Duvall.

An appropria te memorial arti cle will appear in the next issue

of the Year Book, 1962.

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" E di nchip", Loc hearnhead, ScotlandDR. R OGER GRE GORY MAGRUDER.. ........ •. ...... ... ... .. ...•...... . ....... .. . ..•... .. .. ..... .. . .. .... ... . . . ...Chieftain

Box 55, Farmington, Charlotte sville, Va .H ARRY WOODWARD BLUNT...•........••....•• . ....... . ........ . . ............ ..•.. ..Assistant to the Chieftain

8000 W est over Road, Bethesda 14, Ma ry lan dJ OH N K EN NFJJY M AGRUDER..•_.. ... ... .... .. .. .. .. ... .............. .... ... . .... •.Ran king Deputy Chieftain

604 " A" Street , S. E ., W ash ington 3, D . C.MISS A N NA LoUI SE REY NOLDS...•..•.•. •.•.. ........ .... _ .. .. .... ... ••.. . .•. ... ... ...•.. .. .. .. . .... ....•.. ... ... . .Scribe

5524 8th Street, N. W ., Washington 11, D. C.MRS. R ALPH S. B uBB....•..•..•..........•.. ..._ . .... .. ... .•. ... . ... ... ... ... ... . ... .. ... ..... .. .. . .. .... .. ... .... .R egistrar

1109 Crowfoot L an e, P aint Br an ch Farm, Sil ver Spring, MarylandTHOMAS G ARLA ND MAGRUDER, JR _ Historian

Scotlan d H ouse, 607 South W ashington St., Alexandr ia, Vi rgi nia}'fIS S AM Y B ELLE H U NT ER.. . ....•.... .•.... •.. ..•.•. .. ................. . .... .. . .. . . .. .... ... ..•..... .. .. .. .... .Treasurer

3730 W Street N . W ., W ash ington 7, D . C.REV . DA NIEL RA NDALL MAGRUDER.•.. •.••••... .. .... .. . .. ... .. ...•.••..• .... ... .. .. . . .. .. .. .. ... .... ..•..•.Chaplain

24 Lincoln Street, Hingham , Massachusett sD R. N ATH ANIEL }.'IA CGREGOR EWELL, JR•. .._ Su rqeon

1702 Burnley St ree t, Charlot tesv ille , V irginiaMISS C. VI RGINIA D IFJJEL Chancellor

1851 Columbia Road , N. W ., W ash ington 9, D . C.M IS S R EGI NA MAGRUDER HILL _ Editor

926 Massa chu sett s A ve., N. W ., W ashington I , D . C.

FORMER CHIEFTAINSEDWARD MAY M AGRUDER, M .D., 1909-1925 (Deceased)CALEB C LARKE MAGRUDER, M .A ., L.L.D., 1925-1927 (Deceased)JAM ES MITCHELL M AGRUDER, D .O., 1927-1930 ( Deceased)EGBERT W ATSON MAGRUDER, PH.D., 1930-1933 ( Deceased)HERBERT THOM AS M AGRUDER, 1933-1936, S taten I sland, N. Y.WILLIAM MARION M AGRUDER, 1936-1941, Lexington, Ky.FRANK C ECIl . M AGRUDER, 1941 -1947 (Deceased)DOUGLAS N EIL MAGRUDER, 1947-1950, Indianola, Miss.CoMDR. JOH N H OLM ES M AGRUDER, JR., U .S .N., R et.

1950-1952, Waterford, C onn.BRIG. G EN . MARSH ALL MAGRUDIm, U.S.A., Ret., 1952-1956

(Deceased)R EV. DA NIEL RA NDALL MAGRUDER, 1956-1958, Hingham, Mass.

THE COUNCILOfficers of the S ociety ana the following:



A ppointed 1959-Ex pires 1961MIS S C ORNEL IA M AGRUDER BOWIE

WILLIAM Y. W . MAGRUDER(To fill unex pired termof Thomas G. Maqrud er)


3 Yea r TermApp oint ed 1959-Expires 1962H ENR Y M AGRUDER TAYLOR, S R.


( To fill unexpired termof Dr. Ewell, Ir.)

M RS. ALLE N L. H ORD3 Year T et"ln

A ppointed 1960-Expire s 1963DR. D EN TON A DLAI M AGRUDER


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Clan No.

1066 COLORADO : Mr. Carroll Scott Delaney, 1445 S. Columbine St., Denver 10,

915 CONNECTICUT : Mrs. Duncan Buttrick (Charlotte Magruder), GayBowers Road, Green Fields Hill , Fairfield.

1122 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA : Miss Cornelia Magruder Bowie, 1724 20thSt., N.W., Washington, D. C.

1056 FLORIDA : Mr. Nathaniel Magruder, Box 1823, 504 W. Hillview Ave.,Sarasota.

1114 GEORGIA : Mr. Dudley Boston Magruder, r-, 10 Club Drive, Rome.

921 IDAHO : Mr. Milton A. Parsons. P. O. Box 1005. Route 2, Coeur d' Alene.

1283 IOWA : Mrs. Preston R. Farris (Julia Mary Magruder), 3415 3rd Ave.,S.E., Cedar Rapids, Lynn Co.

1129 INDIANA : Mrs. Norman Frederick Schafer, 1839 N. College St., SouthBend.

653 KENTUCKY : Mr. Guy Russell Henderson, R.F .D. 3, Shepherdsville.Assistants:

711 Mr. William Marion Magruder , 456 Rose Lane, Lexington.526 Mr. George Keith Taylor, 2501 Hackworth St ., Ashland.

1095 LOUISIANA : Mr. Charles Q. Rodriguez, 3226 Carlotta St., Baton Rouge 13.Assistant:

1266 Mrs. Ashton Glassell Thornhill , 829 Oneonta St., Shreveport.

1223 MARYLAND : Lt. Cornmdr, Page Bowie Clagett, Rt. I, Box 58, UpperMarlboro.

Assistants:1268 Mrs. Richard Robbins Kane (Eleanor Livingston Bowling) , 5002

Norwood Avenue, Balt imore 7.1279 Mr. Calvert Forrest Magruder, 3704 Bunker Hill Road, Apt. 1,


1130 MASSACHUSETTS: Rev. Daniel Randall Magruder, Ex-Chieftain, 24Lincoln St., Hingham.

588 MISSISSIPPI : Mr. Douglas Neil Magruder, Indianola.Assistant:

1289 Mrs. Thomas Pit chford (M ary Eleanor Pearce), Rt. 2, Box 82-A,Canton.

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95 MISSOURI : Mr. Willett Clark Magruder , Jr., 7034 Waterman St., St. Louis.

300 MONTA NA : Mr. Thomas Magruder Wade, Jr. , 315 Keith Ave., Missoula.

332 NEW JERSEY : Col. Lloyd Burns Magrud er, 10 Woodmere Ave., Rumson.

475 NEW YORK : Mr. Donald D. Magruder, 442 Home Ave., Rosebank,Staten Island.

Assistant:933 Mr. Edward K. Gregor, Jr. , 121 N. Fit zhugh St., Rochester .

705 NORTH CAROLINA : Mr. Philip Brooke Magruder, 904 Magnolia St.,Greensboro.

Assistant:1159 Miss Martha Adaline Higgs, 417 North Blount St., Raleigh.

990 OKLAHOMA : Mrs. Edna Greer Hatfield, 104 N. 12th St., Tonkawa .

826 OREGON : Mrs. Ella Magruder Braun, 50 Thompkins St ., Cortland, N. Y.

531 RHODE ISLAND : Commdr. Cary W. Magruder, U.S.N., Retired, Box124, Jamestown.

832 TENNE SSEE : Mr. Alphonse Roger Drane, 205 Merchant St., Mt. Pleasant.Assistant:

1287 Mrs. Thomas Jefferson Shockley, (Kate Nolen), 2102 25th Ave.,South, Nashville 12.

329 TEXAS : Mr. William B. Hamilton Magruder, 420 Vilita St., San Antonio.A ssistant:

1069 Mrs . Uel Stephens (Hattie Miller), 2714 Green St., Fort Worth.

436 VIRGINIA : Mr. Henry Magruder Ta ylor, Sr ., "Ravenwood" 8718 RiverRoad, Richmond.

23 Mrs. J . W. Hamilton, Eheart.Assis tants:

938 Dr. George Boyd Tyler, U.S.N. Retired, 208 College Circle,Staunton.

970 Mrs. Harold Lipscomb, (Eula Agnes Reynolds) , 2408 CameronMills Road, Alexandria.

1274 WASHINGTON : Mrs. Lydia Collins Magruder Breshears, Rt . 6, Box38-B, Yakima.

803 HAWAII : Mr. Lloyd R. Magruder Killam, 1905 Makiki St., Honolulu.

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Mr. Harr y Woodward Blunt, ChairmanMiss Amy Belle Hunter, TreasurerDr. Roger Gregory Magruder, Chieftain


Mr . Henry Magruder Ta ylor, Jr., ChairmanDr. Charles Lowe Magruder


Miss Regina Magruder Hill , Edi torMrs. Ralph Bubb, RegistrarMr. Th omas Garland Magrud er, Jr., HistorianMrs. O. O. van den Berg, R egistrar Em eritusMiss Evelina MagruderMrs. Irwin (Evelina ) Lummis


Rev. Daniel Randall Magruder, ChairmanMiss Amy Belle Hunter, T reasurerMiss C. Virginia Diedel, ChancellorMr . Herbert Th omas Magrud er, Ex-ChieftainMrs. Rex Hays RhoadesAll State Deputy and Assistant State Deputy Chieftains


Mr s. Jam es (Eliza beth ) Murdock, ChairmanMr s. R. L. C. (F rances) Lloyd


Mr s. Ralph Bubb, Registr ar , ChairmanMr. Leander Glenn JacksonMr. Page Bowie ClagettMr. H enry Magruder Taylor, Sr.All State Deputy and Assistant State Deputy Chieftains


Mr s. John (D oroth y) McDonald, ChairmanMiss Amy Belle Hunter, Tr easurerMiss Regina Magruder HillDr. Roger Gregory Magrud er, Chieftain


Miss Regina Magruder Hill, DirectorMr. Thomas Garland Magruder, Ir., A sst. DirectorMiss Katherine P ooleAll State Deputy and Assistant State Deputy Chieftains

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Miss Cornelia M. Bowie, ChairmanMiss Regina M. HillMr. Thomas G. Magrud er, Jr.Mr. Harry W. BluntMr. Pa ge B. Clagett


Mr. Harry W. Blunt, ChairmanMiss Amy Belle Hunter, TreasurerDr. Roger Gregory Magruder, Chieftain

COMMITT EE ON RULES OF THE SO CIETY :Mr. Harry W . BluntMiss Virginia DiedelMr. John Kennedy Magruder

COMMITTEE TO RAI SE MON EY FOR TH E SOCIETY :Mr. Harry \V. Blunt to appoint members


Mr. Harry W. Blunt, ChairmanMr. Thomas Garland Magrud er, Jr.Dr . Roger Gregory Magruder, Chieftain

NOMINATI NG COMMITTEE:Mr. Thomas G. Magruder, jr., ChairmanMr. Herbert Thomas MagruderMiss C. Virginia Diedel

PROGRAM COMMIT TEE FOR TH E 1961 GATHERI NG:Mr s. Harry W. Blunt, Chairman Mrs. Harry W. BluntMiss Regina Magruder Hill Mr. Page Bowie ClagettMrs . Ruth Ashley Lightfoot Mr . Edward GregorMr. John Kennedy Magruder Mrs. R. R. (Eleanor) KaneMiss Amy Belle Hunter Dr. Roger Gregory MagruderMr . and Mrs. Thoma s Garland Mr. Calvert F. Magruder

Magruder Miss Evelina MagruderRev. Daniel Randall Magruder Dr. Betty Allen MagruderCorn. John H olmes Magrud er, Jr., Pipe Maj ., Wm. L. Kennedy Galloway

U.S.N., Retired. Mrs. John Rochford DwyerMrs. Ralph Bubb Mrs. John Eldrid ge Loveless


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Absentee Dinner Guests, 1960 35Addresses : 36. 37.40 ,50. 53Appreciation 22Articles, "Glengyle" 44Attendance, Gathering 1960 56-58Banquet. 1960 _ 33. 35. 53Beall, Sa rah 49Blackburn, Elizabeth 49Blackburn. John 49Blunt , Mr . Harr y Woodwa rd _...13. 14. 16Business Session 18-22Committee for 51st Gatheri ng. 1960 15Corrections for 1960 Year Book 58Council Minut es 5, 15, 18Dejarnett e-McGehee Fam ilies 46Dorman , John Frederick _...29-31Dues. Calendar Year 20Evening Session, 1960 32.33Fraser. Mary 49Former Chieftains _....... 5"Glengyle" _ 44-46Greetings 35Gregg, Aaron _....... 49Guests, 1960 Banquet 13Hill , Miss Regina Magrud er 22.26, 27.31Kindred. Professor Jam es F. 50Kirkin O' The Tartan .42, 48Kor ean War Veterans .40, 42. 53Looney, Miss Mary 49MacGregor, Major Sir Gregor MacGregor of MacGregor, Bart 36Macfiregor, Isaac A. 49MacGregor, Jonathan 49Macfiregor , Rebecca 49MacGregor , Will iam 49Macflregor , William F. 49MacLeod, Dame Flora 48McMullini, Samuel 49McCormick , Clarence Willi am 24McGehee-DeJarn ette Family 46Magrud er. Amos 49Magrud er, Elizabeth. Will of 48Magrud er, Henry Taylor, J r. 53Magruder. Herbert Th omas 44Mag ruder, J . Maynard 48Magruder, John 49Magru der, Col. Marion Milton 47Magruder, Dr. Roger Gregory 37Magrud er , Dr. Samuel 49Magruder, Samuel 49Magruder. Vir ginia :M. 49

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CONTENTS- Contlnued



Minutes of the Gathering, 1960 .15-22Memorials : 50-52

Bowie, Washington Beall 50Deneen, Miss F lorence 51Norris, Mr s. J . Thomas 52\Villson, Mr s. A nn Miner va Magruder 52

Muster Place for 1961 Gather ing 20Officers 5Offu tt, Alexan der Scott 47P ilgrimage 31P roceedings, Gath ering of 1960 15P rogra m Committee, Gath ering of 1960, Mr. Harry Woodward Blunt. 13, 14Query Section 49Random Notes 47, 48Ressenguie, Mist ress Susie 48Reports : .22, 31

Budget, Mr. H arry Woodward Blunt , Chairman 16Chancellor, Miss C. Virginia Diedel 19Chaplain, Rev. Daniel Randall Magruder 19Clan Office, Miss Regina Magruder Hill 26Editorial. Miss Regina Magrud er Hill 19Edward May Magru der , M.D., Scholar ship Fund 8. 21, 23.50Endowment Fund . Rev. Daniel Randa ll Magruder, Chairman 8, 23Genera l Marshall Magr uder Library, Mr s. Fletcher Cole, Chairman 19Hi storian . Mr . Thomas Garland Magruder .29.3 1

Births. Marriages, and DeathsKorean \Var Service Medals, Mr . Henry Magruder Ta ylor. Sr., Chairman 16Membership, Mrs. Ralp h Bubb, Chairman 16Memorial Tablets and Markers. Miss Eve lina Magruder. Chairman .16. 19Nominating, Mr . Herbert Thomas Magruder, Chairman 19Registr ar , Miss Regina Magruder Hill 27-29Resear ch, Miss Regina Magruder Hill . Chairman 22Rules, Amendments to 21Sale Price for Yearbooks 19To Decide all Gifts of Money to other Scott ish Organiations........................ 21To In vestigate the placing of the Clan Record s in the

Calvert Man sion or the Breckenridge-Long Home 19.20To Raise Money for the Society 20To Replace Pine Tree at St . John's Campus. Annapolis. Md. 20To Stud y the Investment of Clan Funds 19T reasurer, Mr . Clar ence William McCormick 19,24, 26

Special Committees 9Standing Committees 8State Deputy Chieftains 6, 7State Units 43Stockdale, Mr . Ed ward Grant 47van den Berg, Mr s. Susie May Geddes 3Virginia State Unit Picnic 43Wa rren. Edward H 49

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A nnual Gathering, 1960

Friday, the 21st of October

9 :15 A.M.-Registration West end of Lobby. Pick up dinner tickets.

9 :30 A.M.- Council Meeting.

1 :00 P.M .-Bus leaves front of Shera ton- Park H otel for National

Gallery of Art, wher e you will lunch in the Cafeteria.

After lunch, Guided Tour of National Gallery of Art.

3 :30 P.M .-Bus leaves National Gallery for return to Sheraton­

Park H otel.

4 :15 P .M. to 8: 00 P.M.-Dinner of your own choice.

8 :00 P .M.-Color Slides of Scotland by Mr s. Betty Allen Reck, in

the Hamilt on Adam s room of the Sheraton-Park

Hot el.

Saturday, the 22nd of October

9 :15 A.M.-Registration W est end of Lobby. Pick up dinner tickets.

9 :30 A.M.-Annual Business Meeting Hamilton Adams Room of

Sheraton-Park Hotel.

12 :00 Noon-Lunch of your own choice.

1 :00 P.M.-Bus leaves front of Sheraton-Park Hotel for National


1 :30 P.M.-Memorial Service for our deceased members in War

Memorial Chapel of the National Cathedral.

3 :00 P.M .-Bus leaves National Cathedral for return to Sheraton­

Park H otel.

5 :45 P.M.-Registration at Entrance of Burgund y Room. Pick up

dinner tickets.

6 :00 P.M.-Clan Reception in West Burgundy Room.

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7 :30 P.M.- - Annual Banquet in East Burgund y Room, Sherat on­Park Hotel.

Piping in of the Chieftain of the American Clan GregorSociety and Honored Guests.

"Star Spangled Banner" by the Assemblage.

Grace by the Chaplain.

Piping in of the Haggis.

Recitation of Burns' "Address to the Ha ggis" by Rev.Daniel Randall Magruder.

Greetings from Chief of Clan Gregor, Major Sir GregorMacGregor of MacGregor, Bart., to be read by theChieftain, Dr. Roger Gregory Magruder.

Remarks to the Veteran s of the War in Korea by theChieftain, Dr. Roger Gregory Magruder.

Presentation of the Society Certificates and Emblemsto the Honor Role members (Veterans of the Warin Korea).

Addre ss by Mr. Henry M. Ta ylor, jr., a veteran of theWar in Korea.

"MacGregors Gathering" and other Scotti sh Songs byMr. Curtis E. Clarke, accompanied by Miss Car olArn old.

Bagpipe Music and Scotti sh Dancing by the Mackensie­Scott Pipe Band.

"Auld Lang Syne" by the Assemblage.

Entertainment for tile evening under the direction of



Mr. James W. Muir, President, St. Andrew's Society of Washington, D.C., andMrs. Muir.

Mrs. John Magruder, Korean War Gold Star Mother

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WASHINGTON, D. C., OCTOBER 21-22, 1960Harry W . Blunt, Choirman

Mrs. Harry W. Blunt Miss Cornelia M. BowieMrs. Ralph Bubb Page B. ClagettJohn F. Dorman, III Mr s. John R. DwyerEdward Gregor Miss Regina M. HillMrs. Allen L. Hord Miss Amy B. HunterMrs. Richard R. Kane Mr s. Ruth W. Lightf ootMrs . Robert Lipscomb Rev. Daniel R. Magrud erMr. and Mrs. Harold J. Magrud er Mr. and Mr s. Herbert T . MagruderJohn K. Magruder Mrs. Neil MagruderDr. and Mrs. Roger G. Magruder Mr. and Mrs. Th omas G. Magruder, J r.Mrs . John McDonald Miss Emma MuncasterMrs. James Murdock Miss Kath erine PooleMiss Martha Poole Mrs. Uhl StephensMrs . William R. Talbott David H . Taylor

Mr. and Mr s. H enry M. Tayl or




The meeting of the Council of the American Clan Gregor Society, Inc. , washeld at the Sheraton-P ark H otel in Washington, D. c., on October 21, 1960.Members of the Council present were: Dr. Roger Gregor y Magruder, JohnKennedy Magruder, Thomas Garland Magrud er , Jr. , Amy Belle Hunter, Rev.Daniel Randall Magruder, Henry Magrud er T aylor, Com. John Holmes Magruder,Ir., U.S.N., Retired, Mr s. Ruth Ashley Walde Lightfoot, Miss Regina MagruderHill , C. Vir ginia Diedel, H arry Woodward Blunt , Lt. Col. John H olmes Magrud erIII, Miss Anna Louise Reynolds.

The Chieftain, Dr. Roger Gregory Magrud er, called the meeting to order at10:30 A.M. Rev. Daniel R. Magruder, our Chaplain, opened the session withprayer. Dr. Magruder welcomed everyone present to th is our 51st Gathering.

Miss Reynolds read the minutes of the 1959 Business Session, and they wereapproved as read.

The Treasurer , Mr . Clarence Wm. McCormick was absent, so Miss AmyBelle Hunter read the report, which will appear in full in the Year Book. It wasmoved, seconded, voted on and approved.

Endowment Fund: Rev. Daniel R. Magrud er, Chairman, read his reportwhich is to appear in full in the Year Book. He made a plea for gif ts and askedthat we remember this all-important fund in our wills. He reported that he had

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received twent y dollars ($20.00) at this session. His report was moved, seconded,voted on and approved.

The Editor, Mr. G. Maynard Magru der , was absent. Mr. Blunt reportedthat he and Miss Regina M. Hill finished up th e Yea r Book, when Mr . Mag ruderfound himself too busy to complete it. He also told us that the 1,000 Yea r Booksthat were published cost approx imately $1,500, and that th e bids ran from $1,500to $2,000.

I.- Mr. H arry W . Blunt made the following motion : Th at we increase theprice of additiona l Yea r Books to $1.50 to members, and to $2.00 to non-membersof the Society. T his was seconded by Miss C. V irginia Diede l, voted on andapproved.

Th e Chieftain asked for the report of the Nomi nating Committee, but as Mr.H erbert Th omas Magruder , the Chairman, had not yet arrived with the "Sl ate,"it could not be read. Com. John H olmes Magruder , J r ., recommended the accep­tance of the slate to be presented at a later dat e-tomorrow at the Business Sess ion.This was seconded by Mr. H ar ry W . Blunt, voted on and approved.

Miss Bowie, the Chairman, was absent and Mr. Blunt reported for her thefollowing : "Nothing had been done about placing the Clan Grego r Records at theCal vert Mansion this year, because of the possible move of the location of thePrince Georges County Historical Society. She sugges ted that the same Commit­tee serve for another year ."

I1.-That we keep the same Committee and tha t said Committee explore intothe possibility of securi ng a room in the "Breckinrid ge Long Home," th e newlocation ; as a memorial room to our ances tor, Alexander Magruder , and that wegive authority to the Chieftain to appoint a " New Committee," if necessary, toinvestigat e the possibilities offered by both the "Calvert Mansion" and the "Breck­inridge Long Home." This was seconded, voted on and approved.

Miss Regina M. Hill report ed that th e "American Clan Grego r Socie ty" hasan exhibit at the headquart ers of the Montgomery County Histor ical Socie ty atRockville, Maryland. Miss Diedel sugges ted that Miss Hill give a detailed reporton this collection at the Business Session on Saturday, Octob er 22, 1960.

I1I.-Miss Regina Hill moved that th e Chieftain give authority to M r. HarryW. Blunt to appoint a specia l committ ee to work with him to raise money for thebenefit of the Clan, Thi s was seconded by John Kennedy Magruder, voted on andapproved.

Budget Committee.-Mr. Harry W. Blunt, Chairman, mad e his report whichwill appear in full in th e Year Book.

Mr. Harry W. Blunt moved that th e Clan auth ori ze the Budget Committeeto set up a Trust Fund in one of th e Trust Companies of the Distr ict of Columbia,for the pur pose of investing the Endowment Fund and the General Mar shallMagruder Memorial F und, with the income fr om these funds to be paid to theTreasurer on October I of each calendar year .

Committee 011 Medals for Korean W ar Service: Mr. H enr y M. T aylor re­ported that th ey have twenty-seven (27) persons on the "Ho nor Roll" for KoreanWar Service, which includ es the name of one who lost his life. This report wasaccepted.

Membership COllllllittce.-Mr. Thomas G. Magruder , Chairman, had no report.


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R esearch COlll lllittee.-Miss Regina M. H ill, Chairm an, did not have thisreport with her, but said that it will appear in full in the Year Book.

Dr. Edward Ma y Mttqruder Medical S cholarship FWld.-Dr. Roger GregoryMagru der read the report , which will appear in full in the Year Book.

General Marshall Magruder Library FlIIld.- Mrs. Cole, the Chairman, wasnot present, but sent a contributio n for thi s Fund.

Committee for Me morial Tablets and Markers.- Miss Evelina Magruder wasnot present , so there was no report .

IV.- M r. Harry W. Blunt made a mot ion. that beginning January 1, 1961, ourdues be paid on a "ca lendar year" basis, and that a membership card be sent toeach member for the year paid. Discussion followed. This was seconded by JohnKennedy Magruder, voted on and approved.

V. -Miss Hill made a motion that a committee be appointed to study theRules of thi s Society, to coordinate and prepare them for approva l at the nextAnnual Gathering in view of having them pri nted. This was seconded, voted onand appr oved. Th e Council elected fr om the floor the following persons to serveon this Committ ee: Mr . Harry W . Blunt, Miss C. Virginia Diedel and Mr. JohnKenn edy Magrud er .

VI.- Mr. Blunt made a motion that the Chief tain appoint a Committee con­sisting of from thr ee to five members, to invest igate the investment to advantage,of the Clan Moneys. Seconded by Mr s. Lightfoot, voted on and approved.

VII.- M iss Regina M. H ill made a motion that a Committee be appointed tomake plan s for the replacement of the pine tr ee that was plant ed on the St . John' sCollege Campus at Annapolis, Mar yland, in 1934 in memor y of Jud ge Dani elRandall Magrud er and that a mar ker be placed at the tree. T his was seconded byMr . Blunt , voted on and approved.

The By-Laws state that the Council shall appoint the No minating Committee.The following persons were elected from the floor by the Council:

Mr. Th omas Gar land Magruder, j r., Chair man , Mr . H erbert ThomasMagruder and Miss C. Virg inia Diedel, Miss Diede1 moved that nominations beclosed and that the Secretary cast a ballot for the thr ee named above. This wasseconded, voted on and approved.

VII I.- Mr. Blunt made a motion that the Society take its "1961 Gath ering"to Annapolis, Maryland ; and use the Carvel H all H otel as the headquarters.This was seconded by Miss Hill , voted on and approved.

IX .- Mr. Harry W. Blunt made a motion that a Comlllittee consistin g of Dr.Roger Gregory Magrud er, Thomas Garla nd Magr uder , Jr., and himself be ap­point ed and allowed to contribute fifty dollars ($50.00) towards the variousScottish Organizations in th is country. Seconded, voted on and approved.

X.-Mr. Harry W. Blunt made a motion that the America n Clan GregorSociety set up the "Dr. Edwa rd May Magruder Medical Scholarship Fund," as aperman ent one ; and that the money collected annually for thi s Fund, be givenannuall y to the University of Virginia. Seconded by Miss Regina M. Hill, votedon and approved.

Miss Hill read the following Amendments to the Rules of the Society andmoved th eir adoption :

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Amend Rule 5, Gatherings and Meetings: by deleting after the word "Society"the balance of the sentence. The section to read: "The Council shall hold a meet­ing on the first day of each Annual Gathering." Seconded, voted on and approved.

Amend Rule 6, Officers: by adding a new section to be known as Se ction 8:"Former members may be reinstated by the payment of two (2) years dues, thecurrent year and one back year." Seconded, voted on and approved.

The meeting adjourned at 1 :20 P.M .

After adjournment, the Chieftain called the meeting back to order and readthe following "Slate" as presented by the Nominating Committee, as the Chairman,Herbert T. Magruder, had not yet arrived:

Your Committee submits herewith the names of the following members tofill the offices designated for the ensuing year :

Chieftain Roger Gregory Magruder, M.D.Ranking Deputy Chieftain _ .]ohn Kennedy MagruderScribe Miss Anna Louise ReynoldsRegistrar Mrs. Ralph Bubb (Elizabeth Magruder)Historian Thomas Garland Magruder, Jr.Treasurer Miss Amy Belle HunterChaplain The Reverend Daniel Randall MagruderSurgeon Nathaniel MacGregor Ewell, Jr., M.D.Chancellor Miss C. Virginia DiedelEditor Miss Regina Magruder HillYour Committee understands that the office of Assistant to the Chieftain is

filled by appointment by the Chieftain; and recommends that Mr. Harry WoodwardBlunt be continued in that office.


OCTOBER 22, 1960


The fifty-first Annual Gatherin g of the American Clan Gregor Society, Inc.,was called to order by the Chieftain, Dr. Roger Gregory Magruder, at 10:25 A.M.It was opened with a prayer given by our Chaplain, Rev. Daniel Randall Magruder.The meeting was held in the Hamilton-Adams Room of the Sheraton-Park Hotelin Washington, D. C.

Miss Reynolds read the minutes of the Council Meeting held the day before,and they were approved as read.

The Chieftai« made a very interesting address, which appears elsewhere in theYear Book.

The Ranking Deputy Chieftain, John Kennedy Magruder, was present buthad no report.

The Registrar, Miss Regina Magruder Hill, reported seventeen (17) newmembers, plus two (2) reinstatements, making a total of 19 in all.

The Historian, Mr. J. Frederick Dorman, was absent. Miss Hill read hisreport as follows: 11 births , 16 deaths and 3 marriages.

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The Treasurer, Mr. C. William McCormick, read his report which wilt appearin full in the Year Book. Mr. Herbert T. Magru der moved that this be accepted ;seconded by Mr . H arry W. Blunt, voted on and appro ved.

The Editor, Mr . G. Maynard Magrud er, was absent. Mr. Blunt reported thathe and Miss Hill finished up the Year Book, when Mr. Magruder found himselftoo busy to complete it. H e, also, stated that the 1,000 Year Books that werepublished cost approximately $1,500 and that the bids ran from $1,500 to $2,000.

Th e Chaplain, Th e Rev. Daniel Randall Magruder, was present, but had noreport.

The Chancellor, Miss C. Vir ginia Diedel, was present but had no report.

Th e Endounnent FI/nd: Th e Rev. Daniel Randall Magrud er , Chairman, readhis report which is to appear in full in the Year Book. He made a plea for giftsand asked that we remember this all -important fund in our wills. He report edthat he had received twenty dollar s ($20) at this session. Thi s report was moved,seconded, voted on and appr oved.

Th e Pr ogram Commi ttee: Mr. Harr y W. Blunt, Chairman, said that hewould make his report after the "Gathering."

Research Comm ittee: Miss Regina M. Hill , Chairman, did not have thisreport with her but that it will appear in the Year Book.

Budqet Committee: Mr . Harry W . Blunt, Chairm an, said that no budgetcould be made, as a number of the members are behind with their dues.

Dr. Edward May Moqr uder Medical Sc holarship Fum!: Miss Eveline Ma­gruder, Chairman, read her report which will appear in full in the Year Book.

Gen. Marshall Moqruder Library Fund: Mr s. Fletcher Cole, Chairman, wasabsent. She sent twenty dollar s ($20) as a contri bution towards this Fund.

M embership Commit tee: Mr . Th omas G. Magrude r, Chairman, was presentbut had no report to give.

Committee For Memor ial Tablets and Markers: Miss Eveline Magruder,Chairman, stated that there had been no meeting of this Committ ee for the pasttwelve months ; so there is no report .

Committee For Investigatitlg Facilities For Socie ty R ecords, In Th e CalvertMansion : Miss Cornelia M. Bowie, Chairman, was absent. Mr . Blunt reportedfor her the following; "Nothing has been done about placing the Clan GregorRecords at the Calvert Mansion this year, because of the possible move of thelocation of the P rince George's County H istorical Society." She suggested thatthe same Committ ee serve for another year.

Committee For Award Of Certificates A nd M edals To K orean War V eterans:Mr. Henr y Magruder Taylor, Chairman, report ed that he now has twenty-eight(28) persons on this "Honor Roll," including Lieut. Monroe Magruder who waskilled in action. Thi s is one name more than the 2J report ed at the Council Meet­ing yesterday. Mr. Blunt moved that the report be accepted. It was seconded byMiss C. Virginia Diedel, voted on and approv ed.

Th e No minating Commit tee: Mr. H erbert Thomas Magruder, Chairman,read the "Slate" as follows:

Chieftain Roger Gregory Magruder, M.D .Ranking Deputy Chieftain John Kennedy Magruder

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Scr ibe Miss Anna Louise ReynoldsRegistrar Mrs. Ralph Bubb (Elizabeth Magrud er)H istorian __ Thomas Garl and Magrud er , Jr.Treasurer Miss Amy Belle HunterChaplain Th e Reverend Daniel Randall MagruderSurgeon Nathaniel MacGregor Ewell, jr., M.D.Chancellor Miss C. Virgin ia DiedelEditor Miss Regina Magruder Hill

Your Committee understands that the office of Assistant to the Chieftain isfilled by appointment by the Chiefta in; and recommends that Mr . H arry W oodwardBlunt be continued in that office.

Th e Chieftain asked for nominations from the floor and there were none.Miss Diedel made a motion that the nominations be closed and that the Secretarycast a vote for the "Slate" as presented. Thi s was seconded by Mr . Blunt, votedon and approved.

Th e following ten (10) Recommendations as approv ed by the Council to bepresented to the Business Session were then taken up. A fter being read to theBusiness Session and discussed, a motion was made, seconded and carried thatthey be adopted.

Th e Recommendations follow :

R ecommendation No . I : Th at the price of addit ional Year Books be increa sedto $1.50 to members, and to $2.00 to non-members.

R ecommendation No . II : Th at we keep the same Committee that we had in1959, For Investigating Facilities For Socie ty Records in the Calvert Mansion,and that said Committee explore into the possibility of securing a room in the"Breckinridge Long H ome," the new location of the Prince George's CountyHi storical Society, as a memoria l room to our ancesto r, Alexander Magruder, andthat we give authority to the Chieftain to appoint a New Committee, if necessar y,to investigate the possibilities offered by both the "Calvert Mansion" and the"Breckinridge Long H ome."

Reco mmendation No . III : That the Chieftain give auth orit y to Mr . HarryW . Blunt to appoint a special committee to work with him to raise money for thebenefit of the Clan.

R ecommendation No. I V: That beginning Janua ry I, 1961 , our dues be paidon a "calendar year" basis, and that a membership card be sent to each memberfor the year paid.

R ecomm endation V : Th at a committee be appointed to study the Rules ofthis Society, to coordinate and prepare them for approval at the next AnnualGath ering in view to having them print ed. The Council elected fr om the floorthe following persons to serve on this Committee : Mr . H arry W . Blunt , Miss C.Virginia Diedel and Mr . John Kennedy Magrud er .

R ecommendation V I: That the Chieftain appoint a committee consisting offrom three to five members, to investigat e the investment of the Clan Moneys,to advantage.

R ecomm endation V II: That a committee be appointed to make plans for thereplacement of the pine tr ee that was planted on the S1. John's College Campus

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at Annapolis, Maryland, in 1934 in memory of Jud ge Daniel Randall Magruder ;and that a mar ker be placed at the tree.

R ecommendation VIII : That the Society hold its 1961 Gathering in Ann ap­olis, Mar yland ; and that the Car vel H all Hotel be used as headquar ters.

R econnnendatlon IX: That a Committee consistin g of Dr. Roger GregoryMagrud er, Th omas Garland Magruder , j r., and H arr y Woodward Blunt be ap­pointed and allowed to contribute fifty dollar s ($50) towards the vari ous ScottishOrganizati ons in thi s country.

R ecommendation X : That the American Clan Gregor Society set up the "Dr.Edward May Magruder Medical Scholarship Fund," as a permanent one; andthat the money collected annually for this Fund be given annually to the Univ er­sity of Virginia.

The B y-Laws state that the Council shall appoint the No minating Committee,and the following persons were elected fr om the floor by the Council: ThomasGarl and Magruder, J r., Chairm an ; Herbert Th omas Magruder and Miss C.Virginia Diede!.

Miss Regina M. Hill read to the Council Meeting the following two proposedAmendments to the Rules of the "A merican Clan Grego r Socie ty," both of whichwere approved by the Council for presentation to the Business Session:

Amelia Rule V, Gatherings and M eetings : by deleting after the word "Society"the balance of the sentence. Th e section to read : "T he Council shall hold a meetingon the first day of each Annual Gathering."

A mend Rule VI, Office rs: by adding a new section to be known as Section 8:"Former members may be reinstated by the payment of two (2) years dues, thecur rent year and one back year."

As there has been a Committee appointed to study the Rule s of thi s Societyto coordinate them and prepare them for approval at the next Annual Gath ering,the Chieftain, Dr. Roger Gregory Magruder , announced that further suggestedchanges would be dispensed with.


Mr. Harry W. Blunt made a motion that the Scribe write a letter to Dr. Bett yAllen Magruder, thanking her for the showing of the color "S lides of Scotland,"and of "T he Golden Anni versary Gather ing" at the Sheraton-Park Hotel onFriday night, October 21, 1960. This was seconded and unanimously approved.

M r. H erbert Th omas Moqruder made a motion that a Committee consistingof Miss Regina M. Hill , Chairman; John Kennedy Magruder and Thomas G.Magruder, Jr. look into the feasibility of writing a "His tory of the MagruderFamil y." Thi s was seconded, voted on and approved.

Miss Diedel spoke of some means of makin g money for the Clan, and askedall members in thi s vicinity to cooperat e with all projects that may be presented.

Mr. Herbert Th omas Moq ruder made a motion that we send greetings to Mr s.van den Berg. Mr . Blunt reported that he had a plant alr eady purchased, and wassending it to her today. This seconded, voted on and appro ved. She will celebrateher ninetieth birthday on October 23rd.

M r. H enry M. T aylor made a motion that we give a ri sing vote of thanks toMr . Clar ence William McCormick, our retiring Treasurer, on the valuabl e assist-

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ance rendered this Society during his six years of service. This was seconded, votedon and approved.

Miss C. Virginia Diedel made a motion that we look into our record s for thosethat should be microfilmed, to find out the cost and to report the findings to thenext Annual Gathering. Thi s was seconded, voted on and approved .

The Chieft ain read the following appointments made at this Session.

A ppointments T o Tile Council

To serve f or three years : Dr. Denton Adlai MagruderMr. Bernard F . MagruderMr. Miller Hutchison, Jr.

To serve Jar Ofle year : Mr. Harold Joseph Magruder (to complete the un­expired term of Th omas G. Magruder, Jr.)

Assistant to the ChieJtain

Mr. Harry Woodward Blunt .

The meeting adjourned at 12 O'clock, noon.

APPRECIATIONWa shington 11, D. C.October 28, 1960.

Dr. Betty Allen Magruder Reck35 East, 85th StreetNew York 28, N. Y.

Dear Dr. Magruder,The members of the "American Clan Gregor Society" wish to expre ss to you

their gratitude and appreciation for your excellent showing of the color "Slidesof Scotland," and of "The Golden Anniversary Gathering," at the Sheraton-ParkHotel on Friday night , October 21, 1960.

Thi s wish was expressed in a motion made by Mr. Harry W oodward Bluntat the Business Meeting on Saturday morning, October 22, 1960, seconded andunanimously approved.

W ith the best of wishes for your continued success and happiness, I am,

Yours in Clan Fellowship,

ANNA LoUISE REYNOLDS, Scribe,"American Clan Gregor Society."



Research was done for several lines for membershi p in the Clan. Some ofthese are still pending. Census Record s and several Wi lls have been secured, andsome index ing of record s done.

Work on arranging and typing headings of materia l collected for the ScrapBooks has been continued. Th ese Scrap Books are valuable and contain much ofinterest. When completed they will be indexed for easy reference.

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We are still in need of \Vills and Bible Records and we hope our memberswill help by sending to the H eadquarter s Office records they have in their families.


OCTOB ER 22, 1960


In his report our Treasurer tells us that the Endowment Fund stands to dateat $2,285.25.

We do expr ess regret that after severa l years effort this sum is not a greatdeal larger . No doubt it is because of the strong Scott ish Blood in our membersthat makes them hold on to his world's goods. However, the canniness of theScots ought to make us realize that the future of our Society depends on thisFund. Miss Regina Hill does a splendid job for us at present, but the day willcome when we must have our permanent headquarters. Also, with the increasingcosts that face us each year our annual Gath erings ought to be subsidized. It isa pity that members who are tremendously interested should be kept away becausethey cannot afford to att end.

Again we beg our members to send in even a small contr ibution each year,and then to be really generous when they make their wills.



September 30, 1959 : Total Fund on Hand $2,095.34Receipts to September 30, 1960................................................ 137.00Interest 52.91

September 30, 1960, Total Fund on Hand $2,285.25




September 30, 1959- Total Fund, Book Value $I ,445.00Receipts to September 31, 1960 1,135.00

September 30, 1960-Total Fund, Book Value $2,580.00

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Y ear Elldillg 9-30-60


9-30-59-Balance per T reasurer's Books $1,635.16

Receipts :

Dues, prior years $ 94.00Current 1,412.50Prepaid 163.00 $1,669.50

Miscellaneous :Initi ation Fees ..Scholar ship Fund .Korean War Fund .Other Items .Balance, 1959 Gath ..


102.78 $503.28 $2,172.78

$ 200.42167.1086.56




155.00 $2,582.42

Total $3,807.94


Printing .Postage ..Office Expense, Registr ar & Ass't to Chieftain ..Year Book .Rent, Clan H eadquarters .Tel ephone Expense, Ass't to

Chieftain, 1959 Gathering ..Binding Yearbooks ..Korean \Var Fund ..Medalion, Sir Gregor MacGregor .Golden Anniversa ry Programs ..Green Mtn. H ighland Games ..Pictures copied, Yea r Book ..T elephone Expense, Registr ar ..Transfer of F unds to Special ale

"Marshall Magrud er Library" ..

9-30-60, Balance per Treasurer' s Books $1,225.52*

Total $3,807.94

* Earmarked Funds :

9-30-60 Scholarships Fund s .Korean W ar Funds ..(See supplementary statement )

$ 135.00148.19

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Genera l Fun d Balance Forwar ded 942.33

$1,225.52Note : In addition to the fo regoing, Clan will have to dis­

burse the sum of approx imately $1,400 for cur rentYear Book.


9-30-60 Balance per First Na t' l Bank of Sandy Spring $1.173.61T reasurer's Deposit Not Recorded, 9-30-60 160.00


9-30-60 Balance per Treasurer's Books $1.225.52

Outstanding checks :

386, R. M. Hill. Postage, 1960 Gathering $30.00387. R. M. Hi ll, Postage, Telephone, etc 66.78388, S tott & Co., Inc. Envelopes, etc 11.31 108.09



9-30-59 Balance per Bank Book # 9183 $2,095.34Interest, January 1, 1960 $ 31.35In terest, April 1, 1960 21.56Received to Sept. 30, 1960 137.00 189.91



9-30-59, Balance per Bank Book # 14886 $ 155.00Interest : April 1960 $ 1.55

October 1960 3.12 4.67

$ 159.67


Receipts $ 174.00


9-30-60 to 10-18-60.

Treasurer's Balance, 9-30-1960 $1,225.52

Receipts:October 7, 1960 $45.00October 11, 1960 20.00

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October 14, 1960 47.50October IS. 1960 29.00October 18, 1960 8.05 149.55

$1.375.07Disbur sements :

Checks 389 thr ough 394 included 232.43Entertainment (Banquet ) 110.00 342.43

Balance 10-18-1960 $1,032.64*

Earmarked Fund s :

Scholar ship Fund s $ 135.00For Year Book, 1961 1.500.00 1.635.00

October 18. 1960--Deficit $ 602.36


Supplemental Report :

Balance 9-30-1960 $2.285.25Receipts-Donation 20.0010-18-1960. Interest 45.20




Gathering of 1960

The past year has been a busy one with many letters written to prospectivemembers and to others answering questions. All Application Pap ers were checked ;the material for the Annual Gathering was posted also a letter from the Treasurerrelative to the payment of dues.

Work. including typing, on the material on the proposed amendments to theRules . Th e Year Book material was collected, much of it typed. estimate s secured.making up the book, proofreading of the galley and the final proof. and the seeingof the book through the press; and envelopes addres sed and sent to the publisherfor the posting of the Year Book. Valuable help was given by Mrs. James Murdock,Mrs. Merle Freeman and Mrs. John Loveless.

A letter was sent to the membership on the Korean War Veterans' Projectfrom the chairman of the committ ee, Mr. H enry Magru der Taylor. Th e mimeo­graphing. addressing of the envelopes and posting was done in the Office. Latera follow-up posta l card was sent. The response to this project showed a totalof 27 veterans. one of whom lost his life. Three more were report ed during thegathering and there will probably be others.

The service record of those on the Hon or Roll will be record ed in a book

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and the book kept in the Clan Office. T hese Veteran! name! will a lso be recordedon the National Roll of Honor in the \Vashington Cathedra l for all time.

Th e Service Banner was made by Min Regina Magruder Hill , every stitchbeing done by hand. Th ere i! one Gold Star and the Blue Star represents theentire membership of the Honor Roll.

Each Honor Roll member received a Certificate of Appreciation and thememben of the Society received in addition a Korean War Medal. These awa rdswere made following the dinner 0 11 Satu rday evening.

Miss Hill attended the funeral, of ou r Charter Member, Mr . George CalvertBowie, Mn . Ann Minerva Magruder Wilson, and Mr. John McDonald.


Ga/1u ri ,,!! of 1960

YOIlr Registrar reports 17 new members, 1 reinstatement, and 43 applicationspending, which have been sent in by the applicants or by request of a relative,and I tra nsfer in membership.

N"-li M,mhff'

13J7a-Magruder, Mu. John Holmes, Jr., Grear Neck Road, Goshen Point, Water­ford, Conn., (Esther Hosmer ) , wife of Commodore John Holmes Magruder,] r., U.S. N., Ret. No. 663.

1J38a-Hazel wood. George F., 611 Kent Avenue, Cumberland , Md., husband ofMargery Muncaster Hazelwood, Member No. 215.

iJ39a-Blunt, Mn . Har ry Woodward (Edi th U oyd) , wife of lIarry WoodwardBlunt, Member No. 1257, 8000 Westover Road. Bethesda, Md.

1340 _ Magruder. Willa rd Lee, 4625 Newland St., Wheat Ridge, Colorado. Nephewof Mn. Doc Wilson, Member No. 1263.Genealogy: Wi lla rd Lee Magruder is 1011 of Charl e! Amos Magntd cr andOtha Lee (Mn.) : he son of Amos Covington Magrud er and CatherineVirginia Albertsen: he !lOll of William Hamilton Magruder and JaneF rancis Kidd ; he son of Covington Magruder. born 1800. and Anna Hock.ingberry, marr ied in Cumberland, Md., in 1823.

1341 - Magruder, Kenneth Dwight, P. O. Boll 116, Kersey, Colorado. He i! abrother of Willard Lee Magru der.

1342 - Sanderl , Mn. Florida Pra ther Magruder, (2nd m.} (m. 1st ThomasClifford Wat ers, Sr.)Genealogy: Mrs. Sanders is the daughter of Robert Pottinger Magruderaod Mary Lavinia Higgins : he son of Dr . Will iam Bowie Magruder andElisabeth Worthington Gaitmr ; he Ion of Dr . Zadok Magruder andMartha Wi lson ; he son of Colonel Zadok Magruder and Rachel ( POll inger )Bowie; he son of John Magruder and Susannah Smith; he Ml n of SamuelMagruder and Sarah Beall; he !lOll of AlellandC"T Magruder, immigrant.

1343 -c-Davls, William Harvey III, Margon Road, Woodbine, Md. He is son ofWilliam Harvey Davis, Jr. , and Rose May Magrud er; she daughter ofRobert Pott inger Magruder and Mary Lavinia Higgi ns. F rom here linefollows that of Mn. Sanders, Number 1342.

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1344a-Magruder, Mr s. Eli zabeth Powell, wife of Harold Joseph Magr uder, W estHyattsville, Md., 3505 Madison Avenue. Member No. 1306.

1345 - Magruder, Gailord Homer , 3332 North 69th St., Lincoln, Nebraska. Heis a brother of William Lee Mag ruder, Number 1340.

1346 - Terry, Mrs . John Howard (Virg inia Dolores Watson) 2486 KingsleyDrive , Macon, Georgia. She is daughter of Will iam Augu stin Watson,Jr., and Vera Virg inia Nott ingham ; he son of William Augu stin Watsonand Cath erine Luke Drane; he son of General St ephen Drane and SusanFrances Hamrick (2nd wife) ; he son of William Drane l st and CassandraMagru der ; she daughter of Ninian Beall Magruder and Rebecca Young ;he son of Samuel Magruder Ye 3rd and Margar et Jackson; he son ofNinian Magruder and Elizabeth Brewer; he son of Samuel Magruder andSarah Beall ; he son of Alexandria Magruder, immigrant.

1347 - Clagett , Brice McAdoo, 701 Union Trust Building, Wa shington 5, D. C.H e is son of Brice Clagett and Sarah Fl eming McAdoo ; he son of MauriceJ oseph Clagett and Emma Louise Noble ; he son of William H enry Clagettand Mary Adele Clar e; he son of Darius Clagett and Providence Dors eyBrice; he son of Walter Clagett and Martha Williams; he son of JohnClagett and Sarah Magruder; she daughter of Alexander Magru der andAnn Wade; he son of Samuel Magruder and Sarah Beall ; he son of theimmigrant, Alexander Magruder.

1348 - Gough, Thomas Walter, 4507 Roland Avenue, Baltimore 10, Md. H e sonof Jam es Louis Gough and Mary Mann Magruder; she daughter ofLyttleton Magrud er and Ida Mann ; he son of Th omas Jeffer son Ma­grud er and Sarah Ann P. Boteler; he son of Edward Magrud er andTheresa Barron ; he son of Haswell Magruder and Charity Beall; he sonof Capt. Samuel Magruder and Jane Haswell ; he son of Samuel Magruder(called "Sr." ) and E leanor Wad e; he son of Samuel Magruder and SarahBeall ; he son of Alexander Magrud er, immigrant.

1349 -Edelen, Miss Mary Boarman, Bryantown, Md. She daughter of BenjaminMarcellus Edelen, Jr., and Mary Ellen Boarman; she daughter of Dr.William I. Boarman and Estelle Gardn er ; she daughter of Alfrew W .Gardner and his first wife Mary Ellen Gwynn; she daught er of WilliamHenry Gwynn and Rosalie Ann Boone; he son of Bennett Gwynn andSusan Hill eary ; she daughter of Henry Hilleary and Cassandra Magruder ;she daught er of John Magruder and Susannah Smith; he son of SamuelMagruder and Sarah Beall ; he son of Alexander Magrud er, immigrant.

1350 - Lindsey, David Hathaway, 92 Field Rock Road, Southport , Conn. H eson of Dr . John Hathaway Lindsey and Eli za Early Anderson ; he son ofJames Anderson and Sallie Rachel Magrud er Thrift ; she daughter of Dr.George Nathaniel Thrift and Eliza Early ; he son of Robert Thri ft andRachel Magruder; she daughter of James Magru der and Mar y Bowie; heson of Nini an Magruder and Elizabeth Brewer ; he son of Samuel Magruderand Sarah Beall ; he son of Alexander Magruder, immigrant.

1351 - Henshaw, Miss Julia Plumm er , P. O. Box 964, Charlottesville, Va, Shedaughter of Herbert Plummer Henshaw and Elizabeth Dunbar Magruder;she daught er of Franklin Magruder and Elizabeth D. Long; he son ofHenry Nathaniel Magruder and Sarah G. Minor ; he son of BenjaminHenry Magruder and Maria Louise Minor; he son of John Bowie Magruder

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and Sarah B. Jones ; he son of James Magrud er and Mary Bowie; he sonof N inian Magruder and Eli zabeth Brewer; he son of Samuel Magruderand Sa rah Beall; he son of Alexander Magru der, immigrant.

1352 -Prettyman, Jud ge E. Barrett , 5306 W oodlawn Avenue, Chevy Chase IS, Md.Son of Forrest P. Prettyman and Elizabeth Rebecca Stonestreet ; shedaught er of Edward Elisha Stonestreet and Martha Bar ry; she daughterof Basil Barry and Martha W ilson Magruder; she daughter of Dr. ZadokMagruder and Marth a Wil son ; he son of Colonel Zadok Magruder andRachel Pottin ger ; he son of John Magruder and Susannah Smith; he sonof Samuel Magruder and Sara h Beall ; he son of Alexander Ma gruder,immigrant.

1353a-Prettym an, Mr s. E. Barrett ( Lucy Courtney Hill) wife of Jud ge E. BarrettPrettyman.

R einstat ed M embers

399 - Cook, Mr s. Ed ward (Mary Emma Magruder ) 908 Pl ymouth Circle,Vienn a, Vir ginia . Sh e daught er of H enry G ay Magruder and RobertaCampbell ; he son of William Wilson Magr uder and Mary Susan Williams ;he son of George Beall Magruder and Charity (Wood) W ilson ; he sonof Hezekiah Magrud er and Susannah Talbott ; he son of Alexand erMagruder and Ann Wade; he son of Samuel Magruder and Sarah Beall ;he son of Alexander Magruder, immigrant.

Tran sfer f rom Associate to Lineal Membership

143c-Magruder, Mrs. Edward May (Mary Cole Gregory) 100 W . JeffersonStreet, Charlotte sville, Va ., widow of our first Chieftain, D r. Edward MayMa gruder. Through her Gregory line she tr aces back to the MacGregor sof Scotland. Mrs. Magru der transferred fr om As sociate to Lineal Mem­bership, Jun e, 1961.


Gathering of 1960

The Hi storian report s the following vital statistics regarding descendants ofthe Clan Gregor :


Berryman, David Bruce, born 29 June 1960, son of Richard D. and Dorothy Joan( F reeman) Berryman. Hi s moth er and his grea t-grandmother, Mrs. MerleFreeman are members of the Clan.

Chandler, E lizabeth Jewett, born 15 Ma y, 1960, daught er of Mr . and Mrs. WilliamR. Chandler, and granddaughter of Mr s. Harry Woodward Blunt.

Cook, Rober t Shumate, born 13 March 1959, son of Edward Magruder and Joane(Craig ) Cook. Both par ents and his gran dmother, Mr s. Mary Emma Ma­gruder Cook, are member s of the Clan.

Erickson, Lar s Warren, a son, born 22 August 1959 to Mr. and Mr s. John Wil­liamson Erickson of Swampscott, Mass.

Ewell, Carrington W addell , born 31 December 1959, son of Dr. Nathaniel Mac­Gregor , Jr. and Mildred (Carrington) Ewell.

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Hunger ford, Willi am Bar ton, j r., born 16 October 1960, son of Mr. and Mrs.Willi am Barton Hungerf ord, Sr.

H ungerf ord, Allan Gwynn, III, born 18 October 1960, son of Mr. and Mrs. AllanGwynn Hungerf ord, Jr.These two Hun gerford boys are the grandchildren of Mrs. Mar ion VirginiaBlunt Hu ngerford , who was a sister of Mr . Harry Woodward Blunt.

Lawrence, David MacGregor, born 26 February 1960, son of Capt. P aul C. andJane ( Cook) Lawrence. H e was born at Edinburgh, Scotland, where hisfather is serving a tour of duty. Hi s grandmother, Mrs. Mary Emma Ma­gruder Cook, is a member of the Clan.

McDonald, J ohn Lee, born April 19, 1960, son of Mr. and Mr s. John GordonMcDonald, j r. , and grandson of Mrs. John Gordon McDonald ( DorothyHi ggins) a member of the Clan.

McGarry, James Frederick, III, born 22 June 1959, son of Jam es Frederick andGenevieve Lloyd (Wolfe) McGarry.

McGehee, Duncan Ewell, born 7 October, 1959, son of Fielding and H elen E liza­beth (Ewell) McGehee.

MacGregor, Ninian Hubert Alexander , June 30, 1961, son of Maj or Sir GregorMacflregor of MacGregor , Bart. , and Lady MacGregor.


Han cock, Io Ann, to Gordon Ball, Jr., in August 1960 at Annapolis, Md. Thebride is the daughter of Robert Hancock and niece of Clan Members LucillePadgett and Eva H arding.

McCormick, Robert Alexander, to Miss Marsha Reifsnyder , 27 December,1959. H e is the son of our Treasurer, Claren ce Willi am McCormick.

Scott, Col. Don Magrud er, to Mrs. Jaimie (Fink) Curti s, 13 February 1960in San Antonio, T exas. Both are members of the Clan, They are making theirhome in SOlithem Pines, N. C.


For Wh om Memorial Ser vices Were Held1958, November 30. Mrs. Helen Bowie Norris, in Prince George's County, Md.

Charter Member No. 138.1959, October 28. Elijah Steele Drake, at Bay St. Louis, Miss. Clan Member

No. 1218. A memorial appears in the 1960 Year Book, p. 87.1959, November 8. George Calvert Bowie, at Washington, D. C. Char ter Member

No. 111. A memorial appears in the 1960 Year Book, p. 86.1959, December 14. Charlotte Isabelle Ewell, at Prince Will iam County, Va.

Gan Member No. 310. A memorial appears in the 1960 Year Book, p. 87.1959, December 30. John Franklin Adams, at Leonardt own, Md. Clan Member

No. 72'2. A memorial appears in the 1960 Year Book, p. 85.1960, Janu ar y 3. Dr. Ezra Offutt Witherspoon, at Louisville, Ky. Clan Member

No. 98. A memorial appears in the 1960 Year Book, p. 98.

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1960, February 3. Mrs. Annie Zulika Magruder Th ompson. Clan Member No.268. A memorial appear s in the 1960 Year Book, p, 97.

1960, February 8. Mrs. Lilly Moore Stone, at Bethesda, Md. Clan AssociateMember No. 68Oa. A memoria l appear s in the 1960 Year Book, p. 97.

1960, May 9. Mr s. Ann Minerva Magruder Wil son. Clan Member No. 529.1960, Jul y 3. Miss F lorence Deneen. Clan Member No. 1026.


1960, February 20. Fielder Thomas Magruder , at Hyattsville, Md. Brother ofClan Member Iri e Brian Magrud er. A memorial appear s in the 1960 YearBook, p. 98.

1960, Augu st 2. John G. McDonald, at Rockville, Md. Husband of Clan MemberMr s. Dorothy Higgins McDona ld.

1960, September 2. Lawrence Clifford Magruder. Brother of Clan Members Mrs.Eva lea Magruder Bonner, Mrs. Danie l W illiam H ale and Mrs. Hanson Hicks.

1960, September 24. Mr s. Lulu Lowe Gheen, aunt of Clan Member Mrs . MarthaWa lde Carter.

1960, October 13. Wa shington Beall Bowie of "Mount Lubentia". Father of ClanMember Forrest Dodge Bowie.

1959, October 15. Pipe Major Jame s Garrioch, our Pip e Maj or for more thantwenty-five year s, Year Book, 1960, p. 88.Memorial s will be found elsewhere in the Year Book.


OCTOBER 22, 1960


The Pilgrima ge this year was a shor t one ; just to the National Cathedral,here in Wa shington, D. C. W e met in the Wa r Memoria l at 1 :30 P.M. , where abefitting Memoria l Service in honor of the deceased members of the Clan wasconducted by Mr. J . Frederick Dorman, assisted by Mr. Edward Gregor . Theyentered brin ging a large gr een wreath . which was placed on the altar. As Mr.Dorman read the name and death date of each departed one, Mr. Gregor placeda white carnation on the wreath. Wh en the last name was call ed and the finalcarnation tucked into the wreath, our Chaplain, Rev. Danie l Randall Magruder,led us in a short service from the Prayer Book. In concluding the service, Mr .Tom E. Moore, a Mac-Gregor Descendant, standing in the back of the chapel,played "Flowers of Th e Forest" on the bag pipes.

Following the memorial service, Mr s. H ar ry \V . Blunt conducted a short, butvery interesting tour of the main floor of the Cathedral. We visited several Chapels,The Hi gh Alta r, the Choir Loft and the cript where Woodrow Wils on, thePresident duri ng Wo rld War One, is buried. Then we went outside to the southof the building, where we explored the unique Bishop's Gardens. By now, it wasnearing the hour of 4 o'clock P.M ., so most of us rushed away to our hotels andhomes to don our "evening attire" for the Reception at 6 o'clock P.M .

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O CTOBER 22, 1960

The "Clan Reception" was held in the West Burgundy Room of the Sheraton­Park Hotel from 6 to 7 :30 o'clock P.M. Members of the "Clan" and their fri endskept coming until the room was so full that there was scarcely space in which towalk. The "overflow" wandered into the dining room next door. Every one seemedto have a wonderfully enjoyable time I Th ey chatted gay ly with outbursts of laught ernow and then. Our Chieftain, Dr. Roger Gr egory Magruder , and severa l otherswere attired in their kilts , and made very impres sive figures as they moved aboutthe room greeting the guests. Many were in evening dress with some wearingtartan sashes and cr ests. It was a lovely and colorful reception, with an attendancethat equaled, or perh aps excelled, some of the previous ones. The time passed alltoo quickly, when the Mackensie-Scott Pipe Band began tunin g up their bagpipes in the hallway, a signal for us to march into the Ea st Burgundy Room forour Annual Banquet.

THE BANQUETThi s Even t, which took place in the Ea st Burgundy Room, started with the

"piping-in" of the Chieftain and Honored Guests.After all member s and guests had found their tables and places, the "Star

Spangled Banner" was sung by the Assemblage, being led by Mr. Curti s E. Clarke.Then Grace was said by our Chaplain, Th e Rev. Dani el Randall Magruder.

Next came the "piping- in" of the ancient, Scotti sh dish, the haggis. It wasplaced on a table in the center of the room. H ere facing the Chief tain and HonoredGuests, The Reverend Daniel Rand all Magruder brandi shed vigorously a largeknife over th is dish, while reciting most effectively, Robert Burns' "Ode To Th eHaggis." Shor tly aft er this ceremony, it was served to each table. How inter estingto watch the reactions and listen for the remarks of those who had never partakenof this food I

The Chieftain, Dr. Roger Gregor y Magruder, introduced the Guests at thehead table, welcomed all present, named the "Absentee Guests," and read aspeech from the alief of Clan Gregor, Maj or Sir Gregor MacGregor of Mac­Gregor, Bart ., Lochearnhead, Scotland.

M r. James W. Muir, President of the St . Andrew's Society of Wa shington,D. C, brought us greetings and best wishes from his organi zation . H e and Mrs.Muir were H onored Guests at this occasion.

The Chieftain made a short address to the Veteran s of the War in Korea,after which he and Miss Regina M. Hill presented the Society's Certificates andEmblem s to the Honor Roll Members. As Miss Hill called the name of theVeteran , he came forward and the Chieftain presented the certificate and pinnedthe Societ y Emblem on his lapel. Miss Hill displayed a Service Flag for theKorean War Veterans, which she had made, especially for this ceremony.

A most intere sting and timely address was given by Mr . Henry MagruderTaylor, J r. a veteran of the War in Korea, and a son of our beloved and popularmembers , Mr. and Mrs. Henry Magruder Taylor, Sr. Thi s address will appearin full in the Year Book.

It was a rare tr eat indeed, when Mr. Curtis E. Clarke, accompanied by Miss

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Carol Arnold at the piano, sang a number of Scotti sh Songs, among them "Mac­Gregors Gathering."

\Ve were pleased to have with us again the gif ted dancers, Misses Kitty Blancheand Sandy Miller . They were accompan ied by "The Mackensie-Scott P ipe Band,"under the direction of our member Mr. Gattoway, and perfo rmed exper tly andbeautifully the fottowing dances : The Cha rtreuse, the Sword Dance and the High­land Fling.

Last, but far fr om being least in the enter tainment, came the bagpipe musicof the Mackensie-Scott Pipe Band. They played a number of fam iliar melodiesand with every applau se from the assemblage, the music became a littl e louder,until we wondered how their drum heads and our ear drums remained whole. Theymade a most colorfu l appearance, as wett as render ing an expert and enjoyable per­formance.

At the close, att persons present joined hands, forming a large circle aroundthe dining room, and sang the old favorite song, "A uld Lang Syne." Thus endedthe last event on the program of the " 1960 Gathering."

I should like to extend my personal thanks to Mr. H arry Woodward Blunt ,Chairman of the Committee to Arrange for the 1960 Gathering, and to att membersof this Committ ee, who work ed so hard and fa ithfully to make this Gather ing oneof the best that I ever att ended.

The banquet room was beautifutty decorated by John Kennedy Magrud er andhis corps of work ers. The lovely fres h pine was the gift of Mr. Dunbar Stonein memory of his mother, Mrs. Lilly Moore Stone, deceased, who was one of ourfaithful members. It had been cut fresh that morning and the lights shining onand th rough it made a lovely picture .

Mrs. Philip Lightfoot had arranged a delightful program of music, songsand dances which was greatly enjoyed.



Members of the American Clan Gregor Society and Honored Guests.It is a very great pleasure to have you here for an occasion which is momentous

for several reasons. First, because we have begun the second half -century of ourSociety, this being the fifty-first annua l Gath ering. Secondly, the year 1960 isthe thr ee hundr ed and fiftieth anniversar y of the birth of Alexa nder Magruder ,the immigrant, from whom I should dare say over ninety percen t of you linealmembers present are descended. He was believed to have been born in Pe rthshire,Scot land in 1610.

Alexander Magruder was brought to Maryland in 1652, a pr isoner of war,having been captured at the Batt le of Worchester in 1651 by Cromwe tt's forces.Within a short period of time af ter his arrival he was able to gain his freedom ;and, sett led permanently in Maryland, where in time he became a large land­holder. While his capture, no doubt was considered a grea t misfortune to himat the time, as succeeding events transpired, I believe we wilt all agree that thiswas a fortunate occurrence for his many descendants, who have lived and areliving in thi s land of freedom and oppor tunity, rather than in some undesirablespot in the world, had he been sent there instead.

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It is very fitting that we should remember Alexand er Magruder on thisoccasion, especially, since he was a citizen soldier, and at this time, when we shallpay honor to soldier descendants of his, our Veterans of the War in Korea.

To all o f you I extend sincere and warm gree tings.



Miss Regina Magruder Hill. Fo r many yea rs she was Hi stori an of theAmerican Clan Gregor Society and more recently has been Registr ar. Her interestin and work in behalf of our Society has been invaluable. She is a fountain ofinformation about matters perta ining to the American Clan Gregor Society.

Mr. and Mrs . John Kennedy Magrud er. He is our Ranking Deput y Chieftain.Besides his regular duties, thru his tirele ss efforts in decorating, the banquet hallalways has a gala and very pleasing effect for all McGregors.

Mr . and Mr s. James W. Muir. Mr. Muir is president of the St. Andre w'sSociety of Washington, D. C. It is always a pleasure and honor to have an officerfrom th is distinguished Society present at our banquets.

Mr s. John Magru der, the widow of the late Gen. John Magrud er, U.S. Arm y.Mrs. Magruder is our Gold Star Mother, being the mother of Lieut. MunroMagruder, who lost his life in the conflict in Korea. \Ve ar e very happy to haveher with us this evening.

Next is Eleanor Magruder, my wif e, who is known to most of you.Now, last but not least we have one of our distingui shed young couples here.

\Vhen the time came to select a speaker for this ceremonial event naturally thequestion arose as to who should he be. After entertaining severa l suggestions, Idecided that the most appropria te speaker would be one of our junior officerKorean War Veterans, especially when the talent was here too. As a result Iinvited this young man to address this Gathering. But first, let' s hear somethingof his career ,

He was born in Richmond, Virg inia, the son of loyal and beloved members ofour Society. He att ended public schools in Richmond and graduated from St .Chri stopher's School in 1944 dur ing W orld War II. Immediately after, in Jul y1944 he entered the Army Air Corps in the Aviation Cadet Program. Wh en thisprogram was curtailed because of an excess of pilots, he volunteered for InfantryO.e.S. and was commissioned Second Lieutenant in December 1945. In theSprin g of 1946 he was sent to the Philippines, where he helped in the trainingand reacti vation of the P hilippine Scouts.

On return to this country in September 1946, he enrolled in the college atthe University of Virgin ia. In the fall of 1949 he entered the Law School at theUniversity of Vir ginia , where he remained until recalled to active duty in October1950 durin g the War in Korea.

He spent six months train ing tr oops and was then sent to Korea, landing inPu san in May 1951. He was assigned to the 17th Infantr y, 7th Division and wentright into combat. Shortly thereafter on May 25th he was severely wounded,following which he was evacuated to hospital s in Korea, Japan and finally theUnited States.

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Afte r his recover y in November 1951 he joined the 3rd Infantry at Fort Meyer,Virg inia, where he remained until his separa tion in Jul y 1952.

He then returned to Law School at the Universi ty of Vir ginia, from whichhe graduated in Jun e 1954. Shortly thereafter he joined a law firm in Richmond,Va, of which he is now a partner.

In September 1956 Miss Elizabeth Ea rly Lichlit er of Winchester , Virginiaand he were married. She is a graduate of H otlins Coltege in Virginia . Theyhave two daught ers, Elizabeth Ross age 30 years and Ann Dudley about 2 yearsof age.

Thi s young Veteran of two war s is the recipient of the Good Conduct Medal;the P urpl e H eart; two battle stars for Korean service; and the Combat Infantry­man's Badge.

Hi s record bears testimony to his coura ge and devotion to dut y. It is readilyseen that he has served his country in a very valiant and faithful manner .

I t is my privilege and honor to present our distinguished members, Mr. andMrs. H enry Magruder Taylor, Jr. Mr. Taylor wilt now address the Gath ering.

GREETINGSTelegram, St. Louis, Missouri

Dr. Roger Grego ry Magrud er :Missouri sends its best wishes and regr ets that each of us cannot be with you

to help celebrate the fifty first Gather ing of the American Clan Gregor Society.

W I LLEIT CLARK M AGRUDER, II , Depllty Chief tain for Missouri


Cot. Lloyd Burns Magruder New J erseyMiss Adalaide Jenkins _ Mar ylandMr s. Mar ion Myrl Ha rr ison OhioMr s. Edna Hatfield _ OklahomaMr . David Hathaway Lindsey ConnecticutMrs. H elen E. H ord VirginiaMr. Ninian Edward Beall VirginiaMr. Guy Russelt H enderson KentuckyDr. Nath aniel MacGregor E welt VirginiaMr s. Janie A. Laverty CaliforniaMrs. Susie May van den Berg District of ColumbiaMrs. Kent Nicodemus MarylandMrs. Loren Fletcher Cole FIoridaMr. J . Frederick Dorman District of ColumbiaMiss E lsie Thrift VirginiaMr. William Marion Magruder KentuckyMrs. Wittiam Marion Magruder KentuckyDr. and Mrs. K. H . Van District of ColumbiaMr s. I . B. McFarland TexasMrs. Rose Louckes New York

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(Read by the Chieftain )Ladies and Gentlemen :

Last year I had the very grea t priv ilege and pleasure of being with you whenyou celebrated the 50th Anniversa ry of the American Clan Grego r Society. It wasa trul y memorable occasion, and one which my wife and I will remember all ourlives. I should like to take this opportunity of thanki ng you all for the wonderf ulhospitality you showed us duri ng our visit to the United States and to tell youhow much we enjoyed ourselves .

Wh en I spoke to you last year, I looked back over the 85 years of my fath er 'slife, and the first 50 years of the American Clan Gregor Society. I chose thenas the theme of my speech the enormous developments and changes that had takenplace durin g that period, and the influence that our Scotti sh heritage had had onthis progress.

This year your Chieftain, Gr egory, has done me the honor of asking me towrite an address which he will read to you at your Gathering . I feel that on thisoccasion, as you ar e gat hered together for the firs t time in the second half centuryof the Society's history, it is appro priate to look to the future. We ar e living ina period of trem endously rapid scientific development , when it is difficult for thelayman to envisage what life will be like in even 10 years time . In addition theproblems of international politics which confr ont our two great nations ar e morecomplex than at any time in their history. Wh at then should be the main aimsof the Ameri can Clan Grego r Society during its second half century? I am surethat you all have many ideas, but I would like to leave you with three thought s.

First : W e who share a common Scott ish herit age have, throughout history,wielded an influence out of all proportion to our numbers. Let us in the future,use that influence to promote bett er understanding of the interests and problemsof our two countries, so that they come ever closer togeth er in their appro ach tointernational a ffairs.

Second: In its first 50 years your Society, from its small beginnin gs atCharlott esville, has gathered to its member ship :MacGr egors from all over theUnited States, and done much to make people aware of their wonderf ul her itage.We must reali ze that this undertaking will not be complete until every person whois eligible to join the Society has done so.

Third: It is impossible to over emphasize the importance of youth. It is inthe hands of the young that the future of the Society lies, because they are theleaders of tomorrow. It is vital, both in the United States and in Scotland, thatthey should take an active and lively interest in the affa irs of the Society. It istheir energy, drive and receptiveness to new ideas, tempered by the experience ofthe older member s which will keep the Society the vital , active orga niza tion,pulsating with life that it is at present.

In conclusion, my wif e and I would like to send you our very best wishesfor the future, and to say how much we look forward to seeing some of you everyyear at Edinchip,

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Ro ger Gregory M agruder, M.D.

Welcome to the fifty-first Gathering of the American Clan Gregor Societyin this year of nineteen hundr ed sixty.

The first fifty year s of the American Clan Grego r Society was marked bythe accomplishment of much in its aims and climaxed by the Golden AnniversaryGathering last October. Th e many verbal comments and written notes receivedcommending that Gathering were very much appreciated and were extremelygratify ing to all of those who worked so hard to make it a success. In the ensuingtwelve months members of the American Clan Gregor Society have been carryingon the routine work of the Society, of which you are aware and have heard aboutin the committ ee report s. Other members have been active in various ways inmatters per taining to the Society.

Your present Chieftain and his wife were invited and attended the verycolorf ul annual tartan ball of the St. Andrew's Society of Wa shington, D. C. inNovember 1959. Th ere were other members of our Society present too.

On Sunday, 24 April 1960 Mr . H arry W . Blunt represented the AmericanClan Gregor Society at the ceremony of the "Kirkin' 0' the Tartan", held eachyear at the Cathedral Church of St. Peter and St. Paul in Washington, D. C.He presented the MacGregor tartan for the first time at th is very impressive andancient rit e celebra ted annually by Scots to signify the " fa ith of our father s and thesign of our service to Thee,"!

A letter dated 7 Jun e 1960 from the Chief of Clan Gregor stated that DanusMacGregor, the son of Alasta ir MacGregor, who had died recently, will probablysucceed his father as P resident of the Clan Grego r Society of Scotland . Mr. JohnMcGregor, 7 Cluny Avenue, Edinburg 10, Scot land, is now secreta ry of the Society.A drive to get new member s is to be sta rted soon.

On 18 June 1959 the Virginia members of our Society had their annual picnicat the home of Mrs . John W . H amilton, Ehear t, Va. She and Mrs. Allen L. Hordwere co-hostesses. Your Chieftain attended and enjoyed the company of ourVirginia members, as well as those who came from W ashington , D. C. Needlessto say the menu was such as to brin g gratification to any gourmet.

On 26 Jun e 1960 the American Clan Gregor Society was a joint sponsor withClan MacLennan, the St. Andrew's Society of W ashington, D. C, and the Daughtersof Scotia of a picnic for the members of these organizations. Thi s was held atthe North Bethesda Recreation Center, Mar yland and was the first joint picnic.I was informed that our Society was well represented and a delightful tim e washad by those present. Mr . and Mr s. Harold J. Magruder were picnic chairmenand co-chairman for the American Clan Gregor Society for this event.

Again, in Jul y 1960 the American Clan Gregor Society with other ClanSocieties were sponsors of the colorful Grandfather Mountain Highland Gamesheld annually at Linvill e, N. C. The Hereditar y Chief of the Clan MacMillanwas the guest of honor thi s year.

For the 1959-60 session at the University of Virg inia Medical School inChar lottesv ille, Va. the Dr . Edward May Magrud er Medical Scholarship wasawarded to Mr. John Campbell. Thi s young man is a deserving and hard workingstudent. I feel sure that the members of our Society, in the finest MacGregortr adition, will approve the decision of having granted him the privil ege and

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financial help of this Scholarship Fund to use in the continuance of the study ofhis chosen profess ion.

The immediate family of our first Chiefta in, has had the eminent artist, Mr .E liot Clark, fo rmerly of New York City and now residing in Charlottesville,Virginia renovate the painting of the fiery cross presented to the Society manyyears ago by the first Chiefta in. T hru the ravages of time this painting had becomedull and lusterless. Thru the skill of Mr. Clark much of its radiance and brillancehas been restored.

During the year, our Society was the recipient of a copy of a large amountof genealogical materia l pertaining to the Magruder- Beall families and consistingof copies of deeds, marriages, wills, etc. collected by our fellow clansman, Mr.Milton A. Parsons of Idaho. This material represents long and intensive researchby Mr. Parsons and is a very valuable and welcome addition to our records.

Mr. Milton R. Hutchinson, J r. of Rochester, N . Y., Mr. Roy Mag ruder ofWashington, D. C. and your present Chieft ain have presented negat ives of thepictures taken at the Fift ieth Anniversa ry Gath ering. Th ese will be kept in thefiles of the Society. Anyone who desires color pictures of that Gathering mayobtain them th ru the Registrar at a small cost.

The American Clan Gregor Society has started the second half-century ofits existence. Possibly one may ask, why have such a Society in this day ofthe Space Age, with new discoveries and rapid advances in science and technology;and with revolutionary changes occurring all over the world in the social andeconomic order and idealogies of a foreign nature being thrus t upon us. Thesefactors alone are reason enough for this type of Society. For it is from the rootsof the past that the present derives wisdom, knowledge and truth to guide it inbuilding for the future. It has been said, "if we are faithful to our past, we shallnot have to fear our future." 2 Th e Clan MacGregor has its roots deep in thehistoric past. The history of Clan MacGregor, and I will also add of the AmericanClan Gregor Society, is replete with a people who have stood for those principlesof honor, integri ty and freedom, which today ar e too often treated with unsuitablelevity.

Yes, the American Clan Gregor Society has made history and has grown instature with its age.

For its continued grow th and to fulfill its goals, it would seem appropriateto discuss severa l factors which seem pertinent to its future.

Firs t is the question of membership. If one glances back over the annualmembership rolls, it will be noted that the total number of members over theyears has increased, but because of attrition from death and non-payment of duesthe number of dues-paying members in more recent years has changed very littlefrom year to year. Now, there are literall y thousands of prospective new members,who should be on the membership rolls. If the Society is to grow in members, it isimperative that all of our members exert their efforts towards interes ting pros­pective members in our Society; and encourage them to submit their applicationpapers. As a fur ther effort to accomplish this, it would seem appropriate to havea small pamphlet in which there is a brief sketch of the history of the ClanMacGregor and the American Clan Gregor Society plus an outline of the activitiesand goals of our Society published. Included therein could be the crest of theClan and a forewo rd by the Chief of Clan Gregor. T his pamphlet could be givento individuals interested in our Society including prospective members.

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• Let no one think that interest in genealogy is dead. Fo r American genealogistshave informed me that they are busier than ever searc hing for family record s forindividuals. Whi le their Eng lish counterparts have received many requests fromAmericans seeking their forebears and from whence they came. We in ourSociety are fortunate in having on file a wealth of genealogical records of inesti­mable value.

While much of this material has been published in the Year Book, thereremains many valuabl e recurd s and charts, of which there is possibly only thecopy in our files. Should these records and charts be inad vert ently lost or destroyedin some manner, it would repr esent a very grea t misfortune, to say the least. Ithas been suggested that as many of our files as deemed possible or advisable ,especially certain key records, be microfilmed and stored in a well protected place.T o me, this is a splendid idea. Of course it will entail some expense, but not toogr eat, and the safeguarding of these records will be well worth the cost.

Also, we have an annual publication, the Year Book, in which much genealog ­ical material and other articles of intere st have been published. The Year Bookhas much of value in it and is one of the most estimable works of the Society .But, I have been informed that in cert ain genealogical circl es editions of morerecent years have been criti cized because of certain er ro rs, inaccuracies and un­satisfactory form and composition. This statement is made only with the ideaof correc ting these and without censurin g anyone, for many of us are at fault.We are the ones who write the articles and submit other documents for publication.It behooves all of us, before presenting an article for publication, to make certainthat we have examined it in a critical manner with the journalist' s who, what,when, where and why in mind. If these questions ar e answered as completely aspossible, the maj orit y of the deficiencies will be cleared up. Notation of the sourceof important events, dates, etc. with a listing of the bibliogra phy, from which thematerial has been gath ered at the end of the article would also be an added feature.Great care should be exercised in arranging the articles to be published in theYear Book so as to have them in the proper form and order in compliance withaccepted standards of higher genealogical publications. Accomplishment of thesesuggestions would add furth er value and prestige to the Year Book. I am sureall of us want to rai se its standard to the highest attainable. Thi s will requirework on the part of all.

At our annual Gathering we always desire to have our old members, but weshould also have new members present. One possible way of obtainin g this goalis to change the time and place of the Gathering at periodic intervals. If theGathering should be held during the summer on occasions, no doubt there wouldbe more young members of school age present, as well as some older members,who may not be able to leave their place of business in October. Also, if fromtime to time, the Gathering should be held at some place other than Washington,D. C. members who live in the proximity would att end, who in the past have notcome to Washington.

One suggestion would be to hold the Gathering in July at or near Linville,N . C. at the time of the annual H ighland Games. On the trip to attend theGathering, one could also include sightseeing in that beautiful mountainous regionof western North Carolina. The Hi ghland Games would be an added attractionespecially for the young members, and would provide addit ional Scottish flavorto the occasion. Or the Gathering could be held at the time of the Highland Games

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in New England. Many other suitable places may be mentioned, where pointsof historical intere st and scenic beauty may be found and would be addit ionalattractions.

These suggestions are made only with the hope and belief that the Societywill gain from their accomplishment. While we cer tainl y want to retain muchof our past custom s in the Society, there is al ways a place for certain changes oradditions that may be advantageous. I sincerely trust that you will take kindlyto these ideas presented and will see fit to formulate positive act ion.1 From tbe Program of the Ceremonies, Sunday 24 Apr. 1959 at tbe Catbedral of St . Pet er

and S t. Paul, Wasb ington, D.C.2 Statement of lIlr. J obn Foster Dulles (deceased), for mer Secretary of State, U .S.A.



Two times in the first fifty years, of the Ameri can Clan Gr egor Society, themembers at appropriate ceremonie s paid tribute and expressed their gatitude totheir Honor Roll members who fought and died in two World Wars. Our memoryof them is kept alive and evidence of the respect in which they are held is mani­fested by the servic e flags, which adorn the walls of the banquet hall at ourannual Gatherings.

Now, for a third time our Society desires to recognize and pay due honorto all of you who went forth again to battle in the cause of fre edom. You weresummoned to fight in a land about 6,000 miles from our count ry, in a spot onthe earth's surf ace least known to the American public.s tiny obscure Kor ea.

While the War in Korea was never officially declared a war a and has beenspoken of as a "police action";2 "the half forgotten war"2; the useless war";2 and"the war of limited aim">, yet it was the fourth most costly war in our historyin terms of human casualties 2 which numbered 137,000.1

"War is never pretty ." "In Korea, known in the past as 'the Kingdom of theMorning Calm' it was compounded, fra ctured and obfuscated hell".2

On Sunday, 25 June 1950, when the well trained North Korean Armi es withtheir Russian arms and equipment attacked the South Koreans, reinforced soonby their United Nations Allies, and while these forces were inferior in numbers,but not in fighting qualities, "Korea became a bloody battleground of ideologies­the democracies of the world against ruth less milita ry totalitarism of the wor stkind. The first six months of American-led resistance to Communist agg ressionwas a conflict without parallel in military history and a struggle as hot andbitterly fought as any in history. There were incidents as heroic , as bizarre,as desperate, and as glorious as any in the milita ry history of the nation."s

But , for the Alli es a decision was made to fight a limited defensive warrather than risk a global atomic conflict." T his thinking was forei gn to the natureof Americans, who have been accustomed to fight to win a clear cut victory. "Asa result the war became the most disheart ening, frustrating, dreariest , the leastinspiring and least popular war in American History." Yet it was for the UnitedNations "an effort of high purposes . ... earn estly dedicated to the preser vation ofpeace and freedom."!

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As the war dra gged on many wondered "how could there be an end to a warfought under rules, which precluded victor y for either side."> But, finally a trucewas signed in Jul y 1953.4

Now, you Veterans of the Korean War, when the symbolic fiery cross sum­moned you to fight for freedom in a far off land, you answered that call withpat riotism, courage, and to the best of your ability. Whether you were in a com­bat unit or a service organi zation you did your part. Unfortunately and to ourdeep sorrow, one of your number made the supreme sacr ifice, and as in ancientSparta "r eturn ed on his shield." All this you did in the finest tradition of theMacGregors of ancient and more modern times too, revealing once agai n yourdevotion to duty and your love of country, which is one of the highest and moststi rring human emotions. Your Society feels justly proud of you and desires toshow their appreciation of your loyalty and valor by form ing an Honor Roll ofyour names. A service flag on which each of you is represented has been made,and will take its place alongside our service flags for World Wa rs I and II .Lastly, your Society desires to present to each of you a cert ificate and an emblem.Though these are very small in material value, and cannot repay you for yourheroic service and sacrifices made in the defense of freedom and for our greatcountry, it is hoped that the feelings and significance which they impart , will makethem of lasting value to you in the years to come.

BIBLIOGRAPH YI. Decision in Korea by Rutherford M. Poat s, Th e McBride Co., New York, N. Y.2. Verdic t in Korea by Robert T . Oliver , Bald Eagle P ress, State College, Pa,3. Battl e Report. Th e War in Korea. Vol. VI From official sou rces by Captain Walter Kari g

US N R. Commander Malcolm W. Cagle U S N and Lieutenant Command er Frank A. Manso~USN. Rinehart and Co., Inc . New York, N. Y.

4. F rom the Danu be To Th e Yal u, by Genera l Mark \V. Cla rk, Former Comman der in the FarEas t. Har per & Bro ther s, New York 16, N. Y.

Service men honored were:






Rank' S ervice Number

Barber, LeRo y Grant Q.M. 3/c Navy 4284615Barber , Oliver Warren, Jr Q.M. 2/c Navy 2319926Bond, Francis Hooper lst Lt ., Inf. Army 01873631Cox, Merl e LeRoy Seaman Navy 4242030

-Davis, William Harvey, Jr Colonel Arm y ER 33998693- Dorman, John Frederick Corporal Army 52158495- Eldridge, Alan Magrud er Corporal Air Force AO -297715-Ewell, John Francis .lst. Lieut. Arm y 01341869- Ewell, Nathaniel MacGregor, Jr Lcdv U.S.R. Navy 496088

Gillespie, Ja y Stewart ..Gramko w, Edwin Warfield Captain A A.F. Ai r Corps

-Harris, Leland Lewis Chief P etty Officer NavyMacGr egor, Sir Gregor Mac-

Gregor of MacGregor Major-Magruder, Carter Bowie Lieut. Gen.*Magruder, Franck Charl es Petty Officer 2/ c-M agrud er , J eb Stuart Private lie*Magruder, John Beavers Sgt.*Magruder, John Holmes, III Lieut. -Col.

Magruder , Lauch McLaurin, Jr .Ist. Lieut .

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Magruder, Munro Lieut. Army, Kill ed Sept. 3, 1950*Magruder, Ralph H emming-

way, Jr. . Private 11c Army US 53004792Magrud er, Robert Stuart .

*Magruder , Roy, Jr S /Sgt. Marin es 1079948*Magruder, W illiam Yates Wemple..Corporal Army 51070641 , Aus,*Russell, Eleanor Magruder Bach Captain Marin es W050411Shockley, Andrew Goff A. lIc Air Force A.F . 14317890

*Taylor , David Higginbotham Corporal Marin es 1450888/0311*T aylor, Henr y Magruder, Jr .l st , Lieut. Army 0139926*Thrift, Richard Bohrer Colonel Army 039849We st, Mauric e Porter Sergeant Army 55308083

"Denotes membership in the American Clan Gre gor Society.

KIRKIN' 0 ' THE TARTANApril 24, 1960, at the Nat ional Cathedral

Washington, D . C.

Saint Andrew's Society of Wa shington, D. c., is a charitable and socialorganization of men of Scott ish birth or ancestry. The Society was organized in1855 and was incorporated in the District of Columbia in the year 1908. Amongits earliest members was Jame s Buchanan, Fifteenth President of the UnitedStates. Th e Society replaced, in the National Capital area, the old Saint Andrew' sSociety of Alexandria , Virginia, founded about 1780. Originally formed "to dis­pense charit y and alla y suffering among Scotsmen and lineal descendant s ofScotsman," today, in addition to its charitable purposes, Saint Andrew's Societyseeks to perpetuate Scotti sh culture and traditions, such as the Kirkin' 0 ' theTa rtans and promote social intercourse among its members.

The Kirkin' 0 ' the Tartan is an ancient rite celebrated annually by Scots torededicate themselves and their services to God, as symbolized by the presentationof their tartans at the altar.

Ceremony of the Kirkin: 0 ' the Tartans

The Procession enters and leaves the Cathedral to the music of the Pipers andthe Drummers.

While the Tartans ar e being taken to the High Altar the Choir sings "PraiseGod, from whom all blessings flow."

Th e Chaplain of the Society, standing before the Bearers of the Tartans,pronounces the Prayer of Dedication and Blessings :

"Almighty God, who hast promised that in all places where thou dost recordthy Name, thou wilt meet with thy servants to bless them ; fulfill now thy promise,and make us joyful in the house of prayer, that our worship being offered in theName of thy Son and by the guidance of thy Spirit may be acceptable unto thee,and profitable unto our selves. Bless, we beseech thee, these Tartans that they maybe unto us and unto all men, a token of the faith of our fathers and the sign ofour service to thee, through Jesus Chri st our Lord . Amen."

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Wh ile all remain standing, the choir and congrega tion sing the Hymn, "Faithof our Fathers!" by F. W. Fabe r, 1849.

For the first time the MacGregor Tartan was presented by the American ClanGregor Society, before the Hi gh Altar at this ceremony.

Those from the Clan who attended were: Mr . and Mr s. Harry WoodwardBlunt, Mrs. William H enry Lloyd, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Garland Magruder, Mr.and Mrs . Forrest S. Holmes, Mr s. Dixie M. Noble, and Miss Regina MagruderH ill.

VIRGINIA STATE UNITTh e Annual Picnic of the Virginia Unit was held at the home of Mr. and

Mrs. John W. Ham ilton at Eheart, Va . It was a very happy and congenial picnic.Everyo ne contributed the luncheon.

Those who attended were : Dr. Roger Gregory Magruder, Chieftain, and Mr s.Magruder; Miss Regina M. Hill, Miss Anna Louise Reynolds, Miss C. VirginiaDiedel, Col. and Mrs. E. O. Lee, Miss Elsie Thrift, Dr. and Mr s. Lipscomb, MissJulia Reynolds, Mr s. Alice Dawson Garth, Edwin Bowie Garth, Mrs. FrancesYarrington, Capt. and Mrs. Nathaniel MacGregor Ewell, Mr . Mike Miller, Mr .and Mrs. A. H . Hord , Mr . Jacob Milwit , all of Washington, D. c., and Virg inia.

We had the pleasure of entertaining some of the Ewells from far away States.Mr. Edward Ewell Wil son of Missouri; Mr. and Mr s. Francis Ewell Wil son ofMontan a ; Mr s. Fielding McGehee and her four children, Fi elding III, Louise Reba,Susan Claiborne, Duncan Ewell, from California.

Claus il~ Was hlnqton, D. C. meet : One of the highlight s of 1960 for Clanmembers in the Washington and nearby Maryland and Virg inia area was the"Scott ish Clans" picnic. On a beautiful Sunday, June 26, 1960, the American ClanGregor Society, the St. Andrew's Society of Washington, the Clan MacLennan,and the Daughters of Scotia had an enjoyable time at the North Bethesda Recrea ­tion Center. Eve ryone brought their own picnic dinners ; coffee, tea, ice crea m, andsoft dr inks were served. Th ere were numerous Scottis h games with prizes forthe winners. Th e dancers and pipers from the St. Andrew's Society band.

Thi s was the first time a jointl y-sponsored picnic was held and it receivedvery favora ble support, with an approximate turnout of 500 members of the fourClans. We hope to make this a yearly event. Plans are now under way for our1961 picnic.

Some of the Clan members present were : Mr . and Mr s. Harry W. Blunt,Mr s. William Henry Lloyd, Miss Regina Magruder Hill , Mr . Thomas GarlandMagrud er, Miss Anna Louise Reynolds, Miss Julia Reynolds, Dr. and Mrs . H .Robert Lipscomb, Mr s. Ralph S. Bubb, Mr . and Mrs. J. C. Tichy with their twochildren, Jacey and Sarah ; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Magrud er , Mr. and Mr s. H aroldJoseph Magruder and litt le daughter, Mr s. William Randolph Talbott, Rev. andMrs. James Murdock, Mr s. John G. MacDonald, Mr. and Mr s. Henry JamesMurdock, Master H enry Jame s Murd ock, j r., Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Murdock,Master Robert Bruce Murdock, Master Douglas Jam es Murdock, Miss EmmaMuncaster, Mrs. Je ssie Richardson, Miss Martha S. Pool , Miss Catherine Pool,Mrs. Gustave Villaret , Mr s. Gordon Clark and her four children, Mrs. Paul Neal,Mrs. J . Rochford Dwyer, Mrs. ]. Eldridge Loveless and perha ps other s.

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A Maryland Maqrud er H ome

by H ERBERT T. M AGRUDER, Former Chief tain

America n Clan Grego r Society

In the year 1882, My parents, Robert and Elizabeth Thomas Magruder, pur ­chased a tract of land of seventy acres 0 11 what was then called Pi mlico Roadextended at it s junct ion with Seven Mile Lane, in Baltimore County, Maryland. Tothi s newly acquired property they gave the name, "Glengyle". This Scottish appel­lation had been gleaned fro m Sir Walt er Scott's "Rob Roy" ; and was the desig­nation of a section at the far end of Loch Katrine in the Hi ghlands of Scotla nd,which was the dwelling place of the MacGregors. My father was always an avidreader, and the Waverley novels were among his favo rities. The family tradition ofScottish descent was undoubtedly a fac tor in selecting the name "Glengyle" forhis home place.

T he property was principally cleared farm land, but there was a section ofwoodland, principally oak trees, fronting on the highway, then har dly more than adirt road. T he house at Glengyle, as planned by our parents, was a lar ge ramblingframe building of late Victor ian style then prevalent. E ight lar ge trees werefelled on the site of the house, the building of which covered the greate r part of ayear. A broad front porch extended along the entire east front, continuin g aroundto the south side. The broad entra nce door way led into a vestibule and thenceinto a wide centr al hall, fr om which a stairway at the right rear led up to thesecond floor. Th ere were several landings at turn s on the stairs.

Opening off the main hall of the lower floor on the right, was a large formalparlor in which my mother's grand Knabe piano occupied a prominent place.Duri ng winter months the parlor was too cold for comfort, and in consequenceseldom used. Back of the par lor was a room used as a place for storing th ings,including barrels of winter apples. It was also the place where I met my fath er'sslipper or shingle, at the end of the day, frequently, when reports of misbehaviornecessitated chast isement. We were a lar ge fa mily of children, four boys andthre e gir ls, although we lost one sister in infancy. By general agreement, I wasconsidered the one on whom the rod should be least spared.

T o return to the plan of the lower floor, the large fr ont room on the left wasknown as the library . Today it would be called the living room, for it was exac tlythat with its cheery log-burning fireplace, central table with its glowing coal oillamp, ar ound which all gathered for reading. In one corner stood the walnutbook case with glass doors, on the shelves of which volumes, many of theminherited from our gra nd-parents, were lined. In another corne r of thi s room, atthe front, stood the Estey organ, around which all gathered on Sunday evenings tosing the genera lly mournful hymns we had been taught. The large bay window thatoccupied the other front end of the library, is remembered especially through thefact that there was erected each year the enormous Christmas tree, which we hadearlier selected, cut down and brought to the house, storing it in the cold summerkitchen.

Opening fr om the library, through lar ge folding door s was the dining room withwindows on the sunny south side. Here plant s flouri shed even throughout the winter.

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There was a lar ge built in china closet, surmounting drawe rs and closets for thestorage of silverware and china. A cheer ing fea ture of the dining room was th ebuilt in Latrobe coal stove, which on cold days was cven more popula r than thelibrary hearth as a gathering place. T he rest of the ground floor was taken upwith a many shelved and chested pantry leading into the enormous kitchen withits large coa l range, adequate for all purposes including roasting oysters in theirshells, a popular and savory Chesapeake Bay dish. Adjoining the kitchen was anequally large summer kitchen, unheated , used in warm weather. He re, in additionto another kitchen stove and furniture, was located the lar ge circular iron pumpby which water was forced up to the large sto rage tank in the attic for use in thehouse. H ere in cold weather the pipes often froze, and their th awing out wasanything but a happy chore.

There ar e six bedrooms on the second floor, but in our day th ere was only onebathroom with its zinc lined tub and the other fixtures needed for cleansing andcomfor t. On the attic floor there were two large bedrooms for colored servantsof each sex, and unl imited storage space for accumulated possessions not in use.Our house was light ed by gas genera ted from gasoline stored in a tank buriedin the garden, the necessar y pressure coming from a ponderous weight of masonr ysuspended in our cellar, which had to be wound up as requir ed. Th ere wa s centralheatin g from a large coal furna ce, which in a season consumed coal by the carload. Nevertheless this centra l heatin g had to be augmented by coal burning stovesset up in several rooms, in the very cold weather .

So much for the house at Glengyle. H owever , th ere was located a few stepsfrom the kitchen door a square squat stone st ructure of one story, in which belowground level there were masonry troughs on two sides, through which a stream ofwater ran. H ere was cooled the milk set in crocks for cr eam to form and to beskimmed. T he quaint old dairy still sta nds though its function has been taken overby electric refri geration.

We had ample orchards for growing fru its, and an ex tensive vegetable gardenunder the car e of Uncle George Robinson, to supply produce in season. In th ecar riage house and stables th ere wer e vehicles, a buggy, Dayton wagon and a lar gecar ry-all, really a small omnibus, serving all needs. We kept a team of fa rm horses,and usuall y three or four dri ving hor ses. Th e herd of Jersey cows numbered six ;and pigs were raised, fatt ened on waste materials. H og kill ing time duri ng th e cri spweeks of early December was a thrilling adventure for the youngs ters and strenuouslabor for oldsters.

Ea ch season fields of corn and wheat were plant ed and hay harvested for th elivestock. Wheat grown was usuall y sufficient to warrant the visit of a cr ew ofitinerant thresher s, who brought th eir machine drawn by a steam driven t ractorwhich supplied th e power for the subsequent threshing opera tion; and the grainwas bagged and sent to millers.

During the years we lived at Glengyle, the last two decades of the 1800's, thehigh way, Pimli co Road, at first a dirt road, acquired a Macadam surface, and anew name, Park H eights Avenue. Th e line of horse car s firs t established wassucceeded by tr olleys and more recently busses. Toll gates which were set up onnearb y Reisterstown Turnpike vanished as did fox-hunting which in our youthfulyear s was participated in by riders from the Grecn Spring Valley, who occa sionallyran ged through the open country around Glengyle.

The picture I have here drawn is of the Glengyle of our childhood, more than

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sixty years ago; for we left our Maryland home in the year 1900. Fotlowing ourdeparture, Glengyle was acquired by the Honorable Isidore Raynor, later by theHonorable O. E. W eller, and more recently has been owned and occupied by thefamily of Mr . Wa lter Kohn, a leading merchant of Baltimore, Maryland. Theplace has been maintained in excetlent condition through the years. Durin g theiroccupancy, the Kohns have been most hospitable in welcoming any of the membersof our family who have had the opportunity to return for the nostalgic pleasureof a visit to their childhood home. It is now reported that the property is to besold once mor e, the old house to be demolished and replaced by a high school orpossibly developed for some other public use.Note: T here is an interesting articl e on this home and the people who have lived

there by H erbert Th omas Magruder. Thi s article "From Maryland toManhattan" will be found in the 1946 issue of the Year Book (labeled inerror "1945" ) , pages 94 through 110.

DEJARNETTE - McGEHEE FAMILIESThe Clan H eadquart ers has been lent a book entitled "Dejarnette and Atlied

Fa milies in America, 1699-1954" compiled by Earl G. and May (Miller ) Frost.Thi s book lists the descendants of John Dejarnette and of Thomas McGehee,

giving the names of husbands, wives, their children, grandchildren and on downto the present ; with dates of birth , marriage and death in most cases. Th e numbersystem is used and it is futly indexed.

Many descendants of these families living today, are eligible to membershipin the American Clan Gregor Society through their McGehee and Magrud er linesas wetl as Dejarnette, as two of the daughters of Jo hn Dejarn ette married twoof the sons of T homas McGehee. A number of these are now members of the Clan.It is the hope of the Clan that others will also be interested in becoming members.For informati on contact the Registr ar of the Clan, Mrs. Ralph S. Bubb, 1109Crowfoot Lane, Pa int Branch Fa rm, Silver Spring, Maryland.

McGe hee Family

Th e McGehee family is Scott ish. Th eir ancestor, Patrick McGregor, onetime Chief of the Clan, was born in Scotland. He married Mariam McDonald.Hi s son James McGregor married Mary Mumf ord , and upon coming to Americahe changed his name to Thomas McGehee. H e petit ioned for land in Virginia,which was granted to him, and he located in St . Joh n's Parish, King W illiamCounty. Hi s Will was dated July 27, 1724 in King Willi am Co., Va. ; See-package14030-14036, Archives Division, Virginia State Library, Richmond, Virginia .Th omas McGehee died in 1727.

Edward McGehee, son of Thomas married Elizabeth Dejarnett e, and anotherson, Jacob McGehee, married Eleanor Dejarnette, both daughters of J ohn De­Jarnette. Th ere are several Magruder connections through the McGehee line.Charl es Goodrich McGehee III married Mary Magruder, daughter of JohnWilli ams Magrud er and Lucr etia Donaldson, who were the grandparents of ourRanki ng Deputy Chieftain, John Kennedy Magruder. Anoth er Magrud er con­nection is: Evelyn May Magruder, daught er of Benjamin H enry Magrud er andMaria Louisa Minor, who married Etliott Hawes Dejarnette. These lines arecarried on in the above mentioned book.

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Delarnette Family

Th e orig in of the name Dejarnett e is French Huguenot, and though there aremany spellings of the name in the United States, all of the names descend fromthe first ancestor in this country, Jean (John) dej arnat , Th e form in use todayis Dejarnette,

Their Coat of Arm s is described on page VIII in the Introduction as: "O na blue field ar e three swans' necks and heads of silver, placed two above one. Thesupports ar e two lions of gold. The crest has a head and neck of a Swan in silver,flanked by two half-wings of the same. Motto : My hope is God".

Jean dejarnnat (John Dejarnette ) was born in France circa 1680, and died,presumably in Gloucester County, Virginia. He married circa 1703, Mary Mum­ford , born in Abingdon Parish, Gloucester County, Virginia; died in PrinceEdward County, Virginia in 1765. She was the daughter of Edward and Mary(Watkins) Mumford.

Jean dejarnat petitioned for naturalization April 18, 1705, as shown in the"Legislative Journals of the Council of Colonial Virginia, Vol. I (from the PublicRecords Office, London, Colonial Office, Class 5, Vol. 1.)"

Mary dejarnett e, widow of John. made a Will dated April 24. 1765. Shedevised "to son-in-law, Jacob McGehee .. ." . Her Will was made in St. Patrick'sParish. Prince Edward County, Virginia, and probated August 19. 1765.


A lexander S cott Offutt, veteran Wa shington banking leader has been electedpresident of the First National Bank of Washington to succeed the late John A.Reilly. H e served as president of Anacostia National Bank from January 1951and took over his new duties on Sept ember I, 1960. H e was associated with theDistrict Bankers Association for many years and served as association president.Mr. Offutt has been in the banking business for fort y years. He was vice presi­dent of the Union Trust Company. Previous to that time he was a vice presidentof the old Morris Plan Bank of Washington which acquired the Union TrustCompany. Mr. Offutt also gained experience with the old City Bank and theNational Capital Bank. He is a native of Maryland, having been born in 1901where Georgetown Preparatory School now stands. He is married and has onedaughter, Mr s. Ray Austin Graham, j r., of "Edgehill" Shadwell, Virginia, andtwo grandsons, Courtn ey Offutt and Scott Graham. Mr. Offutt is a member ofthe Clan. number 1334.

Colonel Mar ion Milton Magmder. Mr. Lloyd Randolph Magruder Killam ofHonolulu, Ha waii, sent to Headquarters a picture and an article from the Honolulu­Star-Bulletin of Tuesday. April 19, 1960, showing the quarters 515-D Hilltopoccupied by Col. Mari on Milton Magruder, Station Commander, who lives aboardthe Station 515-D where President Dwight D. Eisenhower stayed while he wasat Kaneohe Marine Corps Air Station. It is the same house the President occupiedin 1952 durin g his pre-inaugural stopover after visiting Korea . Th e house stand son the northernmost jut of land on the ocean side of the Air Station's peninsula.Col. Magruder and his family stayed in other quarter s on the Station during th ePresident's visit. The article and picture are being placed in the Clan Scrap Book.

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Will . Mr s. Myron Bach, a member from California, has sent to the officea photos tat copy of the Wi ll of Eleano r Magruder , made in Frederick County,Virginia, on September I I, 1838, and probated there on November 5, 1838. Ele anorMagr uder was Eleanor Davenpor t, the second wife of Dr. Daniel Magruder.

Mr. J. Moynard Mag ruder. T he N orthern Virginia Savings and Loan As­sociation planned to open an office in McLean, Virginia, in Januar y of 1961. J.Maynar d Magruder of Ar lington, a former member of the House of Delegates,is president of this No rthern Virg inia Bank. Mr. Magruder is a member of theClan having served as Ed itor of the Year Book.

S usie Ressenquie. See the Charlotte, N. C. Observer, Sunday, August 9,1959. "C harlotte's boys and Greensboro 's girls set a torrid pace th rough the secondafternoon of competition on Saturday in the 9th Annual Carolina's A.A.U ., Jun iorOlympic swim at Municipal pool. Susie Ressenguie of Fort Bragg, topped theold record in the junior girl's 50-meter fr eestyle." Susie is the daught er of ourmember Mrs. G. 1. Ressenguie and the gra nddaughter of Colonel Don Mag rude rScott , also a member of the Clan.

Dante Flora MacLeod . Dame Flora MacLeod, journ eyed fr om her ancientancestra l castle on the Isle of Skye to New York , where she pr esided over thegathering of her fellow MacLeods from this part of the world. She is the firstwoman ever to head the 1000 year old MacLeod Clan and says she believes thereare at least 20,000 members of the family in thi s Countr y and in Canada. (Thiswas taken from a clipping sent to the office durin g the year.)

N OTE : W hen sending in clippings fr om newspapers, magazines, or quotationsfrom books to the Headquar ters Office please be sure to give the full name of thenewspaper , etc., where it was published, date of publicati on, and the name of theauthor, or the person sending it in.

Edward Grant Stockdale. Mr. Edward Grant Stockdale of Coral Gables,Flor ida, has recently been appointed United Sta tes Ambassa dor to Ireland. Hiswife is Alice Boyd Magrud er Stockdale, a member of the Clan. Mr . and Mrs.Stockda le left for I reland on May 4, 1961.

Kirkin' 0 ' The T artan. Thi s impressive ceremony was held in the NationalCathedral on April 23, 1961. Mr . Harry W . Blunt presented the MacGrego rTartan at the High Alta r. He wore the MacGreg or Kilt. Clan members at tendingwere : Mr. and Mrs. John Kennedy Magrud er, Miss Virginia Diedel and herhusband Jacob Milwit, Miss Amy Belle Hunter, Miss Regina Magrud er Hill, Mr.and Mr s. Harry W. Blunt, Mr. and Mr s. Thomas Garla nd Magru der, J r., Mrs.W illiam H enry Lloyd and her daught er and son-in- law, Mr . and Mr s. MeadHartwell, and their son, Mead Ir ., from Massachusetts.

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R eply to

Regina Magruder Hill , Director, Research Committ ee

Tudor Ha ll, 926 Massachusett s Ave., N.W ., Wa shington 1, D. C.


Gregg : Information needed on Aaron Gregg, born in Scotland, came to NewJersey in 1764, and died in W ilmington, Delaware. H e marri ed a Mr s.Harrington in England, and they had a son William Gregg who marriedSarah Smith in 1797. Thi s Willi am was born in New Jer sey, February 3,1766/ 68, and died near Wh eeling, West Virg inia, in August of 1828.

Magrud er, Amos : W ant information and descendants of Amos Ma gruder , whosehome was in Bethesda, Maryland. The house is still standing and being usedby the St. Jan e Frances deChantal Catholic Church, which purchased thisproper ty. It is located at 9701 Old Georgetown Road, Bethesda, MontgomeryCounty, Md.

Magruder, John : H e was born in Wheeling, Ohio Count y, W. Va., formerly WestAugusta County, Virg inia. H e had a son John who had a son Guy EbertMagruder of Octa, Ohio, born in 1886. We have the record from Guy EbertMagruder to the present . Th ere is nothing in the Court House in Wheeling,W. Va., on this first John Magruder.

Descendants of the people given in the records below :Mar riage Bonds of Orange Co., Va., 1787-1803 and 1810-1865­

E dward H . Wa rren married, S Dec. 1855, Virginia M. Magrud er .

Marriage Bonds, Fayette Co., Ky., 1815-19, at D.A.R. Record s 1948, p. 5­Dr. Samuel Magruder marr ied Sept. 15, 1815, Mary Looney.

1850 Census, Anson Co., North Carolina, Galledges Distr ict, Sept. 10, atDA R., p. 176-

W illiam L. McGregor, aged 47-born North CarolinaRebecca, McGregor , aged 47- born North CarolinaJ onathan L. McGr egor , aged 2O-born North CarolinaIsaac A. McGregor, aged 16-born No rth CarolinaWilliam F. McGregor , aged lO-born North Carolina

Elizabeth Blackburn: Made her Will on July 3, 1786 which was probated on Nov.25, 1786, filed at Hagerstown, Washington County, Maryland (Lib er A, folio140) . Th e Will starts, "I, Elizabeth Blackburn , of Elizabeth Town, Washing­ton Co., Md." , and she leaves her estate to her children, Susannah McMullinand John Blackburn . The above date of Will would fit Eli zabeth Magruder,daught er of William Magruder and Mary Fraser, he son of Samuel Magruderand Sarah Beall.

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DR. EDWARD MAY MAGRUDER SCHOLARSHIP FUNDThrough a most regr ettable oversight the following acceptanceremarks were not included in the 1960 issue of the Year Book.

Remarks Made By

JAM ES E. KI NDRED, Prof. of A natomy

S chool of Medicine, University of Virginia

As the representati ve of the Medical School of the University of Virginia, Iwish to thank you very much for this generous contribution to the Edward MayMagruder Scholarship Fund. Personally, I feel highly honored to be selected toreceive this contribution, because in my years of teaching in the Medical SchoolI have had both Dr. Gregory Magruder and Dr. Betty Allen Magrud er as students,and I have followed their respective careers in medicine with great interest. Alsomy wife and I have warm feelings of friend ship for the other members of theMagruder family, Mrs . Magruder, Miss Evelina and Miss Allaville.

During the past ten years as Chairman of the Scholarship Committee, I haveseen the gap between scholarship funds and student expenses increasing greatly.Most of our student s in the Medical School come from families with modest in­comes and the long time required to complete the medical course puts them underquite a financial strain. Consequently, your thoughtfuln ess in adding to the EdwardMay Magruder Scholar ship Fund at this time is especially gratifying.

Since the Edward May Magrud er Scholarship has been awarded at intervalsof three years, ther e have been only three recipients duri ng my time. These holdersare as follows :

Dr . Donald Murd ock Allen, 1950-51-now in practice in O eveland ;Dr. Alfred Dyer Morri s, 1953-54-Capt. U.S. Arm y Medical Corps, Letterman

Arm y Hospital, Th e Presidio, San Francisco, Califo rnia;Dr. Benjamin Word, Jr., 1957-58-Assistant Resident Obstetrics and Gyne­

cology, University of Virginia H ospital.Dr. Gregor y Magruder has knowledge of those who held the Scholarship

before my tenure, and will supply further information if needed.• Again let methank you for your kind interest in the Medical School of the University of Virginia.

Sincerely yours,

JAMES E. KINDRED, Prof. A natomy"NOTE: Complete list in 1960 Year Book.

NOTE : The above should have followed the Presentati on of a Gift to the EdwardMay Magruder Scholarship Fund, by Dr. Roger Gregory Magruder, page63, of the 1960 issue.



Prince George's County, Maryland, has lost one of its few remaining lifelonggentlemen farmers in the passing of Washington Beall Bowie who died on October13, 1960, at South Baltimore General Hospital. H e became ill and lived only afew hours after arrival at the hospital.

Mr. Bowie was the son of Will iam John Bowie and Rosalie Beall, and was



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born on February 1, 1878 and spent practica lly all his life at "Mount Lubentia"his ancestra l home on Largo Road, which is one of the really handsome and historichouses in Prince George's County.

His fath er died in 1886 at the age of 41 ; his surviving mother passed awaySeptember 21, 1921, spending her widowed years with her son, Beall, only sur­viving child.

He attended the former Mar yland Agri cultural College (now Univer sity ofMaryland) and was graduated at Spencerian Business College in Washington, D. C

Mr. Bowie's pri ncipal interest was that of operating several large farms inthe ar ea of his home, which he continued until the end. When the Upper MarlboroBranch of County Trust Company of Maryland (then Ea stern Shore Trust Com­pany) was established in 1920, Mr . Bowie became a member of the first board ofdirectors. H e served until September 1958, when he resigned because of failinghealth and was succeeded on the board by his son William Beall Bowie. Heserved nearl y fifty years on the Vestr y of St. Barnab as Episcopal Church , Leeland,Md.

Surviving are his wife, the former Frances Chapman Dodge of Georgetown,D. C , three sons, Will iam Beall, Forrest Dodge and John Marbury, and twodaughters, Mr s. Juliet B. Dopp and Mrs. Rosalie B. Pearre. He also leaves fifteengrandchildren. Services were held in St. Barn abas Church with interment in thechurch cemetery, where his parent s and grandparents are also buri ed.

Genealogy : Washington Beall Bowie son of William John Bowie and RosalieBeall ; he son of W illiam Benjamin Bowie and Ann Hall Clark ; he son of JohnBurgess Bowie and Catheri ne Hall ; he son of William Bowie, III and ErsulaBurgess ; she daughter of Richard Burgess and Eli zabeth Magruder ; she daughterof John Magrud er and Susan na Smith ; he son of Samuel Magrud er and SarahBeall ; he son of A lexander Magrud er. immigrant.

Mr . Bowie has another Magrud er line through Wa shington Jeremiah Beallwho married Mary Ann Magruder ; she daught er of Dennis Magrud er of "Mt,Lubentia" and his 4th wife Mary Ann Beard . Their daughter was Rosalie Beall,the mother of Washington Beall Bowie.

Mr . Bowie's line continues with Will iam Bowie, Jr., and Rachel Pottinger ;he son of John Bowie. Ir ., and Mary Offutt; he son of John Bowie, immigrant,and Mary Mullikin.



Miss Florence Deneen, whose death was reported in the 1960 Year Book, wasborn on December 30, 1870 in Lebanon , Illin ois, and died in Chicago, Illinoi s, onJuly 3, 1960. She was the daughter of Samuel H edding Deneen and his wife Mar yFrances Ashley. Miss Deneen was a faithful member of the Clan . She attend edthe Gatherings whenever she could. She was a most gracious lady.

Miss Deneen was a member of the Chicago Chapter, National Society, Daugh­ter s of the American Revolution, serving her Chapter as Regent from 1940 to1942, and as president of the Ex-Regent's Club, Fourth Division, D.A.R., from1945-1947. A lovely photograph appears in her memory in the March , 1961 issueof the D.A.R. Magazine.

Genealogy : Florence Deneen, daughter of Samuel Hedd ing Deneen and Mary

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Frances Ashley ; he son of Rev. William Lyons Deneen and Verlinda Moore ; shedaughter of Risdon Moore and Annie Dent ; she daughter of Colonel WilliamDent and Verlinda Beall ; she daughter of Colonel Samuel Beall and EleanorBrooke ; he son of John Beall and Verlinda Magrud er ; she daughter of SamuelMagrud er and Sarah Beall ; he son of Alexander Magrud er, immigra nt .



Mr s. H elen Swann Norris, whose death was report ed in the 1960 Year Book,was born in Princ e George's County, Maryland, October 16, 1884, and died onNovember 30, 1958. She married J. Th omas Norri s, and leaves a daughter , H elen.She was a member of the Clan and for many years a member of Magruder Chapter,D.C.D.A.R. Besides her daughter , she is survived by a sister, Mrs. Evelyn BowieMackall , a Chart er member of the Clan.

Genealogy : Mrs. Norris was the daught er of Thomas Trueman SomervellBowie and Agnes \Voods MacGr egor ; he son of Dr. Richard Willi am Bowie andMar garet W eems Somervell; he son of Willi am Mordacai Bowie and MarthaMagrud er ; she daught er of Francis Magruder and Barbara Williams ; he son ofNathaniel Magruder and Margar et Magruder (cousins); he son of John Magrud erand Susanna Smith ; he son of Samuel Magrud er and Sarah Beall; he son ofAlexander, immigrant.



Mr s. Ann Minerva Magruder Wil son, whose death was reported in the 1960issue of the Year Book, was born in the Magruder H ome in what is now Tu xedo,Maryland, but lived a good part of her life in Landover, Maryland. She was bornJul y 11, 1867 and died in Leland Memorial Hospital in Riverdal e, Mar yland.Funeral services were held at St. Luke' s Episcopal Church in Bladensburg, Mary­land, with burial in Fort Lincoln Cemetery, Washington, D. C. She marriedJ ohn Nance Wil son on November 17, 1916. She was a Lif e Member of theAmerican Clan Gregor, number 529. Mr s. Wil son was also a member of Magrud erChapter, N.S.D.A.R. and held severa l offices in the Chapter.

At the District of Columbia State Confe rence, N.S.D.A.R., at their MemorialService held on Sunday, March 12, 1961, a white carnation was placed in thewreath in her memory. The flower was placed by the Regent of Magruder Chapter,Regina Magruder Hill .

Mr s. Wil son was a sister of our outstanding member , Mr . William PinkneyMagruder, deceased, of H yatt sville, Mar yland (Y ear Book, 1939, p. 36) , and oIMr s. Ma rtha Magrud er Rea, Clan member No. 528 (Year Book 1951, p, 37) .

Genealogy : Ann Minerva Magrud er Wil son was dau. of Lewis Magrud erand Susan Emma Wil son ; he son of Fielder Magru der and Matilda Magrud er(cousins); he son of Ha swell Magruder and Charity Beall ; he son of SamuelMagruder the 3rd and Jane Ha swell ; he son of Samuel Magruder ( Called "Sr." )and Eleanor Wade ; he son of Samuel Magruder 1st and Sarah Beall; he son ofAlexander Magruder, immigrant.

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Korean ~Var Vete ran




Chieftain. distinguished guests and fellow MacGregor s, it is fitting that onthi s 10th anniversary of the beginning of the Kor ean War that recognition begiven to the member s of our clan who served in that conflict.

It is especially fitting that we do so since a member of the clan. General CarterBowie Magrud er is Commander in Chief United Nati ons Command, Commanderof U. S. Forces in Korea, and Commandin g General 8th U. S. Army. It is alsoa persona l anniversar y for me since it is almost 10 years to the day that I wasrecalled to active duty.

W hen our chieftain firs t wrote to ask me to speak to you tonight, I felt agreat hesitancy since I know that there ar e many others who are more qualifiedand especially since my career in Korea was short and completely wasteful ofthe taxpayer's money. I was only in Korea for twelve days and six of them werespent in a hospital. I am reminded of the story of a Neg ro soldier taking ammu­nit ion to the top of a hitl who was ordered to report on his arrival to anoth er Negrosoldier. Corporal J ones. H e star ted out and afte r a long, hard climb finally reachedthe crest of the blasted and shattered hill. H e looked around and did not see asoul. "Corporal J ones," he said quietly. "Corporal J ones." No sign. " CorporalJones!" at that time a pair of white eyes peered over the rim of a fox hole anda voice whispered out, "S hssh Man, don't call me Corpora l up here. You knowthem Chinese shoots leader s."

I would like to talk briefly tonight about a word seemingly littl e consideredtoday except in the partisan sense and how it a ffects three importa nt ar eas of ourlife, God, King or Country and Clan-T he word, of course. is loyalty-

Loyalt y to God is pre-eminent. It is that loyalty which we hope, in spite, ofweakness, selfishness and greed will keep us headed toward what we know to beright and tru e. It is that loyalt y which in the course of history has seen men domean, despicable, murd erous things and yet achieve the civilization which we ofthe free world have today. with liberty and material blessings never befor eequalled. It is the same loyalty we see in ourselves when, in spite of our manysins and shortcomings, we invariably turn again to God and the path which wemay be bound to overstep but whose dir ection we always recognize and tr y tofollow.

Nex t in importance, I suggest, is loyalt y to King or Country ."Breathes there a man with soul so deadWh o never to himself hath saidThi s is my own, my native land ."

can hear the answer if one be needed, thunder back, NOT A MACGREGOR ILong years of devotion and faithfulness to the House of Stuart by MacGregor s

were repaid with persecution and oppress ion. Yet, MacGregor loyalty to thisHouse continued and MacGregor lives and property were ever ready to support it.Fo llowing the batt le of Glen Fruin in 1603, in which 200 Mac Gregor s defeated800 Colquhouns, slaying 200 of them, Jam es VI caused it to be ordered that thename of MacGr egor should be forever aboli shed, that all who bore it should re -

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nounce it and that none should thereafter take up the name except under painof death .

MacGregors were hunted down like animals-none were safe-young, old,man or woman-al1 were searched out and slain. A price was put on the head ofevery MacGregor brought to the authorities at Edinburgh. Even graves wereopened and heads cut from the bodies and sold to the government.

The persecution continued under Charles I, yet in 1645, one thousand Mac­Gregors fought for his cause against Cromwel1 in the Batt le of Kilsyth . AlexanderMagruder, the first of our line in this country, was an officer in the Army ofCharles II and was taken prisoner by Cromwel1's army in 1651.

Thi s tradition of loyalty of our Scottish forebears has been carried for wardin this country. It is exemplified by the many members of our blood who haveworn the uniform of our Country in peace and war .

We have always been a martial clan. From the beginning it was a matter ofnecessity. Our ancestor s fought for survival. There was for them no home frontnor safe retreat .

Survival, except until recently, however, has not been the issue with AmericanMcGregors. But the sense of loyalty to a cause or to a principle has endured.

I sincerely doubt if there is any family who has furnished more of its sonsto the regular services of our armed forces for so long and continuous a timeas ours.

Why? Each of you know why in your hearts.Th e Korean War was a peculiar affair . It wasn't much of a war, real1y,

except for those who were there. It didn't affect us particularly here at home­no rationin g-no long lines-no shortage of goods. It was a good war .

If we fight for our country, we don't want to lose at home while we aregone the things that made us fight in the firs t place. And, yet, in the Koreanconflict, there was an element missing somewhere.

Th e syndicated experts said about our turncoats that they did not know whatthey were fighting for. But how many soldiers in any war really know what theyare fighting for ?

Our Arm y in Korea , was on a whole, better disciplined than any in our history.Certainly, after 1951, it was the best-trained Arm y we have ever fielded. Butthere was somethinq missing. Some vital element was lacking which caused someof our soldiers to crack when the pressure became greatest.

I suggest that , perhaps, this missing element was made up largely of a feelingthat the majority of people at home did not real1y care about this soldier's waror that he was where he was. Consequently, the soldier fought not for Countrybut for himself, his buddies, his unit-or for glory. There was, it seems to me,a lack of sense of indentification of the soldier with the people at home and thepeople with the soldier. Neither, once the soldier was thousands of miles fromhome in Korea, really understood, felt compassion for each other .

Colonel S. L. A. Marshall has written on this point in his book, "Pork ChopHill ", emphasizing, I think, the importance of the two-way loyalty, loyalty ofsoldier for countr y and loyalty of country for soldier.

"O f the enlisted men who appear in this Book, I recommend 73 for deco­rati on, the awards ranging from Bronze Star to Congressional Medal.In Korea, uniquely, I had time to talk to a large group of honor menabout their background . Not one of the 73 came of a family which could

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have afforded to send him to college. Most of them came from familieswith thr ee children or more. Not one of them was an only child. Themajority spoke voluntarily of their home folks with enthusiasm, recogniz­ing that the love given them was a vita l force in their lives. Of the 73,52 expr essed warm admiration for their fathers, most ofte n with highregard for their masculine qualities."

This leads us, I think to the thi rd category of loyalt y-loyalty to Clan orfamil y. Without loyalt y to family there is no continuing loyalt y to God andCountry. In modern history, it is clear that godless totalitar ianism- Nazi Germany,Red China, Russia, strives to break up first the love of family and thus destroy thelove for God.

As pointed out by Colonel Marshall, the majority of the men he interviewedand recommended fo r decorations were proud of and loyal to their families andthis feeling in turn steadied them in time of stress. We can compare these tothe number of turn coats who came from broken homes.

What does MacGregor history tell us in this rega rd. One exa mple, in 1589,a few MacGregors, while wandering through the woods, met a King's forresternamed Drummond whom they deemed a tr espasser and slew him on the spot. Th erest of the Clan, foreseeing serious complications and reprisals, met and took anoath, with their hands on the severed head of their victim, tha t they would unitein acknowledging the deed and they would equally share the consequences. Theconsequences were heavy.

Wh ether the kitting was justified or not is not the point. But the spirit thatmotivated MacGregors to stand together, all for all is important.

I t is this spirit that our Clan keeps alive today.And it is th is spirit which re-emphasizes and re-vita lizes the other two gr eat


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Sta te

*Arnold , Miss Carroll Distri ct of Columbia

*Beach, Mr . and Mrs. Chishlon District of ColumbiaBaugh, Mrs. Frederick H Mar ylandBlunt, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Woodward Maryland

*Bond, Mr. and Mrs. H ooper Mar ylandBonner , Mr s. Evelea Mar ylandBowie, Miss Cornelia Magruder District of ColumbiaBubb, Mrs. Ralph Maryland

Clagett, Brice McAdoo District of ColumbiaClagett , Pa ge Bowie Mary land

*Clarke, Curti s District of ColumbiaCox, Mrs. Merle LeRoy Mar ylandCraig, Mrs . William H VirginiaCraig, Mistress Anne Vir ginia

Dej arn ette, Mrs. H orati o Erskine West Virg iniaDiedel, Miss C. Virginia Distri ct of ColumbiaDorman , J. Frederick District of ColumbiaDwyer, Mrs. John Rochford Maryland

Eskr idge, Mrs. William Nichol Virginia

Freeman, Mr s. Merle Virg iniaFreeman, Robert Merl e Virgi nia

*Fullinwider, Admiral and Mrs Distric t of Columbia

Gallaway, Major Piper William L. K. Distr ict of ColumbiaGassaway, Miss H elen Muncaster Maryland

*Gibson, Mr . and Mrs. John VirginiaGillespie, Mr s. James Stewart _ PennsylvaniaGillespie, Ja y PennsylvaniaGregor, Edward K., Jr New York

Hal e, Mrs . E lla Magruder District of Columbia*Henderson, Mrs District of Columbia*Higgins, Walter Maryland

Hill, Miss Regina Magrud er District of ColumbiaHunter, Miss Amy Belle District of Columbia

Kane, Mrs. Richard Maryland*Kurtz, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Distri ct of Columbia

Light , Mrs. Evelyn Magrud er VirginiaLightfo ot, Mr . and Mrs. Philip Ho ward Distri ct of ColumbiaLipscomb, Dr. and Mrs . Harold Robert Virginia

• Indicat es Visitor s

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StateLloyd, Mr. and Mr s. Richa rd Maryland

*Lloyd, Mrs. William H enry MarylandLoveless, Mrs. John Eldridge Maryland

Mcfronald, Mrs. John Ma ryland*McE lroy, Mr Distr ict of Columbia*MacGregor, Mrs. Wa llace Distri ct of Columbia

Magruder, Miss Allaville Virg iniaMagrud er, Mr. and Mr s. Berna rd MichiganMagruder , Rev. Daniel Randall Massachusett sMagr uder, Miss Edith Pa uline MarylandMagruder, Mistr ess Eleano r Murray Virg iniaMagrud er, Miss E velina Virg iniaMagrud er, Mr. and Mr s. Harold Joseph MarylandMagruder , Mr. and Mrs . Herbert Thomas New York

*Magruder, Mrs. J ohn Distri ct of ColumbiaMagrud er , Com. and Mr s. John Ho lmes, Jr ConnecticutMagruder , Lieut. and Mrs. John Holmes, III Virg iniaMagruder, Mr . and Mr s. J ohn Kennedy District of Columbia

*Magruder, Robert Stewart MassachusettsMagru der, Dr. and Mr s. Roger Gregory Virg iniaMagruder, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Garland, J r Virg iniaMagruder, W illiam Yates Wemple New York

*Martenet, Mr. and Mrs Distric t of Columbia*MilIs, Mr. and Mrs. F. Duncan _ Virginia*Mills, Mistr ess Virginia

Milwit, Jacob District of Columbia*Muir, Mr . and Mrs. Jam es W District of Columbia

Muncaster, Miss Emma Waters District of ColumbiaMurdock, Mr s. J ames _ Distr ict of Columbia

*Neal, Mr s. _ District of Columbia*Neal, Mrs. Paul Maryland

Neate, Mr s. Mar y Magruder Virginia

*Park er, David District of Columbia*Platt, Mr s. Clayton, Jr Mar yland*Porter, Dr . and Mr s VirginiaPrettyman, Judge and Mrs. E. Barrett Maryland

Reck, Dr. Betty Allen Magruder New YorkReck, Dr. Henry D New YorkReynolds, Miss Anna Louise District of Columbia

*Sage, Lawrence District of Columbia*Shands, Miss Agn es District of Columbia

Smith, Mr s. Josephine Lewis District or" Columbia*Stone, Mr. and Mrs. Galen Luth er District of Columbia

Talbott, Mr s. William Randolph Mar yland

• Indicates Visitors

Page 59: 1961archives.ubalt.edu/acgs/pdf/1961.pdf · Mrs. Susie May Geddes van den Berg passed away on the evening of May 20, 1961. She was a hardworking member of the American Clan Gregor




Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Magruder, Sr VirginiaTaylor, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Magruder, J r Virg iniaTichy, Mr. and Mr s. Joseph c. MarylandTichy, Master Joseph C, Jr MarylandTichy, Mistr ess Susan Elizabeth Maryland

Waters, Mrs. Basil Worth ington Maryland·Wilworth, Miss Distri ct of Columbia· Windsor, Commander Charles District of ColumbiaWoolf, Miss Elsie K. District of Columbia

• Indicates Visitors


Page 10: In the letter at the bottom of the page the quotation in the secondline should read : "As twilight melts beneath the moon away."

Page 35: In the 3rd line from the bottom of the page change the name of thecity fro m "Ruckersville" to "Charlottesville",

Page 41: Under Junior Members, in the 2nd line change "Jeffrey Magrud erKammer" to William Alfred Kammer, Jr,".