Mrs. Boeck Mrs. B Ms. Dawn MW 2:00-3:15 CCH 209. About Me.

Welcome to English 1302.202 Mrs. Boeck Mrs. B Ms. Dawn MW 2:00-3:15 CCH 209

Transcript of Mrs. Boeck Mrs. B Ms. Dawn MW 2:00-3:15 CCH 209. About Me.

Welcome to English 1302.202

Welcome to English 1302.202Mrs. BoeckMrs. BMs. Dawn

MW 2:00-3:15CCH 209

About Me

About MeI am 24 years old.Wife and motherGraduated from TAMUCC in May 2009BA in EnglishGraduate student at TAMUCCMasters in English Rhetoric and CompositionGraduating in May 2012 YAY! First Year Composition InstructorWriting Consultant at the CASA Writing Center

About MeTo learn more about me YOU!Please fill out the first day questionnaire and turn it in. This information is important to ME and will not be shared with anyone else.

Put on your thinking cap!

ArgumentAppealing to your audienceReader and writer

Ethos ethical appealsPathos emotional appealsLogos logical appeals

Aristotle Ethos presentation of selfCharacter, values, authority of the writerCan you trust the author?Are they credible? credibility speaks to a writers honesty, respect for an audience and its values, and plain old likeability (EAA, p. 59).

Steve Jobs ApplePathos emotional appeals

These arguments generate emotionsAnger, fear, jealousy, sympathy, pity, loveImages and descriptive language are especially powerfulBosnia, 1993Logos appeals to logicFacts, evidence, statistics, credible testimony Common senseStatement + proofClaim + supporting evidence

Animal Rights AdvocatesRhetorical situationsKeith Grant- Davie (1997) Rhetorical situations and their constituents In the WAW textbook.

Exigence: what is this writing about, why is it needed, what should it accomplish?Rhetor(s): identity of speaker(s)Audience: varied and diverse; dependent on situationConstraints: factors that may affect (help or hinder) success of communication; context of the situation

SyllabusThe handout is a shortened version of the syllabus, containing only the most necessary information. Please see full syllabus on pbworks page.You can click to download Word doc.

Syllabus and course website Please go to

Click on Spring 2012 SyllabusAlso, see Spring 2012 Class PlansThis is where all daily class plans and homework assignments will be posted. YOU are responsible for checking this website.Where is Mrs. B?Faculty Center (FC) 113 an office full of officesCASA Writing Center, Glasscock Bldg, Rm. 112

Office hours:MW 3:15-4:30 and by appointmentYou can also make 30 minute appointments with my at the Writing Center during my hours there.

Goals for the semesterWriting process brainstorming, outlining, drafting, revising, editingProduce an introduction and conclusionIdentify and evaluate argumentsConstruct arguments using evidenceIntegrate academic researchIntegrate a citation system (APA, MLA)Connect ideas across disciplines


Additional requirementsLogin name and password for computer labs

Islander email account

USB drive or other media to transport files between home and school

Sanddollar card with $$$ for printing

A Working Folder a binder or folder to keep your work in for the semester.

PoliciesLate workCell phonesI will not accept late homework or in-class work. All cell phones and other electronic devices should be switched to silent or vibrate before entering class.

A dinging or ringing cell phone is very disruptive.

Please refrain from using your devices during class unless given permission.PoliciesPlagiarismResearch and citationPlagiarism is the representation of work of another as ones own work.

Academic misconduct or complicity in an act of misconduct on an assignment will result in a 0 for the assignment and a report will be filed. For this course, all work must be formatted in APA manuscript style and sources must be cited in APA citation style unless otherwise noted. PoliciesClassroom environmentProfessional behaviorRespect for others and their viewpoints, even if they are drastically different from your own.Do not interfere with The instructors ability to conduct class.The ability of other students to profit from the instruction.

Students engaging in unacceptable behavior may be instructed to leave the classroom. PoliciesDropping a classGrade appealPlease consult with me (or any of your instructors) before dropping a course.March 30, 2012: last day to drop with a WShould you decide to drop a course, you must go to the Student Services building and fill out a Course Drop Form.Stopping attendance and participation in the course WILL NOT automatically result in your being dropped from the class. If a student believes s/he has not been held in appropriate academic standards, they may appeal the final grade given in the course. See syllabus for further information. Student resourcesLinks are located on my pbworks page

The Center for Academic Student Achievement (CASA)Disability ServicesUniversity Counseling CenterAcademic AdvisingThis semester

You will choose an event or issue that you will research throughout the semester. All projects in this course will be related to this topic of research. What is an event or issue?A historic eventA controversial issueA new or continuing issueAn issue of personal interest to youBig or smallLocal or global

Some ideas

Research proposal

5%Research journal

10%Review of the literature

15%Students position essay

10%Final research essay

15%Multimodal presentation


Midterm: 10%Final: 10%Attendance and Participation 10%

Daily sign in sheet

Participation in class will include group discussions and activities, informal presentations, peer review and peer editing, and/or short writing assignments. Homework 10% HW assignments are posted on the course pbworks page under Spring 2012 class plans

HW is due in class.

Important datesW 2/8 Sun 2/12Your research journal is due F 2/10TR 4/5 Sun 4/9Your research essay is due F 4/6Note these dates because I will be unavailable to help you during these times.You can plan ahead or you can make appointments with the Writing Center.

Research proposalIn writing your research proposal, you should consider the following questions:What would you like to research this semester? Be specific. What do you already know about this topic? What makes you want to learn more? What are the controversies or varied perspectives on the issue? What do you want to learn about this topic/issue?What sources will you look for and use? Where will you look for these sources? What do you hope to gain from this research?

HW due for W 1/18Draft of Research Proposal dueFinal draft of this document is due on F 1/20