Mount Vernon signal.. (Mt. Vernon) 1902-04-25 [p ] y T...

m y T Mt Vernon Signal = Mt VERi3 NKY APR 251902J LOUtCVIbLC A NASHVILLE RR J CJ TIME TABLE 24 north 1105 am 26 north irisam 23 south 200 p m 25 South 148 a m TAS LANDRUM Agent = 6leud shpt lit irrou Hy 1IMtoScft we 0- eitdcl rail mtttr = MASONIC thaay YyL VERIIOr It A CHAPTER yQ 10MrET8avers FOURTH uON set 2 p m = CHURCHES t< rTjfU Rt the Cbn6l n 1tu4IhPnuh for lst3rl gnnitaf fct 11 a sn asid 530 p k inroolO a ma every RU tnT Prtr MeettIJvar7Tbuid 7 7JO p The pcttic are fort a1 y invited to attend I aP rcrriMi DAVIDJIUIT8F1EMPmtor Prubyteran Holds service on the 2nd t ad 4lb SI1Juhyworajllr and craning npt ChaTch S rvice flit the Scco Saturday sight and Sunday Sun yM dehoo1 at 9 a ia every Sunday Trayir meeting oii Tuesday l1i htAti rr PERSONALS o Wm Arnold continues very illM Lytle Adams visited homefolks this week Harris White cane up from Lan- caster ¬ Sunday W F McClary was in Cincin nati Tuesday J J- Corbin Lawrence was down from SundaK J E Houk is in Cincinnati to day buying goods Mr L G Frith and son George the were here Tuesday C Mr D L Carter went to Cin ¬ cinnati Saturday night James Houk Sr continus in adJ very critical conditionWI Miss Lou Ella Jarrett is the gue of Xfrs Essie PainterTe heCharley brakeman is at home for a few days Mrs Ann Richardson was he rKiss Wednesday to have a tooth pulled a R B Mullins went to Znoxville I Sunday night to get his new sam ¬ ples J J Towery is contemplating going on the road for a Louisville finnth Hon Sam Ward of Livingston was here between trains Wednes 011day Rev Hartiield began a protracted meeting pt Wildie Wednesday slight s Ernest Ewers will go to Louis shortly to take a course in a busi mess college jThompson school this fallwe W H Jones r4C Smith and of H S Brannaman were over from an Wilde Tuesday Squire J N Brown was here felt Monday looking somewhat im has proved in health AsMrs here Wednesday having some endental we Emmet Treadway has returned from Missouri and more than his likely to remain in Rockcastle the r Dr W E Gravely one of Rock castles most upto date and best physicians was here yesterday Mrs Cleo Brown and Master Richard Williams of Stanford spent Sunday night with homefol ICS Mr L Metesser brought Mrs Metesser up from Pine Hill yester au day to hare some dental work dohe Mr F H Hardy has rented tIle pIWilli r weekd tbSaturdays home at London from Liberty Ca sey county where he made a speech the day before in the interest o f his candidacy for Congress The Judge expressed Iitmselfas being very hopeful as to the outcome of Joy ft eleltiott F r as i 1 c y c o Mr Henry Parkerson was h Twsday to get medicine for his wife who remains in a very critical condition Emil Henzinanu will shortly re- turn ¬ from the Philippines wlt he hasbeeii soldiering for the p three years Cecil Williams is clerking for C liummins Benton of Brodhead was down to see Dr E J Brown Friday In terior Journal Dr and Mrs Joe Lawrence are with relatives here and tull remain about fifteen days Dr Joe is g ting a splendid practice at Hyden W A Carson Brodheads pie n did painter and paper hanger is doing some work for C C Willie athis to fill AYMiss Anna Coleman of Frank fort is stenographer for Sparks Williams and Bethurum Beth gones1t tofor New York to accept a position Mr J A Landrum our splen ¬ did depot agent dropped a bar of iron on his foot Monday mashing it very seriously Mr Joe New land of Crab Orchard worked dur agd R Jones went to Stanfo Tuesday to look after some ma connected with the J H Clark bankrupt case He was ac companied by Mrs Jones and tbeC children who will viiit her r and Mrs Wright ofII Hustonville GrLOCALS 0 A J Fish is giving Dr Davis ty storeroom a new coat of paintat 1Beasley and Hayes Stanford a > is the place to buy your new I carpets apr I r tf William Coffee will move into ery house mace vacant by Mr D Poyu terw reRemember seCincinnati night May 2 and every tw 0The thereafter dest interests in old Rockcastle tittenths get COTS music class win give Musicale at the College shape tonight The programme will be found elsewhere in this issueI John Cress has been to Rock now castle county where he bought about forty hogs paying 5C for < Preachersville cor Record to FOR SALK Two 5room cot ¬ ofoninventment JF COOJtERry Livingston ICyml To LzXIrcTOHSheriff H Ln Tate and Jailer J W Parsons took Sallie Livesay and Perry Lee Me Lemore to the Insane Asylum at Lexington Tuesday a conversation with a physician Crab Orchard a few days ago learned that Dr E J Brow this place has about perfected to instrument to be used in cases ofobstetrics which will fill a ton want The doctor mentioned i nit used it in four or five esOur telAs countenances the securing of on invention and presume Dr Brown win reap very little benefit financially invention but will give it co profession to assist in the alle ¬ p11ocral use PUiLIiD TwoA few night since Joe Pike iuca tensely with a t ° wasiffering toothache comi w unable le find y physician to extract the toothe f toIr geplea Itdo smallest pair of tongues he ha tolIe ground Not being willing to loose pc two at a time he picked up the good tooth stuck it ackandjs e i1g the use of itt which Ts just goodas it ererr fa i t x S 7 < c > t 5 A p weeke G Bakers big store the posts and Jonas McKenzies store andi orders for ten more phones inI town tJoom11st it but there is every prospect fob big awakening and push in the oil ne and other works EXMINATIONSSupt G M 1 Ballard informs us that the County Teachers Examinations will be held on the third Friday and Satur tray in May June July arid August tRugs Carpets Matting and every thing found in a first class furniture store Also a full line ndertakersgoods SniS II Stanford Ky District Attorney Hill was he Wednesday representing the Gov- ernment ia taking of some deposi- tions in a claim of D N Williams damages done during the Civil War The Kentucky Oil Journal pub lished by L D Sampson Barbour vine is something that fills the b and it should be like Bradys bi tcrs so extensively advertised yea > o Everybody takes it TRUSTt r Best corn and wheat grower roo per hundred Eagle Phosphate 90 per hundred ADAMSs Kea r ADMINISTRATOR Dr W Ef avely was appointed ad minis tor of the estate of Mrs W G Tharp with C C Williams as sure u WH Sowder Jonas Brown u John Sigmau were appointed ppraisersf A great improvment and con venience has been furnish by deliv ¬ II wagons having been started by several our merchants and those have none are either getting y to fall in line or thinkin iously of doing so SIGNAL will give all the oil Ifnews columns and keep posted on the f PP0e rThe are = Main MOV1 DMr D C Poynter has moved into the house with his the brother W M Poynter but will move upstairs over the store be occupied by W M who will vacate just as soon as he can pos- sibly get his new storeroom ready move into FOOT CUT OctJoe McKee oil t the employees in the rock quar atrLaagford Station got his foot off by a car Monday after on Drs Lovell and Pennington Pjust along very nicely r Eggs are higher than acat back in Mt Vernon owing to theL business rivalry between our mer ¬ 0n three cents a dozen on their last shipments right along but there fighK the egg trade and efficte fittits daephone his fitted up this office with re arrangementes s vre can our c a andconverse with our many cot throughoto u or most any an d copy any news items etc a headG leaves both hands free tof By the way they are splendid service at lower rates th be had in any locality in tht Levi jr y man c bto made one that will be on e in a few days at 150 each s a daisy with Smith Baughmans impord t Dr ng J the opinions of the Lincoln ex who saw it Mr Maret Lrecently tiRo4hcastle which is a lnarvelofe cellence and accursiryLintsy- zFnocrac In 11 H a Y > > < < I 7 t rce I JCirb and James Arnold were married Saturday at the home of the brides parents Rev B S Da vault officiating r The Stanford Democrat is a warm aby on the oil question and all other enterprises that tend to the upbuilding of Lincoln county Mr Waters will be ready by first of week to issue from his press a large map of his county showing oil wells and general outlines of streams location of postoffices rail roads etc isof a on a map the Rock castle Mutual Oil and Gas Company whose territory begins near rail ¬ i placere Vernon and extends some nine or ten miles in a southeasterly direc- tion Mr M hasissued a circular stating that he vvaa prepared to make maps on an enlarged scale of Kentucky counties MUSICALS AT THK COLLEGE TONIGHTt isMiss Coxs music pupils will give a concert in the College chapel on Friday evening April 25thtit half past seven oclock PROGRAM Chorus A Song of Spring Rosebud Galop 4 On the Plains J Leila Lovell Hand in Hand A Little Melody U Sadie Richards Waltz Twilight Mazurka jEva Fish FI Mulhnseure Playing TaR SparksAn S Tpring Guitar Solo Birdie Estes Loves LamentMay Magee Waltz by Durand Concert Waltz by Alz Godard 3 Thompson Lullabye 1 Miss PNapoli GaIop j Williams The Shepherds Sylphs and 1 Fannie idens by Nevin Sparks The Bees This will be the last concert in Music Department of the Colh lege You are cordially present i BRODHEAD o Born to the wife of VA Car- son ¬ a boy Mrs J R Cass has been quite sick this week Mrs J Thos Cherry has been the sick list this week Our town is being greatly inr by building of new side Grandpa McRoberts is visiting ats tion Dr OBanuon and wife of Stan fold made our town a flying visit week Miss Nannie Yadon has returned tot relatives at Rowland J H Vanbook and little ughter Ollie Crow are visiting and friends here k Miss Susie Hilton has accepted position as clerk in Mr RH Batsons store at Lancaster Cfrom Owens at Maretburg Mrs Martha Miller died Sunday a long illness and was buried Cemeterya Mr W HBrown of Preachers le was in town this week look ¬ g for a few stray bogs left in this neighborhood Mrs D C Sandidge of Lynch i urg Va and little sister hav < visiting the family of R Sa Martin for the last week An oil company has been organ ized with J G Frith President Percy Benton Manager and Thos Cherry Secretary and TreasurerS ynch formerly Miss Lizzie Her E soyx lossSf her first borne + a a boy hose APt A9 r t < ti i < i > r rOUK ADAMS KY j FOR BARGAINS HOUK ADAMS HAVE Everything ill firstclass general any human body satisfied in prices and quality Iii is IU K A D A M HEADQUARTERS osiery Notions Ties ata gents furnishings uting cloth Oilcloth nlj too chef p nderwear sot to nderestimated beI stylishinds we cant be under sold III not miss tb aily eeI III ens suits to suitI an or boy 50 come and and get bargains I rti So JHOUKADAMS t LlvrrtGsT02KY r ft > < 5 can be ¬ o SI f r c r LAM PS in all the styles and will be sold at almo a GROCERIES Hard- ware 4 and Queensware > Saddles Bridles Harness colara and hamca We are constantly receiv ¬ ing new arrivals of good c And will supply you very promptly call and earn prices COAL CORN an d t Hay Agents for Best Brand Fertilizers alsoi > d all kinds farm tools p Goods delivered in any part of town promptly 1What Do You Want to Buy Anything you in our line are well worth your notice and should arrest your attention if you are looking for Bar- gain ¬ Bring ue your country produce and get the kightat market priceti Phone 753ring HOUK A Big brick CHAS C D SUCCESSOR TO THIO WESLST he Place to Obtain D t- SFresh ALSO Patent Medicines of all Kinds Stationery Toilet Articles d > Yztff r CIGARS AND TOBACCO h 1 Paints and Oils PRESCRIPTIONS carefully Compounded at all r day or night THE BlINK OF KIT VERNON MT veRNON KY1 y OPENED 19003 CAPITAL STOCK r 111 oar d C C WILLIAMS PRES JAS T ADAMS VICBM W L RICHARDS CASHIER A B FURNISH ASST CAS f DIRECTORS Jonais McKenzie Geo Livesay A T Fiii Fiitz Krueger Rod Perry Vincent Boning J E Houk We solicit accounts of firms and individuals Careful tttx s is given collections entrusted to us Our friends and patrons are invited to call when in town 5 DANNIE OWENS > T7 iS UN DK LX A KERc 1 Coffins Robes Etc y Kept in Stock Orders by Mail Telegraph or Telephone Promptly fined BRODHEAD KENTUCKy i WILLIS GR1FFiNS Practical Undertker and FUNERAL DIRECTOR > ItV eroon KY k Complete cost r FINE HEARSE Gin furnish Metalic asketsAPd hT r mbalmiu done all short notice = t Come and see me anything I have not got can get for ou = on irst t t train thatleave the city l > > ORDER by wire rqmptlYFJl1 d < < 7 c Yk- j 10 < 1 t iJ

Transcript of Mount Vernon signal.. (Mt. Vernon) 1902-04-25 [p ] y T...

Page 1: Mount Vernon signal.. (Mt. Vernon) 1902-04-25 [p ] y T Mt Vernon Signal Mt VERi3 NKY APR 251902J LOUtCVIbLC A NASHVILLE R R J CJ TIME TABLE


y T

Mt Vernon Signal=

Mt VERi3 NKY APR 251902J



24 north 1105 a m26 north irisam23 south 200 p m25 South 148 a m


6leud shpt lit irrou Hy 1IMtoScft we0-

eitdcl rail mtttr=



t<rTjfU Rt the Cbn6l n 1tu4IhPnuhfor lst3rl gnnitaf fct 11 a sn asid

530 pk inroolO a ma every RU

tnTPrtr MeettIJvar7Tbuid 7 7JO pThe pcttic are fort a1 y invited to attend


Prubyteran Holds service on the 2nd

t ad 4lb SI1Juhyworajllr and craning

npt ChaTch S rvice flit the SccoSaturday sight and Sunday Sun yMdehoo1 at 9 a ia every Sunday Trayirmeeting oii Tuesday l1i htAtirr


Wm Arnold continues very illMLytle Adams visited homefolks

this week

Harris White cane up from Lan-




W F McClary was in Cincinnati Tuesday

J J-

CorbinLawrence was down fromSundaKJ E Houk is in Cincinnati to

day buying goods

Mr L G Frith and son George the

were here Tuesday C

Mr D L Carter went to Cin ¬

cinnati Saturday nightJames Houk Sr continus in adJ

very critical conditionWIMiss Lou Ella Jarrett is the gue

of Xfrs Essie PainterTeheCharleybrakeman is at home for a few days

Mrs Ann Richardson was herKissWednesday to have a tooth pulled a

R B Mullins went to ZnoxvilleI

Sunday night to get his new sam¬


J J Towery is contemplatinggoing on the road for a LouisvillefinnthHon Sam Ward of Livingstonwas here between trains Wednes011dayRev Hartiield began a protractedmeeting pt Wildie Wednesdayslight s

Ernest Ewers will go to Louisshortly to take a course in a busimess college

jThompsonschool thisfallweW H Jones r4C Smith and ofH S Brannaman were over from anWilde Tuesday

Squire J N Brown was here feltMonday looking somewhat im hasproved in healthAsMrshere Wednesday having someendentalwe

Emmet Treadway has returnedfrom Missouri and more than hislikely to remain in Rockcastle the

r Dr W E Gravely one of Rockcastles most upto date and bestphysicians was here yesterday

Mrs Cleo Brown and MasterRichard Williams of Stanfordspent Sunday night with homefol ICS

Mr L Metesser brought MrsMetesser up from Pine Hill yester auday to hare some dental work dohe

Mr F H Hardy has rented tIlepIWillir weekdtbSaturdayshome at London from Liberty Casey county where he made a speechthe day before in the interest o fhis candidacy for Congress TheJudge expressed Iitmselfas beingvery hopeful as to the outcome of Joy

ft eleltiott Fr as

i 1cy



Mr Henry Parkerson was hTwsday to get medicine for hiswife who remains in a very criticalcondition

Emil Henzinanu will shortly re-


from the Philippines wlthe hasbeeii soldiering for the pthree years

Cecil Williams is clerking forCliumminsBenton of Brodhead was down tosee Dr E J Brown Friday Interior Journal

Dr and Mrs Joe Lawrence arewith relatives here and tull remainabout fifteen days Dr Joe is gting a splendid practice at Hyden

W A Carson Brodheads pie ndid painter and paper hanger isdoing some work for C C Willieathisto fill

AYMiss Anna Coleman of Frankfort is stenographer for SparksWilliams and Bethurum Bethgones1t toforNew York to accept a position

Mr J A Landrum our splen ¬

did depot agent dropped a bar ofiron on his foot Monday mashingit very seriously Mr Joe Newland of Crab Orchard worked duragdR Jones went to StanfoTuesday to look after some ma

connected with the J HClark bankrupt case He was accompanied by Mrs Jones and tbeCchildren who will viiit her

r and Mrs Wright ofIIHustonville

GrLOCALS0A J Fish is giving Dr Davis tystoreroom a new coat of paintat

1Beasley and Hayes Stanford a

> is the place to buy your new I

carpets apr I r tf

William Coffee will move into ery

house mace vacant by Mr DPoyuterwreRememberseCincinnatinight May 2 and every tw0The

thereafterdestinterests in old Rockcastle

tittenthsgetCOTS music class win give

Musicale at the College shapetonight The programme will befound elsewhere in this issueI

John Cress has been to Rock nowcastle county where he boughtabout forty hogs paying 5C for

< Preachersville cor Record toFOR SALK Two 5room cot¬

ofoninventmentJ F COOJtERry

Livingston ICymlTo LzXIrcTOHSheriff H Ln

Tate and Jailer J W Parsons tookSallie Livesay and Perry Lee MeLemore to the Insane Asylum atLexington Tuesday

a conversation with a physicianCrab Orchard a few days ago

learned that Dr E J Browthis place has about perfected to

instrument to be used in casesofobstetrics which will fill a ton

want The doctor mentioned initused it in four or five esOurtelAscountenances the securing ofon invention and

presume Dr Brown win reapvery little benefit financially

invention but will give it coprofession to assist in the alle ¬


PUiLIiD TwoA few nightsince Joe Pike iucatensely with a t


toothache comi wunable le find

y physician to extract the tootheftoIrgepleaItdosmallest pair of tongues he hatolIeground Not being willing to loose


two at a time he picked up thegood tooth stuck it ackandjs e

i1g the use of itt which Ts justgoodas it ererrfa

i t xS

7 <c

>t 5A


weekeG Bakers big store the postsand Jonas McKenzies store andiorders for ten more phones inItown

tJoom11stit but there is every prospect fobbig awakening and push in the oil

ne and other works


Ballard informs us that the CountyTeachers Examinations will beheld on the third Friday and Saturtray in May June July arid August

tRugs Carpets Matting andevery thing found in a first classfurniture store Also a full linendertakersgoodsSniSII Stanford Ky

District Attorney Hill was heWednesday representing the Gov-ernment ia taking of some deposi-tions in a claim of D N Williams

damages done during the CivilWar

The Kentucky Oil Journal published by L D Sampson Barbourvine is something that fills the band it should be like Bradys bitcrs so extensively advertised yea>

o Everybody takes it

TRUSTt rBest corn and wheat grower rooper hundred Eagle Phosphate 90

per hundred


ADMINISTRATOR Dr W Efavely was appointed ad ministor of the estate of Mrs W G

Tharp with C C Williams as sure uWH Sowder Jonas Brownu

John Sigmau were appointedppraisersfA great improvment and con

venience has been furnish by deliv¬II

wagons having been started byseveral our merchants and those

have none are either gettingy to fall in line or thinkin

iously of doing so

SIGNAL will give all the oilIfnewscolumns and keep posted on thefPP0erTheare

=MainMOV1 DMr D C Poynter hasmoved into the house with his thebrother W M Poynter but will

move upstairs over the store beoccupied by W M who will

vacate just as soon as he can pos-

sibly get his new storeroom readymove into

FOOT CUT OctJoe McKee oil tthe employees in the rock quaratrLaagford Station got his foot

off by a car Monday after onDrs Lovell and PenningtonPjustalong very nicely r

Eggs are higher than acatback in Mt Vernon owing to theLbusiness rivalry between our mer¬0nthree cents a dozen on their lastshipments right along but therefighKthe egg trade

and effictefittitsdaephonehis fitted up this office with re

arrangementes svre can our c a

andconverse with our many cotthroughoto uor most any an d

copy any news items etc a headGleaves both hands free tofBy the way they are

splendid service at lower rates thbe had in any locality in thtLevijry man cbtomade one that will be on

e in a few days at 150 eachs a daisy with Smith Baughmansimpord t Dr

ng Jthe opinions of the Lincoln ex

who saw it Mr MaretLrecentlytiRo4hcastle which is a lnarvelofe

cellence and accursiryLintsy-zFnocrac


11 H



> > < <




JCirb and James Arnold weremarried Saturday at the home ofthe brides parents Rev B S Davault officiating

rThe Stanford Democrat is a warmaby on the oil question and all

other enterprises that tend to theupbuilding of Lincoln county MrWaters will be ready by first ofweek to issue from his press a largemap of his county showing oilwells and general outlines ofstreams location of postoffices railroads etcisofa on a map the Rockcastle Mutual Oil and Gas Companywhose territory begins near rail¬ iplacereVernon and extends some nine orten miles in a southeasterly direc-tion Mr M hasissued a circularstating that he vvaa prepared tomake maps on an enlarged scaleof Kentucky counties


TONIGHTtisMiss Coxs music pupils will

give a concert in the College chapelon Friday evening April 25thtithalf past seven oclock


Chorus A Song of SpringRosebud Galop

4 On the Plains J Leila LovellHand in HandA Little Melody U Sadie RichardsWaltz

Twilight Mazurka jEva Fish

FIMulhnseurePlaying TaRSparksAnSTpringGuitar Solo Birdie Estes

Loves LamentMay Magee

Waltz by DurandConcert Waltz by Alz

Godard 3 ThompsonLullabye 1 MissPNapoli

GaIop j Williams

The ShepherdsSylphs

and 1 Fannieidens by Nevin Sparks

The BeesThis will be the last concert in

Music Department of the Colhlege You are cordiallypresent i


Born to the wife of VA Car-son


a boyMrs J R Cass has been quite

sick this week

Mrs J Thos Cherry has beenthe sick list this week

Our town is being greatly inrby building of new side

Grandpa McRoberts is visitingats tion

Dr OBanuon and wife of Stanfold made our town a flying visit

weekMiss Nannie Yadon has returnedtotrelatives at Rowland

J H Vanbook and littleughter Ollie Crow are visiting

and friends herek

Miss Susie Hilton has acceptedposition as clerk in Mr RH

Batsons store at LancasterCfromOwens at MaretburgMrs Martha Miller died Sunday

a long illness and was buriedCemeteryaMr W HBrown of Preachersle was in town this week look ¬

g for a few stray bogs left in thisneighborhood

Mrs D C Sandidge of Lynch iurg Va and little sister hav <

visiting the family of R SaMartin for the last weekAn oil company has been organ

ized with J G Frith PresidentPercy Benton Manager and

Thos Cherry Secretary and

TreasurerSynch formerly Miss Lizzie Her

EsoyxlossSf her first borne +

aa boy hose

APt A9 r

t < ti i

< i >





HOUK ADAMSHAVE Everything ill firstclass

general any human body satisfied inprices and quality




osiery Notions Tiesata gents furnishingsuting cloth Oilclothnlj too chef pnderwear sot tonderestimated beIstylishinds

we cant be undersoldIIInot miss tb

aily eeIIIIens suits to suitIan or boy

50 comeand

andget bargains I




ft> <

5can be








LAM PS in all the stylesand will be sold at almo a



and Queensware >

Saddles Bridles Harnesscolara and hamca

We are constantly receiv ¬

ing new arrivals of good c

And will supply you verypromptly call and earn


COAL CORN an d tHay Agents for BestBrand Fertilizers alsoi > dall kinds farm tools p

Goods delivered in any partof town promptly

1What Do You Want to Buy Anythingyou in our line are well worth your noticeand should arrest your attention if you are looking for Bar-gain


Bring ue your country produce and get the kightatmarketpricetiPhone 753ring HOUK A

Big brick


he Place to ObtainD t-SFresh


Patent Medicines of all KindsStationery

Toilet Articles d> Yztffr


Paints and Oils

PRESCRIPTIONS carefully Compounded at all r

day or night



OPENED 19003



DIRECTORS Jonais McKenzie Geo Livesay A T FiiiFiitz Krueger Rod Perry Vincent Boning J E Houk

We solicit accounts of firms and individuals Careful tttx s

is given collections entrusted to usOur friends and patrons are invited to call when in town


Coffins Robes Etc y

Kept in Stock Orders by Mail Telegraph or TelephonePromptly fined


WILLIS GR1FFiNSPractical Undertker


ItV eroon KY

k Complete



FINE HEARSE Ginfurnish Metalic asketsAPd hT r

mbalmiu done all short notice =t

Come and see me anything I have not got can get for ou = on irst tt

train thatleave the cityl > >ORDER by wire rqmptlYFJl1 d < <



Yk- j10



