Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,27... · 2019-10-28 · Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,...

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Introduction What are you looking forward to on Thursday this week, 31 October 2019 - the remembrance and celebration of the allied victory over the Ottoman Empire in the Battle of Beersheba in the Holy Land on 31 October 1917 which opened the door for the eventual return of the Jewish people to their God-given land ? the part the charge of the 4 th Australian Light Horse Brigade played in that day-long battle? - the drafting of the Balfour Agreement in London that same day? or joining in with the witches and the occult in the northern hemisphere of the world ( and many deceived Australians including Christians ) as they celebrate their major annual witchcraft festival called Samhain or Halloween ??? This email will deal with exposing the truth about Halloween and I will follow it with another email later today about remembering Beersheba. I refuse to be drawn into using Google as my regular search-engine. I use ….here are the lies about Halloween that appeared on the internet when I fed the word Halloween into duckduckgo: If you use Google you will find the same lies there on the internet in their headline article. The truth about Halloween No doubt you have seen the proliferation of Halloween costumes and abominable gear on sale in Big W stores, “cheapie” shops and the like throughout our nation during this month – all aimed at our nation’s children!!! I have now had a couple of our network members ask me to send out again information on the truth about Halloween which I sent out in recent years. So beneath my signature block you will find copies of emails on the subject I sent out to the network in 2016 and 2015. Prayer Please read the two emails below and pray in repentance for, and renunciation of, this lying children’s playtime of Halloween introduced into and practised throughout our nation, as a demonic cover for the witchcraft involved in Halloween. We also need to pray for the Lord to expose to the Australian people, including the Body of Christ , that Halloween is not a harmless children’s playtime, but that it is the annual witchcraft festival of Samhain on 31 October in the northern hemisphere, and on 30 April here in the southern hemisphere. This is another part of the repentance needed in crying out to the Lord re the current drought.

Transcript of Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,27... · 2019-10-28 · Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,...

Page 1: Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,27... · 2019-10-28 · Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Introduction What are you looking forward to on Thursday this week, 31 October 2019

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Introduction What are you looking forward to on Thursday this week, 31 October 2019 - the remembrance and celebration of the allied victory over the Ottoman Empire in the Battle of Beersheba in the Holy Land on 31 October 1917 which opened the door for the eventual return of the Jewish people to their God-given land ? – the part the charge of the 4th Australian Light Horse Brigade played in that day-long battle? - the drafting of the Balfour Agreement in London that same day? – or joining in with the witches and the occult in the northern hemisphere of the world ( and many deceived Australians including Christians ) as they celebrate their major annual witchcraft festival called Samhain or Halloween ??? This email will deal with exposing the truth about Halloween and I will follow it with another email later today about remembering Beersheba. I refuse to be drawn into using Google as my regular search-engine. I use ….here are the lies about Halloween that appeared on the internet when I fed the word Halloween into duckduckgo: If you use Google you will find the same lies there on the internet in their headline article. The truth about Halloween No doubt you have seen the proliferation of Halloween costumes and abominable gear on sale in Big W stores, “cheapie” shops and the like throughout our nation during this month – all aimed at our nation’s children!!! I have now had a couple of our network members ask me to send out again information on the truth about Halloween which I sent out in recent years. So beneath my signature block you will find copies of emails on the subject I sent out to the network in 2016 and 2015. Prayer Please read the two emails below and pray in repentance for, and renunciation of, this lying children’s playtime of Halloween introduced into and practised throughout our nation, as a demonic cover for the witchcraft involved in Halloween. We also need to pray for the Lord to expose to the Australian people, including the Body of Christ, that Halloween is not a harmless children’s playtime, but that it is the annual witchcraft festival of Samhain on 31 October in the northern hemisphere, and on 30 April here in the southern hemisphere. This is another part of the repentance needed in crying out to the Lord re the current drought.

Page 2: Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,27... · 2019-10-28 · Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Introduction What are you looking forward to on Thursday this week, 31 October 2019

I encourage you to share this email widely among your Christian contacts and with unbelievers as the Lord may lead you. With love in Christ Jesus,

Kris Schlyder Coordinator Australian Indigenous Prayer Network PO Box 27, Mapleton, 4560, QLD Ph: (07) 5478 6765 From: Kris Schlyder <[email protected]> Sent: Monday, 31 October 2016 11:07 AM To: Kris Schlyder <[email protected]> Subject: The Truth about Halloween Importance: High Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, As we celebrate the 99th anniversary of the battle of Beersheba today, 31 October 2016, I am conscious of the fact that nations around the world are celebrating today the deceptive demonic “children’s fun festival of Halloween” with its activities including “trick or treat”. Those nations, including Australia, have imported the festival from the United States of America where it is foolishly accepted as fun for children, by people who can’t tell their left hand from their right, from the President down to the poor. Last December the Lord prompted me to send out an email to our network warning us about the witchcraft activities involved with the Summer Solstice, and also an explanation about Halloween. A copy of that email is below my signature block. It has two attachments. Since then we have had many brothers and sisters in Christ join this network, and the Lord has prompted me to send out a fresh warning today about the truth about Halloween. Please open the attachment titled Witchcraft’s 8 Sabbats or Festivals which I collated back in the 1990s. I suggest you print a copy of that attachment and retain it for future reference. You will note that Samhain (meaning Summer’s end) – essentially a festival to the dead – is celebrated by witches and the occult on 31 October in the northern hemisphere including USA, but on 30 April in the southern hemisphere including Australia. This festival began with the celts and druids, long before the time of Christ on earth. After Jesus Christ ascended back into heaven, spiritually blind Christians superimposed All Hallow’s Eve (Halloween) on top of Samhain – which is building on a false foundation – and later All Souls’ Day

To ancient Druids the end of October commemorated the festival of the waning year, when the

sun began his downward course and ripened grain was garnered from the fields.

Samhain, or “Summer’s End,” as this feast to the dying sun was called, was celebrated with

human sacrifice, augury and prayers; for at this season spirits walked, and evil had power over

Page 3: Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,27... · 2019-10-28 · Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Introduction What are you looking forward to on Thursday this week, 31 October 2019

souls of men. Not until the fourth century did the pagan vigil for the god of light give way to All

Hallows, the mass for Christian saints; and not until the tenth, did the Druids’ death feast become

All Souls’Day the day of prayer for souls that had entered rest. Cakes for the dead were

substituted for human sacrifice, fortune-telling for heathen augury, lighted candles for the old

Baal fires (The Yearbook of English Festivals, pp. 153-154).

The apostle Paul wrote to the Corinthians ( 1 Cor 3: 11-13)

11 For no other foundation can anyone lay than that which is laid, which is Jesus Christ. 12 Now if anyone builds on this foundation with gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, straw, 13 each one’s work will become clear; for the Day will declare it, because it will be revealed by fire; and the fire will test each one’s work, of what sort it is. My New Zealand mate Warren Lyons and I are both aware that our God will not build or rebuild on a false foundation e.g. The Anglican Cathedral in Christchurch, New Zealand, was badly damaged in the February 2011 earthquake, and no decision yet has been made to restore/rebuild it. Why? It’s foundations are masonic , and therefore demonic, and I understand its seventh pillar is dedicated to Lucifer. God will not tolerate it being rebuilt on that false foundation. And if they do…..? If you are led to explore more on the truth about Halloween you can go to this internet link, or google The truth about Halloween. Would you please join me in coming before the Lord, to stand in the gap for the Australian people, to seriously renounce, confess, and repent of our importing this sin - the unrighteous and demonic festival of Halloween - into Australia, under the guise of a fun festival, “trick or treat?” for our nation’s children. Firstly we need to confess and repent of our own involvement, and/or our children’s or grandchildren’s involvement in it. We also need to repent for the spiritual ignorance of the ownership and management of Australian stores who push the sales of so-called Halloween paraphernalia on our people, and particularly on our children.. We also need to stand in the gap for our nation and renounce, confess and repent of the words of my father’s generation, my generation , and subsequent ones, when seeing “attractive”, new unrighteous events, things, activities in American movies, TV etc - “Well, in 10 or 20 years well have that here in Australia!” …..essentially we have spoken it into being: - Proverbs 18:21 – Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit. With love in Christ Jesus, Kris Schlyder Coordinator Australian Indigenous Prayer Network PO Box 27, Mapleton, 4560, QLD

Page 4: Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,27... · 2019-10-28 · Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Introduction What are you looking forward to on Thursday this week, 31 October 2019

Ph: (07) 5478 6765 From: Kris Schlyder [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Monday, 21 December 2015 9:07 AM To: Kris Schlyder <[email protected]> Subject: Beware - witchcraft festival at Summer Solstice 22 December Importance: High Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, The Lord has prompted me this morning to issue this warning about witchcraft activities at the time of the Summer Solstice (Winter Solstice in Northern Hemisphere). In the southern hemisphere, where Australia is, the Summer Solstice usually occurs on 21 December, but can occur between 20-22 December. This year in Australia the Summer Solstice occurs tomorrow at 3.48pm (AEDT) i.e. UTC 4.48am . See the attachment When and What is the Summer Solstice for details. Witches and the occult “celebrate” 8 major sabbats or festivals throughout the year. Attached is a schedule of those 8 festivals which I collated back in the 1990s. I suggest you print a copy of it and retain it for future reference. In relation to Halloween or Samhain ( the most significant witchcraft festival) you should notice that witches in the southern hemisphere celebrate it on 30 April and not on 31 October. The reason why that “children’s fun festival of Halloween” is celebrated here in Australia on 31 October is because we have copied it from the USA where it is BIG as a children’s festival, on the actual day that American witches celebrate. Our department stores and supermarkets here in Australia encourage it and stock their stores with a profusion of revolting death masks, costumes etc. Would you please join me in coming before the Lord, to stand in the gap for the Australian people, to seriously confess and repent of our importing this sin - the unrighteous and demonic festival of Halloween - into Australia, under the guise of a fun festival, “trick or treat?” for our nation’s children. Firstly we need to confess and repent of our own involvement, and/or our children’s or grandchildren’s involvement in it. We also need to repent for the spiritual ignorance of the ownership and management of Australian stores who push the sales of so-called Halloween paraphernalia on our people, and particularly on our children.. With love in Christ Jesus, Kris Schlyder Coordinator Australian Indigenous Prayer Network PO Box 27, Mapleton, 4560, QLD Ph: (07) 5478 6765