Morning call (San Francisco, Calif.) (San Francisco, Calif ... · castle head to take another...

A SEA MIRACLE. The Rescue of a Drowning Boatswain. CHASED BY A STEAMSHIP. The Skipper Couldn't See the Man Overboard, but Got His Bearings by His Voice and a Star. The skipper says his boatswain was saved through a miracle, and everybody who heard the yarn said theskipner was pretty nearly right, Surely never was there more gallant skipDcr than Captain William I;ines of the rakish freighter British Prince, and never hardier boatswain than Charles L. Lasta- dius says the New York Sun of January 11. The skipner is from Xewc;»stle-on-Tyne and has followed the sea thirty-three years, or since ho was 10 years old. lie has a fine brown beard and the resonant voice that comes through it might be heard above the strongest gale that ever thrummed on the British Prince's rigging. The boatswain is a young Swede, who has suffered shir- wreck more, than once. But the captain and all the ship's company never thought of him as a foreigner, but at a fellow sailorman with a big heart. The British Prince, when laden, has less freeboard than the common freighter from Mediterranean ports, so when she breasts the wintry seas she sometimes buries her forecastle head in the ferment. She had a rough voyage from Gibraltar and her coal got so low in the bunkers that Captain lnnes decided to put Into St. Michael, in the Aseres, for a fresh supply. There be found sluncher steamships than his that had lust lifeboats and headgear and had many Inches of water in their holds. The British Prince made good weather of it from the Azores until Friday last, when she was about 4GO miles east of bandy Rook. A gale came blowing out of the southwest, combing up seas that, in the picturesque language of the skipper, looked like "granite cliffs." Darkness was just setting in. The smother of foam around the hip brightened tier decks, but beyond all was gloom. The Ci;ok wanted some fresh water, and, like most cooks, being a landsman and some- whit timid, he asked the boatswain to get It for him. The pump «if the fresh water tank is on the main deck under the lore- castle head. It was hazardous to attempt t'» get at it while the seas were boiling as they were. But water must be had and a laitormaa and Boatswain Lastadius deter- mined to get it. The sailorruan got a bucket, find running forward, dodged under the forecastle head. Boatswain Lastadius went out on the flying bridge to take the bucket from the sailorman when the chance of- fered—that Is, wiu-ii there was littte prob- ability of a sea coming immediately aboard forward. The flyingbridge is a board walk with a rope railing run between two-inch iron stanchions, connecting the forecastle head with the forward part of the hurricane deck. The main deck is seven feet below. The boatswain tended to re^ch down, jrrai> the bucket and rush ft along the flying bridge to the hurricane deck, leaving trie sailorman under the shelter of the fnre- castle head to take another chance between seas. What' happened just as the sailonnan had pumped the bucket full was told yester- day by trie, captain and the boatswain, the former in the office of John J. Sealer & Co. «l 4. M ne street and the latter on th« British Prince, anchored in the ice-covered bay below Liberty. The yarn from the forecastle, spun while a flickering oil lamp lit ud the rugged face of the boat- swuhi. agiees with the yarn from the cabin. "I had just got ready," said the boatswain, "to take the bucket, when the ship gave a plunge. 1 looked up, nud there ov>-r the port bow i saw such a sea as 1 hope 1 may never see iigam. i knew it was coming aboard, and 1 knew I bad no chance to get out of its way. If I ran aft, I thought, it would pick me up before 1 got oil the bridge and carry me away. So 1thought the best thine to do was to make, fast to a stanchion of the flying bridge. So I wound my arms and legs around it, hugged as hard as I knew how, and lowered my head to take the spa. "Everything seemed to give way when the tea hit me. 1 might just as well have caught hold of a rope yarn as that stanchion. I thought it was all up with me and the lirit sh Pilnce tmiil I louiid myself on the crest of a wavo striking out for the ship, which was riding as ifshe had shipped only a bucketful. 1 struck tho water maybe five fathom iif the starboard bow. 1 saw the form of the second officer, Thomas Jones, on the bridge as 1 swept along the ship's side. He grabbed a life buoy from the rack, and 1 saw it come sailing toward me. It was a good shut, or I might not be teiliug about it now. The buoy almost ringed my head. I grabbed it and forced it over my shoulder? aud under my arms. "As 1 was swept aft along the starboard side of tiie ship I saw Captain Innes running forward. Ho saw me, too, for ho shouted. •KeeD up a stout heart; we'll save you if we can.' liut it was getting very dark and I was three ship's lengths astern before any- thing could be done aboard the ship. My heart sank, and I gave myself up for lo**. 1 had been, striking out for the ship, but when I found her going ahead 1 stopped ail eii'ott to save myself. But it takes a long lime to step and reverse engine, and pretty soon 1 s«w the ship backing toward me. That made my heart bouud, and I yelled with all my might and tried to make some headway against the seas, which sometimes turned me over and over. I was afraid that the ship would back against me and that I would be sucked under her propeller and drowned or Killed by the blade". 1 -aw the proi eiier whirling in the air whenever the ship went down in the trough of the tea, I shouted, 'Don't back on top of me,' as 1 thought they couldn't see mo in the dark- ness. "The ship drew nearer and nearer, the captain keeping me ou the starboard band. All the men had gathered nt the starboard rail, and as tiie ship passed me they hove lines and buoys to me and shouted to DM to keen up heart. I. was once within half a fathom of the starboard rail, when a sea swept me forward aud cleared around the bow on the port side. Iwas away astern iv tbe darkness before the ship could be stopped^ and I almost lost hope again. But 1kept singing out, and could hear the voice of the captain and the cheers of the men coin- ing down on tli« wind. "Tbe ciptain couldn't see me, but he took my bearings from the sound of my voice by .i star, and coming around, lie Steamed down toward me, and going around me, came up on my board. I was full of salt water, and so played out and cold that I hadn't much strength left when I saw all the men gathered along the port rail wait- ing to save me. 'J'ljh mate threw a life buoy and a line and I caught it mil nut it on. I caught, another line, too, fearing the first one might be carried away, nnd that's all 1 remember clearly until 1 Heard nil the men cheering. Up to then I thought I whs still in th? tea." The captain was in his cabin taking his tea, as he puts it, when a man rushed to the top of the companion-way and shouted: "Man overboard, sir!" The captain had just poised a piece of meat un his fork and was about to put it iv his mouth. Some skippers might have serenely finished the meal. Hut Captain Euiea got up the com- p:-t!)ion-\vuy and ou deck as if his own son was the man who was overboard. He dimly siiw the boatswain sweet ir>U astern. As ho .passed the engine-room on his way lo tbe bridge he shouted to. the eujjiueer: "Stand by to st« p those engines." Th"v he flew to the bridge aud laid his right hand on the "*e!egraph."* "stop and reverW was flatbed to the en- gine-room, and the captain's voice rang out: "All hands to starboard with lines aud buoys!" All hands were there even before the fuimmou* came "Our only liope of »«vlMg him lay in pick- Ing.him up with tin; ship," snM the onnuin, "lor Do boat could livo in the sea that was running. 1 have seldom seen tiling 'ike it. The e»l» whs 90 \\\\ih that it combed down t lie crest?, and all the water we ship-; j>ed whs solid sreen. When 1 backed tiie shin down to tho boVn 1 <;iw him strug- gling bravely in tim sea*. He had the life buoy that the second officer threw to him under his nuns, and his body was well out of water. 1 determined 'in save him If lie could "Id out until I could fetch him alone- side. We missed him the first time, and lie was Carried forward around ihu bow to the port side. He kept up a lusty shoiuioc and we answered back. We were going ahead a bit, when he was whirled around to star- hoard, and as the night had well set in aud I could not see halt a ship's length away, we nooa lost him. lint I turned on the bridge and cot the bearing of his voice by a star, and 1 kept that star In sight when I put the helm hard tar hoard and bore down in the direction of the star. We hud lost his voice altogether, but as we steamed toward the star we heatd. it faintly over the rush of .the wind and the swash of the seas. We caught sight of him too late to pick him up as we slpamed past, 1 so we came up with the wind again, with the -boVn on our port hand. We steamed slowly, an the men ranged along the uort rail, each with a life- li ii or a buoy, . had a ctuuice at him. I knew by the cheer that went up that he was saved, and I felt like cheer myself, lie was Just half an hour iv the water, and if he baa not bean a plucky man bo would be there now, Tbe poor fellow did not know he whs safe for a raluut(j-or so after ho was hauled aboard. lit clung to the r .ilso tightly that the men had to brpak his (Trip. IL« shook with tho cold like a lenf. I tonk him below and gave him tinee glasses ot brandy and some hot corTVe. Then the steward rubbed him down with whisky, and he wns good for work next morning." There have been a few instances where sailormen who have been swept overboard have been swept back to their ships by re- turning seas, but they do not remember in this port any such story ;i3 this of picking ui> a nuin with a steamship and steering for his voice by a stir. MESSAGE OF THE WINDS. Wind of the mornlnc. breath or the dawning, j* Hasten and chase the dark sna lows away. And curry a message from me to a maiden. In her ears breathe it at breaking of day. Waft o'er the be I where the loved one reposes Fra?rauce of roses and perfume of bay. And spA:«k my name softly us soon as she wakens, And tell her much more than my lips dare to say. Wind of the evi»nl[)(j. breath of the gloaming, Sighing so softly at close or the day. \u25a0 Come oVr the woods and the vale of the roies And breathe in my ears wlut the maiden did. sny. Come when the lows around me are falling. v 1 hen doubts are oppresilns, oh hasten along, Mi I t«-: I me ail answer sent by the maiden Torid vie 0: Borrow aud cbeT me to son?. .Veil Macim>nai.i>. A PERILOUS DART. The humpback whale is the gypsy of the cetacean family. He roams through eveiy sea, and his bushy spout mingles with the atmosphere in every latitude from the Arctic Circle to Cape Horn. la form he is not bo metrical as his brother, the sulphur-bottom, nor 83 stately. A3 his first cousin, the cachalot. fie is short and thick, and \v'ien ho finds a good feeding-ground where he is not annoyed by his pursuer?, he lakes on a eui eilluity of blubber that gives him \u25a0 thoroughly unctuous lock.»sfS Although nomadic in their hiibiis, tne humpback!) resort in large numbers to cer- tain favorite localities during the breeding- season. There the young are produced, and th« callow rorquals are taught how to eather their feed when they are weaned. They receive practical lessons in the art of approaching their prey, and long before they have outgrown their calfhood have learned to scoop in masses ot pteiopoda and roll them about on their enormous tongues with true whalish gusto. The west coast of Africa is much fre- quented by humpbacks. In the lagoons of the Gulf of Guinea, and near the mouths of rivers en far south as Walvisch Bay, they ore to be met in great droves during the breeding season. Here, too. enneregate the American whaleships; and for several months in each year the coast is as well patrolled by tlieir boats as it used to be when, by the terms of th*Ashburton treaty, the United Mates and Great Britain main- tained a squadron iv those water to sup- press the slave trade. When whale* are plenty the work of the whaleman is hard enough; but when they are scarce it is harder still. The whaleman is compelled to rise at 3 o'clock in the morn- ing, and after a hasty break 'ast take to the boats, there to remain until 7 or 8 o'clock in the eveninz, pulling tha oars or cruising about beneath a broiling sun. One whaling season la particular which I have now in mind had not been a? good as usual. The whales, which had at first been numerous, appeared suddenly to have van- ished. Most of the captain-* in the fleet thought they had gone altogether, and grad- ually got under way and stood for the Cape de Verdes, or bquared their yards for St. Helena. Our skipper, however, determined to hold on for another week, as we had arrived late on the grouni aud had taken but little oil. One morning the boats left the ship at anchor as usual and crimed all day. The sun whs getting in the west, and the other boats were heading toward the ship, which was in shore and about dire* 1 mild distant. A light breeze was blowing off the land, and with the sheet of our big lUwallI Uwall slacked off, wo were running free on a course that would take us well to leeward of the ship. "We will run down until we gel abreast of Hie ship, and then make a couple of short tacks and no aboard," said the mate. The day had been even warmer than usual, and we were all tired with pulling. "Portuguese Joe" was curled up in the line tub. fast asleep, aud Harry, the niidshiD oarsman, and trie boat-steerer, were en- gaged in an Animated discussion as to the reason why the whales had left the ground to early in the season. Being the youngest and lightest of the crew J pulled the stroke- oar, and as I sat next to the mate was en- tertained by him with tales of adventure. lie was just spinning a yarn about a fight which he bad once with a sperm whale when he was third mate, of tl»e Rainbow. At the most interesting stage of the story he was Interrupted by Tom, the bow oars- man, who was standing on the forward thwart with one arm around the mast keep- ing a lookout. Tom called out: "There she blows!". Instantly all hands sprang up. "Where is it, Tom V" called the mate. "Pretty near dead ahead, sir." Two or three miles away we could dis- tinguish not one but half a dozoii spouts. "There's a school of 'em I"said the mate. "Out oars, boy?, and we'll have outt of them humpbacks turned up before the sun's set. There he branches!" ho shouted. "ObI what a beauty ! Poll, boys, pull i" He leaned forward, his eyes distended and his face all aglow with excitement; while we, catchiug some of his enthusiasm, bent to our oars, causing the boat to make rapid progress. "Toe old man wants you to come aboard, sir," said Silv*, tut* boat-steerer. "lie's hoisted the ensign at the mizzenpeak." "lie has? You're blind, Silva. man; I can't see It!" The mate looked steadfastly in the opposite direction. "Give way, my hearties! That's the pace; you're making her walk new." I glanced over my left shoulder toward the snip. The recall signal certainly was up. The captain had given order* not to strike a whale when away from the ship if the sun was less than an hour high. lint one might as well try to call off hounds when in full cry as to stop the mate when a whale was in sight. "Take in your oars, boys Out paddles I Now then, paddle strong and steady. There they are, lobtailing. The^e chaps are hav- ing a regular picnic; they are just waiting for us, aint they?" As "xc turned on the thwarts after un- shipping our oars, and dipped the paddles in the water, a wonderful sight mat our eyes. The sun was jnst neariug the edge of the horizon, and as far as we could see in the .inn soft light of the declining day there was a succession of clouds of vapory spray ascending from what seemed a myriad of whales. From some the spouts rose to a height of twenty feet or more. This was the background of the picture. Directly before v«, then not more than a quarter of a mile away, was a group of per- haps a <K>ze.n humpbacks of the largest size, engaged in those cetacean gambols in which they delight— breaching, rolling and lobtailing. "Now. boy?, said the mate in a low earn- est voice. "1want you all to work lively and steady when we go into that gam of whales. There'll have to be sharp work. Tom. you and Harry be ready to unsteD the mast and get the -nil In, ami Walter, you help Joe to pass 'cm along nnd stow 'em snug. Silva. do you set; that big fellow there, lobtailing? 11'- an eighly-banel whale;' do you see him?" v;v ;r ; "Yes, sir." "Well, I'm going to put you right under his flukes and 1 want you to strike him when lie's well out of the water. Rinem- be;. you've got to dart up, not down." By th time the "biz fellow," as the mate called him. whs not more than two boats' lengths awßy. More than a third of his immense body was out of the water ; and as he nwept his enormous flukes from side to side, he churned the sea Into loam until it was white ay milk. "Take in your Ball; down withthe mast!" whispered the mate. tstand up, tjllvn !" Another i stanr, and we were In the midst of the foam. "Give it to him, Silva!" the mate yelled this time. "Work sharp, men; in with that sail, it's trailing overboard; we'll be swamped; take pare, there, Siivt\ you'll be overboard." The uext f<>w second* of time are In- describable. The great flukes of tie whale, which bad been above our heads when ha felt the iron, fell with a mighty crash, just clearing the gunwale of the bout, and sent ft torrent of water over us that nearly filled tho frail craft. Then the line went through the chocks at the head of the boat; and before thn unite could get a turn about, the- loggerhead, a blue cloud of smoke arising 'from (he tub told of the fearful velocity with which it was bring taken out. Finally a turn was had and wa felt our- selves going through the water at a rapid rate. "Come aft, Silva, and take a steering oar. That was the most beautiful dart I ever saw in my life. I've been whaling twenty-live years and I nov»r saw anythiu? to beat it. But how white you look, man I" The mnta handed Silva the oar, and started forward. - "I guess you'd look white, Mr. Hoyt." Was the reply, "if you'd seen old Death sticking out his hand to give you a shake. I npver want to strike a whale that way again." Th« "big fellow" gave us quite a lively chase, and it was 10 o'clock before we had him turned up. The moon was at Its full, however, and the night was nearly as light an clay. They had taken our bearings on board the ship just after we got fast, and with lie land breeze came up with us and our whale at about midnight, . - \u25a0 The next day we cut the humpback in; and he stowed down a trifle less thun seventy barrels ol oil.—W. A. li. iv Youth' Companl >n. THE SUPERIOR COURT. A Batch of New Complaints Filed by Litigants. The Mai in Farm aud btock Company an' plaintiffs In a suit against Fred W. Loeber, the Bank of St. Helena and KHiip& Co. V- recover SIOOO damages growing out of Un- sale to the corporation of the mares Evoni; and Queen Ad, which, it is alleged, were not standard animals, as represented. Fraud is alleged in the auction sale, whici. was conducted by KillH> & Co. It claimed that both mares are vicious and are of no value whatever except for breeding. The deposed pastor of the Central Pres- byterian Tabernacle, John W. Ellis, has sued the trustees for 54916 39 salary, being at the rate of $3000 per annum. $2000 of which was to paid by th«> church aril the remaining $1000 by the Bjard of Home Missions. Mrs. Katie Robinson Is the plaintiff in a suit for n divorce from John J. Robinson, on the ground of cruelty. Mrs. Rjbiason was formerly the wife of Baron yon Btrnekow, who died in Germany spvtr;»l .wars ago, after she had secured a divorce from him ou the ground of desertion. The Baron left an estate to their daughter, now 16 years old, valued at over $230,000. K'/b- --iosoD, who was a boatsteeror on a steam whaler at the time lie married, was ap- pointed cunrdfan of the child. Oa account if nii-iinanagemeut Judge CofEcy revoked his letters of guardianship last mouth, ap- pointing the mother in his stead. The Patent Brick Company baa com- menced suit against J. W. Wissinger to recover SSOOO lor labor and materials fur- nished tut the erection of certain buildings in the new town of Baden. REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS. A. N*. Drown to Mary N. Alljrne. lot on N w corner of Green and Uouzh street*, > 137 \V 196:7, SW IH7:G.E 197:8; $j. M. Goldberg and wife to John H. McN'ee, lot on > line or -McAllister street, 137:8 tot UroJerlcu E 26 by N 137:8; JflO. .). J. Wells wife to Mabel R. Stonebereer, loi on s line or Washington street, 189:0 14 j-. of run avenue. X L'B:s% by S 127:8>/ ; Jilo. City and county of San Francisco to George W. EmrooDS, lo: on ,\ corner of liryact aud Kleveulu sties:*, NW 75 Dy NE 100; Mary K. riopey to Ko!>ert W. Pippey, lotion \V line of Walter street. 173 S of Kldley, S 25 Dy W iUU:gift. Estate of Amelia Kndmnn to John M. Hauboid. lot on W line of unerrero .street, 83 a of Twei.t>- flllh. S i 5 by W 125; $4325. George A. Cash and wife to Bernard H. Wieners, lot on 8 line of Twenty-seventh direct. SO W o! Cliurch, w 23:t$ by 8 105: $10. X U. Lathroi* Jr. to Evan •'. Coleman. lot on NI-: corner of Hyde ami Sacramento streets, 1. 68:9 by N 97; ?50a. John Luiaban to Joseph anil John Liimhan lot <>ti SE line of Clara Street, &Jl> SW of fourth, SW 221 1 by S 73: SI. G.T. Knopf to Julia Blecbschmldt, lot on E line Hampshire street, 141 :t> N of Twentieth. N StS by X 100: also lot 00 -NW corner of Twenty-..- and Hampshire streets, W 24 by N 93; $10. J. K. and Lottie R. Smith to Ge.»ri?e A. Smith, M on W line of Khode Island street, 60 H of Volo >. 50 by VV 75: MO. Homestead Union to Henry Kramer, lot on E line of Twenty-fifth avenue. 250 S of Point Lobos ave- nue, 8 -'5 by 120. $10. F. W. Fuller and wire to Frederick H. Otoeo, 10 . on NE corner of 11 street and Eighteenth avenue, i. 57:6 by -N 100: $'-'0. CM. Arnold tv Jer.t Mo!onev. lot on I line o." Thirteenth avenue, 125 N of is street. N 23 by r 120: *10. J. I. Harris and wl'e to Charles W. Dowilnti lot on W line of Korty-slxth avenue, 175 N of I st-eet .N 50 by W HO; *10. li. Juost and wife to Henry M. G. Dahlir, un- ill vide 1 half of lot 0:1 NEcoru.-r of south hroderlcu and Tilden streets, X 32 by N 100, block 8, Mini Tract; 110. Edward Koran to Thomas Kirk, lot 21, J. 1,. Franklin's subdivision of bluck 4d, Exces jr Home- stead ; *5. I.akeview and Sunnyside Improvement Coinpiny to Caniille Grosjeau, lots 1 to 4. blue* IS Lakes views $10. AI.AV COCXTY. Kate 8. (wife of H. D.) of Oakland to Geor<e M.McDonald of Oakland, lot on E line of Adeline street, 100 Sof Thirty-second, S 50 by t, la7. Oak- land; $10. George M.McDonald of Oakland to Samuel <>. Holing of Oakland, let on E lino of Adeline stree:. 100 S 01 Tliirty?secoud, S 50 by E 122. Oakland; «10. Kate Connelly of Oakland to Dennis ConneUv of Oakland, lot on N" line of West Fifteenth stre '.t. 5: :3 Eof Cypress, Esoby N104 :9. lot* 'in and 24. block 583, .Scotcbler Tract, Oakland : gift Jesse LOreer of Oakland to Efiie Greer of Oak- land, lot on S line of Sycamore street, 70:4 E of ( r ye, E 37:4 by S 100: also portion of bock L, map blocks O. t and L. Keisey Tract, subject to a mortgage of $2600. Oakland: *10. George and Ke!>ecca Quackenbush to William C. llisseli of Oakland, lot on X line of Essex street. 82.38 W of Wbe«ier, W 100 by s 100; also lets 8. 9, block E, amended map Newoury 1 ract, Berkeley; $10 Clara L. E. Anthony or Oakland to H. A. Pratt of Oakland, lots 8 and 8 la block 53. map of portion of block 53, San Antonio, East Oakland; $3000. Ed.W. and Mary J. Goeiifert ot Alaineda to Louis E. Goepfert of Sao I'ranelsco, lut on M line or Santa Clara avenue, 172:2 \v or St. diaries street. W 50. S 118:20. E 50. N 115:9, being lots II and 42 In portion of Vlscher Tract. Alameda; 10. - Cordelia Woulin (wife Of lewis II.) to John WalKtr of Sonoma, lot on E line of Brand arena? 75 Sof alame. la. S 7."> by E 138. lot 6 and portion of- lot 5. block F. Oak Park, tnclnal, quit claim deed. Alameda; $1. A. K. VVhifton of Santa Clara to Wallace <:i:tr» of Alain- iU. lot on W Hue of Oxford st, 40 N of Col- lege Way, W 136:6 by 8 4X70. lot 3. Wblttou Tract, Berkeley; *io. Andruw airl Jane C -Jones to William K. ari'i Francis M. /Carroll, lots l'J to 18. bi"o« L,map <f Andrew Jones' Subdivision of Brooklyn Township, Brooklyn Township;1 $3000. LeanJro Blgnera of Fresno to James Stanley of Mission San .lose. 43 acres, bouuded on N\V by lands or James Hand. E by rl«bt of way of Central Pa- cific Railroad Company, Sby lands of J. I. Heard, »nd SW by the county road from Irvlu.'tun to .San' ose; also all Interest in Estate of Franeisea 11:. gueira de t*oto, deceased. Washington Township; a] George W. and Eilsa J. Ur;iyson of Oakland to Wickllffe Matthews of Oakland, lot on Wllueoi Madison srteet. 50 !*ofEighth, S 50 by W 100, ion 17. 18. and S V? of lot 14. block B'A Oakland; $10. Mark Holland or Aiameda to Mary MoiUnd or Alaineda. lot on SW corner of Twenty-first and Curtis streets, \\ lull by a 50. lot 7, block 5, Curtis * Williams' Tract, Oakland: gift. Charles and Fhiiena Camden of Oakland to J H. T. 'VVauinson of Oakland, lot 10. bloc* 1, Hap Linda Vista Terrace, Oakland Township: $10. P. H. WcKeon of Oakland to Sutanna HcKoon of OaKlana, Idts 1 and •_'. block B. r.subdtvlslon Works A to K. Koi>eris & WoifsSlll Tract. Oakland Towu- ship; gift. Henry and Aliclra8. Crabb of San Francisco to L Nichols of Oakland, lot on SK corner of ilumboldt and Colusa avenues. £ 120.20 S 50. W 133.70. N M.i<s lot 4. block K.Koberts & Wolfskin Tract, map 3, Oakland Township; $10 A tel « bltton of Santa Clara to A. K. Whltton of Santa Clara, lot on E line of Walnut street, 4. it N of Coilesre way, E 136:6 by N 60. lot 21. Whltton Tract. Berkeley: *450. Edwin W. Woodward, and as trustee, to Itag^M J. Louilod (femine sole), lots 79 and 80. blocs F. amended map of Chrlstlanla Tract. Berkeley: $10. Georjte T. and Adella S. Hawley aad Klchard 1$ and Julia K.Snetl to Madalene Khelnschlld or Ala- med.-i. lot 6, blocu C. Kueuaventura Tract, map \u25a0.'. Brooklyn lownsbip: $10. Charles A. and Winnlfred It. Worth to Josephine Wilson of Aiameda. lot on »W enruer of Sa Jose avenue and Willow street. WSO by s 100. lot 10 In E half of block >, lands adjoiniu? Enclnal, Alu- meda: $10. Frank r. Copp to Rose Gardner Copp. lot on N line of Pacific avwiue. 200 E of Chestnut, ESO by X 160:2, Aiamed.t: pift .1. E. crooks •>•. Alamedfl to Eva M. Oberranller or Alan«da,lot7. block 101, Meok Tract, UaywarJ . Kileu Township; $100. Builder's Contracts. Annie N. Farrell With James Cocnran, to erect a four st ry Irk and frame bulldinst \u25a0\u25a0:! the SK cor- ner of Howard an. l Fourth street*. $3.'.93U; bonds! $16,490; J. J. McKlunon an.i O. Boxlo, sureties. Paul Henry with ißomai 11. \u25a0 Way, carpenter »t»rii, etc.. on W line of Dano:it street, 91:3 Nof BMramanco; 36390 Election of Officers. The junior class of the Yerein Eintrafli', turn section, In-Id Its semi-annual election for officers Tuesday evening, and the follow- ing were chosen: Presitlen', George >:• i- fens; secretary, W. Fehlemelcher; rir»t turn wart, Gus II<»top; Mmd turnwart, Koyal Scott: zeugwart, C. Baas. THE MORISFINO CALL, BAN FRANCISCO, WfIDXESDAY, JANUARY 18, 18!):V-EI(f?lT PAGFA 5 Heart Failure. HOW to AVOID it. The epitaph on many a tombstone is "heart failure." No wonder, when we con- sider the immense strain which ia put on that small organ. Marvelous ast it is, beating 100,000 times and exerting a force equal to 5,184,000 pounds daily, it has its lin, ; t— its endurance often is too severely tested. Bo CQnimon are diseases of the heart though often for a considerable time without the suspicions of the afflicted person being in the least excited that it is stated that on: ?erson in four has a bad heart/ Dr. Franklin Miles, of Elkhar', Ind.. has for years made a special study of all diseases ot the heart, ana his remarkable success has made his name a familiar one in all parts of our land. He has found the most common symptoms of heart disease to be pain, distress or tender- ness in the chest, bad:, stomach, bowels, left shoulder and arm, shortness of breath, smother- ing spells, fainting, etc. Mr. George li. Smith, of Birnes, Yates Co., N. V., writes: "Dr. Mile*' New Heart Cuke has worked wonderfully on mind and body so 1can do a good day's tcork. I fed ten years younger and take more interest in affairs. 1 had shortness of breath, palpi- tation, pain under left shoulder blade, pain around the heart, 1 could not tle--p on my right side. Since I have taken Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure 1 sleep well, and have no palpita- tion. It has made ray heart stronger. I wish you would print this, because I want all to know what Dr. Miles' - Heart Cure has done for me.'' ' For months my wife suffered withpalpi- tation, smothering spells, and was unable to sleep on her left side. She tried several doctors without relief. Your Heart Cars was recommended. After taking three bottles, she fully recovered her health. Your medicines do what you claim."—Chas. Cxiristmak, Toledo, O. Dr. Miles' New Cure for the Heart ia sold by all druggists on a positive guarantee. It . is safe, agreeable, effective, aud dots* cure* Dr. Mil/-,>f.^; c-»l Co., Elkhart. T.«?. By all firnsßlJU. T.C.:;. : d«2l ly WcMo ASSKSSMTNT NOTICIIS. . | > SSKSSMENT Nolle: J UJJ I ICE MINING . \ Co i i>.i!n'. Locution of Drineipal place of busi- ness, fca:i l-'ranc sco, California: location or works, . cold Hill lit lii 1 1. d.'atr ct.'t>t<irey C> v My. Her. Notice 14 hereby given tkatatamewtlu of tho beard of director*, bed on the Oth day of -lanu.iry. 189.1, an asaraameat, No. . 53. or ten (10) cents per share levied upon the capital stork of the corporation, payable immediately, In United States guUI ( to tLe secretary, at the ofuce of the company, room 3, ward's building, 4. 9 Call. furnia street. ban Francl-co, Cal. Any stock upon which this assessment shall re- main unpaid on the Oth day of ici.rnarv, 1893, willbe uelirifiuent and advertls^l forBale at pobiie auction, anil imi-ss iiaymeut is made before willbe snid on Thursday, 'the idday of March. 1893, to pay the delluqncut assessment, together with costs if advertising and expenses of sale, Hy order of til-- board of directors. B.K. KELLY.Secretary. Office—ISbom 3. Barward'a bnlKilttK. 419 Cailfor- . ilia street. sail Francisco, (ii. i»IT Id |>EST £ BELCHES MININGCOM PANY-LOCA- -l> tion of principal place of buslne*-*, San Fran- cisco, California; location of works, Virginia City, Storey County, Nevada Notice Is hereby given that at a meeting or the Hoard of I (rector*, held on Monday, the sixteenth (16th) day of January. IH9-, an* assessment (No. 631 or twenty-five cents (25 1 ) per share wa< levied upon, the capital stock of the corporation, payable Immediately in Unltrrt State (eld coin, to tne sec- retary at the office of the company. r.>om 33. Ne- va-la block, 303 Mo[it,'oiiit-rystreet, San KrancUco, California. Any stt-c'it upon which this assessment shall re- main unpaid on Tuesday, the twenty-first (Slit) day of February, lsyit, will be delinquent and ad- vertised for sale nt public auction, an I unless pay. tueut is made before will be sold on Tuesday, the fourteenth (14th) day of March, 18'J3, to piy the. delinquent assessment together with r«.>t-. of \u25a0•>•'• Tertlsliiß and expenses of tale, is.v order of the Board of Okeeiota. L. OSBOBN, Secretary. Oi;i3e— Room S3, Nevada block, 3 : J9 Montgomery street. San Frauc o, Cal. jal 7 Id NOTICE ok ASSESSMENT-OVERMAN SllT- x> vi r Mining Company. Location or principal place of business. San Francisco, Oal. ; location of works. Hold Hill, Stony County, >.v. Notice M herei y Riven that nt a meeting of the Board or Director*, held on the 10th day of Janu- ary. 189*. an ussessineut (No. 60) of twenty- five ("5) cents per shire was levied upon the capital stock of Him corporation, payable immediately In Culled States (fold coin, to the secretary, at the office of the company,' 414 California St., ban Fran- cisco, la . Any st. cfc upon which this assessment shall re- main unpaid on TiEsliAV, the I4ih da; of Febru- ary. ISO.;, will be delinquent and advertised for sale at public -met <>:\ : and, unless payment is made before, wi I be sold «n TUESDAY, the 7th day of. March. 1893. to pay the ciellnquoul assessment, together with the costs of advertising and expenses of sale, lly order or the Hoard ot I 'irectors. UI-OHGK D. EDWARDS. Secretary. Offlce-414 California St.. San Francisco. Cal.l* td ASSESSMENT NOTICE-CRUIKSHANK GOLD Wining Company— Location of urincipal place of business, San Francsco, California: location of . Works. Los hnrros ct. Monterey County, Cal. Notice Is hcrrby given that At a me«tlnar of the board of directors, Ue.d on the kith day it January, 1893, au assessment. No. 3. of ten cents (10 ceuts) per share was levied upon tho capital stoCK of the corporation, payable Immediately, Iv United states gf'lfl coin, to tiie secretary, at tbe oftlce of the company, room «, No. 211 Sanguine street, San iTancl«ro, Cal. Any stork upou which this assessment shall re- main unpaid on the loth clay of Kebruxry, 1693, will be delinquent and advertised for s»le at public auction, and unl »s payment Is made before w111 be sold on FRIDAY, the 3d day or March. 1893. to pay the delinquent assessment, together with costs of advertising and expenses of snlr Ht order of the b »rd of directors. J. W. PEW. Secretary. Offict'—Room t). No. 211 Bansoroe street, ,»an Franclaco. Cal. ja : -.' to fell) ASSESSMENT NOTICE NAVAJO MINING COMPANY. Location of principal pla;e«f busi- ness. San ttanclsco, CHltfornia. Location of works, TuscaroM, Bike County. Nevada. Notice Is bereoy given that a: a meeting of the Po«rd of directors, Ueld on the 9th day of January. IUBH, an assessment (No. 24) of ten (10) cants per \u25a0hare was levied npou the capital stock of the cor- poration, payat>l> Immediately In United States gold coin, to the secretary at the office of tbe Com- Imi j. ill) Pino street, rooms 15 and 17, San Fran- Cisco, California. Any stoc* upon which th's asseis'nent shall re- main unpaid on the 13th d.iy of February, 1893. will be delinquent and advertised for sale at public auction, an I unless paymeut is made l>»fore win bo sold on Tuesday, the 7tb flay of March, 18U.5, to pay lie delinquent a«scssme-it together withcost* of ml verilMni! aad expensei or tn <\u25a0. By order of the Hoard of Directors. J. W. PF.W, Sicretnry. OfOce—3iu Pin* street, rooms 16 and 17, San FraiiCliico. CallfornU. ' jail t.l A SBESSMEM NOIICK-HALB * NORCKOSS -TV Stiver .Mining Company— i.i catloa of prluct- ' pal place of buslines. San Francisco, Cali'ornla; lo- cation of works. viiciuia Mining District, Storey County. State or Nevada. Notice It hereby given that at a meeting of the Hoard of Trustees, held on the 7th day of January, 1898, an assessment (N«. 10.;) of 60 cents per share wiglevied upon th? capital stock <>r tbeeorporation, payable Iran jlat• I v In Un ted States gold coin to the secretary, at the office of toe company, room "6, Nevada boo, 309 Montgomery St.. baa Francisco, California. Any stock upon which this assessment shall re- main aapald ou FHIPAY. the ltth day or Febru- ary, i^'.-.i. will be delinquent. and advfrtls-d lor \u25a0ale at public auction: and unless payment Is made before. w II be sold in FKI DAT, the :> I day of >lHrr,.. 1H93, to pay the delinquent assessment, together with the co*t* of advertlnlng and expenses of sale, il>- orderof tho Hoard of 1 rupees. A. H. MUM \u25a0 SON. !-e retiry. Office—Room 26. Nevada Mock. 309 Mouignmery It., Sun Francisco, Ca lfornla. jaB td A BBEBSMENT NOTICE—CROWN POINT GOLD j -t\ and Silver Mining Company. Location of pr la- | elpal plsee of business. San Francisco, CallfornU; 1 location of works. Gold Hill. Stcrey County. Ne- va la Notice Is hereby given that at a meeting of the 'Board or Directors held on the 20th day of Decem- ber, 1893, an assessment (No. 69 ) of twenty-five (25) cents per share was levied upon tie capital slock of the corporation, payable immediately In United States gold coin to the sreretary at the otilce or the. company, room 35, third floor, Milt* building, corner Huih ana Montgomery streets, San Frau- Cisco, California. Any st' c* which this assessment shall re- main unpaid on the 24:n day or January, 189a. will be deliuQurnt and advertised for sale at public auc- tion, and nnlets payment is made before, will be sold on rUKSDAV. tbe 14th day ol February, lH'.'/f. to pay the delinquent atsessment, together with costs of advertising ana expenses or sale. Hy order Of t:.e Hoard of Directors. JAMES NEWLANDS, Secretary. Office— Room 35, th.rd floor. Mills i-u;idiu(j, cor- ner Hu>h and Montgomery streets, Jin Francisco, California. \u25a0 dc2l td ASSESSMENT NOTICE ALPHA CONSOLl- dated Milt and Mining Company. Location of principal Diace of business, San tranclsco. Califor- nia: location or works. Gold Hill, Storey County, Nevada. Notice Is hereby given at a meeting of the Board or Directors, held on the 20th ii.iv of Decem- ber, 18J2, au assessment (No. 10) of 10 cents per scare was levied upon tht- capital stock of the cor- poration, [livable Immediately la United Stataa gold coin, to trie secretary, at the office of the com- pany, room 71* , Nevada b10ck, 309 Montgomery St., ban FraueMco, CaUfarmla, Any stock upon which this assessment shall re- main unpaid on the 2l:h day of January, ISt'.i. will be delinquent, and advertised tor tale at publlo auction: and un>>j payment Is made before, will be sold .n TUESDAY, tl.e 14 !i day or February, 1893, to pay the delinquent assessment, together with the cost of advertising and expenses or sale. By order or the Hoard of Directors. CHAS. E. ELLIOT, Secretary, Office—Room 79. Nevada block, 309 Montgomery St., 8»n rr»ui;siM, California. > de2l til VOll! OF ASSESSMENT.— Utah con. M1N- i-' lug Company. Location of principal place of business. Sin Francisco. California; location of works. Stony County, Nevada. Notice Is hereby glvsn that at a meeting of the Hoard of D. rectors, held on the 13th i!-<y of Decem- ber, lwt»2, an asseMiaent (No. 16) or 10 cents per share wa« levied upon th« cspltal stock of th» cor- poration, Bayable Immediately In I nited States gold coin, to t'je secretary, at the office of the com- pany, room 58, Nevada block, 309 Montgomery St., . San Francisco, California. Any stock upon which this assessment shall re- main unpaid on tbe 19th day or Jauuarr. 1894. will be delinquent, and advertised tor k.ho at public auction; and unless payment Is made befere, will bo sold <>a THURSDAY, tlie 9th day or February. 1893, to pay the delinquent assessment, together with the cost of advertising mil expenses of Sale. Hy order of tUe Hoard of Directors. A. 11. FISH. Secretary, Offlee- - Room 68, Nrva<2a block, 309 Montgomery St., H»n Francisco, California. del 4 td VTOTICE OF A3SKSSMKNT.-CONSOLIDATED i.^ California and Virginia MiningCompany. Lo- cation of principal place or business. San Francisco, « al ; location of works, Virginia Mining District, Storey Comity, Nev. Notion ti hereby given that at a meeting of the Board of Directors, acid on the Kithday of Decem- ber. 189*4, au assessment (No. 3) of 60 ceuts per Share wai iev!e'l upon tbe capital stock of the cor- poration, parable Immediately In United states Cold rotn. to the secretary, at the office of the com- pany, ro 'in 58, Nevada block. 309 Montgomery St., San Francisco. < al. Any stock upon which this assessment shall re- * main unpaid on the 3J*t day of January, 1893, hi be delinquent and advertised for sale at public auction and, ii'.|»hi payment Is made) before, will be sold on FRIDAY, the 10th day or Fubruary, 1 HIM. to pay tho delinquent assessment, tocethir with the costs of advertising and expenses of sale. By order of the Board of Directors, A. W. HAVENS, Secretaiy. Office—Hoom 58, Nevada block, 309 Montgomery *t.. San Franeieeo. Cal. CONSOI.IUATKD IMI-KHIAL MINI COM. \u25a0\J pany Location of principal pUce of business. Ban Franc sco, California; location of works, Uold Hill, Nevada. Notice Is hereby given th it at a moetlna: of the board cf directors, he. d on the 294 day < f Novem- ber, 1892, an a*B°H<i!iieut, No. 31, ol three cents (3c) per share was levied upou the capital stoCK of the corporation, payable immediately. In United States it li com. to the secretary, at tho office of the com ptny, room 85. third floor, Mills build ln», corner Hush and Montgomery sis., bnu Fracclnco, Cal. Any stock upon which this aB«os*m«nt scull re- main unpaid on the \u25a0.'.till day of December, 1592, will beuellnquont and advertised for sale a; public, auction, and unless payment Is made before will bo »oid on THURSDAY* the 19th d»y of January, 1893, to pay the delinquent assessment. totetber with costs of ad vertUlng and expenses of sale. Uy order of the board of directors. C. L McCOY, Secretary. Office— Prom 35, third floor. Millsbuilding,cor- ner Husb and Montgomery sts., Sau Francisco. Cat. postponement! Notice Is hereby given that the day of delin- quency of the abovn assessment in* been p.m. I>oued until the 18th day or January. 1893, and the day of tale- of delinquent stock until WEDNKBDAT. ttie Kth day of February, 1893. Uy I order of ibe board of directors c. 1.. McCOY. Fecretary. Otuco-Room 35. third floor. Mills building, corner Lush ana Montgomery its.. Saa Francisco, ] Cal. \u25a0\u25a0 - deal m CONFIDENCE RILVER MININ<» COMPANY— \J Location of principal placo of bnslness, San ! Francisco. California location of works, Uold ill,; Storey County, Nevada. Notice is hereby given that at a meeting of tbe Board of Directors, held on the '24th day of Decem- ber, 18H2, an asse.'iment (No. 22) or 75 cents per share was levied upon tn» capital stock of tbs cor- poration, payable Immediately In United States gold coin, to the secretary, at tbe office of the com- pany, 4l4 California »t., -an Franclsc». CalHorula. Any stock upon which this assessment shall re- main unpaid on tbe 26th day of January, 18P3, will be delinquent, and advertised ior sale at public auction : and unices payment Is mad* before, will be sold on WEDNESDAY, the 15 h day or February, 1893. to pay the delinquent assessment. together with the cos's of advertising and expenses of sale. liyurder of the Hoard of Direct A. B. UROTH, Secretary. offlce-4U California st fan Francisco, call- form a. : de29 td _ A ITOKNEYS-AT-I.AW. ADVICE FReV*OS ALL LEGAL MATT marriages annulled; collections, damages, etc G.W. HOlVK.att'y.,850 Market. Stockt>n. a7tt ADVICE FREE; W. MATTHEWS, ATTORNEY, 402 Montgomery st., room 18; foreclosure of '"gcliaulc'* lieu* a specialty. 21 tf W' W DAVIDSON, ATTOHNKV-AT-I.AW. 420 II » California st. rooms 11-15: adv.oefrej >;j tf li A. - OKU 1 inSaT~AWokN EY-AT- LA WrVl*" XI. Clay sl - \u25a0 au.< if -;;;•\u25a0 W'iMlß .SOKTST " ESORTS. SPKINOS Xnd" HOTEL S^OF ink Puciflo Const, wltb rates, location, eta, publish- ed in the Hotel Uulde. '160 pajct*. For sale by new* dealtrt, or Had >*« in »tumi>« to W. m.-pattkr- \u25a0iO.M, paUlaber, \u25a0.-» Ellis »t .Km«. 99, SO, 31. mrl if ROOMS TO I.KT-CONTIZN'UEn. TTi^TiTni-A" "pTeTsTnt Unfurnished I\Jt room to lot. . JitiB tf 7AQ POST SUNNY SUITE OV \u25a0 PARLOUS: I uO also single rjoins. jalB:tt* Q1 7 EDDY— 3 OK 1 GOOD UNFURNISHED JI I room*. jtlB at* IQC NINTH NICKLY FURNISHED HACK 1 »>•> i,, mii for nun and wife, with u>e of kltciien; $10 per mouth. . . * C CENTRAL COURT. OFT OOTAVIA. NKAB c/ Market— l or "2 mifuriilshed rooms, with u><c of dining romiiand kitchen: sun all da/; hoiist-keep- \u25a0ing room*. .1:17 -'!*_ 1 '/An LARKIN— SUNNY FURNISHED FKONT I^-\J\J id. ii. Jo a month: hack room. St. Jal7 at* \u2666> SUNNY .UNFURNISHED ROOMS: BENT D cheap. Inquire tt l»07 Paclfjo ii. ja.l7 Ct* / \u25ba;•> HOWARD— hi 111 '. AND SIMiLK AND L'^.O honaekeepi : ;iu.l bath. jai7 :ii* •JO/i THIRD- NICE UNFURNISHED HOUSK- Ott'i keeping rooms tv rear. $7. J>l7 tf Un| POWELL— SONNY FRONT BOOMS: PRI- rate family. ja!7 2t» C A(' MINNA— FURNISHED ROOM 1"OR LADY; o^lo upsUlrs. ]Hl7at«_ Ti)] (' mission -1 MINGLE ROOM. $4: MCE i ~-LUsingle trout room. jal 6 at* 1<1 I j HOWARD— LAKOE SUNNY UNKIR- -1 i J ui»hed housekeeping room a. ja!s 6t* i^Q{\MCALLISTER 2 LARCJE ROOMS; IJAY- XJVyJ window.closets; suuiiy; partly or infurnish- ed: reasuuatile. Jala st* H STANLEY PLACE— I UNFURNISHED ROOM, larKQ cluact and water. jalo 7t* I f' MHIIII'AHK- si FRONT ROOM. 99 : it) sulti.s $10 aud l.'>: also boutekeopiiig. j;>ls6* rpH« BHKKMAN APARTMKNTHOUSK OPENED 1 to accommodate i;^iit»ei families; 139 sunny roums, formatted or unfiirnUb^d: quite central: prlce.i nioder .te. 'JS KighthSt., near Market. 14 Im 777 MAJtKBT - HHMMIKII rooms" EN lil »ulte. single, hoiuekpg: olllces: cheap. js Im Cl 7 O'FARRELL— LARGE UNFURNISHED *Jl. I room3. J.i 1 0 tf I A')SEVENTH—NICELY .FURNISHED IiOOMS 1 «*- en sntte. single, also liuuselteeiil.igrouim. I4t THKNIw ii.! WANTON. 715 HOWARD ST., 1 near Thira— SOU sunny rooms; recently reno vat throughout :8«»: ruining water; linen changed daily; read lac-room: baths: upon a.l uight; {>«rday, SOc and up; per week, $1 60 and up. >ie'j'2 lin * RLINOTON HOUSK. 127 KKARNY-PLEA"*- -•"» ant sunny rooms, en suite and t.nßle: flrst-clats In every remiwct: tertn« ri»»iion«h|p. ;ai Otf BOABDIMG Ai\D~SOOMS. 7 [q PIN E— SLBUAMT aaiTToiTwUOtn " YABr I 'it) lorg. with board for'i; f55 per month. 15 7* A 97 EDDY-NICE HOARD WITH BOOMS EN "I— .l mte or single. J»l3 7t* \] ONTGOMEEY'B TEMPERANCE HOTEL, '227 iM and WO Second St.— Single meals, Ybc; board and room per day, 75c to $1 : by the week, SI t0 95; free coach to and from the hotel. ap2l tf < llll.DKl :.\ BOABDKD. I > lilt ai anTa ii V ay i sTJeTto^h bard ah a h y": ' ' mother's care. 164» Mission it. ja!7 Of WIDOW WOULD HOARD 1 OR 'i SMALL " chllaren: large jar.l 30 Halßht Bt. jals 7t« STORES TO LET. l.h r, NKX.I ro EXAMINKI 0 pressrooms; suitable lor a goud »alo>n. 641 MlgHlou st. JalB :u» _ ANTED TO KENT—IN GOOD LOCATION A ' s small store suitable lor carpentcr-*hup; rent mnst he low. .Address CAR., box 123. Call branch office. ja!7^i't» V I < 'I k STORK; GOOD LOCATION: 416 <7 IO.«JV/. Fourth -.t.. bet Harrison and Bryant Apply to O. U. I MBSEN A CO., 14 Montgomery Street. jal6 St L<»R RENT-PART OF STOUE; BEST LOCA- F tlon; Market -t , but 'Ihlrd and Fourth. Ad.lrtsj Store, li x 158, CajJ liranch Offlc^ Jal6 7: I>ART OF STORE. SsCITABLE FOB RF.STAU- -1 raal anil barber --hop. in rWlDltf of Mills build- ing; rent reasonable. ApplyCall Urauch. j.i.5 tf •]•('>!!. HOWARD AND LAFAYETTE FIX- - 1 tires, glasie.i, stocit, etc. ; rent 935. Apply en premlsea. I.i ; It OFFICES TO IIP. OKFICES OB DEBKB oSS, I.\IU,K FOB anything; very reasonable. 16 8 i-i-o.iif. 16 7* E>K ROOM, WITHOB WITHOUT DESK. 218 CaHtornt:» St.. room :; j»S I' STABLES TO LKT. QTABLEB In LEASE—OLKNWOOD BTABLI I. ront.tlnltiß 30sUlli'. with tenements: large loft and rarrlaze-room. Mission st , bet. Twen^y-'ceottd and Twpnty-thlrd. j t IB 4t» H Hti ill BE lok SALK. L'OK BUYING AND B ELLIN U FBRNITI ii 1 etc , visit City Furniture Co., 431 Turk »L . re- j pairing ni'jvlug. packtug, shipping at lowest me*. iT II.XV BKOS.. 981 MISSION FUR.MTcRE, Curpets. stoves cheap; cash, Inatallra' is. no.H ly OOD CHANCE— YOUK HOUSE FURNISHED GOOD CHANCE—TOOB .M'l'm: H KNISHKU complete \%ltti furniture, carpet*, stoves, cur- talus, blankets, pictures and mirrors at cash prices, on easy installments; small deposit. M, FRIED- MAN«'. CO.. largest Installment bouse on the coast, \u25a0*".'b-*J2O Stockton St.. 2J7 Post; open eveniue-t; prompt attention paid to country orders. 1 if V OTICK-I AM M>W AI 128 FOCBTB (NEW l.y bDildmz), Mid offer a large stock of general bcuseboiu furniture at reduced prices; 600 carpets, good as new: stoves, it); antique chamber sulta, hl&; parlor suits, 939; cash or iusta! lntents; ail At i>. <u> ck prices. T. H. NELSON. l-'6Fourth ft altC FI7KNITCRB WANTED. » fCTIONEER - WII1.1 AM ilI i ERI Ih LD 3M Moiitjjomery (Sat* Deposit HlUi? ). cor. California, VOyears in Itic buslines, buys, sells and rents furnished homes. tf 4 FTERYOU HAVE TRIED ALLQIUXRS SEND .'\ for LAURENCE VINCENT, auctioneer, room 22, Flood nullitlng;cash always ready. do3U tt I ) UTTF.RHfcLD. FRANK W.. AUCTIONEER. 18 n Montgomery St.. bnyi large and small lots. "1tf | 4 "URNITURE WANTED—EVERYBODY SELLS 1 their second-baud furniture at the Pavilion Atif- tlun House. 319 and 3.l utter, nr. Grant are. d*B tt NEWMAN HRO.*., 117 SIXTH, UUV ALL i.l klnas second hand furniture and carpet*. etc.'J7tt ALARGEQUANTITT OF SECOND-HAND FUR- I. lure wanted : 29 per cent paid uiore than el*o- where. MAI.ONE. 110 Fourth St.; peyr>tore. inJOli \\ J. SIMMONS A- CO.. ACCTIONEEKS. WILL Dl . buy jour tun.ituro. ptano« au4 uouics. 1017 M»rk«tKt >u3l.' CAi:i \u25a0: i- V\'K WILLRKMOVK ON THE I'.irir OF JAN tW »' ary to 1310 and 1312 Stockton st. Brussels carpet. HOc laid: heavy floor oilcloth. 25c. S. W. BUIREK. 1234 Stockton St.; open evenings. tf pARPETS-SMITU'S BRUSSELS, 650 A YARD; \J Ijiitalitnfnt price elsewhere 91 a yd. M, FKIED- MA.» A CO.. -JVB-230 htockton. and V 37 Post. It tf CAltl'KT <ii:\mn(; 1 IARPETH^TuoHOUOHLY CLEANSED AND * ' renovated same as new. 8. B. 1-ERUUSUN .* CO.. 23 Tenth *t; telephone 3038 Itt rrn-!R<il (ill CARPET CLEANING. 3c PKR 1 yard: altering and laying a specialty. MITCH- ELL.23J Fourteenth St. jdT lin* rpBE CHKAI'EST PLACE TO GET YOUR CAR- -1 pets cleaned is 453 sicv«nii<,n St. Te1.32'2d.021 it pONKLI 'S CARPET.HEATING WORKS. 33J V-* Golden fiaf*aye : tel<-ritioui 2139, 1- tl QI'AULDINU'S PIONEER CARPET-BEATIN9 O Works do the test work. 853 to 387 Tenamait.; telephone 3040. mr!9tt PIANOS, V101.1.N.S AM) sill Xl MUSIC £.-- i-.\( ki.i i.nt Piano fob bale <»n **> 0 <•' itistallments. Ml Le»Teaworta »t.J»IB 7t CM in G HEAT HARGAIN; FINE PIANO IN 3pt7U. good order. 14 M.irketst >alB 3t* 3 PIANOS AT A SACRIFICE: ALSO NEW 0 planoe at low prices: piano* toned and paired at FA^'S Pla no Factory. 1720 Mission tl |a I4t t__ j i-i NKW UPRIGHT AT a BARGAIN. 313 1 (Dtvlsadero st. ]:tl37t» |>"i i:<>\ MAUZY. 308 TO 314 POST ST.. SOLE Dagent Sobmrr * Co., Newly <fc Evans plmos; choseu above all others lor Leland SUnrord Jr. University. jail tr / Mill ki.i: 1 vt UPRIGHT. INPERFECT i'K!M !:, I bait cost US and 25 FUth St. j*s tf_ ALL KINDS >i REPAIRING AND TUNING: -V low rrlcn; first-cUss work. KOHLER a CHASE, 38 O'Farrell st. d.'7 tt I^LEGANT = NEW UPRIGHT PIANO, VERY J reaaonabie, at 703 Sutter st.,iouuii 0 and 7: can be seen from 1 to 4 p. w. deUtf I >ECKKR A SON PIANOS,' LEADINO. I' MARSHALL & WENDELL planoi 10-crnt eheet niiislr. "Ideal" guitarj. ' At MAUVAIS', 769 Market St.. H. F. ttp2att II ALLET ADAVIS AND KIMII ALLPIANO AND 13 Organ Ajrenoy. W. Q. KADOER. 725 Market, c: KUIII Kit * CHASE, 26. 23 AND30 O'K\KKEl>i. *t.; leadli'K pianos and organs; oldest raaslo- come; largest stock; easy terms; low price*. ap'J.i.: A LOT OF SECOND-HAND SCjUARK PIANOS; fine condition; at a sacrifice. KOHLEK * CHASE. 28 O'Farrell st. )yS9 tf CHICKERINO * SONS'. ITB J WAt AM) " other second-hand pianos In flna condition at bottom prices. K. W. SPENCKK 4 CO., 723 Mar- ketst., lll.,tory building,second floor. se2stf SlitK. CiIICKKKINO * SONS. VOSK AND other pianos told on 910 Installments. MEN'/. CI'K'I A- SON, sole »geuts. 'id O'Farroil »t. hp'.t :f L" 1 L. NEUMANN PIANOS: HR3T-CLABS IS J . tonn and workmamblq £'i Ninth St. no7 tt ORNIW PIANOS; BKILLIAVI 1 : POWER- fuI tone: strictly first class. 917 Mission. an:!Otf HORSES. O> ()(\ rTwTLITI JUV AFINK HAR'lll.H il \M •IT-" of small black horses, wagou ami harreo; suitable for any bu-itne^.H or family: Al travelers; lady can drive. Inquire 13 IS K'.dy St., livery SU- ble, bet. Buchanan and Webito-. |/XPRIiSS-WAGON.2 HORSES: CHEAP STAND »lt ni. cor. of Sixth and Howard sts. Inquire .'.' Douglass -t.. bet, heventeenth and Eighteenth. l 7 7* HEAVY WORK HORSE FOR HALE;4 YEAKS old: price 8125. SE. cor. Twenty sixth ana Florida . . I*lB 7t* pENTENNIAL STAIILKS-CaRRI AOIfs. HOCK- V/ sways, victorias, buggies, etc ;1521 California St.. bet. l.arkin and Folk; telephone Sex- M. CON- LON,proprietor. nn 13 tt wagons AND CARRIAGES. S^\v^Tecond-h*and Ii <Tki- i:v v laundry X ' wagons, rockaway and phaeton. 823 Harrison. 7* ;. LOST. ' I>UO DOO^AN"sWERi> i"o \u25a0 TO NA^IKof nkoie, on (Jeary. bet. Lnrklu and Hyde. Please return to 714 Leavenworth st. ja!B 3t* OST— A PASSBOOK WITH THE HIBERNIa.' J ' Havings and Loin Society of Ban Francisco, In the name of EDWIN F. RUHR, No. 1 38,695. The finder will please return to th« bank. ' jai I ot*. I OXT JANUARY 14. Alii AND WHITE *> greyhound bitch. Returuto J. O'-hra's saloon. Eighth mid Follow tta.. receive reward. * 1 OUT- 95 REWARD. YOU.NCI BED AND WHITK J i KhepiH m dog. Finder please return to 54U Flllniore and reo>-iv« reward. i -IS M' I OST—A PASSBOOK WITH THE HIBKRNIA XJ Savings and Loin Society of fun Frnncls<:o, in the name of MICHAEL McLAUGHLINor MARY Mclaughlin. No 138,040. Finder win plena return to bank. - jal-16* FOUNI>. IpOUND-SM ALLPPRSE CONTAINING CROSS ' and other tilings: owner can have same by pay- In for this advertisement.. Apply 439 Kaarnvxt.,'.cli.r- 9tore. J.17 3l* ,; OAKLAND REAL KSTATK. * Q9A CASH— SS MONTHLY! *** BEAUTIFUL STONE TRACT! EVERY LOT IS A YOUNG ORCHARD. Lota 50x150: streets graveled: city water; this tract is building up fast with beautiful homes; re- ' member the electric cars pass the property, con- necting with all tratus. A. li. BREED .v C > , 460 Ninth st. Oakland, or W. A HALL. Mills i:u!:4lug, roouis "6and 7. sixth floor, San Francisco. JsiH tf FrSuWe Qi)A COTTAGE, EVERYTHINGMODERN, OF iJOv/. 6 rooms and bath; 530 iieritian St.. bet. Webster ami Fillmorc. App'y G. H. UMBSt-.N A CO.. 14 Montgomery st Jal 8 3t _ ' Qf\ ?\AA $3009 AM)$3000— WE WILL BUILD ClOUu. on the Install meat plan cottage of 4 and 5 rooms or more t'» order fir any party on $50 cash and $20 per mouth at $1500, or .f-.V) for a $2500 mo ipru cottige. Anp:y to li. E. ALDEN or WOODWARD 4 (i>.'.'t)j Broadway, Oakland. ld 7t < I ~ i\{} Nl:w COTTAGE OF 4 <.;() >1) ROOMS OI'JV-'U. with lot 40 feat front; only $50 cash and $20 per month: well located at Frultvale and 1block from electric cars, over wnlcu a free pass will be given the purchaser of this cottage for live years. Apply to HENRY i: AI.DIIN or K. W. WOODWARD &CO., 902 Broadway. Oakland. IB 7; Cj;lAA MONTH WILL BUY a home in S A USA- tglUlito. E. D. SPARROW. 640 Market. jyg tC 7\ALIFOHNIAEXCHANg"k~RUREAU.4BI NINTH v.' st. Oakland exchanges all kinds of property; send for catalogue. GREEN. SMITH A CO. Jals tf OQ' cash. Balance $b PER month: a Ci.') whole orchard for $250 to SHOO. The reatalodrr of Ed x orchard, adjoining Haywards, to be closed out; Large lots .'Ori O.I; covered with fail-bearing fruit-trees: the fruit Dan be sold upon the trees icr more than the Interest. For full particulars apply to si .1. LAY.MANCEA :CO.. 400 i-.ighth St., Oakland, <:.i. i:il4 lOt f APITALISTS-CAPITALISTS. \J LOOK AT THIS. $75 PER ACRE. 516 acres. 31£ miles from Mills Seminary or the heights; thUcan't be boat; terms c:in i<" arranged; don't let this slip. W. E. BARNARD A SON. 468 Ninth st. Oakland. Jal3 71 „..;-, CHEAP LOTS NEAR TWENTY-THIRD «)'.'. aye.: $250 and SJOO per lot. Xt s- SQAn SILL & PROSSEB. Tweuty-Uitrd aye- CuUU. nne Station, East Oakland. da'2Stf __ __________ ""' C 1 ONE DOLI-A!. i' « i *£X. $1-ONK DOLLAR A WEEK. FOR LOTS 150 EACH. MELKOBE STATION ACT. 70 LOTH SOLD LAST MONTH. H. B. PINNEY. OWNER, PO7 BROADWAY,OAKLAND. OFFICE OPEN EVENINGS. nos tr 4 WEEK'S NEWS FOR 8 CENTS— WEEKLY «'\ Call. In wrapper, read* for lu.itlt-.ig. OAKLAND ROOMS TO LET. fllO LET—IN OAKLAND— SECOND BTOBY^OF I building.50x100. suitable for light mauuraetnr- Ing or stor.>SH. Apply :<.-» lini'iim st .S. Km:<7t» ALAMEDA Ri:.\L EBTATB. 7^olTTFfv_~DAYs onlT: ~~ ""~^~ $2600-$250 cash, 825 per month, for a beautiful C-room cottage on improved street, near station; lot 3.xlort. $2750— 5150 cash, s3o per month, for a handsome new 6-room cottage, near school; lot 37x100. Itiqulrsor MARCL'SE a BEMMEL; offlcos-628 Market st. ban Francisco; Hay-st. station and Hull st. Alameda; Power station. Sau Leaodro roaa. __^___ ' ; ' l4 SaSuTuWe it HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. APPLY 545 Ssnta Clara avenue. jail lm* I OOK-NO PAYMENT DOWN AND NO INTER. iJ est; lot and 8-toom house; street work ail done: IS* Instalments. If you wish to buy call on M!< s. CHANDLER CO., 1829 Park st, Masonic Build- ing. Alaiupcla. i \u25a0 ii tf BOUSES TO LET. HOISK OF FOUR BOOMS; RENT $10. APPLY 1141 Harrison st. JalB 3t« QA9 Jo:NKS ' NR. GUTTER—2 -STORY BAY- Ou- window hou^e: ti rooms, bath; $40. JalS 3t» Ql l rENEVENT 4 UNFURNIsTrED FRONT Cil- rooms for housekeeping. 909 FoUom.lB 3* ]\TICE SUNNY BO08E: 7 ROOMS. BATH; •*.« large, sunny yard. 20ti Seventh St.. near Bows Jal7 7t» Qin THREE ROOMS, LABOR YARD AND C •"\u25a0 cellar. 30 V4 Dore st, off Harrison, bet. Ninthand Tenth. Jal7 3t» HI ROOMS; 6 LAROK SUNNY BED- I ms; balh: lauiiury: closets; larze yard; house i. w y papered and painted. 2403 Clay st, nesr Webster. Jal2 7t* flMft UOUSE 4 ROOMS, BASEMENT, 4 SELINA •_ 1 * '• \u25a0\u25a0: . mirth Mdc California below Stockton: ijulet and respectable neighborhood: key at No. 3. BUCKINGHAM 6 CO.. 415 Montgomery st. t»4 ti 4 WEEK'S NKW S FOR 6 CENTS— THE WEEKLY i"V Call, IB wrapper, ready for in rime FL'RNISnKD HOUSES. L AT^oTs"R7)OM?r^olflpTETE^mrHTruir^ X keeping, for sale very cheap on account of ite- uarture; also flat to let. rent almost cleare I. Call 317 butter st ___^ JalB 2t» Tn LET— FURNISHED FLAT 5 ROOMS: BENT 1 ?.'\u25a0\u25a0 Apply If 10 Polk tt. 3*17 7t« COTTAGES TO LET. qTT^jT ELEQANI E "1 1 ROOMI; tjl . willmakoi rent reasonable to a desirable tenant 1531 Sanchez St.. bet. Twenty-eighth and Twenty-nl:ith. Apply U. H. UMBSEN A CO.. 14 Montiomery st JalH3t pOTTAGK IN REAR .OF 242S HUSH ST: 4 yj rooms; rent $11. Key nt 2428 Bush st J»18 3t» pOTTAGK ! ROOMS. APPLY~4S 0 QCERREBO yJ »t., bet Sixteenth and Seventeenth. J.HB tf C^OTTAOE OF 4 BOOMS AND ROUGH BASE- * J ment: rent $13. 631 fraakiln st., near McAll- ister ml;) tf FLATS TO I IT. MIDDLE FLAT. 6 ROOMS AND bath •_—">. (molern); 539 Hayes, bet. Octavia an! Lagnna. Apply U. 11. UMBSEN 4 CO., 14 Mo.t- gomery st. JalS 3t <> I v LOWER- FLAT: 4 ROOMS; LAROK YARD yl*.. and cellar. 2823 Mission at. J»18 4t» Q] O 2 PARLORS; XI BEN.BANUE.WATEB, {JP 10. bay-windows, etc. See grocery-store, cor. Sacramento st. and Prospect place. Jal 1 WeFiSu tr SUNNY BAY-WI.MJOW FLAT OF 5 ROOMS and bath: rent $27 50. 1035 Clay. cor.Foiic.l? 7* J/LAT TO RENT; 4 BOOM! AND YARD. 729 I Harrison st jal7 7t« rpHE FINEST FLATIN WESTERN* ADDITION: 1 7 rooms, bath. etc.: also large store with rooms; cor. Oak and Scott -- ; cheap. jil7 7t* 'I'ENKMENT OF 3 NICE ROOMS. 210 PKANK- i lla M. Jal7 tf 2 FINE FLATS; UPPER AND LOWER; RENTS vrry re: soluble to a desirable tenant; 6 rooms and bath each: 329 and 331 Tehainast, bet. Third and rcurtli. Apply G. li. IMl'SiiN & CO., 14 Montgomery st. JalG 3t ff» I Q BAY-WINDOW FLAT,6 ROOM*. MEV- -9 i O. crett st, near Fourth. j*lB 3t« SUNNY FLAT ANDCOTTAUK: 5 KO. MS. BATH and basement Cor. Dolores and Fifteenth. 15 7* 1 jki't SACRAMENTO. NEAR HYDE—2 FLATS i *i^<-> 7 rooms and bath. Jal4 tf 3 MCE SUNNY ROOM.; YARD; HEAR. 658 Natoma st : $7. Jal 4 tt 7a nok. near fourteenth— handsome. £ modern Hat; 6 or 4 large rooms and bath: sun all day. Jal2 7t» 0 FLATS: 7 AND - ROOMS; MODERN IMPROVE- «-> ments: 1755 Howard st. Owner 3040 Sixteenth st. cor. Guerrero. Jal2 7t* UN.NY UPPER FLAT: 6 LARGE ROOMS; ALL Improvements. 30 Moss St., bet. Sixth and Seventh, pear Howard. Jal3 7t* til 9 ELLIS. AMOVE VAN NESS B.— SUNNY 0 1& fiat. 5 rooms; $20. Jail tf 1/LAT i SONNY ROOMS; ALL CON YEMEN CKS*; J $14. 134 Erie - 1 . ja 11 tf "-,'£• MCALLISTER—NJiW lI. AT (IK 4 ROOMS I I>4 and cellar; rent $i 7: key at 728. deltf tf Q-J,-. 1723 MCALLISTER ST.; 7 ROOMS AND '\u0084 Ot'.batk: new and elegant CUAS. ASHTON, 411 Montgomery st. del' s Ira rpo LET—FLAT. S ROOMS. COR. STEIN Hit ANl> 1Clay sts. ;rent.?2s: also, cottage bet Hush and Butter ati<., near Webster: re;itsi7. Inquire or C. !.. TAYLOIt. 4-JX Calif, ruin st Jain Ifit HOISEKEEPING ROOMS. Ol 1 TURK —2 OB 3 NICELI FURNISHED Ol J rooms: bath; ca<; privat) family. JalB 2t» C('Q MISSION—4 LARGE. SUNNY KOOMS CUO furnlshcl complete for housekoeplng. 18 3t* 1 1 1U sIfTTEII HOUSEKEEPING "" ROOMS; i-i- 1 •' sunny yard; also double and single. 18 Zt* 1 1 O FOLSOM—I OR 2 LARGE UNFUR- •• ) I— ' nished front and back room conveniences; Cheap. JalH'Jt* At)-l TURK-SUNNY HOUSEKEEPING BOOM; i_X runnluf water: single .'rout room. JalB 2t* CO EVERETT. NR. FOURTH-2 FUiI.MSHKD CO rooms for homeKerping; yard. .; C/J1 iMISSION LA808 FRONT ROOM AND * ') l 2 kitchen furnlsheil hoasokeeplng: $14. 17 1 Cil'J NICE SUNNY SUITE FURNISHED FOR t£lO. houstkeeplng. 448 Third st. Jal7 St IACr MISSION - HAY- DOW SUITE OF LV'OOhousekeeping rooms: $16; tingle$5. 17 7t JO MINNA -"2 ROOMS FURNISHED ~ FOR iC iiousfnei-puif Jal7 7t» 1 AROKALCOVE ROOM FOR 9 UKNTLKMKN, i> <;r light hontakeeplng. «l7i'o«ts!. Jal7 2t« '-C.9A THIRD— I BOOMB FURNISHED COM. O£*\J piste lor hoosekeeplnat cheap. >17 3t« i;ll NATOMA -HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS; 3, O- 1 -*- -)al7 3t« »M VERONA, BET. FOLSOM AND HARRISON— --"1 Funilshe'l housekeeping moms. Jal 7 -it* 1 MOSS, <>IK HOWARD. lii.l. SIXTH AND I»' Seventh— tunny front and back housekeeping rooms, withgas and bath; rent cheap. ]al7 it* 1 A OTHIRD-SUN.NY HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS \u25a0***-> complete; first noor: hath: gas. Jal7 3t* 1 A- NEW MONTGOMERY: NICK FKONT FUR- X\JU nished housekeeping salte; $11. J^l7 at* A 9 WASHINGTON SUNNY UNFURNISHED housekeeping rooms; running water Jals 7t» 9-10 FIKSr -* KOOMS IIOUSEKKEPING; ."V rent cheap; fery ceDtral. ]als st* V?ORTHWEST COR. STOCKTON AND FILBERT Xi a famished rooms for housekeeping; $13. JaB tf CM O NICELY FURNISHED UPPER F«ONT vpl . b*y-wlndow suite; sun all day: nice neigh- borhood. 03'i^ I Ilrabeth St. near < astro. ]a 4 tf (I] Q MCALLISTKR-2 PLEASANT F I BNISHKD KfXO rooms for light housekeeping. del if SMALL ADVERTISEMENT* AND SUBSOKIP- tIoas taken at Call Branch Office*. «03 Lariln it., 830 ii»yei st. and JulH MUilon st.: opou till *:30 p. v ROOMS TO LET. "~ li(\(\ - UNFURNISHED AJro^r-ITfT. UUU nished light housekeeping: also storage.lB 7* 1 IOMASON— SUNNY FURNISHED FRONT i- 1O rooms; use of kitchen. _JalB It* cgr, UP— SINGLE FURNISHED ROOMS; LOWER «PU floor. 220 Eddy st \u25a0 7nOTAYLUU-SU>Nir HALL BEDROOM; I UP furnished. : J»18 3t* P. 'JA ELLIS—NEATLY FURNISHED BOOM; tlOlbath; gas; rent $«. ]*1H iit* "I 97 RK-PLcAMANT SUNNY FURNISHED I_< rooms; fd and up. \u25a0 jalH6t* , 9A9A powkll '4 jiU.nny Bay-window *v*U riiomti also single r»oin; r«ut re*ioiu- Wo J * lHBt * CITY REAL K>TATK. r\'FARRELL A CO., '""" -^ EEAL ESTATE AGENTS A RENT COLLECTORS. 11 MONTGOMERY ST.. B. F. ©9(")AA COTTAGE WITH 8-FOOT BABE- «JS_ l 'UVj. uient; FoUoin St.. near Norwich; size of lot 25x30. O'FARRELL I < \u25a0•., 11 Montgomery. O9onn RESIDENCE OF 6 ROOMS AND v ——''''. bath and ime'iient witn large grounds, InCol ma; all kinds of fruit and flowers; roomsare nicely i:<j.'ivi: fine home: size of lot 101x75. 0 FARRKLL * CO.. 11 Montgomery st Q. 9 Q A BHIPLBI ST.. Nt; 5T H : COTT AOE; * •> U. this is a bargain: size «t lot 25x75. O'FARKELL a CO., 11 Mo:it;omwy11 QOOAA DOUGLASS ST. NR 24TH: HOUSE O •'"''• of 6 rooms and hath, In flno condition; concrete walk: street graded. O'FAKRELLA CO.. II Mo'itgomery st QO'AA SAN CARLOS AYE.. NEAR 19TH . .iiiWi), st; 2-story house: size or lot 25x75. O'FABRELL & CO. 11 Montgomery st. mQEj in riga>i v si., N. SIDE. BET. BTH «,•)»)' "". and »th; 2-st«ry house; brick foun- dation; rents for $27 50 per month. O'FARRELL Jt CO, 11 Montgomery st. Q>,\ - <j| i 2 II X FLATS ONGUERRERO ST., , i.)\MF. noar22d. of 5 rooms and bath oach: foot basement ; stone sidewalk. O'FARKELL A: CO., li Montgomery st fIU I " >\t\ BRODBBICK ST.. NEAR WASHING- i*!'it)UU. ton: cottags of (5 rooms and bath: 7 foot basement; brict foundation: sii1 of lot 25x -" :6. O' FARRELL A- CO.. 11 Montgomery st O7'l -i\ 14TH ST LET - MISSION AND HOW. tj 1 *) li'". anl—." bay-window Mats, nearly new: brick foundation :size of lot 25x80. O'FAKRtLL a in. 11 Montgomery st. jjrgAA 9 AND 11 SOUTH BUODERICK ST.; %pt)Cv/V/. 2 fine flats or 0 rooms and Lath each, renting for S-!O per month: grand view; sizs of lot 36x120. O'FARRELL a CO.. 11 Montgomery st. CATAA DIAMONDST.. NEAR ISTH-3 NEW rj'UIUV'. Bats or 5 and 6 rooms and bath each; modern ; Income $58 per month; size of lot '.'ax 125. O'FAKRELL & CO . 11 Montgomery i.t. Q7AAA MA KE OFFER: ON IHE LINE OF © I UUU. the new electric road. South San Francisco: larw "-atory buiWlng In good condi- tion: income $64 per month; can bo increased; si*** of lot 50x125. O'FARRELL & CO., 11 Moutguin- ery st. - Ol.) rnfl FOLSOM ST.. BET. STH AND I— «)V'l». bth; 3-story building, rentln? ror $100 per month: size of lot 30xS0. O'FARRELL & CO.. 11 Montgomery st. QIC HUH JONES ST.. NEARTL'KK: DOWN- (J*IO.Ui'u. town property: income $55 per mouth: size of lot 27:6x107:6. O'FAIUiELL A CO., 11 Montgomery St. Q9li 1 \. \u25a0 \u0084 \u25a0 BTU-ST. BUSINESS PROPERTY. £7_'".'"'U. bet. Harrison and Bryant: im- provements consist of 3 2-story booses, lot 5.0 ft. front on Sixth st., running through to Part are.: inaKQ offer. 1 t'FABRELL * CO.. xl Montgomery E. COit OF BTH AND MINNA M >.;NEARLY new 1-tury building; leased for 5 years at $1"5 per month. O'FaRRI-JLI & CO.. 11 Montgomery st. AIAAFERFKOM FOOT— BEADY I O BUILD OI " " 0:1: 1 biocw from the iuight-st. cars; size of lot 125x120 to rear \u25a0tract. $1150— Klizabeth st. near Douglass: 25x114. £1200 each— 2 lots 011 Tremout aye., S. of Fred- erick st. SlDoo— Sacramento st. neir Locust; street mac- adamlsod and concrete walk: 25x100. $2XOO Fulton st; Panhandle lot 25x137:6. $3250— South Broderlck st, near Bueua Vista Park : crauti view. $2500— Bush it north side, nr. Baker; 25x157:8. $:sl'O— Ctiurch St., near Market: 24x125. $2500—(irovest, N. side, near Lyon: 25x137:8. $2700— A»hbury it.,near Frederick; 25x100. $\u25a0.'Boo— kale st, near Clay; 25x137 :l>. *.«00— Part cash ; Page St.. ur. Brodi-rick; 25x1 JO. $-,701— Pace st. corner: 37:6x106:3. $6500—03^ St. near Ash I r. : 50x137 ;6. jalj SQW«! ARREI !. A CO., ]1 Montgomery. (ll* l"/k WILLBUY A LEVEL CORNER LOT 100 •I? 1"' reet B<x"aro In Colnn, worth $900. See o-vuer 517 Jones st. . jal? if < i *vl l\ (WORTH $6000)— BAY-WINDOW <£)"i:«J*'U House on Webster Bt, bet. Pine and bush: $1000 rash, balance in month]} Install- ments: the Ht banrnin ever offered. For furthrr particulars see M. B. LEVY, 43J California ]a! 8 lot Q»>Fvfi IrK ROOM IT WILL BUILD ANY- -.—•'"\u25a0 you choose modern bay-window cottases and 2-story houses, with brick itconcrete foundat!on<<; see plans made to suit: will take pay tn moiithiy instaiiments: 0 per cent interest. M. WM. KAIN, builder and dealer in real estate. 11 Montgomery St. iiol3 tf sue \u25a0> e »TinE BEST OFFER IN THE STATE FOR A HOME. Any person having or mere can purchase frcm us a home on S. sor 7 years' time at 6 per cent net Interest: we will sell on snch terms river bottom land, worth $HH>per acre, from $35 to $30. \u25a0with |<rrpetu%l water rigLt:no ptrson or company will give a nome-seeker a better bargain on terms than we win, so don't buy until you see our lands; our lands sre situated In a crowing county and on line of railroad: we will sell for all cash, oue-hHif cash, De-fourth cash, or Without any payment It purchaser win improve, or we will exch»nge anJ take ciiy improved <t unimproved property as par: payment. Apply to the CALIFORNIA C< Loni/- ING IN VLSI MENT COMPANY, 828 Montgomery street 1027 t; boWe I r.AT 1-sIORY BAY-WINDOW COTTAGE: C ' rooms a:>d batb an 1 high basement: gas, hot and col iwater, electricity, etc.: Lyon st, bet. Clay rind Sacramento; Bice and improving neighbor- hood; 1 ;rs handy; eaay terms. FINE LOT ON PAGE ST.. BET. SCOTT AND Devisa.lero; 30x137:6; $1250. GUERRERO AND 14TH UTS.: NW. CORNER; 7tix9o: electric cars turn therf: electric road to pass on 14th St.; anything built there will rent. FINE LOT W. SIDE DKVISADERO. i ET. TURK anJ Eddy; 25x100; fewer, cas and water con- nections inu'ie aud street bltumeuized aud ac- cepted. FINE LOT ON W. SIDE VALENCIA, 55 FEET N. cf l»th: 50s IUO. with L 35:6 feet on 18th st, by 10. 1 feet In rear: Splei ii:>l loaaCtOO for livery- subie -c other business reqairlag rear eiitranco. IpiNE PAIR OF FLATS: 4 AND 5 ROOM AND bath each: .Jersey bt. (N. hide;, bet Sanchez and Noe; only $4500. "I OT N\v. COU. PACIFIC AND IIYDF, WITH Xj store and 3rooms below and fiat 0 rooius above; well leuted. QQAA wlli 'lv * GOOD HOUSE 01 3 <I? OXJyJ large room?, with lease of lot 25x120. at .\u25a0?. 60 per month and privilege of purchase of laud if desired, on Maple St.. off 14th. W. of Guerrero; handy to Va!euc.a-st. and electric cars. Apply to C. S. CAPP 4 C-> , 415 Monteomery st. House Broner.sand Real E<tate Agents. d.-tl t f SaWe QQ9"A t325« CASH; MORTOAGFD $5000, _• >V. at 7 per cant ; splendid down-town proposition: Tush st , bet. Stockton and Powell; hocse of - rooms; lot runs to rear street ami is alone cheap at the price asked; can be made to pay 1 per tent on investment: Ktishs:. property has \u25a0 t;ue future; this is a bargain. $9'.'sO— Three elegant new flats, north side Pace st. near Devisadero; reuts $74; always rented; lot 25x137;6. $2850-$2OOO can remain at 7 percent: BOxlli; on m ctr. Douglass and Clipper sts.: both streets sewered. TROY tr NAI.LY. 63OMirk<»t st jalCSnWe2t CIYLISH COTTAGE. J CST FINISHED. FOB Ol»le on Asbbnry Heights: 5 rooms and bath; tiled sink, electric beil, solid mahogany and oak matite's, decorated art glass, gas futures and shades, sanitary plumbing: built by <u> work; price $3750: terms can be made to suit: own) on premises. -•1 Trenont aye., south of Frederick st: late HaUbt-strert cars. Jals 18 gt* \>-' v EASTLAKE (COTTAGE OF ft ROOMS; -l->all latest improvements; the best buy in the market 316 Day gt. near electric road. J.il7 7t* A SPECIALTY OF 'H>:'. AnTT*COUNTRY EX- \u25a0M change of all descriptions at the tracers' bead- quarters, 1170 Marttet. room iOtf, hWEETSER & CO. ja!7 7t LOT C42SO: SW. COB. CASTRO AND 25TH STS: jLi will subdivide. Apply 220 Dlamund st Jal7 Gt* fc<l MiiMUIY; COTI'AUE: 5 ROOMS: IN »,. _•• Berkeley; bath: sawerect ; near station. ?:V-'s— 35x100: sldewalked: $5 a month. $650— Lot 65x1 2U; well located; $10 a mouth. Corner; 50x 100; street graded* $7 a month. *450-Lot i»0ilJ0: level with creek; very at- tractive; $1:5 cash : $6 a month. 1000 lots or all kinds; eaiy terms: send for maps. CIIAS. A. BAILEY, owner, 20 Montgomery. j»l5 tf 'OR SALE—A FIRST-CLASS MOBTOAUB OF 1 $1300. bearing 10 par cent Interest; iuvestlsate this at once. MURPHY. 3"2 a Pine st. lall tr «5? V 7 £\ A COTTAGE OF FIVEROOMS ON DJA- C - ••'"'. morirt St., near 25th. $3200— Corarortabie house of 6 large rooms on Diamond St., near 25tb. Five-room cottages, $2900 and $3100 each, on -s tlist, half block west of Castro. Ail finished complete withbay-windows, oaths wood mantels, floored basements, iron fence, stove fiidewa Its and only 1 block west from Casirosc. cars. ON VERY EASY TFRMS. By F. NELSON, builder, 1520 -isth St.. near astro. ay;*, tf ONLY $10 DOWN. t CITY LOTS. $10 PER MONTH. In MlMion warm Belt, 8 «nd 4 blocks from exist- ing car lines; new cable ana electric road* will pass close by: prices $150 to $400: terms $10 down and slO per in.nth. nth: all the«« lota are sore to become very valuable: titles perfect and guaranteed. SYNDICATE INVESTMENT COMPANY, Junction of Valencia 1 Rooms C4 anil (5&, and Mission sts. | ChrOnlcle Building. 3a15 7t Valencla-st. office open nndnya, JDST -— ' LOOK AT THIS. $7850—3 elegant modern residences of 9 lar.-e rooms e-lcc.ii.tiy decorated: litye lots 25x137:0- -sunny side of 1 ell st. facing I'fuibanJlo of i'ark, 2 blocks anove Baker; entrance near Lott st. UhO BTIERLIN. owner, on prcntses. JalS 8t« CHEAPKST AND BEST IN AMERICA - Tnß \J e!ght-paf- WEEKLY CALL, lent to any aiMresi In the United States or Canada on* year for $1 25, pottage free. CO A V KUL ESTA I !, . ]AIA I. - .\i:l>KN LAND; PETALI I : 7- X\J2 room house; barn; chickens: *3000; Tree catalogue. PACIFIC EXCHANGE, 23 Kearny st» CTV EACH AND UPWARD: SPLENDIDLY V •>'/ located lots In the Fanny Davenport Tract; San Leandro roan; only $10 cash: balance $5 per mnntb. CLOUGU &BAKER, 1002 Broad- way, Oakland. Cat. ruß tf cod STOCK ANDCHICKEN RANCH FOR SALE OR 0 rent, cheap. In Moutcrey County. Inquire at 537 Market st, or address C. E. CARTER, Vnlleton, Monterey Connty. Jal 7 4f OK LITTLE HOMKS. SMALL FARMS AND F chicken-ranches, see D.H. TWI.NG. Sonoma City, Oal.; every Monday, 816 Kearny it . S. F. ja4 lm TMPOBTAKT NOTICE—ARKAN«fcMENTS ARK 1 being nude to place upon the market large tract* of the richest and most productive lands In Frnoo County. These lauds are wonderfully adapted to the growth of tli* ]>rnoe, peach, pear, apricot, nec- tarine, olive. fig and the crate. Extraordinary crops of aliklfa and vegetables are grown upon them. l'urchasers can buy In tracts of from 20 acres to 5000 acres. For further particulars apply to E. B. PKRKIN, 402 Kearny St.. or Fresno. Cal. dels 2u> GOVERNMENT LANDS—PERFECTLY I.hVKI. <> rich soil, in fine valley, on railroad, in Califor- nia: employment at good waves near by fuel and water plentiful: mnny settlers and some fine farms there now. Send 4 cents lor information to F. W. LAKK. 6 Flood building,San Francisco. no2o tf CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS. JV. LAWRKNCE^ CARPENTER AND BUILD- *-er.Ul9 Sacramento St. ; cabinet work and fitting up offices promptly attended; telephone Huo.iulU tf BUSINESS CHANCES. *A;«lTI(E-l HAVE -KVKK^L^^TiTpvvTNi} j-> fcaii'ons fo-rair at your . »n price lr sold this >\etk. (.C>. ST;'.O; ; I. Market .st. OAI.O N MbN ATTENTION!— ONE OK THE v* t»^s:-;i iyir saloon in th* city,with Baa «l ck, lU'.or— prlvjijrooms; etc. -. a geuutne bargain. PCS. STROUU. 1035 M«rt>ft st. - })\u25a0> IN ONE OF THE BEST- I ji^ylnj: wloons i:i the city. Omc toe \u25a0\u25a0'. i "i : 1elp wnted more f"i •\u25a0\u25a0 ney; don't miss It. GUV. STROUD, ly:>:i Market st PARTNER WANTKM IN GOOD PAYINU lIOSI- I nes<(iatwll clear 410 ; r»er month to earh: small Ci7-iia! require*. 103S Market street. VOI "ICE— IF YOU V.ANT TO BUY OR SELL A 1> bu-lncfs seeGl'S STROUD. 10.'.S Market. IS.)>!\u25a0 CIGAR-STOKE; RKCEIPTS $13 DAY; t^_*-O. cenulne invest. WHITE. 765 Market. KF. > T A K A NT- MM 1N « Til IS DAY AT LESS thau half value. WHITE. 765 Market - » fro si i.L YOUi: BUSINESS OR PROPERTY GO 1 to lv WHITE. 7(i". Market st •__ Cl'^AA CORNER SALOON, NEAR HOTEL: QUV'V. llvlue-roonis. HEAI.Y. 719 Market st. 1 <m~\(\ ( .'KN11: GROCERY, FINELOCAnOS: dO\J. rooms; bargain. HEALY. 719 Market 1 \u25a0\ri>TICE— BEFORE PURCHASING OB SELLING -i' a business, apply to lIEALY. 719 ilarEet st. 1 QTiAA SALOON: ONE OF THE BKSTC'.Ht- «JpUW. nets In the cty: must be sold on ac- count or sicwncsK iii ramily: gcoa chance. Me- I.A it; II LIN A: CO.. 26'^ Kearny St. jal ft 3t« QQ'iA OKOCEKI AND BAR-ONE OF BEST VOUU. Jisylng corners in city: retiring from I iistuo'.s s>->le cause of lie; this is a rare chance. MCLAUGHLIN.20 Ke-trny st. j.i: 7t« Qj-A BASEMENT SALOON AND MUSIC- K^^iOVf. ball; piano: good fixtures ana large stuck of liquors; sickness cause of sale. M - LAUGHLINA Co.. 26'.j. Kearny st. jalS 7t» OQ<w» HOTEL AND ISAR: GOill) VALUE AT I'U. $3000; investigatethisgeauiuesacrinre; Is a forced sale. MCLAUGHLIN A CO.. 26V4 KPJirnv. j»l7 6t* r.|<^/l SALOON, ISESTAURANT. LODGING- «^U''V/. holm-; 22 rooms: permanent; suitAble toanllng. MCLAUGHLIN & Co.. V6\i. \u25a0my. at* >."! r.A PROVISION-STORE; THIS 18 MUCH «_ ; ' r . leu than Invoice; will clear $5 a day overall expenses; th:s Is a positive bareain; must be su.»l. J. 1). CAMPBELL A CO.. 112'J Market st.l l".O' BRANCH BAKERY: 3 FI BN. BOOMS: tJ"O«J- must sell. FLETCHER. Pim.j Market. I7<OR SALE-WELL-PAYINTi DRESSMAKING establishment: reasonable; party go!ns East; rent *19. Call or address 8.. Call Branch Oftice. 003 Larfctu st JalS St* QOAA ESTABLISHED VARIETY-STORE; OF- t?~V\i. nee fcr laundry; 2 furnished rooms. frWKKTSEH&CO.. 1170 Market. Room 109.ja12 7t 1[»OR >ALE—ONE-HALF OR WHOLE INTEREST I in first-class saloon, foot Market, opp. .iteambost Isudln^: with I] rooms attached. See OEO. STEWART & SON, 135 Kearny bt. 3 17 v:* HERE'S A CHANCE-1 WILL TRADE AN ELE- gaut lodcing-house on Geary, near Mason, for 3 liome 111 Oakland or San lrauclsco: cash value, *35OO: all newly furnished. BRANCH I OIL- Mi'KE. V 26 Ellis st. Jal7 3t* AO'A PARTNER WANTED FOR CASH COM- O— »-'V'. mission business of 15 years' standing, cad clearing $100 to $125 per month to each; no experience required: ai;y sti»»dy man w!;l be ac- cepted. CITY BUSINESS EXCHANGE, 1027 Mar- ket j.17 :<t Ql I II 1 STATIONERY. VARIETYAND CANDY 0 1 ' '-'• store: good location; I -rooms fur- nlshed; low rent: sacrifice. WEST A PHIL- BRU'X. S4l Market. J.i 17 'M* COFFEE FALOON: DAILY RECEIPTS $70: irent $60: Jirst-clas^ location: clearing »400 monthly. PAC. EXCHANGE. 23 Kearny st. < 1111 I BAKERY AND VARIETY STORK F.JB •_ I "U. sale: present owner going next door in grocery: come au-i luvestigate. 717 Diamond st: t;ike Castro-st. cars. jilb st* \ VANTED SECOND- HAND PHOTOGRAPH "' tent: must be chrap ami in cood order. Ad- dress B. X.. Ons 86. Call I'.rancn Office. JUS 2t* QIQA SALOON DOING PAYING BUSINESS «5 i ''v l . on aprincipal thoroughfare. Apply this offce. Jal 8 3i* T\I.>ING-BOOMJOF HOTEL BELVEDEREi'COitJ XJ and F ilsom, to let: to worker 0:1 IS S* GENTLEMAN LEAVINOCITY WILL DISPOSE or half legitimate office business naif i:- value. Pacific Einp!o>mont om<*e, 931 Market, rra 2. 1-* '.'•* rJMIt STOCK OF WOOD AND TOOLS OF CAK- -1 riaee and wagon >hop ia good country town for -ale; old st-nd; gooil location: price reasoaabli •iliac account other business. Address s; e». b KM. Call Hra:n-li 0:..-c. jalS 7t» <llliin SCBE-PAYINO UESTACfiANT—NO <^X\J\J\J. trlflers unr agents. C*ll Hra:ich.lB 3* v: I QAA bood PAYING RESTAURANT IOW, Good location: clears !rom $20') to $.'5O prr month. Apply Call Branch OSice.ja iS 7t* Q7AA FINE CORNER SALOON ON PRlNCl- f^itXjyj. pa: buslutoS street; stock and fixtures cos* $7000: owuit. et-.gaged iv aucther bu-lnc-s See N. ,»ON AS,1148 Mas ket st jais 3t» Q'xann half intkkkst well"-"ksTab". •_ •>' *\u25a0•'"* HshM manuJrtCturlnz business; pay- ins we!!; need help. D. C, MOORE, 304 Monutonv cry st. ja!4 e--l tf LOU KALE—THE ENTIRE SIt.CK OF WOKS -T ar.d liquors of the old-established French ll<mor- fctore and saloon or CHARLES C. WOOD, deceased, on tbe northwest corner cf California anil Ktelner; the iHjuor-store, kJooa and fixture*, with 6 ad)oln- lae room and wine-cellar. to ease for a term of years. Further particulars o! I I.LI AM ROLLINS, mln- litratorot th- estate. SOS California st..nn. 25.12 7t v'J/j/i FRCITSIuBE WITH 3 HORSES AND «J \u2666)'"'. 3 wain \u25a0 doluz trade of $1000amonth; *. 1 -•>::\u25a0•\u25a0 « > it'.s sale. Apply this office. Jal2 7t* Cl STOCK PROVISIONS, \J wines, stors. furniture 5 rooms, raa?e. horses. wagoiis, lease: low rent; MB. CADEN A! goe-s to l.i-rtje: cheap; make offer. 728 Golden Gate avenue. ia l.'t* * T A SACRIFICE NKWSPAPKR 800 1 ON - "* account of rcuiovai;' good opening for amail capital. App'y this o.tiee. no' 23 tf QALOON tOH BALE: ONE OK THE BEST BUSI- 1^ ueas places in clry: situnted on corner of two princlca! streets: full stock of the very best liquors and cigars; steady tr:'.de; present owner has kept It for years at.U wl.-h«6 to retire: noise but coiifiden- tials w 111 be heard from. Address M. C, box 137, Call Branch OSlce. jaljJtjl* 0 YSTER-HOUSE, RESTAURANT AND BAR couiDined: first-class corner. In No. 1 nelgh'bor- Locd: 5 rooms and bath above: belt reasons for Belling; this business and prop-rty owned by pres- ent proprietor. 2-01 Foisom st. jalf 7t* Q] '/j bKL'CKRY. BAR AND .STATIONERY: 0 JO' ' . new fixtures; fresh, ciean stock; selling on account of slcWuess. Apply <-r ad'lres* 1 Chencry st., nr.Falrmou::t scLooihnuse. Jal7 7t* L/KUITSTOKE FOR SALE AT A BAKI.AIN. X 1817 Uulon st. jal7 2t» 1. OK CHEAP. A GOOD SALOON AND 9 1 well furnisheQ rcomi: must sell on account tt Ipaving city, Inquire 63j * Sacramento st. JaIO » ; * C;'J|in PARTNER PAYING CORNER HA- ijyj\J. loon. 633 Howard st. jai>} 3t« "SpTilH BILLIARD HALL; PROMINENT 0 I—•-'• thorouehfare; 4 tables; good reasons Icr selling: no experience required. Apply 6iO fcacramento st Jalß 3t» iOFI-EK SALOON: OHOPHOUSE; NO NIGHT V Sunday work. $400. Apply this office, 17 3t« SALE-FKUITSTORE WITH 3 ROOMS*: 1' good location: near school: low rent: must bo B'»lu this week. Apply at 1403*^ Powell st. 17 3t* < 1 I ill WTLL hi V A CORNER GROCERY AND »^IUU saloon; must be sold to-day. Apply at 627 Clay strte'-. '* Jal7 2t« SALOON FOR SALE-MIST BE SOLD THIS week. Inquire 446 Third st. ____. pAKISRR-SHOF to RENT IN NEW HOTEL t-> Lenox. 6'J3 butter. Jal7 3t T'| li. SALE—REASONABLE: -AI.OONIN GOOD locality; ch^aprent: fine fixtures. Apply HKY, GKAI-fcRHoLZi CO., 215 Sacramento st jal77* QQAA an OLD-ESTABLISHED SALOON O> \u2666.. Ol'vJ. prominent street; this is a bar.-. 777 Market St., ro'-m 7. upstairs. jal" 31* Q«>/;A LADIES' A.>D GENTS' FURNISHING O'-* I/, and fancy dry-goods store with fixtures ; 6 rooms; flue building; rent £15; a rare chance. 2791 Sixteenth at., c:ty. Jals it* J. v>/ |/» grocery, dairy pkudcck AND «^«V/U. bakery; well stocked ; living-rooms; owner leaving clt-v 1662 Mission st. ja!6~t* BUSINESS— FINEST MARKET IN city: fine fixtures; cash register: marble slil*: it;';*!,ur«eand wagon: a sacrifice : owner going south. i -• Hickory are., bet. oak and rcl', octavia and .i-aguna sts. Jal 4 St* C? *>AA SALOON FINE FIXTURES; GOOD QOUU. stock of l!.;uo:s. 210 Pacific st. ]a! 4 7t» QALOON DOING GOOD BUSINESS; CEX- O traliy located: reasonable; seillog accouut otLer business. Apply this oOce. jal4 7t* Vine SALOo'S IN OAKLAND: NKAR STA- F tloa: low rent; long lease; price $90;). >'<ply 820 Drnmm at. S. F. Jal37t« . ALL ROUTE ACROSS THE BAY-JTOB BALK yj Ifioalre of cashier Call Office. ' 0r27 tt IOI)(iI>(i Jin? FOB SALE. T^njGTNirmnJsEsTBESTB arqVin'h INCiTV. J J 10—10 rooms: Mlsiion. near Fourth. $450—11 roouis: vicinity Third and Mission. $J50—14 rooms: Howard and Firth. $1050— 22 rooms: Market and Sixth. 50 houses to srlsct from north of Market st. HEALY. 719 M&rket St.. nrar Third. 1_ C'QAAA 37-ROOll HOUSE IN OAKLAND; i^OUUu. bc«t location: pays well: must be sold. \> EST <t PHILBRICK. 841 Market st. )a!8 3t» cTI AAA 1 OBNEB LODUING-HOUSE; 15 CIvUU. rooms: north of Market: ail full; wal- i.ut furniture. MCLAUGHLIN«v CO , 2«% Kei»rDy street Jal B 6t»_ on^U HOWARD—IB ROOMS: 42 BEDS: SELL CUt7^ at a bargain; good business. JalB 7t* (• P.OflM LODUINU-HOUSE; $10 OVI?k KENT; north of Market: cost $800 to furnish: will sell forsi2s. J. P. CAMPBELL, 1122 Market st. 1 Q7AA CENTRAL LODG^'G-lIOUSK MAR- q ''M '. tet St.: 17 room*; clearing $65 month; \u25a0 acrlHre: 111-health. SWEETSER, 1021 Mkt 14 5 <-CNNY BAT- WINDOW HOUSE OF 26 0 reoatt, cheap, tot cash; no agents. Applyat 21 Ninth st jalB Bt*^ CTC r. A 17 ROOM HOtSE: GOOD FURNITURE; \u26667 U\J. sacrifice. H'iO Butter st *_ 1 AND BOARDING HOUSE. 743 HAR- i-t rlson gt; 10 rooms; 00. Jai3 7t* /'HKAPEST AND~BEST IN AMERICA THE Velcbt-page WEEKLY ALL, sent to any s<ldr<M« in the Lalted btates or Canada on* year forsl, yostagc free. FOR 8AI.K-.M ISCKLXAN EOUS. tTE^vTN^O^JITcIITN^ET^S^M^V^^ >\u25a0 .• $50 for $5. 412 a)lor St., doctor's offlce.lB St* V"tv 1 FAMILY COW; DURHAM BREEf>. 230 X* Duncan it. }a! 7 3t* HOUBE OF 6 LARGE ROOMS FOR -Ah. cheap. Apply 1032 Army st. Jal7 41* I. OR KALE-MUST BE REMOVED; SMALL ' frame bouse near Hayea st. Address J. S.. box 118. <'all Brauchorace. Jal7 3t* f-INK LOCAL OIL BUSINESS; WITH OR without horse an-! wagon. (all or address 1020 La/tlu st. Jal6 3t* SHOWCASES. BAR. STORK. OFFICE FlX- tures. fccberer'a Pioneer Store. 2s Ioth.Jal3 lira I*l SAWS. PLANER. LATHKB." X— forge, bellows, punches, etc. 1721 Ml»sioii.2o 3tn SAFE, SCALE. UrrrSß-PBESB, STOBE-TROOK and mcney-tlll: cheap. 102 Clay «t. _ au7 tl QECOND-HAITD BOILERS. ENGINES, rVMTs\ O thaftlng, paileys, belting, water pipes, etc. <ti If McI.NTOSH A WOLPMAN. 137 Bealett. SEWINO M.U IIIN! - QfVJ NEW LMPBOVED SKWING M A<Tll \j S ; •T 1•"-• - cua ran teed for 10 rears; machines rented, *,-' ITinotith. 145 Sixth «\u25a0'. Jal4 ltro STORAGE. f?)RST-CLASS BTQBAUKt ADVANCES MADK, I I \u25a0$»•«• MiUiOD St. CUAH L. A YLOJt lfi.t

Transcript of Morning call (San Francisco, Calif.) (San Francisco, Calif ... · castle head to take another...

Page 1: Morning call (San Francisco, Calif.) (San Francisco, Calif ... · castle head to take another chance between seas. What'happened just as the sailonnan had pumped the bucket fullwas


The Rescue of a DrowningBoatswain.


The Skipper Couldn't See the ManOverboard, but Got His Bearings

by His Voice and a Star.

The skipper says his boatswain was savedthrough a miracle, and everybody who heardthe yarn said theskipner was pretty nearlyright, Surely never was there more gallantskipDcr than Captain William I;ines of therakish freighter British Prince, and neverhardier boatswain than Charles L. Lasta-dius says the New York Sun of January11. The skipner is from Xewc;»stle-on-Tyneand has followed the sea thirty-three years,or since ho was 10 years old. lie has a finebrown beard and the resonant voice thatcomes through it might be heard above thestrongest gale that ever thrummed on theBritish Prince's rigging. The boatswainis a young Swede, who has suffered shir-wreck more, than once. But the captainand all the ship's company never thought ofhim as a foreigner, but at a fellow sailormanwith a bigheart.

The British Prince, when laden, has lessfreeboard than the common freighter fromMediterranean ports, so when she breaststhe wintry seas she sometimes buries herforecastle head in the ferment. She had arough voyage from Gibraltar and her coalgot so low in the bunkers that Captainlnnes decided to put Into St. Michael, inthe Aseres, for a fresh supply. There befound sluncher steamships than his thathad lust lifeboats and headgear and hadmany Inches of water in their holds.

The British Prince made good weather ofit from the Azores until Friday last, whenshe was about 4GO miles east of bandy Rook.A gale came blowingout of the southwest,combing up seas that, in the picturesquelanguage of the skipper, looked like "granitecliffs." Darkness was just setting in. Thesmother of foam around the hip brightenedtier decks, but beyond all was gloom. TheCi;ok wanted some fresh water, and, likemost cooks, being a landsman and some-whit timid, he asked the boatswain to getIt for him. The pump «if the fresh watertank is on the main deck under the lore-castle head. Itwas hazardous to attemptt'» get at it while the seas were boiling asthey were. But water must be had and alaitormaa and Boatswain Lastadius deter-mined to get it. The sailorruan got a bucket,find running forward, dodged under theforecastle head. Boatswain Lastadius wentout on the flying bridge to take the bucketfrom the sailorman when the chance of-fered—that Is, wiu-ii there was littte prob-ability of a sea coming immediately aboardforward.

The flyingbridge is a board walk with arope railing run between two-inch ironstanchions, connecting the forecastle headwith the forward part of the hurricanedeck. The main deck is seven feet below.The boatswain tended to re^ch down,jrrai> the bucket and rush ft along theflying bridge to the hurricane deck, leavingtrie sailorman under the shelter of the fnre-castle head to take another chance betweenseas. What' happened just as the sailonnanhad pumped the bucket fullwas told yester-day by trie, captain and the boatswain, theformer in the office of John J. Sealer &Co.«l 4. M ne street and the latter on th«British Prince, anchored in the ice-coveredbay below Liberty. The yarn from theforecastle, spun while a flickering oillamp lit ud the rugged face of the boat-swuhi. agiees with the yarn from the cabin."Ihad just got ready," said the boatswain,

"to take the bucket, when the ship gave aplunge. 1 looked up, nud there ov>-r theport bow isaw such a sea as 1 hope 1 maynever see iigam. iknew it was comingaboard, and 1 knew Ibad no chance to getout of its way. IfIran aft, Ithought, itwould pick me up before 1 got oil the bridgeand carry me away. So 1thought the bestthine to do was to make, fast to a stanchionof the flying bridge. So Iwound my armsand legs around it, hugged as hard as Iknew how, and lowered my head to takethe spa.

"Everything seemed to give way whenthe tea hit me. 1might just as well havecaught hold of a rope yarn as that stanchion.I thought it was all up with me and theliritsh Pilnce tmiilIlouiid myself on thecrest of a wavo striking out for the ship,which was riding as ifshe had shipped onlya bucketful. 1struck tho water maybe fivefathom iifthe starboard bow. 1 saw theform of the second officer, Thomas Jones,on the bridge as 1 swept along the ship'sside. He grabbed a life buoy from therack, and 1 saw itcome sailing toward me.Itwas a good shut, orImight not be teiliugabout itnow. The buoy almost ringed myhead. Igrabbed it and forced it over myshoulder? aud under my arms.

"As 1 was swept aft along the starboardside of tiie ship Isaw Captain Innes runningforward. Ho saw me, too, for ho shouted.•KeeD up a stout heart; we'll save you if wecan.' liut it was getting very dark and Iwas three ship's lengths astern before any-thing could be done aboard the ship. Myheart sank, and Igave myself up for lo**.1 had been, striking out for the ship, butwhen Ifound her going ahead 1 stopped aileii'ott to save myself. But it takes a longlime to step and reverse engine, and prettysoon 1 s«w the ship backing toward me.That made my heart bouud, and Iyelledwith all my might and tried to make someheadway against the seas, which sometimesturned me over and over. Iwas afraid thatthe ship would back against me and that Iwould be sucked under her propeller anddrowned or Killed by the blade". 1-aw theproi eiier whirling in the air whenever theship went down in the trough of the tea, Ishouted, 'Don't back on top of me,' as 1thought they couldn't see mo in the dark-ness.

"The ship drew nearer and nearer, thecaptain keeping me ou the starboard band.Allthe men had gathered nt the starboardrail, and as tiie ship passed me they hovelines and buoys to me and shouted to DM tokeen up heart. I.was once within half afathom of the starboard rail, when a seaswept me forward aud cleared around thebow on the port side. Iwas away asterniv tbe darkness before the ship could bestopped^ and Ialmost lost hope again. But1kept singing out, and could hear the voice ofthe captain and the cheers of the men coin-ing down on tli« wind.

"Tbe ciptain couldn't see me, but he tookmy bearings from the sound of my voice by.i star, and coming around, lie Steameddown toward me, and going around me,came up on my board. Iwas full ofsalt water, and so played out and cold thatIhadn't much strength left when Isaw allthe men gathered along the port rail wait-ing to save me. 'J'ljh mate threw a lifebuoy and a line and Icaught itmil nut iton. Icaught, another line, too, fearing thefirst one might be carried away, nnd that'sall 1remember clearly until 1 Heard nil themen cheering. Up to then Ithought Iwhsstill in th? tea."

The captain was in his cabin taking histea, as he puts it,when a man rushed to thetop of the companion-way and shouted:"Man overboard, sir!" The captain hadjust poised a piece of meat un his fork andwas about to put it iv his mouth. Someskippers might have serenely finished themeal. Hut Captain Euiea got up the com-p:-t!)ion-\vuy and ou deck as ifhis own sonwas the man who was overboard. He dimlysiiw the boatswain sweet ir>U astern. As ho.passed the engine-room on his way lo tbebridge he shouted to.the eujjiueer:

"Stand by to st« p those engines."Th"v he flew to the bridge aud laid his

right hand on the "*e!egraph."*"stop and reverW was flatbed to the en-

gine-room, and the captain's voice rangout: "Allhands to starboard with lines audbuoys!" All hands were there even beforethe fuimmou* came

"Our only liope of »«vlMg him lay in pick-Ing.him up with tin; ship," snM the onnuin,"lor Do boat could livo in the sea that wasrunning. 1have seldom seen tiling 'ikeit. The e»l» whs 90 \\\\ih that it combeddown tlie crest?, and all the water weship-;j>ed whs solid sreen. When 1backed tiieshin down to tho boVn 1 <;iwhim strug-gling bravely in tim sea*. He had the lifebuoy that the second officer threw to himunder his nuns, and his body was well outof water. 1 determined 'in save him If liecould "Idout untilIcould fetch him alone-side. We missed him the first time, and liewas Carried forward around ihu bow to theport side. He kept up a lusty shoiuioc andwe answered back. We were going ahead abit, when he was whirled around to star-hoard, and as the night had well set in audIcould not see halt a ship's length away, wenooa lost him. lint Iturned on the bridgeand cot the bearing of his voice by a star,and 1kept that star In sight when Iput thehelm hard tar hoard and bore down in thedirection of the star. We hud lost his voicealtogether, but as we steamed toward thestar we heatd. it faintly over the rush of.the wind and the swash of the seas. Wecaught sight of him too late to pick him upas we slpamed past,1 so we came up with thewind again, with the -boVn on our porthand. We steamed slowly, an the menranged along the uort rail, each witha life-liii or a buoy, .had a ctuuice at him. Iknew by the cheer that went up that hewas saved, and Ifelt like cheer myself,lie was Just half an hour iv the water, andifhe baa not bean a plucky man bo wouldbe there now, Tbe poor fellow did notknow he whs safe for a raluut(j-or so afterho was hauled aboard. lit clung to the

r.ilso tightly that the men had to brpak his(Trip. IL« shook with tho cold like a lenf.Itonk him below and gave him tinee glassesot brandy and some hot corTVe. Then thesteward rubbed him down with whisky, andhe wns good for work next morning."

There have been a few instances wheresailormen who have been swept overboardhave been swept back to their ships by re-turning seas, but they do not remember inthis port any such story ;i3 this of pickingui> a nuin with a steamship and steering forhis voice by a stir.


Wind of the mornlnc. breath or the dawning, j*Hasten and chase the dark sna lows away.

And curry a message from me to a maiden.In her ears breathe itat breaking ofday.

Waft o'er the be I where the loved one reposesFra?rauce of roses and perfume of bay.

And spA:«k my name softly us soon as she wakens,And tell her much more than my lips dare to


Wind of the evi»nl[)(j. breath of the gloaming,Sighing so softly at close or the day. \u25a0

Come oVr the woods and the vale of the roiesAnd breathe inmy ears wlut the maiden did.

sny.Come when the lows around me are falling.

v1hen doubts are oppresilns, oh hasten along,MiI t«-:Ime ailanswer sent by the maiden

Torid vie 0: Borrow aud cbeT me to son?..VeilMacim>nai.i>.

A PERILOUS DART.The humpback whale is the gypsy of the

cetacean family. He roams through eveiysea, and his bushy spout mingles with theatmosphere in every latitude from theArctic Circle to Cape Horn. la form he isnot bo metrical as his brother, thesulphur-bottom, nor 83 stately. A3 his firstcousin, the cachalot. fie is short and thick,and \v'ien ho finds a good feeding-groundwhere he is not annoyed by his pursuer?,he lakes on a eui eilluity of blubber thatgives him \u25a0 thoroughly unctuous lock.»sfSAlthough nomadic in their hiibiis, tnehumpback!) resort in large numbers to cer-tain favorite localities during the breeding-season. There the young are produced, andth« callow rorquals are taught how toeather their feed when they are weaned.They receive practical lessons in the art ofapproaching their prey, and long beforethey have outgrown their calfhood havelearned to scoop in masses ot pteiopodaand roll them about on their enormoustongues with true whalish gusto.

The west coast of Africa is much fre-quented by humpbacks. In the lagoons ofthe Gulf of Guinea, and near the mouths ofrivers en far south as Walvisch Bay, theyore to be met in great droves during thebreeding season. Here, too. enneregate theAmerican whaleships; and for severalmonths in each year the coast is as wellpatrolled by tlieir boats as it used to bewhen, by the terms of th*Ashburton treaty,the United Mates and Great Britain main-tained a squadron iv those water to sup-press the slave trade.

When whale* are plenty the work of thewhaleman is hard enough; but when theyare scarce it is harder still. The whalemanis compelled to rise at 3 o'clock in the morn-ing, and after a hasty break 'ast take to theboats, there to remain until7 or 8 o'clock inthe eveninz, pulling tha oars or cruisingabout beneath a broiling sun.

One whaling season la particular which Ihave now inmind had not been a? good asusual. The whales, which had at first beennumerous, appeared suddenly to have van-ished. Most of the captain-* in the fleetthought they had gone altogether, and grad-uallygot under way and stood for the Capede Verdes, or bquared their yards for St.Helena.

Our skipper, however, determined to holdon for another week, as we had arrived lateon the grouni aud had taken but little oil.

One morning the boats left the ship atanchor as usual and crimed all day. Thesun whs getting in the west, and the otherboats were heading toward the ship, whichwas in shore and about dire* 1 mild distant.A light breeze was blowing off the land, andwith the sheet of our big lUwallI Uwallslacked off,wo were running free on a course that wouldtake us well to leeward of the ship.

"We willrun down until we gel abreastof Hie ship, and then make a couple of shorttacks and no aboard," said the mate.

The day had been even warmer thanusual, and we were all tired with pulling."Portuguese Joe" was curled up in the linetub. fast asleep, aud Harry, the niidshiDoarsman, and trie boat-steerer, were en-gaged in an Animated discussion as to thereason why the whales had left the groundto early in the season. Being the youngestand lightest of the crew J pulled the stroke-oar, and asIsat next to the mate was en-tertained by him with tales of adventure.

lie was just spinning a yarn about afight which he bad once with a sperm whalewhen he was third mate, of tl»e Rainbow.Atthe most interesting stage of the storyhe was Interrupted by Tom, the bow oars-man, who was standing on the forwardthwart with one arm around the mast keep-ing a lookout. Tom called out: "There sheblows!".

Instantly all hands sprang up."Where is it,Tom V" called the mate."Pretty near dead ahead, sir."Two or three miles away we could dis-

tinguish not one but half a dozoii spouts."There's a school of 'em I"said the mate.

"Out oars, boy?, and we'll have outt of themhumpbacks turned up before the sun's set.There he branches!" ho shouted. "ObIwhat a beauty !• Poll, boys, pulli"

He leaned forward, his eyes distendedand his face all aglow with excitement;while we, catchiug some of his enthusiasm,bent to our oars, causing the boat to makerapid progress.

"Toe old man wants you to come aboard,sir," said Silv*, tut* boat-steerer. "lie'shoisted the ensign at the mizzenpeak."

"lie has? You're blind, Silva. man; Ican't see It!" The mate looked steadfastlyin the opposite direction. "Give way, myhearties! That's the pace; you're makingher walk new."Iglanced over my left shoulder toward

the snip. The recall signal certainly wasup. The captain had given order* not tostrike a whale when away from the ship ifthe sun was less than an hour high. lintone might as well try to call off houndswhen in full cry as to stop the mate when awhale was in sight.

"Take inyour oars, boys Out paddles INow then, paddle strong and steady. Therethey are, lobtailing. The^e chaps are hav-ing a regular picnic; they are just waitingfor us, aint they?"

As "xc turned on the thwarts after un-shipping our oars, and dipped the paddlesin the water, a wonderful sight mat oureyes. The sun was jnst neariug the edge ofthe horizon, and as far as we could see inthe .inn soft light of the declining daythere was a succession of clouds of vaporyspray ascending from what seemed a myriadof whales. From some the spouts rose to aheight of twenty feet or more.

This was the background of the picture.Directly before v«, then not more than aquarter of a mile away, was a group of per-haps a <K>ze.n humpbacks of the largest size,engaged in those cetacean gambols inwhich they delight— breaching, rolling andlobtailing.

"Now. boy?, said the mate in a low earn-est voice. "1want you all to work livelyandsteady when we go into that gam of whales.There'll have to be sharp work. Tom. you

and Harry be ready to unsteD the mast andget the -nil In, ami Walter, you help Joe topass 'cm along nnd stow 'em snug. you set; that big fellow there, lobtailing?11'- an eighly-banel whale;' do you seehim?" v;v;r ;

"Yes, sir.""Well, I'm going to put you right under

his flukes and 1 want you to strike himwhen lie's well out of the water. Rinem-be;. you've got to dart up, not down."

By th time the "bizfellow," as the matecalled him. whs not more than two boats'lengths awßy. More than a third of hisimmense body was out of the water ;and ashe nwept his enormous flukes from side toside, he churned the sea Into loam until itwas white ay milk.

"Take in your Ball;down withthe mast!"whispered the mate. tstand up, tjllvn!"

Another i stanr, and we were In themidst of the foam.

"Give it to him, Silva!" the mate yelledthis time. "Work sharp, men; in withthat sail, it's trailing overboard; we'll beswamped; take pare, there, Siivt\ you'll beoverboard."

The uext f<>w second* of time are In-describable. The great flukes oftie whale,which bad been above our heads when hafelt the iron, fell with a mighty crash, justclearing the gunwale of the bout, and sentft torrent of water over us that nearly filledtho frailcraft.

Then the line went through the chocks atthe head of the boat; and before thn unitecould get a turn about, the- loggerhead, ablue cloud of smoke arising 'from (he tubtold of the fearful velocity with which itwas bring taken out.

Finally a turn was had and wa felt our-selves going through the water at a rapidrate.

"Come aft, Silva, and take a steering oar.That was the most beautiful dart Iever sawin my life. I've been whaling twenty-liveyears and Inov»r saw anythiu? to beat it.But how white you look, man I"

The mnta handed Silva the oar, andstarted forward. -"Iguess you'd look white, Mr. Hoyt."

Was the reply, "if you'd seen old Deathsticking out his hand to give you a shake.Inpver want to strike a whale that wayagain."

Th« "big fellow" gave us quite a livelychase, and it was 10 o'clock before we hadhim turned up. The moon was at Its full,however, and the night was nearly as lightan clay.

They had taken our bearings on boardthe ship just after wegot fast, and with lieland breeze came up with us and our whaleat about midnight, . -


The next day we cut the humpback in;

and he stowed down a trifle less thunseventy barrels ol oil.—W. iv Youth'Companl >n.

THE SUPERIOR COURT.A Batch of New Complaints Filed by

Litigants.The Maiin Farm aud btock Company an'

plaintiffs In a suit against Fred W. Loeber,the Bank of St. Helena and KHiip&Co. V-recover SIOOO damages growing out of Un-sale to the corporation of the mares Evoni;and Queen Ad, which, it is alleged, werenot standard animals, as represented.Fraud is alleged in the auction sale, whici.was conducted by KillH>&Co. It claimedthat both mares are vicious and are of novalue whatever except for breeding.

The deposed pastor of the Central Pres-byterian Tabernacle, John W. Ellis, hassued the trustees for 54916 39 salary, beingat the rate of $3000 per annum. $2000 ofwhich was to b« paid by th«> church aril theremaining $1000 by the Bjard of HomeMissions.

Mrs. Katie Robinson Is the plaintiff in asuit for n divorce from John J. Robinson,on the ground of cruelty. Mrs. Rjbiasonwas formerly the wife of Baron yonBtrnekow, who died in Germany spvtr;»l.wars ago, after she had secured a divorcefrom him ou the ground of desertion. TheBaron left an estate to their daughter, now16 years old, valued at over $230,000. K'/b---iosoD, who was a boatsteeror on a steamwhaler at the time lie married, was ap-pointed cunrdfan of the child. Oa accountif nii-iinanagemeut Judge CofEcy revokedhis letters of guardianship last mouth, ap-pointing the mother in his stead.

The Patent Brick Company baa com-menced suit against J. W. Wissinger torecover SSOOO lor labor and materials fur-nished tut the erection of certain buildingsin the new town of Baden.

REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS.A. N*.Drown to MaryN. Alljrne.lot on Nw corner

of Green and Uouzhstreet*, > 137 \V 196:7, SWIH7:G.E197:8; $j.

M.Goldberg and wife to John H. McN'ee, lot on> line or -McAllister street, 137:8 tot UroJerlcuE 26 by N 137:8; JflO..).J. Wells wife to Mabel R. Stonebereer, loion s line or Washington street, 189:014 j-. of runavenue. X L'B:s% by S 127:8>/ ;Jilo.

City and county of San Francisco to George W.EmrooDS, lo: on ,\ corner of liryact aud Kleveulu •sties:*, NW 75 Dy NE 100;

Mary K. riopey to Ko!>ert W. Pippey, lotion \Vline of Walter street. 173 S of Kldley,S 25 Dy WiUU:gift.

Estate of Amelia Kndmnn to John M. Hauboid.lot on W line of unerrero .street, 83 a of Twei.t>-flllh.S i5 by W 125; $4325.

George A. Cash and wife to Bernard H. Wieners,lot on 8 line of Twenty-seventh direct. SO W o!Cliurch, w 23:t$ by 8 105: $10.

X U. Lathroi*Jr. to Evan •'. Coleman. lot on NI-:corner of Hyde ami Sacramento streets, 1. 68:9 byN 97; ?50a.

John Luiaban to Joseph anil John Liimhan lot <>tiSE line of Clara Street, &Jl> SW of fourth, SW 2211by S 73: SI.

G.T. Knopf to Julia Blecbschmldt, loton E lineHampshire street, 141 :t> N of Twentieth. N StS by X100: also lot 00 -NW corner of Twenty-..- andHampshire streets, W 24 by N 93; $10.

J. K. and Lottie R. Smith to Ge.»ri?e A.Smith, Mon W line of Khode Island street, 60 H of Volo >.50 by VV 75: MO.

Homestead Union to Henry Kramer, lot on E lineof Twenty-fifth avenue. 250 S of Point Lobos ave-nue, 8 -'5 by 120. $10.

F. W. Fuller and wire to Frederick H. Otoeo, 10.on NE corner of 11 street and Eighteenth avenue, i.57:6 by -N 100: $'-'0.

CM.Arnold tv Jer.t Mo!onev. lot onIline o."Thirteenth avenue, 125 N of is street. N 23 by r120: *10.J. I.Harris and wl'e to Charles W. Dowilnti loton W line of Korty-slxth avenue, 175 N of Ist-eet.N 50 by W HO; *10.

li. Juost and wife to Henry M. G. Dahlir, un-illvide 1half of lot 0:1 NEcoru.-r of south hroderlcuand Tilden streets, X 32 by N 100, block 8, MiniTract; 110.

Edward Koran to Thomas Kirk, lot 21, J. 1,.

Franklin's subdivision of bluck 4d, Exces jrHome-stead ; *5.

I.akeview and Sunnyside Improvement Coinpinyto Caniille Grosjeau, lots 1 to 4. blue* IS Lakesviews $10.

AI.AV COCXTY.Kate 8. (wifeof H.D.) of Oakland to Geor<e

M.McDonald of Oakland, lot on E line of Adelinestreet, 100 Sof Thirty-second, S 50 by t, la7. Oak-land; $10.

George M.McDonald of Oakland to Samuel <>.Holing of Oakland, let on E linoofAdeline stree:.100 S 01 Tliirty?secoud, S 50 by E122. Oakland;«10.

Kate Connelly of Oakland to Dennis ConneUv ofOakland, lot on N" line of West Fifteenth stre '.t.5::3 Eof Cypress, Esoby N104 :9. lot*'in and 24.block 583, .Scotcbler Tract, Oakland :gift

Jesse LOreer of Oakland to Efiie Greer of Oak-land, lot on S line of Sycamore street, 70:4 E of(r ye, E 37:4 byS 100: also portion of bock L,map blocks O. t and L.Keisey Tract, subject to amortgage of $2600. Oakland: *10.

George and Ke!>ecca Quackenbush to William C.llisseli of Oakland, lot on X line of Essex street.82.38 W of Wbe«ier, W 100 by s 100; also lets 8. 9,block E, amended map Newoury 1ract, Berkeley;$10

Clara L. E. Anthony or Oakland to H. A. Pratt ofOakland, lots 8 and 8 la block 53. map of portion ofblock 53, San Antonio, East Oakland; $3000.

Ed.W. and Mary J. Goeiifert ot Alaineda to LouisE. Goepfert ofSao I'ranelsco, luton Mline or SantaClara avenue, 172:2 \v or St. diaries street. W 50.S 118:20. E 50. N 115:9, being lots IIand 42 Inportion of Vlscher Tract. Alameda; 10.

-Cordelia Woulin (wife Of lewis II.) to John

WalKtr of Sonoma, lot on E line of Brand arena?75 Sof alame. la. S 7."> by E 138. lot 6 and portionof- lot 5. block F. Oak Park, tnclnal, quit claimdeed. Alameda; $1.

A. K. VVhifton of Santa Clara to Wallace <:i:tr» ofAlain-iU.lot on W Hue of Oxford st, 40 N of Col-lege Way, W 136:6 by 84X70. lot 3. Wblttou Tract,Berkeley; *io.

Andruw airl Jane C -Jones to William K. ari'iFrancis M./Carroll, lots l'J to 18. bi"o« L,map <fAndrew Jones' Subdivision of Brooklyn Township,Brooklyn Township;1 $3000.

LeanJro Blgnera of Fresno to James Stanley ofMission San .lose. 43 acres, bouuded on N\V by landsor James Hand. E by rl«bt of way of Central Pa-cific Railroad Company, Sby lands of J. I. Heard,»nd SW by the county road from Irvlu.'tun to .San'•ose; also all Interest in Estate of Franeisea 11:.gueira de t*oto, deceased. Washington Township; a]

George W. and Eilsa J. Ur;iyson of Oakland toWickllffe Matthews of Oakland, lot on WllueoiMadison srteet. 50 !*ofEighth, S 50 by W 100, ion17. 18. and S V? of lot 14. block B'A Oakland; $10.

Mark Holland or Aiameda to Mary MoiUnd orAlaineda. lot on SW corner of Twenty-first andCurtis streets, \\ lullby a 50. lot 7, block 5, Curtis*Williams' Tract, Oakland: gift.

Charles and Fhiiena Camden of Oakland to J H.T. 'VVauinson of Oakland, lot 10. bloc* 1, HapLinda Vista Terrace, Oakland Township: $10.

P. H. WcKeon of Oakland to Sutanna HcKoon ofOaKlana, Idts 1 and •_'. block B. r.subdtvlslon WorksA to K.Koi>eris & WoifsSlll Tract.Oakland Towu-ship; gift.

Henry and Aliclra8. Crabb of San Francisco L Nichols of Oakland, lot on SK corner ofilumboldt and Colusa avenues. £ 120.20 S 50. W133.70. N M.i<s lot 4. block K.Koberts & WolfskinTract, map 3, Oakland Township; $10

A tel « bltton of Santa Clara to A. K. Whltton ofSanta Clara, lot on E line of Walnut street, 4. it Nof Coilesre way, E 136:6 by N 60. lot 21. WhlttonTract. Berkeley: *450.

Edwin W. Woodward, and as trustee, to Itag^MJ. Louilod (femine sole), lots 79 and 80. blocs F.amended map of Chrlstlanla Tract. Berkeley: $10.

Georjte T. and Adella S. Hawley aad Klchard 1$and Julia K.Snetl to Madalene Khelnschlld or Ala-med.-i. lot 6, blocu C. Kueuaventura Tract, map \u25a0.'.Brooklyn lownsbip:$10.

Charles A. and Winnlfred It.Worth to JosephineWilson ofAiameda. lot on »W enruer of Sa Joseavenue and Willow street. WSO by s 100. lot 10 InE half of block >, lands adjoiniu? Enclnal, Alu-meda: $10.

Frank r. Copp to Rose Gardner Copp. lot on Nline of Pacific avwiue. 200 E of Chestnut, ESO byX 160:2, Aiamed.t: pift

.1. E. crooks •>•. Alamedfl to Eva M. Oberranller orAlan«da,lot7. block 101, Meok Tract, UaywarJ .Kileu Township; $100.

Builder's Contracts.Annie N. Farrell With James Cocnran, to erect afour st ry Irk and frame bulldinst \u25a0\u25a0:! the SK cor-ner of Howard an.lFourth street*. $3.'.93U; bonds!$16,490; J. J. McKlunon an.i O. Boxlo, sureties.Paul Henry with ißomai 11. \u25a0 Way, carpenter

»t»rii, etc.. on W line of Dano:it street, 91:3 NofBMramanco; 36390

Election of Officers.The junior class of the Yerein Eintrafli',

turn section, In-Id Its semi-annual electionfor officers Tuesday evening, and the follow-ing were chosen: Presitlen', George >:• i-fens; secretary, W. Fehlemelcher; rir»tturn wart, Gus II<»top; Mmd turnwart,Koyal Scott: zeugwart, C. Baas.


Heart Failure.HOW to AVOID it.

The epitaph on many a tombstone is"heart failure." No wonder, when wecon-sider the immense strain which ia put onthat smallorgan. Marvelous ast itis,beating100,000 times and exerting a force equal to5,184,000 pounds daily, it has its lin,;t— itsendurance often is too severely tested. BoCQnimon are diseases of the heart


often for a considerable time without thesuspicions of the afflicted person being inthe least excited

—that it is stated that on:

?erson infour has a bad heart/ Dr.FranklinMiles,of Elkhar', Ind..has for years madea special study ofall diseases ot the heart,ana his remarkable success has made hisname a familiar one in all parts of our land.He has found the most common symptomsof heart disease to be pain, distress or tender-ness in the chest, bad:, stomach, bowels, leftshoulder and arm, shortness of breath, smother-ing spells, fainting, etc.

Mr.George li.Smith, ofBirnes, YatesCo., N. V., writes:

—"Dr. Mile*'New

Heart Cuke has worked wonderfully onmind and body so 1can do a good day's tcork.Ifed ten years younger and take more interestin affairs. 1had shortness of breath, palpi-tation, pain under left shoulder blade, painaround the heart, 1could not tle--p on my rightside. Since Ihave taken Dr. Miles' NewHeart Cure 1sleep well, and have no palpita-tion. Ithas made ray heart stronger. Iwishyou wouldprint this, because Iwant all toknow what Dr. Miles'

-Heart Cure has done

for me.'''

For months my wifesuffered withpalpi-tation, smothering spells, and was unable tosleep on her left side. She tried severaldoctors without relief. Your Heart Carswas recommended. After taking threebottles, she fully recovered her health.Your medicines do whatyou claim."—Chas.Cxiristmak, Toledo,O.

Dr.Miles' New Cure for the Heart ia soldby alldruggists on a positive guarantee. safe, agreeable, effective, aud dots* cure*Dr. Mil/-,>f.^;c-»l Co.,Elkhart. T.«?.

By allfirnsßlJU. T.C.:;.: d«2l lyWcMo


—JUJJ IICE MINING.\ Co ii>.i!n'. Locution of Drineipal place of busi-

ness, fca:i l-'ranc sco, California: location or works,.cold Hilllitlii11. d.'atr ct.'t>t<irey C> v My.Her.

Notice 14 hereby given tkatatamewtlu of thobeard of director*, bed on the Oth day of -lanu.iry.189.1, an asaraameat, No..53. or ten (10) centsper share levied upon the capital stork ofthe corporation, payable immediately, In UnitedStates guUI ( to tLe secretary, at the ofuce ofthe company, room 3, ward's building,4. 9Call.furnia street. ban Francl-co, Cal.

Any stock upon which this assessment shall re-main unpaid on the Oth day of ici.rnarv, 1893,willbe uelirifiuent and advertls^l forBale at pobiieauction, anil imi-ss iiaymeut is made before willbesnid on Thursday, 'the idday of March. 1893, topay the delluqncut assessment, together with costsif advertising and expenses of sale, Hy order oftil--board of directors. B.K. KELLY.Secretary.

Office— ISbom 3. Barward'a bnlKilttK.419 Cailfor-. iliastreet. sail Francisco, (ii. i»IT Id|>EST £ BELCHES MININGCOM PANY-LOCA--l>tion of principal place of buslne*-*, San Fran-cisco, California; location of works, VirginiaCity,Storey County,Nevada

Notice Ishereby given that at a meeting or theHoard of I(rector*, held on Monday, the sixteenth(16th) day of January. IH9-, an* assessment (No.631 or twenty-five cents (25 1) per share wa< leviedupon, the capital stock of the corporation, payableImmediately in Unltrrt State (eldcoin, to tne sec-retary at the office of the company. r.>om 33. Ne-va-la block, 303 Mo[it,'oiiit-rystreet, San KrancUco,California.

Any stt-c'it upon which this assessment shall re-main unpaid on Tuesday, the twenty-first (Slit)day of February, lsyit,will be delinquent and ad-vertised for sale nt public auction, an Iunless pay.tueut is made before willbe sold on Tuesday, thefourteenth (14th) day of March, 18'J3, to piy the.delinquent assessment together with r«.>t-. of \u25a0•>•'•Tertlsliiß and expenses of tale, is.v order of theBoard of Okeeiota. L. OSBOBN, Secretary.

Oi;i3e—Room S3, Nevada block, 3:J9 Montgomerystreet. San Frauc o, Cal. jal7 Id

NOTICE ok ASSESSMENT-OVERMAN SllT-x> vir Mining Company. Location or principalplace of business. San Francisco, Oal. ; location ofworks. Hold Hill,Stony County, >.v.

Notice M herei y Riven that nt a meeting of theBoard or Director*,held on the 10th day of Janu-ary. 189*. an ussessineut (No. 60) of twenty- five("5)cents per shire was levied upon the capitalstock of Him corporation, payable immediately InCulled States (fold coin, to the secretary, at theoffice of the company,' 414 California St., ban Fran-cisco, la.

Any st. cfc upon which this assessment shall re-main unpaid on TiEsliAV,the I4ih da; of Febru-ary. ISO.;, will be delinquent and advertised forsale at public -met <>:\ :and, unless payment is madebefore, wiIbe sold «n TUESDAY, the 7th day of.March. 1893. to pay the ciellnquoul assessment,together with the costs of advertising and expensesof sale, llyorder or the Hoard ot I'irectors.

UI-OHGK D. EDWARDS. Secretary.Offlce-414 California St.. San Francisco. Cal.l* td

ASSESSMENT NOTICE-CRUIKSHANK GOLDWining Company— Location of urincipal place

of business, San Francsco, California: location of. Works. Los hnrros ct. Monterey County, Cal.

Notice Is hcrrby given that At a me«tlnar of theboard of directors, Ue.d on the kithday it January,1893, au assessment. No. 3. of ten cents (10 ceuts)per share was levied upon tho capital stoCK ofthe corporation, payable Immediately, Iv Unitedstates gf'lfl coin, to tiie secretary, at tbe oftlce ofthe company, room «, No. 211 Sanguine street, SaniTancl«ro, Cal.

Any stork upou which this assessment shall re-main unpaid on the loth clay of Kebruxry, 1693,willbe delinquent and advertised for s»le at publicauction, and unl »s payment Is made before w111 besold on FRIDAY, the 3d day or March. 1893. topay the delinquent assessment, together with costsof advertising and expenses of snlr Ht order ofthe b »rd of directors. J. W. PEW. Secretary.

Offict'—Room t). No. 211 Bansoroe street, ,»an

Franclaco. Cal. ja:-.' to fell)


NAVAJO MININGCOMPANY. Location of principal pla;e«f busi-

ness. San ttanclsco, CHltfornia. Location of works,TuscaroM, Bike County. Nevada.

Notice Is bereoy given that a: a meeting of thePo«rd of directors, Ueld on the 9th day of January.IUBH,an assessment (No. 24) of ten (10) cants per\u25a0hare was levied npou the capital stock of the cor-poration, payat>l> Immediately In United Statesgold coin, to the secretary at the office of tbe Com-Imi j. ill)Pino street, rooms 15 and 17, San Fran-Cisco, California.

Any stoc* upon which th's asseis'nent shall re-main unpaid on the 13th d.iy of February, 1893.willbe delinquent and advertised for sale at publicauction, an Iunless paymeut is made l>»fore win bosold on Tuesday, the 7tb flay of March, 18U.5, topay lie delinquent a«scssme-it together withcost*of mlverilMni! aad expensei or tn <\u25a0. By order ofthe Hoard of Directors. J. W. PF.W, Sicretnry.

OfOce—3iu Pin* street, rooms 16 and 17, SanFraiiCliico. CallfornU.

' jailt.l

A SBESSMEM NOIICK-HALB * NORCKOSS-TV Stiver .Mining Company— i.icatloa of prluct-

'pal place of buslines. San Francisco, Cali'ornla; lo-cation of works. viiciuia Mining District, StoreyCounty. State or Nevada.

Notice It hereby given that at a meeting of theHoard of Trustees, held on the 7th day of January,1898, an assessment (N«. 10.;) of 60 cents per sharewiglevied upon th? capital stock <>r tbeeorporation,payable Iran jlat•Iv In Un ted States gold coin tothe secretary, at the office of toe company, room "6,Nevada boo, 309 Montgomery St.. baa Francisco,California.

Any stock upon which this assessment shall re-main aapald ou FHIPAY. the ltth day or Febru-ary, i^'.-.i. will be delinquent. and advfrtls-d lor\u25a0ale at public auction: and unless payment Ismade before. w IIbe sold in FKIDAT,the :> Idayof >lHrr,.. 1H93, topay the delinquent assessment,together withthe co*t*of advertlnlng and expensesof sale, il>- orderof tho Hoard of 1rupees.

A. H. MUM\u25a0 SON. !-e retiry.Office— Room 26. Nevada Mock. 309 Mouignmery

It., Sun Francisco, Ca lfornla. jaB td

A BBEBSMENT NOTICE—CROWN POINT GOLDj -t\ and Silver MiningCompany. Location of pr la-| elpal plsee of business. San Francisco, CallfornU;1 location of works. Gold Hill. Stcrey County. Ne-

va laNotice Is hereby given that at a meeting of the

'Board or Directors held on the 20th day of Decem-ber, 1893, an assessment (No. 69 ) of twenty-five(25) cents per share was levied upon tie capitalslock of the corporation, payable immediately InUnited States gold coin to the sreretary at the otilceor the. company, room 35, third floor, Milt*building,corner Huih ana Montgomery streets, San Frau-Cisco, California.

Any st' c* which this assessment shall re-main unpaid on the 24:n day or January, 189a. willbe deliuQurnt and advertised for sale at public auc-tion, and nnlets payment is made before, will besold on rUKSDAV. tbe 14th day ol February, lH'.'/ pay the delinquent atsessment, together withcosts of advertising ana expenses or sale. Hy orderOf t:.e Hoard ofDirectors.

JAMES NEWLANDS, Secretary.Office—Room 35, th.rd floor. Mills i-u;idiu(j,cor-

ner Hu>h and Montgomery streets, Jin Francisco,California. \u25a0 dc2l td


ALPHA CONSOLl-dated Miltand Mining Company. Location of

principal Diace of business, San tranclsco. Califor-nia: location or works. Gold Hill,Storey County,Nevada.

Notice Is hereby given at a meeting of theBoard or Directors, held on the 20th ii.ivof Decem-ber, 18J2, au assessment (No. 10) of 10 cents perscare was levied upon tht- capital stock of the cor-poration, [livable Immediately la United Stataagold coin, to trie secretary, at the office of the com-pany, room 71*,Nevada b10ck,309 Montgomery St.,ban FraueMco, CaUfarmla,

Any stock upon which this assessment shall re-main unpaid on the 2l:h day of January, ISt'.i. willbe delinquent, and advertised tor tale at publloauction: and un>>j payment Is made before, willbe sold .n TUESDAY, tl.e 14 !i day or February,1893, to pay the delinquent assessment, togetherwiththe cost ofadvertising and expenses or sale.By order or the Hoard of Directors.

CHAS. E. ELLIOT,Secretary,Office—Room 79. Nevada block, 309 Montgomery

St., 8»n rr»ui;siM,California. > de2l tilVOll! OF ASSESSMENT.— Utah con. M1N-i-' lugCompany. Location of principal place ofbusiness. Sin Francisco. California; location ofworks. Stony County, Nevada.

Notice Is hereby glvsn that at a meeting of theHoard of D.rectors, held on the 13th i!-<y of Decem-ber, lwt»2, an asseMiaent (No. 16) or 10 cents pershare wa« levied upon th« cspltal stock of th» cor-poration, Bayable Immediately In Inited Statesgold coin, to t'je secretary, at the office of the com-pany, room 58, Nevada block, 309 Montgomery St., .San Francisco, California.

Any stock upon which this assessment shall re-main unpaid on tbe 19th day or Jauuarr. 1894. willbe delinquent, and advertised tor k.ho at publicauction; and unless payment Is made befere, willbo sold <>a THURSDAY,tlie 9th day or February.1893, to pay the delinquent assessment, togetherwith the cost of advertising mil expenses of Sale.Hy order of tUe Hoard of Directors.

A. 11. FISH. Secretary,Offlee--Room 68, Nrva<2a block, 309 Montgomery

St., H»n Francisco, California. del4tdVTOTICE OF A3SKSSMKNT.-CONSOLIDATEDi.^ California and Virginia MiningCompany. Lo-cation of principal place or business. San Francisco,« al ;location of works, Virginia Mining District,• Storey Comity, Nev.

Notion ti hereby given that at a meeting of theBoard of Directors, acid on the Kithday of Decem-ber. 189*4,au assessment (No. 3) of 60 ceuts perShare wai iev!e'l upon tbe capital stock of the cor-poration, parable Immediately In United statesCold rotn. to the secretary, at the office of the com-pany, ro 'in58, Nevada block. 309 Montgomery St.,San Francisco. < al.

Any stock upon which this assessment shall re-*main unpaid on the 3J*t day of January, 1893, hibe delinquent and advertised for sale at publicauction and, ii'.|»hi payment Is made) before, willbe sold on FRIDAY,the 10th day or Fubruary,1HIM. to pay tho delinquent assessment, tocethirwiththe costs of advertising and expenses of sale.By order of the Board of Directors,

A. W. HAVENS,Secretaiy.Office—Hoom 58, Nevada block, 309 Montgomery

*t..San Franeieeo. Cal.


Location of principal pUce of business.Ban Franc sco, California; location of works, UoldHill,Nevada.

Notice Is hereby given th itat a moetlna: of theboard cf directors, he.d on the 294 day < f Novem-ber, 1892, an a*B°H<i!iieut, No. 31, ol three cents(3c) per share was levied upou the capital stoCK ofthe corporation, payable immediately. In UnitedStates it licom. to the secretary, at tho office ofthe com ptny, room 85. third floor, Millsbuild ln»,corner Hush and Montgomery sis., bnu Fracclnco,Cal.

Any stock upon which this aB«os*m«nt scull re-main unpaid on the \u25a0.'.till day of December, 1592,willbeuellnquont and advertised for sale a; public,auction, and unless payment Is made before willbo»oid on THURSDAY* the 19th d»y of January,1893, to pay the delinquent assessment. totetberwith costs of advertUlng and expenses ofsale. Uyorder of the board of directors.

C. L McCOY, Secretary.Office— Prom 35, third floor. Millsbuilding,cor-

ner Husb and Montgomery sts., Sau Francisco. Cat.postponement!

Notice Is hereby given that the day of delin-quency of the abovn assessment in* been p.m.I>oued until the 18th day or January. 1893, andthe day of tale- of delinquent stock untilWEDNKBDAT. ttie Kth day of February, 1893. Uy

Iorder of ibe board of directorsc. 1.. McCOY. Fecretary.

Otuco-Room 35. third floor. Mills building,corner Lush ana Montgomery its.. Saa Francisco, ]Cal. \u25a0\u25a0

-deal m

CONFIDENCE RILVER MININ<» COMPANY—\J Location of principal placo of bnslness, San !Francisco. California location of works, Uold ill,;Storey County, Nevada.

Notice is hereby given that at a meeting of tbeBoard of Directors, held on the '24th day of Decem-ber, 18H2, an asse.'iment (No. 22) or 75 cents pershare was levied upon tn» capital stock of tbs cor-poration, payable Immediately In United Statesgold coin, to the secretary, at tbe office of the com-pany, 4l4 California »t., -an Franclsc». CalHorula.

Any stock upon which this assessment shall re-main unpaid on tbe 26th day of January, 18P3, willbe delinquent, and advertised ior sale at publicauction : and unices payment Is mad* before, willbe sold on WEDNESDAY, the 15 h day or February,1893. to pay the delinquent assessment. togetherwith the cos's ofadvertising and expenses of sale.liyurder of the Hoard of Direct

A. B. UROTH, Secretary.offlce-4U California st fan Francisco, call-

form a. : de29 td_


ADVICE FReV*OS ALL LEGAL MATTmarriages annulled; collections, damages, etc

G.W. HOlVK.att'y.,850 Market. Stockt>n. a7tt

ADVICE FREE; W. MATTHEWS, ATTORNEY,402 Montgomery st., room 18; foreclosure of

'"gcliaulc'* lieu*a specialty. 21 tfW' W DAVIDSON, ATTOHNKV-AT-I.AW. 420II» California st.rooms 11-15: adv.oefrej >;j tfliA.

- OKU1inSaT~AWokN EY-AT-LAWrVl*"XI.Clay sl

-\u25a0 au.< if

-;;;•\u25a0 W'iMlß .SOKTST"

ESORTS. SPKINOS Xnd" HOTEL S^OF inkPuciflo Const, wltb rates, location, eta, publish-

ed in the Hotel Uulde. '160 pajct*. For sale by new*dealtrt, or Had >*« in »tumi>« to W. m.-pattkr-\u25a0iO.M, paUlaber, \u25a0.-» Ellis »t.Km«. 99, SO, 31. mrl if


TTi^TiTni-A""pTeTsTnt UnfurnishedI\Jt room to lot. . JitiB tf


SUNNY SUITE OV \u25a0 PARLOUS:IuO also single rjoins. jalB:tt*

Q1 7 EDDY—3 OK 1 GOOD UNFURNISHEDJI I room*. jtlBat*


NICKLY FURNISHED HACK1»>•> i,,miifor nun and wife, with u>e of kltciien;$10 per mouth. . . *C CENTRAL COURT. OFT OOTAVIA. NKABc/ Market— lor "2mifuriilshed rooms, with u><c ofdining romiiand kitchen: sun all da/; hoiist-keep-

\u25a0ing room*. .1:17 -'!*_

1 '/AnLARKIN—SUNNY FURNISHED FKONTI^-\J\J id.ii.Jo amonth: hack room. St. Jal7 at*

\u2666> SUNNY .UNFURNISHED ROOMS: BENTD cheap. Inquire tt l»07 Paclfjo ii. ja.l7 Ct*

/ \u25ba;•> HOWARD— hi 111 '. AND SIMiLK ANDL'^.O honaekeepi ;iu.lbath. jai7 :ii*

•JO/iTHIRD- NICE UNFURNISHED HOUSK-Ott'i keeping rooms tv rear. $7. J>l7 tfUn| POWELL— SONNY FRONT BOOMS: PRI-

rate family. ja!7 2t»C A('MINNA—FURNISHED ROOM 1"OR LADY;o^lo upsUlrs. ]Hl7at«_Ti)](' mission -1 MINGLE ROOM. $4: MCEi~-LUsingle trout room. jal6at*1<1IjHOWARD— LAKOE SUNNY UNKIR--1

—iJ ui»hed housekeeping room a. ja!s 6t*


2 LARCJE ROOMS; IJAY-XJVyJ window.closets; suuiiy;partly or infurnish-ed: reasuuatile. Jala st*

HSTANLEY PLACE—IUNFURNISHED ROOM,larKQ cluact and water. jalo7t*

If' MHIIII'AHK-si FRONT ROOM. 99:it)sulti.s $10 aud l.'>: also boutekeopiiig. j;>ls6*

rpH« BHKKMAN APARTMKNTHOUSK OPENED1 to accommodate i;^iit»ei families; 139 sunny

roums, formatted or unfiirnUb^d: quite central:prlce.i nioder .te. 'JS KighthSt., near Market. 14 Im

777 MAJtKBT-

HHMMIKII rooms" ENlil»ulte. single, hoiuekpg: olllces: cheap. js ImCl7 O'FARRELL— LARGE UNFURNISHED*Jl.I room3. J.i10 tf

IA')SEVENTH—NICELY.FURNISHED IiOOMS1 «*-en sntte. single, also liuuselteeiil.igrouim. I4t

THKNIw ii.!WANTON. 715 HOWARD ST.,1near Thira— SOU sunny rooms; recently renovat throughout :8«»: ruiningwater; linen changeddaily; read lac-room: baths: upon a.luight; {>«rday,SOc and up; per week, $1 60 and up. >ie'j'2 lin* RLINOTON HOUSK. 127 KKARNY-PLEA"*--•"» ant sunny rooms, en suite and t.nßle: flrst-clats

In every remiwct: tertn« ri»»iion«h|p. ;aiOtf



I'it) lorg. with board for'i; f55 per month. 15 7*

A97 EDDY-NICE HOARD WITH BOOMS EN"I—.l mte or single. J»l3 7t*\]ONTGOMEEY'B TEMPERANCE HOTEL, '227iM and WO Second St.— Single meals, Ybc; boardand room per day, 75c to $1:by the week, SI t095;free coach to and from the hotel. ap2l tf

< llll.DKl:.\ BOABDKD.I> liltaianTa iiV ayisTJeTto^h bard ah ahy":''mother's care. 164» Mission it. ja!7 Of

WIDOW WOULD HOARD 1 OR 'i SMALL"chllaren: large jar.l 30 Halßht Bt. jals 7t«


l.h r,NKX.I ro EXAMINKI0pressrooms; suitable lor a goud »alo>n. 641MlgHlou st. JalB :u» _V» ANTED TO KENT—IN GOOD LOCATION A's small store suitable lor carpentcr-*hup; rentmnst he low. .Address CAR.,box 123. Call branchoffice. ja!7^i't»

V I< 'Ik STORK; GOOD LOCATION: 416<7IO.«JV/. Fourth -.t.. bet Harrison and BryantApply to O. U. IMBSEN A CO., 14 MontgomeryStreet. jal6St

L<»R RENT-PART OF STOUE; BEST LOCA-F tlon;Market -t ,but 'Ihlrdand Fourth. Ad.lrtsjStore, li x 158, CajJ liranch Offlc^ Jal6 7:

I>ART OF STORE. SsCITABLE FOB RF.STAU--1 raal anil barber --hop. in rWlDltf of Millsbuild-ing; rent reasonable. ApplyCall Urauch. j.i.5tf

•]•('>!!. HOWARD AND LAFAYETTE FIX-- 1 tires, glasie.i, stocit, etc.;rent 935. Applyenpremlsea. I.i;It


OKFICES OB DEBKB oSS, I.\IU,KFOBanything; very reasonable. 16 8 i-i-o.iif.16 7*E>K ROOM, WITHOB WITHOUT DESK. 218CaHtornt:» St.. room :; j»S I'


QTABLEB In LEASE—OLKNWOOD BTABLI I.ront.tlnltiß 30sUlli'. with tenements: large loft

and rarrlaze-room. Mission st ,bet. Twen^y-'ceottdand Twpnty-thlrd. jt IB4t»

HHtiillBE lok SALK.

L'OK BUYING AND BELLINU FBRNITI ii1 etc ,visit City Furniture Co., 431 Turk »L. re-j pairing ni'jvlug. packtug, shipping at lowest me*.


FUR.MTcRE,*» Curpets. stoves cheap; cash, Inatallra' is. no.H ly

OOD CHANCE— YOUK HOUSE FURNISHEDGOOD CHANCE—TOOB .M'l'm: HKNISHKUcomplete \%ltti furniture, carpet*, stoves, cur-

talus, blankets, pictures and mirrors at cash prices,on easy installments; small deposit. M, FRIED-MAN«'. CO.. largest Installment bouse on the coast,\u25a0*".'b-*J2O Stockton St.. 2J7 Post; open eveniue-t;prompt attention paid to country orders. 1 ifVOTICK-IAM M>W AI 128 FOCBTB (NEWl.ybDildmz), Mid offer a large stock of generalbcuseboiu furniture at reduced prices; 600 carpets,good as new: stoves, it); antique chamber sulta,hl&; parlor suits, 939; cash or iusta! lntents; ailAt

i>.<u> ck prices. T. H. NELSON. l-'6Fourth ft altC



-» 3M Moiitjjomery (Sat* Deposit HlUi? ). cor.California, VOyears in Iticbuslines, buys, sells andrents furnished homes. tf

4 FTERYOU HAVE TRIED ALLQIUXRS SEND.'\ for LAURENCE VINCENT, auctioneer, room22, Flood nullitlng;cash always ready. do3U ttI)UTTF.RHfcLD. FRANK W.. AUCTIONEER. 18n Montgomery St.. bnyi large and small lots. "1tf|4"URNITURE WANTED— EVERYBODY SELLS1 their second-baud furniture at the Pavilion Atif-tlunHouse. 319 and 3.l utter, nr.Grant are. d*B tt

NEWMAN HRO.*., 117 SIXTH, UUV ALLi.lklnas second hand furniture and carpet*. etc.'J7tt

ALARGEQUANTITT OF SECOND-HAND FUR-I. lure wanted:29 per cent paid uiore than el*o-

where. MAI.ONE.110 Fourth St.; peyr>tore. inJOli

\\ J. SIMMONS A- CO.. ACCTIONEEKS. WILLDl. buy jour tun.ituro. ptano« au4 uouics. 1017M»rk«tKt >u3l.'

CAi:i\u25a0: i-

V\'K WILLRKMOVK ON THE I'.irir OF JAN tW»' ary to 1310 and 1312 Stockton st. Brussels

carpet. HOc laid: heavy floor oilcloth. 25c. • S. W.BUIREK. 1234 Stockton St.; open evenings. tfpARPETS-SMITU'S BRUSSELS, 650 A YARD;\J Ijiitalitnfntprice elsewhere 91 a yd. M, FKIED-MA.» A CO.. -JVB-230 htockton. and V37 Post. Ittf

CAltl'KT <ii:\mn(;

1 IARPETH^TuoHOUOHLY CLEANSED AND* 'renovated same as new. 8. B. 1-ERUUSUN .*

CO.. 23 Tenth *t; telephone 3038 Ittrrn-!R<il (ill CARPET CLEANING. 3c PKR1yard: altering and laying a specialty. MITCH-ELL.23J Fourteenth St. jdT lin*rpBE CHKAI'EST PLACE TO GET YOUR CAR--1 pets cleaned is 453 sicv«nii<,n St. Te1.32'2d.021 itpONKLI 'S CARPET.HEATING WORKS. 33JV-*Golden fiaf*aye : tel<-ritioui 2139, 1- tl

QI'AULDINU'S PIONEER CARPET-BEATIN9O Works do the test work. 853 to 387 Tenamait.;telephone 3040. mr!9tt

PIANOS, V101.1.N.S AM) sillXl MUSIC

£.-- i-.\( ki.i i.nt Piano fob bale <»n **>0 <•' itistallments. MlLe»Teaworta »t.J»IB 7t

CMin GHEAT HARGAIN; FINE PIANO IN3pt7U. good order. 14 3» M.irketst >alB 3t*

3 PIANOS AT A SACRIFICE: ALSO NEW0 planoe at low prices: piano* toned and pairedat FA^'S Plano Factory. 1720 Mission tl |a I4t t__j i-i NKW UPRIGHT AT a BARGAIN. 3131(Dtvlsadero st. ]:tl37t»|>"i i:<>\ MAUZY.308 TO 314 POST ST.. SOLEDagent Sobmrr *Co., Newly <fc Evans plmos;

choseu above all others lor Leland SUnrord Jr.University. jailtr

/ Millki.i:1vt UPRIGHT. INPERFECT i'K!M !:,Ibait cost US and 25 FUth St. j*s tf_ALL KINDS >i REPAIRING AND TUNING:-V low rrlcn; first-cUss work. KOHLER a

CHASE,38 O'Farrell st. d.'7 tt

I^LEGANT = NEW UPRIGHT PIANO, VERYJ reaaonabie, at 703 Sutter st.,iouuii 0 and 7:

can be seen from 1 to 4 p. w. deUtfI>ECKKR A SON PIANOS,' LEADINO.I'MARSHALL & WENDELL planoi

10-crnt eheet niiislr. "Ideal" guitarj.'

At MAUVAIS',769 Market St.. H.F. ttp2attIIALLET ADAVISANDKIMIIALLPIANO AND13 Organ Ajrenoy. W. Q. KADOER. 725 Market, c:KUIIIKit* CHASE, 26. 23 AND30 O'K\KKEl>i.

*t.; leadli'K pianos and organs; oldest raaslo-come; largest stock; easy terms; low price*. ap'J.i.:

A LOT OF SECOND-HAND SCjUARK PIANOS;fine condition; at a sacrifice. KOHLEK *

CHASE. 28 O'Farrell st. )yS9 tf


other second-hand pianos In flna condition atbottom prices. K. W. SPENCKK 4 CO., 723 Mar-ketst., lll.,torybuilding,second floor. se2stf

SlitK. CiIICKKKINO * SONS. VOSK ANDother pianos told on 910 Installments. MEN'/.

CI'K'I A- SON, sole »geuts. 'id O'Farroil »t. hp'.t :f

L"1 L. NEUMANN PIANOS: HR3T-CLABS ISJ . tonn and workmamblq £'i Ninth St. no7tt

ORNIW PIANOS; BKILLIAVI1:POWER-fuI tone: strictly first class. 917 Mission. an:!Otf


O>()(\rTwTLITIJUV AFINK HAR'lll.H il \M•IT-"of small black horses, wagou ami harreo;suitable for any bu-itne^.H or family: Al travelers;ladycan drive. Inquire 13 IS K'.dy St., livery SU-ble, bet. Buchanan and Webito-.

•|/XPRIiSS-WAGON.2 HORSES: CHEAP STAND»lt ni. cor. of Sixth and Howard sts. Inquire .'.'Douglass -t.. bet, heventeenth and Eighteenth.l77*

HEAVY WORK HORSE FOR HALE;4 YEAKSold: price 8125. SE. cor. Twenty sixth ana

Florida . . I*lB7t*pENTENNIAL STAIILKS-CaRRIAOIfs. HOCK-V/ sways, victorias, buggies, etc ;1521 CaliforniaSt.. bet. l.arkinand Folk; telephone Sex- M.CON-LON,proprietor. nn 13 tt


S^\v^Tecond-h*and Ii<Tki-i:v v laundryX'wagons, rockaway and phaeton. 823 Harrison. 7*

;. LOST.'

I>UO DOO^AN"sWERi> i"o\u25a0 TO NA^IKof nkoie,on (Jeary. bet. Lnrklu and Hyde. Please return

to 714 Leavenworth st. ja!B 3t*OST—A PASSBOOK WITH THE HIBERNIa.'

J 'Havings and Loin Society of Ban Francisco, Inthe name of EDWIN F. RUHR, No. 138,695. Thefinder willplease return to th« bank. ' jaiIot*.IOXT


*>greyhound bitch. Returuto J. O'-hra's saloon.Eighthmid Follow tta.. receive reward.

*1OUT- 95 REWARD. YOU.NCIBED AND WHITKJ iKhepiH m dog. Finder please return to 54U

Flllniore and reo>-iv« reward. i-IS M'

IOST—A PASSBOOK WITH THE HIBKRNIAXJ Savings and Loin Society of fun Frnncls<:o, inthe name of MICHAEL McLAUGHLINor MARYMclaughlin. No 138,040. Finder win plenareturn to bank.



IpOUND-SM ALLPPRSE CONTAINING CROSS'and other tilings: owner can have same by pay-

In for this advertisement.. Apply439 Kaarnvxt.,'.cli.r-9tore. J.17 3l* ,;



EVERY LOTIS A YOUNG ORCHARD.Lota 50x150: streets graveled: city water; this

tract is building up fast with beautiful homes; re- 'member the electric cars pass the property, con-necting withall tratus.

A. li.BREED .v C >,460 Ninth st. Oakland, orW. A HALL.Mills i:u!:4lug, roouis "6and 7. sixthfloor, San Francisco. JsiH tfFrSuWe

Qi)A COTTAGE, EVERYTHINGMODERN, OFiJOv/. 6 rooms and bath; 530 iieritian St.. bet.Webster ami Fillmorc. App'y G. H. UMBSt-.N ACO.. 14 Montgomery st • Jal 8 3t _ 'Qf\ ?\AA $3009 AM)$3000— WE WILLBUILDClOUu. on the Installmeat plan cottage of 4and 5 rooms or more t'» order firany party on $50cash and $20 per mouth at $1500, or .f-.V) for a$2500 mo ipru cottige. Anp:y to li. E. ALDEN orWOODWARD 4 (i>.'.'t)jBroadway, Oakland. ld 7t< I

~i\{} Nl:w COTTAGE OF 4 <.;() >1) ROOMS

OI'JV-'U. with lot 40 feat front; only $50 cashand $20 per month: well located at Frultvale and1block from electric cars, over wnlcu a free passwill begiven the purchaser of this cottage for liveyears. Apply to HENRY i: AI.DIIN or K. W.WOODWARD &CO., 902 Broadway. Oakland. IB 7;

Cj;lAA MONTH WILLBUY a home inSA USA-tglUlito. E. D. SPARROW. 640 Market. jygtC7\ALIFOHNIAEXCHANg"k~RUREAU.4BI NINTHv.' st. Oakland exchanges all kinds of property;send for catalogue. GREEN. SMITHA CO. Jals tf

OQ' cash. Balance $b PER month: aCi.') whole orchard for $250 to SHOO. Thereatalodrr of Ed x orchard, adjoining Haywards,to be closed out; Large lots .'Ori O.I; covered withfail-bearing fruit-trees: the fruit Dan be soldupon the trees icr more than the Interest. For fullparticulars apply to si .1. LAY.MANCEA:CO.. 400i-.ighth St., Oakland, <:.i. i:il4 lOt




516 acres. 31£ miles from Mills Seminary or theheights; thUcan't be boat; terms c:in i<" arranged;don't let this slip. W. E. BARNARD A SON.468 Ninth st. Oakland. Jal3 71„..;-, CHEAP LOTS NEAR TWENTY-THIRD—

«)'.'. aye.: $250 and SJOO per lot. Xt s-SQAn SILL & PROSSEB. Tweuty-Uitrd aye-CuUU. nne Station, East Oakland. da'2Stf__ __________

""'C•1 ONE DOLI-A!. i' « i




4 WEEK'S NEWS FOR 8CENTS— WEEKLY«'\ Call. In wrapper, read* for lu.itlt-.ig.


fllO LET—IN OAKLAND—SECOND BTOBY^OFIbuilding.50x100. suitable for light mauuraetnr-Ingor stor.>SH. Apply :<.-» lini'iimst .S. Km:<7t»


~~ ""~^~

$2600-$250 cash, 825 per month, for abeautifulC-room cottage on improved street, near station;lot 3.xlort.

$2750— 5150 cash, s3o per month, for a handsomenew 6-room cottage, near school; lot 37x100.

Itiqulrsor MARCL'SE a BEMMEL; offlcos-628Market st. ban Francisco; Hay-st. station and Hullst. Alameda; Power station. Sau Leaodroroaa.


';'l4 SaSuTuWe it

HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. APPLY 545Ssnta Clara avenue. jaillm*

IOOK-NO PAYMENT DOWN AND NO INTER.iJ est; lot and 8-toom house; street work ail done:

IS* Instalments. Ifyou wish tobuy call on M!<s.CHANDLER CO., 1829 Park st, Masonic Build-ing. Alaiupcla. i\u25a0 iitf


HOISK OF FOUR BOOMS; RENT $10. APPLY1141 Harrison st. JalB 3t«

QA9 Jo:NKS' NR. GUTTER—2-STORY BAY-Ou- window hou^e: tirooms, bath; $40. JalS 3t»

Ql l rENEVENT 4 UNFURNIsTrED FRONTCil-rooms for housekeeping. 909 FoUom.lB 3*]\TICE SUNNY BO08E: 7 ROOMS. BATH;•*.« large, sunny yard. 20ti Seventh St.. nearBows Jal7 7t»

Qin THREE ROOMS, LABOR YARD ANDC •"\u25a0 cellar. 30 V4 Dore st, off Harrison, bet.Ninthand Tenth. Jal7 3t»

HIROOMS; 6 LAROK SUNNY BED-I ms; balh: lauiiury: closets; larze yard;

house i. w y papered and painted. 2403 Clay st,nesr Webster. Jal2 7t*


* '• \u25a0\u25a0: .mirth Mdc California below Stockton:ijuletand respectable neighborhood: key at No. 3.BUCKINGHAM 6 CO.. 415 Montgomery st. t»4 ti

4 WEEK'S NKWS FOR 6CENTS— THE WEEKLYi"V Call, IB wrapper, ready for in rime


X keeping, for sale very cheap on account of ite-uarture; also flat to let. rent almost cleare I. Call317 butter st

___^ JalB 2t»Tn LET—FURNISHED FLAT 5 ROOMS: BENT1 ?.'\u25a0\u25a0 ApplyIf10 Polk tt. 3*17 7t«



—. willmakoi rent reasonable to a desirabletenant 1531 Sanchez St.. bet. Twenty-eighth andTwenty-nl:ith. Apply U. H. UMBSEN A CO.. 14Montiomery st JalH3tpOTTAGK IN REAR .OF 242S HUSH ST: 4yjrooms; rent $11. Key nt 2428 Bush st J»18 3t»pOTTAGK !ROOMS. APPLY~4S 0 QCERREBOyJ »t., bet Sixteenth and Seventeenth. J.HB tf

C^OTTAOE OF 4 BOOMS AND ROUGH BASE-*J ment: rent $13. 631 fraakiln st., near McAll-ister ml;) tf—


MIDDLE FLAT. 6 ROOMS AND bath•_—">. (molern); 539 Hayes, bet. Octavia an!Lagnna. Apply U. 11. UMBSEN 4 CO., 14 Mo.t-gomery st. JalS 3t<> Iv LOWER- FLAT:4 ROOMS; LAROK YARDyl*..and cellar. 2823 Mission at. J»18 4t»Q] O 2PARLORS; XI BEN.BANUE.WATEB,{JP 10. bay-windows, etc. See grocery-store, cor.Sacramento st. and Prospect place. Jal 1 WeFiSu tr

SUNNY BAY-WI.MJOW FLAT OF 5 ROOMS—and bath: rent $27 50. 1035 Clay. cor.Foiic.l? 7*

J/LAT TO RENT; 4 BOOM! AND YARD. 729IHarrison st jal77t«rpHE FINEST FLATIN WESTERN* ADDITION:17 rooms, bath. etc.: also large store with rooms;

cor. Oak and Scott--;cheap. jil77t*

'I'ENKMENT OF 3 NICE ROOMS. 210 PKANK-illaM. Jal7 tf

2 FINE FLATS; UPPER AND LOWER; RENTSvrry re: soluble to a desirable tenant; 6 rooms

and bath each: 329 and 331 Tehainast, bet. Thirdand rcurtli. Apply G. li. IMl'SiiN & CO., 14Montgomery st. JalG 3tff»IQ BAY-WINDOW FLAT,6 ROOM*. MEV--9iO. crett st, near Fourth. j*lB3t«

SUNNY FLAT ANDCOTTAUK: 5 KO. MS. BATHand basement Cor. Dolores and Fifteenth. 15 7*

1jki'tSACRAMENTO. NEAR HYDE—2 FLATSi*i^<-> 7 rooms and bath. Jal4 tf

3 MCE SUNNY ROOM.; YARD; HEAR. 658Natoma st:$7. Jal4 tt

7a nok. near fourteenth— handsome.£ •modern Hat; 6 or 4 large rooms and bath: sun

all day. Jal2 7t»0 FLATS: 7 AND

-ROOMS; MODERN IMPROVE-«-> ments: 1755 Howard st. Owner 3040 Sixteenth

st. cor. Guerrero. Jal2 7t*UN.NY UPPER FLAT:6 LARGE ROOMS; ALLImprovements. 30 Moss St., bet. Sixth andSeventh, pear Howard. Jal3 7t*

til9 ELLIS.AMOVE VAN NESS B.—SUNNY01& fiat. 5 rooms; $20. Jail tf


-1. ja 11 tf

"-,'£• MCALLISTER—NJiW lI.AT (IK 4 ROOMSI—I>4 and cellar; rent $i7: key at 728. deltf tfQ-J,-. 1723 MCALLISTER ST.; 7 ROOMS AND'\u0084 Ot'.batk: new and elegant CUAS. ASHTON,411 Montgomery st. del's Irarpo LET—FLAT.S ROOMS. COR. STEIN HitANl>1Clay sts. ;rent.?2s: also, cottage bet Hush and

Butter ati<., near Webster: re;itsi7. Inquire or C.!.. TAYLOIt.4-JX Calif,ruinst Jain Ifit

HOISEKEEPING ROOMS.Ol 1 TURK —2 OB 3 NICELI FURNISHEDOlJ rooms: bath; ca<; privat) family. JalB 2t»C('Q MISSION—4 LARGE. SUNNY KOOMSCUO furnlshcl complete for housekoeplng. 18 3t*111UsIfTTEII



i-i-1 •' sunny yard; also double and single. 18 Zt*1 1 O FOLSOM—IOR 2 LARGE UNFUR-•• ) I—' nished front and back room conveniences;

Cheap. JalH'Jt*At)-l TURK-SUNNY HOUSEKEEPING BOOM;i_Xrunnluf water: single .'rout room. JalB 2t*

CO EVERETT. NR. FOURTH-2 FUiI.MSHKDCO rooms for homeKerping; yard.



LA808 FRONT ROOM AND* ')l2 kitchen furnlsheil hoasokeeplng: $14. 17 1

Cil'J NICESUNNY SUITE FURNISHED FORt£lO.houstkeeplng. 448 Third st. Jal7 StIACr MISSION


LV'OOhousekeeping rooms: $16; tingle$5. 17 7t


FORiC iiousfnei-puif Jal7 7t»1 AROKALCOVE ROOM FOR 9 UKNTLKMKN,i> <;r lighthontakeeplng. «l7i'o«ts!. Jal7 2t«

'-C.9A THIRD—IBOOMB FURNISHED COM.O£*\J piste lor hoosekeeplnat cheap. >17 3t«i;llNATOMA -HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS; 3,O-1 -*- -)al7 3t«»M VERONA,BET. FOLSOM AND HARRISON—--"1Funilshe'l housekeeping moms. Jal 7-it*1 MOSS, <>IK HOWARD. lii.l.SIXTH ANDI»' Seventh— tunny front and back housekeepingrooms, withgas and bath; rent cheap. ]al7 it*1A OTHIRD-SUN.NY HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS\u25a0***-> complete; first noor: hath: gas. Jal7 3t*1 A- NEW MONTGOMERY: NICK FKONT FUR-X\JU nished housekeeping salte; $11. J^l7 at*


SUNNY UNFURNISHEDhousekeeping rooms; running water Jals 7t»

9-10 FIKSr-*KOOMS IIOUSEKKEPING;."Vrent cheap; fery ceDtral. ]alsst*


—. b*y-wlndow suite; sun allday: nice neigh-borhood. 03'i^ IIlrabeth St. near < astro. ]a4tf(I]Q MCALLISTKR-2 PLEASANTFIBNISHKDKfXO rooms for light housekeeping. del if

SMALL ADVERTISEMENT* AND SUBSOKIP-tIoas taken at Call Branch Office*. «03 Larilnit.,830 ii»yei st. and JulH MUilon st.: opou till

*:30 p. v



UNFURNISHED AJro^r-ITfT.UUUnished light housekeeping: also storage.lB 7*1 IOMASON—SUNNY FURNISHED FRONTi- 1O rooms; use of kitchen. _JalB It*cgr, UP—SINGLEFURNISHED ROOMS; LOWER«PU floor. 220 Eddy st \u25a0

•7nOTAYLUU-SU>Nir HALL BEDROOM;IUP furnished. : J»18 3t*P. 'JA ELLIS—NEATLY FURNISHED BOOM;tlOlbath; gas; rent $«. ]*1H iit*"I97 RK-PLcAMANT SUNNY FURNISHEDI_< rooms; fdand up. \u25a0 jalH6t* ,

9A9A powkll '4 jiU.nny Bay-window*v*Uriiomti also single r»oin; r«ut re*ioiu-Wo • J *lHBt*


'""" —-^

EEAL ESTATE AGENTS A RENT COLLECTORS.11 MONTGOMERY ST.. B. F.©9(")AA COTTAGE WITH 8-FOOT BABE-«JS_ l'UVj.uient; FoUoin St.. near Norwich; sizeoflot25x30. O'FARRELLI< \u25a0•., 11Montgomery.

O9onn RESIDENCE OF 6 ROOMS ANDv ——''''. bath and ime'iient witn large grounds,InColma; allkinds of fruit and flowers; roomsarenicely i:<j.'ivi: fine home: size of lot 101x75.0 FARRKLL *

CO.. 11Montgomery st

Q.9Q A BHIPLBI ST.. Nt; 5TH:COTTAOE;* —•> U. this is a bargain: size «t lot 25x75.O'FARKELL a CO., 11Mo:it;omwy11


—•'"''• of 6 rooms and hath, In flno condition;concrete walk: street graded. O'FAKRELLA CO..IIMo'itgomery st

QO'AA SAN CARLOS AYE.. NEAR 19TH. .iiiWi),st; 2-story house: size or lot 25x75.O'FABRELL & CO. 11Montgomery st.

mQEj in riga>i v si., N. SIDE. BET. BTH«,•)»)'"".and »th; 2-st«ry house; brick foun-dation; rents for $27 50 per month. O'FARRELLJt CO, 11 Montgomery st.Q>,\

-<j|i2 II X FLATS ONGUERRERO ST.,, i.)\MF. noar22d. of 5 rooms and bath oach:

foot basement ; stone sidewalk. O'FARKELL A:CO., liMontgomery st

fIU I"

>\t\ BRODBBICK ST..NEAR WASHING-i*!'it)UU.ton: cottags of (5 rooms and bath: 7foot basement; brict foundation: sii1 of lot 25x-":6. O'FARRELL A- CO.. 11Montgomery st

O7'l -i\ 14TH ST LET-

MISSION AND HOW.tj1*)li'".anl—." bay-window Mats, nearly new:brick foundation :size of lot 25x80. O'FAKRtLLa in.11 Montgomery st.

jjrgAA 9 AND11 SOUTH BUODERICK ST.;%pt)Cv/V/. 2 fine flats or 0 rooms and Lath each,renting for S-!O per month: grand view; sizs of lot36x120. O'FARRELL a CO.. 11 Montgomery st.

CATAA DIAMONDST.. NEAR ISTH-3 NEWrj'UIUV'.Bats or 5and 6 rooms and bath each;

modern ; Income $58 per month; size of lot '.'ax125. O'FAKRELL & CO. 11Montgomery i.t.

Q7AAA MAKE OFFER: ON IHE LINE OF©IUUU. the new electric road. South SanFrancisco: larw "-atory buiWlng In good condi-tion: income $64 per month; can bo increased; si***of lot 50x125. O'FARRELL & CO., 11 Moutguin-ery st.

-Ol.) rnfl FOLSOM ST.. BET. STH AND• I— «)V'l». bth; 3-story building, rentln? ror

$100 per month: size of lot 30xS0. O'FARRELL &CO.. 11 Montgomery st.

QIC HUH JONES ST.. NEARTL'KK:DOWN-(J*IO.Ui'u. town property: income $55 per

mouth: size of lot 27:6x107:6. O'FAIUiELL ACO., 11 Montgomery St.

Q9li 1\.\u25a0 \u0084 \u25a0 BTU-ST.BUSINESS PROPERTY.£7_'".'"'U. bet. Harrison and Bryant: im-provements consist of 3 2-story booses, lot 5.0 ft.front on Sixth st., running through to Part are.:inaKQ offer. 1t'FABRELL *CO.. xl Montgomery

E. COitOF BTH AND MINNAM>.;NEARLYnew 1-tury building;leased for 5 years at $1"5

per month. O'FaRRI-JLI & CO.. 11 Montgomery st.


""0:1: 1biocw from the iuight-st. cars; size

of lot 125x120 to rear \u25a0tract.$1150— Klizabeth st. near Douglass: 25x114.£1200 each— 2 lots 011 Tremout aye., S. of Fred-

erick st.SlDoo— Sacramento st. neir Locust; street mac-

adamlsod and concrete walk: 25x100.$2XOO Fulton st; Panhandle lot 25x137:6.$3250— South Broderlck st, near Bueua Vista

Park : crauti view.$2500— Bush it north side, nr. Baker; 25x157:8.$:sl'O— Ctiurch St., near Market: 24x125.$2500—(irovest, N. side, near Lyon: 25x137:8.$2700— A»hbury it.,near Frederick; 25x100.$\u25a0.'Boo— kale st, near Clay; 25x137 :l>.*.«00—Part cash ;Page St.. ur. Brodi-rick; 25x1JO.$-,701— Pace st. corner: 37:6x106:3.$6500—03^ St. near AshI r. :50x137 ;6.

jaljSQW«! ARREI !. A CO., ]1 Montgomery.(ll* l"/kWILLBUY A LEVEL CORNER LOT 100•I? 1"' reet B<x"aro In Colnn, worth $900. Seeo-vuer 517 Jones st. . jal? if

< i*vl l\ (WORTH $6000)— BAY-WINDOW<£)"i:«J*'U House on Webster Bt, bet. Pine andbush: $1000 rash, balance in month]} Install-ments: the Ht banrnin ever offered. For furthrrparticulars see M. B. LEVY,43J California ]a!8lot

Q»>Fvfi IrK ROOM IT WILL BUILD ANY--.—•'"\u25a0 you choose modern bay-windowcottases and 2-story houses, with brick itconcretefoundat!on<<; see plans made to suit: will take paytn moiithiy instaiiments: 0 per cent interest. M.WM. KAIN,builder and dealer in real estate. 11Montgomery St. iiol3 tf sue \u25a0> e



Anyperson having or mere can purchasefrcm us a home on S. sor 7 years' time at 6 percent net Interest: we willsell on snch terms riverbottom land, worth $HH>per acre, from $35 to $30.\u25a0with |<rrpetu%l water rigLt:no ptrson or companywillgive anome-seeker a better bargain on termsthan we win,so don't buy until you see our lands;our lands sre situated In a crowing county and online ofrailroad: we willsell for all cash, oue-hHifcash, De-fourth cash, or Without any payment Itpurchaser win improve, or we will exch»nge anJtake ciiy improved <t unimproved property as par:payment. Apply to the CALIFORNIA C< Loni/-ING INVLSIMENT COMPANY, 828 Montgomerystreet 1027 t; boWe

Ir.AT 1-sIORY BAY-WINDOW COTTAGE: C'rooms a:>d batb an 1 high basement: gas, hot

and coliwater, electricity, etc.: Lyon st, bet. Clayrind Sacramento; Bice and improving neighbor-hood; 1 ;rs handy; eaay terms.

FINE LOT ON PAGE ST.. BET. SCOTT ANDDevisa.lero; 30x137:6; $1250.

GUERRERO AND 14TH UTS.: NW. CORNER;7tix9o: electric cars turn therf: electric road to

pass on 14th St.; anything built there will rent.

FINE LOT W. SIDE DKVISADERO. iET. TURKanJ Eddy; 25x100; fewer, cas and water con-

nections inu'ie aud street bltumeuized aud ac-cepted.

FINE LOT ON W. SIDE VALENCIA,55 l»th: 50s IUO. with L35:6 feet on 18th st,

by 10. 1 feet In rear: Splei ii:>l loaaCtOO for livery-subie -c other business reqairlag rear eiitranco.

IpiNE PAIR OF FLATS: 4 AND 5 ROOM ANDbath each: .Jersey bt. (N. hide;, bet Sanchez and

Noe; only $4500.

"I OT N\v. COU. PACIFIC AND IIYDF, WITHXj store and 3rooms below and fiat 0 rooius above;well leuted.

QQAA wlli 'lv * GOOD HOUSE 01 3<I? OXJyJ large room?, with lease of lot 25x120. at.\u25a0?. 60 per month and privilege of purchase of laudif desired, on Maple St.. off 14th. W. of Guerrero;handy to Va!euc.a-st. and electric cars.

Apply to C. S. CAPP 4 C-> ,415 Monteomery st.House Broner.sand Real E<tate Agents. d.-tl t f SaWe

QQ9"A t325« CASH; MORTOAGFD $5000,_• >V. at 7 per cant ; splendid down-town

proposition: Tush st , bet. Stockton and Powell;hocse of

-rooms; lot runs to rear street ami is

alone cheap at the price asked; can be made to pay1per tent on investment: Ktishs:. property has \u25a0t;ue future; this isa bargain.

$9'.'sO— Three elegant new flats, north side Pacest. near Devisadero; reuts $74; always rented; lot25x137;6.

$2850-$2OOO can remain at 7 percent: BOxlli;on m ctr. Douglass and Clipper sts.: both streetssewered.

TROY tr NAI.LY.63OMirk<»t st jalCSnWe2tCIYLISH COTTAGE. J CST FINISHED. FOBOl»le on Asbbnry Heights: 5 rooms and bath;tiled sink, electric beil, solid mahogany and oakmatite's, decorated art glass, gas futures andshades, sanitary plumbing: built by <u> work;price $3750: terms can be made to suit: own) onpremises. -•1 Trenont aye., south of Frederickst: late HaUbt-strert cars. Jals 18 gt*

\>-'v EASTLAKE (COTTAGE OF ft ROOMS;-l->all latest improvements; the best buy in themarket 316 Day gt. near electric road. J.il7 7t*

A SPECIALTY OF 'H>:'. AnTT*COUNTRY EX-\u25a0M change of all descriptions at the tracers' bead-quarters, 1170 Marttet. room iOtf, hWEETSER& CO. ja!7 7t

LOT C42SO: SW. COB. CASTRO AND 25TH STS:jLiwillsubdivide. Apply 220 Dlamund st Jal7 Gt*fc<l MiiMUIY;COTI'AUE: 5 ROOMS: IN»,. _•• Berkeley; bath: sawerect;near station.

?:V-'s— 35x100: sldewalked: $5 a month.$650—Lot 65x12U; well located; $10 a mouth.Corner; 50x 100; street graded* $7 a month.

*450-Lot i»0ilJ0: level with creek; very at-tractive; $1:5 cash : $6 a month.

1000 lots or allkinds; eaiy terms: send for maps.CIIAS.A. BAILEY,owner, 20 Montgomery. j»l5 tf

'OR SALE—A FIRST-CLASS MOBTOAUB OF1 $1300. bearing 10 par cent Interest; iuvestlsatethis at once. MURPHY. 3"2aPine st. lall tr


- ••'"'. morirt St., near 25th.$3200— Corarortabie house of 6 large rooms on

Diamond St., near 25tb.Five-room cottages, $2900 and $3100 each, on-s tlist, half block west of Castro.Ail finished complete withbay-windows, oaths

wood mantels, floored basements, iron fence, stovefiidewa Its and only 1 block west from

ON VERY EASY TFRMS.By F. NELSON, builder, 1520 -isth St.. nearastro. ay;*,tf


$10 PER MONTH.In MlMion warm Belt, 8«nd 4 blocks from exist-ing car lines; new cable ana electric road* willpass

close by: prices $150 to $400: terms $10 down andslO per in.nth.nth:all the«« lota are sore to becomevery valuable: titles perfect and guaranteed.

SYNDICATE INVESTMENT COMPANY,Junction of Valencia 1 Rooms C4anil (5&,and Mission sts. | ChrOnlcle Building.

3a15 7t Valencla-st. office open nndnya,



$7850—3 elegant modern residences of 9 lar.-erooms e-lcc.ii.tiy decorated: litye lots 25x137:0--sunny side of 1ell st. facing I'fuibanJlo of i'ark, 2blocks anove Baker; entrance near Lott st. UhOBTIERLIN.owner, on prcntses. JalS 8t«


Tnß\J e!ght-paf- WEEKLYCALL,lent to any aiMresiIn the United States or Canada on* year for$1 25,pottage free.


.]AIA I.-

.\i:l>KNLAND; PETALI I :7-X\J2 room house; barn; chickens: *3000; Treecatalogue. PACIFIC EXCHANGE, 23 Kearny st»

• CTV EACH AND UPWARD: SPLENDIDLYV• •>'/ located lots In the Fanny DavenportTract; San Leandro roan; only $10 cash: balance$5 per mnntb. CLOUGU &BAKER,1002 Broad-way, Oakland. Cat. ruß tf cod

STOCK ANDCHICKEN RANCH FOR SALE OR0 rent, cheap. In Moutcrey County. Inquire at 537Market st, or address C. E. CARTER, Vnlleton,Monterey Connty. Jal 74f

OK LITTLEHOMKS. SMALL FARMS ANDF chicken-ranches, see D.H. TWI.NG. Sonoma City,Oal.; every Monday, 816 Kearny it. S. F. ja4 lmTMPOBTAKT NOTICE—ARKAN«fcMENTS ARK1 being nude to place upon the market largetract* of the richest and most productive lands InFrnoo County.

These lauds are wonderfully adapted to thegrowth of tli* ]>rnoe, peach, pear, apricot, nec-tarine, olive. fig and the crate.

Extraordinary crops ofaliklfa and vegetables aregrown upon them.

l'urchasers can buy Intracts of from 20 acres to5000 acres.

For further particulars apply to E. B. PKRKIN,402 Kearny St.. or Fresno. Cal. dels 2u>

GOVERNMENT LANDS—PERFECTLY I.hVKI.<> rich soil, in fine valley,on railroad, inCalifor-nia: employment at good waves near by fuel andwater plentiful: mnny settlers and some fine farmsthere now. Send 4 cents lor information to F. W.LAKK.6 Flood building,San Francisco. no2o tf


JV. LAWRKNCE^ CARPENTER AND BUILD-*-er.Ul9 Sacramento St. ;cabinet work and fitting

up offices promptly attended; telephone Huo.iulU tf

BUSINESS CHANCES.*A;«lTI(E-l HAVE -KVKK^L^^TiTpvvTNi}j-> fcaii'ons fo-rair at your . »n price lr sold this>\etk. (.C>. ST;'.O;;I. Market .st.

•OAI.O N MbN ATTENTION!—ONE OK THEv* t»^s:-;i iyir saloon in th* city,with Baa «l ck,lU'.or— prlvjijrooms; etc. -. a geuutne bargain.PCS. STROUU. 1035 M«rt>ftst.

- •})\u25a0> IN ONE OF THE BEST-Iji^ylnj:wloons i:ithe city. Omc toe \u25a0\u25a0'. i"i: 1elpwnted more f"i•\u25a0\u25a0 ney; don't miss It. GUV.STROUD, ly:>:iMarket st

•PARTNER WANTKM INGOOD PAYINUlIOSI-Ines<(iatwll clear 410 ; r»er month to earh:small Ci7-iia! require*. 103S Market street.

•VOI"ICE—IF YOU V.ANT TO BUY OR SELL A1> bu-lncfs seeGl'S STROUD. 10.'.S Market. IS7«

• .)>!\u25a0 CIGAR-STOKE; RKCEIPTS $13 DAY;t^_*-O. cenulne invest. WHITE. 765 Market.

KF.>TA KANT-MM1N« TilIS DAY ATLESSthau half value. WHITE. 765 Market

- »

fro si i.LYOUi: BUSINESS OR PROPERTY GO1to lv WHITE. 7(i". Market st •__Cl'^AA CORNER SALOON, NEAR HOTEL:QUV'V.llvlue-roonis. HEAI.Y.719 Market st.1<m~\(\ (.'KN11: GROCERY, FINELOCAnOS:

dO\J. rooms; bargain. HEALY.719 Market 1

\u25a0\ri>TICE— BEFORE PURCHASING OB SELLING-i' a business, apply to lIEALY.719 ilarEet st. 1

QTiAA SALOON: ONE OF THE BKSTC'.Ht-«JpUW. nets In the cty: must be sold on ac-count or sicwncsK iiiramily: gcoa chance. Me-I.A it;IILIN A: CO.. 26'^ Kearny St. jalft3t«

QQ'iA OKOCEKI AND BAR-ONE OF BESTVOUU. Jisylng corners in city: retiring fromIiistuo'.s s>->le cause of lie; this isarare chance.MCLAUGHLIN.20 y» Ke-trny st.

• j.i: 7t«Qj-A BASEMENT SALOON AND MUSIC-K^^iOVf. ball; piano: good fixtures ana largestuck of liquors; sickness cause of sale. M -LAUGHLINA Co.. 26'.j. Kearny st. jalS 7t»

OQ<w» HOTEL AND ISAR: GOill) VALUE AT• I'U. $3000; investigatethisgeauiuesacrinre;Is a forced sale. MCLAUGHLIN A CO.. 26V4KPJirnv. j»l7 6t*r.|<^/l SALOON, ISESTAURANT. LODGING-«^U''V/. holm-; 22 rooms: permanent; suitAbletoanllng. MCLAUGHLIN&Co.. V6\i. \u25a0my. at*

>."! r.A PROVISION-STORE; THIS 18 MUCH«_ l« ;'r. leu than Invoice; willclear $5 a dayoverall expenses; th:s Is a positive bareain; mustbe su.»l. J. 1). CAMPBELL A CO.. 112'J Market st.l

l".O' BRANCH BAKERY: 3 FIBN. BOOMS:tJ"O«J- must sell. FLETCHER. Pim.j Market. •

I7<OR SALE-WELL-PAYINTi DRESSMAKINGestablishment: reasonable; party go!ns East;

rent *19. Call or address 8.. Call Branch Oftice.003Larfctu st JalS St*

QOAA ESTABLISHED VARIETY-STORE;OF-t?~V\i. nee fcr laundry; 2 furnished rooms.frWKKTSEH&CO.. 1170 Market. Room 109.ja12 7t

1[»OR >ALE—ONE-HALF OR WHOLE INTERESTIin first-class saloon, foot Market, opp. .iteambost

Isudln^: with I] rooms attached. See OEO.STEWART & SON, 135 Kearny bt. 317 v:*

HERE'S A CHANCE-1 WILL TRADEAN ELE-gaut lodcing-house on Geary, near Mason, for 3

liome 111 Oakland or San lrauclsco: cash value,*35OO: all newly furnished. BRANCH IOIL-Mi'KE. V26 Ellis st. Jal7 3t*AO'A PARTNER WANTED FOR CASH COM-O— »-'V'. mission business of 15 years' standing,cad clearing $100 to $125 per month to each; noexperience required: ai;y sti»»dy man w!;l be ac-

cepted. CITY BUSINESS EXCHANGE, 1027 Mar-ket j.17 :<t


' '-'• store: good location; I -rooms fur-nlshed; low rent: sacrifice. WEST A PHIL-BRU'X. S4l Market. J.i17 'M*


irent$60: Jirst-clas^ location: clearing »400

monthly. PAC. EXCHANGE. 23 Kearny st.•

< 1111IBAKERY AND VARIETY STORK F.JB•_ I" present owner going next door ingrocery: come au-i luvestigate. 717 Diamond st:t;ikeCastro-st. cars. jilbst*\VANTED


tent: must be chrap ami incood order. Ad-dress B. X.. Ons 86. Call I'.rancn Office. JUS 2t*

QIQA SALOON DOING PAYING BUSINESS«5i''vl.on aprincipal thoroughfare. Apply thisoffce. Jal 83i*

T\I.>ING-BOOMJOF HOTEL BELVEDEREi'COitJXJ and F ilsom, to let: to worker 0:1 IS S*

GENTLEMAN LEAVINOCITY WILL DISPOSEor half legitimate office business naif i:- value.Pacific Einp!o>mont om<*e, 931 Market, rra 2. 1-* '.'•*

rJMIt STOCK OF WOOD AND TOOLS OF CAK--1 riaee and wagon >hop ia good country town for-ale; old st-nd; gooil location: price reasoaabli••iliac account other business. Address s; e». bKM.Call Hra:n-li 0:..-c. jalS 7t»

<llliin SCBE-PAYINO UESTACfiANT—NO<^X\J\J\J. trlflers unr agents. C*llHra:ich.lB 3*v: IQAA bood PAYING RESTAURANT

—• IOW,Good location: clears !rom $20') to

$.'5O prrmonth. Apply Call Branch OSice.ja iS 7t*

Q7AA FINE CORNER SALOON ON PRlNCl-f^ buslutoS street; stock and fixturescos* $7000: owuit. et-.gaged iv aucther bu-lnc-sSee N.,»ON AS,1148 Mas ket st jais 3t»

Q'xann half intkkkst well"-"ksTab".•_ •>' *\u25a0•'"* HshM manuJrtCturlnz business; pay-ins we!!; need help. D. C, MOORE, 304 Monutonvcry st. ja!4 e--l tfLOU KALE—THE ENTIRE SIt.CK OF WOKS-T ar.d liquors of the old-established French ll<mor-fctore and saloon or CHARLES C. WOOD, deceased,on tbe northwest corner cf California anil Ktelner;the iHjuor-store, kJooa and fixture*, with6 ad)oln-lae room and wine-cellar. to ease for a term of years.Further particulars o! II.LIAM ROLLINS, mln-litratorot th- estate. SOS California st..nn. 25.12 7t

v'J/j/i FRCITSIuBE WITH 3 HORSES AND«J \u2666)'"'. 3 wain \u25a0 doluz trade of $1000amonth;*.1 -•>::\u25a0•\u25a0 « > it'.s sale. Apply this office. Jal2 7t*

Cl STOCK PROVISIONS,\J wines, stors. furniture 5 rooms, raa?e. horses.wagoiis, lease: low rent; MB. CADENA! goe-s tol.i-rtje: cheap; make offer. 728 Golden Gateavenue. ia l.'t** T A SACRIFICE

—NKWSPAPKR 800 1 ON-"*

account of rcuiovai;' good opening for amailcapital. App'y this o.tiee. no'23 tf

QALOON tOH BALE:ONE OK THE BEST BUSI-1^ ueas places in clry: situnted on corner of twoprinclca! streets: full stock of the very best liquorsand cigars; steady tr:'.de; present owner has kept Itfor years at.U wl.-h«6 to retire: noise but coiifiden-tials w 111 be heard from. Address M. C, box 137,Call Branch OSlce. jaljJtjl*

0YSTER-HOUSE, RESTAURANT AND BARcouiDined: first-class corner. In No. 1nelgh'bor-

Locd: 5 rooms and bath above: belt reasons forBelling; this business and prop-rty owned by pres-ent proprietor. 2-01 Foisom st. jalf 7t*Q] '/j bKL'CKRY. BAR AND .STATIONERY:0 JO'

'. new fixtures; fresh, ciean stock; sellingon account of slcWuess. Apply <-r ad'lres* 15§Chencry st., nr.Falrmou::t scLooihnuse. Jal7 7t*L/KUITSTOKE FOR SALE AT A BAKI.AIN.X 1817 Uulon st. jal72t»

1. OK CHEAP. A GOOD SALOON AND 91 well furnisheQ rcomi: must sell on account ttIpaving city, Inquire63j*Sacramento st. JaIO »;



PAYING CORNER HA-ijyj\J. loon. 633 Howard st. jai>}3t«

"SpTilH BILLIARDHALL; PROMINENT0 I—•-'• thorouehfare; 4 tables; good reasonsIcr selling: no experience required. Apply 6iOfcacramento st Jalß 3t»iOFI-EK SALOON: OHOPHOUSE; NO NIGHTV Sunday work. $400. Apply this office, 17 3t«

SALE-FKUITSTORE WITH 3 ROOMS*:1' good location: near school: low rent: must bo

B'»lu this week. Apply at 1403*^ Powell st. 17 3t*< 1IillWTLL hi V A CORNER GROCERY AND»^IUU saloon; must be sold to-day. Apply at627 Clay strte'-.

'*Jal7 2t«

SALOON FOR SALE-MIST BE SOLD THISweek. Inquire 446 Third st.



locality; ch^aprent: fine fixtures. Apply HKY,GKAI-fcRHoLZiCO., 215 Sacramento st jal77*

QQAA an OLD-ESTABLISHED SALOON O>\u2666.. Ol'vJ. prominent street; this is a bar.-. 777Market St., ro'-m 7. upstairs. jal"31*Q«>/;A LADIES' A.>D GENTS' FURNISHINGO'-* I/,and fancy dry-goods store withfixtures ;6 rooms; flue building;rent £15; a rare chance.2791 Sixteenth at., c:ty. Jals it*J. v>/ |/» grocery, dairy pkudcck AND«^«V/U. bakery; well stocked ; living-rooms;owner leaving clt-v 1662 Mission st. ja!6~t*

BUSINESS— FINEST MARKET INcity: fine fixtures; cash register: marble slil*:

it;';*!,ur«eand wagon: a sacrifice :owner going south.i

-• Hickory are., bet. oak and rcl', octavia and.i-aguna sts. Jal 4 St*


FINE FIXTURES; GOODQOUU. stock of l!.;uo:s. 210 Pacific st. ]a!47t»

QALOON DOING GOOD BUSINESS; CEX-O traliy located: reasonable; seillog accouutotLer business. Apply this oOce. jal47t*Vine SALOo'S IN OAKLAND: NKAR STA-F tloa: low rent; long lease; price $90;). >'<ply820 Drnmm at. S. F. Jal37t«. ALL ROUTE ACROSS THE BAY-JTOB BALKyjIfioalre of cashier Call Office.

'0r27 tt

IOI)(iI>(i Jin? FOB SALE.T^njGTNirmnJsEsTBESTB arqVin'h INCiTV.J J 10—10 rooms: Mlsiion. near Fourth.

$450—11 roouis: vicinityThird and Mission.$J50—14 rooms: Howard and Firth.$1050— 22 rooms: Market and Sixth.50 houses to srlsct from north of Market st.

HEALY.719 M&rket St.. nrar Third. 1_C'QAAA 37-ROOll HOUSE IN OAKLAND;i^OUUu. bc«t location: pays well: must be sold.\>EST <t PHILBRICK. 841 Market st. )a!83t»

cTI AAA 1 OBNEB LODUING-HOUSE; 15CIvUU.rooms: north of Market: ail full;wal-i.ut furniture. MCLAUGHLIN«v CO , 2«% Kei»rDystreet Jal B6t»_on^U HOWARD—IB ROOMS: 42 BEDS: SELLCUt7^ at a bargain; good business. JalB 7t*(• P.OflM LODUINU-HOUSE; $10 OVI?k KENT;'» north of Market: cost $800 to furnish: willsellforsi2s. J. P. CAMPBELL,1122 Market st. 1


MAR-q ''M '. tet St.: 17 room*; clearing $65 month;

\u25a0 acrlHre: 111-health. SWEETSER, 1021 Mkt 14 5<-CNNY BAT-WINDOW HOUSE OF 260 reoatt, cheap, tot cash; no agents. Applyat 21Ninth st jalBBt*^CTC r.A 17 ROOM HOtSE: GOOD FURNITURE;\u26667 U\J. sacrifice. H'iO Butter st *_1 AND BOARDINGHOUSE. 743 HAR-i-t rlson gt; 10 rooms; 00. Jai3 7t*/'HKAPEST AND~BEST IN AMERICA


Velcbt-page WEEKLY ALL,sent to any s<ldr<M«in the Lalted btates or Canada on* year forsl,yostagc free.


tTE^vTN^O^JITcIITN^ET^S^M^V^^>\u25a0 .• $50 for $5. 412 • a)lor St., doctor's offlce.lB St*V"tv1 FAMILY COW; DURHAM BREEf>. 230X* Duncan it. }a!73t*

HOUBE OF 6 LARGE ROOMS FOR Apply 1032 Army st. Jal7 41*

I.OR KALE-MUST BE REMOVED; SMALL'frame bouse near Hayea st. Address J. S.. box

118. <'all Brauchorace. Jal7 3t*

f-INK LOCAL OIL BUSINESS; WITH ORwithout horse an-! wagon. (allor address 1020

La/tlu st. Jal6 3t*

SHOWCASES. BAR. STORK. OFFICE FlX-tures. fccberer'a Pioneer Store. 2s Ioth.Jal3 lira

I*lSAWS. PLANER. LATHKB."X— forge, bellows, punches, etc. 1721 Ml»sioii.2o 3tn

SAFE, SCALE. UrrrSß-PBESB, STOBE-TROOKand mcney-tlll:cheap. 102 Clay «t. _ au7 tl

QECOND-HAITD BOILERS. ENGINES, rVMTs\O thaftlng, paileys, belting, water pipes, etc.<ti If McI.NTOSH A WOLPMAN. 137 Bealett.


QfVJ NEW LMPBOVED SKWING M A<Tll\jS ;•T1•"-• - cua ran teed for10 rears; machines rented,*,-' ITinotith. 145 Sixth «\u25a0'. Jal4 ltro