The 2015-2016 school year is nearing the end. It feels like it has just begun. Time definitely flies when you're having fun! We have many excing end of the year acvies happening during the month of June. Grade level field days are being held in the beginning of June, many classes will be going on fun field trips and our 5th grade Moving-up Ceremony will be held on June 20th. We hope you will be able to come and enjoy these events with your child. At this me we would like to thank all of our parents who have helped us through volunteer- ing their me at our school. It is greatly appreciated. Collaboraon is the key to success. We look forward to seeing you at the Volunteer Breakfast on June 3rd. Many of our school events are sponsored by our Moriches PTO. The execuve board consists of: Elizabeth Dingman, Diana Klein, Lisa Almonte, Jennifer Savnik, Chrisna Glauber, Steve Glauber, Debra Guercio, Kathy Ferriolo, Erin Luhrs and Stephenie Sco. They are a group of highly movated and dedicated individuals that have been very helpful and supporve of the programs at Moriches Elementary School. On behalf of the students and the staff we thank them for their countless hours of work and commitment to our school community! We would like to take this opportunity to honor and give thanks to one of our extra-ordinary teachers at Moriches Elementary School who is rering at the end of this school year, Mr. Dave Pia. He is such a dedicated and commied professional that will be missed dearly by his colleagues, students and families at Moriches Elementary School. We wish him the best of luck in his future endeavors. We would like to wish everyone a safe and fun summer vacaon! May everyday be filled with sunshine and enjoyment. Remember to read plenty of books throughout the enre summer and keep learning wherever you go! Make sure to visit the public library periodically through- out the summer. Thank you for vong and approving the 2016-2017 school budget! MORICHES ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 2015-2016 Parent Newsleer (3rd Edion) Principals’ Message

Transcript of MORIHES ELEMENTARY Parent...

Page 1: MORIHES ELEMENTARY Parent Newsletter (3rd Edition) Principals’ Message In March Moriches students participated in

The 2015-2016 school year is nearing the end. It feels like it has just begun. Time definitely

flies when you're having fun! We have many exciting end of the year activities happening

during the month of June. Grade level field days are being held in the beginning of June,

many classes will be going on fun field trips and our 5th grade Moving-up Ceremony will be

held on June 20th. We hope you will be able to come and enjoy these events with your child.

At this time we would like to thank all of our parents who have helped us through volunteer-

ing their time at our school. It is greatly appreciated. Collaboration is the key to success. We

look forward to seeing you at the Volunteer Breakfast on June 3rd.

Many of our school events are sponsored by our Moriches PTO. The executive board consists

of: Elizabeth Dingman, Diana Klein, Lisa Almonte, Jennifer Savnik, Christina Glauber, Steve

Glauber, Debra Guercio, Kathy Ferriolo, Erin Luhrs and Stephenie Scott. They are a group of

highly motivated and dedicated individuals that have been very helpful and supportive of the

programs at Moriches Elementary School. On behalf of the students and the staff we thank

them for their countless hours of work and commitment to our school community!

We would like to take this opportunity to honor and give thanks to one of our extra-ordinary

teachers at Moriches Elementary School who is retiring at the end of this school year, Mr.

Dave Pia. He is such a dedicated and committed professional that will be missed dearly by his

colleagues, students and families at Moriches Elementary School. We wish him the best of

luck in his future endeavors.

We would like to wish everyone a safe and fun summer vacation! May everyday be filled with

sunshine and enjoyment. Remember to read plenty of books throughout the entire summer

and keep learning wherever you go! Make sure to visit the public library periodically through-

out the summer. Thank you for voting and approving the 2016-2017 school budget!


2015-2016 Parent Newsletter (3rd Edition)

Principals’ Message

Page 2: MORIHES ELEMENTARY Parent Newsletter (3rd Edition) Principals’ Message In March Moriches students participated in

In March Moriches students participated in Hoops for Heart, a national education

and fundraising program sponsored by the American Heart Association and

SHAPE America. They promote physical education and provide children with

knowledge of heart disease while raising funds for heart disease research and

health education. For one week during physical education classes students

played basketball and participated in various exercise stations. Students were

encouraged to bring in donations from family and friends. A total of $1,800 was

raised for this worthwhile cause. GREAT JOB MORICHES!

Page 3: MORIHES ELEMENTARY Parent Newsletter (3rd Edition) Principals’ Message In March Moriches students participated in

Ranger Eric visited

all the Kindergarten

classes to talk

about insects.

He introduced

the students to

an insect called a

“Walking Stick.”

Page 4: MORIHES ELEMENTARY Parent Newsletter (3rd Edition) Principals’ Message In March Moriches students participated in

The Kindergarten Classes attended a Wiggly Worm assembly.

The Maritime Explorium located in Port Jefferson came to

Moriches to introduce the students to Earth Worms. By perform-

ing different experiments, the students learned whether the

worms preferred wet or dry conditions, whether they preferred

light or dark conditions and whether they preferred a certain soil

type. A fun learning experience was had by all!

Page 5: MORIHES ELEMENTARY Parent Newsletter (3rd Edition) Principals’ Message In March Moriches students participated in
Page 6: MORIHES ELEMENTARY Parent Newsletter (3rd Edition) Principals’ Message In March Moriches students participated in

In preparation for the upcoming summer months,

the Kindergarten and First Grade Classes attended

a Water Safety Assembly. They were treated to a

puppet show and then visits from the water safety

characters. They were taught many ways

to be safe around any type of water this summer.

Page 7: MORIHES ELEMENTARY Parent Newsletter (3rd Edition) Principals’ Message In March Moriches students participated in

Kindergarten Summer Tips

With summer just around the corner, many parents are starting to make plans. This is a great time to start planning how you can continue what your child has learned in Kindergarten. The local public library has a fan-tastic reading program that encourages reading and offers prize incen-tives. First grade involves increased responsibilities. Your child needs to be able to follow two and three step directions. Children need to be able to focus their attention on a task independently for 15 minutes or more. Parents can help their child by giving verbal two and three step direc-tions. “Please put your toys away, wash your hands, and then sit for din-ner.” Allow your child time to craft independently and provide opportu-nities for him/her to sit down and practice paper/pencil work at a table or desk area for 15 minutes or more. Your child could make lists for the grocery store, write letters to relatives, and even write in a journal daily. Reading together as often as you can is a great way to bond and maintain reading strategies. Ask your child to take turns reading with you. Point out sight words as you read. Predict and take a guess what might hap-pen next in the story. Play rhyming games! See how many rhymes your child can make. This is often silly and full of giggles, but a great way to practice letters, sounds, and word families! Keep math alive during the summer! Help your child maintain and build on their understanding of what the numbers 0-20 represent. Have your child count the number of steps it takes to get to the second floor. Make a number line out of chalk on your sidewalk and have them jump the addition or subtraction math problems. Talk to your child about numbers as often as you can. Going to the beach? Great! You can draw numbers in the sand, collect and count shells, and group the shells by color or size. Clocks and stores with price labels for merchandise are great ways to naturally let math into your daily life. The key is to have fun and keep the learning rolling!

Page 8: MORIHES ELEMENTARY Parent Newsletter (3rd Edition) Principals’ Message In March Moriches students participated in

The first grade students have been hard at work learning about adjectives so that

their writing will burst with flavor! While working with adjectives, it’s always fun to

get a little crazy. Each child dressed up in something fancy, tacky or wacky for an

“Adjective Runway Show.” The children strutted down the red carpet to show off

their attire. As each student walked the red carpet, the other children wrote a list

of adjectives to describe his/her outfit. The event was a huge success and the

children had a blast learning!

Page 9: MORIHES ELEMENTARY Parent Newsletter (3rd Edition) Principals’ Message In March Moriches students participated in
Page 10: MORIHES ELEMENTARY Parent Newsletter (3rd Edition) Principals’ Message In March Moriches students participated in

Our first graders have grown up and learned a lot this year. We are

now gearing up for the end of the year! We have many things planned

as we will be celebrating the end of the year by counting down with

the ABC’s to the last day. Make sure to check your calendars at home

and come to school ready to celebrate!

Page 11: MORIHES ELEMENTARY Parent Newsletter (3rd Edition) Principals’ Message In March Moriches students participated in

The second grade classes welcomed The Department

of Environmental Conservation on March 8th.

Students learned about insects and all their

characteristics. The

D.E.C. presentation was

a wonderful hands-on

learning experience

and tied into our

curricular learning.

Students had a

wonderful time!

Mrs. Dunbar’s students dressed up

as insects and learned about the


Page 12: MORIHES ELEMENTARY Parent Newsletter (3rd Edition) Principals’ Message In March Moriches students participated in

Mrs. Megna’s 2nd grade class gets up close

and personal with a grasshopper. Below:

Rosary, Chelsie and Jack dressed up as their

favorite insects.

Page 13: MORIHES ELEMENTARY Parent Newsletter (3rd Edition) Principals’ Message In March Moriches students participated in

Mrs. Megna’s 2nd Grade Class had lots of fun while experimenting in the science

lab for St. Patrick’s Day. The students turned pennies green with a chemical


They also experimented

in the science lab

creating rainbows with

skittles and reactions.

Page 14: MORIHES ELEMENTARY Parent Newsletter (3rd Edition) Principals’ Message In March Moriches students participated in

The 3rd grade classes

attended a DEC presenta-

tion called “What’s Wild?”

Mr. Gelardi, the presenter,

discussed the importance of

knowing the difference be-

tween a domesticated and a

non– domesticated animal.

He also talked about ani-

mals in our area and what

their habitats might be.

Page 15: MORIHES ELEMENTARY Parent Newsletter (3rd Edition) Principals’ Message In March Moriches students participated in

Mr. Gelardi showed the

students a box turtle and a

chinchilla and they had to

decide if they were

domesticated or non-

domesticated animals. Do

you know the answer?

Page 16: MORIHES ELEMENTARY Parent Newsletter (3rd Edition) Principals’ Message In March Moriches students participated in

On March 23rd two of our fifth grade classes had a unique opportunity in the

Moriches Science Lab. Scientists and students from the Bioengineering program

at Stony Brook University came in and provided an exciting authentic hands-on

science activity called Genes In a Bottle. The main focus of the program was a

DNA extraction experiment. Students collected DNA from their own cheek cells

and created a DNA necklace that will last a lifetime.

Page 17: MORIHES ELEMENTARY Parent Newsletter (3rd Edition) Principals’ Message In March Moriches students participated in
Page 18: MORIHES ELEMENTARY Parent Newsletter (3rd Edition) Principals’ Message In March Moriches students participated in
Page 19: MORIHES ELEMENTARY Parent Newsletter (3rd Edition) Principals’ Message In March Moriches students participated in

On March 22nd some of the 5th grade students participated in the Little Doctor’s Program.

Students took turns at various one hour shifts to volunteer their time to help out at the Blood


Pictured from

left to right:

Jaden Lopez

Aaron Nelson

Kamilla Montoya

Kaylee Fleming Fernandez

Left to right:

Alyssa Dingman

Emily Murtha

Paul Abbattista

Philip Vetter

Front row left to right:

Dante Scalice

Emily Coleman

Andrew Rea

Back row:

Dasha Kravchuk

Eddie Motl

Kelly Rodriguez

Taylor Benedetto

Page 20: MORIHES ELEMENTARY Parent Newsletter (3rd Edition) Principals’ Message In March Moriches students participated in

At the end of March the Box Tops were collected and

counted. The following students were the top winners

of the contest: Larissa Kidney, Owen Aylward, Aisling

Aylward and Kevin Destefano (missing from the


The following students were the top collectors from each grade:

FRONT ROW: Kathleen Gielarowski, Hayley Leiva, Mia Glauber,

BACK ROW: Alyssa Dingman, Larissa Kidney, Owen Aylward, Aisling

Aylward, Stephen Harned, and Jason Gielarowski

Page 21: MORIHES ELEMENTARY Parent Newsletter (3rd Edition) Principals’ Message In March Moriches students participated in

In April Ranger Eric Powers came to Moriches Elementary School and met with

seven classes to discuss various topics dealing with nature. Each of the classes are

involved in his Quail Project (quail eggs are brought into the classrooms and the

students oversee the hatching and care of the baby quails. When the quails are

old enough they are released into the wild to help combat the growing tick popu-

lation). Ranger Eric is a biologist, educator, naturalist, photographer, birder, out-

doorsman and overall nature-lover. He was able to connect students to nature

and wildlife in a meaningful way which left students with a deep understanding

and appreciation for our environment. Ranger Eric specifically discussed his Quail

Project, shared his tick collection and feather collection with students. Students

learned an abundance of knowledge about quails and are applying what they

learned to their own brood of quails, in their classrooms.

Page 22: MORIHES ELEMENTARY Parent Newsletter (3rd Edition) Principals’ Message In March Moriches students participated in
Page 23: MORIHES ELEMENTARY Parent Newsletter (3rd Edition) Principals’ Message In March Moriches students participated in

The fourth grade went on a field trip to Sweetbriar Nature Center. The students

learned all about the web of life. They learned how the most common living

things have some of the most amazing connections. Each class walked a nature

trail, found homes for wildlife, met live animals, and played games to learn about

the inter-dependency of all life by creating food chains and food webs.

Page 24: MORIHES ELEMENTARY Parent Newsletter (3rd Edition) Principals’ Message In March Moriches students participated in
Page 25: MORIHES ELEMENTARY Parent Newsletter (3rd Edition) Principals’ Message In March Moriches students participated in


Kindergarten thru Third Grade

First Place: Amiyah Gumbs ( Kindergarten) —How Does Climate Change the

Browning of Bananas

Second Place: Ethan Walker (1st grade) - What Happens to Gummy Bears When

Placed in Different Liquids

Third Place: Joseph Clay (1st grade) - The Popcorn Project

Fourth Grade

First Place: Devin Cataldo - My Robotic Illustrator

Second Place: Giavanna Moscardino—Areodynamics

Third Place: Kate Samlihan—Bird Feeders

Fifth Grade

First Place: Connor Nocher—Diaper Duty

Second Place: Jonathan Serres—How to Get More From a Solar Panel

Third Place: Nicholas Tarry—Will Lima Beans Grow In Different Conditions

Page 26: MORIHES ELEMENTARY Parent Newsletter (3rd Edition) Principals’ Message In March Moriches students participated in

The Science Fair Winners! Pictured from left to right: Amiyah Gumbs, Jonathan

Serres, Connor Nocher, Giavanna Moscardino, Devin Cataldo, Ethan Walker and

Joseph Clay. (Missing from photo: Kate Samlihan and Nicholas Tarry)

Page 27: MORIHES ELEMENTARY Parent Newsletter (3rd Edition) Principals’ Message In March Moriches students participated in

For Earth Day, Mrs. Megna’s 2nd

grade class celebrated by making

something creative from only recy-

cled items.

Page 28: MORIHES ELEMENTARY Parent Newsletter (3rd Edition) Principals’ Message In March Moriches students participated in

The Moriches Third Grade Recycle Fair. Pictured above are all the different

things made out of recycled materials. Pictured below is Drew Wiegand from

Ms. Robertson’s class who made a whole drum set!

Page 29: MORIHES ELEMENTARY Parent Newsletter (3rd Edition) Principals’ Message In March Moriches students participated in

Moriches DEC School Seedling Program On Earth Day, seedlings from the DEC School Seedling Program were planted on the Moriches School grounds. Diana White is a great science resource and shared the information with teachers. Moriches Kindergarten teacher, Melissa Connolly, thought this was a great way to involve students in fun hands-on science learning. Planting and caring for a tree seedling can help young people learn about the natural world and the value of trees in it. DEC's School Seedling Program provides New York State students with this experience. Students learned about what plants need in order to grow. The seedlings planted were from the Wildlife Packet which consists of Highbush Cranberry shrub, Silky Dogwood hedge, and a Pine shrub. These seedlings will grow to be attractive to songbirds as well as a variety of other wildlife. Students had an opportunity to get their hands dirty and help these seedlings take root. As seedlings mature, the young trees can be a continuing, personalized way of relating what they've learned in class to visible, living examples. Students become aware that they can play a role in protecting the environment.

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Page 34: MORIHES ELEMENTARY Parent Newsletter (3rd Edition) Principals’ Message In March Moriches students participated in
Page 35: MORIHES ELEMENTARY Parent Newsletter (3rd Edition) Principals’ Message In March Moriches students participated in
Page 36: MORIHES ELEMENTARY Parent Newsletter (3rd Edition) Principals’ Message In March Moriches students participated in

Mrs. Churilla’s class welcomed Mrs. Schoefer, Lincoln Schoefer’s mother. She

came in to talk to the class about photography. She explained to the students

how all of her equipment works. She also showed them how you can edit a

picture after it is taken by using a computer software program.

Page 37: MORIHES ELEMENTARY Parent Newsletter (3rd Edition) Principals’ Message In March Moriches students participated in

Mrs. Jonaitis‘ class

welcomed Mrs.

Jonaitis’ daughter,

Cassie. She spoke

to the class about

becoming a

Registered Nurse.

Page 38: MORIHES ELEMENTARY Parent Newsletter (3rd Edition) Principals’ Message In March Moriches students participated in

Dr. Amy Meyer visited

Mrs. Megna’s 2nd

grade class. Dr. Meyer

taught the class all

about STEM! Each

child became an

engineer and built

their own Bristlebot.

Shown to the left, is

Dr. Meyer’s son, Jack,

assisting his mom.

In the picture below,

some of the 2nd grad-

ers in Mrs. Megna’s

class dressed up for

career day.

Page 39: MORIHES ELEMENTARY Parent Newsletter (3rd Edition) Principals’ Message In March Moriches students participated in

Mrs. Dunbar’s 2nd Grade Class

welcomed many people for

Career Week. Pictured to the left

is Mr. Schoefer, Evan Schoefer’s

father. Mr. Schoefer, is a Physicist

at Brookhaven National Labs.

Pictured to the left is Ms.

Nicole Felice Cruz, who is an

Assistant District Attorney.

Pictured above is Ms. Ashley

Appice, who works for the New

York City Police Department.

Page 40: MORIHES ELEMENTARY Parent Newsletter (3rd Edition) Principals’ Message In March Moriches students participated in

Students from Mrs. Kadletz’s 1st grade class and Ms. Robertson’s 3rd grade class

welcomed Mr. Blankenship (Dwight and Gavin’s father) into their class during

career week. He is a member of the Nassau County SWAT Division.

Page 41: MORIHES ELEMENTARY Parent Newsletter (3rd Edition) Principals’ Message In March Moriches students participated in

Ms. Robertson’s class also had a visit from Mr. Speruta; a retired NYPD officer. He

shared many stories of his time on the force and brought in some awesome

equipment for the students to examine.

Page 42: MORIHES ELEMENTARY Parent Newsletter (3rd Edition) Principals’ Message In March Moriches students participated in

Pictured above are the many Career Week visitors for Mrs. Haskins, Mrs. Fassino

and Mrs. Pantke’s classes. Some of the careers that the students were introduced

to were: Police Officer, Librarian, Hair Dresser, Firefighter, UPS Driver, Speech

Pathologist and a Tax & Financial Consultant.

Page 43: MORIHES ELEMENTARY Parent Newsletter (3rd Edition) Principals’ Message In March Moriches students participated in

Mr. Klein, father of Luke and Kyle

Klein, is a police officer with the New

York City Police Department. He is

shown here sketching some of the

students in the classes he visited.

Page 44: MORIHES ELEMENTARY Parent Newsletter (3rd Edition) Principals’ Message In March Moriches students participated in

Members of the Shirley Ambulance Company visited several classes during Career

Week. Above is Taylor Beltramini, who volunteered to help show how the equip-

ment they carry on board the ambulance works and how it can help to save a life.

Pictured below is Mr. Megna and Mrs. Johnson’s class.

Page 45: MORIHES ELEMENTARY Parent Newsletter (3rd Edition) Principals’ Message In March Moriches students participated in

Every year the Suffolk Zone New York State Association for

Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (NYS

AHPERD) recognizes one boy and one girl from each elemen-

tary (Grade 5) and middle school (Grade 8) in Suffolk County for

his/her outstanding performance, leadership and excellence in

the Physical Education. On May 4th at Longwood High School,

Nicholas Tarry from Ms. Haskins class and Lilly Savnik from Mr.

Megna’s class received this award. They were selected by their

physical education teachers. These students have performed

well in the areas of fitness, citizenship and leadership.

Congratulations to Nick and Lilly!

Page 46: MORIHES ELEMENTARY Parent Newsletter (3rd Edition) Principals’ Message In March Moriches students participated in

Moriches Elementary June 2016 Calendar Of Events

06/01 Field Day – 3rd Grade – 8:45a.m.-10:45a.m.

06/01 Field Day – Kindergarten – 11:45a.m.-1:45p.m.

06/01 Moriches PTO Mtg., 4:30p.m.; Moriches Library

06/02 Field Day – 5th Grade – 8:45a.m.-10:45a.m.

06/02 Field Day – 2nd Grade – 11:45a.m.-1:45p.m.

06/02 4th Grade Orchestra Full Rehearsal; 2:10-3:10p.m.

06/03 5th Grade PACA trip re. transition (PACA students); 9:00a.m.-12:00noon

06/06 Grade 4 NYS Science Written Test

06/07 Field Day – 4th Grade – 8:45a.m.-10:45a.m.

06/07 5th Grade WFMS Trip re. transition; 9:40a.m.-11:50a.m.

06/07 Field Day – 1st Grade – 11:45a.m.-1:45p.m.

06/07 2nd Grade Field Trip to LI Game Farm; 10:00a.m.-1:30p.m.

06/08 4th Grade – Vanderbilt Museum Van @ Moriches

06/08 4th Grade Band Full Rehearsal; 2:10-3:10p.m.

06/08 4th Grade Band/Orchestra Concert; 2:10-3:10p.m.; Moriches Cafeteria

06/09 3rd Grade Trip to Vanderbilt Museum; 8:30a.m.-1:30p.m.; Centerport

06/09 4th Grade – Vanderbilt Museum Van @ Moriches

06/10 Kindergarten Field Trip to BayWay Theater; 8:30-11:15a.m., East Islip

06/10 2nd Grade Picnic (per schedule)

06/10 5th Grade Dance; 5:30-7:00p.m.; Moriches Gym

06/13 3rd Grade – Vanderbilt Museum Van @ Moriches

06/14 3rd Grade – Vanderbilt Museum Van @ Moriches

06/15 3rd Grade Picnic (per schedule)

06/15 4th Grade Picnic (per schedule)

06/17 5th Grade Picnic (per schedule)


06/20 5th Grade Moving Up Ceremony; 9:00a.m.

06/22 EARLY DISMISSAL @ 11:10A.M.