CENTER MORICHES NEWS Center Moriches Summer Concerts...

CENTER MORICHES NEWS IMis. \lfrod K. l'lerhntr, AT 4-1 lit The Thutsdav Afternoon Lunch- eon and Bud ge Club of Center Mom lies mi t ai lleilt Me Caithy ' s at I' .owelen Sepuue. Southamp ton, la-l week. Tho-e atteiieling were M< -( ' ame- Ruhaid Beri' -tein , Ed- waul Hansen. I* reel Howell , Flank (, Schuniacnei . An-gai Thomson ami Heint Tof' te ot Center Mori- d i 's . Mi- . Li' Ro\ Smith of East PaU hoguo . . Mi- . Chat le- Aielen of Ea-f Moiiches . and Mis . Tee! Ham- nth ot Manotv die. Guests wi re Mis Ruth Da\ id ot East Moiiches .Mi- Kditl Catti t of Center Mori- cli< s and Mi' s. David kassiiei of Last 1' ate 'hogue . 1' atiicia Bernstein , S, and het - * c v (aioh n . 7 , of l ima. Peru, ate -pending pait ot the Sumniet with tin ii paternal gi andpateMits , Mi and Mi- . Ru-haul Bernstein , of Chiche-tet \\enue . Both girls wen met at the International Air- potl Jui\ 7 b\ theii giandpar* nts on thi'ii nnival fiom Peru , wheie tlu v i* t -ule . They weie al-o heie la-t \iai . with their parents , Mr . ,md .Mi-. Mil win Bern. -tem. The Advance is on sale at Hed- ges Stationery, Ace Pharmacy, Moriches Pharmacv , Slater ' s Phar- macy, Prendergast ' s Delicatessen , J)e Carlo ' s Grocery in Center Mo- riches. —Adv. Ban v Sawyer , son of Mr . and Mis . Everett ' Saw>er of Belleview A\enue. celebrated his fifth birth- elav July . '*! when his parents hid an outdoor barbecue . Hi g hli ght- ing tin affan was a birthday cake whie h was m-ci ibed. "Happy Bnthdav Bair\ . 7> years old. " His immediate famil y attended. Dinner guests Jul y 9 at the home o? Mr. and Mrs. Everett Sawyer of Bellview Avenue were Mi . and Mis. Robert Weilbrenner and childien, Charles and Lyne , and Mr. We ilbiennei ' s mother , Mi- Weilbrennei . of Sound Beach. Mr. and Mr. - . Robert King of 39 Hohda\ Roulevatd, Holiday Beach , became the parents of a son , Ro- bi-i t Joi n. June S. Born at Brook- h. 'v. n Memei'ial Ho-pital . the in- 1ant weiglieel <> pounds , 9 ounces. This i- (he t ' n-t child of the Kings . Mis King l- the former Miss Kathh- t n Chii-ty of De& Moines, Iowa, Robett John ' . - fat he i works a * tie Biookhaven Laboratories a- ,i h- alili p h , \-M-t. He was bap- I /fi! on June 18 at St. John ' s R.C. (h M II with ih" Re\ . Matthew \\ i- 'iiew-ki ofhciatmg. The god- ].. 'e t- a*e Mr. .vid Mi- . Donald King of Seh nt/ Road, ManorwUo A t dinner follow ed: attend- ing wite the pitema! grandpar- i nt- Mi at- i . Air- . Donald King i ' Manha-si't mitonal giaiul- i- oV er . Mis . Donald Clvi-t\ of II - Mil lies Iowa , the god parent- :i 'id the pm nt- . Be nin Malutka. el. - lighter of Mr . ;. - , : Mi- . .1 .hn J. Malutka of ( hi- , ••< -U \\tniK v a- gue-t-of-honen a' hei eighth biithdax pain gnen at hi I home b\ her parents. An outdoor paitx. consisting of bal- loon- , la\oi- , grah-hag pnzes and ch ciMations in - pastels, was high- lighted bv a mei I y-go-round bnth- < a\ e ake. w hich w a- el -ceirated with f i 1 elioo hoi-e- and canel y stick poh- witn the m-eiiption "Happy Bui'idax . Pi n. " Be nin ' s father joiiieel in the fun In paiticipating with the chilehen m the games. Hdmiig her cdebiate w ere Patti Luckingham , Stacy Kondi atowicz . Pol na Konelratowi / . Toney Doiio, Giei- g Doiio Robert Wilhoit , Pe '- m ' - grandfathers , Paul Ma- hula and Fdgai Hait . Mis Peggy k•> •>*!tatow i * and th»» guest-of- 1 npoi ' - parents. (Mi June is Mr . ami Mrs . Jacob Kana- of Aie-konk Lane became the patent- of a -on William I' etti. He \\a- bom at the Bi ook- havi -n Memoiial Hosp ital and W'lghed S poune]- 1 * " , ounce- at buth. WJliam Peter ha- two M-teis . Judith Ann 2. and Jacque- line 1 Mis . Kanas is the former Mi-s phebe Haggert \ of Mamaro- nec K . Ah Kana- 1- employed by th< Beat on Milling Company in Ea-t])nrt a- a salesman . He is al-o a lec i eation director for the To ,\n of Biookhavtn . A baptism t( ok plae e at St John ' - E .G. C hun h with the Rev . Matthew W i-m. w-ki officiating. The god- paient- aie James Haggert y of 1 aichniont. and Mrs . Stanley Ka- nas of Center Moriches. An outdoor picnic follow ed. Those present were maternal grandparents , Mr. anel Mr- . William Haggerty of Mam- aroneck; Mi. anel Mrs . Peter Kanas of East Moriches , godparents , par- ents and two sister- * . Four occasions w ere celebrated by Mr. and Mrs. John Spri ggs of :\o Mi'ler Avenue within thre e days oi one another. Mr. and Mrs . Spri ggs both celebrated their Irithilays June lf>. The following da*,, June 17 they became the par- ents of their first born , George Andrew, bom at the Brookhaven Memorial Hospital and weighing (' pounds, (> M- ounces. Two days later , June 19 they celebrated their first wedding anniversary. M s. Spriggs is the former Mis> s Doris Burwell , daug hter of Mrs. Sarah Burwell of the same ad- dress. Mr. Spri ggs is a clerk at a hardware store- in Patchogue. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Sunray of Ocean Avenue and children , Jeffery, Rosetta , Barry and Mar- lene , went to Brooklyn Sunday to \isit Mrs. Sunray 's broter-in-law and siste r , Mr. and Mrs. Charles Doctorin. While in the city, Mr . Sum ay, Jeffrey and Rosette visit- ed the Hayden Planetarium and The Museum of Natural History. Looking back to the year 190G , when the first bazaar of the St. John ' s R. C. Church took place , a few of the workers of the bazaar will be dressed in the style of that era. Quite a few in this area may recall that first bazaar. Scheduled to open this weekend , there will be many interesting surprises in stoi e for the public. It will also be held next weekend and Jul y 23. A successful dance and dinner of bruckworst , boiled potatoes and sauerkraut was sponsored by the Holiday Beach Propert y Owners , Jul y 1 with about 175 attending. This dance had a roaring twenties theme. It was also reported that the installation roast beef dinner dance held last May 30 was a huge success. About 300 peop le were in attendance and witnessed the in- stallation of Arthur Harkin , Sr., president ; Thomas J. Courtney, vice president; Mrs. Eleanor Calg- ago , recording secretary ; Mrs. Na- ncy Hoffmann , corresponding sec- retaiy and Mrs. Ethel Scott , trea- surer. George Corsa was chairman of tht dance , assisted bv Mr. and M' rs. William Heyder , Mrs. Ruth Carpenter. Mrs. Pearl Perry, Mrs. Bess* Corsa and Mrs. Nancy Hoff- mann. Another dance is planned to be held August 5 at 8 p.m., this time with a si ipwreck theme. George Corsa and his same com- mittee will be responsible for its -ticcess. All members of the HBPO and fi-iends * are welcom e to attend. Nautical costumes are to he worn and prizes will be given for the best juelged. Tickets are available from am member. Lyn Lucas , daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Lucas of Moriches- Yaphank Road , was guest-of-hon- eir at an outdoor buffet part y given in honor of her fourth birtl elay, Jul y 7, at the home oi her parents. A toy paper clown centered the buffet table and many colorful balloons hung from the trees. The part y was hi ghlighted b y a decorated pink birthday cake with candles which was made by her mother. Those hel p ing her celebrate were her paternal grand- mother , Mrs. Alice Lucas , her great-aunt. Mrs. Margaret Mil- lei , both of Riverhead ; Mrs. Le Roy Ross of Moriches; and from Manorville were her maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Har- \ ey Hill , her uncle and aunt , Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hill , her uncle How- ard Fales. her cousins , Fred and Theresa Hill , and her parents. Lyn received many lovely gifts. The Great South Bay African Violet Society of the Moriches held its second annual picnic Jul y 8 at the home of Mrs. Harvey Hill , president , in Manorville. A chicken barbecue buffe t dinner was served. Everyone enjoyed sing ing along with a "Sing Alon g With Mitch" record. Those pre- sent were Mr. and Mrs . William Lucas and daughter , Lyn , Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hill and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hill , all of Manorville ; Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Beler and Mrs. William Miller of Shirley ; Mr . and M' rs . John Drumm a nd Mrs. Charles Kollett of Yaphank and Mrs. Le Roy Ross of Moriches. The Silva Rebekah Lodge is holding a card part y at the lodge hall on Main Street at 8 p.m. Friday. The public is invited. The lod ge will hold a dinner party at Mc Carthy ' s Bowden Square in Southampton. Mrs. Viola Hy land should be contacted for reserva- tions. All members are invited to attend. The annual bazaar of the Jewish Center of the Moriches held over the last weekend was a huge suc- cess , reported Mrs. Man in Kap- chan , - chairman. Birthdays coming up are: July 15—Thomas Livesay, son of the retired Rev . and Mrs. Joseph B. Livesay, formerly of Beachfern Road and now of Waynesboro , Va.; Julv 1 6—Mrs. Bruce Viertel of 10 Shirley Sreet; Jul y 19—Robert Trimble of Main Street , and Jul y 20—Miss Faith Rose. Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Eintracht of Miami , Fla., formerly of Center Moriches are Summer visitors at the home of their son-in-law and daughter , Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Hulse of Florence Place. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hy land and daughters, Bonnie and Susan , returned home last Thursday from Buffalo, after spending tw*o weeks there with Mr . and Mrs . Charles Montanti. The Southold Methodist Church Woman ' s Society of Christian Ser- vice invites the ladies of the Cen- ter Moriches Presbyterian Church to attend a special meeting with its members. Anyone wishing to attend should contact Mrs. Nor- man Hy land b y calling AT. 4-0377 for arrangements for carpools going. Last year the Ladies ' Guild of the Presbyterian Church of the Moriches entertained the ladies of the Southold church. LAW DEGREE—Lawrence S. Schaffner, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Schaffner of Railroad Avenue, Center Moriches , received his master of laws degree from Georgetown University June 5, at the university campus. Mr . Schaffner had been a graduate teaching fellow at Georgetown University Law School for the past academic year. In 1956, he received his bachelor of arts degree from New York University and in 1960 his bachelor of laws degree from Georgetown University. He is a member of the Bars of the State of New York and the District of Columbia. Recentl y he received a federal appointment as chief law clerk to Charles Fah y, circuit judge of the United States Court of Appeals. In 1952 , he graduated from Center Moriches High School. At present , he resides in Washington , D. C. Moriches Mrs. Ann Surge , Tel. ATlantic 4-0691 Mrs. Mary Rybacki of the Bronx spent the weekend visiting her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Edward S. Chrzanowski of Montauk Highway. Friday night , Deborah Ann Burge celebrated her first birth- day at the home of her parents , Mr. and M!rs. George Burge of Barnes Road. The baby ' s cake was beautifully decorated and inscribed "Happy- Birthday Debbie. " Those joining in the celebration were Debbie ' s paternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Burge , Sr., of Mastic Beach; maternal grand- parents. M' r. and Mrs. Harry Page of Mastic , Mrs. Robert Chester of Mastic and her brother , George. Scott Wilder of Rutland , Vt., recently enjoyed a two-week va- c ation at the home of his father , Dr. A. G. Wilder of Cedar Avenue. Charles W. Buckheit of Marion Drive celebrated his birthday re- cently. Friday, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Ilesler of Marion Drive enjoyed a visit from Mrs. Hosier ' s sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. James B. Duff and daughter, Caron , of Cal- ifornia. During their visit to Mo- riches , the Duffs will be house- guests at the home of Mrs. Duff' s parents , Mr. and Mrs. John Walk- man of Montauk Highway. Jul y 4 , the Hawkin ' s home on Montauk Highway was ' the scene of a double birthday celebration in honor of Woodrow Hawkins as well as Mrs. Hawkin ' s sister , Miss Dorothy Matthews of Valley Stream. Mr. and Mrs. Hallock Kwasna of Barnes Road recently enjoyed a four-day visit from their niece , Deborah King of Terryville , Conn. Mrs. Stiefel of Cedar Avenue is spending two weeks visiting her sister , Mrs. Nonnennacher of Long Island City. Sunday dinner guests at the home of M' r. and Mrs. Lloyd G, Penney of Louis Avenue were the Rev. and Mrs. Walter Patrick of North Mlerrick. The Rev. Ma* . Pat- rick was guest speaker Sunday morning at the Bible Protestant Church on Montauk Hig hway, dur- ing the absence of the Rev. Mr. Vignali , who is away on vacation. The Bible Protestant Church was the Rev. Mr. Patrick' s first charge. Sunday afternoon visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Burge of Barnes Road were Miss Eileen Duffy of Astoria , Louis Poyce of Montauk Highway and Miss Patricia Igoe of Bayside. Mrs. Roland Penney of Center Moriches spent two weeks recently at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd G. Penney of Louis Avenue during the absence of her husband who was away at training for the Na- tional Guard , Rainbow Division , at Camp Drum , New Y r ork. MJr. and Mrs. Martin Scherer of Second Street recentl y entertained at a dinner party at their home , in honor of their daughter San- dra ' s birthday. Following dinner , a beautifully decorated ice cream cake inscribed "Happy Birthday to Sandra " was serv ed. Among the lovely gifts received was a beauti- ful bouquet of flowers. Those join- ing in the celebration were George Constantine. Sandia ' s brother-in- law and sister , Mr. and Mrs. Peter Grader and daug hter. Deanna , of Cambria Heights; Sandra 's great- uncle and great-aunt. Mr. and Mrs . Alex Contois of Center Moriches. CLEARANCE SALE 33V3 off All N ursery Stock BOULEVA RD FLORIST CENTER MORICHES Opposite Post Office X&JSgJfifr v /& A ****** \&&\ / \P #IV ^^^' "^^K^ * \ -- V^^VHlr ^/ X + ^^L\*\\*****\\* ^^ ^ A* N^u ^ *^^ WHERE DIGNITY ^^^^ \ AND TRADITION w j%j|^ Soften Your Grief JfiBB-l ---rjnffil W UUUIAXL I *3Cx >nuy I. Wesley Sin-aickson Thomas D. Sinniekson Licensed Manager __" Licensed Partner ! MAIN STREET, CENTER MORICHES ATlantic 4-oocs ^iiiMiii mi,linn ltn ti, ii i ¦ i i i i i i i i i i _ I ROADSIDE | 1 GREENHOUSE j m * | JS^&S& S. Montauk Hwy. | = World Wide Delivery ~ - Through F.T.D. ;>iiuiiii iiiuiiiitn ,ii,,ii i i ,1 i i i i i i I'lim ti r 1 ^^^^^^^ t \ \ X ^^^^M I STEINER'S LUMBER YARD, INC. j 4 CLINTON STREET ATlantic 4-0131 CENTER MORICHES I 4 ^ CO A L :: CUSTOM HOMES BUILT ? ^ZTJTT^T'^'*"*r'*"*"*^"*"y^" ,r ' T "' r,, ,, »"«' TTTT >»»»,, T T -w w- w v* w ¦»• ¦ w www,-w,-wm-i 9" ' ' l"r<rn ' >'""""'*' ,;,"S'A"i, '% "'71' ,WiM %tk &. * , ' ~ J- , r/sj 'SA ' s+ff,/* ' , , ,„ ( ** WS BLUE LANTERN I I RESTAURANT 1 j MONTAUK HIGHWAY MASTIC I t § ¦ j PIZZAS AMERICAN-ITALIAN MEALS 1 | COMPLETE CATERING SERVICE I 1 At Our Restaurant or the Place of your choosing. | i Call ADAM for information if? f ATLANTI C 1-7170 I ¦ JS & A. ¦ *+. * * W, ^ ^, J £8 , . •" ¦ •¦ ¦ w *w ^ f -*' - , w>**«-^^ LANNI BROS, ] 575 MASTIC ROAD MASTIC BEACH ATlantic 1-9503 OIL and GAS BURNERS and PARTS WATER PUMP S and PARTS BOTTLED GAS FUEL OIL rr^ =^r^— JI i PLUMBING and HEATING WELL DRIVING MONUMENTS ERECTED IN ALL CEMETERIES BARBER and SMITH Neville Street , Center Moriches Office Hours , 9 to 3 ATlantic 4-0231-0304 Edward Hutchins , riding* a Span-America 15 foot seven inch outhoard , was the area ' s only en- try in the third annual Around Long* Island Marathon , which be- g*an Wednesday at Jones Inlet. Some 50 boats competed in the 1 race of 280 nautical miles. The race is open only to stock family type boats . Racing* modifications of hulls or cuaines arc outlawed Sponsoring Mr . Hutchins in the lace was Moiiches Boat and Mo- tor of Atlantic Avenue , East Mo- riches. Check points were at Jones In- let , Monteuk Point , O'dfie-ld Point (Port Jeffe t son). Kings Point Roxhury Point and again at Jones Inlet. Troph y prizes were awarded to the "first home " boat , as well a-- to the outboard and inho-i rd en- tries that wet e "first home. " Prizes were also given to winners it n d runners up in each of the nine- classifications. Edward Hutchins Competed in Third Around Island Race j E. W. PENNEY & SON 5 MAIN STREET EASTPORT 5-0150 S #— 5 ALL TYPES HEATING SYSTEMS S PLUMBING AIR CONDITIONING 5 WATER PUMPS INSTALLED j- SHELL FUEL OIL DEALER aiiniHiiiuuiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiBi •«i«f«^'e^f€t€*€'^«€'€'€ts<*i:«?'«'S<'i:'€!€'€'€«sw LEMMEN'S NURSERY EAST MORICHES AT - 4-0 990 BUH5l2;2l2j2f232i2j2i2j3ia2j2jSi2ri2lS32l2lSl > A SUMMER SYMPHONICS are provided every Wednesday night on front lawn of Center Moriches High School by Summer band composed of Center Moriches High School students and gradu- ates. Chester G. Osborne, music director of Center Moriches Schools , is conductor in charge of popular evening concerts which have reputation for stopping traffic along Main Street, Musicals are sponsored by Center Moriches Board of Education. —Advance Photo by Gomez DIRECTING BAND—Miss Margaret Pendzick . left , of Center Moriches , gets a chance to apply lessons learned as musical education major at Fredonia State Teachers College w here she is a senior. Chester G. Osborne, right , music director of Center Moriches Schools , handed Miss Pendzick baton during one number of last W ednesday night' s Summer concert. —Advance Photo bv Gomez M VRIMBA SOLOIST. Richard Hut ens , 13, of Kt'no, Nevada grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Geo-rge Hat ens of Senix Avenue Center Moriches , makes lour nmPet harmon> look easy anc sound good at last Wednesday night' s Center Moriches Higl School Summer band concert. Richard is visiting his cousin , Mis; Virginia Hav en of Lake Avenue , Center Moriches. Advance Photo by Gome; Center Moriches Summer Concerts Are Populai oooooooooooooooooooooooc UPHOLSTERING SLIP COVERS AU Kinds of Repairing on Furniture , Sofa or Chair Seat , Bottoms Rebuilt. Springs Tied , New Webbing. Upholstering in all its branches. SLIP COVERS Using your materials or from our stock. K. VOGEL FREE ESTIMATES Box 28 1—Phone ATlantic 1-8550 MASTIC, N. Y. MASTIC BEACH — Over 100 members and guests attended a clam bake sponsored by the Sheeps Pen Point Rod and Reel Club held Saturday at Captain Andy 's in Mastic Beach. Winners of the recent weekly fishing contests sponsored by the club were Jack Hayes with a 2 pound 7 ounce fluke and John Lee with a -1 pound (> ounce fluke. The club expects to run con- tests each weekend until the end of the season. Prizes will vary from gifts to money certificates. All moni'ln t*s and guests will be eligible for prizes during any con- test providing their weekl y entry fee has been paid. Fish must be weighed in by (> n in. each Stuidav. Rod and Reel Club Sponsors Clam Bake CENTER MORICHES Ac- coidi'i" to an announcement by the Fti it Ch rch of Cod in Christ heie on Railroad Avenue , the an- nual baptism set vice of the Mid- dlesex Dis ' .iicf of the ('hi 1st Chin th of God will be held at Camp Paqiuuuck , East Moriches , •it 1 j). m. August (i. Elder E. Burns will officiate and deliver the sermon. Assisting with the bap tism will be Elder J. A. Hachett of Amity- \ille and William Sneed , deacon of the Center Moriches Church. There will be 11 chinches partici- pating. Among some of the choirs to sing will be the Center Mfciriches First Chuich of God In Christ choir , the Bayside Holy Trinity Chuith choii and the Fieeport First Church ot God In Christ choir. The baptism service , will be held in the low dock section. The public is invited to attend. First Church of God In Christ Sets Annual Baptism Rites Aug. 6 •iiiiiiiiniiimij iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiittt ^ s H ERRMAN N ' S 4 ] Main Street Center Moriches ATlantic 4-0301 For your best source of infor- mation locally, read The Advance each week. —Adv. OBITUARY MRS. DOROTHY J. BEHRENS of Carlton Avenue , Ma-tic and Brooklyn , died unexpectedl y duly 0 at her Mystic home. She is survived by a son , Char- les , a daughter , Mis. Adeline Wert- man, two sistets , Mrs. Louise Behrens and Mis. Minnie Scheff- meyer; five giandchildren and three great-grandchildren. Inter- ment was in Lutheran Cemetery Monday. By Joe Herbert Joe Herbert A 1-0 win for the Indians went into the Center Moriches Little League records July 3. Only seven members of the opposing Braves appeared at game time for a for- feit. The Cubs took it on the chin again July 6 from the Pi- rates. The final score was 10-2, Cub pitcher Rumph lost his steam after the second inning. Free passes to first base will lose the game every time. Catcher Bropson did his best with doubles against the center field wall , but the sup- port just wasn 't there. The w in- ning* battery was Reisig and Czy- gier. On July 7 . the Indians and Pi- rates fought it out for first place. The game was a thriller , starting off with a double by Indian Pit- cher Hartman , who drove in a run making* it 1-0 Indians. Both pitch- ers kept things in hand until Pi- rate p itcher Lieb got pounded with three hits in the top of the fourth making it 2-0 Indians. In the bot- tom half of the fourth , Hebbard of the Pirates sing led to pu.s h in Reisig making it 2-1. In the fifth , India n catcher Czygier hit a dou- ble , stretching it to a triple and forcing in two runs for a 4-2 score. The Indians , not to let the situation get out of hand , made it 4-4 with two runs scored on a dou- ble by Hartman. Things were quiet until the top of the seventh when Reed put one over the right field fence m-aking it 5-4 Indians. Just before darkness set in , Czy- gier singled , Reisig doubled and Lieb registered a two bagger to drive in Czygier , making it 5-5. The game will be finished on July 14, the next meeting date of the two teams. Little League H otstove

Transcript of CENTER MORICHES NEWS Center Moriches Summer Concerts...

CENTER MORICHES NEWSI M i s . \ l frod K. l 'lerhntr, A T 4-1 l i t

The T h ut s d a v Af ternoon Lunch-eon and Bud ge Club of CenterMom lies mi t ai l l e i l t Me C a i t h y 'sat I '.owelen Sepuue. Southampton ,la-l w e e k . Tho-e a t t e i i e l i ng wereM< -( 'ame- R u h a i d Beri ' -tein , Ed-w a u l Hansen . I* reel H o w e l l , F lank(, S c h u n i a c n e i . A n - g a i Thomsonami H e i n t Tof ' te ot Cente r M or i -di 's . M i - . Li' Ro\ Smi th of EastPaU hoguo . .M i - . Chat le- Aielen ofEa-f M o i i c h e s . and M i s . Tee! H a m -n t h ot M a n o t v die. Guests wi reM i s R u t h Da\ id ot East Moiiches. M i - K d i t l C a t t i t of Center Mori-cli< s and Mi ' s. David kassiiei ofLast 1' ate 'hogue .

1' a t i i c i a Bernstein , S, and het- i» * c v ( a i o h n . 7 , of l ima. Peru,a t e -pending p a i t ot the Sumnie tw i t h t in ii pa terna l gi a n d p a t e M i t s ,M i and M i - . Ru -hau l Bernstein ,of Chiche- te t \ \ e n u e . Both girlsw e n met at the In te rna t iona l Air-p o t l J u i \ 7 b\ t he i i g i a n d p a r * nt son t h i ' i i n n i v a l f i o m Peru , w h e i et l u v i* t -ule . They w e i e al-o he i ela-t \ i a i . w i t h t he i r parents , Mr .,md . M i -. M i l w i n Bern.-tem.

The Advance is on sale at Hed-ges Stationery, A c e Pharmacy,Moriches Pharmacv , Slater 's Phar-macy, Prendergast's Delicatessen ,J)e Carlo's Grocery in Center Mo-riches.—Adv.

Ban v Sawyer , son of Mr . andM i s . Everet t ' S a w> e r of BelleviewA \ e n u e . celebrated his f i f th birth-elav Ju ly .'*! w h e n his parents hidan outdoor barbecue . Hi ghli ght-ing tin a f f a n was a bir thday cakew h i e h was m-ci ibed. "HappyB n t h d a v Ba i r \ . 7> years old." Hisimmedia te famil y attended.

Dinne r guests Ju l y 9 at thehome o? Mr. and Mrs. EverettSawy er of Bellview Avenue wereMi . and Mis . Robert Weilbrennerand c h i l d i e n , Charles and Lyne ,and Mr. We i l b i e n n e i 's mother ,M i - Weilbrennei . of Sound Beach.

Mr . and Mr .-. Robert King of 39Hohda \ R o u l e v a t d , Holiday Beach ,became the parents of a son , Ro-bi-i t Joi n. J u n e S. Born at Brook-h. 'v. n M e m e i ' i a l Ho-pi tal . the in-1an t we i g l i ee l <> pounds , 9 ounces.This i- (he t 'n - t c h i l d of the Kings .M i s K i n g l- the former MissK a t h h - t n C h i i - t y of De& Moines,I o w a , R o b e t t John '.- fat he i worksa * t i e B i ookhaven Laboratoriesa- ,i h- a l i l i ph ,\ - M - t . He was bap-I / f i ! on June 18 at St. John 's R.C.( h M II w i t h ih" Re\ . Matthew\\ i- ' i i e w - k i o f h c i a t mg . The god-].. 'e t - a *e Mr. .vid M i - . DonaldK i n g of Seh n t / Road , ManorwUoA t d i n n e r fol low ed: a t tend-ing w i t e t he p i t e m a ! gr a n d p a r -i n t - Mi at - i .A i r - . Donald K i n gi ' M a n h a - s i ' t m i t o n a l gia iu l -i- oV er . M i s . Donald Clv i -t \ ofI I - Mi l lies I o w a , the god paren t -:i 'id the p m n t - .

Be nin M a l u t k a . el. - l ighter of Mr .;. - , : M i - . .1 .hn J. M a l u t k a of ( hi-

, ••< -U • \ \ t n i K v a- gue-t-of-honena' hei e igh t h b i i t h d a x p a i n g n e nat hi I home b\ her parents. A noutdoor p a i t x . consis t ing of bal-loon- , l a \ o i - , grah-hag pnzes andch c i M a t i o n s in - pastels, was high-l i g h t e d bv a mei I y -go-round b n t h -< a\ e ake. w hich w a- el -ceirated withf i 1 e l i o o hoi-e- and cane l y stickp o h - w i t n the m-e i ip t i on "HappyB u i ' i d a x . Pi n." Be nin 's fa therjoi i iee l in the fun In pa i t i c ipa t ingw i t h t h e ch i l ehen m the games.H d m i ig her cdebia te w ere PattiL u c k i n g h a m , Stacy Kondi atowicz .Pol na Kone l ra towi / . Toney Doiio ,Gie i - g Doi io Robert Wilhoi t ,Pe '- m '- gr a n d f a t h e r s , Paul Ma-h u l a and Fdgai Hai t . Mis Peggyk • > •>* ! t a tow i •* and th» » guest-of-1 np oi '- parents.

( Mi J u n e is Mr . ami Mrs . JacobK a n a - of A i e - k o n k Lane becamet h e p a t e n t - of a -on Wil l iamI ' e t t i . He \ \ a- bom at the Bi ook-h a v i -n M e m o i i a l Hosp ital andW ' l g h e d S poune] - 1 *", ounce- atb u t h . W J l i a m Peter ha- twoM - t e i s . Jud i th Ann 2. and Jacque-l ine 1 M i s . Kanas is the formerMi-s phebe Haggert \ of Mamaro-nec K . Ah Kana- 1- employed byth< Beat on M i l l i n g Company inEa- t ])n r t a- a salesman. He isal-o a lec i eation director for theTo ,\n of B i o o k h a v t n . A baptismt ( ok plae e at St John '- E.G.C hun h w i t h the Rev . MatthewW i-m. w - k i o f f i c i a t i n g . The god-p a i e n t - a i e James Haggert y of1 a i c h n i o n t . and Mrs . Stanley Ka-

nas of Center Moriches. An outdoorpicnic fol low ed. Those present weremate rna l grandparents , Mr. anelMr- . Wi l l i am Haggerty of Mam-aroneck; M i . anel Mrs . Peter Kanasof East Moriches , godparents, par-ents and t w o sister-* .

Four occasions w ere celebratedby Mr. and Mrs. John Spri ggs of:\o Mi 'le r Avenue wi th in threedays oi one another. Mr. and Mrs.Spri ggs both celebrated theirI r i t h i l a y s June lf>. The followingda*, , June 17 they became the par-ents of the i r fi rs t born , GeorgeAndrew, bom at the BrookhavenMemorial Hospital and weighing(' pounds, (> M- ounces. Two dayslater , June 19 they celebratedthe i r f i rs t wedding anniversary.M s. Spriggs is the former Mis> sDoris Burwell , daughter of Mrs.Sarah Burwell of the same ad-dress. Mr. Spri ggs is a clerk at aha rdware store- in Patchogue.

Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Sunrayof Ocean Avenue and children ,Jeffery, Rosetta , Barry and Mar-lene , went to Brooklyn Sunday to\ i s i t Mrs. Sunray 's broter-in-lawand sister , Mr. and Mrs. CharlesDoctorin. While in the city, Mr .Sum ay, Jeffrey and Rosette visit-ed the Hayden Planetarium andThe Museum of Natural History.

Looking back to the year 190G ,when the first bazaar of the St.John 's R. C. Church took place, afew of the workers of the bazaarwill be dressed in the style of thatera. Quite a few in this area mayrecall that first bazaar. Scheduledto open this weekend , there willbe many interesting surprises instoi e for the public. It will alsobe held next weekend and July 23.

A successful dance and dinnerof bruckworst , boiled potatoes andsauerkraut was sponsored by theHoliday Beach Property Owners ,Jul y 1 w i t h about 175 attending.This dance had a roaring twentiestheme. It was also reported thatthe installation roast beef dinnerdance held last May 30 was a hugesuccess. About 300 people were inattendance and witnessed the in-stallation of Ar thur Harkin , Sr.,president ; Thomas J. Courtney,vice president; Mrs. Eleanor Calg-ago , recording secretary ; Mrs. Na-ncy Hof fmann , corresponding sec-retaiy and Mrs. Ethel Scott , trea-surer. George Corsa was chairmanof tht dance , assisted bv Mr. andM'rs. Wil l iam Heyder , Mrs. RuthCarpenter. Mrs. Pearl Perry, Mrs.Bess* Corsa and Mrs. Nancy Hoff-mann. Another dance is planned tobe held August 5 at 8 p.m., thistime with a si ipwreck theme.George Corsa and his same com-mittee will be responsible for its-ticcess. All members of the HBPOand fi-iends* are welcom e to attend.Nautical costumes are to he wornand prizes wi l l be given for thebest juelg ed. Tickets are availablefrom am member.

Lyn Lucas , daughter of Mr. andMrs. William Lucas of Moriches-Yaphank Road , was guest-of-hon-eir at an outdoor buffet partygiven in honor of her fourthbirtl elay, Jul y 7, at the home oiher parents. A toy paper clowncentered the buffet table and manycolorful balloons hung from thetrees. The part y was highlightedby a decorated pink birthdaycake with candles which was madeby her mother. Those hel ping hercelebrate were her paternal grand-mother , Mrs. Alice Lucas, hergreat-aunt. Mrs. Margaret Mil-lei , both of Riverhead ; Mrs. LeRoy Ross of Moriches; and fromManorville were her maternalgrandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Har-\ ey Hill , her uncle and aunt , Mr.and Mrs. Fred Hill , her uncle How-ard Fales. her cousins , Fred andTheresa Hill , and her parents. Lynreceived many lovely gifts.

The Great South Bay AfricanViolet Society of the Morichesheld its second annual picnic July8 at the home of Mrs. HarveyHill , president, in Manorville. Achicken barbecue buffet dinnerwas served. Everyone enjoyedsing ing along with a "Sing AlongWith Mitch" record. Those pre-sent were Mr. and Mrs. WilliamLucas and daughter, Lyn , Mr. andMrs. Fred Hill and Mr. and Mrs.Harvey Hill , all of Manorville ;Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Beler andMrs. William Miller of Shirley ;

Mr . and M'rs . John Drumm a ndMrs. Charles Kollett of Yaphankand Mrs. Le Roy Ross of Moriches.

The Silva Rebekah Lodge isholding a card part y at the lodgehall on Main Street at 8 p.m.Friday. The public is invited. Thelod ge will hold a d inner party atMc Carthy 's Bowden Square inSouthampton. Mrs. Viola Hylandshould be contacted for reserva-tions. All members are invited toattend.

The annual bazaar of the JewishCenter of the Moriches held overthe last weekend was a huge suc-cess, reported Mrs. Man in Kap-chan , - chairman.

Birthdays coming up are: July15—Thomas Livesay, son of theretired Rev. and Mrs. Joseph B.Livesay, formerly of BeachfernRoad and now of Waynesboro, Va.;Julv 16—Mrs. Bruce Viertel of 10Shirley Sreet; July 19—RobertTrimble of Main Street , and July20—Miss Faith Rose.

Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Eintracht ofMiami , Fla., formerly of CenterMoriches are Summer visitors atthe home of their son-in-law anddaughter, Mr. and Mrs. RonaldHulse of Florence Place.

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hylandand daughters, Bonnie and Susan ,returned home last Thursdayf rom Buffalo, after spending tw*oweeks there with Mr . and Mrs.Charles Montanti.

The Southold Methodist ChurchWoman's Society of Christian Ser-vice invites the ladies of the Cen-ter Moriches Presbyterian Churchto attend a special meeting withits members. Anyone wishing toattend should contact Mrs. Nor-man Hyland by calling AT. 4-0377for arrangements for carpoolsgoing. Last year the Ladies' Guildof the Presbyterian Church of theMoriches entertained the ladies ofthe Southold church.

LAW DEGREE—Lawrence S. Schaffner, son of Mr. and Mrs.John Schaffner of Railroad Avenue, Center Moriches, receivedhis master of laws degree from Georgetown University June 5,at the university campus. Mr . Schaffner had been a graduateteaching fellow at Georgetown University Law School for thepast academic year. In 1956, he received his bachelor of artsdegree from New York University and in 1960 his bachelor oflaws degree from Georgetown University. He is a member ofthe Bars of the State of New York and the District of Columbia.Recently he received a federal appointment as chief law clerkto Charles Fah y, circuit judge of the United States Court ofAppeals. In 1952, he graduated from Center Moriches HighSchool. At present, he resides in Washington, D. C.

MorichesMrs. Ann Surge, Tel. ATlantic 4-0691

Mrs. Mary Rybacki of theBronx spent the weekend visitingher daughter and son-in-law, Mr.and Mrs. Edward S. Chrzanowskiof Montauk Highway.

Friday night, Deborah AnnBurge celebrated her first birth-day at the home of her parents,Mr. and M!rs. George Burge ofBarnes Road. The baby's cake wasbeautiful ly decorated and inscribed"Happy- Birthday Debbie." Thosejoining in the celebration w e r eDebbie 's paternal grandparents,Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Burge , Sr.,of Mastic Beach; maternal grand-parents. M'r. and Mrs. Harry Pageof Mastic, Mrs. Robert Chester ofMastic and her brother , George.

Scott Wilder of Rutland , Vt.,recently enjoyed a two-week va-c ation at the home of his father,Dr. A. G. Wilder of Cedar Avenue.

Charles W. Buckheit of MarionDrive celebrated his birthday re-cently .

Friday, Mr. and Mrs. EdwardIlesler of Marion Drive enjoyed avisi t from Mrs. Hosier 's sister andfami ly , Mr. and Mrs. James B.Duff and daughter, Caron , of Cal-i forn ia . During their visit to Mo-riches , the Duffs will be house-guests at the home of Mrs. Duff 'sparents, Mr. and Mrs. John Walk-man of Montauk Highway.

July 4 , the Hawkin's home onMontauk Highway was ' the sceneof a double birthday celebrationin honor of Woodrow Hawkins aswell as Mrs. Hawkin's sister, MissDorothy Matthews of ValleyStream.

Mr. and Mrs. Hallock Kwasnaof Barnes Road recently enjoyeda four-day visit from their niece ,Deborah King of Terryville, Conn.

Mrs. Stiefel of Cedar Avenue isspending two weeks visiting hersister , Mrs. Nonnennacher of LongIsland City.

Sunday dinner guests at thehome of M'r. and Mrs. Lloyd G,Penney of Louis Avenue were theRev. and Mrs. Walter Patrick ofNorth Mlerrick. The Rev. Ma*. Pat-rick was guest speaker Sundaymorning at the Bible ProtestantChurch on Montauk Highway, dur-ing the absence of the Rev. Mr.Vignali , who is away on vacation.The Bible Protestant Church wasthe Rev. Mr. Patrick's first charge.

Sunday afternoon visitors at thehome of Mr. and Mrs. GeorgeBurge of Barnes Road were MissEileen Duf fy of Astoria , LouisPoyce of Montauk Highway and

Miss Patricia Igoe of Bayside.Mrs. Roland Penney of Center

Moriches spent two weeks recentlyat the home of Mr. and Mrs. LloydG. Penney of Louis Avenue duringthe absence of her husband whowas away at training for the Na-tional Guard , Rainbow Division ,at Camp Drum , New Yr ork.

MJr. and Mrs. Martin Scherer ofSecond Street recently entertainedat a dinner party at their home,in honor of their daughter San-dra 's birthday. Following dinner ,a beautifully decorated ice creamcake inscribed "Happy Birthdayto Sandra" was serv ed. Among thelovely gifts received was a beauti-ful bouquet of flowers. Those join-ing in the celebration were GeorgeConstantine. Sandia 's brother-in-law and sister , Mr. and Mrs. PeterGrader and daug hter. Deanna , ofCambria Heights; Sandra 's great-uncle and great-aunt. Mr. and Mrs .Alex Contois of Center Moriches.


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BARBER and SMITHNeville Street , Center Moriches

Office Hours, 9 to 3ATlantic 4-0231-0304

Edward Hutchins, riding * aSpan-America 15 foot seven inchouthoard , was the area 's only en-try in the third annual AroundLong* Island Marathon, which be-

g*an Wednesday at Jones Inlet.Some 50 boats competed in the 1

race of 280 naut ica l miles. Therace is open only to stock familytype boats . Racing* modif ica t ionsof hul ls or cua ines arc o u t l a w e d

Sponsoring Mr . Hutchins in thelace was M o i i c h e s Boat and Mo-tor of A t l a n t i c Avenue , East Mo-riches.

Check p o i n t s were at Jones In-let , M o n t e u k Point , O ' d f i e - ld Point(Port Jeffe t son ) . Kings PointRoxhury Point and again at JonesInlet .

Troph y prizes were awarded tothe "first home" boat , as wel l a--to the outboard and inho -i rd en-tries tha t wet e "first home." Prizeswere also given to winners it n drunners up in each of the n ine -classifications.

Edward HutchinsCompeted in ThirdAround Island Race


•«i«f« 'e f€t€*€'^«€'€'€ts<*i:«?'«'S<'i:'€!€'€'€«sw


AT - 4 - 0 9 9 0BUH5l2;2l2j2f232i2j2i2j3ia2j2jSi2ri2lS32l2lSl>


SUMMER SYMPHONICS are provided every Wednesday nighton front lawn of Center Moriches High School by Summer bandcomposed of Center Moriches High School students and gradu-ates. Chester G. Osborne, music director of Center Moriches

Schools, is conductor in charge of popular evening concertswhich have reputation for stopping tra ffic along Main Street,Musicals are sponsored by Center Moriches Board of Education.

—Advance Photo by Gomez

DIRECTING BAND—Miss Margaret Pendzick. left , of CenterMoriches, gets a chance to apply lessons learned as musicaleducation major at Fredonia State Teachers College w here sheis a senior. Chester G. Osborne, right , music director of CenterMoriches Schools, handed Miss Pendzick baton during one numberof last W ednesday night 's Summer concert.

—Advance Photo bv Gomez

M V R I M B A SOLOIST. Richard Hut ens, 13, of Kt 'no, Nevadagrandson of Mr. and Mrs. Geo-rge Hat ens of Senix AvenueCenter Moriches , makes lou r nmPet ha rmon> look easy ancsound good at last Wednesday night's Center Moriches HiglSchool Su m m e r band concert. Richard is v i s i t i n g his cousin , Mis;Virginia Hav en of Lake Avenue, Center Moriches.

— Advance Photo by Gome;

Center Moriches Summer Concerts Are Populai


SLIP COVERSAU K i n d s of Repairing onFurniture, Sofa or Chair Seat,Bottoms Rebuilt . Springs Tied,New Webbing. Upholstering inall its branches.

SLIP COVERSUsing your materials or

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Box 28 1—Phone ATlantic 1-8550MASTIC, N. Y.

MASTIC BEACH — Over 100members and guests attended aclam bake sponsored by theSheeps Pen Point Rod and ReelClub held Saturday at CaptainAndy 's in Mastic Beach.

Winners of the recent weeklyf i s h i n g contests sponsored by theclub were Jack Hayes with a 2pound 7 ounce f luke and John Leew i t h a -1 pound (> ounce f luke.

The club expects to run con-tests each weekend un t i l the endof the season. Prizes wil l varyfrom gifts to money certificates.

All moni 'ln t*s and guests will beeligible for prizes dur ing any con-test prov id ing their weekly entryfee has been paid.

Fish must be weighed in by (>n in. each Stuidav.

Rod and Reel ClubSponsors Clam Bake

CENTER MORICHES — Ac-co id i 'i " to an announcemen t byt h e F t i it Ch rch of Cod in Christhe i e on Rai l road Avenue , the an-n u a l bapt i sm set v i ce of the Mid-dlesex Dis '. i i c f of the ( 'hi 1stChin t h of God wi l l be held atCamp Paqiuuuck , East Moriches ,•it 1 j ) . m. A u g u s t (i. Elder E.Burns will officiate and deliverthe sermon.

Ass is t ing w i t h the bap tism willbe Elder J. A. Hachett of Amity-\ i l l e and Wil l iam Sneed , deacon ofthe Center Moriches Church.There will be 11 chinches partici-pating.

Among some of the choirs tosing wi l l be the Center MfcirichesFirst Chu ich of God In Christchoir , the Bayside Holy TrinityCh u i t h choii and the FieeportFirst Church ot God In Christchoir .

The baptism service, wil l be heldin the low dock section. The publicis invited to attend.

First Church of GodIn Christ Sets AnnualBaptism Rites Aug. 6

•iiiiiiiiniiimijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiittt ^s


Main Street Center MorichesATlantic 4-0301

For your best source of infor-mation locally, read The Advanceeach week.—Adv.


of Carlton A v e n u e , Ma- t ic andBrooklyn , died unexpectedl y d u l y0 at her Mystic home.

She is survived by a son , Char-les, a daughter , Mis . Adeline Wert-man, two sistets , Mrs. LouiseBehrens and M is . M i n n i e Scheff-meyer; five g iandch i ld ren andthree great-grandchildren. Inter-ment was in Lutheran CemeteryMonday.

By Joe Herbert

Joe Herbert

A 1-0 win for the Indians wentinto the Center Moriches LittleLeague records July 3. Only sevenmembers of the opposing Bravesappeared at game time for a for-feit.

The Cubs took it on the chinagain July 6 from the Pi-rates. The final score was 10-2,Cub pitcher Rumph lost his steam

after the second inning. F r e epasses to first base will lose thegame every time. Catcher Bropsondid his best with doubles againstthe center field wall , but the sup-port just wasn't there. The w in-ning* battery was Reisig and Czy-gier.

On July 7. the Indians and Pi-rates fought it out for first place.The game was a thriller , startingoff with a double by Indian Pit-cher Hartman, who drove in a runmaking* it 1-0 Indians. Both pitch-ers kept things in hand until Pi-rate pitcher Lieb got pounded withthree hits in the top of the fourthmaking it 2-0 Indians. In the bot-tom half of the fourth , Hebbardof the Pirates singled to inReisig making it 2-1. In the f if th ,Indian catcher Czygier hit a dou-ble , stretching it to a tr iple andforcing in two runs for a 4-2score. The Indians , not to let thesituation get out of hand , made it4-4 with two runs scored on a dou-ble by Hartman. Things werequiet until the top of the seventhwhen Reed put one over the rightfield fence m-aking it 5-4 Indians.Just before darkness set in , Czy-gier singled, Reisig doubled andLieb registered a two bagger todrive in Czygier, making it 5-5.The game will be finished on July14, the next meeting date of thetwo teams.

Little League Hotstove