Morgan c psychology-2

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Transcript of Morgan c psychology-2

  • 1. Morgan Cicha
    Mr.Kashdan Psychology
    What Makes Psychology Science

2. Psychology Begins
December 1879, professor, Wilhelm Wundt created psychology.
Meaning to measure atoms of the mind, Wundt ended up creating the first psychology experiment.
Before long, this was known as a science organized into different branches, or schools of thought.
3. Question?
What is psychology to you?
Do you picture a psychiatrist sitting in a room listening or discussing with a client.
Or do you see men in lab coats watching rats run around in a maze?
Well we are about to discover how psychology & science are blended together.
4. What is Science
Science is a branch of knowledge or study dealing with a body of facts or truths.
Or systematic knowledge of the physical or material world gained through observation and experimentation.
Science has theories, tests, hypothesis.
Sounds familiar ey?
5. Whats psychology?
Characteristics of the mental states and processes of a person or class of a person; or of the mental states and processes involved in a field of activity.
It can also be know as the science, oh my word did I just say science? Of the mind or of mental processes.
It is also a science of human & animal behavior.
In psychology we often find ourselves observing, experimenting, and making theories. All which relate to science.
6. Continued
It is also a science of human & animal behavior.
In psychology we often find ourselves observing, experimenting, and making theories. All which relate to science.
7. Closing, and hopefully Conclusion
So in the end science and psychology work together like a team.
Together they bond in studies and help create theories.
Through experiments and observations we discover behaviors, habits, and reactions that we can all discover through psychology and science.
8. Citations,r:6,s:30&biw=820&bih=800