Department of Psychology - B.Sc... · Department of Psychology ... 2. Morgan and...

SYLLABUS UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMME 2014 - 17 Department of Psychology Dr. Harisingh Gour University (A Central University) Sagar (M. P.) 470003

Transcript of Department of Psychology - B.Sc... · Department of Psychology ... 2. Morgan and...



2014 - 17

Department of Psychology

Dr. Harisingh Gour University

(A Central University)

Sagar (M. P.) 470003

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Department of Psychology

Syllabus for B.A./B.Sc. 2014-17

Course Code Title of the Course Credit Page


PSY C 111 General Psychology 2 4

PSY C 112 Abnormal Psychology 2 5

PSY C 113 Practical 2 6


PSY C 211 Experimental Psychology 2 7

PSY C 212 Social Psychology I 2 8

PSY C 213 Practical 2 9


PSY C 311 Physiological Psychology 2 10

PSY C 312 Social Psychology II 2 11

PSY C 313 Practical 2 12


PSY C 411 Personality 2 13

PSY C 412 Basic Statistics-I 2 14-15

PSY C 413 Practical 2 16


PSY C 511 Developmental Psychology 2 17

PSY C 512 Basic Statistics-II 2 18-19

PSY C 513 Practical 2 20


PSY C 611 Counselling Psychology 2 21

PSY C 612 Psychological Measurement 2 22-23

PSY C 613 Practical 2 24

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B. A. /B. Sc. Semester I

PSY C111

Credit 2

General Psychology

Course Coordinator: Sri Sanjay Kumar

Unit I Nature of Psychology: 4 Hrs.

1. Definition of Psychology.

2. The Application of psychology.

3. Methods in Psychology.

4. The Work of Psychologists.

Unit II Sensory Processes: 6 Hrs.

1. Sensory Channels.

2. Sensory Processes: Vision.

3. Sensory Processes: Hearing.

Unit III Perception Processes: 5 Hrs.

1. Perceptual Processes: Attention.

2. Perceptual Processes: Form Perception.

3. Perceptual Processes: Visual Depth Perception

4. Perceptual Processes: Constancy.

5. Perceptual Processes: Movement Perception.

Unit IV Thinking and Language: 5 Hrs.

1. The Thinking Process.

2. Concept.

3. Problem solving.

Unit V: Motivation: 5 Hrs.

1. Some Theories of Motivation

2. Biological Motivation.

3. Social Motives.

4. Motives to know and to be Effective.


1. Smith and others. (2003). Atkinson and Hilgard‟s Introduction to Psychology. Thomson


2. Morgan and King. (2007) Introduction to Psychology. Tata McGraw-Hill

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B. A. /B. Sc. Semester I

PSY C112

Credit 2

Abnormal Psychology

Course Coordinator: Dr. G. K. Tiwari

Unit I 6 Hrs.

1. Meaning of Abnormal Behavior

2. Historical background of Abnormal Behavior

3. Classification of Abnormal Behaviour

4. Causes of Abnormal Behavior

Unit II 5 Hrs.

1. Anxiety disorders: Generalized anxiety disorder, phobias, Obsessive-compulsive disorders

2. Mood disorders: Depression, Mania, Bipolar Disorders

Unit III 5 Hrs.

1. Somatoform disorders: Conversion disorder, pain disorder, hypochondriasis

2. Eating disorders: Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa

Unit IV 5 Hrs.

1. Schizophrenia, Delusional disorder shared psychotic disorder

2. Personality Disorders: Borderline, dependent, and narcissistic personality disorders

Unit V 4 Hrs.

1. Mental retardation: Mild, Moderate, Severe and Profound Mental Retardation

2. Pervasive Developmental Disorders: Autism spectrum disorder, Rett‟s Syndrome

3. Learning Disabilities


1. Sarason, I. G. and Sarason, B. R. (2009) Abnormal Psychology. ND: Prentice Hall

2. Carson, C. R., Mineka, S. & Butcher, J. N. (2007). Abnormal Psychology (13th



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B. A. /B. Sc. Semester I

PSY C113

Credit 2


Course Coordinator: Dr. G. K. Tiwari

1. Depth Perception

2. Size constancy

3. Figural after effect

4. One Test- Anxiety

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B. A./B. Sc. Semester II

PSY C211

Credit 2

Experimental Psychology

Course Coordinator: Dr. G. K. Tiwari

Unit I: Learning and Memory: introduction 5 Hrs.

1. Learning as an Adaptive Mechanism

2. definition of the term “learning‟

3. Types of Learning Situations

4. The Concept of Memory

5. Topics Studied by Memory Researchers

Unit II: Classical Conditioning: Learning About Stimulus as Signals 5 Hrs.

1. The Concept of Contingency

2. Methods of Studying Classical Excitatory Conditioning

3. Classical Inhibitory Conditioning

4. Extinction

Unit III: Instrumental/ Operant Conditioning: Learning about the Consequences of Responding 5 Hrs.

1. Consequences of Responding

2. Paradigms for Studying Instrumental/ Operant Conditioning

3. Variables Affecting Instrumental Conditioning

4. Extinction

Unit IV: Memory Processes: The Formation of a Representation 6 Hrs.

1. Information Processing: The Computer Analogy

2. The Atkinson-Shiffrin Model

3. Levels of Processing Approach

4. Memory Codes: In Short-term and Long-term Memory

5. Organization of Long-term Memory

Unit V: Memory Process: Retrieval 4 Hrs.

1. Retrieval of Short-term memories

2. Retrieval of Long-term Memories

3. Memory Construction at the Time of Retrieval


1. Gordon, W. C. Learning and Memory. Brooks/ Cole Publishing Company (1989)

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B. A./B. Sc. Semester II

PSY C212

Credit 2

Social Psychology I

Course Coordinator: Sri Sanjay Kumar

Unit 1 5 Hrs.

Social psychology- Aim, definition and field. Relationship with other disciplines. Approach of

Social Psychology: Behaviouristic and Cognitive.

Unit 2 5 Hrs.

Methods of Social Psychology- observation, experimental, survey, interview

Unit 3 5 Hrs.

Social Perception – Impression formation, Perceiving self and others

Person Perception- role of verbal and non-verbal cues

Unit 4 5 Hrs.

Social Influence- functions of social norms

Conformity: nature and determinants, Compliance-Meaning and different techniques

Unit 5 5 Hrs.

Group behaviour- Nature, formation, types, Decision in group. Social facilitation, sociometry


1. Baron, R.A. and Byrne D.R. (2008) Social Psychology, New Delhi: Prentice Hall

2. Mishra G. and Jain U. (1994) Samaj Manovighyan Ke Mool Aadhar, MP Granth Academy

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B. A. /B. Sc. Semester II

PSY C213

Credit 2


Course Coordinator: Dr. G. K. Tiwari

1. Effect of Time reinforcement on learning

2. Effect of Negative reinforcement on learning

3. Effect of random reinforcement schedule on learning

4. One Test-Conformity

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B. A./B. Sc. Semester III

PSY C311

Credit 2

Physiological Psychology

Course Coordinator: Dr. G. K. Tiwari

Unit I: Neurons 5 Hrs.

i. Parts of Neuron: What is Neuron? Dendrites. Soma. Axon. Axon Terminals.

ii. Nerve Impulse: What is Nerve Impulse? Resting Potential. Threshold. Action Potential.

Ion Channels. Negative After-Potential. Synapse. Neurotransmitter. Receptor Sites.

Acetylcholine. Neuroregulator- Neuropeptides. Myeline. Neurilemma.

iii. Subparts of the Nervous System: (i) Peripheral Nervous System- Somatic System and

Autonomic System. Autonomic System- Sympathetic System and Parasympathetic

System. (ii) Central Nervous System- Brain and Spinal Cord.

Unit II: Cerebral Cortex 5 Hrs.

i. Cerebrum: Cortical localization.

ii. Cerebral Hemisphere: Corpus Callosum

iii. Hemispheric Specialization: Split Brain Operation. Right Brain/ Left Brain.

Unit III: Lobes of Cerebral Cortex 5 Hrs.

Lobes of Cerebral Cortex: Occipital Lobes. Parietal Lobes- Somatosensory Area. Temporal

Lobes. Frontal Lobes- Motor Cortex. Association Cortex- Aphasia. Broca‟s Area. Wernicke‟s

Area. Agnosia. Facial Agnosia.

Unit IV: Sub-cortex 5 Hrs.

Sub-cortical Brain Structures: Hind Brain- Brain Stem, Medulla, Pones, and Cerebellum.

Reticular Formation (RF)- Reticular Activating System (RAS). Forebrain. Thalamus and

Hypothalamus. Limbic System- Amygdala and Hippocampus.

Unit V: Endocrine System 5 Hrs.

Hormone and Behavior. Growth Hormone. Pitutary Gland. Pineal Gland- Melatonin. Thyroid

Gland- Epinephrine and Norepinephrine. Adrenal Glands.


1. Coon, Dennis and Mitterer, J. O. (2007). Introduction to Psychology (Eleventh Ed.).

Thompson Wadsworth.

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B. A./B. Sc. Semester III

PSY C312

Credit 2

Social Psychology II

Course Coordinator: Sri Sanjay Kumar

Unit 1 5 Hrs.

Socialization Process- meaning and agents

Social motives- affiliation, power and achievement motivation,

Unit 2 5 Hrs.

Attribution: concept and definition. Theories: Kelley and Weiner

Attitude- Components and formation

Unit 3 5 Hrs.

Attitude Measurement- attitude change and measurement scales

Intergroup relation- prejudice and discrimination, maintaining and reducing prejudices

Unit 4 5 Hrs.

Interpersonal attraction- meaning and determinants

Leadership-Definition, types, functions

Unit 5 5 Hrs.

Aggression: Definition, Determination and its managements.

Pro-social behavior- nature and determinants


1. Baron, R.A. and Byrne D.R. (2008) Social Psychology, New Delhi: Prentice Hall

2. Mishra G. and Jain U. (1994) Samaj Manovighyan Ke Mool Aadhar, M P Granth Academy

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B. A. /B. Sc. Semester III

PSY C313

Credit 2


Course Coordinator: Sri Sanjay Kumar

1. Social Facilitation

2. Person Perception

3. Impression formation

4. Sociometry

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B. A./B. Sc. Semester IV

PSY C411

Credit 2


Course Coordinator: Prof. P. K. Rai

Unit I: Introduction of Personality 4 Hrs.

1. Defining personality

2. Structure and Processes

3. Determinants of Personality

Unit II: Assessment of Personality 6 Hrs.

1. Aspects of assessment of personality

2. Inventories

3. Projective Test

Unit III: Psychodynamic Approach to Personality 5 Hrs.

1. Id, Ego, Superego

2. Ego Defense

Unit IV: Person Centered Approach 6 Hrs.

1. The Self

2. Self Consistency and congruence

3. Maslow‟s Need Hierarchy

Unit V: Trait and Type Approach 4 Hrs.

1. Concept and Kinds of traits

2. Concept of Introversion and Extroversion

3. Five factor model


1. Cervone D. and Pervin L. A. (2010) Personality: Theory and Research, Wiley; 11th edition

2. Morgan, C. F., King, R. A., Weisz, J. R. and Schopler, J. (1993) Introduction to Psychology.

New Delhi: Tata Mc Graw Hill.

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B. A./B. Sc. Semester IV

PSY C412

Credit 2

Basic Statistics I

Course Coordinator: Dr. Ishdutta Awasthi

Unit I: Introduction 6 Hrs.

i. What is Statistics?

ii. Descriptive: Characteristics of a sample

iii. Inferential Statistics: Drawing inferences about population characteristics from sample


iv. Continuous and Discrete Series of Measurement. The Meaning of ?Test Scores in a

Continuous Series

v. Frequency Distribution: Tabulating Scores. Steps of drawing up Frequency Distribution.

Limits of a class-interval (CI), Midpoint of an interval (CI)

Unit II: Graphic Methods 4 Hrs.

1. Graphic Representation of Data: General Principles

i. Coordinate Axes

ii. Origin or Zero Point

iii. Positive-Negative Sides of Axes (++,+-, -+ and -- quadrants)

iv. Abscissa and Ordinate of data point

2. The Frequency Polygons.

i. Labeling the points on the base line

ii. Plotting midpoints

iii. Drawing in the Frequency Polygons

iv. Dimensions of the Frequency Polygons (75% rule)

v. Smoothing the Frequency Polygons.

vi. Smoothing by running averages

vii. Calculation of running averages

3. The Histogram or Column Diagram

i. Main differences between Polygon and Histogram

ii. When to use Polygon and when to use Histogram

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Unit III: Other Graphic Methods and the Standards of Accuracy of Computation 5 Hrs.

1. Graphic Methods:

i. When to use line graph and drawing up a line graph

ii. When to use bar diagram and constructing bar diagram

iii. Use and construction of pie diagram

2. Standards of Accuracy of Computation:

i. Rounded numbers

ii. Significant Figures

iii. Exact and approximate numbers

iv. Rules of computation- Accuracy of product, Accuracy of a quotient, Accuracy of a root and

power, Accuracy of sum or difference

Unit IV: Measures of Central tendency-1 5 Hrs.

i. Calculation of Mean when data are ungrouped

ii. Calculation of Mean when data are grouped in frequency distribution

iii. The mean from combined samples of Graphs

iv. Calculation of Mean by the “Assumed Mean” or Short method

Unit V: Measures of Central tendency and usages of different measures 5 Hrs.

i. Calculation of Median when data are ungrouped

ii. Calculation of Median when data are grouped in frequency distribution

iii. Calculation of Median when frequency distribution contains gaps

iv. Calculation of Median when the first or last interval has indeterminists limit

v. Calculation of Mode

vi. The usages of Mean, Median and Mode


1. Garrett, H. E. (2007) Statistics in Psychology and Education, New Delhi, Paragon

International Publishers

2. Gravetter, F. J. (1985) Statistics for Behavioural Sciences, New Delhi: Tata Mc Graw


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B. A. /B. Sc. Semester IV

PSY C413

Credit 2


Course Coordinator: Dr. Ishadutta Awasthi

1. Method of Limits

2. Method of Constant Stimulus

3. Method of Average Error

4. MPI

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B. A./B. SC. Semester V

PSY C511

Credit 2

Developmental Psychology

Course Coordinator: Dr. Ishdutta Awasthi

Unit 1: Introduction of Developmental Psychology 5 Hours

i. Meaning of Developmental Psychology and early approaches.

ii. Developmental processes: Change and stability.

iii. Domains of Developmental Psychology

iv. Methods used in Developmental Psychology

Unit 2: Life span Development: Period of Life span 5 Hours

i. Infancy and toddlerhood (the first three years): Physical development- Size and

appearance, Body systems state of arousal

ii. Psychosocial development- Emotion, The infant in the family.

iii. Early childhood: Physical development- Body growth and change, Nutrition.

iv. Psychosocial development- Self concept, Understanding emotions

Unit 3: Middle Childhood & Adolescent: 5 Hours

i. Physical development- Growth, nutrition, motor development.

ii. Psychosocial development- Self esteem, Emotion Growth.

iii. Adolescent: Physical development- Puberty, training, sequence and sign of maturation.

iv. Psychosocial development- Search for identity, Gender differences in identity formation,


Unit 4: Cognitive Development: 5 Hours

i. Meaning of Cognitive development.

ii. Jean Piaget‟s Cognitive stage theory: Sensory motor stage, Preoperational stage, concrete

operation stage and formal operational stage.

Unit 5: Moral Development: 5 Hours

i. Meaning of Moral development.

ii. Kohlberg‟s theory: Preconvention, convention and post conventional

iii. Piagetian theory: Heteronomous morality and autonomous morality.

iv. Factors influencing of moral development.


1. Papalia, D.E., Olds, S.W., & Feldman, R.D. (2005). Human Development, 9th

Edition, Tat

McGraw Hills.

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B. A./B. Sc. Semester V

PSY C512

Credit 2

Basic Statistics II

Course Coordinator: Dr. Ishdutta Awasthi

Unit I: Cumulative Distribution and Percentiles 6 Hrs.

i. Cumulative Frequency Graph: Construction of cumulative frequency graph

ii. Calculation percentile in a Frequency Distribution

iii. Calculation Percentile Ranks in a Frequency Distribution

iv. Distinction between Percentile and Percentile Ranks

v. Calculation Percentile Ranks in ordered data

vi. Cumulative Percentage Ogive- Calculation of Cumulative Frequency and plotting

Cumulative Percentage curve

vii. Percentile- Definition, Percentile and Percentile Ranks from

viii. Cumulative Percentage Distribution

ix. From the ogive

x. Usages of ogive-

xi. Comparison of Graph

xii. Percentile Norms

Unit II: Measures of Variability: Range and Quartile Deviation 4 Hrs.

i. Variability- Meaning, Interpretation of measures of central tendency with the knowledge

of variability (Homogeneity and heterogeneity of scores)

ii. Range of Scores- Definition and Computation

iii. Quartile Deviation (Q)- Definition, Calculation of „Q‟ from grouped data- Defining and

computing Q1 and Q3. Interquartile Range and Semiinterquartile range

iv. Average Deviation (AD or MD)- Definition, Calculation of AD from grouped data

Unit III: Standard Deviation (SD) 6 Hrs.

i. Definition and Characteristics of SD. Variance and SD. Difference between SD & AD

ii. Calculation of the SD from ungroup data

iii. Calculation of the SD from group data

iv. Calculation of the SD by the short method

a. Calculation of the SD from group data

b. Calculation of the SD from original scores

Unit IV: Other topics on Variation 4 Hrs.

i. Effect of adding a constant to each score on SD

ii. Effect of multiplying each score by a constant

iii. Finding the SD from combined distributions

iv. Correcting SD for grouping error

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v. Coefficient of variation (V) –Meaning and use of V. Calculation of V. Use of V when

units are dissimilar. Use of V when means are unequal but units are the same

vi. When to use the various measures of variability

a. Use of range

b. Use of the Q

c. Use of the AD

d. Use of the SD

Unit V: The Normal Distribution 5 Hrs.

i. Introduction: Physical Shape and apparent properties of normal distribution

ii. Elementary Principles of Probability: Probability ration, limits of Probability ratio.

Probability defined. Events and equally probable outcomes. Example toss of coin (s) –

number of all possible equally probable outcomes [(H+T)N- where H for Head, T for Tail

and N is the number of coins]. The sum of all possible equally probable outcome

iii. Equation of the Normal curve

iv. Areas under the normal curve (Table of Normal Probability Distribution)

v. Relationship among the constants of the normal probability curve

vi. Unit of normal curve SD and Q

vii. Divergence from Normality:

a. Skewness (Sk)-Definition, Formula. Positive Skewness and Negative Skewness.

Value of Skewness

b. Kurtosis (Ku)- Definition, Formula, Value of Kurtosis in normal curve

viii. Application of the normal probability Curve


1. Garrett, H.E. (2007) Statistics in Psychology and Education, New Delhi, Paragon

International Publishers

2. Gravetter, F.J. (1985) Statistics for Behavioural Sciences, New Delhi: Tata Mc Graw


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B. A. /B. Sc. Semester V

PSY C513

Credit 2


Course Coordinator: Dr. Ishdutta Awasthi

1. Free recall

2. Serial Learning

3. Recognition Learning

4. Moral Development

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B. A/B. Sc. Semester VI

PSY C611

Credit 2

Counselling Psychology

Course Coordinator: Prof. P. K. Rai

Unit-1: Introduction 5 Hrs.

i. What is counselling and why?

ii. Counselling and Culture

iii. Counselling and it‟s effect on client

iv. Characteristics of effective counselor

Unit-2: Stages and skills of counselling-I 5 Hrs.

i. Stage -1 Rapport and relationship building

ii. Stage-2 Assessing Client Problems

Unit-3: Stages and skills of counselling-II 5 Hrs.

i. Stage -3 Developing counseling goals

ii. Stage-4 Strategies and selecting interventions

iii. Stage-5 Termination and follow up

Unit-4: Theoretical Approaches to Counselling Intervention 5 Hrs.

i. Affective Intervention

ii. Behavioural intervention

iii. Cognitive Intervention

iv. Systematic Intervention

Unit-5: Special Areas of Counselling for specific groups 5 Hrs.

i. Family counselling

ii. Parental counselling

iii. Juvenile delinquents

iv. Pre marital counseling

v. Counselling for substance abusers


1. Patterson L.E. and Welfel E.R. (2000). The Counselling Process. Wadswarth Books, USA

2. Rao, S.N. (1981) Counselling Psychology. Bombay: Tata Mc Graw Hills

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B. A./B. Sc. Semester VI

PSY C612

Credit 2

Psychological Measurement

Course Coordinator: Dr. Ishdutta Awasthi

Unit I: Measurement and Origin of Measurement 5 Hrs.

i. Measurement: Definition. Three basic properties of measurement- accuracy,

objectivity and communicability

ii. Origins of Psychological Measurement

iii. Origin of statistical methods

iv. Mental testing

v. Psychological scaling methods

vi. Psychophysics

Unit II: Levels of Measurement Scales 5 Hrs.

i. Nominal Scale: Rules of assigning number in nominal scale; Descriptive Statistics

used on nominal measures

ii. Ordinal Scale: Operation of Rank ordering; Descriptive Statistics used on ordinal


iii. Interval Scale (Equal Unit Scale): Properties and mathematical operation possible,

Descriptive Statistics used on Interval measures

iv. Ratio Scale: The Number operation possible; Statistical operations with ratio


Unit III: Measurement Errors and Characteristics of Psychological Measurement 5 Hrs.

i. Measurement Errors:

ii. Classification of errors- Interpretive errors, Variable Errors, personal errors, Constant


iii. Each of four Measurement Errors Associated with the Specific Characteristics of


a. Interpretive errors and Standardization

b. Variable Errors Reliability

c. Personal errors and objectivity

d. Constant Errors and Validity

iv. Standardization: Definition

v. Methods of Standardization-

a. Frequency distribution

b. Derived Scores- Age and Grade Scores, Percentiles Ranks,


vi. Objectivity: Definition, Objectivity and Reliability

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Unit IV: Reliability and Validity 5 Hrs.

1. Reliability:

i. Variable errors and true scores

ii. Definition of Reliability

iii. Procedures of Estimating Reliability- Test-Retest Reliability, Parallel Test

Reliability, Split-half Reliability, Kuder-Richardson Reliability, Hoyt


iv. Factor Influencing Reliability- Procedures for Reliability estimation, test

length, Group Heterogeneity, Speediness and the manner of item writing and

Test Administration

2. Validity: Definition. Kind of Validity- Content Validity. Empirical Validity. Construct


i. Content Validity- Face Validity. Logical and Sampling Validity. Factorial


ii. Empirical Validity: Definition. Validity Coefficient.

iii. Concurrent Validity. Cross-Validation.

iv. Predicting on individual Criterion Score.

v. Construct Validity: Nature of Construct Validity.

vi. Evidences Supporting Construct Validity- Group Difference, Changes in

Performance. Correlation. Internal consistency. Test-Taking Process.

vii. Special Problems in interpreting test results- the Criterion. Faking. Response


Unit V: Test Development 5 Hrs.

1. Preparation of Materials:

i. Planning the test- Delimitation of Area. Specification of what is to be measured.

Critical incidents techniques

ii. Writing the items- Common rules of writing. Rules of avoiding cues. Other rules

of writing items.

2. Item Analysis:

i. Index of Item Characteristics- item Difficulty. Reliability index. Validity index.

ii. Item Characteristics

3. Item Selection:

i. General Consideration

ii. Specific Procedure- Successive poles. Successive residuals. Nine steps of item


4. Organization the test

5. Scoring Procedure: Weighting of items. Correcting for Guessing


1. Helmstadter, G.C. Principles of Psychological Measurement, London: Methuen & Co. Ltd.

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B. A. /B. Sc. Semester VI

PSY C613

Credit 2


Course Coordinator: Dr. Ishdutta Awasthi

1. Rating Scales

2. Rank Order

3. Pair Comparison method

4. Emotional Intelligence