Monday 31st complete




Transcript of Monday 31st complete

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Key Questions

1. What concepts could come up in 1b?

2. Who are the key theorists for each concept?

3. Which 2 theorists will you use for each concept?

4. What key words will you use?

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Today’s menu

• Who am I• Complete concept map• Your concept map• Pictionary

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Concepts – Production AS or A2

• Representation• Genre• Audience• Media Language• Narrative

Answers can demonstrate how work supports or challenges ideas within this area.

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Representation• Schöllhammer 2001 Little Miss Busy & Mr Busy• Lippmann Stereotypes Short Cut/Ordering/Reference• Gauntlett 2013 Self Identity• Hall encoding and decoding• Mulvey – The Male Gaze• Butler – Gender is constructed• Barthes – Mythologies & semiotics• Dyer – Stereotypes (The Matters of Images)• Connell – 4 types• Bly – ‘Deep Masculine’

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Todorov – narrative structure

Barthes – engima codes

Propp – character types

Levi-Strauss – binary opposition

Open – Closed – Linear - Circular

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AudienceHall - readings

Morley – Nationwide and readings

Ang – Dallas

Katz & Blumler – Uses and Gratification

Hall – Reception Theory

Katz & Lazersfeld – Two Step Flow

Gray & Geraghty – Audience preferences

Dyer – Utopian Solution

Cohen – Moral Panics

‘Effects’ debate

Marxism - consumerism

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Goodwin - music videos 8 principals

Fiske – categories

Neale – genre changing for audience appeal

Altman – no “pure” genre

Chandler – Themes/structures/style/setting

Buckingham – genre constantly changing

Metz – model of genre development

Ryall – genre and rules

Uses and gratification - Audience

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Media LanguageAny previously mentioned

Pierce – coined the term semiotics/iconic, symbolic, indexical

(Symbolic/Arbitrary – polysemic)

Barthes – semiotics (adapted Saussure’s work) Denote/connotate

Hedges – Synchronic & diachronic

Jakobson Syntagm “combination”/Paradigm “selection”

Chomsky – Langue & parole

Postmodernism – Intertextuality

Marxism - ideology


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Your concept map

• Spend time going through your notes• Identity at 2 theorists/theories for each

concept• Provide a summary for each theory, date,

and theorists name!

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Key Questions

1. What concepts could come up in 1b?

2. Who are the key theorists for each concept?

3. Which 2 theorists will you use for each concept?

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Analyse one of your coursework productions in relation to Audience.

23rd April

Revise for mock exam

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