MODEL CURRICULUM FOR POST SSC PROGRAMME IN DIPLOMA … · Engineer’s square. 03 06 Unit -2...


Transcript of MODEL CURRICULUM FOR POST SSC PROGRAMME IN DIPLOMA … · Engineer’s square. 03 06 Unit -2...

Page 1: MODEL CURRICULUM FOR POST SSC PROGRAMME IN DIPLOMA … · Engineer’s square. 03 06 Unit -2 GENERAL PROPERTIES OF MATTER 2.1 Elasticity : Deforming force, Restoring force, Elastic








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Page 2: MODEL CURRICULUM FOR POST SSC PROGRAMME IN DIPLOMA … · Engineer’s square. 03 06 Unit -2 GENERAL PROPERTIES OF MATTER 2.1 Elasticity : Deforming force, Restoring force, Elastic


It is with great pleasure and honour that I write a forward for the Model scheme of

instruction and syllabi for the Post SSC Engineering Diploma programmes prepared by the

All India Board of Technician Education with Prof. Ashok A. Ghatol as its Chairman and

other members. All India Council for Technical Education has the onerous responsibility

for uniform development and qualitative growth of the Technical Education system and

preparation of syllabus to maintain uniform standards throughout the county. In

pursuance to clause 10 (2) of the AICTE Act 1987 AICTE has the objective of bringing about

uniformity in the curriculum of Engineering. In that direction, the efforts of All India Board

of Technician Education has been quite commendable and praiseworthy. A painstaking

effort was made by the Chairman, members of the Board and various working groups

composed of experts from leading institutions in framing of the Instruction and Syllabus.

The Board was ably assisted by the official of the academics bureau in successfully

organizing the meetings making available necessary documents and follow up action in the

minutes of the meetings.


All India Council for Technical Education

Page 3: MODEL CURRICULUM FOR POST SSC PROGRAMME IN DIPLOMA … · Engineer’s square. 03 06 Unit -2 GENERAL PROPERTIES OF MATTER 2.1 Elasticity : Deforming force, Restoring force, Elastic




BRANCH: Common for all branchesYEAR:I SEMESTER:I





TW @TA CT Total

1 Basic Physics 2 - 2 10 20 30 70 50 - 3

2 Basic Chemistry 2 - 2 10 20 30 70 50 - 3

3 Basic Mathematics 4 1 - 10 20 30 70 - - 5

4 English 2 - 2 10 20 30 70 - 25 3

5 Engineering Graphics 2 - 4 - - - - - 50 4

6 Computer Fundamentals 1 - 4 - - - - 50 25 3

7Basic Workshop Practice (Group wise ) - - 3 - - - - 50 25 2

Total 13 1 17 40 80 120 280 200 125 23

STUDENT CONTACT HOURS PER WEEK: 31 HRSTHEORY AND PRACTICAL PERIODS OF 60 MINUTES EACH# - External Assessment @ - Internal Assessment ESE - End Semester Exam.

ABBREVIATIONS: CT- Class Test, TA - Teachers Assessment, L - Lecture, TU - Tutorial, PR - PracticalTA: Attendance & surprise quizzes = 6 marks. Assignment & group discussion = 4 marks.Total Marks : 725

Minimum passing under any head is 40%, i.e. 40% passing for sessional, ESE, Oral, and TW Separately.Assessment of Practical, Oral & term work to be done as per the prevailing norms of curriculum implementation & assessment.

Page 4: MODEL CURRICULUM FOR POST SSC PROGRAMME IN DIPLOMA … · Engineer’s square. 03 06 Unit -2 GENERAL PROPERTIES OF MATTER 2.1 Elasticity : Deforming force, Restoring force, Elastic


Semester : FIRST

Duration : 6 SEMESTERS Maximum Marks :

Teaching Scheme C Examination SchemeTheory : 13 Hrs/week Mid Semester Exam: Marks

Tutorial: 1 Hrs/week Assignment & Quiz: Marks

Practical : 17 Hrs/week End Semester Exam: Marks

Credit :

Aim :- Nil

Objective :- Nil Pre-Requisite –Nil

Contents- Nil Hrs/week Text Books:- Nil Reference books :- Nil Suggested List of Laboratory Experiments :- Nil Suggested List of Assignments/Tutorial :- Nil

Page 5: MODEL CURRICULUM FOR POST SSC PROGRAMME IN DIPLOMA … · Engineer’s square. 03 06 Unit -2 GENERAL PROPERTIES OF MATTER 2.1 Elasticity : Deforming force, Restoring force, Elastic

Name of the Course: All Branches of Diploma in Engineering/ Technology.(Basic Physics)


Semester : First

Duration : Maximum Marks : 100

Teaching Scheme C Examination SchemeTheory : 2 Hrs/week Mid Semester Exam: 20 Marks

Tutorial: -- Assignment & Quiz: 10 Marks

Practical : 2 Hrs/week End Semester Exam: 70 Marks

Credit : 3

Aim :-

S. No

1. Establish scientific department of the highest caliber where teaching and education are totally integrated with state-of-the-art research and to develop new science through research

2. The goal of physics is to formulate comprehensive principles that bring together and explain the world around us.

3. To establish the awareness about the power of Physics as a tool in the practicality of the life.

Objective :-S. No Student will be able to:

1. Measure given dimensions by using appropriate instruments accurately. Select proper measuring instrument on the basis of range, least count & precision

required for measurement. Select proper material for intended purpose by studying properties of materials.

2. Identify good & bad conductors of heat. Analyze relation among pressure, volume and temperature of gas & to interpret

the results Identify the effect of interference between light waves.

3. Identify properties of laser light and photo electric effect for engineering applications.

Identify, analyze, discriminate and interpret logical sequence of field problems with the study of physics.

Pre-Requisite -S. No

1. Basic Mathematics knowledge to solve the problems.

2. Knowledge of basic concepts sciences such as physics, chemistry and mathematics

3. Visualization and analytical approach towards the subject is necessary.

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Contents (Theory) Hrs/Unit MarksUnit -1UNITS AND MEASUREMENTS

1.1 Need of Measurement in engineering and science, unit of a physical quantity, requirements of standard unit, systems of units-CGS,MKS and SI, classification of physical quantities-Fundamental and Derived with their units

1.2 Accuracy, Precision of instruments, Errors in measurement, Estimation of errors-Absolute error, Relative error and percentage error, significant figures. (Simple Problems)

1.3 Basic Measuring instruments-Vernier Caliper, Micrometer screw gauge, inner & outer caliper thermometer, spherometer, ammeter, voltmeter with their least count, range, accuracy and precision.

Standard reference surfaces used in engineering measurements- surface plate, angle plate, V- block, Engineer’s square.

03 06


2.1 Elasticity : Deforming force, Restoring force, Elastic and plastic body, Stress and strain with their types, Hooke’s law, Stress strain diagram, Young’s modulus, Bulk modulus, Modulus of rigidity and relation between them( no derivation), (simple problems).(Simple problems) Stress strain diagrams of H.T. Steel, Cast iron, Aluminium and Concrete, Ultimate and breaking stress, Factor of safety.

2.2 Surface Tension: Forces—cohesive and adhesive, , angle of contact, shape of liquid surface in a capillary tube, capillary action with examples, relation between surface tension , capillary rise and radius of capillary ( no derivation)( simple problem),effect of impurity and temperature on surface tension.2.3 Viscosity : Velocity gradient, Newton’s law of viscosity, coefficient of viscosity ,streamline and turbulent flow, critical velocity, Reynolds number,( simple problems), Stokes law and terminal velocity( no derivation) ,buoyant (up thrust) force, effect of temperature & adulteration on viscosity of liquid.







Unit – 3HEAT

3.1 Transmission of heat and expansion of solidsThree modes of transmission of heat-conduction, convection and radiation, good and bad conductor of heat with examples, law of thermal conductivity, coefficient of thermal conductivity (simple problems), expansion of solids-linear, aerial and cubical and

02 06

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relation between them.

3.2 Gas laws and specific heats of gasesBoyle’s law, Charle’s law, Gay Lussac’s law, absolute temperature, Kelvin scale of temperature, general gas equation( no derivation)(simple problems),molar or universal gas constant, universal gas equation, standard or normal temperature and pressure (N.T.P.), specific heat of gases, relation between two specific heat (simple problems), thermodynamic variables, first law of thermodynamics (statement & equation only), isothermal, isobaric, isochoric & adiabatic processes (difference among these processes and equations of state) (simple problems).

04 08

Unit – 4LIGHT

4.1 Properties of lightReflection and, refraction, Snell’s law, physical significance of refractive index (simple problems), Total internal reflection, dispersion, diffraction and polarization of light (only introduction)

4.2 Wave theory of light & InterferenceNewton’s corpuscles theory of light, Huygens’s wave theory, wave front, Types of wave front-spherical, cylindrical and plane Huygens’s principle of propagation of wave front, Principle of superposition of waves, Interference of light, constructive and destructive interference, Young’s experiment. Analytical treatment of interference, conditions for stationary interference pattern.

4.3 LaserLight amplification by stimulated emission of radiation, properties of laser, spontaneous and stimulated emission, population inversion, pumping methods, He-Ne laser- construction & working, recording and reconstructing of hologram by using He-Ne laser.








5.1 Photo electricityPlank’s hypothesis, properties of photons, photo electric effect, laws and characteristics of photoelectric effect, Einstein’s photoelectric equation,(simple problems), construction and working of photoelectric cell, applications of photoelectric cell

5.2 X-raysProduction of X-rays, types of X-ray spectra-continuous and characteristics, X-ray wavelength (simple problems), properties of X-rays, applications of X-rays-engineering, medicine and scientific research work.





Total 33 70

Page 8: MODEL CURRICULUM FOR POST SSC PROGRAMME IN DIPLOMA … · Engineer’s square. 03 06 Unit -2 GENERAL PROPERTIES OF MATTER 2.1 Elasticity : Deforming force, Restoring force, Elastic

Practical :-S No Skills to be developed

1. 1) Intellectual skills- Proper selection of measuring instruments on the basis of range, least

count, precision and accuracy required for measurement. Analyze properties of matter & their use for the selection of material. To verify the principles, laws, using given instruments under different

conditions. To read and interpret the graph. To interpret the results from observations and calculations. To use these results for parallel problems.

2. 2) Motor skills- Proper handling of instruments. Measuring physical quantities accurately. To observe the phenomenon and to list the observations in proper tabular

form. To adopt proper procedure while performing the experiment. To plot the graphs.

Text Books:Name of Authors Titles of the Book Edition Name of the Publisher

Kittel c Introduction to solid state physics

Wiley and sons

Engineering Physics Avadhanulu, Kshirsagar

S Chand Publications

Reference books :Name of Authors Titles of the Book Edition Name of the Publisher

V. Rajendran Physics-ITata McGraw- Hill raw- Hill

publication, New Delhi

Arthur Beiser Applied physicsTata McGraw- Hill raw- Hill

publication, New Delhiby R.K.Gaur and

S.L.GuptaEngineering Physics Dhanpat Rai Publication,

New Delhi.Resnick and Halliday.

Physics --

Suggested List of Laboratory Experiments : S. No Laboratory Experiments(Any ten experiments to be performed)

1 Use of vernier calipers for the measurement of dimensions of given object.

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2 Use of micrometer screw gauge for the measurement of dimensions of given object

3 Determine the Young’s modulus of material of wire using Searle’s apparatus.

4 To observe rise in water level through capillaries of different bores.

5 Determine coefficient of viscosity of given oil using Stoke’s Method.

6 Verification of Boyle’s law.

7 Measurement of unknown temperature using thermocouple.

8 Determine the coefficient of linear expansion of given material of rod using Pullinger’s apparatus.

9 To observe the divergence of laser light with respect to distance.

10 Plot characteristics of photoelectric cell (Photoelectric current verses intensity of light and voltage applied).

Suggested List of Assignments/Tutorial :

S. No

1 Numerical Based assignment on wave theory and interference.

2 Question bank on laser and properties of matter.

3 Assignments on gas laws n specific heat of gases.

Page 10: MODEL CURRICULUM FOR POST SSC PROGRAMME IN DIPLOMA … · Engineer’s square. 03 06 Unit -2 GENERAL PROPERTIES OF MATTER 2.1 Elasticity : Deforming force, Restoring force, Elastic

Name of the Course: All Branches of Diploma in Engineering and Technology (Basic Chemistry).Course code: EJ/EN/ET/EX/EV/IC/IE/IS/MU/DE/ME/PG/PT/AE/ CE/CS/CR/ CO/CM/IF/EE/EP/ CH /CT/PS/CD/ ED/EI/CV/MH/FE/IU

Semester : First

Duration : Maximum Marks :100

Teaching Scheme Examination SchemeTheory : 2 Hrs/week Mid Semester Exam: 20 Marks

Tutorial: -- Assignment & Quiz: 10 Marks

Practical : 2 Hrs/week End Semester Exam: 70 Marks

Credit : 3

Aim :-

S. No

1. To apply the knowledge of chemical and physical properties and processes in engineering fields.

2. The content of this subject provides knowledge of engineering materials.

Objective :-S. No

1. To draw the atomic structure of different elements. To represent the formation of molecules schematically.

2. To describe the mechanism of electrolysis. To identify the properties of metals & alloys related to engineering applications.

3. To identify the properties of non metallic materials, related to engineering applications.

To compare the effects of pollutants on environments & to suggest preventive measures & safety.

Pre-Requisite -S. No

1. Basic terms and formulae of Chemistry should be known.

Contents Hrs/Unit


Unit -1 Atomic StructureDefinition of Atom, Fundamental Particles of Atom – their Mass, Charge, Location, Definition of Atomic no, Atomic Mass no., Isotopes & Isobars, & their distinction with suitable examples, Bohr’s Theory, Definition, Shape & Distinction between Orbits & Orbitals, Hind’s Rule, Filling Up of the Orbitals by Aufbau’s Principles (till Atomic no.

05 12

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30), Pauli’s exclusion principle Valency – Definition, types (Electrovalency & Covalency), Distinction, Octet Rule, Duplet Rule, Formation of Electrovalent & Covalent Compounds e.g. Nacl, CaCl2, MgO, AlCl3, CO2, H2O, Cl2, NH3, C2H4, N2, C2H2.

Unit -2 ElectrochemistryAtom, Ion, Definition Ionisation & Electrolytic Dissociation, Arrhenius Theory of Ionisation, Significance of the Terms Involved in Electrolysis. Such as Conductors, Insulators or Dielectrics, Electrolyte, Non Electrolyte, Electrolysis, Electrolytic Cell, Electrodes, Current Density, Temperature, Mechanism of Electrolysis – Primary & Secondary Reactions at Cathode & Anode, Electrochemical Series for Cations & Anions, Electrolysis of CuSO4 Solution by using Cu Electrode & Platinum Electrode, Electrolysis of NaOH solution & fused NaCl, Faraday’s first & second law of Electrolysis & Numericals, Electrochemical Cells & Batteries, Definition, Types (Primary &Secondary Cells), e.g. Construction, Working & Applications of Dry Cell / Laclanche Cell & Lead – Acid Storage Cell, Applications of Electrolysis such as Electroplating & Electro refining, Electrometallurgy & electrotyping Conductivity of Electrolyte – Ohms Law, Definition & Units of Specific Conductivity, Equivalent Conductivity, specific resistance

06 14

Unit -3 Metals & AlloysMetalsOccurrence of Metals, Definition Metallurgy, Mineral, Ore, Gangue, Flux & Slag, Mechanical Properties, Processing of Ore, Stages of Extraction of Metals from its Ores in Detail i.e. Concentration, Reduction, refining. Physical Properties & Applications of some commonly used metals such as Fe, Cu, Al, Cr, Ni,Sn, Pb, Zn, Co, Ag, W.


AlloysDefinition of Alloy, Purposes of Making alloy Preparation Methods, Classification of Alloys such as Ferrous & Non Ferrous, examples. Composition, Properties & Applications of Alnico, Duralumin, Dutch Metal, German Silver / Nickel Silver, Gun Metal, Monel metal, Wood’s Metal, Babbitt Metal.

Mks: 08

08 16

Unit -4 Non Metallic MaterialsPlasticsDefinition of Plastic, Formation of Plastic by Addition & Condensation Polymerization by giving e.g. of Polyethylene &Bakelite plastic Respectively, Types of Plastic, Thermo softening & Thermosetting Plastic, with Definition, Distinction & e.g., Compounding of Plastics – Resins, Fillers, Plasticizers, Accelerators,

04 10

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Pigments, Engineering Applications of Plastic based on their Properties.

Mks: 04

RubberNatural Rubber: Its Processing, Drawbacks of Natural Rubber, Vulcanization of Rubber with Chemical Reaction.Synthetic Rubber: Definition, & e.g., Distinction Between Natural & Synthetic Rubber.

Mks: 04

Thermal Insulating MaterialsDefinition, Characteristics & Applications of Glass Wool, Thermocole, Asbestos, Cork.

Mks: 04Unit – 5 Environmental Effects (Awareness Level)

Introduction, Definition, Causes of Pollution, Types of Pollution, Such as Air & Water Pollution.

Mks: 04

Air PollutionDefinition, Types of Air Pollutions their Sources & Effects, Such as Gases, Particulates, Deforestation, Radio Active Gases, Control of Air Pollution, Air Pollution Due to Internal Combustion Engine & Its Control Methods, Causes & Effects of Ozone Depletion & Green House Effects.

Mks: 08

Water PollutionDefinition, Causes & Methods of Preventing Water Pollution, Types of Waste such as Domestic Waste, Industrial Waste, their Physical & Biological Characteristics, BOD, COD, Biomedical Waste & E – Waste, their Origin, Effects & Control Measures.Preventive Environmental Management (PEM) Activities.

Mks: 08

09 18

Total 32 70

Practical :-S.No

1. Intellectual Skills: 1. Analyze given solution 2. Interpret the results

2. Motor Skills : 1. Observe Chemical Reactions 2. Measure the quantities Accurately

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3. Handle the apparatus carefully

3. List of Experiments:

01 – 07 Qualitative Analysis of Seven Solutions, Containing One Basic & One Acidic Radical Listed belowBasic Radicals:

Pb+2, Cu+2, Al+3, Fe+2, Fe+3, Cr+3, Zn+2, Ni+2, Ca+2, Ba+2, Mg+2, K+, NH4+.

Acidic Radicals:

Cl–, Br–, I–, CO3–2, SO4–2, NO3–.

06 To Determine E.C.E. of Cu by Using CuSO4 Solution & Copper Electrode

07 To Determine the % of Fe in the Given Ferrous Alloy by KMnO4 Method.

08 To Prepare a Chart Showing Application of Metals like Fe, Cu, Al, Cr, Ni, Sn, Pb, Co.

09 To Prepare Phenol Formaldehyde Resin (Bakelite)

10 To Determine Carbon Monoxide Content in Emission from Petrol Vehicle.

11 To Determine Dissolved Oxygen in a Water Sample.Text Books:Name of Authors Titles of the Book Edition Name of the Publisher

S. S. DaraEnvironmental

Chemistry & Pollution Control

S. Chand Publication


Engineering Chemistry Wiley India Edition

Jain & Jain Engineering Chemistry Dhanpat Rai and SonsReference books :

Name of Authors Titles of the Book Edition Name of the Publisher

Jain & Jain Engineering Chemistry Dhanpat Rai and Sons

S. S. Dara Engineering Chemistry S. Chand Publication

B. K. Sharma Industrial Chemistry Goel Publication

S. S. DaraEnvironmental

Chemistry & Pollution Control

S. Chand Publication

Page 14: MODEL CURRICULUM FOR POST SSC PROGRAMME IN DIPLOMA … · Engineer’s square. 03 06 Unit -2 GENERAL PROPERTIES OF MATTER 2.1 Elasticity : Deforming force, Restoring force, Elastic

Suggested List of Laboratory Experiments : S. No

1 Preparation of any addition or condensation polymer.

2 Determination of pH for different solutions by using pH meter.

Suggested List of Assignments/Tutorial :

S. No

1 Numericals based on Electrochemistry.

2 Assignments on Chemical bonding, Electrochemistry, Metals and Alloys, Non-metallic Engineering Materials

Page 15: MODEL CURRICULUM FOR POST SSC PROGRAMME IN DIPLOMA … · Engineer’s square. 03 06 Unit -2 GENERAL PROPERTIES OF MATTER 2.1 Elasticity : Deforming force, Restoring force, Elastic

Name of the Course : All Branches of Diploma in Engineering and Technology (Basic Mathematics) Course code: EJ/EN/ET/EX/EV/IC/IE/IS/MU/DE/ME/PG/PT/AE/CE/CS/CR/CO/CM/IF/EE/EP/CH/CT/PS/CD/ED/EI/CV/MH/FE/IU

Semester : First

Duration : Maximum Marks :100

Teaching Scheme Examination SchemeTheory : 4 Hrs/week Mid Semester Exam: 20 Marks

Tutorial: 1 Hrs/week Assignment & Quiz: 10 Marks

Practical : -- End Semester Exam: 70 Marks

Credit : 5

Aim :-

S. No

1. To establish the awareness about the power of Mathematics as a tool in the practicality of the life.

2. To give a vision for understanding and identifying the analytical problems, giving the mathematical model and to have practical applications of the concepts

3. To enhance the logical, reasonable and applicative aptitude.

Objective: - This subject helps the students to develop logical thinking, which is useful in comprehending the principles of all other subjects. Analytical and systematic approach towards any problem is developed through learning of this subject. Mathematics being a versatile subject can be used at every stage of human life.S. No

1. To appreciate the inter-disciplinary advantages of Mathematics.

2. To enhance the concept of feasibility and systematic approach towards problem solving.

Pre-Requisite -S. No

1. Knowledge of basic Mathematical Concepts.

2. Basic terms and formulae of Mathematics should be known.

3. Aptitude towards learning and exploring the applications of the learnt concepts will be helpful.Visualization and analytical approach towards the subject is necessary.

Contents (Name of Topics) Hrs/UnitUnit -1 ALGEBRA 01 --

Page 16: MODEL CURRICULUM FOR POST SSC PROGRAMME IN DIPLOMA … · Engineer’s square. 03 06 Unit -2 GENERAL PROPERTIES OF MATTER 2.1 Elasticity : Deforming force, Restoring force, Elastic

Chapter No. 1.1 REVISION 1.1.1 Laws of Indices 1.1.2 Formula of factorization and expansion ((a2-b2), (a+b) 2 etc.) 1.1.3 Laws of logarithm with definition of Natural and Common logarithm.

1.2 PARTIAL FRACTION 1.2.1 Definition of polynomial fraction proper & improper fractions and definition of partial fractions.

1.2.2 To Resolve proper fraction into partial fraction with denominator containing non repeated linear factors, repeated linear factors and irreducible non repeated Quadratic factors.1.2.3 To resolve improper fraction into partial fraction.

04 07

1.3 DETERMINANT AND MATRICES.Determinant ---------------------------- 4 Marks

1.3.1 Definition and expansion of determinants of order 2 And 3. 1.3.2 Cramer’s rule to solve simultaneous equations in 2 and 3 unknowns. Matrices--------------------------------- 11Marks Definition of a matrix of order m X n and types of matrices.

1.3.3 Algebra of matrices such as equality, addition, Subtraction, scalar multiplication and multiplication

1.3.4 Transpose of a matrix. Minor, cofactor of an element of a matrix, ad joint of matrix and inverse of matrix by ad joint method. Solution of simultaneous equations containing 2 and 3 Unknowns by matrix inversion method.

12 15

1.4 BINOMIAL THEOREM1.4.1 Definition of factorial notation, definition of permutation

and combinations with formula. 1.4.2 Binomial theorem for positive index. 1.4.3 General term.

1.4.4 Binomial theorem for negative index.1.4.5 Approximate value (only formula)

04 03


02 03

2.1 REVISION 2.1.1 Measurement of an angle (degree and radian). Relation Between degree and radian. 2.1.2 Trig ratios of 00, 300, 450 etc. 2.1.3 Fundamental identities. 2.2 TRIGONOMETRIC RATIOS OF ALLIED,

COMPOUND, MULTIPLE & SUBMULTIPLE ANGLES (Questions based on numerical computations, which can also be done by calculators, need not be asked particularly for allied angles).

08 07


04 03

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2.4 INVERSE TRIGONOMETRIC RATIOS 2.4.1 Definition of inverse trigonometric, ratios, Principal values of inverse trigonometric ratios.

2.4.2 Relation between inverse trigonometric ratios.

02 03

2.5 PROPERTIES OF TRIANGLE2.5.1 Sine, Cosine, Projection and tangent rules (without proof)

2.5.2 Simple problems. 02 03



3.1.1 Distance formula, Section formula, midpoint, centriod of Triangle.3.1.2 Area of triangle and condition of co linearity.

3.2 STRAIGHT LINE 3.2.1 Slope and intercept of straight line. 3.2.2 Equation of straight line in slope point form, slope-intercept form, two-point form, two-intercept form, normal form. General equation of line.

3.2.3 Angle between two straight lines condition of parallel and perpendicular lines. Intersection of two lines.3.2.5 Length of perpendicular from a point on the line and

perpendicular distance between parallel lines.

06 09

3.3 CIRCLE3.3.1 Equation of circle in standard form, centre – radius Form, diameter form, two – intercept form.3.3.2 General equation of circle, its centre and radius.

06 06


04 04

4.1 Definition of vector, position vector, Algebra of vectors (Equality, addition, subtraction and scalar multiplication) 4.2 Dot (Scalar) product with properties. 4.3 Vector (Cross) product with properties.

4.4 Applications4.4.1 Work done and moment of force about a point & line

04 04

Total 63 70Text Books:

Name of Authors Titles of the Book Edition Name of the Publisher

S.P.Deshpande Basic Mathematics Pune Vidyarthi Grah

S.P.Deshpande Engineering Mathematics Pune Vidyarthi Grah

Reference books :Name of Authors Titles of the Book Edition Name of the Publisher

S. P. Deshpande Mathematics for polytechnicPune Vidyarthi


Page 18: MODEL CURRICULUM FOR POST SSC PROGRAMME IN DIPLOMA … · Engineer’s square. 03 06 Unit -2 GENERAL PROPERTIES OF MATTER 2.1 Elasticity : Deforming force, Restoring force, Elastic

S. L. Loney Trigonometry S. Chand PublicationH. S. Hall & S. R.

Knight Higher AlgebraMetric edition, Book

Palace, New Delhi

Frc.G. Valles College Algebra Charotar Publication

Ayres MatricesSchuam series,

McGraw hill

B. S. Grewal Higher Engineering MathematicsKhanna

publications New Dehli

S. S. Sastry Engineering Mathematics Prentice Hall of India

Suggested List of Laboratory Experiments : S. No

1 NA

Suggested List of Assignments/Tutorial :

S. No Topic on which tutorial is to be conducted

1 Partial fractions

2 Determinants

3 Matrices

4 Solution of simultaneous equation by Matrix inversion method.

5 Binomial theorem

6 Trigonometry- fundamental identities-revision only

7 Trigonometry-allied, compound and multiple angles

8 Trigonometry-factorization and defactorization formulae.

9 Trigonometry-inverse trigonometric ratios.

10 Point and distances

11 Straight line

12 Circle.

13 Vectors

14 Vectors’ applications

Note:Maximum 5 questions are to be given in each tutorial, in which two 2 marks questions (based on basic concept and formulae with one/two step calculations) and three 4 marks questions are expected.

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Name of the Course: All Branches of Diploma in Engineering and Technology (English).


Semester : First

Duration : Maximum Marks :100

Teaching Scheme Examination SchemeTheory : 2 Hrs/week Mid Semester Exam: 20 Marks

Tutorial: -- Assignment & Quiz: 10 Marks

Practical : 2 Hrs/week End Semester Exam: 70 Marks

Credit : 3

Aim :-


1. Communication Development of the students who lack confidence in communicating in English.

2. Developing the Writing, Listening and Speaking skill in the students.

3. To improve their Personality and Communication Networks.

Objectives :- S. No

1. Comprehend the given passage

2. Answer correctly the questions on seen and unseen passages

3. Increase the vocabulary

Pre-Requisite -S. No

1. Making the sentences with correct use of parts of Speech.

2. Sentences with different clauses.

3. Reading, writing and speaking with proper vocabulary and grammar.

Contents Hrs/UnitUnit -1 PART I: TEXT

Vocabulary - Understanding meaning of new words from text Comprehension – Responding to the questions from text Identifying parts of speech

16 30

Unit -2 PART II -Application of grammar Verbs

10 20

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TensesDo as directed (active/passive, Direct/indirect, affirmative/negative/assertive, question tag, remove too, use of article, preposition ,conjunctions, interjections, punctuation)

Unit - 3 PART III - Paragraph writing Definition – Types of paragraphs How to write a paragraph

02 10

Unit - 4 PART IV - Vocabulary building Word formation Technical jargon Use of synonyms /antonyms/Homonyms/paronyms One word substitute

04 10

Total 32 70Text will consist of 10 articles/Lessons

The term work will consist of 6 assignments:The assignments should be written in A4 size note books (100 pages ruled)

Practical :-

S. No Skills to be developed for practical:

1. Intellectual Skills:1 Soft Skills for improving communication. 2 Searching information.3 Reporting skills.

2. Motor Skills:

1 Use of appropriate body language. 2 Use of mouth organs

3.List of Assignments:

1 Building of Vocabulary -- (3 Hours) (2 assignments)a) 25 words for each assignment from the glossary given in the text book at

the end of each chapter

b) Technical Jargons -- (2 Hours) (1 assignment)Identify 10 technical words from the respective branches.Resource -- (Encyclopedia/Subject Books)

2 Grammar (4 Hours) 2 assignments.a) Insert correct parts of speech in the sentences given by the teachers.

(16 sentences--Two each, from the different parts of speech)

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b) Punctuate the sentences given by the teachers. (10 sentences)

3 Conversational skills: Role plays (8 hours)a) Students will perform the role on any 6 situations, by the teacher.b) Dialogue writing for the given situations. (2 assignments)

4 Write Paragraphs on given topics (6 hours) (2 assignments)a) Four types of paragraphs to be written in two assignments covering two

types in one assignment.5 News paper report writing (4hours) ( 2 assignments)a) Write any two events from the news paper as it is.b) Write any two events on the situations given by the teacher.6 Errors in English (4 hours) ( 2 assignments)a) Find out the errors and rewrite the sentences given by the teacher. (20

sentences)Text Books:

Name of Authors Titles of the Book Edition Name of the Publisher

P.C.Wren & H.Martin

High School English Grammar & composition

1st S.Chand & Company Ltd.

Dr. Sunita Mishra Dr. C.


Communication skills for Engineers

1st Pearson2012

M. Gnanamurali English Grammar at glance Latest S. Chand & company Ltd.

Reference books :Name of Authors Titles of the Book Edition Name of the Publisher

David GreenContemporary English

grammar, structures and composition


R. C. JainEnglish grammar and

composition Macmillan

Rodgers Thesaurus Oriental Longman

Oxford Dictionary Oxford University

Longman Dictionary Oriental Longman

Z. N. Patil et el English for practical Purposes


Editor – Mukti Sanyal English at Workplace Macmillan

Suggested List of Laboratory Experiments : S. No

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1 Exercise for making the Sentences and their conversions.

2 Exercise for use of Parts of Speech.

3 Use of Vowels, Articles, Verbs.

Suggested List of Assignments/Tutorial :

S. No

1 Correct use of Tenses

2 Formation of words

3 Compositions and Paragraphs

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Name of the Course : All Branches of Diploma in Engineering and Technology (Engineering Graphics)Course code: EJ/EN/ET/EX/EV/IC/IE/IS/MU/DE/ME/PG/PT/AE/ CE/CS/CR/ CO/CM/IF/EE/EP/CH/CT/PS/CD/ED/EI/CV/MH/FE/IU

Semester : First

Duration : Maximum Marks :50

Teaching Scheme Examination SchemeTheory : 2 Hrs/week Mid Semester Exam: --

Tutorial: -- Assignment & Quiz: --

Practical : 4Hrs/week End Semester Exam: --

Credit : 4

Aim :-

S. No

1. The course is aimed at developing basic graphic skills so as to enable them to use these skills in preparation of engineering drawings, their reading and interpretation.

2. Understand the fundamentals of Engineering Drawing

3. Read and interpret object drawings.

Objective :- The student should be able to: -

S. No

1. Draw different engineering curves and know their applications.

2. Draw orthographic projections of different objects.

3. Visualize three dimensional objects and draw Isometric Projections.4. Use the techniques and able to interpret the drawing in Engineering field.5. Use computer aided drafting packages.

Pre-Requisite -S. No

1. Unambiguous and clear visualization.

2. Sound Pictorial Intelligence.

Contents Hrs/UnitUnit -1 Drawing Instruments and their uses

1.1 Letters and numbers (single stroke vertical) 1.2 Convention of lines and their applications. 1.3 Scale (reduced, enlarged & full size) plain scale and Diagonal scale.


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1.4 Sheet layout. 1.5 Introduction to CAD (Basic draw and modify Command). 1.6 Geometrical constructions.

Unit -2 Engineering curves & Loci of Points.

1.2 To draw an ellipse by 2.1.1 Directrix and focus method 2.1.2 Arcs of circle method. 2.1.3 Concentric circles method.2.2 To draw a parabola by: 2.2.1 Directrix and focus method

2.2.2 Rectangle method2.3 To draw a hyperbola by: 2.3.1 Directrix and focus method 2.3.2 passing through given points with reference to asymptotes 2.3.3 Transverse Axis and focus method.2.4 To draw involutes of circle & polygon (up to hexagon)2.5 To draw a cycloid, 24picycloids, hypocycloid2.6 To draw Helix & spiral.2.7 Loci of Points:2.7.1 Loci of points with given conditions and examples related to simple mechanisms.


Unit – 3 Orthographic projections3.1 Introduction to Orthographic projections.3.2 Conversion of pictorial view into Orthographic Views (First Angle Projection Method Only) 3.3 Dimensioning technique as per SP-46


Unit – 4 Isometric projection4.1 Isometric scale4.2 Conversion of orthographic views into isometric View/projection(Simple objects) Projection of Straight Lines and Planes. (First Angle Projection Method only)


Unit – 5 5.1 Lines inclined to one reference plane only and limited To both ends in one quadrant.5.2 Projection of simple planes of circular, square, rectangular, rhombus, pentagonal, and hexagonal, inclined to one reference plane and perpendicular to The other.


Total 32

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Practical :- Engineering Drawing List of Practical Skills to be developed

Intellectual skills Motor Skills1.Introduction to graphics - (1 Sheet)Draw the following using CAD1.1 Rectangle with given

dimensions1.2 Circle with given

dimensions and hatch1.3 Pentagon with line

command1.4 Hexagon with given

dimensions1. Draw one figure containing circle tangent, Arc and dimensioning.

2. To develop ability to solve problems on geometrical constructions.

3. To develop ability to draw the geometrical constructions by computer.

2. Engineering curves & Loci of points - (1 Sheet)I ) Three different curves are to be draw using any one method.ii) Draw locus of point on any one mechanism

1) To develop ability to differentiate between conic and curves.2) To develop ability to identify the type of locus from the nature of surface and the position of generating circle.3) Able to interpret the given mechanisms and locus of points.

1. To develop ability to draw different types of curves.

3. Orthographic projections - (Total 2 Sheets)Two objects by first angle projection method – (1 Sheet)

Redraw the same sheet using CAD – (1 Sheet)

1) Develop ability to interpret first angle projection method. 2) To interpret and able to solve problem on orthographic projection of given object.

4. Develop ability to draw orthographic projections by first angle projection method

4. Isometric projection - (Total 2 sheets)Two objects one by true scale and another by isometric scale. (simple objects) - (1 sheet)Redraw the same sheet using CAD - (1 sheet)

1) Develop ability to differentiate between isometric view and isometric projections.2) To differentiate between Isometric scale and true scale.

1. Develop ability to draw isometric views and isometric projections from given orthographic views of an object using computer.

5. Projections of line and planes. – (1 Sheet)

Two problems on Projection of

1) To develop ability to differentiate between true length and apparent length.

1) Able to draw Orthographic Projections of line and planes.

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lines and two problems on Projection of Planes.

2) To interpret the position lines and plane with reference plane.

List of Practice Oriented Projects: -1) To draw layout of visited Industry, College using CAD2) To draw orthographic projection of given machine element using CAD

Text Books:Name of Authors Titles of the Book Edition Name of the Publisher

N. D. Bhatt Engineering Drawing Charotar Publishing House

K. VenugopalEngineering Drawing and Graphics+ AutoCAD

New Age Publication

R. K. Dhawan Engineering Drawing S. Chand Co.

P. J. Shah Engineering Drawing ---

K. R. Mohan Engineering Graphics Dhanpat Rai and Publication Co.

B) Video Cassettes / CD’s1. CD’s prepared by MSBTE for Engineering Drawing

C) IS Code SP – 46. Engineering Drawing practice for schools and colleges.

Reference books :Name of Authors Titles of the Book Edition Name of the Publisher

P.S.Gill Engineering Drawing SK Kataria and sons,Delhi

Surjeet Singh Engineering Drawing Dhanpat Rai and Co., Delhi

D.A.Jolhe Engineering Drawing 2008 TATA McGraw Hill

Suggested List of Laboratory Experiments : S. No

1 Not Applicable

Suggested List of Assignments/Tutorial :

S. No

1 Assignment problems (Min. 5) on every unit. The problems are expected to be practical applications oriented

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Name of the Course : All Branches of Diploma in Engineering and Technology (Computer Fundamentals).Course code: EJ/EN/ET/EX/EV/IC/IE/IS/MU/DE/ME/PG/PT/AE/CE/CS/CR/CO/CM/IF/E


Semester : First

Duration : Maximum Marks :75

Teaching Scheme Examination SchemeTheory : 1Hrs/week Mid Semester Exam: --

Tutorial: -- Assignment & Quiz: --

Practical : 4 Hrs/week End Semester Exam: --

Credit : 3

Aim :-

S. No

1. To Understand basics of Computer.

2. To Learn various application software’s.

3. To Learn Usage of Computer System in various Domains.

Objective :-S. No Students will be able to:

1. Understand a computer system that has hardware and software components, which controls and makes them useful.

2. Understand the operating system as the interface to the computer system.

3. Use the basic functions of an operating system.4. Set the parameter required for effective use of hardware combined with and application

software’s.5. Compare major OS like Linux and MS-Windows.6. Use file mangers, word processors, spreadsheets, presentation software’s and Internet.7. Have hands on experience on operating system and different application software.8. Use the Internet to send mail and surf the World Wide Web.

Pre-Requisite -S. No

1. Basic knowledge of computers

2. Basic knowledge of internet

3. Knowledge of database systems

Contents Hrs/UnitUnit -1 Fundamentals of Computer 3

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IntroductionComponents of PCThe system UnitFront part of system UnitBack part of system UnitCPUMemory of computer MonitorMouse, Keyboard, Disk, Printer, Scanner, Modem,Video, Sound cards, Speakers

Unit -2 Introduction to Windows 2000/XpWorking with windowDesktopComponents of windowMenu bar optionStarting windowGetting familiar with desktopMoving from one window to anotherReverting windows to its previous sizeOpening task bar buttons into a windowsCreating shortcut of program Quitting windows


Unit – 3 GUI Based Editing, Spreadsheets, Tables & Presentation Application Using MS Office 2000 & Open Office.OrgMenusOpening of menus, Toolbars: standard toolbars, formatting toolbars & closing of menus Quitting Document, Editing & designing your documentSpreadsheetsWorking & Manipulating data with ExcelChanging the layoutWorking with simple graphs & PresentationWorking With PowerPoint and Presentation


Unit – 4 Introduction To InternetWhat is Internet Equipment Required for Internet connection Sending &receiving EmailsBrowsing the WWWCreating own Email AccountInternet chatting


Unit – 5 Usage of Computer System in various DomainsComputer application in Offices, books publication, data analysis ,accounting , investment, inventory control, graphics, database management, Instrumentation, Airline and railway ticket reservation, robotics,


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artificial intelligence, military, banks, design and research work, real-time, point of sale terminals, financial transaction terminals.

Unit – 6 Information technology for benefits of communityImpact of computer on societySocial responsibilitiesApplications of ITImpact of ITEthics and information technologyFuture with information technology


Total Hours 16

Practical’sSr. No List of Practical’s

1.Working with Windows 2000 desktop ,start icon, taskbar, Recycle Bin, My Computer icon, the Recycle Bin and deleted filesCreating shortcuts on the desktop


The Windows 2000 accessoriesWordPad – editing an existing documentUse of Paint – drawing toolsThe Calculator, Clock

3.The Windows Explorer window, concept of drives, folders and files?Folder selection techniques, Switching drives, Folder creation Moving or copying files, Renaming, Deleting files ,and folders


PrintingInstalling a printer driverSetting up a printerDefault and installed printersControlling print queuesViewing installed fontsThe clipboard and ‘drag and drop’Basic clipboard conceptsLinking vs. embedding

5. Moving through a Word document menu bar and drop down menus toolbars6. Entering text into a Word 2000 document, selection techniques Deleting text7. Font formatting keyboard shortcuts

8. * Paragraph formattingBullets and numbering

9.* Page formatting What is page formatting? Page margins Page size and orientationPage breaks, Headers and footers

10. Introducing tables and columns11. Printing within Word 2000 Print setup Printing options Print preview

12.* Development of application using mail mergeMail merging addresses for envelopesPrinting an addressed envelope and letter

13. Creating and using macros in a document

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14.* Creating and opening workbooksEntering data


Navigating in the worksheetSelecting items within Excel 2000Inserting and deleting cells, rows and columnMoving between worksheets, saving worksheet, workbook

16. Formatting and customizing data17. Formulas, functions and named ranges18. Creating, manipulating & changing the chart type

19.Printing, Page setup, MarginsSheet printing options, Printing a worksheet

20. * Preparing presentations with Microsoft Power Point.Slides and presentations, Opening an existing presentation , Saving a presentation


Using the AutoContent wizard ,Starting the AutoContent wizardSelecting a presentation type within the AutoContent wizardPresentation typePresentation titles, footers and slide number


* Creating a simple text slide.Selecting a slide layout.Manipulating slide information within normal and outline view.Formatting and proofing text.Pictures and backgrounds.drawing toolbar.AutoShapes.Using clipart.Selecting objects.Grouping and un-grouping objects.The format painter.


* Creating and running a slide show.Navigating through a slide show.Slide show transitions.Slide show timings.Animation effects.


* Microsoft Internet Explorer 5 & the InternetConnecting to the InternetThe Internet Explorer program window.The on-line web tutorial Using hyper links.Responding to an email link on a web page.


Searching the InternetSearching the web via Microsoft Internet ExplorerSearching the Internet using Web CrawlerSearching the Internet using YahooCommonly used search engines

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26.Favorites, security & customizing ExplorerOrganizing Favorite web sitesCustomizing options – general, security, contents, connection, programs, advanced


* Using the Address BookAdding a new contactCreating a mailing groupAddressing a messageFinding an e-mail address


Using electronic mailStarting Outlook ExpressUsing the Outlook Express windowChanging the window layoutReading file attachmentTaking action on message-deleting, forwarding, replying


* Email & newsgroupsCreating and sending emailsAttached filesReceiving emailsLocating and subscribing to newsgroupsPosting a message to a newsgroup

30.Chatting on internetUnderstating Microsoft chat environmentChat toolbar

Note : Term work will include printout of Exercises of practical’s marked with asterisks ( * )

Text Books:Name of Authors Titles of the Book Edition Name of the Publisher

Vikas GuptaComdex

Computer Course KitFirst Dreamtech

Henry LucasInformation Technology

for management7Th

Tata McGraw Hills

B.RamComputer Fundamentals

Architecture and Organization

Revised 3rd New Age International Publisher

Reference books :Name of Authors Titles of the Book Edition Name of the Publisher

P k Sinha Computer Fundamental 5th Wadsworth, Inc

Mubarak Shah Fundamentals of Computer Vision

1st Mubarak Shah University of Central Florida

Daniel J. Rosenkrantz

Fundamental Problems in Computing

5th Springer

Suggested List of Laboratory Experiments : S. No

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1 Formal way to send Email

2 Information search on a given topic

3 Creating the PPT

Suggested List of Assignments/Tutorial :

S. No

1 Write up for the information search

2 Write up for seminar topic

3 Assignment on embedding

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Name of the Course : Civil Engineering Group (Basic Workshop Practice (Civil)

Course code: CE/CT/CR Semester : First

Duration : Maximum Marks : 75

Teaching Scheme Examination SchemeTheory : -- Mid Semester Exam: --

Tutorial: -- Assignment & Quiz: --

Practical : 3 Hrs/week End Semester Exam: --

Credit :2

Aim :-

S. No

1. The students are required to identify, operate and control various machines

2. The students are required to select and use various tools and equipments related to Wood working and smithy processes.

Objective :-S. No At the end of this course, the student will able to

1. Know basic workshop processes. Read and interpret job drawings. Identify, select and use various marking, measuring, and holding, striking and

cutting tools & equipments wood working and sheet metal shops.2. Operate, control different machines and equipments.

Select proper welding rods and fluxes. Inspect the job for specified dimensions

3. Produce jobs as per specified dimensions. Adopt safety practices while working on various machines.

Pre-Requisite -S. No

1. Safety consciousness.

2. Primary First-aid Knowledge.

3. Ability to organize and manage their (students) activities and themselves.

Contents Hrs/Unit

Details of Theory Contents

Unit -1 CARPENTRY SHOP1. Introduction.2. Various types of woods.


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3. Different types of tools, machines and accessories.

Unit -2 WELDING SHOP1. Introduction2. Types of welding, ARC welding, Gas welding, Gas Cutting.3. Welding of dissimilar materials, Selection of welding rod

material Size of welding rod and work piece.4. Different types of flame.5. Elementary symbolic representation, 6. Safety precautions in welding safety equipments and its use in

welding processes.


Unit – 3 FITTING SHOP1. Introduction2. Various marking, measuring, cutting, holding and striking tools.3. Different fitting operation like chipping, filing, right angle,

marking, drilling, tapping etc. 4. Working Principle of Drilling machine, Tapping dies its use.5. Safety precautions and safety equipments.



1. Introduction.2. Various marking, measuring, cutting, holding and striking tools.3. Different G.I. pipes, PVC pipes, flexible pipes used in practice.4. G. I. pipes and PVC pipes fittings and accessories, Adhesive

solvents- chemical action, piping layout.


Unit – 5 SHEET METAL SHOP1. Introduction2. Various types of tools, equipments and accessories.3. Different types of operations in sheet metal shop.4. Soldering and riveting.5. Safety precautions.


Total 16Skills to be developed:S. No.

Intellectual Skills:

1. Ability to read job drawing2. Ability to identify and select proper material, tools, equipments and

machine.3. Ability to select proper parameters (like cutting speed, feed, depth cut use

of lubricants) in machine.Motor Skills:

1. Ability to set tools, work piece, and machines for desired operations.2. Ability to complete job as per job drawing in allotted time.3. Ability to use safety equipment and follow safety procedures during

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operations.4. Ability to inspect the job for confirming desired dimensions and shape.5. Ability to acquire hands-on experience

Notes: 1] The instructor shall give demonstration to the students by preparing a specimen job as per the job drawing.

2] The workshop diary shall be maintained by each student duly signed by instructor of respective shop.

Text Books:Name of Authors Titles of the Book Edition Name of the Publisher

S.K. Hajara Chaudhary

Workshop Technology

Media Promotors and Publishers,New Delhi

B.S. Raghuwanshi

Workshop Technology

Dhanpat Rai and sons, New Delhi

R K Jain Production Technology

Khanna Publishers, New Delhi

H.S.Bawa Workshop Technology

Tata McGraw Hill Publishers, New Delhi

Kent’s Mechanical Engineering Hand


John Wiley and Sons, New York

Electronics Trade &


Development Corporation.(A Govt. of India undertaking) Akbar Hotel Annex, Chanakyapuri, New

Delhi- 110 021

Video Cassettes/ CD’sLearning Materials Transparencies, CBT Packages developed by N.I.T.T.E.R. Bhopal.

Reference books :Name of Authors Titles of the Book Edition Name of the Publisher

K.C.John Mechanical Workshop Practice

2010 PHI Learning Pvt Ltd.

Suggested List of Laboratory Experiments : S. No Details Of Practical Contents

1 WOOD WORKING SHOP: Demonstration of different wood working tools / machines. Demonstration of different wood working processes, like plaining, marking,

chiseling, grooving, turning of wood etc. One simple job involving any one joint like mortise and tenon dovetail, bridle,

half lap etc. 2 WELDING SHOP :

Demonstration of different welding tools / machines.

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Demonstration on Arc Welding, Gas Welding, gas cutting and rebuilding of broken parts with welding.

One simple job involving butt and lap joint. 3 FITTING SHOP:

Demonstration of different fitting tools and drilling machines and power tools Demonstration of different operations like chipping, filing, drilling, tapping,

cutting etc. One simple fitting job involving practice of chipping, filing, drilling, tapping,

cutting etc.4 PLUMBING SHOP:

Demonstration of different plumbing tools Demonstration of different operations in plumbing, observing different pipe

joints and pipe accessories. Different samples of PVC pipes and PVC pipe fittings. One job on simple pipe joint with nipple coupling for standard pipe. Pipe

threading using standard die sets. 5 SHEET METAL SHOP:

Demonstration of different sheet metal tools / machines. Demonstration of different sheet metal operations like sheet cutting, bending,

edging, end curling, lancing , soldering and riveting. One simple job involving sheet metal operations and soldering and riveting.

Suggested List of Assignments/Tutorial :

S. No

1 Assignment on advancements in various machines.

2 Assignment on non-conventional machining processes.

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Name of the Course : Electrical Engineering/ Electrical Power System (Basic Workshop Practice (Electrical))Course code: EE/EP Semester : First

Duration : Maximum Marks :75

Teaching Scheme Examination SchemeTheory : -- Mid Semester Exam: --

Tutorial: -- Assignment & Quiz: --

Practical : 3 Hrs/week End Semester Exam: --

Credit : 2

Aim :-

S. No

1. It is essential to know some basic workshop skills.

2. students are required to supervisor, maintenance of equipment, where he needs the knowledge of basic workshop skills such as welding, Soldering, Sheet metal working, drilling, tapping etc.

Objective :-S. No The student will be able to

1. Use the knowledge of sheet metal working and welding for preparing panels, switch boxes etc.

2. Use various drills for electrical wiring and installation

3. Make joints for various types of wirings such as casing capping, Batten wiring and mounting of accessories

Pre-Requisite -S. No

1. Safety consciousness.

2. Primary First-aid Knowledge.

3. Ability to organize and manage their (students) activities and themselves.

Contents Hrs/UnitUnit -1 WELDING SHOP :

1. Introduction2. Types of welding, ARC welding, Gas welding, Gas Cutting.3. Welding of dissimilar materials, Selection of welding rod material

Size of welding rod and work piece.4. Different types of flame.5. Elementary symbolic representation, 6. Safety precautions in welding safety equipments and its use in


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welding processes.

Unit -2 SHEET METAL SHOP.1. Introduction2. Various types of tools, equipments and accessories.3. Different types of operations in sheet metal shop.4. Soldering and riveting.5. Safety precautions.


Unit - 3 TURNING SHOP1. Introduction2. Various marking, measuring, cutting, holding and striking tools.3. Working Principle of Drilling machine, Tapping dies its use.4. Drilling and Tapping5. Turning: Plain, taper6. Threading and Knurling 7. Safety precautions and safety equipments.


Unit – 4 PLUMBING SHOP1. Introduction.2. Various marking, measuring, cutting, holding and striking tools.3. Different types of PVC pipes, flexible pipes used in practice. 4. PVC pipes fittings and accessories, Adhesive solvents- chemical

action, 5. Piping layout.


Total 34

Practical: Skills to be developed

1. Intellectual Skills:

a) Ability to read job drawings.b) Ability to identify and select proper material, tools and equipments and

machines.c) Ability to select proper parameters (like cutting speed, feed, depth cut use of

lubricants) in machine.2. Motor Skills : a) Ability to set tools, work piece, and machines for desired operations.b) Ability to complete job as per job drawing in allotted time.c) Ability to use safety equipment and follow safety procedures during

operations.d) Ability to inspect the job for confirming desired dimensions and shape. e) Ability to acquire hands-on experience.


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WELDING SHOP Any one composite job from involving butt joint lap joint welding process,

from the following like Grill, door, window frame, Corner flower stand chair , table frame (square pipe 25 mm) cooler frame (folding type), Kitchen Trolley, Centering Plate, supporting frames

Note:1] One job of standard size (Saleable/marketable article shall be preferred) 2] Batch size should be selected depending on volume of work. 3] Job allotted should comprise of 6-8 hours of actual working operations. 4] Student shall calculate the cost of material and labor required for their job

from the drawing.


PLUMBING SHOPDemonstration of PVC pipe joint with various fittings.Exercise for students on preparing actual pipeline layout for PVC pipe. Preparing actual drawing and bill of material.


SHEET METAL SHOPOne composite job of Water-draining Channel, display boards, Panel Board, Switch Box, Glass Paneling items etc.

Note:1]One job of standard size(Saleable/marketable article shall be preferred) 2] Batch size should be selected depending on volume of work. 3] Job allotted should comprise of 4-6 hours of actual working ions. 4] Student shall calculate the cost of material and labor cost required for their job from the drawing.


TURNING SHOPNote:1] One job related to Plane and Taper turning, threading and knurling 2] One job related to Drilling and tapping 3] Batch size should be selected depending on volume of work. 4] Job allotted should comprise of 6-8 hours of actual working 5] Student shall calculate the cost of material and labor cost for their job from the drawing.


Demonstration of power tools and practice of utility items. Demonstration of advance power tools, pneumatic tools, electrical wiring tools

and accessories. Tools for Cutting and drilling,

Text Books:Name of Authors Titles of the Book Edition Name of the Publisher

K.C.John Mechanical Workshop Practice

2010 PHI Learning Pvt Ltd.

Reference books :Name of Authors Titles of the Book Edition Name of the Publisher

S.K. Hajara Workshop Technology Media Promotors and

Page 40: MODEL CURRICULUM FOR POST SSC PROGRAMME IN DIPLOMA … · Engineer’s square. 03 06 Unit -2 GENERAL PROPERTIES OF MATTER 2.1 Elasticity : Deforming force, Restoring force, Elastic

Chaudhary Publishers,New Delhi

B.S. Raghuwanshi Workshop TechnologyDhanpat Rai and Sons,

New Delhi

R K Jain Production Technology Khanna Publishers, New Delhi

H.S.Bawa Workshop TechnologyTata McGraw Hill

Publishers,New Delhi- Kent’s Mechanical

Engineering Hand book

John Wiley and Sons, New York

Video Cassettes / CD’s Learning Materials Transparencies, CBT Packages developed by NITTER Bhopal.

Suggested List of Laboratory Experiments : S. No

1 NA

Suggested List of Assignments/Tutorial :

S. No

1 Assignment on advancements in various machines.

2 Assignment on non-conventional machining processes.

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Name of the Course : Mechanical Engineering (Basic Workshop Practice (Mechanical & Chemical Group))Course code: ME/AE/PG/PT/CH/PS Semester : First

Duration : Maximum Marks :75

Teaching Scheme Examination SchemeTheory : -- Mid Semester Exam: --

Tutorial: -- Assignment & Quiz: --

Practical : 3 Hrs/week End Semester Exam: --

Credit : 2


Mechanical and Chemical diploma technician is expected to know basic workshop practice like Wood working, Sheet metal. The students are required to identify, operate and control various machines. The students are required to select and use various tools and equipments related to Wood working and sheet metal processes.

Aim :-

S. No

1. To helps to develop psychomotor skill and attitude.

2. The basic knowledge of various processes will be helpful to select the most appropriate process for getting the desired results in terms of getting the raw material converted to finished product as per the requirements.

3. The student will be familiarized with working principles and operations like forging, rolling, extrusion, press working, lathe, drilling, milling, casting, welding, brazing and soldering etc which are the basic manufacturing processes.

Objective :-S. No The student will able to

1. Know basic workshop processes. Read and interpret job drawing. Identify, select and use various marking, measuring, holding, striking and cutting

tools & equipments.2. Operate, control different machines and equipments.

Inspect the job for specified dimensions3. Produce jobs as per specified dimensions.

Adopt safety practices while working on various machinesPre-Requisites -S. No

1. Safety consciousness.

2. Primary First-aid Knowledge.

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3. Ability to organize and manage their (students) activities and themselves.

Contents (Details Of Theory Contents) Hrs/UnitUnit -1 CARPENTRY SHOP

1. Introduction.2. Various types of woods. 3. Different types of tools, machines and accessories.


Unit -2 WELDING SHOP :1. Introduction2. types of welding, ARC welding, Gas welding, Gas Cutting.3. Welding of dissimilar materials, Selection of welding rod material Size

of welding rod and work piece.4. Different types of flame.5. Elementary symbolic representation, 6. Safety precautions in welding safety equipments and its use in

welding processes.


Unit – 3 FITTING SHOP:1. Introduction2. Various marking, measuring, cutting, holding and striking tools.3. Different fitting operation like chipping, filing, right angle, marking,

drilling, tapping etc. 4. Working Principle of Drilling machine, Tapping dies its use.5. Safety precautions and safety equipments.


Unit – 4 PLUMBING SHOP:1. Introduction.2. Various marking, measuring, cutting, holding and striking tools.3. Different G.I. pipes, PVC pipes, flexible pipes used in practice.4. G. I. pipes and PVC pipes fittings and accessories, Adhesive solvents-

chemical action, Piping layout.


Unit – 5 SHEET METAL SHOP.1. Introduction2. Various types of tools, equipments and accessories.3. Different types of operations in sheet metal shop.4. Soldering and riveting.5. Safety precautions.


Total 15

Skills to be developed:Intellectual Skills:

1. Ability to read job drawing2. Ability to identify and select proper material, tools, equipments and

machine.3. Ability to select proper parameters (like cutting speed, feed, depth cut use

of lubricants) in machine.

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Motor Skills:

1. Ability to set tools, work piece, and machines for desired operations.2. Ability to complete job as per job drawing in allotted time.3. Ability to use safety equipment and follow safety procedures during operations.4. Ability to inspect the job for confirming desired dimensions and shape.5. Ability to acquire hands-on experience.

Notes: 1] The instructor shall give demonstration to the students by preparing a specimen job as per the job drawing. 2] The workshop diary shall be maintained by each student duly signed by instructor of respective shop.

Sr. No. Details Of Practical Contents


WOOD WORKING SHOP: Demonstration of different wood working tools / machines. Demonstration of different wood working processes, like plaining, marking,

chiseling, grooving, turning of wood etc. One simple job involving any one joint like mortise and tenon dovetail, bridle, half

lap etc.


WELDING SHOP : Demonstration of different welding tools / machines. Demonstration on Arc Welding, Gas Welding, gas cutting and rebuilding of broken

parts with welding. One simple job involving butt and lap joint.


FITTING SHOP: Demonstration of different fitting tools and drilling machines and power tools. Demonstration of different operations like chipping, filing, drilling, tapping, cutting

etc. One simple fitting job involving practice of chipping, filing, drilling, tapping, cutting



PLUMBING SHOP: Demonstration of different plumbing tools Demonstration of different operations in plumbing, observing different pipe joints

and pipe accessories. Different samples of PVC pipes and PVC pipe fittings. One job on simple pipe joint with nipple coupling for standard pipe. Pipe threading

using standard die sets.


SHEET METAL SHOP: Demonstration of different sheet metal tools / machines. Demonstration of different sheet metal operations like sheet cutting, bending,

edging, end curling, lancing, soldering and riveting. One simple job involving sheet metal operations and soldering and riveting.

Text Books:

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Name of Authors Titles of the Book Edition Name of the Publisher

S.K. Hajara Chaudhary-

Workshop Technology -Media Promoters and Publishers, New Delhi

B.S. Raghuwanshi- Workshop Technology- Dhanpat Rai and sons, New Delhi

R K Jain- Production Technology- Khanna Publishers, New Delhi

H.S.Bawa- - Workshop Technology Tata McGraw Hill Publishers,New Delhi

Kent’s Mechanical Engineering Hand book-

John Wiley and Sons, New York

Video Cassettes/ CD’s

Electronics Trade & technology Development Corporation.(A Govt. of India undertaking) Akbar Hotel Annex, Chanakyapuri, New Delhi- 110 021

Learning Materials Transparencies, CBT Packages developed by N.I.T.T.E.R. Bhopal.Reference books :Name of Authors Titles of the Book Edition Name of the Publisher

Anderson Shop Theory Tata McGraw Hill

Rajeev Upadhayay Workshop Practice

Suggested List of Laboratory Experiments : S. No

1 Not Applicable

Suggested List of Assignments/Tutorial :

S. No

1 Assignment on advancements in various machines.

2 Assignment on non-conventional machining processes.

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Name of the Course : Electronics Engineering Group (Basic Workshop Practice (Electronics Group))Course code: ET/EJ/EN/EX/IE/IS/IC/DE/MU/EV

Semester : First

Duration : Maximum Marks :75

Teaching Scheme Examination SchemeTheory : -- Mid Semester Exam: --

Tutorial: -- Assignment & Quiz: --

Practical : 3 Hrs/week End Semester Exam: --

Credit : 2

Aim :-

S. No

1. It is essential to know some basic workshop skills.

2. students are required to supervisor, maintenance of equipment, where he needs the knowledge of basic workshop skills such as welding, Soldering, Sheet metal working, drilling, tapping etc.

Rational:-S. No

1. Electronics diploma technician is expected to know basic workshop practice like Wood working, Sheet metal and Fitting.

2. The students are required to identify, operate and control various machines.

3. The students are required to select and use various tools and equipments related to Wood working and sheet metal processes

Objective :-S. No

1. Read and interpret the drawing.

2. Draw sketch for given job.

3. Use manufacturers Catalog to prepare estimation of material required.4. Use specification tables.5. Decide Sequence of procedure.

Pre-Requisites-S. No

1. Safety consciousness.

2. Primary First-aid Knowledge.

3. Ability to organize and manage their (students) activities and themselves.

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Contents (Topic) Hrs/UnitUnit -1 CARPENTRY SHOP

1. Introduction.2. Various types of woods. 3. Different types of tools, machines and accessories.


Unit -2 FITTING SHOP:1. Introduction2. Various marking, measuring, cutting, holding and striking tools.3. Different fitting operation like chipping, filing, right angle,

marking, drilling, tapping etc. 4. Working Principle of Drilling machine, Tapping dies its use.5. Safety precautions and safety equipments.


Unit - 3 SHEET METAL SHOP.1. Introduction2. Various types of tools, equipments and accessories.3. Different types of operations in sheet metal shop.4. Soldering and riveting.5. Safety precautions.


Total 10Skills to be developed:Intellectual Skills:

1. Ability to read job drawing.2. Ability to identify and select proper material, tools, equipments and machine.

Ability to select proper parameters (like cutting speed, feed, depth cut use of lubricants) in machine.Motor Skills:

1. Ability to set tools, work piece, and machines for desired operations.2. Ability to complete job as per job drawing in allotted time.3. Ability to use safety equipment and follow safety procedures during operations.

4. Ability to inspect the job for confirming desired dimensions and shape.5. Ability to acquire hands-on experience.

Note: Details of on example job for each shop is given below:Sr. No. Details Of Practical Contents


WOOD WORKING SHOP: Demonstration of different wood working tools / machines. Demonstration of different wood working processes, like planning, marking,

chiseling, grooving, turning of wood etc. One simple job of preparing switch board or any other similar job.


FITTING SHOP: Demonstration of different fitting tools and drilling machines and power tools Demonstration of different operations like chipping, filing, drilling, tapping, cutting

etc. One simple fitting job involving practice of filing, drilling, tapping, cutting etc. Such

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as Transistor Heat Sink or any other similar job.


SHEET METAL SHOP: Demonstration of different sheet metal tools / machines. Demonstration of different sheet metal operations like sheet cutting, bending,

edging, end curling, lancing , soldering and riveting. One simple job involving sheet metal operations and soldering and riveting. Such as

Battery Eliminator Box or any other similar job.



MATERIAL : C R C A sheet 22/24 SWG

* TOOLS & EQUIPMENT: SEQUENCE OF OPERATIONS :1) Steel Rule 1) Development2) Try square 2) Marking3) Scriber 3) Checking4) Spring Divider / Center Punch 4) Cutting5) Files 5) Debuting6) Shearing Machine / ship 6) Corner cutting7) Drilling Machine 7) Drilling8) Mallet 8) Punching9) Hammer 9) Bending

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10) Chisels 10) Topping11) Hollow or solid punch 11) Numbering12) Hand Drill M/c 12) Finishing13) Drills in various sizes 13) Soldering / Brazing14) Taps M3 & tap wrench 15) Bending M/c16) Bench vice 17) Use various stakes18) Number Punch

19) Blow lamp20) Soldering iron

2) Fitting Work: Transistor Heat Sink




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1) Steel Rule / Vernier caliper 1) Marking2) Try square 2) Checking3) Scriber 3) Cutting4) Bench Vice 4) Squareness fitting (90’)5) Surface plate / with magnet block 5) Saw cutting6) Files, flat, square, Niddles 6) Chiseling / chipping7) Marking Gauge 7) Slot filing 8) Marking Block / Height Gauge 8) Drill Marking9) Hacksaw frame 9) Drilling10) Center Punch 10) Tapping11) Hammer 11) Finishing12) Chisels Hat 12) Numbering13) Table Drill Machine (Bench)14) Drills15) Tap & Tap wrenches 16) Number Punch

3) Carpentry Work: Switch Box


SIZE: 1) 40 X 260 X 10 mm 02 Nos. 2) 40 X 310 X 10 mm 02 Nos. 3) Sun-mica – 250 X 300 mm X 0.5 mm 01 Nos.

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4) Plywood – 250 X 300 mm X 5 mm 01 Nos. 5) Fevicol 6) French Polish

TOOLS & EQUIPMENT SEQUENCE OF OPERATIONS1) Steel Rule 1) Measuring2) Try square 2) Planning 3) Marking Gauge 3) Marking4) Jack Plane 4) Cutting5) Hand Saw 5) Chiseling 6) Carpentry Vice 6) Corner joint with nail 7) Wooden Mallet / Hammer 7) Sun mica Pasting (Fevicolor

similar adhesive)

8) Firmer Chisel 8) Marking for slot cutting9) Jig Saw Machine 9) Jig Saw cutting10) Marfa file 10) Numbering11) Numbering 11) Polishing

Text Books:Name of Authors Titles of the Book Edition Name of the Publisher

S.K. Hajara Chaudhary

Workshop TechnologyMedia Promoters and Publishers, New Delhi

B.S. Raghuwanshi Workshop Technology

Dhanpat Rai and Sons, New Delhi

R K Jain Production Technology Khanna Publishers, New Delhi

H.S.Bawa Workshop TechnologyTata McGraw Hill

Publishers, New Delhi

--Kent’s Mechanical

Engineering Hand bookJohn Wiley and Sons, New

YorkVideo Cassettes/ CD’sLearning Materials Transparencies, CBT Packages developed by NITTER Bhopal

Reference books :Name of Authors Titles of the Book Edition Name of the Publisher

Anderson Shop Theory Tata McGraw Hill

Rajeev Upadhayay

Workshop Practice

Suggested List of Laboratory Experiments :

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S. No

1 Not Applicable

Suggested List of Assignments/Tutorial :

S. No

1 Assignment on advancements in various machines.

2 Assignment on non-conventional machining processes.

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Name of the Course : Computer Engineering Group (Basic Workshop Practice (Computer))

Course code: CO/CM/CD/IF Semester : First

Duration : Maximum Marks :75

Teaching Scheme Examination SchemeTheory : -- Mid Semester Exam: --

Tutorial: -- Assignment & Quiz: --

Practical : 3 Hrs/week End Semester Exam: --

Credit : 2

Aim :-

S. No

1. To understand external peripheral devices and internal devices of computer.

2. To study system configuration using CMOS setup.

3. To study connections of different devices with computer

Objective :-S. No After studying this subject, the student will be able to –

1. Understand basic components of computers. Connect peripheral devices. Clean various devices like Keyboard, mouse, printers and motherboard.

2. Park and eject the papers over the printer. Write Data on the CD. Scan documents and images.

3. Understand front panel and back panel connections. Connection of Pen drives and DVD’s

Pre-Requisite -S. No

1. Introduction of various device of personal computer

2. Handling of floppies and pen drives

3. Installation of external devices such as scanner and printer

Contents: Theory (Topic/Subtopic) Hrs/UnitUnit -1 Introduction to Various External Peripheral Devices

1.1 Different types of keyboards1.2 Different types of Mouse1.3 Different types of Scanners1.4 Different types of Modems


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1.5 Different types of printers1.6 CD writers, speakers, CD read /write drive1.7 Microphones, LCD projectors, Pen drives, DVD drive1.8 Different types of Monitors

Unit -2 Introduction to Various Internal Devices2.1 Different makes of hard disks2.2 Different types of network Interface cards2.3 Different types of cables such as data cables, printer cables, network cables, power cables etc.2.4 Different types of floppy disk2.5 Motherboard connection2.6 Graphics Card connection2.7 Network Interface card connection


Unit – 3 Physical Connections of different peripheral Devices3.1 Connection of Mouse to different ports3.2 Connection of keyboards to different ports3.3 Connection of Monitors3.4 Connection of Printers3.5 Different switch settings of printers3.6 Printer’s self test3.7 Jumper settings of hard disks3.8 Attaching FDD,HDD and CD drives3.9 Attaching Pen Drives and DVDs3.10 Attaching Scanners


Total 18

ASSIGNMENTS:1. Observe all the peripheral devices available in the lab. Describe them in detail.2. Demonstration of system configuration using CMOS setup.3. Study of different ports such as serial, parallel, PS/2, NIC ports.4. Assignment on how to write data on CDs5. Observe different printer settings on different types of printers available in your lab.

Write down the function of each switch.6. Demonstration of printer’s self test.7. Assignment on connection of speakers and microphones.8. Assignment on different types of cables in your lab.9. Assignment on cleaning procedures of Mouse, Keyboard and motherboard.10. Assignment on how to connect scanner and scan document and pictures on the scanner

available in your lab.11. Assignment on making jumper settings on hard disk.12. Assignment on different types of cards such as graphics card, LAN card, multimedia cards

etc.Text Books:Name of Authors Titles of the Book Edition Name of the Publisher

Mr. David Stone Troubleshooting Your PC Prentice Hall India

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& Alfred Poor

David Groth A+ Complete BPB Publication

BalasubramaniamComputer Installation and

servicing Tata McGraw Hill

ManualsReference Manuals of PC

troubleshooting and maintenance


Reference books :- Nil

Suggested List of Laboratory Experiments :S. No

1 Installation of external devices

2 Introduction to computer architecture and maintenance

3 Physical Connections of different peripheral Devices

Suggested List of Assignments/Tutorial :

S. No

1 Write short notes on devices which are taught in classes

2 Write the steps included in installation of external devices

3 Write down short notes on new inventions and technology

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Oral #

TW @TA CT Total


Skills 1 1 2 10 20 30 70 - 25 25 3


Mathematics3 1 - 10 20 30 70 - - - 3

3Applied Science (

Mechanical & Plastic )3 - 4 10 20 30 70 50 - - 5

4Engineering Mechanics

3 - 2 10 20 30 70 - - 25 4

5 Workshop Drawing 1 - 4 10 20 30 70 - - 50 3

6 Workshop Practice - - 4 - - - - - - 50 2

7Development of Life

– I 1 - 2 - - - - - 25 25 3


Practices-II- 2 - 50 1

Total 12 2 20 50 100 150 350 50 50 225 24

STUDENT CONTACT HOURS PER WEEK: 34 HRSTHEORY AND PRACTICAL PERIODS OF 60 MINUTES EACH#, External Assessment @, Internal Assessment ESE – End Semester Exam.

ABBREVIATIONS: CT- Class Test, TA – Teachers Assessment, L – Lecture, TU – Tutorial, P – PracticalTA: Attendance & surprise quizzes = 6 marks. Assignment & group discussion = 4 marks.Total Marks : 675Minimum passing for sessional marks is 40%, and for theory subject 40%.Assessment of Practical, Oral & term work to be done as per the prevailing norms of curriculum implementation & assessment.

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Name of the Course : All Branches of Diploma in Engineering & Technology (Communication Skills)Course code: CE/CR/CS/ME/EE/EP/EJ/EN/ET/EX/DE/IE/IS/IC/EV/MU/CO/CM/IF/CV/MH/FE/IU/CD/ED /EI

Semester : Second

Duration : Maximum Marks :150

Teaching Scheme Examination SchemeTheory : 1 Hrs/week Mid Semester Exam: 20 Marks

Tutorial: 1 Hrs/week Assignment & Quiz: 10 Marks

Practical : 2 Hrs/week End Semester Exam: 70 Marks

Credit : 3

Aim :-

S. No

1. Introduction to various Communication skills

2. To improve Students Personality

3. To motivate students to work in challenging situation with positive attitude

Objective :-S. No The Students will be able to:

1. Understand and use the basic concepts of communication and principles of effective communication in an organized set up and social context.

2. Give a positive feedback in various situations, to use appropriate body language & to avoid barriers for effective communication.

3. Write the various types of letters, reports and office drafting with the appropriate format.

Pre-Requisite -S. No

1. Making the sentences with correct use of parts of Speech.

2. use of appropriate body language.

3. Reading, writing and speaking with proper vocabulary and grammar.

Contents (Theory) Hrs/Unit


Name of the Topic

Unit -1 Introduction to communication:1.1 Definition , communication cycle/ process, 02 08

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1.2 The elements of communication: sender- message –channel- Receiver –Feedback & Context.

1.3 Definition of communication process.1.4 Stages in the process: defining the context, knowing the

audience, designing the message, encoding, selecting proper channels, transmitting, receiving, decoding and giving feedback.

Unit -2 Types of communication Formal- Informal, Verbal- Nonverbal, Vertical-

horizontal- diagonal02 08

Unit - 3 Principals of effective communication : 3.1 Definition of effective communication 3.2 Communication barriers & how to overcome them.3.3 Developing effective messages: Thinking about purpose,

knowing the audience, structuring the message, selecting proper channels, minimizing barriers & facilitating feedback.

02 08

Unit – 4 Non verbal- graphic communication: 4.1 Non- verbal codes: A- Kinesecs , B- Proxemics , C –

Haptics D-Vocalics, E- Physical appearance. F -Chronemics , G –Artifacts Marks: 08 4.2 Aspects of body language Marks: 064.3 Interpreting visuals & illustrating with visuals like tables,

charts & graphs. Marks: 08

04 18

Unit – 5Formal written skills :5.1 Office Drafting: Circular, Notice, and Memo. Marks: 06 5.2 Job Application with resume.

Marks: 085.3 Business correspondence: Enquiry, Order letter,

Complaint letter, and Adjustment letter. Marks: 06

5.4 Report writing: Accident report, fall in production, Progress / Investigative. Marks: 08

5.5 Defining & describing objects & giving Instructions. Marks: 04

06 28

Total 16 70


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1. Communication Cycle (With The Help Of Diagram)2. Communication Situations (List Of 5 Communication situations stating the type of

communication 3. Barriers That Hinder A Particular Communication Situation. (State the type of barrier, and

how to overcome them).4. Developing A Story Or A Paragraph For The Given Topic Sentence.(in a group of 5 – 6

students)5. Describing Various Equipments.6. Identifying The Various Sentences With Their Type Of Writing. (e.g. Scientific, legal, colloquial

etc.)7. Business Letters8. Letters Of Suggestion9. Comparative Time Table Of 2 Students10. Description Of Two Different Persons.(seeing the picture)11. Letter To The Librarian, Principal12. Report Writing.

NOTE: The above assignments are suggested to be completed in the prescribed work-book.Text Books:

Name of Authors Titles of the Book Edition Name of the Publisher

Krushna Mohan,Meera Banerji Developing Communication Skills Macmillan

Joyeeta Bhattacharya Communication Skills Reliable Series

Jayakaran Every ones guide to effective writing Apple publishing

Reference books :Name of Authors Titles of the Book Edition Name of the

Publisher1. Stephen Covey, “7 Habits of highly effective



2. Daniel Goleman Working with Emotional Intelligence”

Pearson Publication

Suggested List of Laboratory Experiments :S. No

1 Pairing discussion may be used for conducting various activities to improveCommunication skills.

2 Student’s demonstration.3 Group Discussion.

Suggested List of Assignments/Tutorial :

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S. No1 Audio recording.

2 Audio on demand (by students). Video on demand (by students).

3 Material upload ( by teacher for up-gradation of teaching material).

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Name of the Course : All Branches of Diploma in Engineering and Technology (Engineering Mathematics)Course code: CE/ME/IE/EJ/DE/ET/EX/EE/EP/MU/EV/IS/CO/CM/IF /PG/PT/AE/CV/MH/FE/CD/ED/EI

Semester : Second

Duration : Maximum Marks :100

Teaching Scheme Examination SchemeTheory : 3 Hrs/week Mid Semester Exam: 20 Marks

Tutorial: 1 Hrs/week Assignment & Quiz: 10 Marks

Practical : -- End Semester Exam: 70 Marks

Credit : 3

Aim :-

S. No

1. To know mathematical calculation.

2. Introduction to Mathematical calculus.

3. Acquire sufficient mathematical techniques necessary for daily and practical problems.

Objective :-S. No The student will be able to

1. Acquire knowledge of Mathematical terms, concepts, principles and different methods.

2. Develop the ability to apply mathematical methods to solve technical problems, to execute management, plans with precision.

Pre-Requisite -S. No

1. Basic Formulae.

2. Introduction to the Mathematical concepts.

3. Definition of Derivatives.

Contents (Theory)Note:

1. Chapters 1 to 3 are common for all branches.2. Chapter 4-For Civil, Electrical, Mechanical and Electronics groups3. Chapter 5-For Computer Engineering Group.

Hrs/Unit Marks

Unit -1 Function and Limit 1.1 Function 04 06

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1.1.1 Definitions of variable, constant, intervals such as open, closed, semi-open etc.

1.1.2 Definition of Function, value of a function and types of functions, Simple Examples.

1.2 Limits1.2.1 Definition of neighborhood, concept and definition limit.1.2.2 Limits of algebraic, trigonometric, exponential and

logarithmic functions with simple examples.

08 12

Unit -2 Derivatives2.1 Definition of Derivatives, notations.2.2 Derivatives of Standard Functions2.3 Rules of Differentiation. (Without proof). Such as Derivatives

of Sum or difference, scalar multiplication, Product and quotient.

2.4 Derivatives of composite function (Chain rule)2.5 Derivatives of inverse and inverse trigonometric functions.2.6 Derivatives of Implicit Function2.7 Logarithmic differentiation2.8 Derivatives of parametric Functions.2.9 Derivatives of one function w.r.t another function2.10 Second order Differentiation.

12 18

Unit – 3 Statistics And Probability3.1 Statistics

3.1.1 Measures of Central tendency (mean, median, mode) for ungrouped and grouped frequency distribution.

3.1.2 Graphical representation (Histogram and Ogive Curves) to find mode and median

3.1.3 Measures of Dispersion such as range, mean deviation, Standard Deviation, Variance and coefficient of variation. Comparison of two sets of observations.

3.2 Probability3.2.1 Definition of random experiment, sample space, event,

Occurrence of event and types of events (impossible, mutually exclusive, exhaustive, equally likely).

3.2.2 Definition of Probability, addition and multiplication theorems of Probability





NOTE: Chapter 4 is for Civil, Electrical, Electronics and Mechanical GroupsUnit – 4 4.1 Applications Of Derivative

4.1.1 Geometrical meaning of Derivative, Equation of tangent and Normal

4.1.2 Rates and Motion4.1.3 Maxima and minima4.1.4 Radius of Curvature

4.2 Complex number4.2.1 Definition of Complex number. Cartesian, polar,





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Exponential forms of Complex number.4.2.2 Algebra of Complex number(Equality, addition,

Subtraction, Multiplication and Division)4.2.3 De-Moivre’s theorem (without proof) and simple

problems.Euler’s form of Circular functions, hyperbolic functions and relations between circular &hyperbolic functions

Note: Chapter 5 is for Computer Engineering Group Only


5.1 Numerical Solution of Algebraic Equations5.1.1 Bisection method, Regula-Falsi method and Newton-

Raphson method5.2 Numerical Solution of Simultaneous Equations

5.2.1 Gauss elimination method5.2.2 Iterative methods-Gauss Seidal and Jacobi’s method





Total 58 86Text Books:

Name of Authors Titles of the Book Edition Name of the Publisher

S.P. Deshpande Mathematics for Polytechnic

Pune Vidyarthi Griha Prakashan, Pune.

Robert T Smith Calculus :Single Variable Tata McGraw Hill

Dass H. K.Advanced Engineering

MathematicsS. Chand Publication, New

DelhiS.C Gupta and

KapoorFundamentals of

Mathematical StatisticsS. Chand Publications New


B.S GrewalHigher Engineering

MathematicsKhanna Publication, New


P. N. Wartikar Applied mathematicsPune Vidyarthi Griha

Prakashan, Pune.

Reference books :Name of Authors Titles of the Book Edition Name of the Publisher

Suggested List of Laboratory Experiments : S. No

1 Measures of Central tendency.

2 Complex number.

3 Comparison of two sets of observations.

Suggested List of Assignments/Tutorial :

Tutorial Note:Tutorials are to be used to get enough practice for solving problems. It is suggested that in each tutorial at least five problems to be solved.

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Tutorial No. Topic on which tutorial is to be conducted

1 Function

2 Limits

3 Derivative

4 Derivative

5 Derivative

6 Statistics

7 Statistics

8 Statistics

9 Probability

10 Probability

11 Application of derivative/numerical Solution of algebraic equations

12 Application of derivative/numerical Solution of algebraic equations

13 Complex Numbers/Numerical Solution of Simultaneous Equations

14 Complex Numbers/Numerical Solution of Simultaneous Equations

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Name of the Course : Civil, Mechanical and Electrical Group (Engineering Mechanics)


Semester : Second

Duration : Maximum Marks :125

Teaching Scheme Examination SchemeTheory : 3 Hrs/week Mid Semester Exam: 20 Marks

Tutorial: -- Assignment & Quiz: 10 Marks

Practical : 2Hrs/week End Semester Exam: 70 Marks

Credit : 4

Aim :-

S. No

1. To the effect of forces on rigid bodies at rest and in rectilinear or curvilinear motion.

2. To study the application of Newton’s laws of motion for the analysis of rigid bodies.

Objective :-S. No The students will able to:

1. Resolve the forces.

2. Find the resultant of given force system.

3. Find the reactions of beam.4. Find the center of gravity of composite solids.5. Find M.A., V.R., Efficiency and establish law of machine

Pre-Requisite -S. No

1. Knowledge of Newton’s laws of motion.

2. Basic knowledge of Mathematics like Differentiation and Integration of various functions.

Contents (Theory) Hrs/Unit MarksUnit -1 Force

a. Fundamentals: - Definitions of mechanics, statics, dynamics. Engineering Mechanics, body, rigid body, mass, weight, length, time, scalar and vector, fundamental units, derived units, S.I. units.

b. Force: - Definition of a force, unit force, Newton, S.I. unit of a force, representation of a force by vector and by Bow’s notation method. Characteristics of a force, effects

12 15

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of a force, principle of transmissibility.

c. Resolution of a force: Definition, Method of resolution, Types of component forces, Perpendicular components and Non-perpendicular components.

d. Moment of a force: - Definition, measurement of moment of a force, S. I. unit, geometrical meaning of moment of a force, classification of moments according to direction of rotation, sign convention, law of moments Varignon’s theorem of moment and it’s use, couple – definition, S.I. unit, measurement of a couple, properties of couple.

e. Force system: - Definition, classification of force system according to plane and line of action

f. Composition of Forces: - Definition, Resultant force, methods of composition of forces, I - Analytical method – (i) Trigonometric method (law of parallelogram of forces) (ii) Algebraic method (method of resolution),

II - Graphical method: - Introduction, space diagram, vector diagram, polar diagram, and funicular polygon. Resultant of concurrent, non-concurrent and parallel force system by analytical and graphical method.

Unit -2 Equilibrium:2.1 Definition, conditions of equilibrium, analytical and

graphical conditions of equilibrium for concurrent, non-concurrent and parallel force system, free body and free body diagram.

2.2 Lami’s Theorem – statement and explanation, Application of Lami’s theorem for solving various engineering problems.

2.3 Equilibrant – Definition, relation between resultant and equilibrant, equilibrant of concurrent and non-concurrent force system.

2.4 Beams – Definition, Types of beams (cantilever, simply supported, overhanging, fixed and continuous), Types of end supports (simple support, hinged, roller), classification of loads, point load, uniformly distributed load. Reactions of a simply supported and over hanging beam by analytical and graphical method.

10 15

Unit - 3 Friction:3.1 Definition of friction, force of friction, limiting frictional

force, coefficient of friction, angle of friction, angle of 08 15

Page 66: MODEL CURRICULUM FOR POST SSC PROGRAMME IN DIPLOMA … · Engineer’s square. 03 06 Unit -2 GENERAL PROPERTIES OF MATTER 2.1 Elasticity : Deforming force, Restoring force, Elastic

repose, relation between angle of friction angle of repose and coeff. of friction. Cone of friction, types of friction, laws of friction, advantages and disadvantages of friction.

3.2 Equilibrium of bodies on level plane –external force applied horizontal and inclined up and down.

3.3 Equilibrium of bodies on inclined plane – external forces is applied parallel to the plane, horizontal and incline to inclined plane.

3.4 Ladder friction, Wedge and block.Unit – 4 Centroid and Centre Of Gravity:

4.1 Centroid: Definition of centroid. Moment of an area about an axis. centroid of basic geometrical figures such as square, rectangle, triangle, circle, semicircle and quarter circle. centroid of composite figure.

4.2 Center of gravity: Definition, center of gravity. of simple solids such as cylinder, sphere, hemisphere, cone, cube, and rectangular block. centre of gravity of composite solids.

08 10

Unit – 5 Simple Machines:5.1 Definitions of simple machine, compound machine , load ,

effort , mechanical advantage , velocity ratio , input on a machine ,output of a machine ,efficiency of a machine , expression for mechanical advantage , velocity ratio and efficiency of a machine ideal machine, ideal effort and ideal load, friction in machines, effort lost in friction and frictional load.

5.2 Law of machine, maximum mechanical advantage and maximum efficiency of a machine, reversibility of a machine, condition for reversibility of a machine, self locking machine.

5.3 Study of simple machines : Simple axle and wheel, differential axle and wheel, Weston’s differential pulley block, single purchase crab, double purchase crab, worm and worm wheel, geared pulley block, screw jack, pulleys :First, second and third system of pulleys, gear train, hoist mechanism.

10 15

Total 48 70Contents (Practical)

Skills to be developed:1Intellectual Skill:

A. Calculate the forces on given structureB. Interpret the results

2Motor Skills:

A. Handle the equipment carefullyB. Draw graph

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The term work consist of any five experiments from Group A,B and graphical solution in Group C

Group A: 1) Verify law of polygon of forces 2) Verify law of moments3) Verification of Lami’s theorem 4) Forces in members of a jib crane. 5) Comparison of coefficient of friction of various pair of surfaces and 6) determination of angle of repose 7) Equilibrium of parallel forces – simply supported beam reactions.8) Experimental location of center of gravity of plane plate of uniform thickness.

Group B: To find MA, VR, Efficiency, Ideal Effort, Effort lost in friction for various loads and establish law of machine and calculate maximum efficiency.

Also check the reversibility of a machine ( Any five): 1) Differential axle and wheel 2) Weston’s differential pulley block 3) Geared pulley block 4) Single purchase crab 5) Double purchase crab 6) Worm and worm wheel 7) Two sheave and three sheave pulley block 8) Screw jack. Group C: A 2 Size drawing sheets containing graphical solutions for –

1) Concurrent force system : Two problems 2) Parallel force system : Two problems3) Reactions of a beam : Two problems

Text Books:Name of Authors Titles of the Book Edition Name of the Publisher

Beer – Johnson Engineering Mechanics Tata McGraw Hill, Delhi

Basu Engineering Mechanics Tata McGraw Hill, Delhi

Joseph F. Shelley Vector Mechanics for Engineers Vol. I & II

Tata McGraw Hill, Delhi

Reference books :Name of Authors Titles of the Book Edition Name of the Publisher

Beer – Johnson Engineering Mechanics Tata McGraw Hill, Delhi

Suggested List of Laboratory Experiments : S. No

1 Verify law of polygon of forces

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2 Verify law of moments

3 A 2 Size drawing sheets containing graphical solutions for –Concurrent force system : Two problems

Suggested List of Assignments/Tutorial :

S. No

1 Verification of Lami’s theorem

2 determination of angle of repose

3 Equilibrium of parallel forces – simply supported beam reactions

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Name of the Course : Mechanical Engineering Group (Engineering Drawing)

Course code: ME/PG/PT/AE/MH/FE Semester : Second

Duration : Maximum Marks :

Teaching Scheme Examination SchemeTheory : Hrs/week Mid Semester Exam: --

Tutorial: Hrs/week Assignment & Quiz: --

Practical : Hrs/week End Semester Exam: --

Credit :

Aim :- The course is aimed at developing basic graphic skills so as to enable them to use these skills in preparation of engineering drawings, their reading and interpretationS. No

1. Understand the fundamentals of Engineering Drawing

2. Read and interpret object drawings.

Objective :-S. No The students shall be able to:

1. Understand the basic concepts of engineering drawing.

2. Visualize the objects.

3. Draw different views in different positions of objects.4. Draw the different views of machine elements.

Pre-Requisite -S. No

1. Unambiguous and clear visualization.

2. Sound Pictorial Intelligence.

Contents (Theory) Hrs/UnitNote: The teachers should use some of the practical hours for teaching basic Theory during practical’s as required.

Unit -1 Sectional Views. 1.1 Types of sections 1.2 Conversion of pictorial view into sectional orthographic views (First

Angle Projection Method only)

03 10

Unit -2 Missing Views.2.1 Draw missing view from the given Orthographic views - simple

components (First Angle Projection Method only)01 05

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Unit – 3 Isometric Projection3.1 Conversion of Orthographic Views into Isometric view/projection

(Including rectangular, cylindrical objects, representation of slots on sloping as well as plane surfaces)

03 15

Unit – 4 Projections of Solids.4.1 Projections of Prism, Pyramid, Cone, Cylinder, Tetrahedron, Cube with

their axes inclined to one reference plane and parallel to other. 02 10

Unit – 5 Sections of Solids.5.1 Solids: -Prism, Pyramid, Cone, Cylinder, Tetrahedron, Cube.5.2 Cone, Pyramid and Tetrahedron resting on their base on Horizontal

Plane.5.3 Prism, Cylinder: -a)Axis parallel to both the reference plane b) Resting on their base on HP.5.4 Section plane inclined to one reference plane and perpendicular to


03 10

Unit – 6 Developments of Surfaces.6.1 Developments of Lateral surfaces of cube, prisms, cylinder, pyramids,

cone and their applications such as tray, funnel, Chimney, pipe bends etc.

02 10

Unit – 7 Free Hand Sketches7.1 Free hand sketches of nuts, bolts, rivets, threads, split pin, foundation

bolts, keys and couplings.02 10

Total 16 70Practical

List of PracticalSkills to be Developed

Intellectual skill Motor Skill1.Sectional View- (Total 2 Sheets)Two objects by First Angle Projection Method – (1 Sheet)

Redraw the same sheet using CAD - (1 Sheet)

1) To interpret sectional views of given object.

Develop ability to draw sectional viewsUsing computer.

2. Isometric projection- (Total 2 sheets)Two objects one by true scale and another by isometric scale- (1 sheet)Draw one sheet having two problems in each sheet using CAD - ( Plot any one)

1) Develop ability to differentiate between isometric view and isometric projections.2) To differentiate between Isometric scale and true scale.

Develop ability to draw isometric views and isometric projections from given orthographic views of an object using computer.

3. Missing ViewsTwo problems by first angle projection method - (1 Sheet)

1) To interpret the missing view from given orthographic views.

1) To develop ability to draw missing view from given orthographic views.

Page 71: MODEL CURRICULUM FOR POST SSC PROGRAMME IN DIPLOMA … · Engineer’s square. 03 06 Unit -2 GENERAL PROPERTIES OF MATTER 2.1 Elasticity : Deforming force, Restoring force, Elastic

4. Projection of solidsTwo problems on two different solids, one by axis of solid inclined to HP and parallel to VP and another problem by axis of solid inclined to VP and parallel to HP. - (1 Sheet)

1) To interpret the different positions of solids with reference planes.2) To develop ability to differentiate between true length of axis and apparent length of axis.3) To develop ability to differentiate between true shape and apparent shape of solids.

1) To draw projections of different solids when axis is inclined or perpendicular to one of the reference plane.

5. Section of solidsTwo problems on different solids. One problem, section plane inclined to HP and perpendicular to VP and in another problem, section plane inclined to VP and Perpendicular to HP.- (1 Sheet)

1) To differentiate between true shape and apparent shape of section.2) To interpret the positions of section plane with reference planes.

1) To develop ability to draw sectional orthographic views of given solids, when it is cut by section plane in different position with reference planes.2) Ability to draw true shape of section.

6. Development of surfacesAny two problems on development of surfaces of different objects.- (1 Sheet)

1) Able to interpret the development of surfaces of different solids.

1) Ability to draw the development of surfaces of different objects in different shapes.

7. Free Hand SketchesAny six figures on different topics.- (1 Sheet)

1) To differentiate betweenscale drawing and free hand drawing.2) To differentiate between various parts of machine like nuts, bolts, screws, different threads, couplings etc.

1) Develop ability to draw orthographic views of different machine elements.

List of Practice Oriented Projects:

To find out the total sheet metal required for a given object.Text Books:Name of Authors Titles of the Book Edition Name of the Publisher

N. D. Bhatt Engineering DrawingCharotkar Publishing

HouseR. K. Dhawan Engineering Drawing S. Chand Co.

P. J. Shah Engineering Drawing --

N. D. Bhatt Machine Drawing Charotkar Publishing House

Page 72: MODEL CURRICULUM FOR POST SSC PROGRAMME IN DIPLOMA … · Engineer’s square. 03 06 Unit -2 GENERAL PROPERTIES OF MATTER 2.1 Elasticity : Deforming force, Restoring force, Elastic

K. VenugopalEngineering Drawing

and Graphics + AutoCAD New Age Publication

K. R. Mohan Engineering Graphics Dhanpat Rai and Publication Co.

R. K. Dhawan Machine Drawing S. Chand Co.

Video Cassettes / CD’s IS Codes:

SP – 46. Engineering Drawing practice for schools and colleges.Reference books :

Name of Authors

Titles of the Book Edition Name of the Publisher

P.S.Gill Engineering Drawing SK Kataria and sons,Delhi

Surjeet Singh Engineering Drawing Dhanpat Rai and Co., Delhi

D.A.Jolhe Engineering Drawing 2008 TATA McGraw Hill

Suggested List of Laboratory Experiments : S. No

1 Not Applicable

Suggested List of Assignments/Tutorial :

S. No

1 Assignment problems (Min. 5) on every unit. The problems are expected to be practical applications oriented

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Name of the Course : Mechanical Engineering Group (Professional Practices-II)

Course code: ME/PG/PT/AE/ MH/FE Semester : Second

Duration : Maximum Marks : 50

Teaching Scheme Examination SchemeTheory : -- Mid Semester Exam:

Tutorial: -- Assignment & Quiz:

Practical : 2 Hrs/week End Semester Exam:

Credit : 1

Aim :-

S. No

1. Deliver knowledge education beyond the baccalaureate degree for the practice

Objective :-S. No The Student will be able to:

1. Acquire information from different sources. Prepare notes for given topic.

2. Present given topic in a seminar. Interact with peers to share thoughts.

3. Prepare a report on industrial visit, expert lecture.

Pre-Requisite -S. No

1. Desire to gain comparable knowledge and skills of various activities in various streams of engineering.

Contents- Nil Hrs/week Unit -1

Text Books:- Nil

Reference books :- Nil

Suggested List of Laboratory Experiments : S. No

1 Not Applicable


Suggested List of Assignments/Tutorial :

S. No

1 Not Applicable

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Sr. No. Activities Hours


Industrial Visits:Structured industrial visits be arranged and report of the same should be submitted by the individual student, to form part of the term work. Visits to any two of the following :

i) Nearby Petrol Pump.(fuel, oil, product specifications)ii) Automobile Service Station (Observation of Components /

aggregates)iii) Engineering Workshop(Layout, Machines)iv) Dairy Plant / Water Treatment Plant



Lectures by Professional / Industrial Expert / Student Seminars based on information search to be organized from any THREE of the following areas:

i) Pollution control.ii) Non destructive testing.iii) Acoustics.iv) Illumination / Lighting system.v) Fire Fighting / Safety Precautions and First Computer Networking and Security.vii) Topics related to Social Awareness such as – Traffic Control System,

Career opportunities, Communication in Industry, Yoga Meditation, Aids awareness and health awareness.



Group Discussion : The students should discuss in a group of six to eight students and write a brief report on the same as a part of term work. Two topics for group discussions may be selected by the faculty members. Some of the suggested topics are -

i) Sportsii) Current news itemsiii) Discipline and House Keepingiv) Current topics related to mechanical engineering field.



Student Activities:The students in a group of 3 to 4 will perform any one of the following activities ( others similar activities may be considered Activity :

i) Collect and study IS code for Engineering Drawing..ii) Collecting information from Market: Nomenclatures and

specifications of engineering materials.iii) Specifications of Lubricants.iv) Draw orthographic projections of a given simple machine

element using and CAD software


Total 32

Page 75: MODEL CURRICULUM FOR POST SSC PROGRAMME IN DIPLOMA … · Engineer’s square. 03 06 Unit -2 GENERAL PROPERTIES OF MATTER 2.1 Elasticity : Deforming force, Restoring force, Elastic

Name of the Course : All Branches of Diploma in Engineering and Technology (Development of Life Skills- I)Course code: CE/ME/IE/EJ/DE/ET/EX/EE/EP/CO/IF/IS/CO/CM/IF/CV/MH/FE/IU/CD/ED/EI

Semester : SECOND

Duration : Maximum Marks :50

Teaching Scheme Examination SchemeTheory : 1 Hrs/week Mid Semester Exam: --

Tutorial: -- Assignment & Quiz: --

Practical : 2 Hrs/week End Semester Exam: --

Credit :3

Aim :-

S. No

1. Conduct different session to improve students memory Power

2. Conduct different session to improve time management skills

3. Motivate student to face realistic problem with confidence and positive approach

Objective :-S. No The students will be able to:

1. Develop reading skills

2. Use techniques of acquisition of information from various sources

3. Draw the notes from the text for better learning.4. Apply the techniques of enhancing the memory power.5. Develop assertive skills.6 Prepare report on industrial visit.7. Apply techniques of effective time management.8 Set the goal for personal development.9. Enhance creativity skills.10 Develop good habits to overcome stress.11. Face problems with confidence

Pre-Requisite -S. No

1. Basic Of Self Analysis methods.

2. Basic knowledge of stress and time management concepts.

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3. Basic knowledge of presentation skills.

Contents (Theory) Hrs/week Unit -1 Importance of DLS,

Introduction to subject, importance in present context ,application 01

Unit -2 Information Search Information source –Primary, secondary, tertiary Print and non –print, documentary, Electronic Information center, Library, exhibition, Government Departments. Internet Information search – Process of searching, collection of data –questionnaire, taking Interview, observation method.


Unit – 3 Written communication METHOD OF NOTE TAKING

Report writing –Concept, types and format.01

Unit – 4 Self AnalysisUnderstanding self—Attitude, aptitude, assertiveness, self esteem,Confidence buildings. Concept of motivation.


Unit – 5 Self DevelopmentStress Management –Concept, causes, effects and remedies to Avoid / minimize stress. Health Management – Importance, dietary guidelines and exercises.Time management- Importance, Process of time planning, Urgent Vs importance, Factors leading to time loss and ways to handle it, Tips for effective time management.EMOTION-CONCEPT, TYPES, CONTROLLING, EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE.CREATIVITY-CONCEPT, FACTORS ENHANCING CREATIVITY.



Unit – 6 Study habitsWays to enhance memory and concentration.Developing reading skill.Organisation of knowledge,Model and methods of learning.


Total 16Text Books:

Name of Authors Titles of the Book Edition Name of the Publisher

Marshall CooksAdams Time management

Viva Books

E.H. Mc Grath , S.J.Basic Managerial Skills

for AllPretice Hall of India,

Pvt Ltd

Allen Pease Body Language Sudha Publications Pvt. Ltd.

Page 77: MODEL CURRICULUM FOR POST SSC PROGRAMME IN DIPLOMA … · Engineer’s square. 03 06 Unit -2 GENERAL PROPERTIES OF MATTER 2.1 Elasticity : Deforming force, Restoring force, Elastic

Lowe and PhilCreativity and problem

solving Kogan Page (I) P Ltd

Adair, J Decision making & Problem Solving

Orient Longman

Bishop , SueDevelop Your Assertiveness

Kogan Page India

Marion E HaynesMake Every Minute

Count Kogan page India

Pearson Education Asia Organizational Behavior

Tata McGraw Hill

Michael Hatton( Canada – India Project)

Presentation Skills ISTE New Delhi

--Stress Management Through Yoga and


Sterling Publisher Pvt Ltd.

Richard Hale ,Peter Whilom

Target setting and Goal Achievement

Kogan page India

Chakravarty, Ajanta Time management Rupa and Company

Harding ham .A Working in Teams Orient LongmanInternet Assistance:

1) http://www.mindtools.com2) http://www.stress.org3) http://www.ethics.com4) 9)

10) 12) 14)

Reference books :Name of Authors Titles of the Book Edition Name of the

PublisherDarlene Mannix Life Skills Activities for

Secondary Students with Special Needs

5th Kindle Edition

Autism or Asperger's, 1001 Great Ideas for Teaching and Raising Children with Autism

or Asperger's,

2 nd Kindle Edition

Page 78: MODEL CURRICULUM FOR POST SSC PROGRAMME IN DIPLOMA … · Engineer’s square. 03 06 Unit -2 GENERAL PROPERTIES OF MATTER 2.1 Elasticity : Deforming force, Restoring force, Elastic

How to Become Smarter Nikolai Shevchuk Kindle Edition

Suggested List of Laboratory Experiments : S. No

1 Conduct Guest Lectures.

2 Conduct Industrial visits.

3 Conduct Seminar/Group Discussions.

Suggested List of Assignments/Tutorial :

S. No The Term Work Will Consist Of Following Assignments.

1 Library search:- Visit your Institute’s Library and enlist the books available on the topic given by your teacher. Prepare a bibliography consisting name of the author, title of the book, publication and place of publication.

2 Enlist the magazines, periodicals and journals being available in your library. Select any one of them and write down its content. Choose a topic for presentation.

3 Attend a seminar or a guest lecture, listen it carefully and note down the important points and prepare a report of the same.

4 Visit to any one place like historical/office/farms/development sites etc. and gather information through observation, print resources and interviewing the people.

5 Prepare your individual time table for a week –(a) List down your daily activities.(b) Decide priorities to be given according to the urgency and importance

of the activities.(c) Find out your time wasters and mention the corrective measures.

6 Keep a diary for your individual indicating- planning of time, daily transactions,collection of good thoughts, important data, etc

7 Find out the causes of your stress that leads tension or frustration .Provide the ways to

Avoid them or to reduce them.8 Undergo the demonstration on yoga and meditation and practice it. Write your


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Name of the Course : Mechanical Engineering Group (Workshop Practice)

Course code: ME/PT/AE/MH/FE Semester : Second

Duration : Maximum Marks :50

Teaching Scheme Examination SchemeTheory : -- Mid Semester Exam:--

Tutorial: -- Assignment & Quiz:--

Practical : 4 Hrs/week End Semester Exam: --

Credit :2

Teaching and Examination Scheme:

Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme



-- -- 04 -- -- -- -- -- 50@ 50

Rationale: Mechanical diploma technician is expected to know basic workshop practice like, Gas

Welding gas cutting. Fitting, Drilling, Tapping, plumbing and hot working processes. The students are required to identify operate and control various machines. The students are required to select and use various tools and equipments for welding, fitting, tapping drilling, plumbing and forging operations. Aim :-

S. No To helps to develop psychomotor skill and attitude.

1. The basic knowledge of various processes will be helpful to select the most appropriate process for getting the desired results in terms of getting the raw material converted to finished product as per the requirements.

2. The student will be familiarized with working principles and operations like forging, rolling, extrusion, press working, lathe, drilling, milling, casting, welding, brazing and soldering etc which are the basic manufacturing processes.

Objective :-S. No The student will able to:

1. Know basic workshop processes. Read and interpret job drawings. Identify, select and use various marking, measuring, and holding, striking and

cutting tools & equipments wood working and sheet metal shops.2. Operate, control different machines and equipments.

Select proper welding rods and fluxes. Inspect the job for specified dimensions Produce jobs as per specified dimensions.

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3. Adopt safety practices while working on various machines. Measurement skills. Fitting skills.

Notes: 1] The instructor shall give demonstration to the students by preparing a specimen job as per the job drawing.

2] The workshop diary shall be maintained by each student duly signed by instructor of respective shop

CONTENTS: Subject practical content as shown in the table below:

Skill to be developed:

Intellectual Skills: 1. Ability to read job drawings.2. Ability to identify and select proper material, tools and equipments and machines.3. Ability to select proper parameters ( like cutting speed, feed, depth cut use of lubricants

) in machine.

Motor Skills:

1. Ability to set tools, work piece, and machines for desired operations.2. Ability to complete job as per job drawing in allotted time.3. Ability to use safety equipment and follow safety procedures during operations.4. Ability to inspect the job for confirming desired dimensions and shape. 5. Ability to acquire hands-on experience

Pre-Requisite -S. No

1. Safety consciousness.

2. Primary First-aid Knowledge.

3. Ability to organize and manage their (students) activities and themselves. Details of Practical Contents Hrs/week

Unit -1 CARPENTERY SHOP: Any one composite job from the following involving different

joint, turning and planning, surface finishing by emery paper, varnishing etc. like square stool, tea table, center table, chaurang, table lamp bed sofa-set, book rack. Cabinet, notice board, shows cases, tables chairs etc.

Note:1] One job of standard size (Saleable article shall be preferred) 2] Batch size should be selected depending on volume of work. 3] Job allotted should comprise of 6-8 hours of actual working

4] Student shall calculate the cost of material and labor cost for their job from the drawing.

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Unit -2 WELDING SHOP Any one composite job from involving butt joint lap joint welding

process, from the following like Grill, door, window frame, waste paper basket, Chapel stand, Corner flower stand chair , table frame (square pipe 25 mm) cooler frame (folding type)

Note: 1] One job of standard size (Saleable/marketable article shall be preferred) 2] Batch size should be selected depending on volume of work. 3] Job allotted should comprise of 6-8 hours of actual working operations. 4] Student shall calculate the cost of material and labor required for

their job from the drawing.

Unit – 3

SMITHY SHOP Demonstration of different forging tools and Power Hammer. Demonstration of different forging processes, likes shaping,

caulking fullering, setting down operations etc. One job like hook peg, flat chisel or any hardware item.

Note: 1]One job of standard size ( Saleable/marketable article shall be preferred)

2] Job allotted should comprise of 4-6 hours of actual working operations.

3] Student shall calculate the cost of material and labor required for their job from the drawing.

Unit – 4 PLUMBING SHOP Demonstration of PVC pipe joint with various fittings. Exercise for students on preparing actual pipeline layout for G.I.

Pipe or PVC pipe. Preparing actual drawing and bill of material.

Note:1] One job of standard size (Saleable/marketable article shall be preferred) 2] Batch size should be selected depending on volume of work. 3] Job allotted should comprise of 6-8 hours of actual working 4] Student shall calculate the cost of material and labor cost for their job from the drawing.

Unit – 5 SHEET METAL SHOP One composite job from the following:

Letter box, Trunk, Grain Container, Water-heater Container, Bucket, Waste Paper Basket, Cooler Tray, Water-draining Channel, etc. (including soldering and riveting)

Note: 1] One job of standard size (Saleable/marketable article shall be

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preferred)2] Batch size should be selected depending on volume of work.3] Job allotted should comprise of 4-6 hours of actual working

ions.4] Student shall calculate the cost of material and labor cost

required for their job from the drawing.

Unit – 6 Demonstration of power tools and practice of utility items. Demonstration of advance power tools, pneumatic tools, electrical

wiring tools and accessories. Making of electrical switchboard with 2 sockets and piano buttons

and with electrical wiring. Any other item as per the requirement of college/Dept.

(Note: Utility item are not to be assessed)Total 64

Text Books:Name of Authors Titles of the Book Edition Name of the Publisher

S.K. Hajara Chaudhary

Workshop TechnologyMedia Promotors and Publishers,New Delhi

B.S. Raghuwanshi Workshop Technology

Dhanpat Rai and Sons, New Delhi

R K Jain Production Technology Khanna Publishers, New Delhi

H.S.Bawa Workshop TechnologyTata McGraw Hill Publishers, New Delhi

-- Kent’s Mechanical Engineering Hand book

John Wiley and Sons, New York

Video Cassettes / CD’s Learning Materials Transparencies, CBT Packages developed by NITTER Bhopal.

Reference books :Name of Authors Titles of the Book Edition Name of the Publisher

Anderson Shop Theory Tata McGraw Hill

Rajeev Upadhayay Workshop Practice

Suggested List of Laboratory Experiments : S. No

1 Not Applicable

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Suggested List of Assignments/Tutorial :

S. No

1 Assignment on advancements in various machines.

2 Assignment on non-conventional machining processes.

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Name of the Course : Mechanical Engineering Group (Applied Science (Mechanical))

Course code: ME/PG/PT/AE/MH/FE Semester : Second

Duration : Maximum Marks :150

Teaching Scheme Examination SchemeTheory : 3 Hrs/week Mid Semester Exam: 20 Marks

Tutorial: -- Hrs/week Assignment & Quiz: 10 Marks

Practical : 4 Hrs/week End Semester Exam: 70 Marks

Credit :5

Aim :-

S. No

1. The goal of physics is to formulate comprehensive principles that bring together and explain the world around us.

2. To establish the awareness about the power of Physics as a tool in the practicality of the life..

Establish scientific department of the highest caliber where teaching and education are totally integrated

Objective :-S. No The Student will be able to:

1. Differentiate kinetic and kinematics and Solve the problems on kinematics and kinetics.

2. Graphically represent rectilinear motion, S.H.M. and use for solving engineering problems.

3. Use N.D.T. in quality assurance and saving of man power, machining, materials.4. Use principles of illumination for enhancing work efficiency.5. Analyze variation of sound intensity with respect to distance.6. Identify different factors affecting acoustical planning of buildings7. Identify different factors affecting indoor lighting.

Pre-Requisite -S. No

1. Knowledge of basic Physics Concepts.

2. Basic terms and formulae of Mathematics should be known.

3. Aptitude towards learning and exploring the applications of the learnt concepts will be helpful.

Contents : Theory (Name of The Topic) Hrs/week

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Unit -1

Unit -2

1. Kinematics 1.1 Rectilinear Motion

Equations of Motions-v=u+ a t, s=ut+1/2at2, V2=u2+2as(only equation), Distance traveled by particle in nth second, Velocity Time Diagrams-uniform velocity, uniform acceleration and uniform retardation, equations of motion for motion under gravity.

1.2 Angular MotionDefinition of angular displacement, angular velocity, angular acceleration, Relation between angular velocity and linear velocity, Three equations of circular motion (no derivation) angular distance traveled by particle in nth second (only equation), Definition of S.H.M. and S.H.M. as projection of uniform circular motion on any one diameter, Equation of S.H.M. and Graphical representation of displacement ,velocity, acceleration of particle in S.H.M. for S.H.M. starting from mean position and from extreme position.

2. Kinetics2.1 Definitions of momentum, impulse, impulsive force, Statements

of Newton’s laws of motion and with equations, Applications of laws of motion—Recoil of gun, Motion of two connected bodies by light inextensible string passing over smooth pulley, Motion of lift.

2.2Work ,power ,EnergyDefinition of work, power and energy, equations for P.E. K.E., Work energy principle, Representation of work by using graph, Work done by a torque(no derivation)





Unit -3 3. Non –destructive testing of Materials.

3.1 Testing methods of materials -Destructive and Nondestructive, Advantages and Limitations of N.D.T., Names of N.D.T. Methods used in industries, Factors on Which selection of N.D.T. dependents, Study of Principle, Set up, Procedure,

3.2 Working, Advantages, limitations, Applications and Application code of following N.D.T. methods -Penetrant method, Magnetic particle method, Radiography, Ultrasonic, Thermography.

05 10

Unit -4

Acoustics and Indoor Lighting of Buildings4.1 Acoustics Weber and Fetcher’s law, limit of intensity and loudness, echo,

Reverberation and reverberation time (Sabine’s formula), Timbre

05 10

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(quality of sound), Pitch or Frequency of sound. Factors affecting Acoustical planning of auditorium-- echo, reverberation, creep, focusing, standing wave, coefficient of absorption, sound insulation, noise pollution and the different ways of controlling these factors.

4.2 Indoor lighting Definition of luminous intensity, intensity of illumination with

their SI units, Inverse square law and Photometric equation, Bunsen’s photometer— ray diagram, working and applications, Need of indoor lighting ,Indoor lighting schemes and Factors

Affecting Indoor Lighting.

Total 29 45

PracticalSkills to be developed:

Intellectual skills:

Proper selection of measuring instruments on the basis of range, least count, precision and accuracy required for measurement.

To verify the principles, laws, using given instruments under different conditions.

To read and interpret the graph. To interpret the results from observations and calculations. To use these results for parallel problems.

Motor skills:

Proper handling of instruments. Measuring physical quantities accurately. To observe the phenomenon and to list the observations in proper

tabular form. To adopt proper procedure while performing the experiment. List of


1. To represent simple harmonic motion with the help of vertical oscillation of spring and to determine spring constant (K) (Stiffness Constant)

2. To determine time period of oscillation of compound bar pendulum and calculate acceleration due to gravity.

3. To determine the velocity of sound by using resonance tube

4. To compare luminous intensities of two luminous bodies by using Bunsen’s photometer.

5. To calculate coefficient of absorption for acoustical materials

6. To determine Joule’s constant (J) by electric method

7. To determine wavelength of Sodium light by using Newton’s rings

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8. To Verify Ampere’s rule using Oersted’s Experiment and find variation of intensity of magnetic field with Current and Distance9. To determine frequency of sound by using sonometer.

10. To calculate refractive index of material of prism using spectrometer device.

11. To determine the divergence of He-Ne laser beam.

Laboratory based Mini Projects:

1. To detect surface cracks in the working piece by using liquid penetration method (LPT).

2. To determine coefficient of thermal conductivity of good conductor by using Searle’s method

3. To determine the moments of inertia ( I and I ) of the given irregular body and to

determine the rigidity modulus of the material of the given suspension wire by setting up a torsional pendulum.

Text Books:Name of Authors Titles of the Book Edition Name of the Publisher

V. Rajendran Physics-I Tata McGraw- Hill

Arthur Beiser Applied physics Tata McGraw- Hill

R.K.Gaur and S.L.Gupta Engineering Physics Dhanpat rai

Rensic and Halliday Physics --

Reference books :Name of Authors Titles of the Book Edition Name of the Publisher

Avadhanulu & Kshirsagar

Engg. Physics S Chand Publications.

Suggested List of Laboratory Experiments : S. No

1 To determine the divergence of He-Ne laser beam.

2 To calculate refractive index of material of prism using spectrometer device.

3 To determine wavelength of Sodium light by using Newton’s rings

Suggested List of Assignments/Tutorial :

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S. No

1 Problems on work power and energy.

2 Problems on kinematics

3 Assignment on acoustics.

Part B: Applied ChemistryRationale:

This syllabus of chemistry for Mechanical / Production / Automobile Students is classified Under the Category of Applied Science. It is intended to teach students the appropriate use of engineering materials, their protection & lubrication processes in different working conditions of machines.

Objective :-S. No The Student will be able to:

1. Suggest the appropriate use of metals, alloys & non metallic materials in engineering.

2. Applying the Knowledge to Protect Metallic & Non Metallic Surfaces

3. Select Lubricants for Smooth Running of Machines.

Contents : Theory (Name of the Topic) Hrs/Unit


Unit 1

ElectrochemistryDefinition of Electrolyte & Conductor, Difference between Metallic & Electrolytic Conduction, Ionization, Degree of Ionization & Factors Affecting Degree of Ionization, Conductivity of Electrolytes.

Definition of Electrochemical Cell, Battery, Charge, Discharge, Closed Circuit Voltage, Open Circuit Voltage, EMF, Internal Resistance, Separator, Classification of Batteries such as Primary, Secondary & Reserve with Examples.

Industrial Application of Electrolysis – Metallic or Protective Factors for Selection of Method of Coating, Process of Electroplating, Electro refining, Electrometallurgy (Applications of Electroplating), Impregnated Coating or Cementation on Base Metal Steel - Coating Metal Zn (Sheradizing),Cr (Chomozing), Al (Colorizing), Applications, Advantages & Disadvantages.

05 07

Unit 2

Non Metallic Engineering Materials(Plastic, Rubber, Insulators, Refractories, Composite Material, Ceramics)1. Engineering Plastic:

Special Characteristics & Engineering Applications of Polyamides or Nylons, Polycarbonates (Like Lexan, Merlan),

05 05

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Polyurethanes (Like Perlon – U), Silicon’s, Polyacetals, Teflon, Laminated Plastic, Thermocole, Reinforced Plastic.

2. Ceramics:Definition, Properties & Engineering Applications, Types –Structural Ceramics, Facing Material, Refractories, Fine Ceramics, Special Ceramics.

3. Refractory:Definition, Properties, Applications & Uses of Fire Clay, Bricks, Silica Bricks.

4. Composite Materials: Definition, Properties, Advantages, Applications & Examples.

Unit 3

Metals & AlloysMetals – Metallurgy of Iron, Terms Involved in Metallurgy, Indian Resources of Fe, Imp Ores, Extraction, Smelting in Blast Furnace, Chemical Reactions in Blast Furnace, Products of Blast Furnace, their Composition, Application, Commercial Forms of Iron, (Pig Iron / Cast Iron, Wrought or Malleable Steel), their Composition, Properties & Applications, Types of Casting (Chilled Casting, Centrifugal Casting & Malleable Casting), Heat Treatment, Heat Treatment of Cast Iron & Steel.

Alloys – Definition, Types, Ferrous Alloys – Steel, Composition, Properties & Applications of Plain Carbon Steel (Low Carbon, Medium Carbon, High Carbon & Very Hard Steel) & Alloy Steels, (Heat Resisting, Shock Resisting, Magnetic, Stainless, Tool Steel & HSS), Effect of Various Alloying Elements (Cr, W, V, Ni, Mn, Mo, Si) etc. on Steel.

Non-Ferrous Alloys – Copper Alloy – Brass, Bronze, Nickel Silver or German Silver, their Composition, Properties & Applications, Aluminium Alloy – Duralumin, Bearing Alloy – Babbitt Metal, Solders – Soft Solder, Brazing Alloy, Tinamann’s Solder, Nickel Alloy – Monel Metal, Low Melting Alloys – Woods Metal.

08 10

Unit 4

CorrosionDefinition, Types, Atmospheric or Chemical Corrosion, Mechanism, Factors Affecting Atmospheric, Corrosion & Immersed Corrosion or Electrochemical Corrosion, Mechanism, Protection of Metals by Purification of Metals, Alloy Formation, Cathode Protection, Controlling the External Conditions & Application of Protective Coatings i.e. Galvanising, Tinning, Metal Spraying, Sherardizing, Electroplating, Metal Clodding, Cementation or Diffusion Method, their Definition, Procedure, Uses, Advantages & Disadvantages, Examples of Non Corrosive Materials, Protection of Corrosion by

06 08

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the Use of Organic Coating Like Paint, Lacquer, Enamels, Emulsion Paints, Special Paints, their Properties & Uses.

Special Paints – Heat Resistant, Cellulose Paint, Coaltar Paint, Antifouling Paint their constituents & applications.

Unit 5

LubricantLubricant, Types, Lubrication Mechanism by Fluid Film, Boundary, Extreme Pressure, Physical Characteristics of Lubricants Such as Viscosity, Viscosity Index, Oiliness, Volatility, Flash & Fire Point, Cloud & Pour Point, Chemical Characteristics such as Acid Value or Neutralization Number, Emulsification, Saponification Value, Selection of Lubricants for Various Types of Machineries.

03 05

Total 27 35

Practical: Skills to be developed:

Intellectual Skills:

Select proper equipment and instruments Interpret results

Motor Skills: Accuracy in measurement Careful use of equipment

List of Practical:01 To determine neutralization point of weak acid and weak base by conductivity

meter.02 To determine end point of titration between dil. H2SO4 and BaCl2 using

conductivity meter.03 To verify Faraday’s second law of electrolysis.04 To determine pH of given solution by using pH paper, universal indicator and pH

meter.05 To determine the strength of given hydrochloric acid solution by titrating it

against sodium hydroxide solution using pH meter.06 To determine percentage of copper from brass iodometrically.07 To find the rate of corrosion of Al strip in acidic and basic medium graphically.08 To determine thinner content in paint.09 To determine acid value of given lubricant.10 To determine viscosity of given oil by using Ostwald’s viscometer.11 To determine saponification value of given lubricant.

Laboratory based mini projects12 To compare the quality of lubricating oil available in the market by testing their

physical / chemical characteristics in the laboratory and decide their scope of application.

13 To find the rate of corrosion of different metals like Al, Fe, Cu, steel etc. and decide their scope of utilization in industry for mechanical purposes.

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Text Books:Name of Authors Titles of the Book Edition Name of the Publisher

Jain & Jain Engineering Chemistry Dhanpat Rai and Sons

S. S. Dara Engineering Chemistry S. Chand Publication

B. K. Sharma Industrial Chemistry Goel Publication

S. S. DaraEnvironmental

Chemistry & Pollution Control

S. Chand Publication

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Name of the Course : Computer Engineering Group (Programming in ‘C’)

Course code: CO/CM/IF/CD Semester : Second

Duration : Maximum Marks :

Teaching Scheme Examination SchemeTheory : Hrs/week Mid Semester Exam: Marks

Tutorial: Hrs/week Assignment & Quiz: Marks

Practical : Hrs/week End Semester Exam: Marks

Credit :

Aim :-

S. No

1. To study basics of C programming.

2. To study Linear Data Structure

3. To study Pointer in depth

Objective :-S. No The students will be able to

1. Describe the concepts of constants, variables, data types and operators.

2. Develop programs using input and output operations.

3. Write programs using different looping and branching statements.4. Write programs based on arrays and strings handling functions.5. Write programs using user-defined functions, structures and union.6. Write programs using C pointers.

Pre-Requisites -S. No

1. Interaction with windows Operating System

Contents : Hrs/Unit MarksUnit -1 Basics of C

1.1 History of C, where C stands1.2 C character set, tokens, constants, variables, keywords1.3 C operators (arithmetic, Logical, assignment, relational,

increment and decrement, conditional, bit wise, special, operator precedence), C expressions data types

1.4 Formatted input, formatted output.

10 16

Unit -2 Decision making2.1 Decision making and branching

12 24

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if statement (if, if-else, else-if ladder, nested if-else) Switch case statement, break statement.2.2 Decision making and looping while, do, do-while statements

for loop, continue statement Unit - 3 Arrays and Strings

3.1 Arrays Declaration and initialization of one dimensional, two dimensional and character arrays, accessing array elements.

3.2 Declaration and initialization of string variables, string handling functions from standard library (strlen (), strcpy (), strcat (), strcmp ()).

14 12

Functions, Structures 4.1 Functions Need of functions, scope and lifetime of variables, defining

functions, function call (call by value, call by reference), return values, storage classes. category of function( No argument No return value, No argument with return value, argument with return value), recursion

4.2 Structures Defining structure, declaring and accessing structure members, initialization of structure, arrays of structure.

14 12

Pointers5.1 Understanding pointers, declaring and accessing pointers, Pointers arithmetic, pointers and arrays

14 16

Total 64 80Practical:

Skills to be developed: Intellectual skills:

Use of programming language constructs in program implementation. Apply different logics to solve given problem. Write program using different implementations for the same problem Identify different types of errors as syntax semantic, fatal, linker & logical Debugging of programs Understanding different steps to develop program such as

Motor skills: Proper handling of Computer System.

List of Practical:Write a C program

Any One from 1 to 31) To display hexadecimal, decimal, octal format of the entered numbers.2) To display entered number with leading zeros and trailing zeros.3) To display entered numbers with right justification and left justification.4) To demonstrate all possible formatting specifiers.

Any one from 5 and 6

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5) To find greatest/ smallest of 3 numbers.6) To display pass class, second-class, distinction according to the marks entered.

Any one from 7 and 87) To find even or odd numbers.8) To display spellings of number 1-10 on entry.

Any one from 9 and 109) To display menu 1. Addition 2. Subtraction 3. Multiplication 4. Division and execute it

using switch case.10) To demonstrate continue and BREAK statements.

Any one from 11 to 1311) To display our College name twenty times on screen.12) To display all even numbers from 1-100.13) To perform addition of 1-100 numbers.

Any one from 14 and 1514) To find smallest / largest number from array elements.15) To sort array elements in ascending / descending order.

Any one from 16 to 1816) To enter elements for 3X3 matrix and display them.17) To calculate addition / subtraction of 2 dimensional matrix.18) To calculate multiplication of 2 dimensional matrix.19) To demonstrate output of standard library functions

Strlen (), strcpy (), strcat (), strcmp (). Any one from 20 and 21

20) To calculate area of circle using function.21) To calculate factorial of any given number using recursion.22) To demonstrate call by reference, call by value23) To maintain and manipulate student data using structure.24) To perform 4 arithmetic functions on pointers.

Text Books:Name of Authors Titles of the Book Edition Name of the Publisher

Programming in ’C’

Balgurusamy 3rd Tata Mc-Graw Hill

Let’s ‘C’ Kanetkar 3rd BPBComplete reference C Herbert Shield 4th Tata Mc-Graw Hill

1. 2. Websites: Objective questions: lectures with power point presentations using LCD projector should be arranged to develop programming concepts of students.

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Reference books :Name of Authors Titles of the Book Edition Name of the Publisher

P k Sinha Computer Fundamental 5th edition Wadsworth, Inc

Mubarak Shah Fundamentals of Computer Vision

1st edition Mubarak Shah University of Central Florida

Daniel J. Rosenkrantz

Fundamental Problems in Computing

5th edition Springer

Suggested List of Laboratory Experiments : S. No

1 Write a program to print Pascal Triangle

2 Write a program to find nCr using function.

3 Write a program to change case of an alphabet.

Suggested List of Assignments/Tutorial :

S. No

1 How do you do dynamic memory allocation in C applications?

2 What is the difference between structure & union?

3 What is recursion?

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Name of the Course : Web Page Designing (Web Page Designing)

Course code: CO/CM/IF/CD Semester : Second

Duration : Maximum Marks :

Teaching Scheme Examination SchemeTheory : Hrs/week Mid Semester Exam: Marks

Tutorial: Hrs/week Assignment & Quiz: Marks

Practical : Hrs/week End Semester Exam: Marks

Credit :

Aim :-

S. No

1. To exploring your business worldwide and makes strong impact image using active online presences with web site. And well-designed and aesthetically appealing website can give you a strong advantage over other online competitors.

2. To make an interesting to see graphic designers on one end, and web programmers on the other, arguing their respective positions active web page designing is today’s need.

3. To get strong instantaneous recognition of relevance which leads to clarity, and understanding at a glance a well crafted brand strategy which provides context and perspective, and a detailed website plan that spells out specific objectives, target audiences, paths to conversion and other critical elements of your site.

Objective :-S. No The student will be able to

1. Design simple Web pages - using HTML

2. Organize information using Tables, collect information from users using forms & present information using Frames.

3. Use style sheets to gain full control of formatting within Web page. 4. Include JavaScript within Web pages.5. Embed multimedia to Web pages.6. Integrate all above to develop Web sites.

Pre-Requisite -S. No

1. Web page design tags Markup language (HTML,DHTML,XML etc.)

2. Uploading web site details.

3. Web page client server tech.

Contents : Theory (Name of the Topic) Hrs/Unit

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Unit -1 HTML1.1 Introduction to HTML

1.1.1 Terminologies used in Web Design: Web, Web site, Web page, Web server, Web Browser, Search Engine.

1.1.2 Components of HTML: Tags – closed tags and open tags, Attributes, Elements.

1.1.3 Structure Tags: DOCTYPE, HTML, HEAD, TITLE, BODY tags.1.1.4 Block Level Elements: Headings, Paragraphs, Breaks,

Divisions, Centered Text, Block Quotes, Preformatted text, Address.

1.1.5 Text Level Elements: Bold, Italic, Teletype, Underline, Strikethrough, Superscript, subscript.

1.1.6 Horizontal Rules.1.1.7 Special characters.1.1.8 Adding comments1.1.9 The Meta tag.

1.2 Creating Lists1.2.1 Ordered Lists1.2.2 Unordered Lists1.2.3 Definition Lists1.2.4 Nested Lists

1.3 Linking HTML Documents1.3.1 URL : Types of URLs, Absolute URLs, Relative URLs1.3.2 The Anchor Tag.1.3.3 Linking :

To document in the same folder.To document in the different folder.To document on the web.To specific section within the document.

1.3.4 Inserting E-mail links



2.1.1 Image formats : gif, jpeg, png2.1.2 The inline image: an IMG tag, alternate text, image alignment,

buffer space – HSPACE, VSPACE, wrapping text, height and width of images.

2.1.3 Image as a link.2.1.4 Image maps: Server side image maps, Client side image maps.

2.2 Colors and Backgrounds2.2.1 The text color: color attribute of FONT tag, text attribute of

BODY tag.2.2.2 Background color: bgcolor attribute of BODY tag.2.2.3 Background images: background attribute of BODY tag.2.2.4 Changing link colors: link, a link, v link attributes of BODY tag.



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3.1 Tables3.1.1 Creating basic tables: TABLE, TR, TH, TD tags.3.1.2 Formatting tables: border, cell spacing, cell padding, width,

align, bgcolor attributes.3.1.3 Adding captions: CAPTION tag.3.1.4 Formatting contents in the table cells: align, valign, bgcolor,

height, width, nowrap attributes.3.1.5 Spanning rows and columns: row span and col span attributes.

3.2 Frames3.2.1 Introduction to frames: What is frame?, Advantages and

disadvantages of using frames.3.2.2 Creating frames: FRAMESET tag – rows, cols attributes,

FRAME tag – name, frame border, margin height, margin width, src, resize, scrolling attributes.

3.2.3 Use of NOFRAMES tag3.2.4 Frame targeting.

3.3 Forms3.3.1 Creating basic form: FORM tag, action and method attributes.3.3.2 Form fields: Single line text field, password field, multiple line

text area, radio buttons and check boxes.3.3.3 Pull down menus: SELECT and OPTION tags.3.3.4 Buttons: submit, reset and generalized buttons.3.3.5 Formatting technique: Using table to layout form.

Unit – 4 STYLE SHEETS4.1 Adding style to the document: Linking to style sheets, Embedding

style sheets, Using inline style.4.2 Selectors: CLASS rules, ID rules.4.3 Style sheet properties: font, text, box, color and background



Unit – 5 INTRODUCTION TO JAVASCRIPT5.1 Embedding JavaScript in HTML document.5.2 Variables, Constants, Adding comments.5.3 Operators: Assignment, Arithmetic and Comparison operators.5.4 Control structures and looping: if, if…Else, for,, while,

do…While, break and continue.5.5 Event handlers: on Click, on Mouse Over, on Mouse Out, on Submit,

on Reset, on Focus, on Blur, on Select.


Unit - 6 ANIMATION6.1 Creating a gif animation using gif animator.6.2 Controlling gif animation through internal setting of gif animator.6.3 Creating banner using gif animation.6.4 Creating smooth transition between gif animation frames using



Text Books:

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Name of Authors Titles of the Book Edition Name of the Publisher

Thomas PowellHTML and XHTML –The complete reference

Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi.

Jamsa, King, Anderson’s

HTML and Web Design –Tips and Techniques

Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi.

Reference books :Name of Authors Titles of the Book Edition Name of the Publisher

Luke Wroblewski Web form Design O'Reilly Media

Clark, Joe. Building Accessible Websites

New Riders Publishing

Duckett, Jon Accessible XHTML and CSS Web Sites Problem Design Solution


Suggested List of Laboratory Experiments : S. No

1 Design a general webpage

2 Design a general website

3 Design multimedia page which includes Text, Audio, video, images, Animation.

4 Upload the website on college server.

5 Upload website on public internet.

Suggested List of Assignments/Tutorial :

S. No Assignments

1 Designs Web page and apply some block level tags and some text level tags.

2 Include Horizontal Rules and special characters in a Web page.

3 Design Web page and include different lists.

4 Include various links in a Web page

5 Include images with different alignments and wrapped text in Web page. Also include image as a link in the Web page.

6 Design a web page and set background colour and document wide text colour.

7 Design a web page with background image, different text colour for different paragraphs, and set colors for links, active links and visited links.

8 Create HTML table, format contents in table cells and span the rows and columns.

9 Create basic frameset and format the frames within the frameset using different attributes. Also use frame targeting.

10 Create a basic form using different input controls and pull down menu.

11 Use table to lay out form with different form controls and generalized buttons.

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12 Create a web page and apply style sheet properties (font, text and box properties).

13 Create a web page to get watermark effect using style rules.

14 One script using controls structure and looping.

15 One script using event handlers.

16 Create GIF animation using GIF animator and incorporate in web page.

17 Create Banner Ad and incorporate in web page.

Mini Project:Design a website using all topics mentioned in syllabus.

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#TW @TA CT Total

1 Applied Mathematics 03 -- -- 10 20 30 70 -- -- -- 3

2Electrical Circuits and Network 03 -- 02 10 20 30 70 50# -- 25@ 4

3 Electrical Measurements 03 -- 02 10 20 30 70 50# -- 25@ 4

4Electrical Power Generation

03 -- -- 10 20 30 70 -- -- -- 3

5 Basic Electronics 04 -- 02 10 20 30 70 50# -- 25@ 5

6 Electrical Workshop -- -- 03 -- -- -- -- -- -- 50@ 2

7 Elements of Mechanical and Civil Engineering

01 -- 02 -- -- -- -- -- -- 25@ 2

8 Professional Practices-III -- -- 04 -- -- -- -- -- -- 50@ 2

Total 16 -- 15 50 100 150 350 150 -- 200 25

STUDENT CONTACT HOURS PER WEEK: 32HTEORY AND PRACTICAL PERIODS OF 60 MINUTES EACH# , External Assessment @ , Internal Assessment ESE - End Semester Exam.

ABBREVIATIONS: CT- Class Test, TA - Teachers Assessment, L - Lecture, TU - Tutorial, P - PracticalTA: Attendance & surprise quizzes = 6 marks. Assignment & group discussion = 4 marks.Total Marks : 850

Minimum passing for sessional marks is 40%, and for theory subject 40%.Assessment of Practical, Oral & term work to be done as per the prevailing norms of curriculum implementation & assessment.

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Name of the Course : Electrical and Electronics Engineering Group (Applied Mathematics)


Semester : Third

Duration : 6 SEMESTER Maximum Marks : 100

Teaching Scheme Examination SchemeTheory : 03 hrs/week Mid Semester Exam: 20 Marks

Tutorial: hrs/week Assignment & Quiz: 10 Marks

Practical : hrs/week End Semester Exam: 70 Marks

Credit : 03

Aim :-

1. This subject introduces some applications of engineering, through which the student can understand the link of mathematics with engineering principles.

Objective :-1. Apply Mathematical term, concept, principles, and different methods

2. Apply Mathematical methods to solve technical problems,

3. Execute management plans with precision.

4. Use Mathematical techniques necessary for daily and practical problems.

Pre-Requisite :-1. Knowledge of trigonometry and algebra.

Contents Hrs/week Unit -1 Integration:

1.1 Definition of integration as anti-derivative. Integration of standard function.

1.2 Rules of integration (Integrals of sum, difference, scalar multiplication).1.3 Methods of Integration.

1.3.1 Integration by substitution1.3.2 Integration of rational functions.1.3.3 Integration by partial fractions.1.3.4 Integration by trigonometric transformation.1.3.5 Integration by parts.

1.4 Definite Integration.1.4.1 Definition of definite integral.1.4.2 Properties of definite integral with simple problems.

1.5 Applications of definite integrals.1.5.1 Area under the curve.1.5.2 Area between two curves.1.5.3 Mean and RMS values


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Unit -2 Differential Equation2.1 Definition of differential equation, order and degree of differential equation. Formation of differential equation for function

containing single constant.2.2 Solution of differential equations of first order and first degree such as

variable separable type, reducible to Variable separable, Homogeneous, Nonhomogeneous, Exact, Linear and Bernoulli equations.

2.3 Applications of Differential equations. 2.3.1 Laws of voltage and current related to LC, RC, and LRC Circuits.


Unit - 3 Laplace Transform 3.1 Definition of Laplace transform, Laplace transform of standard functions.3.2 Properties of Laplace transform such as Linearity, first shifting, second

shifting, multiplication by tn, division by t.3.3 Inverse Laplace transforms. Properties- linearly first shifting, second

shifting. Method of partial fractions,3.4 Convolution theorem.3.5 Laplace transform of derivatives,3.6 Solution of differential equation using Laplace transform (up to second

order equation).

08 14

Unit - 4 Fourier Series4.1 Definition of Fourier series (Euler’s formula).4.2 Series expansion of continuous functions in the intervals

0, 2 , , , 0, 2 , ,l l l 4.3 Series expansions of even and odd functions.4.4 Half range series.

08 07

Unit - 5 Numerical Methods5.1 Solution of algebraic equations

Bisection method. Regularfalsi method.

Newton – Raphson method.5.2 Solution of simultaneous equations containing 2 and 3 unknowns Gauss elimination method. Iterative methods- Gauss seidal and Jacobi’s methods.





Total 48 70

Text Books:Name of Authors Titles of the Book Edition Name of the Publisher

Mathematics for polytechnic S. P. Deshpande Pune Vidyarthi Griha Prakashan, Pune

Calculus: single variable Robert T. Smith Tata McGraw Hill

Laplace Transform Lipschutz Schaum outline series.

Fourier series and boundary value problems

Brown Tata McGraw Hill

Higher Engineering Mathematics B. S. Grewal Khanna Publication, New Dehli

Introductory Methods of Numerical analysis S. S. Sastry

Prentice Hall Of India, New Dehli

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Numerical methods for scientific & engineering computations

M. K. Jain & others Wiley Eastern Publication.

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Name of the Course : Electrical and Electronics Engineering Group (Basic Electronics)


Semester : Third

Duration : 6 SEMESTER Maximum Marks :175

Teaching Scheme Examination SchemeTheory : 04 hrs/week Mid Semester Exam: 20 Marks

Tutorial: -- hrs/week Assignment & Quiz: 10 Marks

Practical : 02 hrs/week End Semester Exam: 70 Marks

Practical: 50 Marks

Term Work: 25 Marks

Credit :

Aim :-

1. Electronics Plays major in our day to day life. In each and every field, electronics systems are used. Basic electronics is one of the subjects which is the base of all advance electronics. It starts with PN junction which makes the student to follow the functioning of all semiconductor based electronics. This is a core group subject and it develops cognitive and psychomotor skills.

Objective :-S.No Student will be able to:

1. Describe the formation of PN junction.

2. Draw the characteristics of basic components like diode, transistor etc.

3. Draw and describe the basic circuits of rectifier, filter, regulator and amplifiers.

4. 4) Know voltage amplifiers.

5. 5) Test diode and transistors.

6. 6) Read the data sheets of diode and transistors.

Pre-Requisite :-1. Knowledge of physics and p-n junction diode.

Contents Hrs/week Marks Unit -1 1.1 Semiconductor diode

1.1.1 Rectifying diodeReview of P-type and N-type semiconductor Junction of P-type & N-type i.e. PN junction Barrier voltage, depletion region, Junction Capacitance.

1.1.2 Forward biased & reversed biased junctionDiode symbol , circuit diagram for characteristics (forward & reversed ) Characteristics of PN junction diode

1.1.3 Specifications:-Forward voltage drop , Reversed saturation current, maximum

12 14

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forward current , power dissipation Package view of diodes of different power ratings (to be shown during practical hours)

1.2 Zener Diode:Construction ( reference to doping level )

1.2.1 Symbol , circuit diagram for characteristics ( forward & reversed )

1.2.1 Avalanche & zener breakdown1.2.3 Specifications:-

Zener voltage, power dissipation, break over current, dynamic resistance & maximum reverse current.

1.3 Special Diodes:Point contact diode , Schottky diode

1.4 Optical Diodes:LED, IRLED, photo diode, laser diode.Symbol, operating principle & applications of each.

Unit -2 2.1 Rectifiers & FiltersNeed of rectifier, definition 2.1.1 Types of rectifier – Half wave rectifier, Full wave rectifier (Bridge & centre tapped )2.1.2 Circuit operation: Input/output waveforms for voltage &

Current, Average (dc) value of current & voltage ( no derivation), Ripple , ripple factor , ripple frequency , PIV of diode used , transformer utilization factor , efficiency of rectifier.

2.1.3 Comparison of three types of rectifier2.1.4 Need of filters

Types of filtersA] shunt capacitor B] Series inductor C] LC filter D] π filter

2.1.5 Circuit operation, dc output voltage , ripple factor (formula) , ripple frequency , Dependence of ripple factor on load .

Input/output waveforms , limitations & advantages


Unit - 3 Transistors3.1 Bipolar Junction Transistor(BJT)

Introduction , Basic concept 3.1.1 Types of transistors , structure & symbols

Transistor operation Conventional current flow , relation between different currents in transistor

3.1.2 Transistor amplifying actionTransistor configurations:- CB , CE & CCCircuit diagram to find the characteristicsInput / output characteristics

3.1.3 Transistor parameters- input resistance, output resistance, α, β & relation between them.Comparison between three configurations

3.1.4 Transistor specifications:VCE Sat ,IC Max , VCEO , ICEO, α , β VCE Breakdown , Power dissipation ( to be

explained during practical using data sheets) 3.1.5 Testing of transistor using multimeter ( To be shown

during practical)

12 14

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3.1.6 Construction, working principle, characteristics of Photo Transistor Introduction to opto-coupler3.2 Unipolar Transistor (JFET)

Construction, working principle & characteristics.3.3 Unijunction Transistor(UJT)

Construction, working principle& characteristics. Unit - 4 Biasing of BJT

4.1 Introduction , need of biasing , concept of dc load line, selection of operating point (Q point) , need of stabilization of Q point, ( thermal run away concept)

4.2 Types of biasing circuits A] Fixed biased circuitB] Base biased with emitter feed backC] Base biased with collector feed backD] Voltage dividerE] Emitter biased

4.3 Circuit operation of each circuit.4.4 Introduction to two port n/w Hybrid model for CE

10 10

Unit - 5 Regulated Power Supply5.1 What is a regulator?

5.1.1 Need of regulators , voltage regulation factor5.1.2 Concept of load regulation & line regulation5.1.3 Basic zener diode voltage regulator

5.2 Linear Regulators5.2.1 Basic block diagram of dc power supply

5.2.2 Transistorised series & shunt regulator – circuit diagram & operation

5.2.3 Regulator IC’s – 78xx,79xx, 723 as fixed , variable & dual regulator.

08 08

Unit - 6 Small Signal Amplifiers6.1 Concept of amplification

6.1.1 Small signal amplifier using BJT6.1.2 Graphical analysis6.1.3 Determination of current , voltage & power gain ,

Input & output resistance , phase shift between input & output.

6.1.4 AC Load Line6.1.5 Function of input & output coupling capacitors & criteria for the

value selection.6.1.6 Function of emitter bypass capacitor & its value selection.

6.2 AC equivalent circuit of transistor CE amplifier.6.3 Single stage CE amplifier with voltage divider bias.

Its explanation.6.4 Frequency response of single stage CE Amplifier, Bel,

Decibel unit. Bandwidth & its significance. Effect of coupling & emitter bypass capacitor on bandwidth.

6.5 Introduction to CB & CC amplifier & List of applications.6.6 Cascade Amplifiers ( Multistage Amplifier)

6.6.1 Need of Multistage Amplifiers, Gain of amplifier.

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6.6.2 Types of amplifier coupling – RC, transformer & Direct coupling.6.6.3 Two stage amplifier circuit diagram, working, frequency

Response, merits & demerits & applications of each.

Total 64 70

Practical:Skills to be developed:Intellectual Skills: 1. Identification and selection of components. 2. Interpretation of circuits. 3. Understand working of Regulated dc power supply.Motor skills:

1. Ability to draw the circuits.2. Ability to measure various parameters.3. Ability to test the components using multimeter.4. Follow standard test procedures.

List of Practical:

1] To plot Forward & Reverse biased characteristics of diode.2] To plot Forward & Reverse biased characteristics of Zener diode.3] To Study the Rectifiers a] Half wave b] Full wave & draw i/p & o/p wave forms.4] To Study the filter circuits. a] Capacitor Filter b] Inductor filter & draw wave forms.5] To Plot Input & output characteristics of transistor in CE mode.6] To Plot Input & output characteristics of transistor in CB mode.7] To Plot Characteristics of FET.9] To Plot Characteristics of UJT.10] To study the Zener Diode as Regulator& calculate load regulation.11] To study Transistor series and shunt regulator. 12] To study Single stage common emitter amplifier & plot its frequency response. 13] To study Two stage RC coupled amplifier & plot its Frequency response.

Text Books:Name of Authors Titles of the Book Edition Name of the Publisher

N.N.Bhargava, D.C. Kulashreshtha, S.C. Gupta - TTTI Chandigharh

Basic Electronics & Linear Circuits Tata McGraw Hill

Alberrt MalvinoDavid J.Bates

Electronic Principles Tata McGraw Hill

Allen. MottersheadElectronic Devices & Components’

Prentice Hall of India

NIIT Basic Electronics &Devices

Prentice Hall of India

Grob Bernard Basic Electronics Tata McGraw Hill

David J. Bell Electronics Devices & Circuits

Prentice Hall of India

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Name of the Course : Electrical Engineering Group (Electrical Circuits & Network)

Course code: EE/EP Semester : Third

Duration : 6 SEMESTER Maximum Marks :175

Teaching Scheme Examination SchemeTheory : 03 hrs/week Mid Semester Exam: 20 Marks

Tutorial: -- hrs/week Assignment & Quiz: 10 Marks

Practical : 02 hrs/week End Semester Exam: 70 Marks

Practical: 50 Marks

Term Work: 25 Marks

Credit :

Aim :-

1. This subject finds utility in understanding the concepts in other electrical subjects such as Electrical Power System, Electrical Measurement and Instrumentation, & Electrical Machines etc.

Objective :-S.No The students will be able to:

1. Know and define the basic elements; electric circuit terminology; energy sources used in electric circuit and also AC waveform and its various quantities.

2. Interpret the response of R,L,C elements to AC supply

3. Calculate various parameters of AC Circuits.

4. Interpret performance of AC Series and Parallel Circuits.

5. Know relationship between phase & line values of various quantities in three phase circuits.

6. Use network theorems for solutions of DC Networks

Pre-Requisite :-S.No

1. Series and parallel resistances, parallel & series cells.

Contents Hrs/week MarksUnit -1 Review of Basic concepts of electrical Circuit

1.1 Electric Circuit Elements R,L,C1.2 Energy Sources1.3 A.C. waveform and definition of various terms associated with it 1.4 Response of pure R, L, and C to AC supplies.

Vector Representation of alternating quantity.

06 04

Unit -2 Single phase AC Circuits2.1 Series AC circuits R-L, R-C and R-L-C circuits. Impedance, reactance,

phasor diagram, impedance triangle, power factor, Average power, Apparent power, Reactive power, Power triangle (Numerical)

2.2 Series Resonance, quality factor (Numerical)

12 22

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2.3 Parallel AC circuits R-L, R-C and R-L-C circuits. Admittance, Susceptance, Solution by admittance method, phasor diagram and complex Algebra method. (Numerical)

2.4 Parallel resonance, quality factor.2.5 Comparison of series and Parallel circuits.

Unit -3

Poly phase AC Circuits3.1 Generation of three phase e. m. f.3.2 Phase sequence, polarity marking3.3 Types of three-phase connections.3.4 Concept of unbalanced load and balanced load.3.5 Line, phase quantities and power in three phase system with balanced

star and Delta connected load & their interrelationship3.6 Advantages of polyphase circuits over single phase circuits

10 16

Unit -4

Principles of circuit Analysis (AC and DC circuits)1.1 Mesh analysis.(Numerical)1.2 Node analysis with voltage current source .(Numericals)

Star/delta & Delta/star transformations.(Simple Numericals)

08 10

Unit -5

Network Theorems (Statement, procedure, applications and areas of applications, Simple Numerical)5.1 Superposition Theorem5.2 Thevenin’s Theorem5.3 Norton’s Theorem5.4 Source conversion /ideal voltage and current source5.5 Maximum power transfer Theorem

10 18

Total 48 70

Practical: Skills to be developed:Intellectual Skills:

1. Interpret results2. Calculate values of various components for given circuits3. Select instruments

Motor Skills:1. Connect the instruments properly.2. Take accurate readings.3. Draw phasor diagrams and graphs.

List of Practical:1) To observe A.C. waveform on C.R.O.and calculates average & R.M.S. Values, frequency, Time Periods.2) To determine impedance & Plot the phasor diagram of R-L series circuit.3) To determine the current and P.F. of R.C. series circuit.4) To determine the current and P.F. of R.L.C. series circuit.5) To determine the current and P.F. in R.L. Parallel circuit.6) To determine the current and P.F. in R.C. Parallel circuit.7) To determine the current and P.F. in R.L.C. Parallel circuit.8) To verify the line and phase values of voltage & current in star connected balanced load & Compare with

practical situation. 9) To verify the line and phase values of voltage & Current in delta connected balanced load & Compare with

practical situation. 10) To verify the superposition theorem applicable to D.C.& A.C. circuit.11) To verify Thevenins theorem applicable to D.C.& A.C. circuit

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12) To verify Norton’s theorem applicable to D.C.& A.C. circuit13) To verify the maximum power transfer Theorem applicable to D.C. & A.C. circuit. 14) To verify conditions for Series and Parallel Resonance

LIST OF PRACTICE ORIENTED PROJECTS:1) To observe Response of R; L; and C to A.C. supply. Observe the current and voltage wave forms on C. R. O.

and determine magnitude and phase angle of voltage and current.2) To obtain Resonance in R-L-C series circuit and study the quality factor and bandwidth. Give applications

of series resonance circuit and Draw the curve showing variation of R,XL,XC,I with F.To verify KCL, KVL, Superposition theorem, Thevenin’s theorem and maximum power transfer theorem applicable to A.C. circuits.Text Books:Name of Authors Titles of the Book Edition Name of the Publisher

Boylested R.L. Introductory circuit Analysis.

Wheeler, New Delhi

EdministerSchaum online series Theory and problems of Electric circuits

T. M. G. H. , Newyork

A. Sudhakar Circuit and network Tata McGraw Hill

V.N. Mittle Basic Electrical Engineering.

Tata McGraw Hill

B. L. Theraja Electrical Technology Volume-I

S. Chand & Co.

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Name of the Course : Electrical Engineering Group (Electrical Measurements)

Course code: EE/EP Semester : Third

Duration : 6 SEMESTER Maximum Marks : 175

Teaching Scheme Examination SchemeTheory : 03 hrs/week Mid Semester Exam: 20 Marks

Tutorial: -- hrs/week Assignment & Quiz: 10 Marks

Practical : 02 hrs/week End Semester Exam: 70 Marks

Credit : 04 Practical: 50 Marks

Term Work: 25 Marks

Aim :-


1. This subject is classified under core technology. The Diploma holder has to work as Technical supervisor, maintenance engineer, production engineer in industries, electrical power generation, transmission and distribution system, traction installation system, machine operation etc.

2. For above job responsibilities he has to take the measurements of various electrical quantities power & energy for testing, monitoring, maintenance, and controlling the process. In addition to this he must know the calibration techniques and extension of meter ranges. Therefore Electrical Measurement skills are very important. Accuracy of measurement is one of the main parameters in industrial processes as ability of control depends upon ability to measure.

Objective :-S.No The Students will be able to:

1. Identify the measuring instruments used for measuring electrical quantities.

2. Select appropriate measuring instrument with range for measurement of various electrical quantities. Select and use range multiplier if required.

3. Select appropriate instrument for measurement of power, energy.

4. Classify measuring instruments based on construction, principle of operation and quantity tobe measured, types of errors.

5. Calibrate various types of instruments as per is.

Pre-Requisite :-S.No

1. Knowledge of current, voltage & power and their measurements.


Name of the Topic Hours Marks

Unit -1 Fundamentals of Measurement1.1 Purpose of measurement and significance of measurement1.2 Various effects of electricity employed in measuring instruments.

05 08

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1.3 Desirable qualities of measuring instruments.1.4 Classification of Instruments.1.5 Types of errors1.6 Different types of torque in Analog Instruments.

Unit – 2 Measurement of Current and Voltage2.1 Construction and principle of PMMC, MI & Dynamometer type

Instrument.2.2 Production of torque :methods.2.3 Principles of Voltage and Current measurement.2.4 Range Extension of Ammeter and Voltmeter2.5 Different Methods of range extension of Ammeter and Voltmeter.2.6 Calibration of Ammeter and Voltmeter.2.7 Instrument transformers (CT & PT)

10 14

Unit -3 Measurement of Power3.1 Concept of power in A.C. Circuit3.2 Principle and Construction of dynamometer type wattmeter.3.3 Errors and their compensation.3.4 Polyphase wattmeter.3.5 Multiplying factor of wattmeter.3.6 Measurements of power in 3 phase circuit for balanced and unbalanced

load by one wattmeter method, two wattmeter method.3.7 Effect of power factor variation on wattmeter readings in two

wattmeter method.3.8 Measurement of reactive power in three phase balance load by one

wattmeter method and two wattmeter method.3.9 Digital Wattmeter.

10 14

Unit -4 Measurement of Electrical EnergyS.T. Concept of electrical energy.4.2 Constructional feature & principle of working of single phase and

three-phase induction type energy meter.4.3 Different types of errors and their compensation.4.4 Calibration of energy meter.4.5 Electronic energy meter.

07 10

Unit -5 Constructional features and working principles of other Meters5.1 Single phase and three phase Power Factor Meter( only dynamometer

type).5.2 Frequency meter (Weston and Ferro dynamic type).5.3 Sychronoscope.5.4 Phase sequence Indicator.( Rotating type only)5.5 Clip-on-mmeter.5.6 Q-meter.

08 10

Unit -6 Measurement of Circuit Parameters6.1 Classification of Resistance, Low, Medium and High.6.2 Methods of Measurements of Low, Medium and High. Resistance

(Kelvin Double bridge, wheatstone bridge and Megger)6.3 Measurement of Earth resistance- Earth tester (Analog & Digital)6.4 Digital Multimeter.6.5 Introduction to A.C. Bridges.6.6 L.C.R. Meter.

08 14

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Total 64 70

Practical: Skills to be developed:Intellectual Skills:

1. Identification of instruments2. Selection of instruments and equipment for measurement

Motor Skills:1. Accuracy in measurement2. Making proper connections

List of Practicals:1. Measurement of Current and Voltages by Low range ammeter and voltmeter respectively with

shunt and multiplier.2. Measurement of Current and Voltages by Low range ammeter and voltmeter respectively by Using

Current Transformer and potential Transformer.3. Measurement of active and reactive power in three phase balanced load by single wattmeter

method.4. Measurement of active and reactive power in three phase balanced load by two wattmeter

method and observe the effect of Power Factor variation on Wattmeter reading.5. Calibration of Energy meter at various power factor by standard energy meter.6. Measurement of energy in single phase & three phase balanced load using Electronic Energy

Meter.7. Measurement of Low resistance by Kelvin’s Double Bridge.8. Measurement of Medium resistance by Wheatstone bridge.9. Measurement of Insulation Resistance by Megger.10. a) Measurement of Resistance, Voltage, Current, Voltage, Current in A.C & D. C. Circuit by using

digital multimeter.b) Measurement of A.C. Current by Clip-on ammeter

11. Measurement of Earth Resistance by Earth Tester.12. Measurement of Circuit Parameters by LCR meter.13. Measurement of power factor of single phase and three phase load by PF meter and verifying

through I, V and P measurement.14. Observe the phase sequence of three phase circuit Using Rotating type phase sequence Indicator.15. Measurement of Frequency of A.C. Supply Using Weston or Ferro dynamic type Frequency meter.

Text Books:Name of Authors Titles of the Book Edition Name of the Publisher

A.K. Sawhney Electric & Electronic Measurement and Instrumentation

Dhanpatrai & Sons

Copper & Heltrick Electronic Instrumentation & measurement Techniques

Prentice Hall of India

Rangan Mani& Sarma

Instrumentation Devices and System

Tata McGraw Hill

Kalsi Electronic Instrumentation Tata McGraw Hill

S.K.SinghIndustrial Instrumentation & control Tata McGraw Hill

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GoldingElectrical Measurement & measuring Instrument


N.V.SuryanaryanElectrical Measurement & measuring Instrument, Delhi.

S. Chand & Co.

C.T. BaldwinFundamental of Electrical measurement


IS/International Codes :IS 1248, 1765, 6236, 9223, 8945, 2442

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Name of the Course : Electrical Engineering Group (Electrical Power Generation)

Course code: : EE/EP Semester : Third

Duration : 6 SEMESTER Maximum Marks : 100

Teaching Scheme Examination SchemeTheory : 03 hrs/week Mid Semester Exam: 20 Marks

Tutorial:-- hrs/week Assignment & Quiz: 10 Marks

Practical :--- hrs/week End Semester Exam: 70 Marks

Credit : 03

Aim :-


1. This is a core technology subject. Electrical diploma pass outs should know the principle of generation of electricity, methods of generation of electricity & recent trends in generation of electricity.

2. This subject will provide the basis for further studies in transmission, distribution and power system operation. Also the subject will provide the knowledge about the recent trends in nonconventional energy sources & their working principles.

Objective :-S.No The student will be able to:

1. Explain the working of different power plants

2. Identify different components of various systems in generating stations

3. Select suitable sites for different power stations

4. Define the terms used in economics of power generation and explain their relation

5. Select alternative energy sources for given conditions

6. Explain the working of wind mills and solar systems

7. Explain working of domestic & commercial D. G. Set

Pre-Requisite :-S.No

1. Energy conversion

Contents Hrs/week

Name of the topic Hours Marks

Unit -1 Basics of Power Generation 1.1 Importance of electrical power in day today life1.2 Various sources of energy1.3 Overview of method of electrical power generation1.4 Comparison of Sources of power.

02 06

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Unit – 2 Thermal Power Stations2.1 List of thermal power stations in the state with their capacities2.2 Selection of site for thermal power stations.2.3 Main parts , block diagram of thermal power stations.2.4 Quality of fuel and its effect on quality of power generation2.5 Operation of following components:

2.5.1 Boiler2.5.2 Economizer.2.5.3 Air pre heater2.5.4 Super-heaters & re-heaters.2.5.5 Steam prime movers.2.5.6 Condensers.2.5.7 Spray ponds & cooling towers.(Block diagrams & description in brief)

07 10

Unit -3 Nuclear Power Stations3.1 Block diagram and working of Nuclear Power Station3.2 Construction and working of Nuclear Reactor3. 3 Fuels used in Nuclear Power Station3. 4 Economics of Nuclear Power Station3. 5 List of Nuclear power stations in state & county with their capacities.

05 06

Unit -4 Hydro Power Stations4.1 List of Hydro Power stations with their capacities & number of units in the

state.4.2 Selection of site and Classification 4.3 Layout of hydro Power stations4.4 Types of Turbines & generators used4.5 Selection of turbine and alternator according to water head and capacity

05 08

Unit -5 Diesel Power Stations 5.1 Applications of diesel power stations5.2 Diesel electric plant- Main components ( Block Diagram)5.3 Different types of engines & their working.

Operation, maintenance & trouble shooting chart of diesel plant.

05 07

Unit -6 Non-Conventional Energy Sources6.1 Types of non-conventional energy sources.6.2 Solar Energy

6.2.1 Potential of solar energy.6.2.2 Photovoltaic effect – for solar energy.6.2.3 Construction & materials used in solar photo-voltaic cells.6.2.4 Working & applications of solar energy.

6.3 Wind Energy.6.3.1 Selection of site for wind mills 6.3.2 Principle of electricity generation with the help of wind energy6.3.3 Block diagram and working of Wind energy plant and its applications6.3.4 List of major wind farms in the state with their approximate

capacities6.4 Bio-mass & Bio-gas energy.

6.4.1 Composition of Bio-gas & its calorific value.6.4.2 Traditional; non-traditional Biogas plants6.4.3 Bio-mass based power generation plants & their capacities.

09 14

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6.5 Geo-thermal Energy and its Applications. 6.6 Ocean energy.

6.6.1 Ocean thermal Electric conversion.6.6.2 Energy from tides6.6.3 Site requirements6.6.4 Advantages and Limitations of Tidal power generation.

6.7 Fuel Cells: Construction, working and applications

Unit -7 Economics Of Power Generation7.1 Terms commonly used in system operation: connected load, firm power, cold

reserve, hot reserve, spinning reserve.7.2 Terms used in system operation such as Load-curve, load duration curve,

integrated duration curve. (Simple numerical based on plotting above curves.)

7.3 Factors affecting the cost of Generation: Average demand, Maximum demand, plant capacity factor& plant use factor, Diversity factor& load factor.

(Simple numericals based on above)7.4 Choice of Size & number of Generator Units, difficulties involved in it.

09 10

Unit -8 Interconnected Power Systems8.1 Combined operation of power stations.8.2 Comparison of various types of power stations8.3 Advantages of Interconnection.8.4 Base load & peak loads, load allocation among various types of power

stations8.5 Economic loading of interconnected stations.8.6 Load sharing and transfer of load between power stations.8.7 Inter connection of power stations at state and national level

06 09

Total 48 70

Text Books:Name of Authors Titles of the Book Edition Name of the Publisher

Dr. S. L. Uppal Electrical Power Khanna Publishers.

Soni – Gupta -Bhatnagar

A course in Electrical Power

Dhanpatrai & Sons

Prof. G. D. RaiNon conventional Energy sources Khanna, New Delhi

Prof. Arrora and Dr. V. M. Domkundwar

A course in Power Plant Engineering

Dhanpatrai & Sons

2. Journals: 1. Electrical India - Journal for recent trends & development in Electrical Engineering

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Name of the Course : Electrical Engineering Group (Electrical Workshop)

Course code: EE/EP Semester : Third

Duration : 6 SEMESTER Maximum Marks : 50

Teaching Scheme Examination SchemeTheory : -- hrs/week Mid Semester Exam: -- Marks

Tutorial: -- hrs/week Assignment & Quiz: -- Marks

Practical : 03 hrs/week End Semester Exam: -- Marks

Credit : 02 Term Work: 50 Marks

Aim :-


1. A technician should also have the practical skills regarding wiring, in order to provide him/her the various ways, techniques of fault finding while working on the shop floor. These skills will be developed when he/she actually performs the work.

Objective :-S.No Students will be able to:

1. Identify various electrical accessories.

2. Draw & understand the wiring diagrams

3. Prepare schedule of material

4. Use methods of wiring

Pre-Requisite :-S.No

1. Studies of different types of wires, switches, circuits.

ContentsContents: Practical:Note: All the experiments will be performed by using casing capping or conduit wiring, prepare schedule of material for each wiring work.

1. Identify, dismantle, sketch & assemble different Electrical accessories 10 Hrs.2. Wire up one lamp controlled by one SPT switch 06 Hrs.3. Wire up two lamps controlled by two independent SPT switches 06 Hrs.4. Wire up a call bell/ buzzer 06 Hrs.5. Wire up four power sockets controlled independently 06 Hrs.6. Wire up a test board 06 Hrs.7. Wire lighting circuit for a go down wiring 08 Hrs.8. Prepare & mount the energy meter board 08 Hrs.

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9. Wire up consumer’s main board with ICDP & distribution fuse box & 08 Hrs. With LCB / MCB

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Name of the Course : Electrical Engineering Group (Elements of Mechanical & Civil Engineering)

Course code: EE/EP Semester : Third

Duration : 6 SEMESTER Maximum Marks : 25

Teaching Scheme Examination SchemeTheory : 01 hrs/week Mid Semester Exam: -- Marks

Tutorial: -- hrs/week Assignment & Quiz: -- Marks

Practical : 02 hrs/week End Semester Exam: -- Marks

Credit : 02 Term Work : 25 Marks

Aim :-

1. Diploma in Electrical Engineering passes outs, work as Maintenance Engineers in industry. They have to look after maintenance of Mechanical Machines also. Similarly they have to install electrical machinery. For completing these tasks they need knowledge of Mechanical Machinery related to maintenance and Civil Engineering related to foundation work.

Objective :-S.No Student will be able to:

1. Supervise routine maintenance of Machinery such as Boilers, Turbines, Pumps, Steam Turbines

2. Supervise foundation work for installation of machinery and equipment

3. Identify faults, mal functioning of machines and equipment

4. Decide the size and type of foundation for machines

Pre-Requisite :-S.No

1. Studies of applied mechanics & Engineering Drawing.

Contents Hrs/week Name of the Topic Hours

Unit -1 Boilers, Steam Turbines, Steam Engines:1.1 Construction & working of Cochran &Babcock & Wilcox Boilers.1.2 Construction & working of impulse & reaction turbines.1.3 Construction & working of steam engine1.4 Reasons for Malfunctioning, and remedial measures for boilers and steam



Unit – 2 I.C. Engines:2.1 Construction & working of two stroke & four stroke petrol & diesel engines2.2 Reasons for Malfunctioning, and remedial measures for I. C. Engines


Unit -3 Air Compressors:3.1 Uses of compressed air.


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3.2 Construction & working of single stage & two stage reciprocating compressor.3.3 Screw compressor & centrifugal compressor- construction, working & applications.3.4 Reasons for Malfunctioning and remedial measures

Unit -4 Pumps:4,1 Types of Pumps and their working4.2 Reasons for malfunctioning and remedial measures


Unit -5 Foundation for Machines:5.1 Need for foundation5.2 Material required for foundation5.3 Foundation Bolts: Types and Sizes5.4 Criteria for Design of foundation


Total 16


Skills to be developed:Intellectual Skills:

Know working of boilers, steam turbine, I.C. Engines, compressors and pumps Diagnose faults/malfunctioning Select proper tools and equipment for repairs

Motor Skills: Dissembling and assembling of machines Start and run various machines

List of Practical:

1. Trace the flue gas path and water – steam circuit with help of boiler model.2. Identify the possible location of fault/malfunctioning and decide how to repair them3. Dismantling & assembly of Petrol/Diesel Engine.4. Trial on single / multi cylinder petrol/ diesel engine.5. Observe operation of Air Compressor and identify locations of fault and decide how to repair6. Observe operation of a Centrifugal Pump and locations of fault and decide how to repair7. Visit a thermal power station and observe functioning of Steam Turbine8. Using Maintenance manuals prepare a maintenance schedule for a centrifugal Pump or CompressorText Books:

Name of Authors Titles of the Book Edition Name of the Publisher

P.L. Ballaney A Course in Thermal Engineering Khanna Publishers

R. S. Khurmi A test book of Thermal Engineering S. Chand & Co. Ltd.

R. K. Rajput Thermal EngineeringLaxmi Publication, New Delhi

Patel, Karmchandani Heat Engine Vol. I & II Achrya publication

P.K. Nag Engineering Thermodynamics Tata McGraw Hill

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Name of the Course : Electrical Engineering Group (Professional Practices - III)

Course code: EE/EP Semester : THIRD

Duration : 6 SEMESTER Maximum Marks : 50

Teaching Scheme Examination SchemeTheory : hrs/week Mid Semester Exam: Marks

Tutorial: hrs/week Assignment & Quiz: Marks

Practical : 04 hrs/week End Semester Exam: Marks

Credit : 02 Term Work: 50 Marks

Aim :-

1. Most of the diploma holders join industries. Due to globalization and competition in the industrial and service sectors the selection for the job is based on campus interviews or competitive tests.

2. While selecting candidates a normal practice adopted is to see general confidence, ability to communicate and attitude, in addition to basic technological concepts.

3. The purpose of introducing professional practices is to provide opportunity to students to undergo activities which will enable them to develop confidence. Industrial visits, expert lectures, seminars on technical topics and group discussion are planned in a semester so that there will be increased participation of students in learning process.

Objective :-S.No The student will be able to:

1. Acquire information from different sources

2. Prepare notes for given topic

3. Present given topic in a seminar

4. Interact with peers to share thoughts

5. Prepare a report on industrial visit, expert lecture

Pre-Requisite :-1. Knowledge of basic electrical engineering.

Contents Hrs/week

Name of the Activity Hours

Unit -1 Field Visits Structured field visits (minimum three) be arranged and report of the same should be submitted by the student, as part of the term work. The field visits may be arranged in the following areas / industries :

i) Visit to Electric Power Generation Stationii) Visit to Wind Mill and/or Hybrid Power Station of Wind and Solariii) Multi Storied Building for Power Distribution Schemeiv) Visit to a Multi Plex


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v) Visit to a Captive Power Plant (Thermal)

Unit – 2 Lectures by Professional / Industrial Expert to be organized from of the following areas (any four)

i) Modern Techniques in Power Generationii) Role of Power Factor Improvement a tool in reducing cost of generationiii) New trends for built environmentiv) Software for draftingv) Digital Meteringvi) Various government schemes such as EGS, vii) Industrial hygiene.viii) Hydro power generationix) Special purpose wiring in chemical/hazardous industries


Unit -3 Seminar : Any one seminar on the topics suggested below:Students ( Group of 4 to 5 students) has to search /collect information about the topic through literature survey, visits and discussions with experts/concerned persons:Students will have to submit a report of about 10 pages and deliver a seminar for 10 minutes.

1. Water supply schemes/Problems of drinking water in rural area2. Role of Traffic Signals in smooth flow of vehicles3. Gram Swaraj Yojana4. Schemes of power of generation in coming five years5. Impact of load shading on rural population 6. Any other suitable topic


Unit -4 Market Survey:A group of four students is expected to collect information from the market regarding specifications and cost of any four items, used in Electrical wiring for domestic, commercial and industrial use


Total 70

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Oral #

TW @TA CT Total

1Transmission & Distribution of Electric Power

03 01 -- 10 20 30 70 -- -- --

2D. C. Machines & Transformers 03 -- 02 10 20 30 70 50 -- 25

3 Instrumentation 03 -- 02 10 20 30 70 -- -- 25

4Electrical Estimation & Costing

02 -- 02 10 20 30 70 -- 25 --

5 Applied Electronics 03 -- 02 10 20 30 70 50 -- 25

6 Electrical Drawing -- -- 03 -- -- -- -- -- -- 50

7Development of Life Skills-II 01 -- 02 -- -- -- -- -- 25 25

8 Professional Practices-IV -- -- 03 -- -- -- -- -- -- 50

Total 15 01 16 50 100 150 350 100 50 200

STUDENT CONTACT HOURS PER WEEK: 32 HRSHTEORY AND PRACTICAL PERIODS OF 60 MINUTES EACH# , External Assessment @ , Internal Assessment ESE - End Semester Exam.ABBREVIATIONS: CT- Class Test, TA - Teachers Assessment, L - Lecture, TU - Tutorial, P - PracticalTA: Attendance & surprise quizzes = 6 marks. Assignment & group discussion = 4 marks.Total Marks : 850

Minimum passing for sessional marks is 40%, and for theory subject 40%.Assessment of Practical, Oral & term work to be done as per the prevailing norms of curriculum implementation & assessment.

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Course code: EE/EP/ET/EJ/EN/EX/IE/IS/IC/DE Semester : Fourth

Duration : 6 Semesters Maximum Marks : 175

Teaching Scheme Examination SchemeTheory : 03 hrs/week Mid Semester Exam: 20 Marks

Tutorial: 00 hrs/week Assignment & Quiz: 10 Marks

Practical : 02 hrs/week End Semester Exam: 70 Marks

Credit: Practical: 50 Marks

Term-Work: 25 Marks

Aim :-

1. As a core technology subject, it intends to teach operating principle and application ofelectronic circuits and devices like amplifiers, oscillators, switching circuits, wave shaping circuits.

2. The subject knowledge is required in Industrial electronics, Instrumentation and Communicationsystem.

3. Understanding of the subject will provide skill to the students for trouble shooting &testing of some of circuits & devices.

Objective :-S.No

1. Classify various amplifiers & oscillator circuits based on their characteristics.

2. Classify different wave shaping circuits & multivibrators.

3. Configure regulated power supply using IC’s.

4. Test and repair various devices.

Pre-Requisite:-1. Basic Electronics Engineering

2. Analog and Digital Electronics

Contents Hrs/week

Chapter Name of the Topic Hours Marks


AMPLIFIERS 1.1) Power Amplifiers1.1.1 Introduction, Classification – Class A, Class B, Class AB & Class C, efficiency of each.1.1.2 Single stage class A power amplifier:

Circuit operation, input & output waveforms , graphical Analysis and efficiency of

1.1.2.i] Transformer couple resistive load single stage power amplifier 1.1.2. ii] Class A push pull amplifier1.1.2.iii] Class B push pull amplifier

16 24

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1.1.2.iv] Class AB push pull amplifier1.1.3 Concept of cross over distortion1.1.4. Advantages of push pull amplifier , collector power dissipation

requirement & specifications of power transistor, need of heat sink.1.2 FET Amplifier1.2.1 Biasing of FET: Source Self Bias, Drain to source Bias Application of FET as V V R1.2.2 Common Source Amplifier: Working & Applications1.2.3 Introduction to MOSFET:Types, Construction, Working & Applications1.3 Tuned Amplifiers1.3.1 Introduction & necessity of tuned amplifier. Basic tuned circuits, series & parallel resonance in tuned circuits.1.3.2 Operating principle, circuit working, resonance frequency of single tuned, double tuned amplifiers.


2.1 Feedback Amplifiers & oscillators2.1.1 General theory of feedback: Types of feedback – negative & positive feedback.2.1.2 Types of negative feedback – voltage shunt, voltage series, current shunt & current series. 2.1.3 Advantages of negative feedback on voltage gain , bandwidth , input impedance output impedance, stability , noise , distortion in amplifiers.2.2 Introduction to oscillator , block diagram of sine wave oscillator , requirement of oscillation –2.2.1 Barkhausen criterion , operating principles of RC & LC oscillators 2.2.2 RC oscillators – RC phase shift , Wien bridge2.2.3 LC oscillators – Colpitts , Hartley , Crystal oscillators Circuit diagram, equation for frequency of oscillation & frequency stability.

10 14


3.1 Wave shaping circuits3.1.1 Necessity of wave shaping circuits.

3.1.2 Linear circuits – RC integrator & differentiator – input / output waveforms &

frequency response. 3.1.3 Non-linear circuits - Clipper , diode series & shunt ,positive & negative

biased & unbiased & combinational clipper.

3.1.4 Clampers – positive & negative clampers

06 10


4.1 Multivibrators4.2 Transistor as switch. Definition & graphical representation of different time periods .4.3 Multivibrator classification , circuit working & frequency with specific application . MMV , AMV,BMV & Schmitt trigger

06 10

055.1 Time base generator –5.2 Voltage time base generator, exponential sweep generator UJT Relaxation

06 08

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Oscillator, negative resistance generator. working principle & operation .5.3 Current time base generator , bootstrap & miller sweep generator , applications in TV & CRO


Trouble shooting & Testing6.1 Need for trouble shooting , Important steps for testing6.2 Visible testing – Observing circuits for visible faults like broken component, open contacts etc.6.3 Active testing – Voltage analysis, Resistance analysis, signal analysis. 6.4 Trouble shootings of multivibrators, phase shift oscillators, transistorised sweep generator, clipping & clamping circuits.

04 04

Total 48 70

Practical:Intellectual Skills:

1 To locate faults in circuits.2. Interpret the waveforms.

Motor Skill:1. Ability to Sketch circuit/block diagram.2. Ability to interpret the circuit.

List of Practicals:1. To Plot Frequency response of FET amplifier.2. To Plot Frequency response & bandwidth of negative feedback amplifier.3. To Study the Colpitt’s oscillator.4. To Study RC Phase shift oscillator.5. To Study RC integrator and differentiator & draw i/p & o/p waveforms.6. To Study Clipping and clamping circuits.7. To Study function ofAstable Multivibrator. 8. To Study Monostable Multivibrator.9. To Study Bistable Multivibrator.10. To Study UJT relaxation oscillator.

Text Books:Name of Authors Titles of the Book Edition Name of the Publisher

Paul Malvino Electronic Principles Tata McGraw-Hill

R.S.Sedha Applied Electronics S.Chand & Co.

Allen Mottershed

Electronics Devices & Circuits

Prantice Hall India LTD.

J.Millman andH.Taub

Pulse Digital & Switching Waveforms Tata McGraw-Hill

G.K.Mittal andA.R.Vanvasai

Pulse & Digital Electronics Khanna Publication

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Name of the Course : Electrical and Electronics Engineering Group (Transmission & Distribution of Electric Power.)Course code: EE/EP/ET/EJ/EN/EX/IE/IS/IC/DE Semester : Fourth

Duration : 6 Semesters Maximum Marks : 100

Teaching Scheme Examination SchemeTheory : 03 hrs/week Mid Semester Exam: 20 Marks

Tutorial: 01 hrs/week Assignment & Quiz: 10 Marks

Practical : 00 hrs/week End Semester Exam: 70 Marks


Aim :-


1. Electrical diploma pass outs should know systems for electrical energy transmission & distribution. They also will be able to identify various components & their functions.

2. They will be able to measure system performance.

3. They will use this knowledge in studying switchgear &protection. On completing the study of generation, transmission & distribution, he/she will be able to work as technician/supervisor in power industry, manufacturing industry & public utilities.

Objective :-S.No

1. Know various types of transmission & distribution systems.

2. Identify various components & Know their functions.

3. Calculate voltage regulation & efficiency of transmission system.

4. Calculate voltage drop of distribution system.


1. Basic Electrical Engineering

2. Electrical Power Generation

Contents Hrs/week

Chapter Name of the Topic Hours Marks


Basics Of Transmission.1.1 Introduction to transmission.1.2 Necessity of transmission of electricity.1.3 Classification & comparison of different transmission

03 04

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Transmission Line Components.2.1 Introduction to line components.2.2 types of conductors-Copper, Aluminum & state theirtrade names.2.3 Solid, Stranded & bundled conductors.2.4 Line supports – requirements, types, and field ofapplications.2.5 Line insulators – requirements, types, and field ofapplications.2.6 Failure of insulator & reasons of Failure.2.7 Distribution of potential over a string of suspensioninsulators.2.8 Concept of string efficiency, Methods of improvingstring efficiency.2.9 Corona – corona formation, advantages & disadvantages,factors affecting corona, important terms related tocorona.2.10 Spacing between Conductors.2.11 Calculation of Span length & sagCalculation( Numerical based on 2.7 , 2.8 & 2.11)

10 16


Tansmission Line Parameters3.1 R,L & C of 1-ph & 3-ph transmission line & theireffects on line.3.2 Skin effect, proximity effect & Ferranti effect.3.3 Concept of transposition of conductors & necessity.

03 06


Performance Of Transmission Line.4.1 Classification of transmission lines.4.2 Losses, Efficiency & Regulation of line.4.3 Performance of single phase short transmissionline(Numerical based on it )4.4 Effect of load power factor on performance.4.6 Medium transmission lines-End condenser, NominalT & Nominal �Network with vector diagram.4.7 General circuit & Generalised Circuit Constants( A, B, C, D )

10 16


Extra High Voltage Transmission.5.1 Introduction & Requirement.5.2 EHVAC Transmission, Reasons for adoption &limitations.5.3 HVDC Transmission – Advantages, Limitations.

03 06


Components Of Distributrion System.6.1 Introduction.6.2 Classification of distribution system.6.3 A.C distribution.6.4 Connection schemes of distribution system.6.5 Requirements of Distribution systems.6.6 Design consideration.

10 16

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6.7 A.C. distribution calculations.6.8 Methods of solving A.C.-1 phase & 3 Ø -phaseconnected ( balanced ) distribution system.( Numericals based on 1-ph & 3-ph balanceddistribution system)


Underground Cables.7.1 Introduction & requirements.7.2 Classification of cables.7.3 Cable conductors.7.4 Cable construction.7.5 Cable insulation, Metallic sheathing & mechanicalprotection.

a. Comparison with overhead lines7.7 Cable laying

03 04


Substations.8.1 Introduction.8.2 Classification of indoor & outdoor sub-stations.8.3 Advantages & Disadvantages.8.4 Selection & location of site.8.5 Main connection schemes.8.6 Equipment’s circuit element of substations.8.6.1 In coming & outgoing lines, Transformers,CT&PT, Relays, CB’s, fuses, Isolators,batteries, lightning arresters. Insulators.8.6.2 Bus bar’s material, types in detail.

Connection diagram and layout of sub-stations.


Text Books:Name of Authors Titles of the Book Edition Name of the Publisher


A Course in electrical power Dhanpat Rai

V. K. MehtaPrincipals of power system S. Chand & Company

S. L. Uppal.A Course in electrical power S. K. Khanna

J. B. GuptaTransmission & distributionof electrical energy

S. K. Khanna

A. T. StarGeneration & transmissionof electrical energy


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Name of the Course : Electrical Engineering Group (D.C. Machines & Transformers)

Course code: EE/EP Semester : Fourth

Duration : 6 Semesters Maximum Marks : 175

Teaching Scheme Examination SchemeTheory : 03 hrs/week Mid Semester Exam: 20 Marks

Tutorial: 00 hrs/week Assignment & Quiz: 10 Marks

Practical : 02 hrs/week End Semester Exam: 70 Marks

Credit : Practical Exam: 50 Marks

Term-Work: 25 Marks

Aim :-


1. Student will be able to analyze the characteristics of DC motors, Transformers & Qualitative Parameters of these machines.

2. These machines are used in transmission, distribution & utilization systems. Knowledgegained by the students will be helpful in the study of technological subjects such as utilization ofelectrical energy, switch gear & protection, manufacturing processes & testing & maintenance of

electrical machines.3. The knowledge & the skills obtained will be helpful in discharging duties such as supervisor,

controller & R & D technician.

Objective :-S.No Student will be able to

1. Know the constructional details & working principles of dc machines & transformers.

2. Test motors & transformers.

3. Evaluate the performance of dc motors & transformers by conducting various tests.

4. Decide the suitability of dc generator motor & transformer for particular purpose.

5. Write the specifications of dc machines & transformers as per requirement.

6. Operate any machine properly.


1. Basic Electrical Engineering

2. Basic Electronics Engineering

Contents Hrs/week

Chapter Contents Hours Marks

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DC MACHINES General1.1 definition1.2 construction & types of DC machines1.3 armature winding types : lap & wave.1.4 emf equation 1.5 armature reaction1.6 commutation – concept of reactance voltage1.7 methods of improving commutation – emf commutationNumericals on e.m.f. equation

08 12


DC Motors2.1 working, principle, back emf, torque equation2.2 characteristics & application of series, shunt & compound motors2.3 speed control of dc motor & numerical based on 2.1 to 2.32.4 starting of dc motor – 3 point starter2.5 applications of above motors

08 10


Single phase transformer 3.1 introduction3.2 principle of operation 3.3 emf equation, transformation ratio, kVA rating3.4 types & construction of transformer3.5 concept of ideal transformer3.6 transformer on no load – vector diagram & numerical3.7 transformer on load – phasor diagram of loaded transformer3.8 equivalent circuit3.9 direct method of finding performance of transformer,3.10 finding the performance of 1 phase transformer by indirect method

using OC& SC Test. 3.11 all day efficiency– numerical based on 3.10 & 3.11 3.12 polarity of transformer & polarity test3.13 application3.14 1 phase auto transformer – principle , advantages & disadvantages3.15 comparison with 2 winding transformer & potential divider3.16 Design of Transformer: Main Dimensions, No. of turns for Primary and

secondary, Conductor cross section






Three phase Transformer4.1 construction4.2 connections 4.3 voltage & current ratio4.4 vector groups4.5 3 phase auto transformer 4.6 application of 3 phase auto transformer

08 10


Special purpose transformer 5.1 current transformer5.2 potential transformer5.3 isolation transformer5.4 welding transformer

04 08

Total 48 70


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Skills to be developed:Intellectual Skills:

1. Analytical Skills.2. Identification skills.

Motor Skills:1. Measurement Skills.2. Connection Skills.

List of Practicals:1) a) To identify the constructional parts of D. C. machine. b) To plot the O.C.C. of a given d. c. machine and to find critical resistance.2) To find the performance of d. c. series & shunt motor by conducting load test3) a) To control the speed of d. c. shunt motor above and below normal speed. b) To reverse the direction of rotation of d. c. motor.4) a) To identify the constructional details of 1-phase and 3-phase transformer. b) Visit to maintenance and repair workshop of a transformer and prepare a report.5) To measure the performance of single phase transformer by direct loading and to find

transformation ratio.6) To measure the performance of single phase transformer by conducting O.C. and S.C. test.7) To identify terminal polarity of corresponding phases of 3-phase transformer & to calculate

transformation ratio.8) To compare 1-phase auto transformer with two winding transformer by collecting literature from

local dealer/manufacturer & compare the data on following points. Weight of iron, weight of copper, turns ratio, efficiency & percentage regulation.

9) To observe the phase difference between primary & secondary voltage of 3-phase transformer for various vector groups.

Text Books:Name of Authors Titles of the Book Edition Name of the Publisher

Electrical Technology

E. Hughes Logmans, London

Electrical Technology

H. Cotton C. B. S. Publisher New Delhi

Electrical TechnologyVol. II

B. L. TherajaS. Chand & C0 Delhi

Electrical Machine Design A. K. Sohawney Dhanpatrai & Sons, New Delhi

Page 135: MODEL CURRICULUM FOR POST SSC PROGRAMME IN DIPLOMA … · Engineer’s square. 03 06 Unit -2 GENERAL PROPERTIES OF MATTER 2.1 Elasticity : Deforming force, Restoring force, Elastic

Name of the Course : Diploma in Engineering and Technology (Development of Life Skills-II)

Course code: (All Branches) Semester : FOURTH

Duration : 6 Semesters Maximum Marks : 50

Teaching Scheme Examination SchemeTheory : 01 hrs/week Mid Semester Exam: 00 Marks

Tutorial: 00 hrs/week Assignment & Quiz: 00 Marks

Practical : 02 hrs/week Term-Work: 25 Marks

Credit: Oral: 25 Marks

Aim :-


1. In today’s competitive world, the nature of organizations is changing at very rapid speed. Inthis situation the responsibility of diploma holder is not unique. He will be a part of a team in the

organization. As such the individual skills are not sufficient to work at his best.2. This subject will develop the student as an effective member of the team. It will develop the

abilities and skills to perform at highest degree of quality as an individual as well as a member ofcore group or team.

3. Such skills will enhance his capabilities in the field of searching, assimilatinginformation , managing the given task, handling people effectively ,solving challenging problems .

Objective :-S.No The students will be able to:

1. Developing working in teams.

2. Apply problem solving skills for a given situation.

3. Use effective presentation techniques.

4. Apply techniques of effective time management.

5. Apply task management techniques for given projects.

6. Enhance leadership traits.

7. Resolve conflict by appropriate method.

8. Survive self in today’s competitive world.

9. Face interview without fear.

10. Follow moral and ethics.

11. Convince people to avoid frustration.


1. Team Work and Presentation Skills

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2. Positive attitude and thirst of learning

Contents Hrs/week

Topic No. Contents HOURS



02 SWOT Analysis – Concept, How to make use of SWOT. 01

03Inter personal RelationSources of conflict, Resolution of conflict ,Ways to enhance interpersonal relations.




II) Problem solving technique. (any one technique may be considered)

1) Trial and error, 2) Brain storming, 3) Lateral thinking



Presentation SkillsBody language --Dress like the audience Posture, Gestures, Eye contact and facial expression. PRESENTATION SKILL –STAGE FRIGHT,Voice and language – Volume, Pitch, Inflection, Speed, Pause Pronunciation, Articulation, Language, Practice of speech. Use of aids –OHP,LCD projector, white board



Group discussion and Interview technique –Introduction to group discussion,Ways to carry out group discussion,Parameters— Contact, body language, analytical and logical thinking, decision making INTERVIEW TECHNIQUENECESSITY,TIPS FOR HANDLING COMMON QUESTIONS.





08 Task Management 02

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Total 16

CONTENTS: PRACTICAL List of Assignment: (Any Eight assignments)

1) SWOT analysis: - Analyse yourself with respect to your strength and weaknesses, opportunities and threats. Following points will be useful for doing SWOT.a) Your past experiences,b) Achievements,c) Failures,d) Feedback from others etc.

2) Undergo a test on reading skill/memory skill administered by your teacher. 3) Solve the puzzles. 4) Form a group of 5-10 students and do a work for social cause e.g. tree Plantation, blood donation,

environment protection, camps on awareness like importance of cleanliness in slump area, social activities like giving cloths to poor etc.( One activity per group)

5) Deliver a seminar for 10-12 minutes using presentation aids on the topic given by your teacher. 6) Watch/listen an informative session on social activities. Make a report on topic of your interest using

audio/visual aids. Make a report on the programme 7) Conduct an interview of a personality and write a report on it. 8) Discuss a topic in a group and prepare minutes of discussion. Write thorough description of the topic

discussed9) Arrange an exhibition, displaying flow-charts, posters, paper cutting, Photographs etc on the topic given by your teacher.

Note: - Please note that these are the suggested assignments on given contents/topic. These assignments are the guide lines to the subject teachers. However the subject teachers are free to design any assignment relevant to the topic. The term work will consist of any eight assignments.


Text Books:Name of Authors Titles of the Book Edition Name of the Publisher

Marshall Cooks Adams Time management

Viva Books

E.H. Mc Grath , S.J.Basic Managerial Skills for All Prentice Hall of India, Pvt Ltd

Allen Pease Body Language Sudha Publications Pvt. Ltd.

Lowe and PhilCreativity and problem solving Kogan Page (I) P Ltd

Adair, JDecision making & Problem Solving Orient Longman

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Bishop , SueDevelop Your Assertiveness

Kogan Page India

Marion E HaynesMake Every Minute Count

Kogan page India

Steven L McShane and Mary Ann Glinow

Organizational Behavior Tata McGraw Hill

Stephen P. Robbins Organizational Behavior Pretice Hall of India, Pvt Ltd

Michael Hatton( Canada – India Project)

Presentation Skills ISTE New Delhi

--Stress Management Through Yoga and Meditation

Sterling Publisher Pvt Ltd .

Richard Hale ,Peter Whilom

Target setting and Goal Achievement

Kogan page India

Chakravarty, Ajanta

Time management Rupa and Company

Harding ham .A Working in Teams Orient Longman

INTERNET ASSISTANCE1. http://www.mindtools.com2. http://www.stress.org3. http://www.ethics.com4. 9. 12. 14.

Suggested List of Laboratory Experiments : S.No

1 SWOT analysis:- Analyze yourself with respect to your strength and weaknesses,opportunities and threats. Following points will be useful for doing SWOT.a) Your past experiences,b) Achievements,c) Failures,d) Feedback from others etc.

2 Undergo a test on reading skill/memory skill administered by your teacher.

3 Solve the puzzles.

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Suggested List of Assignments/Tutorial :


1 Form a group of 5-10 students and do a work for social cause e.g. tree plantation, blooddonation, environment protection, camps on awareness like importance of cleanliness inslump area, social activities like giving cloths to poor etc.( One activity per group)

2 Deliver a seminar for 10-12 minutes using presentation aids on the topic given by yourteacher.

3 Watch/listen an informative session on social activities. Make a report on topic of yourinterest using audio/visual aids. Make a report on the program.

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Name of the Course : Electrical Engineering Group (Electrical Drawing)

Course code: EE/EP Semester : Fourth

Duration : 6 Semesters Maximum Marks : 50

Teaching Scheme Examination SchemeTheory : 00 hrs/week Mid Semester Exam: 00 Marks

Tutorial: 00 hrs/week Assignment & Quiz: 00 Marks

Practical : 03 hrs/week End Semester Exam: 00 Marks

Credit: Term-Work: 50 Marks

Aim :-


1. This is a core subject and has importance in operation and Maintenance of ElectricalSystems. Electrical Drawing indicates the symbolic representation and position of components. It

also shows the power flow thorough them for a given systems.2. Electrical Drawing symbolically represents the circuit configuration and enables to identify

the sequential flow of current, power and measure voltage at various stages of the system.3. Ability to read and understand the drawing will facilitate the visualization of the complete

installation which makes it easy to troubleshooting, maintenance of the system.

Objective :-S.No The students will be able to,

1. Read electrical drawing for any system to understand the working of the system and its components.

2. Find the important points in the circuit diagrams or layout for troubleshooting and maintenance.

3. Use these drawings effectively to measure various quantities (continuity also) in the actual circuits or systems and based on the readings (output) at these points can diagnose the fault.

4. Use graphic software to draw the circuit or block diagrams or flowchart for various types of electrical systems.


1. Basic Electrical Engineering

2. Engineering Graphics

Contents Hrs/week Chapter Topics Hours

01Study of symbols for representation of machines, Electrical Accessories Equipment switching and protection units as per IS 2032, 8270, 3722


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02Study of various methods of representing circuits/systems through layouts, Block Diagrams, wiring diagrams. 1*

03Study any Engineering Graphic package (preferably CAD)for preparing layout, Block Diagrams, wiring Diagrams of substations, Machine shop, Illumination systems etc. 1*

04How to read and interpret, various types of electrical drawings based on the knowledge & Information given while studying the above 3 chapters.


* Eight Clock Hours of practical / drawing will be used for teaching theory

Drawing Sheets: (HALF IMPERIAL)1. (A) Draw a sheet for symbolic representation of various electrical equipment's/machines

(B) Read the given circuits identify the components & trace the path of flow of current.2. Draw a sheet of wires & wiring accessories 3. Prepare a drawing sheet showing details of domestic appliances such as Electric iron, electric Geyser,

Electric Bell, Hot plate.4. Draw a sheet of electrical symbols for various electrical devices using CAD.5. Draw circuit diagrams for Staircase & Godown wiring using CAD.6. Draw (a) circuit diagram (b)vector diagram for conducting direct loading test on transformer using

CAD 7. Draw control and power circuit diagrams for DOL and Star/Delta Starter

Mini Project: 1. Visit electrical Machine lab/workshop & trace the electrical installation. Draw Layout diagram & single

line diagram.

Text Books:Name of Authors Titles of the Book Edition Name of the Publisher

Dr. S. K. Bhattacharya

Electrical Engineering Drawing

New Age International Publishers

Mr. Ajit Singh Working with Auto CAD Tata McGraw Hill

2. IS/International Codes : IS 2032, 8270, 3722

Suggested List of Laboratory Experiments : S.No

1 (A) Draw a sheet for symbolic representation of various electrical equipment's/machines(B) Read the given circuits identify the components & trace the path of flow of current.

2 Draw a sheet of wires & wiring accessories

3 Prepare a drawing sheet showing details of domestic appliances such as Electric iron, electricGeyser, Electric Bell, Hot plate

Suggested List of Assignments/Tutorial :


1 Draw a sheet of electrical symbols for various electrical devices using CAD.

2 Draw circuit diagrams for Staircase & Godown wiring using CAD.

3 Draw (a) circuit diagram (b)vector diagram for conducting direct loading test on transformerusing CAD.

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Name of the Course : Electrical Engineering Group (Electrical Estimation & Costing)

Course code: EE/EP Semester : Fourth

Duration : 6 Semesters Maximum Marks : 125

Teaching Scheme Examination SchemeTheory : 02 hrs/week Mid Semester Exam: 20 Marks

Tutorial: 01 hrs/week Assignment & Quiz: 10 Marks

Practical : 02 hrs/week End Semester Exam: 70 Marks

Credit: Oral Exam: 25 Marks

Aim :-


1. This subject is classified under Technology subject. Electrical Diploma holders have towork as Technicians & Supervisors for Electrical Installations of various companies, commercial

And Industrial electrification schemes and prepares estimates for these schemes.2. Knowledge of electrical engineering drawing, IE rules, NEC, different types of electrical

Installation their design considerations equips the students with the capability to design and prepare

Working drawing of different Installation projects.3. Similarly understanding of the methods and procedure of estimating the material required.

Objective :-S.No Student will be able to:

1. Define different types of Electrical Installation

2. Interpret the Electrical Engineering Drawing

3. State IE rules, NEC related to Electrical Installation and testing.

State and describe the basic terms, general rules, circuit design procedure, wiring design and design considerations of Residential Electrical Installations. Explain the sequence to be followed in carrying out the estimate of Residential

Installations. Prepare detail estimate and costing of Residential Electrical Installations.

Test Industrial Electrical Installation.

Understand the concept of contracts, contractors, tender and tender document and its related procedures.


1. Basic Electrical Engineering

2. Engineering Graphics

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Contents Hrs/week

Chapter Topics Hours Marks


Drawing and IE rules1.1 Classification of Electrical Installation.1.2 General requirement of Electrical Installation.1.3 Reading and Interpretation of Electrical Engineering Drawings.

1.3.1. Various diagrams, plans and layout1.3.2. Important definitions related to Installation

1.4 IE rules related to Electrical Installation & Testing.

02 04


Service Connection2.1 Concept of service connection.2.2 Types of service connection & their features.2.3 Methods of Installation of service connection.2.4 Estimates of under ground & overhead service connections.

02 06


Residential Building Electrification3.1 General rules guidelines for wiring of Residential Installation and

positioning of equipments.3.2 Principles of circuit design in lighting and power circuits.3.3 Procedures for designing the circuits and deciding the number of

circuits. 3.4 Method of drawing single line diagram.3.5 Selection of type of wiring and rating of wires & cables.3.6 Load calculations and selection of size of conductor.3.7 Selection of rating of main switch, distributions board, protective

switchgear ELCB and MCB and wiring accessories. 3.8 Earthing of Residential Installation.3.9 Sequence to be followed for preparing Estimate 3.10 Preparation of detailed estimates and costing of Residential


08 18


Electrification of commercial Installation4.1 Concept of commercial Installation.4.2 Differentiate between electrification of Residential and commercial

Installation.4.3 Fundamental considerations for planning of an electrical Installation

system for commercial building.4.4 Design considerations of electrical Installation system for

commercial building.4.4.1 Load calculations & selection of size of service connection and nature

of supply.4.4.2 Deciding the size of cables, busbar and busbar chambers.

4.4.3 Mounting arrangements and positioning of switchboards, distribution boards main switch etc.

4.4.4 Earthing of the electrical Installation 4.5 Selection of type wire, wiring system & layout.4.6 Sequence to be followed to prepare estimate.4.7 Preparation of detailed estimate and costing of commercial


08 14

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Electrification of factory unit Installation5.1 Concept of Industrial load.5.2 Concept of Motor wiring circuit and single line diagram.5.3 Important guidelines about power wiring and Motor wiring.5.4 Design consideration of Electrical Installation in small

Industry/Factory/workshop.5.4.1. Motor current calculations.5.4.2. Selection and rating of wire, cable size & conduct.5.4.3 Deciding fuse rating, starter, distribution boards main switch etc.5.4.4. Deciding the cable route, determination of length of wire, cable,

conduit, earth wire, and earthing. 5.5 Sequence to be followed to prepare estimate.5.6 Preparations of detailed estimate and costing of small factory unit/


08 18

06Testing of InstallationTesting of wiring Installation for verification of current; earthing, insulation resistance and continuity as per IS

02 04


Contracts, Tenders and Execution7.1 Concept of contracts and Tenders7.1.1 Contracts, types of contracts, contractors.7.1.2 Valid Contracts, Contract documents.7.1.3 Tender and tender notices.7.1.4 Procedure for submission and opening tenders.7.1.5 Comparative statements, criteria for selecting contractors, General

conditions in order form.7.2 Principles of Execution of works7.3.1 Administrative approval, Technical sanctions.7.3.2. Billing of executed work.

02 06

Total 32 70

Text Books:Name of Authors Titles of the Book Edition Name of the Publisher

K.B. RainaS.K.Bhattacharya

Electrical Design; Estimating and costing

New Age International (p) Limited, New Delhi

Surjit SinghElectrical Estimating and costing

Dhanpat Rai and company,New Delhi

N. AlagappanS. Ekambaram

Electrical Estimating and costing

Tata Mc Graw Hill Publication,New Delhi

S.L. UappalElectrical wiring Estimating and costing

Khanna Publication.

B.D.Arora Electrical wiring, Estimating and costing

R.B. Publication, New Delhi

2. IS/International Codes : IS- 5909, 7733, 2174, 732,4648

Suggested List of Assignments/Tutorial :

S.No Tutorials: Problems on estimation and costing:

Assignments : Note: Use half imperial drawing sheets

1 1. Electrical Installation scheme for single flat, independent bungalow

1. Design electrical Installation scheme for a flat scheme/ Independent bungalow/House. Draw detail wiring diagrams

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and small house. Draw wiring diagram and prepare detailed estimate and its costing2. Electrical Installation scheme for commercial buildings. Draw wiring diagram and prepare detailed estimate and its costing.3. Electrical Installation scheme for small factory unit. Draw single line layout and prepare detailed estimate and its costing1) Small factory unit 2) Workshop 3) Agriculture pump and floor mills etc.

also prepare material schedule and detailed estimate and costing. Prepare report and Drawing sheets. (Minimum 2 Drawing sheets).2. Design electrical Installation scheme for any one commercial complex having minimum 20KW load requirements. Draw detailed wiring diagram; prepare material schedule and detailed estimate and costing, prepare report and Drawing sheet (one Drawing sheet).3. Design Electrical Installation scheme for agriculture pump/floor mill. Draw wiring diagram, prepare material schedule and detailed estimate and costing. Prepare report and Drawing sheet. (One Drawing sheet).4. Design electrical Installation scheme for any two-factory/small unit/workshop having aggregate load of 30 KW. Draw wiring diagrams prepare material schedule & detail estimate and costing. Prepare report and Drawing sheet. (Two Drawing sheet).

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Name of the Course : Electrical Engineering Group (Instrumentation)

Course code: EE/EP Semester : Fourth

Duration : 6 Semesters Maximum Marks : 125

Teaching Scheme Examination SchemeTheory : 03 hrs/week Mid Semester Exam: 20 Marks

Tutorial: 00 hrs/week Assignment & Quiz: 10 Marks

Practical : 02 hrs/week End Semester Exam: 70 Marks

Credit: Term-Work: 25 Marks

Aim :-


1. This is classified under Technology Group in electrical power system, Electrical machine control, Industrial process control and many other systems such as Biomedical, environmental, defense etc. Nowadays sophisticated Instruments and their related systems are developed for fast, accurate and reliable measurements, operations and control.

2. Being Electrical Diploma Holders has a role of supervisor, Maintenance engineer and to assist in carrying out testing and R & D work in electrical, Industrial, Electronics and communication field.

3. He must understand the basics, facts, concepts and principles of Instrumentation, various modern Instruments.

Objective :-S.No The Students will be able to:

1. Identify the components of Instrumentation system for processing given Input to get desired Output.

2. Identify appropriate transducers/sensors for given application.

3. Identify signal conditioning circuit for Instrumentation system in Industrial process, Electrical power system, Electrical machine operation, Measurement and control.

4. Select data processors for given Instrumentation system.

5. Select appropriate data transmission system.

6. Identify the digital display devices and recorders for various applications.

7. Select the appropriate transducers/sensor for various applications of Measurement of non-electrical quantity in Industrial process, Electrical Power system, Electrical machines, utilization system.


1. Basic Electrical Engineering

2. Electrical Measurements and Instrumentation

Contents Hrs/

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week Chapte

r Topics HoursMarks


Introduction to Instrumentation systemFacts and concept of InstrumentationBasic block diagram of Instrumentation system & itsfunctionStatic and dynamic characteristics Accuracy and precisionSensitivity and ResolutionLinearity and nonlinearityRepeatability and reproductivityHysteresis and DriftSpeed of Response, lag, fidelity, dynamic error

03 06


Transducers2.1 Concept of Transducers2.2 Classification of Transducers2.2.1 Primary and Secondary Transducers2.2.2 Electrical and Mechanical Transducers2.2.3 Analog and Digital Transducers2.2.4 Active and passive Transducers2.3 Construction and working principles of Transducers2.3.1 Resistive, Inductive and capacitive transducers2.3.2 Potentiometer (various) and strain gauge (No derivation only formula)2.3.3 Types of strain gauges:- unbounded, bounded, Semiconductor2.3.4 Bourden tube, Bellows, Diaphragm.2.3.5 LVDT and RVDT.2.3.6 Piezoelectric transducer, photoconductive cell, photovoltaic cells, load

cell.2.3.7 RTD, Thermistor, Thermocouple.2.3.8 Pyrometers (Radiation, optical, photoelectric), ultrasonic temperature

Transducers.2.3.9 Contacting and non contacting Transducers, Digital tachometer2.3.10 Accelerometer,2.3.11 Electromagnetic and turbine flow meter, ultrasonic flow meter 2.3.12 Digital encoders disc type, frequency output type transducer, and

Reluctance pulse pick-ups.

12 16


Signal conditioning3.1 Concept of signal conditioning3.2 Block diagram of AC and DC signal conditioning and working 3.3 Operational Amplifiers, OP AMP - 741, signal conditioning circuits using

OPAMP, its working and function 3.3.1 Integrator, Differentiator, adder, subtractor, Inverter etc.3.3.2 V to I converter, I to V converter , V to F converter 3.3.3 Instrumentation Amplifier, Differential amplifier, chopper stabilized

amplifier 3.4 Filters:- Types and frequency response (No derivation)3.5 Multiplexing 3.6 Use of signal conditioning circuit for Instrumentation system for

Industrial applications.

05 10

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Data Processors & Data transmission4.1 Necessity of data processing in Instrumentation.4.2 Generalized Data acquisition system: Block diagram. & explanation4.3 Objectives of DAS 4.4 Signal conditioning in DAS, Radiometric conversion, Logarithmic

conversion4.5 Single channel and multi channel Data acquisition system 4.6 A/D and D/A converters using OPAMPS 4.7 Data loggers, its characteristics, Basic operation of data logger4.8 Block diagram of data logger and explanation4.9 Comparison Between DAS and data logger.4.10 Concept of Modular DAS, compact data logger configuration4.11 Concept of Data transmission4.12 Block diagram of data transmission system & explanation4.13 Advantages and disadvantages of digital data transmission over analog

transmission4.14 Time Division multiplexing (TDM), pulse Modulation.4.15 Digital Modulation, pulse code format, Modem.

08 10


Display Devices and Recorders5.1 Digital display devices (LED, seven segment only)5.2 Concept of 3 ½ ,4 ½ digit5.3 Digital voltmeter, Ramp type, Integrating type, successive approximation

Only.5.4 Necessity of Recorder in Instrumentation5.5 Classification of Recorders.5.6 Block diagram and working principles of strip-chart, X-Y recorder,

Magnetic tape recorder & their applications.5.7 Frequency Modulation Recording (FM)5.8 Digital Data Recording, Techniques of Digital data Recording (RZ & NRZ

techniques)5.9 Advantages and disadvantages of digital data recording 5.10 Comparison between analog and digital Recording techniques 5.11 Recorders selection for particular applications.

08 10


Operation of Instrumentation system 6.1 Points to be considered while selecting a transducer for its intended

applications.6.2 Diagram, explanation and working of Instrumentation system for:-6.2.1 Temperature Measurement by RTD, Thermistor, Thermocouple6.2.2 Pressure Measurement by Mechanical devices, Photoelectric,

piezoelectric, Bourden tube, LVDT6.2.3 Speed measurement by contacting and non contacting methods 6.2.4 Force, velocity, Acceleration and technique measurement.6.2.5 Displacement measurement by LVDT, RVDT.6.2.6 Vibration measurement by accelerometer6.2.7 Flow measurement by electromagnetic & turbine flow meter.6.2.8 Liquid level measurement by Resistive, Inductive, capacitive and

ultrasonic methods, digital methods6.2.9 Thickness measurement by Resistive, inductive, capacitive, ultrasonic

and Nuclear method.6.2.10 Humidity Measurement.

08 14

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Pilot Devices 7.1 – Pilot Devices :

- What are pilot devices?- Function of pilot devices.

- List of different pilot devices. 7.2 – Construction, working and applications of: Push Button, Limit Switches, Float Switches, Electromagnetic Relay, PRESSURE SWITCHES, THERMOSTATS PLUGGING SWITCHES

04 04

Total 48 70

PRACTICAL:Skills to be developed:Intellectual skills:

1. Selection of equipment.2. selection of transducers.

Motor Skills:1. Accuracy of measurement.2. Proper connection.3. Draw Graphics.

List of Practical:1 Measurement of Linear displacement by LVDT & plot characteristics.2 Measurement of strain/force using strain gauge/Load cell. 3 Measurement of temperature by pt-100, thermistor and thermocouple along with simple

resistance bridge.4 To plot characteristics of potentiometer and observe the loading effect on output of potentiometer

(translation potentiometer and rotational potentiometer)5 Study the following signal conditioning circuits and observe and plot the output (any four) I) Adder II) Sub tractor III) Differentiator IV) Integrator V) V to I Converter VI) I to V Converter VII) V to F Converter using Op-AMP 7416 Measurement of speed by contacting, non- contacting and Digital Tachometer7 Measurement of PH value by Digital PH Meter of I) Water II) Chemical solution8 Demonstration of A/D and D/A converter using OPAMP.9 To plot frequency response of Active filters (any two):- I) Low pass filterII)High pass filter

III) Band pass filter Iv) Band stop filtersDemonstration of pilot devices like – Push Button Switches, Limit Switches, Selector switches, Pressure switches, Float switches etc.

Text Books:Name of Authors Titles of the Book Edition Name of the Publisher

H.S.Kalsi Electronic Instrumentation Tata McGraw Hill

D.Patranabis Principles of Industrial Instrumentation

Tata McGraw Hill

A.K.SawhneyElectrical and Electronics Measurement and Instrumentation

Dhanpat Rai & co.

Alan s. morris Principles of Measurement & Prentice Hall India

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Donald P. Eckman Industrial Instrumentation Wiley Eastern Ltd.

S.K. BhattachryaBrijinder Singh Control of Electrical Machines New Age International

Suggested List of Laboratory Experiments : 1 Measurement of Linear displacement by LVDT & plot characteristics.

2 Measurement of strain/force using strain gauge/Load cell.

3 Measurement of temperature by pt-100, thermistor and thermocouple along with simpleresistance bridge.

Suggested List of Assignments/Tutorial :

1 To plot characteristics of potentiometer and observe the loading effect on output ofpotentiometer (translation potentiometer and rotational potentiometer)

2 Measurement of speed by contacting, non- contacting and Digital Tachometer

3 Demonstration of A/D and D/A converter using OPAMP.

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Name of the Course : Computer Engineering Group (Professional Practices-IV)

Course code: CO/CM/IF Semester : Fourth

Duration : 6 Semesters Maximum Marks : 50

Teaching Scheme Examination SchemeTheory : 00 hrs/week Mid Semester Exam: 00 Marks

Tutorial: 00 hrs/week Assignment & Quiz: 00 Marks

Practical : 03 hrs/week End Semester Exam: 00 Marks

Credit: Term-Work: 50 Marks

Aim :-


1. Most of the diploma holders join industries. Due to globalization and competition in the industrial and service sectors the selection for the job is based on campus interviews or competitive tests

2. While selecting candidates a normal practice adopted is to see general confidence, ability to communicate and attitude, in addition to basic technological concepts.

3. The purpose of introducing professional practices is to provide opportunity to students to undergo activities which will enable them to develop confidence. Industrial visits, expert lectures, seminars on technical topics and group discussion are planned in a semester so that there will be increased participation of students in learning process.

Objective :-S.No Student will be able to:

1. Acquire information from different sources.

2. Prepare notes for given topic.

3. Present given topic in a seminar.

4. Interact with peers to share thoughts.

5. Prepare a report on industrial visit, expert lecture.


1. Good Communication Skills

2. Effective Team Work

Contents Hrs/week

Activity Content Hours

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Industrial Visits Structured industrial visits be arranged and report of the same should be submitted by the individual student, to form a part of the term work. The industrial visits may be arranged in the following areas / industries :

1) Telephone Exchange2) District Level National Information Center(NIC)3) Any other



Lectures by Professional / Industrial Expert to be organized from any of the following areas:

x) Interview Techniques.xi) Cyber Laws xii) Nano Technologyxiii) Ethical Hackingxiv)Any other suitable topic



Information Search : Information search can be done through manufacturers, catalogue, internet, magazines; books etc. and submit a report.Following topics are suggested :

v) Market survey of different Blue tooth Technologyvii) Artificial Technologyviii) Data ware-housingix) Cryptographyx) Digital signal processingxi) Bio-informaticsxii) Any other suitable areas



Seminar :Each student shall submit a report of at least 10 pages and deliver a seminar (Presentation time – 10 minutes) Seminar topic

i) Parallel Computingii) Distributed Processingiii) Wireless communicationiv) Virtual realityv) Embedded systemvi) Computer securityvii) Multimedia Techniquesviii) Bio - Technologyix) Any other suitable topic



Mini Project / Activities :a) Web-site developmentb) Database related any topicc) System projects in VB like notepad, editorsd) Animation projects using C, C++, VB etce) Any other suitable topic


Total 48

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#TW @TA CT Total

1Switchgear and Protection

04 -- 02 10 20 30 70 -- 25 -- 05

2 A. C. Machines 04 -- 02 10 20 30 70 50 -- 25 05

3Utilisation of Electrical Energy

04 -- -- 10 20 30 70 -- -- -- 04

4 Elective-I (Any One)

Electric Traction-I 03 -- 02 10 20 30 70 -- 25 25 04

Computer Hardware Maintenance

03 -- 02 10 20 30 70 -- 25 25 04

Illumination Engineering 03 -- 02 10 20 30 70 -- 25 25 04

5 Elective-II (Any One)

Industrial Automation 03 -- 02 10 20 30 70 -- 25 25 04

Energy Conservation and Audit

03 -- 02 10 20 30 70 -- 25 25 04

6Industrial Project & Entrepreneurship Development *

01 -- 02 -- -- -- -- -- -- 25 04

7 Professional Practices-V -- -- 03 -- -- -- -- -- -- 50 02

Total 19 -- 13 50 100 150 350 50 75 150 25

STUDENT CONTACT HOURS PER WEEK: 32 HRSHTEORY AND PRACTICAL PERIODS OF 60 MINUTES EACH# , External Assessment @ , Internal Assessment ESE - End Semester Exam.ABBREVIATIONS: CT- Class Test, TA - Teachers Assessment, L - Lecture, TU - Tutorial, P - PracticalTA: Attendance & surprise quizzes = 6 marks. Assignment & group discussion = 4 marks.Total Marks : 775

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Minimum passing for sessional marks is 40%, and for theory subject 40%.Assessment of Practical, Oral & term work to be done as per the prevailing norms of curriculum implementation & assessment.

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Course code: EE/EP Semester : FIFTH

Duration : 6 semesters Maximum Marks : 175

Teaching Scheme Examination SchemeTheory : 4 hrs/week Mid Semester Exam: 20 Marks

Tutorial: - hrs/week Assignment & Quiz: 10 Marks

Practical : 2 hrs/week End Semester Exam: 70 Marks

Credit: 5 PR 50 Marks TW 25 Marks

Aim :-


1. To study the working principal of various types of ac machines.

2. To study the construction and operation of machines.

3. Study of Utilization System, Manufacturing Processes and Testing and Maintenance of Electrical Machines.

Objective :-S.No Student will be able to

1. Know the constructional details & working principal of various types of ac machines

2. Operate given machine properly.

3. Use the knowledge for testing of machine.

4. Select motors of proper rating for particular use.

5. Relate this knowledge to understand the subject of higher semester.


1. A.C Fundamentals

2. Electromagnetism

Contents Hrs/week

Chapter Name of the Topic Hours Marks


Three phase induction motor 1.1 Construction of three phase induction motor1.2 Production of rotating magnetic field 1.3 Principle of working/operation 1.4 Concept of slip1.5 Equation of rotor induced emf, current, frequency, reactance, and

impedance under steady and running condition

12 14

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1.6 Torque equation of three phase induction motor1.7 Starting and running torque of squirrel cage and slip ring induction

motor1.8 Condition for maximum and starting torque1.9 Torque slip characteristics of three phase induction motor1.10 Effect of change in rotor circuit resistance on torque-slip

characteristics 1.11 Effect of change in supply voltage on torque-slip characteristics 1.12 measurement of slip by a) Tachometer method b) Comparing rotor frequency and stator frequency1.13 Speed control of three phase induction motor by a) Pole changing method b) Frequency control method c) By stator voltage control d) Rotor resistance control 1.14 Comparison between squirrel-cage and slip-ring induction motor.1.15 Applications of three phase induction motor.1.16 Power stages of three phase induction motor.1.17 Double cage IM a) Construction b) Characteristic of outer, inner cage & combined characteristic c) Industrial Applications (Numerical on all above)1.18 I.M. as a generalized transformer1.19 Vector diagram of IM

12 14

1.20 Equivalent circuit of 3-phase IM (No numerical)1.21 Starting of 3-phase IM (No numerical) a) Stator resistance starter b) Star-Delta starter c) Auto transformer starter d) Rotor resistance starter

06 08


Three Phase Alternator2.1 Definition and construction of three phase Alternator a) Armature b) Rotor- smooth cylindrical & projecting type2.2 Derivation of e.m.f. equation of Alternator which includes a) Chording factor b) Distribution factor2.3 Factors affecting the terminal voltage of Alternator a) Armature resistive drop b) Leakage reactance drop

c) Armature reaction at various power factors & concept of Synchronous impedance

2.4 Regulation of three phase Alternator by a) Synchronous impedance method b) mmf method

(Numerical on all above)

12 14

03Synchronous Motor3.1 Principle of working/operation3.2 Synchronous Motor on load with constant excitation

10 10

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3.3 Effect of excitation at constant load3.4 V curve & inverted V curve3.5 Hunting & phase swinging3.6 Applications3.7 Starting of Synchronous Motor3.8 Comparison between IM & Synchronous Motor

(Numerical on all above )


Single phase Motors4.1 Double field revolving theory4.2 Types of Single phase IM4.3 Split phasing principle of starting a) Resistance start induction run b) Capacitor start induction run c) Capacitor start Capacitor run d) Double value Capacitor applications motor4.4 Shaded pole IM4.5 Applications

06 06


Special machines5.1 Introduction to Induction Generator5.2 Introduction to Linear Induction Motor5.3 AC series motor

06 04

Total 64 70

Practical:Intellectual Skills: 1. Analytical Skills

2. Identification SkillsMotor Skills : 1. Measuring Skills

2. Connecting instruments / machinesList of Practicals:1) a) To measure the slip of 3-phase IM by i) Tachometer ii) Comparing rotor & stator frequency iii) Stroboscopic method. b) To reverse the direction of rotation of 3-phase IM.2) To measure the performance of 3-phase IM by direct loading 3) To list different types of starters used for 3-phase IM .Identify & use the same to start & run 3-phase IM4) Using an MG set (DC motor-Alternator) observe the effect of excitation & speed on induced e.m.f. & plot O.C.C. of the given alternator.5) To find the percentage regulation of 3-phase alternator by synchronous impedance method at various

power factors.6) To find the percentage regulation of 3-phase alternator by direct loading method at various power factors.7) To list & explain various starting methods of synchronous motor & applying one of them to start the synchronous motor. Plot V & inverted V curve of the same.8) To list the various types of 1-phase IM, Collect the literature for them from Dealers / manufacturers of local places & compare on the following pts. i) Method of starting ii) Cost iii) Performance iv) Starting torque etc. Prepare a report

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Text Books:Name of Authors Titles of the Book Edition Name of the Publisher

S. K. Bhattacharya Electrical Machines TTTI, Chandigarh

B. L. TherajaElectrical Technology Vol. II S chand & Co.

C.L.Dawes Electrical engineering T. M. G. H.

Reference books :Name of Authors Titles of the Book Edition Name of the Publisher

Dr.P.S. Bimbra Electrical Machinery 7 th Khanna Publishers, New Delhi.

M.V.Deshpande Electrical Machines PHI Learning Pvt.Ltd, New Delhi.

D.P.Kothari, I.J.Nagrath

Electrical Machines 3 rd Tata McGraw Hill

Suggested List of Laboratory Experiments : S.No

1 To measure the performance of 3-phase IM by direct loading

2 Using an MG set (DC motor-Alternator) observe the effect of excitation & speedon induced e.m.f. & plot O.C.C. of the given alternator.

3 To find the percentage regulation of 3-phase alternator by direct loadingmethod at various power factors

Suggested List of Assignments/Tutorial :


1 To list the various types of 1-phase IM, Collect the literature for them fromDealers / manufacturers of local places & compare on the following pts.i) Method of starting ii) Cost iii) Performance iv) Starting torque etc.Prepare a report

2 To list & explain various starting methods of synchronous motor & applying oneof them to start the synchronous motor. Plot V & inverted V curve of the same

3 To list different types of starters used for 3-phase IM .Identify & use the same tostart & run 3-phase IM

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Duration : 6 semisters Maximum Marks : 150

Teaching Scheme Examination SchemeTheory : 3 hrs/week Mid Semester Exam: 20 Marks

Tutorial: - hrs/week Assignment & Quiz: 10 Marks

Practical : 2 hrs/week End Semester Exam: 70 Marks

Credit: 4 Oral 25 Marks TW 25 Marks

Aim :-


1. To Identify various components of PC

2. To study construction, working and function of different peripheral devices.

3. To Install system software, application software, drivers and detect /remove virus infections.

Objective :-S.No After studying this subject, the student will be able to

1. Identify various components of PC.

2. Describe the construction, working and function of different peripheral devices.

3. Read and interpret documentation (use manuals).

4. Assemble the PC and connect the modules.

5. Install system software, application software and drivers.

6. Check the components for proper function, correct faults.

7. Install and handle the diagnostic and test software.

8. Detect and remove virus infections.

9. State different types of networks and components used in networking.


1. Digital Electronics

Contents Hrs/week

Chapter Name of the Topic Hours Marks

1 Personal Computer1.1 Evolution – IBM PC to Pentium, Laptops, Palmtops.

03 05

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1.2 Personal computer system – functional block diagram, recognize major components of PC

1.3 Technical specifications.1.4 Comparison chart – processor and memory IBM PC to Pentium IV, AMD

athlon, Sempron etc. 1.5 System unit – brief description of motherboard, interface cards,

expansion slots, front panel control, rear side connectors, cables and connectors, SMPS, floppy disc drive, hard disc drive, CD-ROM drive, display unit, keyboard.


Inside PC2.1 Inside PC – functional blocks of mother board – CPU, RAM, BIOS, Cache

RAM, BUS extension slots, on-board I/O and IDE connectors, ISA, PCI, AGP & PCI express.

2.2 BIOS, services, organization and interaction.2.3 CMOS, CMOS setup utilities, CMOS setup program.2.4 Motherboard types.2.5 Processors – CISC and RISC.2.6 Features of Pentium 4 processor, Pentium Celeron processor, CYRIX

series processors, AMD series processors.2.7 Chipsets – features of Intel 800, 810, 854, 915 series chipset

motherboards 2.8 Bus standard and Bus architecture2.9 Power supplies – Linear power supplies, SMPS, block diagram of SMPS,

Linear vs SMPS power supply, SMPS for computers, Power requirements in PCs.

08 14


On board memory and I/O interface 3.1 PC’s memory organization3.2 ROM, RAM, distinguish between static and dynamic RAM3.3 DRAM, Synchronous DRAM, Extended Data Out DRAM, Double Data Rate

SDRAM, Direct Rambus DRAM, Cache Memory, Extended/Expanded/Virtual memory.

3.4 PC memory map, Memory packaging. 3.5 I/O port – Serial port, Parallel port, Game port, USB port

03 05


Storage devices4.1 Magnetic storage fundamentals – read/write head, writing, reading.4.2 Diskette basics – Floppy disks, Hard disks, tracks and sectors, disk types. 4.3 Disk organization in DOS4.4 Floppy disk drives – types and capacity, drive sub assemblies, floppy

disk controller – functions and functional block diagram, interfacing of FDC

4.5 Hard disk drives – drive sub assemblies, hard disk controller – functions and functional block diagram, interfacing of HDC, SATA technology.

4.6 Installation and configuration of HHD – configuring, formatting, partitioning.

4.7 CD-ROM disks – types, reading and writing of CD4.8 CD-ROM drive – principle of operation, block diagram, installation and

setup.4.9 DVD technology – DVD disks, DVD drive, block diagram, DVD formats.4.10 Pen drives.4.11 Installing CD and DVD media drives.

08 12

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Input Devices5.1 Keyboard – types, operation, and keyboard signals, interface logic,

keyboard functions. 5.2 Mouse – principle of operation, mouse signals, optical mouse, mouse

installation.5.3 Scanner – principle of operation, types, installation.5.4 Digital Camera – connection, installation.

04 06


Video and Sound 6.1 Display6.2 Video basics – CRT, scanning methods, colour CRT6.3 VGA monitor – Functional block diagram6.4 Digital display technology (thin displays) – Liquid crystal displays, LCD

panel display, Plasma displays, TFT monitors. 6.5 CRT controller - functions6.6 Graphic card – Accelerated Video Cards, components of graphic cards, 3-

D video. 6.7 Basics of digital sound, sound blaster card, installation and setup,

Musical Instrument Device Interface MIDI, 3D Audio, MPEG audio 6.8 Troubleshooting Video and sound

05 06


Computer Installation7.1 Room preparation – location, computer room pollution, air conditioning,

false flooring and ceiling, fire protection system.7.2 Power supply – power supply problems-transients, spikes and surges,

blackouts, power conditioning, surge protector, voltage regulator, isolation transformer, line conditioners, servo stabilizer, CVT, problems with CVT, Off-line and on-line UPS, UPS batteries, Inverters.

7.3 PC assembly- Installation steps, configuring motherboard, identifying the connectors and cables, adding memory modules, bios-CMOS setup, HD formatting and partitioning, installation of system and application software and necessary drivers.

05 06


Troubleshooting, servicing and maintenance8.1 Power-On Self Test (POST) –functions, IPL hardware, test sequence,

error messages, audio codes and their fault domains, error codes on display screen.

8.2 Troubleshooting the motherboard-possible problems, diagnosis and troubleshooting.

8.3 Troubleshooting the keyboard-possible problems, diagnosis and troubleshooting.

8.4 Trouble shooting the floppy/Hard disk drive – possible problems, diagnosis and troubleshooting.

8.5 Introduction to diagnostic softwares – Microsoft diagnostics, Norton Utilities, CHECKIT, QA Plus, ATDIAGS, Sissoft Sandra.

8.7 Data Security – computer virus, types of computer viruses, virus prevention techniques, Anti-virus software packages.

05 06


Printers and Plotters9.1 Dot matrix printer – principle of operation, sub assemblies, printer

mechanism, unpacking the printer, installation, testing the printer, connecting the printer to the computer, ribbon refilling.

9.2 LASER printer – principle of operation, functional block diagram, toner cartridges, printer installation, self test.

05 06

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9.3 Ink-jet printer- principle of operation, installation, installing ink cartridges, printer operation check.

9.4 Plotter – types, functional block diagram, connection and installation, inkjet plotters.

9.5 Setting of configuration switches.9.6 Preventive maintenance and cleaning of printers.


Introduction to networking10.1 Local Area Network (LAN) and Wide Area Network (WAN) 10.2 Network components – File server, workstations, network interface

cards, network cabling, bridge, router, gateways, repeater (brief description only)

10.3 Wireless networks, network security10.3 MODEM – principle of operation, functional block diagram, installation. 10.4 Internet – typical uses of internet

02 04

Total 48 70

Practical: Skills to be developed:

Intellectual Skills:

1. Identify various components of Computer.2. Able to prepare a block diagram to correlate all the components based on their functions.3. Know the procedure for starting and checking the computer function for satisfactory working.

Motor Skills:

1. Able to use the various tools efficiently.2. Identify proper tools for repair work.3. Start and operate the computer as per procedure.

List of Practical:

1. Open the top cover of PC unit and identify the following parts – motherboard, interface cards, expansion slots, cables and connectors, rear side connections, SMPS, floppy disk and hard disk drive, CD-ROM drive, RAM. Write the function of each component in brief.

2. Find an advertisement for a new personal computer in a current newspaper or magazine and examine it to determine the following –

Make, model and speed of CPU RAM size Storage capacity of HDD Does it include a CD-ROM, CD-R/W or DVD? Does it come with network interface card? Is a monitor included? If so, what kind and size.

3. Assemble the PC and connect the modules. Compare layout and wiring of the module with technical documents, carryout CMOS setup, organize HDD (formatting and partitioning) install system software, necessary drivers, application software’s and put the PC into operation.

4. Install graphic and sound blaster card and necessary drivers. 5. Install and handle the diagnostic test software, detect faulty components, asses the possibility of

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repair, repair or replace them.6. Detect and remove virus infection.7. Carryout systematic fault finding, check cables, plugs, connectors, power supply and other units.

Select suitable spare parts and replace the defective parts and components. 8. Install printer, plotter and required drivers.9. Carryout preventive maintenance and cleaning of printer. Carryout self test and adjust the printer. 10. Install MODEM and required driver.

Text Books:Name of Authors Titles of the Book Edition Name of the Publisher

Computer Installation and Servicing

D Bala Subramanian TMH, New Delhi

Managing and troubleshooting PCs

Mike Meyers, scott Jernigan TMH, New Delhi

Reference books :Name of Authors Titles of the Book Edition Name of the Publisher

Dr.Lariy Long Computer Fundamentals Dreamtech Press

Sudipto Das A complete guide to Computer Fundamentals

1 st University Science Press,Delhi.

Suggested List of Laboratory Experiments : S.No

1 Open the top cover of PC unit and identify the following parts – motherboard, interface cards, expansion slots, cables and connectors, rear side connections, SMPS, floppy disk and hard disk drive, CD-ROM drive, RAM. Write the function of each component in brief.

2 Assemble the PC and connect the modules. Compare layout and wiring of the module with technical documents, carryout CMOS setup, organize HDD (formatting and partitioning) install system software, necessary drivers, application software’s and put the PC into operation.

3 Install graphic and sound blaster card and necessary drivers

Suggested List of Assignments/Tutorial :


1 Find an advertisement for a new personal computer in a current newspaper or magazine and examine it to determine the following –Make, model and speed of CPU

RAM size Storage capacity of HDD Does it include a CD-ROM, CD-R/W or DVD? Does it come with network interface card? Is a monitor included? If so, what kind and size.

2 Draw computer architecture

3 Explain storage devices

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Duration : 6 semisters Maximum Marks : 150

Teaching Scheme Examination SchemeTheory : 3 hrs/week Mid Semester Exam: 20 Marks

Tutorial: - hrs/week Assignment & Quiz: 10 Marks

Practical : 2 hrs/week End Semester Exam: 70 Marks

Credit: 4 Oral 25 Marks TW 25 Marks

Aim :-


1. To Identify and explain use of components of the power supply arrangements for electric traction.

2. To Differentiate the various types of current collecting systems and current collecting gears based on utility

3. To study different types of signals and track circuits, supervisory control used in electric traction.

Objective :-S.No The students will be able to:

1. Identify and explain use of components of the power supply arrangements for electric traction.

2. Maintain different overhead equipments.

3. Differentiate the various types of current collecting systems and current collecting gears based on utility.

4. Explain the different types of signals and track circuits.

5. Explain supervisory control used in electric traction.

6. Explain special requirements of train lighting and various systems of train lighting.


1. A.C and D.C. Motors

2. A.C, D.C Power Supply

Contents Hrs/week

Chapter Topics Hours Marks

01Power Supply Arrangements:1.1 – Introduction1.2 – High Voltage Supply. 12 18

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1.3 – Constituents of Supply System.Substations.Feeding Posts.Feeding and Sectioning Arrangements.Sectioning and Paralleling Post.Sub sectioning and Paralleling Post.Sub sectioning Post.Elementary Section.

Miscellaneous Equipments at Control Post or Switching Stations.

1.4 – Major Equipments at Substation.Transformer.Circuit Breaker.Interrupter.

Protective System for AC Traction – Transformer Protection and 25 KV Catenary Protection

1.5 – Location and Spacing of Substations.


Overhead Equipments:2.1 – Overhead Equipments (OHE).2.2 – Principles of Design of OHE:Composition of OHE.Height of Contact Wire.Contact Wire Gradient.Encumbrances.Span Length.2.3 – Automatic Weight Tension and Temp. Compensation.2.4 – Uninsulated Overlaps.2.5 – Insulated Overlaps.2.6 – Neutral Section.2,7 – Section Insulator.2.8 – Isolator.2.9 – Polygonal OHE:Single Catenary Construction.Compound Catenary Construction.Stitched Catenary Construction.Modified Y Compound Catenary.2.10 – Effect of Speed on OHE.2.11 – OHE Supporting Structure.2.12 – Different types of signal boards of OHE.2.13 – Maintenance of OHE:

- OHE Maintenance Schedule.(No Derivation and No Numerical)

12 14


Current Collecting Equipments:3.1 – Introduction.

3.2 – Systems of Supplying Power in Electric Traction: Third Rail or Conductor Rail System.

Overhead System.3.3 – Current Collectors for Overhead System:

- Trolley Collector or Pole Collector, Bow Collector, Pentograph

08 14

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Collector.3.4 – Types of Pentographs: Diamond Pentograph and Faiveley Type.

3.5 – Construction of Faiveley Type Pantograph.3.6 – Methods of Raising and Lowering of Pentograph.3.7 – Maintenance of Pentograph.


Signalling and Supervisory Control:4.1 – Requirements of Signalling System4.2 – Types of Signals.4.3 – Colour Light Signals.4.4 – Three and Four Aspects of Colour Light Signals.4.5 – Track Circuits.4.6 – DC Track Circuit.4.7 – AC Track Circuit.4.8 – Supervisory Control:Introduction.Advantages of Remote Control.

Systems of Remote Control: DC versus Voice Frequency (VF) Signalling. Remote Control System Equipment and Network.

Mimic Diagram.Control Desk for TPC.Remote Control Switching Equipments.The F.M.V.F.T.Power Supply.Controlled Station Equipments.

08 14


Train Lighting:5.1 – Systems of Train Lighting.5.2 – Special Requirements of Train Lighting.5.3 – Method of obtaining Unidirectional Polarity.5.4 – Method of obtaining Constant Output.5.5 – Single Battery System.5.6 – Double Battery Parallel Block System.5.7 – Failure of Under frame Generating Equipments. 5.8 – End on Generation.5.9 – Railway Coach Air Conditioning:

- Requirements.- Types of Installations.- Air Conditioned Rolling Stock.

5.10 – Air Conditioning Equipments on Coaches.

08 10

Total 48 70

Text Books:Name of Authors Titles of the Book Edition Name of the Publisher

H. Partab Modern Electric Traction Dhanpat Rai & Sons

J. UpadhyayS. N. Mahendra

Electric Traction Allied Publishers Ltd.

Om Prakash Kesari

Viddut Engine Parichay(In Hindi)

S. P. Graphics, Nashik.

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Reference books :Name of Authors Titles of the Book Edition Name of the Publisher

Andreas Steimel Electric Traction –Motive Power and Energy supply


Suggested List of Assignments/Tutorial :

S.No Assignments

1 Drawing Sheets:(i) Drawing on half Imperial sheet for Traction Substation Layout or Feeding Post.(ii) Drawing of half Imperial sheet for Pentagonal OHE Catenary, Different Catenary. according

to speed limit, Cantilever assembly OHE Supporting structure, Pentograph, Cross section of Contact Wire.

Note: Students should be able to identity, explain the functions of various components of substation and OHE.

Visits:Visit to Traction Substation (for substation layout and OHE) or Railway Station (for

signaling and train lighting) and writing a report.

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Name of the Course : Electrical Engineering Group Energy Conservation and Audit (Elective I for EP and Elective II for EE)Course code: EE/EP Semester : Fifth

Duration : 6 semisters Maximum Marks : 150

Teaching Scheme Examination SchemeTheory : 3 hrs/week Mid Semester Exam: 20 Marks

Tutorial: - hrs/week Assignment & Quiz: 10 Marks

Practical : 2 hrs/week End Semester Exam: 70 Marks

Credit: 4 Oral 25 Marks TW 25 Marks

Aim :-


1. To study causes for limited growth of conventional energy sources and limitations of non conventional sources of energy

2. To study methods of energy conservation for different load conditions

3. To Select appropriate tariff system and methods for reducing electricity consumption and energy saving.

Objective :-S.No The students will be able to:

1. List causes for limited growth of conventional energy sources and limitations of non conventional sources of energy.

2. Suggest methods of energy conservation for different load conditions.

3. Select appropriate tariff system and methods for reducing electricity consumption and energy saving. Apply Tools for energy audit and recommend measures for energy conservation.


1. Utilization of Electrical Energy

2. Knowledge of energy sources

Contents Hrs/week

Chapter Name of the Topic Hours Marks


EnergyReview of various energy sources, Need of energy conservation and energy audit.

04 10

02Energy Conservation:Lighting energy: methods/Techniques of efficient lighting .

12 20

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Heating: methods/Techniques of energy Saving in Furnaces, Ovens and Boilers. Cooling: methods/Techniques of Energy Saving in Ventilating systems and Air Conditioners Motive power, Energy Efficient Motors, and Efficient use of energy in motors with the help of voltage reducers, automatic star/ delta converters . Power factor improvement devices and soft starters/Variable Frequency Drives. Amorphous Core Transformers Cogeneration -Types and Advantages.


Tariff and Energy Conservation in Industries:Energy cost and Recent MSEB tariffs, Application of Tariff System to reduce Energy bill, Energy Conservation by improving load factor and power factor.

06 10


Energy Conservation In Transmission and Distribution Systems:Reactive power compensation, demand side management, system voltage optimization and phase current balancing, Losses in transmission and distribution system and its minimization

08 10


Energy and the Environment:Environment and social concerns related to energy utilization, The green house effect, Global Warming and its effect , Pollution, Acid Rains, Global Energy and environment Management.

04 10


Energy Audit:Procedure of Energy audit, ABC analysis, Energy Flow Diagram and its importance, Measurements in energy audit and various measuring instruments, Questionnaires for the energy audit, internal energy audit checklist, Equipment used for energy conservation, Calculation of payback period for energy conservation equipment. IE rules and regulations for energy audit, Electricity act 2003( Numerical).

14 20

Total 48 80


Skill to be developed:

Intellectual Skills:

1. Identify different methods used for energy conservation.2. Understand the importance of energy conservation.3. Select proper tariff for given industry/institute.4. Collect technical information regarding electricity act.

Motor Skills:

1. Prepare energy audit report.2. Write visit report.3. Use different methods of energy conservation.4. Use of energy saving devices.

List of Practicals:

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1. Energy saving by using electronic ballast as compared to conventional choke.2. Collect the Standard tariff rates and suggest suitable tariff for given

industry/Lab/Institute/Commercial establishment. 3. Make a survey of 01 establishment to identify different methods used for energy conservation.4. Prepare Energy audit report for Industry/workshop/ Institute or its on section.

Ask to search on the website of power ministry and MERC for Electricity act 2003 and collect the information regarding role of energy manager, energy auditor and prepare power point presentation/report.Text Books:

Name of Authors Titles of the Book Edition Name of the Publisher

Siemens Power Factor Correction New Age Vol.38 2005

T.Gonen Electric Power Distribution System Engg.

Tata McGraw Hill

M.J. Steinburg and T.H. Smith

Economy Loading of Power plant and Electric system John Willey and sons

C.L. WadhawaGeneration Distribution and Utilization of Electrical Energy

New Age 2004

Reference books :Name of Authors Titles of the Book Edition Name of the Publisher

Steven R. Patrick, Dale R. Patric Stephen W. Fardo

Energy conservation Guide book

Fairmont Press Bureau of Energy Efficiency

Giovanni Petrecca Industrial Energy Management: Principles and applications

Kluwer Academic Publisher

Suggested List of Laboratory Experiments : S.No

1 Energy saving by using electronic ballast as compared to conventional choke.

2 Collect the Standard tariff rates and suggest suitable tariff for given industry/Lab/Institute/Commercial establishment.

3 Make a survey of 01 establishment to identify different methods used for energy conservation.

Suggested List of Assignments/Tutorial :


1 Ask to search on the website of power ministry and MERC for Electricity act 2003 andcollect the information regarding role of energy manager, energy auditor and preparepower point presentation/report.

2 List energy saving equipments for domestic and commercial applications

3 List the different equipments used in energy auditing

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Duration : 6 Semisters Maximum Marks : 150

Teaching Scheme Examination SchemeTheory : 3 hrs/week Mid Semester Exam: 20 Marks

Tutorial: - hrs/week Assignment & Quiz: 10 Marks

Practical : 2 hrs/week End Semester Exam: 70 Marks

Credit: 4 Oral 25 Marks TW 25 Marks

Aim :-


1. To measure the level of Illumination

2. To study various types of lamps.

3. To design Illumination schemes for various applications in residential, commercial & industrial Locations

Objective :-S.No The student will be able to:

1. Measure the level of Illumination.

2. Differentiate between the various types of lamps.

3. List of various lighting accessories of components.

4. Design a control circuit for Illumination.

5. Design Illumination schemes for various applications in residential, commercial & industrialLocations.

6. Execute Illumination scheme for residential, commercial & industrial locations.


1. Sources of light

2. Wiring ,switching and control circuits

Contents Hrs/week

Chapter Name of the Topic Hours Marks


Fundamentals of Illumination1.1 Illumination Terminology1.2 Laws of Illumination1.3 Featuring of good Illumination scheme

06 08

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1.4 Advantages of good Illumination scheme1.5 Measurement of level of Illumination


Lamps & Lighting Accessories

2.1 Types of lamps: ARC lamps, HPMV lamps, Sodium Lamps, CFL Lamps, Metal halides, LED lamps

2.2 Neon Sign Tubes.2.3 Neon Lamps.2.4 Halogen Lamps.2.5 Special purpose Lamp.2.6 Lighting accessories.

10 14


Illumination Control & Control Circuits

3.1 Purpose of lighting control3.2 Dimmer Transformer & their types3.3 Electronic Dimmer3.4 Enhancing Lighting control.3.5 Control circuits for lamps (specify)

06 10


Illumination for Interior Applications

4.1 Standard for various situations of Interior Illumination 4.2 Design Techniques 4.3 Design considerations for Interior location of Residential,

Commercial, Industrial premises4.4 Design Illumination scheme for different Interior locations of

Residential, Commercial, Industrial unit.

10 14


Illumination for Outdoor Applications

5.1 Factory Lighting 5.2 Street Lighting 5.3 Flood Lighting 5.4 Railway Lighting 5.5 Lighting for Advertisement/Hoardings5.6 Sports Lighting

10 14


Lighting for Special Applications

6.1 Agriculture & Horticulture 6.2 Health Care Centers / Hospitals6.3 Decorating Purposes 6.4 Stage Lighting6.5 Aquariums & Shipyards

06 10

Total 48 70

Practical: Skill to be developed:Intellectual Skills:

1. Apply different Designing Skills.2. Select proper equipment.

Motor Skills: 1. Measurement of Illumination.

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2. Drawing skills.List of Practicals:

1. To Measure Illumination by luxmeter. 2. Study the various lamps available in the market & collect the technical information. 3. Visit to nearby lamp manufacturing industry.4. Prepare a report of different luminaries available in the market & collect the technical data (Visit

local market / Use internet for data collection).5. Study the different lighting accessories required for varies types of lamps.6. Design an Illumination scheme for a garden of medium size.7. Design an Illumination scheme for a conference room of medium size. 8. Design an Illumination scheme for a workshop for fine work of medium size. 9. Design an Illumination scheme for a medium size Hotel / Hospital /Shopping complex.

Text Books:Name of Authors Titles of the Book Edition Name of the Publisher

Jack L. Lindsey Applied Illumination Engineering

The Fairmont Press Inc.

R. H. Simons, Robert Bean

Lighting Engineering: Applied Calculations

Architectural Press (ISBN 0750650516)

Casimer M Decusatis

Handbook of Applied Photometry

Springer (ISBN 1563964163)

2. Video Cassettes/ CDs3. IS/International Codes : IS 2418, 9974, 9900, 2218, 5077, 4012, 4013, 1885, 1947, 4347, 6665,

3287, 1777, 3646, 2672, 10894, 1944, 10322, 2140

Suggested List of Laboratory Experiments : S.No

1 To Measure Illumination by luxmeter.

2 Design an Illumination scheme for a garden of medium size

3 Design an Illumination scheme for a workshop for fine work of medium size.

Suggested List of Assignments/Tutorial :


1 Study the various lamps available in the market & collect the technical information

2 Prepare a report of different luminaries available in the market & collect the technical data (Visit local market / Use internet for data collection).

3 Visit to nearby lamp manufacturing industry.

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Duration : 6 Semesters Maximum Marks : 150

Teaching Scheme Examination SchemeTheory : 3 hrs/week Mid Semester Exam: 20 Marks

Tutorial: - hrs/week Assignment & Quiz: 10 Marks

Practical : 2 hrs/week End Semester Exam: 70 Marks

Credit: 4 Oral 25 Marks TW 25 Marks

Aim :-


1. To explain applications of control systems / Automation

2. Design & program PLC using Ladder logic.

3. To study working of control components

Objective :-S.No Student will be able to

1. Explain applications of control systems / Automation.

2. Read & design data for control systems.

3. Explain the hydraulic/ pneumatic systems.

4. Describe & program PLC using Ladder logic.

5. Describe working of control components.

6. Draw power & control circuit.


1. Control system

2. Basic Electronics

3. AC, DC motors

Contents Hrs/week

Chapter Name of the Topic Hours Marks


Automation1.1 Need of automation1.2 Advantages of automation1.3 Requirements of automation

02 --

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Control System2.1 Concept of control system2.2 Basic block diagram of control system2.3 Transfer function2.4 Different terms in control system2.5 Types of control system2.6 Applications of control system2.7 Development of block diagram for simple applications like level,

temperature, flow control

04 04


Control System Components3.1 Contacts-types, current capacity & load utilization categories3.2 Solenoids-dc, ac3.3 I/P devices- switches-push buttons, foot switch, selector switch, pilot

switch, proximity, photoelectric, temperature actuated, level control, pressure sensing, overload sensing

3.4 Relays- electromechanical, reed3.5 O/P devices- contactors, valves, pilot lamps3.6 Symbols in power & control circuits3.7 Developing control circuit-basic & thumb rule3.8 Power & control circuit for different applications like hoist, crane,

conveyer belt, induction motors

08 12


Electrical Actuators4.1 Potentiometers-working & use as error detector4.2 Servomotors-ac & dc –working principle4.3 Synchros - transmitter, control transformer, use of as error detector 4.4 Stepper motor-PM & variable reluctance- working principle4.5 Tacho - generator4.6 Applications of above components as AC/DC control system.

08 10


Controllers5.1 Hydraulic-advantages & disadvantages, hydraulic servomotor, types of

pumps used, control valves, components like accumulator, filter, seals 5.2 Pneumatic-resistance & capacitance of pressure system, pneumatic flapper-nozzle system, pneumatic relays, actuating valves, cylinders, comparison between pneumatic & hydraulic

systems5.3 Electrical & electronic controller-brief overview of op-amps, inverting,

non-inverting, lead-lag networks5.4 Digital controllers-brief overview of microprocessor & micro- controller

to be worked as controller

08 10


Control actions6.1 On-Off, P, I, P+I, P+D,P+I+D, actions6.2 P+I+D action using hydraulic, pneumatic electronic controller6.3 Tuning of P+I+D controller

06 10


Programmable Logic Controller7.1 Introduction7.2 Advantages & disadvantages7.3 PLC Vs PC7.4 Block diagram of PLC7.5 Basic blocks like CPU, I/O modules, bus system, power

08 10

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supplies & remote I/Os7.6 Different PLCs available in market


Programming of PLC8.1 development of Ladder logic8.2 some simple programs such as I/O connections, starting of IM, stepper

motor control (treatment to topic no.8.2 should be given at the time of practical / pp hours.)

02 10


Introduction to special control systems9.1 Distributed Control System(DCS)-brief introduction to hardware & software used9.2 SCADA- brief introduction to hardware & software used

02 04

Total 48 70


Intellectual Skills: a. Logical development b. Programming skills

Motor Skills : a. Interpretation skills b. Connecting properly

List of Practicals:

1) a) To plot the characteristics of potentiometer b) Use of potentiometer as error detector

2) To plot V-I characteristics of DC & AC servomotors. compare them with DC & AC motor characteristics

3) a) To plot the characteristics of synchro transmitter b) Use of synchro transmitter- control transformer pair as error detector.

4) Measure step angle for a stepper motor in forward & reverse direction.

5) Draw a power circuit & control circuit using control symbols for a 3-phase IM using DOL starter.

6) Observe various components /parts/symbols/connections of a PLC demonstration kit in your laboratory.

7) Draw a ladder logic diagram for two different examples.

8) By using above ladder logic diagram observe the status of I/Os using PLC.

9) Perform stepper motor/ temperature control using PLC.

10) Identify the parts of hydraulic/ pneumatic servomotor from cut-section/model.

B) Mini Project: (one in a group of eight students)

11) Collect the data of various PLC brands market & list.

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12) Collect the data from internet about hardware & software of new control systems like SCADA, DCS.

13) Use the various control components in your laboratory to built a AC/DC position control system.

14) Built P, I, PI, PD & PID controller using op-amps & R-C circuits. Plot V-I characteristicsText Books:Name of Authors Titles of the Book Edition Name of the Publisher

Nagrath Gopal Control System Engg. Wiley Eastern

K.Ogata Modern Control Engg. Prentice Hall

Jacob Industrial Control Engg Prentice Hall

Andrew Parr Hydraulics & Pneumatics Jaico Publication

Webb & ReisProgrammable Logic Controller: Principle applications

Wiley Eastern

S.K. BhattachryaBrijinder Singh

Control of Electrical Machines

New Age International Publishers

Reference books :Name of Authors Titles of the Book Edition Name of the Publisher

Jon stenerson Industrial automation and process control

Prentice Hall

Richad Shell Handbook of Industrial automation

Taylor and Francis

Suggested List of Laboratory Experiments : S.No

1 a) To plot the characteristics of potentiometer b) Use of potentiometer as error detector

2 To plot V-I characteristics of DC & AC servomotors. compare them with DC & AC motor characteristics

3 Observe various components /parts/symbols/connections of a PLC demonstration kit in your laboratory.

Suggested List of Assignments/Tutorial :


1 Collect the data of various PLC brands market & list.

2 Collect the data from internet about hardware & software of new control systems like SCADA, DCS

3 Explain the various control components in your laboratory to built a AC/DC position control system

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Duration : 6 Semester Maximum Marks : 25

Teaching Scheme Examination SchemeTheory : 1 hrs/week Mid Semester Exam: - Marks

Tutorial: hrs/week Assignment & Quiz: - Marks

Practical : 2 hrs/week End Semester Exam: - Marks

Credit: 4 TW 25 Marks

Aim :- Nil

Objective :-Nil

Pre-Requisite:- Nil

PART A) Industrial Project

Following activities related to project are required to be dealt with, during this semester

1. Form project batches & allot project guide to each batch. (Max. 4 students per batch)

2. Each project batch should select topic / problem / work by consulting the guide & / or industry. Topic / Problem / work should be approved by Head of department.

3. Each project batch should prepare action plan of project activities & submit the same to respective guide.

4. At the end of semester, each project batch should submit the action plan and abstract of the project along with list of materials required if project involves fabrication or other facilities required in other kinds of project.

5. Action Plan should be part of the project report.

Actual work of project should be done in sixth semester.Group Projects

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(1) Design of Illumination Scheme (Up to 20 KW) for Hospital / Shopping Mall / Cinema Theatre / Commercial Complex / Educational Institute / Industrial Complex.

(2) Design of Rural Electrification Scheme for small Village, Colony.(3) Case Studies Related to Industries – Operation / Maintenance / Repair and Fault

Finding. (Refer Guideline Document).(4) Energy Conservation and Audit.(5) Substation Model (Scaled)(6) Wind Turbine Model (Scaled)(7) Pole Mounted Substation Model (Scaled)


(1) Rewinding of Three Phase/Single Phase Induction Motor.(2) Rewinding of Single Phase Transformer.(3) Fabrication of Inverter up to 1000 VA.(4) Fabrication of Battery Charger.(5) Fabrication of Small Wind Energy System for Battery Charging.(6) Fabrication of Solar Panel System for Battery Charging.(7) Microprocessor/ Micro controller Based Projects.(8) PC Based Projects.(9) Simulation Projects.

03Seminar on any relevant latest technical topic based on latest research, recent trends, new methods and developments in the field of Electrical Engineering / Power Electronics.

Part B: EEnnttrreepprreenneeuurrsshhiipp DDeevveellooppmmeennttObjectives:

Students will be able to

1) Identify entrepreneurship opportunity.2) Acquire entrepreneurial values and attitude.3) Use the information to prepare project report for business venture.4) Develop awareness about enterprise management.

Contents Hrs/week Chapter Name of the Topic Hours


Entrepreneurship, Creativity & Opportunities1.1) Concept, Classification & Characteristics of Entrepreneur

1.2) Creativity and Risk taking. 1.2.1) Concept of Creativity & Qualities of Creative person. 1.2.2) Risk Situation, Types of risk & risk takers.

1.3) Business Reforms.1.3.1) Process of Liberalization.1.3.2) Reform Policies.1.3.3) Impact of Liberalization.1.3.4) Emerging high growth areas.

1.4) Business Idea Methods and techniques to generate business idea.

1.5) Transforming Ideas in to opportunities transformation involves Assessment of idea &Feasibility of opportunity


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1.6) SWOT Analysis


Information And Support Systems

2.1) Information Needed and Their Sources: Information related to project, Information related to support system,

Information related to procedures and formalities2.2) Support Systems 1) Small Scale Business Planning, Requirements.

2) Govt. & Institutional Agencies, Formalities 3) Statutory Requirements and Agencies.



Market Assessment3.1) Marketing -Concept and Importance3.2) Market Identification, Survey Key components3.3) Market Assessment



Business Finance & Accounts

Business Finance 4.1) Cost of Project

1) Sources of Finance2) Assessment of working capital3) Product costing4) Profitability5) Break Even Analysis6) Financial Ratios and Significance

Business Account4.2) Accounting Principles, Methodology

1) Book Keeping2) Financial Statements3) Concept of Audit



Business Plan & Project Report5.1) Business plan steps involved from concept to commissioning Activity

Recourses, Time, Cost5.2) Project Report

1) Meaning and Importance 2) Components of project report/profile (Give list)

5.3) Project Appraisal 1) Meaning and definition 2) Technical, Economic feasibility 3) Cost benefit Analysis


06 Enterprise Management And Modern Trends6.1) Enterprise Management:

1) Essential roles of Entrepreneur in managing enterprise2) Product Cycle: Concept and importance3) Probable Causes Of Sickness4) Quality Assurance: Importance of Quality, Importance of testing

6.2) E-Commerce: Concept and Process6.3) Global Entrepreneur


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6.3.1 Assess yourself-are you an entrepreneur?6.3.2 Prepare project report and study its feasibility.

Total 16

Text Books:Name of Authors Titles of the Book Edition Name of the Publisher

J.S. SainiB.S.Rathore

EntrepreneurshipTheory and Practice

Wheeler PublisherNew Delhi

-- TTTI, Bhopal / Chandigadh


E. GordenK.Natrajan

Entrepreneurship Development

Himalaya Publishing.Mumbai

Preparedby Colombo plan staff college for Technician Education.

Entrepreneurship Development

Tata Mc Graw Hill Publishing co. ltd. New Delhi.


A Manual on How to Prepare a Project Report

EDI STUDY MATERIALAhmadabad (Near Village Bhat , Via Ahmadabad Airport & Indira Bridge), P.O. Bhat 382428 , Gujrat,IndiaP.H. (079) 3969163, 3969153E-mail : [email protected]/[email protected] :


A Manual on Business Opportunity Identification & Selection

S.B.SareenH. Anil Kumar

National Derectory of Entrepreneur Motivator & Resource Persons.

Gautam JainDebmuni Gupta

New Initiatives in Entrepreneurship Education & Training

P.C.Jain A Handbook of New Enterpreneurs

2) Video Cassettes:No Subject Source

1Five success Stories of First Generation Entrepreneurs

EDI STUDY MATERIALAhmadabad (Near Village Bhat , Via Ahmadabad Airport & Indira Bridge), P.O. Bhat 382428 , Gujrat,IndiaP.H. (079) 3969163, 3969153 E-mail : [email protected]/[email protected] :

2Assessing Entrepreneurial Competencies

3Business Opportunity Selection and Guidance

4Planning for completion & Growth

5 Problem solving-An Entrepreneur skill

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GGlloossssaarryy::IInndduussttrriiaall TTeerrmmssTerms related to finance, materials, purchase, sales and taxes.Components of Project Report:

1. Project Summary (One page summary of entire project )2. Introduction (Promoters, Market Scope/ requirement)3. Project Concept & Product (Details of product)4. Promoters (Details of all Promoters- Qualifications, Experience, Financial strength)5. Manufacturing Process & Technology6. Plant & Machinery Required7. Location & Infrastructure required8. Manpower ( Skilled, unskilled )9. Raw materials, Consumables & Utilities10. Working Capital Requirement (Assumptions, requirements)11. Market ( Survey, Demand & Supply )12. Cost of Project, Source of Finance13. Projected Profitability & Break Even Analysis14. Conclusion.

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Course code: EE/EP Semester : FIFTH

Duration : 6 SEMISTERS Maximum Marks : 50

Teaching Scheme Examination SchemeTheory : - hrs/week Mid Semester Exam: - Marks

Tutorial: - hrs/week Assignment & Quiz: - Marks

Practical : 3 hrs/week End Semester Exam: - Marks

Credit: 2 TW 50 marks

Aim :-


1. To acquire information from different sources

2. To present given topic in a seminar

3. To Prepare a report on industrial visit, expert lecture

Objective :-S.No Student will be able to:

1. Acquire information from different sources.

2. Prepare notes for given topic.

3. Present given topic in a seminar.

4. Interact with peers to share thoughts.

5. Prepare a report on industrial visit, expert lecture.


1. Survey of different electrical industries

Contents Hrs/week

Activity Content Hours

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Industrial Visits Structured industrial visits be arranged and report of the same should be submitted by the individual student, to form a part of the term work. Following are the suggested type of Industries/ Fields -

i) Visit to Electrical Machine Manufacturing Industry.ii) Visit to a Foundry to see Furnaces and Ovens.iii) Visit to L & T LT Switchgear Laboratory at Pune.iv) Visit to Railway Station to study operation of Signaling system. v) Visit to Loco shade or EMW at Visit to Large Industry to study Protection Schemes.vii) Any Industry having Automation for manufacturing Processes.



The Guest Lecture/s from field/industry experts, professionals to be arranged minimum 3 Lectures each of two hours from the following or alike topics. The brief report to be submitted on the guest lecture by each student as a part of Term work

a) Modern trends in A. C. Machinesb) Bio Medical Instruments: Working, Calibration etcc) Testing of Switchgearsd) Computer aided drafting.e) Automotive wiring & lighting.f) Environmental pollution & control.g) Interview Techniques.h) Automobile pollution, norms of pollution control.



Information Search (Student seminars based on information search & guest lecture topics.)

a) Magnetic Levitation Systemsb) Recent developments in use of Electrically operated vehicles for mass

transportc) Metro Railway in Kolkata and Delhi comparative studyd) Electrically operated Motor Cars and Scooters/Motorbikese) Alternative fuels & energy options.f) Any other topic



Group Discussion : The students should discuss in group of six to eight students and write a brief report on the same as a part of term work. The topic of group discussions may be selected by the faculty members. Some of the suggested topics are -

i) CNG versus LPG as a fuel.ii) Load shading and remedial measures.iii) Rain water harvesting.iv) Trends in energy conservationv) Disaster Use of Plastic Carry Bagsvii) Safety in day to day life.viii) Energy Saving in Institute.



Seminar :Seminar topic should be related to the subjects of fifth semester / topics from information search & guest lectures. Each student shall submit a report of at least 10 pages and deliver a seminar (Presentation time – 10 minutes)


Total 48

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Duration : 6 Semesters Maximum Marks : 125

Teaching Scheme Examination SchemeTheory : 4 hrs/week Mid Semester Exam: 20 Marks

Tutorial: - hrs/week Assignment & Quiz: 10 Marks

Practical : 2 hrs/week End Semester Exam: 70 Marks

Credit: 5 Oral 25 Marks

Aim :-


1. To study the principles, concepts & procedural aspects of switchgear & protection.

2. To perform an experiment on Identification of various components of switchgear & protection systems.

3. To perform an experiment on Identification of faults & repairs the switchgear.

Objective :-S.No The students will be able to:

1. Learn the principles, concepts & procedural aspects of switchgear & protection.

2. Identify the various components of switchgear & protection systems.

3. know the specifications & select switchgear & protection system

4. Identify the faults & repairs.


1. Power system

2. Fundamentals of AC, DC Machines

Contents Hrs/week

Chapter Name of the Topic Hours Marks


Fundamental:1.1 Necessity & functions of protective system. 1.2 Normal & abnormal conditions.1.3 Types of faults & their causes.1.4 Short circuit calculations( Symmetrical faults only) 1.5 Use of current limiting reactors & their arrangements.

05 08

02 Circuit interrupting devices 12 14

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2.1 HRC fuses – construction, types, working, characteristics, selection and applications

2.2 Isolators- vertical break, horizontal break & pentograph type 2.3 Arc formation process, methods of arc extinction, related terms. 2.4 Circuit breakers- Concept, Classification, Working principle,

Construction, Specification & Applications of 2.4.1 H.T – Bulk oil circuit breaker, Minimum oil circuit breakers

(M.O.C.B.), Sulpher Hexa Fluoride circuit breaker (SF6). vacuum circuit breaker.

2.4.2 L.T.- Air circuit breakers (ACB),miniature circuit breakers ( M C B ) , Moulded case circuit breakers ( M C C B ) , Earth leakage circuit breaker ( E L C B or R L C B ), Comparison of fuse & MCCB

2.5 Selection of MCCB for motor.2.6 Selection and rating of circuit breakers.


Protective Relaying 3.1 Requirements- relay time, related terms. 3.2 Classification – Electromagnetic attraction, induction static , µP based

relays. 3.3 Protective transformers. (No numerical on above topic.)

3.4 Over current relay-Time current characteristics.3.5 Static over current relays3.6 µP based over current relays.3.7 Distance relaying- Principle, static, µP based3.8 Directional relay.3.9 Differential Relay. ( Simple numerical on relay setting )

12 12


Protection of Alternator4.1 Abnormalities & Faults 4.2 Differential protection4.3 Overcurrent , earth fault, interturn fault, negative phase sequence, over

heating protection. 4.4 Reverse power protections. ( Simple numerical on differential protection )

08 08


Protection of Transformer5.1 Abnormalities & faults. 5.2 Differential, over current, earth fault, interturn, restricted earth fault,

over heating protection. 5.3 Buchholtz relay ( Simple numerical on differential protection )

08 08

6Protection of Motor6.1 Abnormalities & faults.

6.2 Short circuit protection, Overload protection, Single phase preventor04 005


Protection of Busbar & transmission line 7.1 Abnormalities & faults. 7.2 Bus bar protection. 7.3 Transmission line, over current, distance protection. Pilot wire protection

06 08

8Neutral Earthing 8.1 Introduction & importance.

03 03

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8.2 Types of earthing 8.3 substation earthing


Over voltage Protection 9.1 Causes of over voltages. 9.2 Lighting phenomena & over voltage due to lightning. 9.3 Protection of transmission line & substation from direct stroke. 9.4 Types of lightning arresters & surge absorbers & their Construction & principle of operation. 9.5 Protection against traveling waves. 9.6 Insulation co-ordination.

06 04

Total 64 70

Practical:Skills to be developed:Intellectual Skills:

5. Identify different types of circuit breakers 6. Identify various faults on the system7. Calculate the fault levels

Motor Skills:1. Simulate circuit configuration to create various faults 2. Set the relays for various fault levels

List of Practical: 1) Identify the components of different types of circuit breakers with their specifications (through

visits , video or model ). I) Low tension air circuit breaker.( including protective devices )II) Minimum oil circuit breaker ( M O C B )III) Miniature circuit breaker ( M C B )IV) Moulded case circuit breaker ( M C C B )V) Earth Leakage circuit breaker ( E L C B ) or Residual leakage circuit breaker ( R L C B )VI) Sulpher - Hexa fluoride circuit breaker ( S F 6 )VII) Vacuum circuit breaker.

2) Plot performance characteristics of over current relay.3) Simulation of alternator protection.4) Simulation of transformer protection.5) Comparative study of specifications of earthing at different substations / different locations & new

trends in earthing schemes (information search) 6) Comparative study of specification of lightning arresters of different manufacturers through

Brochures / Literature7) For a given 3-ph induction motor with D.O.L. starter

a. Check the operation of over current relay for various loads.b. Check the operation of single phasing preventer by creating single phasing fault.c. Check the operation of D.O.L. starter under short circuit condition.

Text Books:Name of Authors Titles of the Book Edition Name of the Publisher

S.Rao. Switch gear & protection Khanna Publications, New

Soni,Gupta & Bhatnagar.

A text book on electrical power system Dhnapat Rai & Sons, New

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Mason C.R.The art & science of protective relaying


S.L.Uppal.A text book of Electrical power

Khanna Publisher, Delhi.

Badriram & Vishwakarma P.N.

Power System Protection & Switchgear

TMH, New Delhi

Reference books :Name of Authors Titles of the Book Edition Name of the Publisher

Ravindra P. Singh Switchgear & Power system Protection

Estern Economy Edition PHI Publication

BHEL Handbook of Switchgears Tata McGraw Hill

Suggested List of Laboratory Experiments : S.No

1 To identify given 3-ph induction motor with D.O.L. startera. Check the operation of over current relay for various loads.b. Check the operation of single phasing preventer by creating single phasing fault.

Check the operation of D.O.L. starter under short circuit condition.2 Plot performance characteristics of over current relay.

3 To perform an experiment on Simulation ofA. Alternator protection.B. Transformer protection.

Suggested List of Assignments/Tutorial :


1 Comparative study of specifications of earthing at different substations / different locations & new trends in earthing schemes (information search)

2 Comparative study of specification of lightning arresters of different manufacturers through Brochures / Literature

3 Explain the different types of circuit breakers with their specifications

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Duration : 6 Semesters’ Maximum Marks : 100

Teaching Scheme Examination SchemeTheory : 4 hrs/week Mid Semester Exam: 20 Marks

Tutorial: - hrs/week Assignment & Quiz: 10 Marks

Practical : - hrs/week End Semester Exam: 70 Marks

Credit: 4

Aim :-


1. To study the importance of good illumination in factory and flood lighting.

2. To study the different methods of electric heating and electric welding

3. To study the analysis of electric circuits of refrigerator, water cooler and room air conditioner for troubleshooting.

Objective :-S.No The students will be able to:

1. Explain the importance of good illumination in factory and flood lighting.

2. Compare different methods of electric heating and electric welding.

3. Select Electric Drive for specific applications.

4. Explain the working of various components in Electric Traction system and list the advantages.

5. Analyze the electric circuits of refrigerator, water cooler and room air conditioner for troubleshooting.

6. Apply various measures for economic aspects of utilizing electrical energy.


1. Sources of light

2. AC, Dc Machines

Contents Hrs/week

Chapter Name of the Topic Hours Marks


1.1 Definitions of Terms Used in Illumination:10 10

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Light, Luminous Flux, Luminous Intensity, Lumen, Candle Power, Illumination, Lux or Meter Candle, Mean Horizontal Candle Power (MHCP), Mean Spherical Candle Power (MSCP), Mean Hemi-spherical Candle Power (MHSCP),Reduction Factor, Lamp Efficiency, Specific Consumption, Glare, Space-Height Ratio, Utilization Factor, Maintenance Factor, Depreciation Factor, Waste Light Factor, Absorption Factor, Reflection Factor, Solid Angle.

1.2 Laws of Illumination:- Law of Inverse Squares- Lambert’s Cosine Law. (No Numerical)

1.3 Sources of Light: Construction, Working and Applications of Following Lamps:- Incandescent Lamps.- Halogen Lamps.- Low Pressure Mercury Vapour Lamps (Fluorescent Tube).- High Pressure Mercury Vapour Lamps.- Sodium Vapour Lamps.- Compact Fluorescent Lamps (C.F.L.)- Metal Halide Lamps- LED Lamps- Neon Signs.

1.4 – Basic Principles of Light Control.1.5 – Types of Lighting Schemes. Direct, Semi-direct, Semi-indirect, Indirect, General Lighting.1.6 – Design of Lighting Scheme: Objectives of Lighting Scheme. Factors to be considered While Designing the Lighting Scheme. (

Simple Numericals)1.7 - Factory Lighting:

- General Requirements - Types of Installations: General Lighting, Local Lighting,

Emergency Lighting.1.8 – Lumen or Light Flux Method of Lighting Calculations. ( Simple Numericals)1.9 – Flood Lighting

- Flood Lighting Purposes.- Classification of Projectors.- Location and Mounting of Projectors. (Simple Numericals)


Electric Heating and Welding:Electric Heating: 2.1.1– Advantages of Electric Heating.2.1.2 – Modes of Transfer of Heat:

- Conduction, Convection and Radiation.2.1.3 – Classification of Electric Heating Methods:2.1.4 – Resistance Heating:(Construction & Operation)

- Direct Resistance Heating: Salt Bath Furnace.- Indirect Resistance Heating: Resistance Ovens, Requirements

12 08

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of Heating Element Material, Causes of Failure of Heating Elements, Methods of Temperature Control.

- Applications of Resistance Heating. 2.1.5 – Arc Heating: (Construction & Operation)

- Direct Arc Furnace: - Indirect Arc Furnace.- Applications of Arc Heating.

2.1.6 –Induction Heating: (Construction & Operation)- Core Type Induction Furnaces: Ajax Wyatt

Furnace. - Coreless Induction Furnace.- Applications of Induction Heating. (Simple Numericals on Melting Furnaces)

2.1.7 – Dielectric Heating:- Principle of Dielectric Heating.- Advantages of Dielectric Heating- Limitations of Dielectric Heating.- Applications of Dielectric Heating.

(Simple Numericals on Dielectric Heating)Electric Welding:2.2.1– Methods of Electric Welding: Electric Arc Welding, Resistance

Welding.2.2.2 – Resistance Welding:

- Principle of Resistance Welding.- Advantages of Resistance Welding.- Types of Resistance Welding - (Only List)

2.2.3 – Spot Welding Machine.2.2.4 – Electric Arc Welding:

- Formation and Characteristics of Electric Arc.- Effect of Arc Length.- Arc Blow.

2.2.5 – Polarity in DC Welding:2.2.6 – Electrodes for Metal Arc Welding:2.2.7 – V-I Characteristics of Arc Welding DC Machines.2.2.8 – Arc Welding Machines:

- DC Welding Machines – MG Set, AC Rectified Welding Unit.- AC Welding Machines – Welding Transformer.



Elevators:3.1 Types of electric elevators3.2 Size and shape of elevator car3.3 Speed of elevators3.4 Location of elevator machine3.5 Types of elevator machines, elevator motors3.6 Power transmission gears braking3.7 Safety in elevators3.8 Bombay lift act.

06 06


Electric Drives:4.1 – Introduction:

- What is drive?- Drives – Mechanical Drive and Electric Drive.

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4.2 – Advantages and Disadvantages of Electric Drive.4.3 – Factors Governing Selection of Electric Motors.4.4 - Nature of Electric Supply: 3 & 1 AC and DC.4.5 - Type of Drive: Group Drive & Individual Drive. 4.6 - Nature of Load: Nature of the Mechanical Load, Matching of the Speed Torque Characteristics of the Motor with that of the Load, and Starting Conditions of the Load. 4.7 - Electrical Characteristics: (Only DC Series, Three Phase and Single Phase Induction Motors are to be dealt) - Running Characteristics: Three Typical Speed Torque Characteristics – Inverse, Constant Speed and Drooping. - Starting Characteristics: Starting Torque only. (No Starters).

- Speed Control: Suitability to Economic and Efficient Speed Control Methods (Above and Below Normal Speed).

- Braking Characteristics: Plugging, Rheostatic Braking and Regenerative Braking, as Applied to DC Series and Three Phase Induction Motor.

4.8 - Mechanical Features:- Type of Enclosure as per IS- Type of Bearings- Type of Transmission for Drive- Noise Level.

4.9 - Size of Motor:- Load Conditions – Continuous Loads, Short Time Loads, Intermittent

Loads, Continuous Operation with Short Time Loads and Continuous Operation with Intermittent Loads.

- Duty Cycles.- Standard Ratings for Motors as per ISS.- Estimation of Rating of a Motor.

(Simple Numericals on Estimating Size of Continuously Rated Motor)

- Load Equalisation. (No Calculations)4.10 - Cost:

- Capital Cost- Running Cost (Losses, p.f., Maintenance).


Electric Traction:5.1 – Requirements of an Ideal Traction System.5.2 – Traction Systems: - Non-electric Traction Systems. - Electric Traction Systems: Straight Electric Traction, Its advantages and Disadvantages. Diesel Electric Traction, Its advantages and Disadvantages.5.3 - Systems of Track Electrification: DC System,

Composite System – Single Phase to Three Phase System and Single Phase AC to DC System (Kando System). Advantages and Disadvantages

16 16

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of Single Phase 25 KV AC System Over DC System. 5.4 – Traction Mechanics:

- Units Used in Traction Mechanics.- Types of Services.- Speed Time Curve.- Simplified Speed Time Curve (No Derivation)- Average Speed and Schedule Speed.- Factors Affecting The Schedule Speed.- Tractive Effort - Specific Energy Consumption - Factors Affecting Specific Energy Consumption.- Coefficient of Adhesion.

(Simple Numerical on Simplified Speed Time Curves and Specific Energy Consumption)

5.5 – Traction Motors:- Desirable Characteristics of Traction Motors, Special features

of traction motor.- Suitability of DC Series Motor for Traction.- Suitability of Three Phase Induction Motor for Traction.

5.6 - Traction Motor Control: - Requirements.- Traction Control of DC Locomotives and EMUs: Series

Parallel Control Combined with Rheostatic Control, Transition from Series to Parallel Combination (Open Circuit Transition, Shunt Transition and Bridge Transition), Energy Efficiency and Limitations of Series Parallel cum Rheostatic Control, Chopper Control of Motors in DC Traction Systems.

- Traction Control System of AC Locomotives: Tap Changer, Step less Voltage Control through Use of Thyristors, PWM Control of Induction Motors.

5.7 – Braking:- Requirements of a Braking System.- Mechanical Braking: Vacuum Braking, Com-

pressed Air Braking, Hand Brake for Parking.- Electric Braking: Rheostatic Braking and

Regenerative Braking. (No Derivation and No Numerical).- Sequence of Braking- Dead Man’s Handle


Economic Aspects of Utilising Electrical Energy:6.1 – Economic Aspects of Utilising Electrical Energy.6.2 – Costing of Electrical Energy: Fixed Charges, Semi Fixed Charges and Running Charges.6.3 – Formulation of Electrical Tariffs.6.4 – Various Types of Tariffs: Tariffs in force for Domestic, Commercial and Industrial Consumers.6.5 – Power Factor Improvement: Causes of Low Power Factor, Disadvantages of Low Power Factor, Power Factor Improvement by using Static Capacitors, Location of Capacitors for

08 08

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Power Factor Improvement, Most Economical Power Factor. Automatic Power Factor Controller (Derivation and Simple Numerical)6.6 – Energy Conservation: Importance and need of

Energy Conservation, Measures for Energy Conservation in (i) Electric Drives (ii) Electric Traction (iii) Electric Heating (iv) Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (v) Illumination.

Total 64 70

Text Books:Name of Authors Titles of the Book Edition Name of the Publisher

H. PartabArt & Science of Utilisation of Electrical Energy

Dhanpat Rai & Sons

J. B. Gupta Utilisation of Electric Power & Electric Traction.

S. K. Kataria & Sons

G. C. Garg Utilisation of Electric Power & Electric Traction.

Khanna Publishers

J. UpadhyayS. N. Mahendra Electric Traction Allied Publisher Ltd.

G. K. DubeyFundamentals of Electrical Drives Narosa Publishing House.

Reference books :Name of Authors Titles of the Book Edition Name of the Publisher

S. Shivnagaraju, M. Balasubba Reddy, D. Srilatha

Generation & utilization of Electrical Energy

Pearson Publications

E. Openshaw Taylor

Utilization of Electrical Energy

Orient Longman Pvt. Ltd.

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ESE PR Oral #

TW @TA CT Total

1 Management 03 -- -- 10 20 30 70 -- -- -- 3

2Testing & Maintenance of Electrical Machines

03 -- 02 10 20 30 70 50 -- 25 4

3 Power Electronics and Drives

03 -- 02 10 20 30 70 -- 25 -- 4

4 Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning

03 -- 02 10 20 30 70 -- 25 -- 4

5 Elective III (Any One)

Electric Traction – II 03 -- 02 10 20 30 70 -- 25 25 4

Maintenance and Repairs of Electrical Equipment

03 -- 02 10 20 30 70 -- 25 25 4

Microprocessor and Microcontroller 03 -- 02 10 20 30 70 -- 25 25 4

6 Industrial Project -- -- 04 -- -- -- -- -- 50 50 2

7 Professional Practices- VI -- -- 05 -- -- -- -- -- -- 50 3

Total 15 -- 17 50 100 150 350 50 125 150 24

STUDENT CONTACT HOURS PER WEEK: 32 HRSHTEORY AND PRACTICAL PERIODS OF 60 MINUTES EACH# , External Assessment @ , Internal Assessment ESE - End Semester Exam.

ABBREVIATIONS: CT- Class Test, TA - Teachers Assessment, L - Lecture, TU - Tutorial, P - PracticalTA: Attendance & surprise quizzes = 6 marks. Assignment & group discussion = 4 marks.Total Marks : 825

Minimum passing for sessional marks is 40%, and for theory subject 40%.

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Assessment of Practical, Oral & term work to be done as per the prevailing norms of curriculum implementation & assessment.

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Course code: EE/EP Semester : SIXTH

Duration : 6 semesters Maximum Marks : 150

Teaching Scheme Examination SchemeTheory : 03 hrs/week Mid Semester Exam: 30 Marks

Tutorial: --- hrs/week Assignment & Quiz: 20 Marks

Practical : 02 hrs/week End Semester Exam: 70 Marks

Credit: 04 Oral 25 Marks Term work: 25 Marks

Aim :-


1. One of the practical applications of electricity, which enters into the everyday life of manyof us, is its use in service of mass transport – the electric propulsions of vehicles – electric trains,

trolley buses, tram cars and in the latest developments such as metro and sky bus.2. In view of the growing importance and technological developments, which have come about

in this area in the recent past; for Electrical Engineering students, it is desirable to study the coursedealing with electric traction. This subject belongs to technology area.

Objective :-S.No The students will be able to,

1. List and explain different equipments used in the power circuit and auxiliary circuit of electric locomotives.

2. Explain importance of maintenance of electric locomotive.

3. State and explain functioning of the protection systems used in electric locomotives.

4. Describe the recent trends in electric traction; Such as, LEM propelled Traction.

5. Appreciate the use of computers in electric traction management.


1. Prerequisite for this subject is Electric Traction – I

Contents Hrs/week

Chapter Name of the Topics Hours Marks


Electric Locomotives:1.1 - Nomenclature used For Electric Locomotives1.2 - Types of Electric Locomotives By Nomenclature.1.3 – AC Locomotive:

1.3.1 - Equipments of AC Electric Locomotive:- Power Circuit Equipments and Auxiliary Circuit

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Equipments.1.3.2- Equipments in Power Circuit and their Functions:

- Power Circuit Diagram of AC Locomotive: Pantograph, Circuit breaker, Tap Changer Traction Transformer, Rectifier, Smoothing Choke Traction Motor.

1.3.3 - Equipments in Auxiliary Circuit & their Functions: Head Light, Flasher Light, Horn, Marker Light, Batteries, Arno Converter, Blowers, Exhausters Compressors, Selsyn transformer.

1.3.4 – List and Purpose of Different Type of Relays:1.3.5 – List and Purpose of Different Type of Contactors:

1.4 – Three Phase Locomotive. 1.4.1 – Power Circuit of Three Phase Locomotive. 1.4.2 – Power Supply Arrangement for Auxiliary Machines in Three Phase Locomotive.


Maintenance of Locomotives:2.1 – Locomotive Maintenance2.2 – Need of Maintenance and Policy of Obselence.2.3 – Defects.2.4 – Ideal Maintenance:

- Means to Improve the Reliability of Locomotive.- Means to Improve Availability of Locomotive.- Means to Reduce Maintenance Cost.- Maintenance Record.- Training Facility.- Characteristics of Efficient Maintenance.

2.5 – Electrical Faults and Their Causes.2.6 – Fault Localisation.2.7 – Necessity of Testing.

- Testing Procedure.- Individual Equipment Tests.

10 18


Protection of Electric Locomotive:3.1 – Introduction.3.2 – Broad Strategy For Protection.3.3 – Surge Protection:

- Direct Lightening Strokes.- Switching Surges: External and Internal.

3.4 – Overload Protection of Main Power Circuit.3.5 – Earth Fault Protection of Power and Auxiliary Circuit.3.6 – Protection from Over Voltage and Under Voltage.3.7 – Differential Current Protection of Traction Circuits.3.8 – Protection Against High and Low Air Pressure in the Compressed Air Circuit.3.9 – Temperature Monitoring.3.10 – Protection of Transformer By Buchholz’s Relay.3.11 – Monitoring of Ventilation System of Key Locomotive Equipments.3.12 – Protection Against Accidental Contact with HT Equipment.

08 14

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3.13 – Protection Against Fire. - Fire Prevention Strategy.


LEM Propelled Traction:4.1 – Introduction.4.2 – Linear Electric Motor (LEM)4.3 – Linear Induction Based Traction System:

- Moving Primary Fixed Secondary Single Sided LIM.- Moving Secondary Fixed Primary Single Sided LIM.- Moving Primary Fixed Secondary Double Sided LIM.

4.4 – Strengths/Weaknesses of LIM Propelled Railway Traction:

- Strengths of LIM Propelled Railway Traction System.- Weaknesses of LIM Propelled Railway Traction System.

4.5 – Practical Possibilities of LIM Propelled Transportation.

4.6 – Inputs/Modifications for Adoption of LIM Propulsion in the Existing System:

- Track Modification.- Vehicle Modification.- Voltage and Speed Control.

4.7 – LIM Propelled Underground Metro Rail System: - Factors Influencing Adoption of LIM for Metro Rail.

- International Scenario.4.8 – Wheel Less Traction:

- Levitation Schemes. - Present Scenario.

10 10


Application of Computers in Management of Electric Traction:5.1 – Introduction.5.2 – Computer’s Capability Relevant to Electric Traction

Management.5.3 – Areas of Computer Application in Traction System

Management:- Optimisation of OHE and Power Supply Installation Designs.- Computer Aided Locomotive Designs.- Monitoring of Maximum Demand.- Energy Saving Driving Approach.- Training of Drivers on Simulators.- Aiding Drivers and Maintenance Depot Through On Board Computers- History of Locomotive and OHE Equipment.- Failure Analysis.- Monitoring Execution of Trip Inspection- Schedules of Locomotives.- Inventory Control.

5.4 – Possible Other Areas for Computer Controlled Monitoring.5.5 – Advantages of Use of Computers for Management of Electric Traction

06 10

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Total 48 70

Text Books:Name of Authors Titles of the Book Edition Name of the Publisher

H. Partab Modern Electric Traction Dhanpat Rai & Sons

J. UpadhyayS. N. Mahendra

Electric Traction Allied Publishers Ltd.

Om Prakash Kesari

Viddut Engine Parichay (In Hindi)

S. P. Graphics, Nashik.Phone No. (0253)2580882

Suggested List of Laboratory Experiments : S.No

1 Study of Electric AC Locomotives.

2 Study of Relays, Contactors

3 Individual Equipment Testing

4 Overload Protection, Earth Fault Protection of Power and Auxiliary Circuit.

5 Differential Current Protection of Traction Circuits

6 Linear Induction Based Traction System:

7 Computer Aided Locomotive Designs

8 Monitoring Execution of Trip Inspection

9 Use of Computers for Management of ElectricTraction System.

Suggested List of Assignments/Tutorial :

S.No Assignments

1 Drawing Sheets:

(i) Drawing (on half Imperial sheet) for Power Circuit of any type of Electric Locomotive(ii) Drawing (on half Imperial sheet) for Protection of Electric Locomotive.

( Note: Students should be able to identity, explain the functions of various equipments used in Electric locomotive).

Mini Project:

Collection of information using Internet on any two topics in the contents and submission of printouts

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2 Mini Project:Collection of information using Internet on any two topics in the contents and submission ofprintouts

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Course code: EE Semester : SIXTH

Duration : 6 Semesters Maximum Marks : 125

Teaching Scheme Examination SchemeTheory : 03 hrs/week Mid Semester Exam: 20 Marks

Tutorial: -- hrs/week Assignment & Quiz: 10 Marks

Practical : 02 hrs/week End Semester Exam: 70 Marks

Credit: 04 Term work: 25 Marks

Aim :-


1. This is a technology subject which is an elective subject for third year diploma in ElectricalEngineering. Presently the need of Heating Ventilation and Air conditioning (HVAC) is increasingwith the growth in IT sector, commercial establishments, hospitals, hotels etc. Therefore there is agrowing need of engineers / technicians in this field. Hence, technicians/supervisors from electrical

engineering branch are also expected to have some basic knowledge of HVAC systems.2. This subject covers installation, testing and maintenance of Heating Ventilation and Air

conditioning systems. After completing this subject the student can carry out installation, testing andmaintenance of HVAC equipment efficiently and effectively. He can work as service engineer or

get self employed.3. Student can work with building management system (BMS).

Objective :-S.No The student will be able to:-

1. Install HVAC equipment.

2. Test the equipment for its performance evaluation.

3. Carryout routine and preventive maintenance of HVAC system.

4. Troubleshoot and repair HVAC equipment.

5. Calculate heat load and approximate capacity of the equipment using thumb rule.

6. Select appropriate equipment.


1. Basics of electronic instrumentation

Contents Hrs/week

Chapter Name of the Topic Hours Marks

01 Introduction 02 04

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1.1 Laws of thermodynamics1.2 Comparison between heat engine, heat pump and refrigeration1.3 Definitions of refrigeration, ton of refrigeration, COP, enthalpy, entropy


Types of refrigeration systems2.1 Vapour compression system – components used in vapour compression

system, operation of vapour compression system, its representation on P – H and T – S diagrams, effect of superheating and under cooling of refrigerant.

2.2 Vapour absorption system – components used in vapour absorption system, its operation, its merits and demerits compared to vapour compression system

2.3 Air refrigeration system – components used in air refrigeration system, its operation and applications

04 04


Refrigerants and Lubrication 3.1 Classification of refrigerants3.2 Types of refrigerants presently in use3.3 Desirable properties of refrigerants (Physical, chemical,

thermodynamic)3.4 Applications of important refrigerants3.5 Eco-friendly refrigerants3.6 Properties of lubricants3.7 Lubricants and refrigerant compatibility3.8 Foaming of oil and crankcase electric heater3.9 Effect of lubricant flood back to compressor 3.10 Additives used in lubricants3.11Necessity of oil separator

06 06


Components of vapour compression system4.1 Various types of compressors – reciprocating (hermetic, semi sealed,

open), rotary (centrifugal, lobe type, screw type, blade type), applications of each type

4.2 Various types of condensers (air cooled, water cooled, evaporative), applications

4.3 Types of cooling towers – natural draft, forced draft4.4 Types of evaporators – direct expansion type, flooded type, shell and

coil type, double tube type, plate surface type 4.5 Throttling devices – hand expansion valve, constant pressure expansion

valve, thermostatic expansion valve, high side float valve, capillary tube, electronic expansion valve

4.6 Accessories – receiver, oil separator, drier, strainer, solenoid valve Note – schematic diagram and brief description only of the above

components 4.7 Applications of refrigeration – Ice plant, water cooler, refrigerator, milk

dairy, cold storage, breweries, superconductors, transport refrigeration and air conditioning

12 16


Airconditioning5.1 Psychrometry – Definition, psychrometric properties of air, use of

psychrometric chart 5.2 Representation of simple air conditioning process on psychrometric

chart.5.3 Sling psychrometer

05 10

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5.4 Airconditioning systems (Schematic layout, working and application of each of the following) Central airconditioning system – direct expansion type, chilled

water type Package type airconditioning system Unitary air conditioning system, split type system Evaporative cooling

5.5 Applications of airconditioning – comfort airconditioning, industrial airconditioning, transport air conditioning


Components in air supply and distribution system6.1 Fans and blowers (centrifugal, axial flow) – schematic diagram and

applications 6.2 Filters – (Dry, viscous, wet, electronic type) – schematic diagram and

applications 6.3 Different types of humidifiers and dehumidifiers 6.4 Grills and registers 6.5 Duct system – heat gain or loss in ducts6.6 Causes of pressure loss through air ducts6.7 Different methods of duct designing

04 06


Thermal insulation7.1 Desirable properties of insulating materials for airconditioning purpose 7.2 Different types of insulating materials used for airconditioning7.3 Selection of insulating materials for walls, ceiling, floor, air ducts, chilled

water pipes

02 04


Controls used in airconditioning8.1 High pressure and low pressure cutouts, overload protector, thermostat,

oil safety switch, fusible plug, pressure equalizer 8.2 Microprocessor based controls and variable frequency drive8.3 Fluid flow control devices (simple sketch and wiring diagram is expected)

03 06


Heat load9.1 Definitions – SHF, RSHF, EFSHF9.2 Factors responsible for heat load 9.3 Conditions of airconditioning and representation of comfort zone on

psychrometric chart9.4 Determination of capacity of airconditioning unit by referring tables

only (no calculations)

03 06


Heating and ventilation10.1 Plain heating, electric heating, steam heating, hot water heating, solar

heating10.2 Heating with humidification and heating with dehumidification10.3 Natural ventilation10.4 Mechanical ventilation – 1) Air extraction system 2) Air supply system,

combined supply and extraction system10.5 Air distribution system – perimeter system, extended plenum system,

upward flow system, downward flow system, ejector system1o.6 Return duct system (only schematic diagrams and brief description of

the above system)

07 08

Total 48 70

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Skills to be developed:

Intellectual Skills:

1. Interpret results2. Write specifications

Motor Skills:

1. Conduct trial2. Read drawing and identify components3. Carry out Welding

A) List of Practical:

1) To carryout trial on vapour compression test rig for finding its performance.2) To dismantle and assemble open type and hermetic type compressors, to draw freehand sketches

of various parts and to write specifications of compressors. 3) To carryout copper tube welding4) To study and draw block diagram of control panel wiring with respect to L.P. / H.P. cutouts, oil

pressure cutout, thermostat, humidistat, solenoid valve 5) To troubleshoot the air-conditioning plant in relation to a) High condenser pressure b) Low

cooling effect c) Reduced volume of supply of air d) compressor not starting 6) To prepare maintenance schedule of central air conditioning plant – weekly, quarterly, half yearly,


B) Demonstration:

a. Demonstration and study of various tools used in refrigeration such as – tube cutter, bending tools, flaring tool (block and yoke type), swaging tool, brazing tool, blow lamp etc.

b. Demonstration of purging, gas charging, leak testing and pump down of the refrigeration system.

C) Field work / Mini Project:

a. Imagine that you are going to purchase the window type air conditioner (assume suitable rating). Visit local market (if the market is not nearby you may use the Internet) and prepare a report based on the following points:Manufactures, Technical specifications, Features offered by different manufacturers, Price rangeThen select the air conditioner which you would like to purchase. Give justification for your selection in short.

D) Visit:

a. Visit to air conditioned hotel or theater to study control panel and various controls, starting and stopping system, air supply and air return system. Write a detailed report.

b. Visit to cold storage to study different components of vapour compression system,

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temperature and humidity conditions required for different food items.

Note: For mini projects and visits utilize professional practices periods Text Books:Name of Authors Titles of the Book Edition Name of the Publisher

P. N. Anathanarayanan

Basic Refrigeration and Air-conditioning

Tata Mcgraw Hill, New Delhi

M. Adithan, S.C. Laroyia,

Practical Refrigeration and Air-conditioning

New Age International (P) Ltd.

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Course code: EE/EP Semester : SIXTH

Duration : 6 semesters Maximum Marks : 100

Teaching Scheme Examination SchemeTheory : -- hrs/week Mid Semester Exam: --

Marks Tutorial: -- hrs/week Assignment & Quiz: --

MarksPractical : 04 hrs/week End Semester Exam: --

MarksCredit: 02 Oral 50 Marks Term work: 50

MarksAim :-


1.This subject is intended to teach students to understand facts, concepts and techniques of electrical equipments, its repairs, fault finding and testing, estimation of cost and procurement of material, fabrication and manufacturing of various items used in electrical field

2. This will help the students to acquire skills and attitudes so as to discharge the function ofsupervisor in industry and can start his own small-scale enterprise

Objective :-S.No The students will be able to,

1. Work in Groups, Plan the work, and Coordinate the work.

2. Develop leadership qualities.

3. Analyse the different types of Case studies.

4. Develop Innovative ideas.

5. Develop basic technical Skills by hands on experience.

6. Write project report.

7. Develop skills to use latest technology in Electrical field.


1. Knowledge to execute student project.

Contents Hrs/week Two hours should be allotted for giving the Instructions for preparing a Project Report. (Refer

Guideline Document for Format of Project Report) Project

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1. Design of Illumination Scheme(Up to 20 KW) for Hospital / Shopping Mall/Cinema Theatre/Commercial Complex/Educational Institute/Industrial Complex.

2. Design of Rural Electrification Scheme for small Village, Colony.3. Case Studies Related to Industries – Operation / Maintenance / Repair and Fault Finding. (Refer

Guideline Document).4. Energy Conservation and Audit.5. Substation Model (Scaled)6. Wind Turbine Model (Scaled)7. Pole Mounted Substation Model (Scaled)8. Rewinding of Three Phase/Single Phase Induction Motor.9. Rewinding of Single Phase Transformer.10. Fabrication of Inverter up to 1000 VA.11. Fabrication of Battery Charger.12. Fabrication of Small Wind Energy System for Battery Charging.13. Fabrication of Solar Panel System for Battery Charging.14. Microprocessor/ Micro controller Based Projects.15. PC Based Projects.16. Simulation Projects.

SeminarSeminar on any relevant latest technical topic based on latest research, recent trends, new methods and developments in the field of Electrical Engineering / Power Electronics.

Note: (1) One Project (2) Seminar will be held under Professional Practices.

Text Books:Name of Authors Titles of the Book Edition Name of the


IEEE Transactions/Journals

Electrical India

IEEMA Journal




Industrial Automation

Electronics for You

Electronics Projects

Computer World


Any Journal Related to Electrical Engg./Electronics/Computer/Information Technology 2. Website:

Using any search engine, such as the relevant information can be searched on the Internet.Reference books :

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Duration : 6 semester Maximum Marks : 150

Teaching Scheme Examination SchemeTheory : 03 hrs/week Mid Semester Exam: 20 Marks

Tutorial: -- hrs/week Assignment & Quiz: 10 Marks

Practical : 02 hrs/week End Semester Exam: 70 Marks

Credit: 4 Oral 25 Marks Term work: 25 Marks

Aim :-


1.This subject is classified as technology subject which intends to have hands on experiencein handling, maintaining, repairing, estimating & costing for repairs of various electrical

equipments used in domestic , & commercial fields.

2. This will enable him to be a self-entrepreneur & can get job as sales & service engineer.


Objective :-S.No The student will be able to:

1. Test different electrical equipments as per I S.

2. Prepare cost & estimate of repairs & selection of components.

3. Identify faults & measures to repair faults.

4. Identify specific tools for maintenance.

5. To select appropriate UPS / Inverters for given application.


1. Practical familiarity with different electrical equipments

Contents Hrs/week

Chapter Name of the Topic Hours Marks



Principle different effects of electric currents, materials used in electrical equipments, tools / instruments necessary for repair works,jointing methods, soldering, testing of instruments,Interpretation, location & identification of faults,recording / estimation of materials / components required & their cost, approximate costing of repair of equipment.

08 12

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Domestic electrical equipment,Principle, types, construction, operation, testing,fault finding, dismantling, assembly & testing after repairs of following equipments electric Iron all types, electric ovens, electric fans & regulators, water heaters, geysers mixers, food processors, toasters.

16 22


Circuits used for control & regulation of electronic circuits like rectifiers amplifier timer, oscillator, identification of component, component testing, with multimeters replacement of components,microwave & use microwave for heating,laser & laser equipment

08 12


Advanced equipments principle, types, construction, operation,Testing, fault finding, dismantling, assembly & testing after repairs of following equipments- UPS / Inverters, battery chargers, microwaves ovens, air coolers,Washing machines – semi automatic / fully automatic, remote controllers of different equipments, VCD / DVD / ACD players.

16 24

Total 48 70

Practical:Skills to be developed:

Intellectual Skills:

1. Analytical Skills2. Identification Skills3. Fault finding Skills

Motor Skills:

1. Measuring Skill2. Connecting instruments3. Proper use of instruments, tools for repairs

A) Laboratory Experiences:

Dismantling, assembly, testing, preparation of list of components, parts and their cost for:

1) Electric iron all types

2) Electric oven

3) Electric toasters

4) Electric fan (CF, TF, PF, & EF & regulators)

5) Water heaters & geysers 6) Mixer & food processors

7) UPS / Inverters / battery chargers

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8) Air coolers ( portable / desert type)

9) Semi automatic & fully automatic washing machine

10) VCD / DVD / AVD players

11) Microwave Ovens

12) All types remote controllers

B) Field work:

13) Visit servicing centers of manufacturing companies , write the procedure of servicing of any one of them

14) Visit a manufacturing unit & prepare a report based on it.

C) Mini project:

15) For given specific application of any two equipments collect literature of different manufacturing company & prepare a comparative chart

16) Prepare test reports & bills for servicing of above any two equipments.

Learning Resources:

1. Service Manuals of manufacturers

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Duration : 6 semester Maximum Marks : 100

Teaching Scheme: Examination Scheme: Theory : 03 hrs/week Mid Semester Exam: 20 Marks

Tutorial: -- hrs/week Assignment & Quiz: 10 Marks

Practical : -- hrs/week End Semester Exam: 70 Marks

Credit: 03

Aim :-

S.No The students will able to:

1. Familiarize environment in the world of work

2. Explain the importance of management process in Business.

3. Identify various components of management.

4. Describe Role & Responsibilities of a Technician in an Organizational Structure.

5. Apply various rules and regulations concerned with Business & Social Responsibilities of the Technician.

Objective :-S.No

1. Role & Responsibilities of a Technician in an Organizational Structure.


1. Managerial skill to handle electrical projects

Contents Hrs/week Chapter

No.Name of the Topics Hours Marks


Overview Of Business1.1. Types of Business

Service Manufacturing Trade

1.2. Industrial sectorsIntroduction to

Engineering industry

02 ---

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Process industry Textile industry Chemical industry Agro industry

1.3 Globalization Introduction Advantages & disadvantages w.r.t. India

1.4 Intellectual Property Rights (I.P.R.)


Management Process2.1 What is Management?

Evolution Various definitions Concept of management Levels of management Administration & management Scientific management by F.W.Taylor

2.2 Principles of Management (14 principles of Henry Fayol)2.3 Functions of Management

Planning Organizing Directing Controlling

07 10


Organizational Management3.1 Organization :-

Definition Steps in organization

3.2 Types of organization Line Line & staff Functional Project

3.3 Departmentation Centralized & Decentralized Authority & Responsibility Span of Control

3.4 Forms of ownership Propriotership Partnership Joint stock Co-operative Society Govt. Sector

07 10


Human Resource Management4.1 Personnel Management

Introduction Definition Functions

4.2 Staffing Introduction to HR Planning

08 14

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Recruitment Procedure4.3 Personnel– Training & Development

Types of training Induction Skill Enhancement

4.4 Leadership & Motivation Maslow’s Theory of Motivation

4.5 Safety Management Causes of accident Safety precautions

4.6 Introduction to – Factory Act ESI Act Workmen Compensation Act Industrial Dispute Act


Financial Management5.1. Financial Management- Objectives & Functions5.2. Capital Generation & Management

Types of Capitals Sources of raising Capital

5.3. Budgets and accounts Types of Budgets Production Budget (including Variance Report ) Labour Budget Introduction to Profit & Loss Account ( only concepts) ; Balance Sheet

5.4 Introduction to – Excise Tax Service Tax Income Tax VAT Custom Duty

08 14


Materials Management6.1. Inventory Management (No Numerical)

Meaning & Objectives6.2 ABC Analysis6.3 Economic Order Quantity

Introduction & Graphical Representation6.4 Purchase Procedure

Objects of Purchasing Functions of Purchase Dept. Steps in Purchasing

6.5 Modern Techniques of Material Management Introductory treatment to JIT / SAP / ERP

08 14


Project Management ( No Numerical)7.1 Project Management

Introduction & Meaning Introduction to CPM & PERT Technique Concept of Break Even Analysis

08 08

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7.2 Quality Management Definition of Quality , concept of Quality , Quality Circle, Quality

Assurance Introduction to TQM, Kaizen, 5 ‘S’,

& 6 Sigma

Total 48 70

Text Books:Name of Authors Titles of the Book Edition Name of the Publisher

Dr. O.P. KhannaIndustrial Engg &Management

Dhanpal Rai & sons New Delhi

Dr. S.C. SaksenaBusiness Administration & Management

Sahitya Bhavan Agra

W.H. NewmanE.Kirby WarrenAndrew R. McGill

The process of Management Prentice- Hall

Rustom S. Davar Industrial Management Khanna Publication

Banga & SharmaIndustrial Organisation & Management Khanna Publication

Jhamb & Bokil Industrial ManagementEverest Publication , Pune

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Duration : 6 semester Maximum Marks : 150

Teaching Scheme Examination SchemeTheory : 03 hrs/week Mid Semester Exam: 30 Marks

Tutorial: -- hrs/week Assignment & Quiz: 20 Marks

Practical : 02 hrs/week End Semester Exam: 70 Marks

Credit: 04 Oral 25 Marks Term work: 25 Marks

Aim :-


1. Today microprocessors and microcontrollers have become an integral part of all automaticand semi automatic machines. Therefore there is a growing need of engineers / technicians in this

field. Hence, it is necessary to study microcontroller basics, hardware and its programming.2. This subject covers microprocessor 8085 and microcontroller 8051 architecture, its

instruction set, programming and applications. After completing this subject the student can writeand execute programs for microcontroller and microprocessor based applications.

Objective :-S.No The student will be able to

1. Describe architecture and operation of microprocessor 8085

2. Develop assembly language programs using instruction set of 8085

3. Describe architecture and operation of microcontroller 8051

4. Develop assembly language programs using instruction set of 8051

5. Design and develop microcontroller based systems

6. Explain various applications of microcontrollers


1. knowledge of digital electronics

Contents Hrs/week

Chapter Name of the Topic Hours Marks


Microprocessor 80851.1 Evolution of microprocessors 1.2 Architecture of 8085 1.3 Pin diagram 1.4 Control signals

06 10

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1.5 Mmultiplexing of address & Data Bus


8085 Assembly Language Programming2.1 Programming Model of 80852.2 Addressing Modes2.3 Instruction classification, Instruction format 2.4 Instruction set 2.5 Stacks & subroutines2.6 Assembly Language programming

08 14


Microcontroller Basics 3.1 Introduction and applications3.2 Comparison between microcontrollers and microprocessors3.3 Evolution of microcontrollers3.4 Commercial microcontroller devices

02 04


8051 Architecture4.1 Block diagram of 8051 microcontroller 4.2 Registers in 80514.3 General purpose or working registers 4.4 Stack Pointer and Program counter 4.5 Special function registers (SFR)4.6 Program Status word4.7 Data pointer (DPTR)4.8 Timer resisters4.9 Ports4.10 Control registers

05 08


8051 connections, I/O ports and memory organization5.1 8051 pin description5.2 8051 connections5.3 Parallel I/O ports5.4 Memory organization

05 08


8051 addressing modes and instructions6.1 8051 addressing modes6.2 8051 instruction set6.3 8051 assembler and assembling 8051 program6.4 Software simulators of 80516.5 8051 instructions and simple programs

08 12


8051 interrupts, timer/counters and serial communication 7.1 Interrupts in 8051 7.2 Initializing 8051 interrupts7.3 Interrupt priorities7.4 Timers and counters, timer counter modes7.5 Serial communication, serial communication modes

06 10


Applications of microcontrollers8.1 Square wave and rectangular wave generation 8.2 Pulse generation 8.3 Pulse width modulation8.4 Frequency counter8.5 Interfacing small keyboards 8.6 Interfacing LCD display, 8.7 Interfacing D/A and A/D converters

08 14

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8.8 Interfacing relay8.9 Interfacing stepper motor8.10 Interfacing DC motor.

Total 48 70

Practical: Intellectual Skills:

1. Logical development2. Programming skills

Motor Skills:

1. Data entry, Error Correction and Execution of assembly language programms2. Connection Skills

List of Practicals:

Using microprocessor 8085 kit:

1. Demonstration and study of microprocessor kit2. Program for addition of and subtraction of two hexadecimal numbers3. Program for finding largest / smallest number4. Program for arranging numbers in ascending / descending order5. Program for 16 bit addition6. Program for data masking7. Program for multiplication of two eight bit numbers8. Program using JMP Instruction9. Two programs using loop & Counter

Using microcontroller 8051 kit: 1. Demonstration and study of microcontroller kit2. Demonstration and use of software simulator / assembler3. Programming examples (any two) – Data transfer instructions4. Programming examples (any two) – Logical Operations5. Programming examples (any two) – Jump and Call instructions6. Demonstration and testing of the following applications (Any four)

Keyboard Interface LCD display Interface D/A or A/D converter Interface Relay Interface Stepper motor control DC motor control Any other practical application using microcontroller 8051

Text Books:Name of Authors Titles of the Book Edition Name of the Publisher

Ajay V DeshmukhMicrocontrollers theory and applications

TMH, New Delhi

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Kenneth J Ayala,

8051 microcontrollers architecture, Programming and Applications

International Thomson publishing, India

B. RamMicroprocessor & Microcomputer

S. Chand publications

Ramesh Gaonkar

Microprocessor Architecture, Programming, and Applications with the 8085

Penram International Publishing (India) Pvt. Ltd.

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Duration : 6 semester Maximum Marks : 125

Teaching Scheme Examination SchemeTheory : 03 hrs/week Mid Semester Exam: 30 Marks

Tutorial: -- hrs/week Assignment & Quiz: 20 Marks

Practical : 02 hrs/week End Semester Exam: 70 Marks

Credit: 04 Oral 25 Marks

Aim :-


1. The field of electrical engineering is generally segmented into three major areas – Electronics, Power and Control.

2. Power Electronics involves a combination of these three areas. In broad terms, the function of power electronics is to process and control the electrical energy by supplying voltage and current in a form that is optimally suited to the load. Now a day’s electrical machine are controlled by Power Electronics methods.

3. The various conventional control & relays are replaced by electronic control & relays, employing solid state power semiconductor devices.

Objective :-S.No The students will be able to:

1. Explain the construction and operation of power semiconductor devices and plot their characteristics.

2. Draw the circuit diagrams and explain the working of controlled rectifiers with appropriate waveforms.

3. Draw the circuit diagrams and explain the working of different types of Inverters with appropriate waveforms.

4. Explain the Voltage and Frequency Control Methods used in Inverters.

5. Draw the circuit diagrams and explain the working of different types of choppers withappropriate waveforms.

6. Apply the power electronic methods of controls in Electrical Engg. field.


1. Knowledge of Electrical and Electronics

ContentsNote: No Derivations and No Numerical for all Topics.


Chapter Name of the Topics Hours Marks

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Power Semiconductor Devices:1.1 Thyristor (SCR)1.2 Construction, Operation and Symbol1.3 V-I Characteristics1. 4 Thyristor Turn Methods: Voltage Triggering, Gate Triggering, dv/dt Triggering and Light Triggering.1.5 Gate Control: DC Gate Signal, AC Gate Signal and Pulse.1.6 Thyristor Turn off Process1.7 Thyristor Specifications and Ratings

Voltage Ratings, Current Ratings,Power Ratings and Temperature Ratings.

1.8 Heat Sinks and Mountings1.9 Thyristor Family: Symbols & V-I Characteristics

06 12


Converters:2.1 – Introduction2.2 – Single Phase Fully Controlled Half Wave Converter

- With Resistive Load- With RL Load and Freewheeling Diode.

2.3 - Single Phase Fully Controlled Full Wave Converter- With Resistive Load- With RL Load.

2.4 - Single Phase Fully Controlled Bridge Converter- With Resistive Load- With RL Load

2.5 – Three Phase Fully Controlled Bridge Converter- With RL Load.

2.6 – Comparison of 3 and 1 Phase Converters.2.7- Effect of Source Impedance on Converter Operation.2.8 – Cycloconverters and Cycloinverters.: Single phase

and three phase, principle of operation,Input output waveforms.

08 14


Inverters:3.1 - Introduction3.2 – Classification: 1 & 3 Inverters,

Line Commutated & Forced Commutated Inverters,Series, Parallel, & Bridge Inverters.

3.3 – Series Inverter- Operation of Basic Series Inverter Circuit- Modified Series Inverter- Three Phase Series Inverter

3.4 – Parallel Inverter- Operation of Basic Parallel Inverter Circuit

3.5 – Single Phase Bridge Inverter- Half Bridge Inverter- Full Bridge Inverter3.6 – Voltage and Frequency Control of 1 Inverters:

- Necessity of Control of Output Voltage- Methods for Output Voltage Control: External Control of DC Voltage,

External Control of AC Voltage and Internal Control.

08 14

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- Pulse Width Modulation(PWM) Method:- Single Pulse Width Modulation- Multiple Pulse Width Modulation- Sinusoidal Pulse Width Modulation

3.7 – Waveform Control (Harmonic Reduction)- By Single Pulse Width Modulation- By Transformer Connections- By Using Filter(LC, Resonant, and OTT Filter)


Choppers:4.1 – Introduction4.2 – Chopper Principle4.3 – Control Techniques:

- Constant Frequency System- Variable Frequency System

4.4 – Classification of Choppers: Class A, Class B, Class C, Class D and Class E4.5 - Commutations Methods for Choppers: Auxiliary Commutation, Load Commutation4.6 – Jones Chopper4.7 – Step Up Chopper

08 10


Power Electronic Applications:5.1 – DC Drives:5.1.1 – Speed control of DC series motor with single

phase and three phase half and full controlledconverter, step up and step down chopper.

5.1.2 – Introduction to DC servo motor, Speed control of DC servomotor.5.2 – AC Drives:5.2.1 – Speed control of three phase Induction Motor with Variable frequency PWM VSI, Variable frequency square wave VSI, Variable frequency CSI, Variable frequency Variable Voltage, Cycloconverters.5.2.2 – Open/Closed loop control of stepper motor.5.2.3 – AC servomotor, speed control of AC servomotor.5.3 – Other Applications:

- Static Circuit Breakers (DC & AC).- Induction Heating Control.- Di-electric Heating Control.

- Electric Welding Control.- Battery Charging Control.- Static Excitation System for Alternators.- Static VAR Compensation System.




Total 48 70

Practical:Skills to be developed:Intellectual skills:

1. Select appropriate devices and instruments2. Testing & troubleshooting

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Motor Skills:1. Accuracy of Measurement2. Proper connections3. Draw characteristics

List of Practicals:

(1) To identify the terminals and plot V-I Characteristics of Thyristor.(2) To study Full Wave Rectifier Using SCR and UJT.(3) To study Parallel Inverter Using SCR.(4) To study Bridge Rectifier Using SCR and UJT.(5) To study series Inverter Using SCR.(6) To study Chopper Using SCR.(7) To study Circuit Breaker Using SCR.(8) To study Battery Charger Using SCR.

(9) TO Perform Speed control of DC series motor by static armature voltage control using single phase half/full controlled converter.

(10) TO Perform speed control of three phase Induction motor using PWM/CSI Inverter. Interpret the speed –torque characteristics. Use the circuit as Variable Voltage Variable Frequency (V. V. V. F.) drive.

Text Books:Name of Authors Titles of the Book Edition Name of the Publisher

B. R. Gupta ,V. Singhal

Power Electronics S. K. Kataria & Sons

Muhammad H. Rashid

Power Electronics Prentice-Hall of India Pvt. Ltd.

M. D. Singh, K. B. Khanchandani

Power Electronics Tata McGraw-Hill

G. K. DubeyFundamentals of Electric Drives Narosa Publishing House

V. SubrahmanyamElectric Drives – Concepts and Applications

Tata McGraw-Hill

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Name of the Course : Electrical Engineering Group (Power System Operation & Load Dispatch EP (Compulsory) EE (Elective-III))Course code: EP / EE Semester : Sixth

Duration : Maximum Marks :

Teaching Scheme Examination SchemeTheory : hrs/week Mid Semester Exam: Marks

Tutorial: hrs/week Assignment & Quiz: Marks

Practical : hrs/week End Semester Exam: Marks


Aim :-

S.No To understand the dynamic behavior of power.

Objective :-S.No Students will be able to:

1. Appreciate the significance of real power & reactive power flow in the system.

2. Identify the causes of Power Failure

3. Describe the importance of system stability.

4. Describe concept of load flow analysis.

5. Write Y – bus vector configuration.

6. Explain function & Operation of load dispatch center


1. Power generation

2. Power transmission

3. Utilization

Contents Hrs/week

Chapter Name of the Topic Hours Marks


Real & Reactive power flow control1.1 Review of power flow in power system1.1.1 Types of consumers.1.1.2 Types of power plants.1.2 Generation & Load balance1.2.1 Real power flow balance1.3 Real power & frequency dependence

1.3.1 Derive relation for a simple 2-bus system.

10 12

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1.3.2 Effect of change in frequency on various consumers.1.3.3 Effect of change in frequency in utilities.1.3.4 Load frequency control.1.3.5 Schematic diagram of load frequency control of Turbo generator.1.3.6 Turbine speed governing system (AGC) (automatic frequency

control using primary & secondary loops.1.4 Reactive power & voltage dependence.

1.4.1 Derive relation for simple 2-bus system.1.4.2 Effect of change in voltage.1.4.3 Automatic Excitation control.1.4.4 Concept of Reactive power compensation.1.4.5 Types of Reactive power compensating equipments and their field

of application.


Load Flow Analysis2.1 Need of load flow analysis2.2 Important Aspects of load flow analysis2.3 Data required for load flow analysis2.4 Classification of bus, formation of Y-bus2.5 Derivation of SLFE equation for a simple Two Bus system2.6 Numerical for 3 bus system including reference bus (for formation of

Ybus)2.7 Characteristics of SLFE2.8 Information obtained from SLFE2.9 Constraints of SLEF

12 24


Power System Stability3.1 Introduction

3.1.1 Causes of disturbance in power system3.1.2 Condition & necessity of synchronization of alternators.3.1.3 Need of interconnection of power system network

3.1.4 Concept of stability with reference to synchronous machine operation.

3.2 Power angle curve3.3 Types of stability

3.3.1 Steady state stability3.3.2 Derivation of maximum steady state power flow& condition.

3.4 Transient state stability3.4.1 Causes3.4.2 Representation in power angle diagram3.4.3 Techniques for improving transient stability(conceptual level

only)3.5 Concept of dynamic state stability & its effect(No Numerical)

12 16

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Concept of load dispatching4.1 Schematic of regional interconnected grids in India4.2 Types of LDS & their significance4.3 Functions of LDS4.3.1 Load forecasting4.3.1.1 Need of forecasting4.3.1.2 Planning tools4.3.1.3 Forecasting based on load curves4.3.1.4 Environmental & social factors in load forecasting4.3.2 Load shedding4.3.2.1 What is load shedding & its governing factors.4.4 SCADA4.4.1 Components & their functions4.4.2 Applications of SCADA at LDS

10 12


Optimum operating strategy5.1 Generation mix5.2 Optimum dispatch5.3 Economic dispatch

5.3.1 Cost function 5.3.2 Generator operating cost5.3.3 Optimal operation (Numerical)5.3.4 Distribution of load within the plant & between the plants

(simple numerical)No derivation on above topics

04 06

Total 48 70


Skills to be developed:

Intellectual Skills:

1. Knowledge Recalling Skill2. Identification Skill3. Interpretation Skill4. Planning Skill5. Information Searching skill

Motor Skills:

1. Drawing SkillText Books:Name of Authors Titles of the Book Edition Name of the Publisher

I. J. Nagrath &D. P. Kothari

Power systemEngineering

Tata McGraw Hill Publication

A. S. PablaElectrical Power system Planning

Macmillan India Ltd.New Delhi

Olle. L. Elgerd Electrical Energy System Tata McGraw Hill Publication

John J. Graninger & Wiliam Power system Analysis Tata McGraw Hill Publication

Page 227: MODEL CURRICULUM FOR POST SSC PROGRAMME IN DIPLOMA … · Engineer’s square. 03 06 Unit -2 GENERAL PROPERTIES OF MATTER 2.1 Elasticity : Deforming force, Restoring force, Elastic


Wiliam StevensonElements Power system Analysis

McGraw HillBork company

Suggested List of Assignments/Tutorial :

S.No Assignments

1 Visit To Power Plant & Report Writing Draw schematic diagram & layout. Write different components of power plant & their functions. Describe different controls in operation of power plant like AGC/frequency control/voltage

control. Study different disturbances in the station & how system can be restored. Study different types of stability.

2 Visit to load dispatch station & report writing Study different components of LDS. Study and operation of SCADA. Study control of real & reactive power in LDS on monitor ( online). Understand the effect of load shedding through single line diagram on monitor. Analyze the incentive & penalty for the change of frequency.

3 Load flow analysis (practical session for numerical) Take suitable examples on –

o Study of simple three bus system.o Formation of Y- bus.o SLFE equations.

4 Study Of Different Equipments Of Voltage Control Draw diagrams of equipments. Describe working of them.

5 Study of different Reactive power compensating equipments Draw diagram & describe working of each. Case study of some industry in which these equipments are installed. Study the improvement in p.f. in above industry equipments by reactive power

compensation.6 Study different Tariffs & collect information about it & write a report on different Tariff structures.

7 Collect seminar papers on any topic related to subject given by experts in conferences or published in journals / magazines & write brief report on it.

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Course code: EE/EP Semester : SIXTH

Duration : 6 semester Maximum Marks : 50

Teaching Scheme Examination SchemeTheory : -- hrs/week Mid Semester Exam: -- Marks

Tutorial: -- hrs/week Assignment & Quiz: -- Marks

Practical : 05 hrs/week End Semester Exam: -- Marks

Credit: 03 Term work: 50 Marks

Aim :-


1. Most of the diploma holders join industries. Due to globalization and competition in the industrial and service sectors the selection for the job is based on campus interviews or competitive tests.

2. While selecting candidates a normal practice adopted is to see general confidence, attitude and ability to communicate and attitude, in addition to basic technological concepts.

3. The purpose of introducing professional practices is to provide opportunity to students to undergo activities which will enable them to develop confidence. Industrial visits, expert lectures, seminars on technical topics and group discussion are planned in a semester so that there will be increased participation of students in learning process.

Objective :-S.No Student will be able to:

1. Acquire information from different sources.

2. Prepare notes for given topic.

3. Present given topic in a seminar.

4. Interact with peers to share thoughts.

5. Prepare a report on industrial visit, expert lecture.


1. Idea of industrial projects

Sr. No. Activity Hours

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Structured industrial visits shall be arranged and report of the same should be submitted by the individual student, to form a part of the term work. (minimum 3 visits)Following are the suggested type of Industries/ Fields -

i) Visit to Load Dispatch Center.ii) Visit to Transformer Repair Workshop.iii) Visit to Electrical Machine Manufacturing Unit.iv) Visit to Industry of Power Electronics Devices. v) Visit to Maintenance Department of Large Visit to Multi Storied Building.vii) Visit to Loco Shade.



The Guest Lecture/s at least two of two hours duration each from field/industry experts, professionals are to be arranged from the following or alike topics. The brief report to be submitted on the guest lecture by each student as a part of Term work

a) New Trends in Power Electronics Devicesb) Eco friendly Air Conditioning/Refrigerationc) TQMd) Recent Modifications in IE Rulese) Functioning of Electricity Regulatory Commissionf) Fourth Stage of Koyana Hydro Stationg) Recent trends in Power Generation



Information Search ,data collection and writing a report on the topica) Collection of data for comparison of Transformer Companiesb) Latest trend in Classification of Insulating materialsc) Design Considerations for Manufacture of Dry Type Transformersd) State and National Statistics for Power Generatione) Comparison of Cost per unit generated by various methods of Power

Generationf) Safety considerations for Generation



The students should discuss in group of six to eight students and write a brief report on the same as a part of term work. The topic of group discussions may be selected by the faculty members. Some of the suggested topics are -

a) Role of Electrical Engineer in disaster management.b) Scope of out sourcing of Electrical Engineering services.c) Pollution control.


05Seminar PresentationThe students should select a topic for Seminar based on recent developments in Electrical engineering field, emerging technology etc.


Total 70

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Duration : 6 semester Maximum Marks : 175

Teaching Scheme Examination SchemeTheory : -03 hrs/week Mid Semester Exam: 20 Marks

Tutorial: -- hrs/week Assignment & Quiz: 10 Marks

Practical : 02 hrs/week End Semester Exam: 70 Marks

Credit: 04 Practical: 50 Marks Term work: 25 Marks

Aim :-


1. This is technology level subject with application in Industry, commercial, public utility departments such as PWD, Irrigation, MSEB, water supply & sewage board etc.

2. After studying this subject student will be able to inspect, test, install & commission electrical machines as per IS and International standards. He/She shall carry out routine & preventive maintenance of electrical machines & possesses knowledge of Indian Electricity Act, safety rules, safety of machines & persons, prevention of accident. This will help him to initiate total productive maintenance.

Objective :-S.No Student will be able to

1. Know safety measures & state safety precautions.

2. Test single phase, three phase transformer, DC & AC machine as per IS.

3. Identify / Locate common troubles in electrical machines & switch gear.

4. Plan & carry out routine & preventive maintenance.

5. Install LV switchgear & maintain it.

6. Ascertain the condition of insulation & varnishing if necessary.

7. Initiate total productive maintenance.


1. Knowledge of electrical equipments

Contents Hrs/week

Chapter Name of the Topic Hours Marks


Safety & Prevention of Accidents:Definition of terminology used in safety; safety, hazard, accident, major accident hazard, responsibility, authority, accountability, monitoring,I.E. Act & statutory regulations for safety of persons & equipments working with

04 06

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electrical installation,Dos & don’ts for substation operators as listed in ISMeaning & causes of electrical accidents factors on which severity of shock depends,Procedure for rescuing the person who has received an electric shock, methods of providing artificial respiration,Precautions to be taken to avoid fire due to electrical reasons, operation of fire extinguishers.


General Introduction:Objectives of testing significance of I.S.S. concept of tolerance, routine tests, type tests, special tests.Methods of testing a) Direct, b) Indirect, c) Regenerative. Concept of routine, preventive & breakdown maintenance, advantages of preventive maintenance, procedure for developing preventive maintenance schedule,Factors affecting preventive maintenance schedule.Introduction to total productive maintenance.

07 10


Testing & maintenance of rotating machines:Type tests, routine tests & special tests of 1 & 3 phase Induction motors,Routine, Preventive, & breakdown maintenance of 1 & 3 phase Induction motors as per IS 9001:1992Parallel operation of alternators, Maintenance schedule of alternators & synchronous machines as per IS 4884-1968Brake test on DC Series motor.

05 08


Testing & maintenance of Transformers:Listing type test, routine test & special test as per I.S. 2026-1981Procedure for conducting following tests:Measurement of winding resistance, no load losses, & no load current, Impedance voltage, load losses, Insulation resistance, Induced over voltage withstand test, separate source voltage withstand test, Impulse voltage withstand test, Temperature rise test of oil & winding, Different methods of determining temp rise- back to back test, short circuit test, open delta (delta –delta) test.Preventive maintenance & routine maintenance of distribution transformer as per I.S. 10028(part III): 1981, Periodic checks for replacement of oil, silica gel, parallel operation of 1 & 3 phase transformer, load sharing calculations (numerical)

12 18


Testing & maintenance of Insulation:Classification of insulating materials as per I.S. 8504(part III)1994, factors affecting life of insulating materials, measurement of insulation resistance & interpretation of condition of insulating. Methods of measuring temperature of internal parts of windings/machines & applying the correction factor when the machine is hot. Properties of good transformer oil, list the agents which contaminates the insulating oil, understand the procedure of following tests on oil as per I.S. 1692-1978a) acidity test b) sludge test c) crackle test e) flash point test. Filtration of insulating oil protection of electrical equipments (insulation) during the period of inactivity.Methods of cleaning the insulation covered with loose, dry dust, sticky dirt, & oily viscous films, procedure for cleaning washing & drying of insulation &

08 12

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revarnishingMethods of internal heating & vacuum impregnation.


Trouble shooting of Electrical Machines & Switch gear:Significance of trouble shooting of various electrical machines and describes the procedure for the same.Internal and external causes of failure of equipment.Various types of faults (mechanical, electrical & magnetic) in electrical machines reason for their occurrence, use of following tools: Bearing puller, Filler gauge, dial indicator, spirit level megger, earth tester, growler, multimeter, Trouble shooting charts for 1 & 3-phase induction motor, 1 & 3- phase transformer.List the common troubles in electrical installation & cables Maintenance & trouble shooting of LV switchgear like MCCB, ELCB, contactors & batteries.

08 10


Installation: Factors involved in designing the machine foundation, Requirement of different dimension of foundation for static & rotating machines procedure for levelling & alignment of two shafts of directly & indirectly coupled drives, effects of misalignment. Installation of rotating machines as per I.S. 900-1992.Use of various devices & tools in loading & unloading, lifting, carrying heavy equipment.

04 06

Total 48 70

Practical:Skills to be developed:Intellectual skills:

1. Select appropriate meters & equipment2. Recollect Testing &Maintenance procedures.

Motor Skills:1. Accuracy of Measurement2. Proper connections3. Draw characteristics

List of Practical:1) Draw circuit diagram select appropriate meters, connect it to perform routine test on single phase

Induction motor2) As per the given circuit diagram perform routine test on three phase Induction motor, & calculate the

different parameters3) Select two single phase transformers, perform polarity test, mark its terminals, select appropriate meters

& perform back to back test, compare its regulation with direct loading method4) Perform parallel operation of transformer as per I.S.5) Perform parallel operation of alternator as per I.S.6) Carry out OC & SC test on Induction motor, plot circle diagram, & calculate parameters7) Perform brake test on DC series motor & plot characteristic of output against torque, speed, load current as per I. S. list suitable applications.

B) Field work:8) Observe & carry out weekly, monthly & yearly maintenance of motor in your workshop & prepare its


C) Mini project:9) Prepare trouble-shooting chart for single and three phase transformers

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10) Prepare trouble-shooting chart for single and three phase motors

Text Books:Name of Authors Titles of the Book Edition Name of the Publisher

B. L. TherajaElectrical TechnologyVol I To IV

S. Chand & Co., New Delhi

B. V. S. RaoOperation & Maintenance Of Electrical MachinesVol - I

Media Promoters & Publisher Ltd. Mumbai

B. V. S. RaoOperation & Maintenance Of Electrical Machines Vol - II

Media Promoters & Publisher Ltd. Mumbai

C.J. Hubert Preventive Maintenance Hand Books & Journals
