Mock ups analysis


Transcript of Mock ups analysis

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Page 2: Mock ups analysis

Plan 1 Plan 2 Plan 3

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Plan 1 front cover

When I made this plan, I was going for the look of a quite poppy/rock look. I done this by choosing to have a coloured, pink background and use black and white as my fonts colours. I also liked the font I had my header in as I feel it gave my magazine a grungy, hard look, which I really liked. When making my magazine, there are some thing I will possibly include such as the skyline. I really like the skyline as it gives the magazine a quite professional look and also gives more information about the magazine which would give it the feel of a real magazine. However, I think I would ditch the idea of the line and box down the side because it doesn’t look very professional and looks like it is just taking up space for the sake of it.

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Plan 1 contents page

When I made this contents page, I really liked the idea of the images on the page being slightly opaque and having the contents bold and easy to see. Looking at it now, I’m not really liking that idea as I feel it makes it look a little bit unprofessional, and although it all looks neat and tidy, it doesn’t look quite like a rock magazine. I also feel that in my real magazine’s contents page, I would add a lot more information and a lot more colours onto the page, apart from just black and white. I would also create an interesting logo for my magazine in which I can use throughout my magazine to put at the bottom of the page.

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Plan 3 double page spread

When I made this magazine, I liked the idea of having a bunch of pictures of my model and then writing all over the page. Now I look at it, I’ve decided I don’t want to use this for my magazine as it looks slightly too pop and not rock, which is the genre I am aiming to create in my magazine. One thing I do like about this double page spread is the pull quote on the side which overlays the picture. I really like this idea because it gives the reader more of an idea of what the article is about and who is it about. I think I will use this idea in my magazine as it will give a bit more detail to the page rather than just a whole block of text.

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Plan 2 front cover

In this plan, I really liked the idea of having a close up as a central image. I liked this because I felt it could give the message that the model is looking straight into your eyes when picking up the magazine. I also liked the idea of having bright colours on my magazine instead of just black and white as I feel it would appeal a lot more to younger people if there was colour on it. One thing I don’t like however is the text font of the plugs. I think in my real magazine, I would use a different font to this as I don’t think it looks like a font you would stereotypically use in a rock magazine.

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Plan 2 contents page

I am really not impressed by this contents page. I feel it looks way too simple and not very creative at all. However, I really like the message from the editors bit as I feel it gives a warmer approach towards the audience to make them feel like they’re actually reading a magazine and not a couple of pieces of paper with photographs and text on.

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In this plan, I really like the idea of having a full image of the artist on one side and then text on the other. However, in some ways, I feel it looks too plain and not detailed enough. I also don’t like how the magazine has a white background and a blue header. I feel this is slightly going away from my genre as it doesn’t look rock and is turning slightly pop. Once again, I do like the quote from the artist because it is giving a little extra towards the article and makes the reader want to read the story, but overall, I don’t think I would be using many of the ideas from this double page spread in my magazine.

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With this plan, I like the idea of having a free CD at the bottom of the magazine as well as having a logo next to the header instead of having the header as the logo. Once again, there aren’t many ideas in this plan that I would definitely use in my magazine as I feel this plan is a bit too blocked and neat looking and is slightly going away from my genre of the magazine, which is rock. I don’t feel the central image is right for a front cover either because it is a pretty spread out group. I feel this image could possibly be used for a double page spread though as it is landscape and looks more like a picture you would show a fan of the band or somebody looking into the band.

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Similarly to other plans I have made, I feel this plan looks too plain and also too simple to be part of my magazine. There isn’t really much in the magazine which I find could be added and seen really effective because of it. I like the idea of the top image, if it was an image of something really big happening in the magazine, but other than that, I feel this plan looks like somebody has just put a bunch of pictures together on paint and not thought about the use and effect of them that they would have on the magazine.

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I really like this plan as it is very similar to my first plan with the split page effect and the photograph of just one model posing. However, I mentioned previously that I did not like the idea of having a really big photo of a model as it doesn’t leave enough space in order to write the story on the double page spread. Because of this, I feel it looks too simple to be an idea for my magazine’s double page spread.