Mitochondria Structure

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Transcript of Mitochondria Structure

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    Introduction/training[organization of the study] [polarography] [calibrating] [research paperMitochondria theory: [overview] [structure] [Krebs reactions] [electron transport] [the

    gradient] [oxidative phosphorylation]

    Mitochondria in vitro: [preparation] [fate of substrates] [state IV] [state III] [metabolic

    poisons] [mitotraces] [rationale] [experiments]

    Additional topics: [glossary of terms ] [Hans Krebs] [origin of mitochondria] [other functions

    Structure of Mitochondria

    The cytoplasm of nearly all eukaryotic cells contain mitochondria, although there is at least one

    exception, the protist Chaos (Pelomyxa) carolinensis. They are especially abundant in cells

    and parts of cells that are associated with active processes. For example, in flagellated

    protozoa or in mammalian sperm, mitochondria are concentrated around the base of the

    flagellum or flagella. In cardiac muscle, mitochondria surround the contractile elements.

    Hummingbird flight muscle is one of the richest sources of mitochondria known. Thus, from

    their distribution alone one would suspect that they are involved in energy production.

    Multicellular organisms probably could not exist without mitochondria. The inability to remove

    electrons from the system and the buildup of metabolic end products restrict the utility ofanaerobic metabolism. Through oxidative phosphoryation mitochondria make efficient use of

    nutrient molecules. They are the reason that we need oxygen at all.

    The double-membraned mitochondrion can be loosely described as a large wrinkled bag

    packed inside of a smaller, unwrinkled bag. The two membranes create distinct compartments

    within the organelle, and are themselves very different in structure and in function.

    The outer membrane is a relatively simple phospholipid bilayer, containing protein structures

    called porins which render it permeable to molecules of about 10 kilodaltons or less (the size

    of the smallest proteins). Ions, nutrient molecules, ATP, ADP, etc. can pass through the outer

    membrane with ease.

    The inner membrane is freely permeable only to oxygen, carbon dioxide, and water. Its

    structure is highly complex, including all of the complexes of the electron transport system, the

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    , . , ,

    lamillae (layers), called the cristae (singlular: crista). The cristae greatly increase the total

    surface area of the inner membrane. The larger surface area makes room for many more of the

    above-named structures than if the inner membrane were shaped like the outer membrane.

    The membranes create two compartments. The intermembrane space, as implied, is the region

    between the inner and outer membranes. It has an important role in the primary function of

    mitochondria, which is oxidative phosphorylation.

    The matrix contains the enzymes that are responsible for the citric acid cycle reactions. The

    matrix also contains dissolved oxygen, water, carbon dioxide, the recyclable intermediates tha

    serve as energy shuttles, and much more (see "other functions"). Diffusion is a very slow

    process. Because of the folds of the cristae, no part of the matrix is far from the inner

    membrane. Therefore matrix components can diffuse to inner membrane complexes and

    transport proteins within a relatively short time.

    Electron micrographs have revealed the three dimensional structure of mitochondria. However

    since micrographs are themselves two dimensional, their interpretation can be misleading.

    Texts frequently show a picture of a 'typical' mitochondrion as a bacteria-sized ellipsoid

    (perhaps 0.5 by 1 micrometer). However, they vary widely in shape and size. Electronmicrographs seldom show such variation, because they are two-dimensional images.

    Isolated mitochondria, such as from homogenized muscle tissue, show a rounded appearance

    in electron micrographs, implying that mitochondria are spherical organelles.

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    Mitochondria in situ can be free in the cytoplasm or packed in among more rigid structures,such as among the myofibrils of cardiac muscle tissue. In cells such as muscle, it is clear that

    mitochondria are not spherical, and often are not even ellipsoid. In some tissues, the

    mitochondria are almost filamentous, a characteristic that two dimensional micrographs may

    fail to reveal.

    A planar section cuts through one or several parts of the organelle, making a single organelle

    appear to be more than one. The image we see of a circular or ellipsoidal organelle may

    disguise the true nature of the mitochondrion.

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    Created b y David R. Caprette ([email protected]), Rice Unive rsity 12 De c 96

    Updated 26 May 05