Missions the story of the bible - ssmc - 28 apr'13 edited

The Big Picture


Sermon by Rev Au Yong Mun Heng shared on 28 Apr 2013 @ SSMC

Transcript of Missions the story of the bible - ssmc - 28 apr'13 edited

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The Big Picture

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The Big Picture

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The Big Picture

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What Is The Main Story of the Bible?

I. Creation and The Fall

II. Noah and The Flood

III. The Tower of Babel…..Gen 11:4

• Redemptive Prophecy…..Gen 3:15

• Redemptive Typology…..The Ark

• Redemptive Plan…..Gen 12:2-3

Missions is the Story

of the Bible

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“Top Line” of the Covenant: Blessings

“Bottom Line” of the Covenant: Responsibilities

v.2 “I will make you into a great nation and I will bless you ; I will

make your name great and you will be a blessing………….. and

v.3 all peoples on earth will be blessed through you.”

I. The Call of Abraham

Gen 12:2-3

• I will bless you

2-Fold Challenge: • A “Peoples” Challenge

• A Geographical Challenge

……….The Abrahamic Covenant

• all peoples on earth will be blessed through you

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• Gen 22:15-18

• Gen 26:4

• Gen 28:14

……….To Abraham

……….To Isaac

……….To Jacob

Top Line : Blessings

Bottom Line : Responsibilities

• Abundance

• Prosperity

• Big Family

• Great Nation

• Stars in the Sky

• Dust of the Earth

The God of your fathers, the God of Abraham,

the God of Isaac, & the God of Jacob.

• Salvation

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Top Line :

Bottom Line :

Blessings……Hallelujah! • Protection from Plagues

• Deliverance from slavery in Egypt


We are not merely saved from sin & hell,

but we are saved for His purposes!

• To be “a kingdom of priests and a holy nation”….Exo19:6

A missionary people set apart to the nations of the world

II. Moses and the Deliverance of Israel

…..God was going global THE EXODUS

Exo 9:13-16 v.14 “…..so that you may know that

there is no one like me in all the earth!” v.16 …..But I have raised you up for this very purpose,

that my name might be proclaimed in all the earth.”

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III. Daniel in the Lions’ Den

Daniel 6

Top Line :

Bottom Line :



• God’s Protection

• God’s Deliverance

Dan 6:26-27 “I issue a decree that in every part of my kingdom

people must fear and reverence the God of Daniel. “For He is the living God and He endures forever; His kingdom will not be

destroyed, His dominion will never end. He rescues and He saves; He performs signs and wonders in the heavens and on the earth.

He has rescued Daniel from the power of the lions.”

• To live a life of faithfulness, honesty & integrity with

total dependence on God and His Word.

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Did Jesus understand the significance

of the Abrahamic Covenant?

“…all peoples on earth will be blessed through you.” all nations the world discipled go ye

What We Need To Know

BC End of the Age NT

Matt 8:11 I say to you that many will come from the east and west, (and north and south… Luke 13:29) and will take their places at the feast with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob in the kingdom of heaven.

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Same Culture

Saving the Unsaved

Cross Culture

Reaching the


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The Great Imbalance



74% 26%

9,100 Groups

6,900 Groups



Regular Mission Frontier Mission



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What’s Our More Strategic Task?

Matt 24:14 “The gospel of the kingdom will be preached

in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then

the end will come.”

Reaching the Least Reached People Groups (LRPGs)

6,900 People Groups – Still No Access

to the Gospel ……................... 2.5 billion

2. Frontier Missions is the crucial Priority

1. Frontier Missions is vital and strategic to bring

Closure to the Great Commission

3. Frontier Missions brings maximum glory to God

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Big Picture

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A Passion to See God Glorified and

Worshipped Among the Nations!