Miss Else Biology 2

ROOM 5129 SPRING SEMESTER INFO [email protected] WORK: 602-764-9086 CELL: 623-742-8130 HTTP://ELSEBIOLOGY.WORDPRESS.COM/ Miss Else Biology 2


Miss Else Biology 2. Room 5129 Spring Semester Info [email protected] Work: 602-764-9086 Cell: 623-742-8130 http://elsebiology.wordpress.com/. Attendance and Tardy Policy. Parents/Guardians : - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Miss Else Biology 2

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[email protected]: 602-764-9086CELL: 623-742-8130


Miss Else Biology 2

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Attendance and Tardy Policy

Parents/Guardians: Please be fully aware that FULL and TIMELY

attendance is the only way to help your student be successful.

Excessive absences and tardies will cause your student to miss valuable class information and activities that CAN NOT be made up or re-done

Bell work CAN NOT be made up!Students who are absent for 12 OR MORE days

may lose credit for the courseStudents who are ARRIVE TO CLASS after

the final bell rings will be marked tardy

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Attendance and Tardy Policy Enforcement

Students who have accumulated 3 or more absences will have parents contacted Students will then be referred to student liaison for

possible attendance contract

Student with excessive tardies will have parents contacted Students will be assigned to daily START for individual

tardies 3 or more tardies will receive an after school detention Failure to attend assigned detention may result in


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Class work and Homework Assignments

Class work is designated time to be completed IN CLASS-it is due before class ends!

Homework is to be completed AT HOME as assigned-it is not to be completed in class!

Class work and Homework that is not completed on time will be subjected to “dead time” window

“Dead Time” window is 2 days following due date After 2 days, the assignment will corrected-but WILL NOT

receive credit for work doneRe-testing is limited to 1 week following original

test date

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3 Ring Binders and Assignment List

Students are responsible for maintaining a 3 ring binder with the following materials: Up-To-Date Assignment List Returned Graded Assignments Notebook for class

Assignment list MUST be kept up to date with all graded assignments included

Graded Assignments MUST be in order according to Assignment list

Notebook is to be used for all bellwork/notes/other assignments where individual paper is needed

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3 Ring Binders and Assignment List

On major exam days: Student is expected to have 3 ring binder and all

sections required ready for “Binder Check” Student will be given points for completion and

neatness of “Binder Check” Student will receive credit for any C-Notes


If student is confused or unclear what is required for their “binder check” they may come to tutoring for help!

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Parent Involvement for Grades/Tutoring

Parent/Guardian: it is much easier and much more effective to monitor your student’s progress and grade evaluation early to ensure academic success

5 Ways to help monitor your student: Be sure to check your student’s parent link progress weekly! Email or call me at the school for an update! Check Biology Blog page for assignments! (site on first slide!) Drop by to see me when you can! Review student’s progress reports! Review student’s notebook for completion and grade checks

Remember, we are all here to work together-I want your student to succeed in my class!

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Academic Honesty

Academic honesty is the student’s sole personal completion of any and all required coursework and assignments as given by instructor of class Academic honesty applies to all assignments and work that any student

will do for my class. Academic honesty will allow student to do better on assignments,

homework, quizzes and exams Academic honesty will apply to all bellworks, in class

assignments, worksheets, homework, quizzes, exams, and any other assignments

Academic DISHONESTY is the student’s copying, plagiarization, removal, misuse, or misrepresentation of own work for the course Academic dishonesty applies to all instances where student will copy,

cheat, re-use, recycle, steal or otherwise claim work to be their own sole personal completion of the assignment

Academic dishonesty will result in the removal of all points for assignment without opportunity to complete or make-up

Academic dishonesty can result in student having low class work or homework points, low binder check points, and low quiz/exam points

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Classroom Rules

Be respectful of teacher and other students AT ALL TIMES

Respect others that are speaking, DO NOT interrupt or disrupt teacher or other students

Respect teacher’s right to instruct, and other student’s right to learn

Use proper and appropriate language in and around classroom

Obey all school rules while on campus and in classrooms

DO NOT to have food, drinks, gum, candy or other edibles in classroom at any time

ALL electronics are strictly prohibited at all times on campus: this includes but is not limited to: cameras, IPODs, cell phones, PSPs, etc.

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Class Rule Enforcement

Step 1: Verbal warningStep 2: Removal from Ms Else’s room

Included: Parent ContactStep 3: After school detention with Ms Else

Included: Parent ContactStep 4: Referral to Dean

Ms Else reserves the right to proceed to any step in enforcement that is deemed necessary by situation or behavior of student and classroom

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Class Schedule Tutoring Schedule


Period 2: Biology

Period 3: Biology


LUNCHPeriod 5: Biology

Period 6: Biology

Period 7: Biology

Monday: Appointment Only

Tuesday: 2:50-3:30 pm

Wednesday: Appointment Only

Thursday: 2:50-3:30 pm

Friday: Appointment Only

Appointments for tutoring on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays are subject to Ms Else’s availability

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I have read and understand all 2nd Semester

information as described in this power point by

Ms Else. Please sign below to show your acknowledgement

Student: _______________________________________

