Miss Napolitano & Mrs. Haas CP Biology ORGANIC CHEMISTRY.

Miss Napolitano & Mrs. Haas CP Biology ORGANIC CHEMISTRY

Transcript of Miss Napolitano & Mrs. Haas CP Biology ORGANIC CHEMISTRY.

Miss Napolitano & Mrs. HaasCP Biology


Do Now:•What is the difference between organic & inorganic? Use the examples below!

Also – define the following terms:

“Dehydration” “Synthesis” “Hydro-” “-lysis”


Glucose (C6H12O6)Table sugar – sucrose (C12H22O11)Methane (CH4)Vinegar (CH3COOH)Nicotine (C10H14N2)Chlorophyll a (C55H72O5N4Mg)


Table salt (NaCl)Carbon dioxide (CO2)Water (H2O)Hydrochloric acid (HCl)Ozone (O3)Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH)

Introduction to Orgo•Organic Chemistry: the study of carbon-based compounds• Contains both C & H atoms

•Why carbon?• It’s versatile!• 4 valence electrons = 4 covalent bonds• Able to form simple or complex compounds• C chains form the backbone of most biological molecules

Functional Groups•Groups of atoms that give molecules specific characteristics• Responsible for chemical reactions between molecules• “R” can be any group of atoms

Name Atoms Example

Aldehyde --COH (double bond)

Carboxylic Acid --COOH (double bond)

Ketone --O-- (double bond)

Amine --NH2

Alcohol --OH

Phosphate --PO4- (one double


Hydrocarbons•Hydrocarbons: contain ONLY C & H atoms

•Store energy


Macromolecules•“Big molecules”•4 classes• Carbohydrates• Lipids• Proteins•Nucleic acids

•Polymers: long molecules made up of building blocks called monomers• “poly” = many, “mono” = 1•Polymerization: making bonds between monomers

Polymerization•Dehydration synthesis (condensation rxn): building dimers or polymers

(Monomer-OH) + (H-monomer) (dimer) + (H2O)

•Hydrolysis: breaking down dimers or polymers

(Dimer) + (H2O) (monomer-OH) + (H-monomer)

Dehydration Synthesis & Hydrolysis

Carbohydrates•Carbohydrates: macromolecules with the molecular ratio 1C : 2H : 1O (or some multiple)•Ex: Glucose = C6H12O6

•Stores energy

•Types of sugars – most end in “-ose”

•Monosaccharides: monomer of carbs•Simple sugar with 3-7 carbons•Ex: Glucose, fructose, galactose

Monosaccharides (Carbs)

Carbohydrates (cont’d)

•Disaccharide – formed by 2 monosaccharides•Ex:•Glucose + glucose maltose + H2O

•Glucose + fructose sucrose + H2O

•Glucose + galactose lactose + H2O

Disaccharides (Carbs)

Carbohydrates (cont’d)•Polysaccharides: 100’s – 1,000’s of monosaccharides•Storage polysaccharides:•Starch – helical glucose• Produced by plants

•Glycogen – branched glucose• Stored in vertebrate liver & muscle

•Structural polysaccharides:• Cellulose – linear glucose•Makes up plant cell walls

• Chitin•Makes up arthropod exoskeletons, fungi cell walls

Polysaccharides (Carbs)


•Energy storage macromolecule •Stores 2x more energy than carbs!

•Hydrophobic (not soluble in water)

•Types:•Fats & oils•Phospholipids•Steroids•Waxes

Fats & Oils (Lipids)

•Many made up of glycerol – C3H5(OH)3 – & fatty acid chains

•Can be classified as either saturated or unsaturated

•Function:•Store energy• Insulation•Protective cushioning around organs

Saturated Fats (Lipids)• Contain no C double bonds

• Straight chains

• Saturated in the number of H’s

• Solid at room temperature

• Usually animal fats

• Ex: butter, lard, adipose tissue

Unsaturated Fats (Lipids)•One or more (polyunsaturated) C double bonds

•Bent or kinked chains

• Liquid at room temperature

•Most plant & fish fats

•Ex: Olive oil, corn oil, canola oil

Phospholipids•Major component of cell membranes

•Phosphate head = hydrophilic

•Fatty acid tails = hydrophobic

•Form a bilayer (2) in water


•4 fused carbon rings with various functional groups

•Ex: cholesterol• Component of cell membrane & many hormones

Proteins•Various functions: enzymes, structural support, storage, transport, cellular communication, movement, defense

•Monomer = amino acid

•Cells use 20 amino acids to build thousands of different proteins

•Polymers = polypeptides

Protein Structure•Primary (1o) structure• Sequence of amino acid (length varies)•Determined by genes

•Secondary (2o) structure•How polypeptide folds or coils• α-helix or β-pleats

•Tertiary (3o) structure• 3D structure (folds onto itself)•Hydrophilic vs. hydrophobic interactions

•Quaternary (4o) structure• 2+ polypeptide chains bonded together•Not all proteins have 4o structure

Protein Conformation•Structure of a protein is directly related to function!

•Conformation depends on when synthesized, pH, salt concentration, temperature, etc.

•Proteins can become denatured• Unravel & lose conformation• Become biologically inactive• Can become renatured if conditions are restored to normal

Denatured Proteins

Nucleic Acids•2 types:1. DNA (DeoxyriboNucleic Acid)•Contains genetic information•Double stranded helix•Provides directions for own replication•Directs protein & RNA synthesis

2. RNA (RiboNucleic Acid)•Single stranded•Transfers information from nucleus to cytoplasm •Helps direct protein synthesis




Structure of Nucleic Acid

•Monomer – nucleotide composed of 3 parts:•Pentose (ribose or deoxyribose)•Phosphate group•Nitrogenous base•5 nitrogenous bases – adenine (A), thymine (T), cytosine (C), guanine (G), & uracil (U)• ATCG = DNA• AUCG = RNA• A pairs with T (DNA) or U (RNA)• C pairs with G


Individual nucleotide

Chain of nucleotides DNA

Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP)•Not a macromolecule, but still super important!

•Primary energy transferring molecule in the cell

•Bonds break to release energy, bonds form to store energy

• ATP ADP + Pi + Energy (releases energy)

• ADP + Pi + Energy ATP (stores energy)