miri Levin 2012 - Bguin.bgu.ac.il/humsos/edu/StaffCV/MiriLevinCV.pdf · Head of the Graduate and...

1 September, 2012 CURRICULUM VITAE AND LIST OF PUBLICATIONS Personal Details Name: Miri Levin-Rozalis Date of Birth: 26 May 1950 Place of Birth: Beer Sheva, Israel Marital Status: Married, with 3 children Nationality: Israeli Address: P.O.Box 1158, Beer Sheva 84111 Israel Tel: 08-6483056 (home) 08-6483054 (fax, home) 08-6461880 (office) e-mail: [email protected] [email protected] Languages: Hebrew , English, partial Spanish Education Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Dept. of Behavioral Sciences B.A. in Behavioral Sciences 1981 Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Dept. of Behavioral Sciences M.A. (magna cum laude) in Sociology - Anthropology Thesis advised by Dr. R. Chermesh & Dr. Z. Peled. Subject of thesis: “A Model for Evaluating Multi-dimensional Community Projects ”. This work was funded by a grant from the International Committee for Evaluating Project Renewal. 1987 Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Dept. of Behavioral Sciences Ph.D. in Sociology Advisor: Prof. A. Ben-Porat. Ph.D. Thesis on the subject “Playing by the Rules” - The Culture of Law in Israeli Society 1997

Transcript of miri Levin 2012 - Bguin.bgu.ac.il/humsos/edu/StaffCV/MiriLevinCV.pdf · Head of the Graduate and...


September, 2012


Personal Details

Name: Miri Levin-Rozalis

Date of Birth: 26 May 1950

Place of Birth: Beer Sheva, Israel

Marital Status: Married, with 3 children

Nationality: Israeli

Address: P.O.Box 1158, Beer Sheva 84111 Israel


08-6483056 (home)

08-6483054 (fax, home)

08-6461880 (office)

e-mail: [email protected]

[email protected]

Languages: Hebrew , English, partial Spanish


Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Dept. of Behavioral Sciences

B.A. in Behavioral Sciences


Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Dept. of Behavioral Sciences

M.A. (magna cum laude) in Sociology - Anthropology

Thesis advised by Dr. R. Chermesh & Dr. Z. Peled. Subject of thesis: “A Model

for Evaluating Multi-dimensional Community Projects”. This work was funded by

a grant from the International Committee for Evaluating Project Renewal.


Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Dept. of Behavioral Sciences

Ph.D. in Sociology

Advisor: Prof. A. Ben-Porat. Ph.D. Thesis on the subject “Playing by the Rules” -

The Culture of Law in Israeli Society



Employment History at the Ben Gurion University of the Negevy

1980-1987 Teaching Assistant, Department of Behavioral sciences

1988-1995 Lecturer, Department of Behavioral Sciences 1996- 2005 Lecturer Department of Education

2006 -2010 Head of the Graduate and Post Graduate program in Evaluation

2006 - Senior Lecturer, department of Education

2008-2009 Head Educational Management and Policy track

B. Other Positions (Voluntary)


Member of the Executive Board of Nitzan association for children with

learning disorders, Beer Sheva Branch, and a member of the branch’s

professional committee (this committee outlined the professional policy of

the branch).

1994-2004 Member of the Executive Board “Genesis - Communal Advocacy”, Beer

Sheva Branch, member of Community Work Committee and member of

the National Advisory Board

1994 –1995

Member of the Advisory Board of the Early Childhood Center, established

by the Montreal Jewish Federation, the Jewish Agency and the Beer Sheva


1995-1998 Member of the Board of Governors MA’AN, Beer Sheva. Supportive

organization for women economic initiatives.

1998 - 2002

Member of the Evaluation Committee of the Early Childhood Center, Beer


1998 - 2007

Member of the executive board of IAPE – Israeli Association for Projects

& Programs Evaluation.


Member of the Executive Board of "Yahdav" association for children and

families at risk in Israel.


2002-2004 Chairperson of “Genesis – Communal Advocacy”, in Israel



President of IAPE -Israeli Association for Projects & Programs Evaluation.

Steering committee of The School of Professional Development for

Teacher Educators, Mofet institute, Tel-Aviv

c. Current position

2011 – Organizational learning Coordinator, The Davidson Institute of Science Education at The

Weizmann Institute of Science.

Professional Activities

a. Positions in academic administration

1982-1987 Principal Evaluator of the Evaluation and Organizational Unit of the

Humphrey Center.

1996 -

Director of the Unit for Assisting Research and Evaluation, Department of

Education, Ben Gurion University

1998-2002 Member of the instruction committee, Department of Education, Ben-

Gurion University

2003 - 2006 Member of the university committee for improve teaching evaluation

2005 - 2010 Head Graduate and Post Graduate program in Evaluation

Department of Education, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev

2006 -2009 Co-head qualification in evaluation program for teachers' educators The School of Professional Development for Teacher Educators, The Mofet Institute, Tel Aviv

2006 - 2008 Member of the committee for PhD students, Department of Education,

Ben-Gurion University

2008 - 2009 Head of the Educational Management, Policy and Society track,

Department of Education, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev


b. Professional functions outside universities


Initiated and ran the “School as an Happening” Project in the Misgav

Boarding School for Arts and Sciences in Mitzpe Ramon. The project

creates a study arrangement that breaks down the existing frameworks of

class, age, place, time, discipline, and teacher/pupil roles.

1997 Matriculation 2000 - Member of the Inter-University Committee, appointed

by the University Presidents’ Forum, the “Matriculation 2000” project to

examine alternative ways of evaluating the existing Matriculation


1998 - Management member of IAPE– Israeli Association for project evaluation


Member of the steering committee for evaluation of the Karev Program for

Involvement in Education. Karev programs function in more than 45% of

elementary schools in Israel.


Chairperson of IAPE – Israeli Association for project evaluation. The

professional association of evaluators in Israel.

2004 Member of the Committee for Integrating Internal Evaluation in School

system in Israel. Sub committee of the Dovrat National Mission Force. The

Ministry of Education.

2005 - Member of the Research-Colleague Network, Moffet Institute, Tel Aviv.

2006-2009 Co-head qualification in evaluation program for teachers' teachers

Moffet Research Institute, Tel Aviv

2010- Evaluation consultant, Davidson Institute for Science Education,

at the Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot

c. International Professional activities


Israeli representative in The Effectiveness Initiative (E.I.) is an in-depth

study structured as a cross-agency, cross-site exchange that stimulates

continuing dialogue about effective programming in the field of Early

Childhood Care and Development. Member of the international research


group researching the effectiveness of early childhood initiatives in ten

countries: Philippines, India, Kenya, Mozambique, Israel, The Netherlands,

Portugal, Colombia, Peru and Honduras. The Effectiveness Initiative

research is an initiative of the Bernard van Leer foundation. Other

international bodies such as UNICEF, Save the Children Fund, Aga Khan

Foundation and the World Bank became partners of the initiative in

different levels.

The intention of the project is to discover factors that influence early

childhood programs' effectiveness in different settings, situations and



Israeli representative in The Tracer Studies – an initiative of the Bernard

van Leer Foundation, The Netherlands. This is an effort to trace former

participants of early childhood project and programs. Nine countries were

part of this mutual initiative: Jamaica, Kenya, Botswana, Trinidad, Ireland,

Israel, Colombia, USA, and Honduras.


Re-composing culture – An international research of three cultures

undergoing massive cultural changes: The Indians in Peru, The Ethiopian

population in Israel and the Aeta in the Philippines. The Aeta people had to

move because of a catastrophe (volcano eruption); the Ethiopian

population immigrated to Israel and in Peru the “mainstream culture” is

invading the natives' culture and forcing them to change. The research

follows the role of children in these cultural changes, through five themes:

Society and cultural structure; Family roles and structure; learning and

acquiring knowledge; partnerships and health and nutrition.

2004 Consulting the evaluation team of the Faculty of Psychology: Built in

evaluation for the faculty new learning program. UNAM Mexico city,


2010 - Editorial board of the Studies in Educational Evaluation Journal

2012- Editorial Board of the New Direction for Program Evaluation


d. Significant professional consulting

1995-1997 Consultant for the boarding school management at the “Eshel-Hanasi”

youth village.

1997 - 1998 Member of the Professional Steering Committee for research into “The

not-spoken traumas.” Dealing with the post-traumatic phenomena among

women who emigrated from Ethiopia to Israel in “Operation Moses.” A

joint study by the Community Services Department, Ministry of Labor and

Social Affairs, the Falk Institute and the Section for the Integration of

Immigrants of the Israel Joint Distribution Committee.

2000 - 2002 Academic consultant vis-a-vis the process of assimilation of internal

evaluation and organizational learning in a large experimental high school

(Mekif G).


Supervisor of the manager and members of the evaluation unit, “Karev-

Programs for Educational Involvement” that work in 45% of the

elementary schools in Israel.


Supervisor of the manager and members of the evaluation unit of the Kay

Teacher College in Beer-Sheva

2002 Supervisor and advisor of the “School Evaluation Network” in Israel

2004 Consulting the evaluation team of the Faculty of Psychology: Built in

evaluation for the faculty new learning program. UNAM Mexico city,


2010 - Steering committee member of the “School Evaluation Network” Karev

programs, Israel

2010 - Evaluation consultant for the Davidson Institute of Science Education at

the Weizmann Institute of Science. Rehovot. Israel

e. Membership in professional/scientific societies

From 1981 – Israeli Sociological Society


From 1995 – European Evaluation Society

From 1998 – Israeli Association for Program Evaluation (President 2001-2003).

From 1999 – American Evaluation Association

From 2005 – Canadian Evaluation Society

Educational activities

a. Courses taught at university

Under graduates: Structure of Israel Society; Introduction to Sociology; Project and program evaluation; Culture of Law in Israeli Society; Introduction to educational research; Issues in Israeli Democracy;

Graduates; Project and program evaluation; Organizational behavior; organizational learning; inter-organizational coordination; Critical scientific thinking;

Awards, Citations, Honors, Fellowships

Emerald Literati network 2009 Award for Excellence, for the article: Tubin, D. &

Levin-Rozalis M. (2008). Interorganizational cooperation - the structural aspect of

nurturing trust. International Journal of Public Sector Management. 21(7), 704-

722. "Your paper has been selected as it was one of the most impressive

pieces of work the team has seen throughout 2008".


The International Committee for Evaluating Project Renewal : Grant to conduct research for M.A. thesis


Awarded M.A. degree - magna cum laude 1987

“The United Funds” award equivalent of tuition fees for a year’s study 1980

Scientific Publications

a. Refereed chapters in collective volumes

1. Levin-Rozalis, M, (1999) On feedback as the process of program evaluation, in: Raz,

A (ed.) Handbook for Organizational Learning. Beersheba: Ben-Gurion University of

the Negev. 22 pages.


2. Levin-Rozalis, M., Bar-On, N., Alexander, G., Erez, N., (2000). Evaluation in Israel:

educational studies section In: C. Russon and K Russon, (Eds.). The Annotated

Bibliography of International Programme Evaluation. Kluer Academic Publisher, The

Netherlands. Pp. 262-264

3. Levin-Rozalis, M., Bar-On, N.,Hartaf, H., Yudelevich, R., Schneider, P., Degani-

Zemel, Y., (2000). Evaluation in Israel: Social welfare and child and family

development section In: C. Russon and K Russon, (Eds.). The Annotated Bibliography

of International Programme Evaluation. Kluer Academic Publisher, the Netherlands.

Pp. 279-285

4. Levin-Rozalis, M. (2004). Diversity in Evaluation in Israel. In: Sandra Mathison

(Ed.). Encyclopedia of Evaluation. London: Sage Publications.

5. Levin-Rozalis, M. (2007). Immigrants from Ethiopia and The host society: disparity

in social representations In: Emda Orr and Smadar ben-Asher (eds.) The Familiar and

the Unfamiliar – Social representations of Israeli Societies. Beer-Sheva: Ben-Gurion

University of the Negev Press (Hebrew).

6. Levin-Rozalis, M., and Meinrhat S., (2007)."Women-Friends": Representing a 'group'

as a Precondition to Identity Change. In: Emda Orr and Smadar ben-Asher (eds.).The

Familiar and the Unfamiliar – Social representations of Israeli Societies. Beer-Sheva:

Ben-Gurion University of the Negev Press (Hebrew).

7. Levin Rozalis M., (2009) A community, a multidimensional intervention and an

evaluation process as a system. In: Levin-Rozalis M. and R.Savaya (eds.). Evaluation

In Israel Issues and Dilemmas. Beer-Sheva: Ben-Gurion University (Hebrew).

8. Levin-Rozalis, M., and Shochot-Reich, E. (2009) The professional identity of

evaluators in Israel. In: Levin-Rozalis M. and R.Savaya (eds.). Evaluation In Israel

Issues and Dilemmas. Beer-Sheva: Ben-Gurion University (Hebrew).

9. Levin-Rozalis, M. (2008) Les différences et les similitudes entre la recherche et

l’évaluation. In: valéry ridde et christian dagenais (directions). Concepts et pratiques

en יvaluation de programme. « Paramètres » des Presses de l’Université de Montréal.



10. Levin-Rozalis, M., (2010) The use of projective techniques and hermeneutic analysis.

In Kacan, L., & Krumer-Nevo, M., (eds) Data Analyses in Qualitative Research. Beer-

Sheva: Ben-Gurion University (Hebrew)

11. Levin-Rozalis, M., (2012). The policy of teacher qualification for evaluation in Israel.

In: Klavir, r. and Kozminsky, L (eds.) The Construction of Professional Identity:

Processes of Teacher Education and Professional Development. Tel-Aviv: Mofet

Institute. (Hebrew).

12. Levin-Rozalis, M., 2012). Teacher colleges in a search for their own way: Academic

Colleges between policy and world-view. In: Klavir, R & L. Kuzminsky (eds.) The

Construction of Professional Identity: Processes of Teacher Education and

Professional Development. Tel-Aviv: Mofet Institute. (Hebrew).

13. Klavir, R., and Levin-Rozalis, M., (2012) Going on a narrow bridge: Teacher colleges

in Israel. In: Klavir, R & L. Kuzminsky (eds.) The Construction of Professional

Identity: Processes of Teacher Education and Professional Development. Tel-Aviv:

Mofet Institute. (Hebrew).

b. Refereed articles

1. Levin-Rozalis, M., (1998) Are Evaluation and Research the Same Thing? Magamot,

39(3), pp. 303-319 (Hebrew)

2. Levin-Rozalis, M., (2000). Abduction, a logical criterion for program evaluation.

Evaluation, the international Journal of Theory, Research and Practice. 6 (4), 411-


3. Levin-Rozalis, M., (2000). Social Representations as Emerging from Social Structure:

The Case of the Ethiopian Immigrants to Israel. Papers on Social Representations. (9),


4. Levin-Rozalis, M., Rosenstein B. (2003) A mentoring approach to the one-year

evaluation course. The American Journal of Evaluation. 24/2, 245-259

5. Levin-Rozalis, M., Bar-on, N. and Hartaf, H. (2003). The Structuring Process of the

Social Representation of Violence in Abusive men. Psychology and Culture. 9(4)

pp. 361-382


6. Hartaf, H., Levin-Rozalis, M. and Bar-On, N. (2003). Results of a unique therapeutic

intervention for abusive men at Beit Noam: Successes, limitations and difficulties.

Mifgash, Journal of social-educational work, 17, 65-85 (Hebrew)

7. Levin – Rozalis, M., (2003) Evaluation and research, differences and similarities. The

Canadian Journal of program Evaluation. 18(2). 1-31

8. Levin-Rozalis, M. (2004). Searching for the unknowable: A process of detection —

Abductive research generated by projective techniques. International Journal of

Qualitative Methods, 3(2). Article 1. pp. 1-36

9. Levin-Rozalis, M., Hartaf, H., and Bar-On, N. (2005). Results of a unique therapeutic

intervention for abusive men at Beit Noam: Successes, limitations and difficulties.

The Journal of Social Work Research and Evaluation – An International Publication

6(1) 25-45

10. Levin-Rozalis, M., (2004). Re-visited: A tracer study ten years later. Detective process.

Journal of Early childhood research. Vol 2(3) 271-296

11. Levin-Rozalis, M., and Rosenstein B. (2005). The role of the evaluator in the process

of an organizational learning the Canadian Journal of program Evaluation 20(1). 81-


12. Levin-Rozalis, M & Tubin, D. (2005). Double rule and multiple roles: A structural

principle for successful Interorganizational collaboration. M@n@gement, 8(4), 25-42.

13. Levin-Rozalis, M., (2006). Using projective techniques in the evaluation of groups for

children of rehabilitating drug addicts. Issues in Mental Health Nursing 27(5), 519-


14. Levin-Rozalis, M., (2007). Playing by the Rules: Social Representations of ‘Law’ as the

Socio-Cognitive Mediating Mechanism between Law and Society. Theory &

Psychology VOL. 17(1): 5–31

15. Levin rozalis, M., (2007). Between the worthy and the available. Book review of: M.

Shabtay and L Kacen (eds.) "Mulualem" Ethiopian Women and Girls in Spaces, Worlds

and Journeys between Cultures. Welfare and Society. (Hebrew).


16. Tubin, D. & Levin-Rozalis M. (2008). Interorganizational cooperation - the structural

aspect of nurturing trust. International Journal of Public Sector Management. 21(7), 704-


17. Levin-Rozalis, M and Shochot-Reich, E (2009) Professional Identity of Evaluators in

Israel. The Canadian Journal of Program Evaluation, 23(1) 141-178

18. Levin Rozalis, M., Rosenstein, B., and Cousins, B. J., (2009) Precarious Balance:

Educational evaluation capacity building in the era of globalization (cp. 11) in Ryan, K &

Cousins, J. B. Sage International Handbook on Educational Evaluation. Thousand Oaks:

Sage. 191-212

19. Levin-Rozalis, M. and Lapidot, O., (2009) Teachers professional identity and evaluation

training: Do Teachers Stand a Chance? Dapim (Hebrew)

20. Levin-Rozalis, M. (2009). Using Abductive Research Logic: 'the Logic of Discovery', to

Construct a Rigorous Explanation of Amorphous Evaluation Findings. Journal of

MultiDisciplinary Evaluation 6(13) 11-24:

21. Levin-Rozalis, M. and Lapidot, O., (2010) Evaluation in Teacher Training Colleges in

Israel: Do Teachers' colleges Stand a Chance? Journal of Assessment and Accountability

Systems in Educator Preparation 1 (1) 16-28

22. Levin-Rozalis, M. (2010). Cybernetics: A possible solution for the "knowledge gap"

between "internal" and "external" in an evaluation process. Evaluation and program

Planning 33(4) 333–342

23. Levin-Rozalis, M (2011) using Abductive research logic, the logic of discovery, as a tool

for validating amorphus and unexpected evaluation findings. Bitachon Socialy 85 29-47


24. Ganem, A., Levin-Rozalis, M. (accepted) The identity dance: Identity constructing of

young Palestinian women was learned in Jewish Israeli schools

25. Chen, S., Levin-Rozalis, M (submitted). Epistemological perceptions of school principals.

26. Levin-Rozalis, M., and Rosenstein, B. (2012) The role for Evaluation in creation

organizational learning. Organizational Analysis. Jerusalem: Zofnat (Hebrew)

Books edited


Levin-Rozalis, M., & Savaya, R. (Eds.) (2010). Issues in Evaluation in Israel. Beer-Sheva:

Ben-Gurion University Press

c. Monograph

1. Levin-Rozalis, M., and Shafran, N. (2003). A sense of belonging: A Tracer Study of

Almaya’s early childhood programs for children of Ethiopian origin, ten years later.

Early childhood development: Practice and reflections, 19. The Netherlands: BvLF

(88 pages).

Books in progress

• The philosophy and practice of evaluation: Act: abduction, complexity and teleology

Published scientific reports and technical papers

i) Schools’ diagnosis

1. Levin-Rozalis, M., Bar-On, N. (1995), Diagnostic Examination of the Eshel HaNasi

Youth Village. The youth village management. 74 pages.

2. Levin-Rozalis, M., (1997) Diagnostic Examination of the Misgav Comprehensive

Boarding School for Art and Science, Mitzpe Ramon. Head of the Southern Region,

Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport. 32 pages.

ii) Manuals

Sadeh, N., Levin-Rozalis M., (2004). A manual for group work with men of Ethiopian

origin. JDC-Israel; Ministry of Welfare and GCCD Association. 27 Pages

iii) International reports

1. Miri Levin-Rozalis, Lipsky, Dina, Mamuye Zere, Liesbeth Zwitser and Kirk Felsman

(2002), ‘The Effectiveness Initiative: Almaya, the Association for the Advancement of

the Ethiopian Child and Family’ (December), Bernard van Leer Foundation: The Hague.

2. Felsman, K., Levin-Rozalis, M., Liepsky, D., Zwitser, L., and Zere, M., (2003).

Effectiveness Initiatives final report. Van-Leer foundation. The Netherlands.


A. Major Reports

I. Won public competitive bid


1. Shafriri, N., Bar-On N., Levin-Rozalis, M., (1994) Media Plus Project - Introducing

New Technology into the Education System, Evaluation Report summarizing the

School Year 1993-1994, Machar 98, Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport, 1994

2. Levin-Rozalis, M., Bar-On, N., Reikin R., (1997) HA’ETGAR (HIPPY) Program for

former Ethiopian immigrants in Israel, Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport. (80


3. Bar-On, N., Yudelvitch, R., Levin-Rozalis, M., (1997), Groups for Children of Former

Drug Users, a Joint Project of the National Insurance Institute, Ministry of Labor and

Social Affairs, and the Israel Joint Distribution Committee, Intermediate Report No.

1(60 pages).

4. Bar-On, N., Levin-Rozalis, M., Yodelevictz, R., (2000) Groups for Children of

Rehabilitating Drug Addicts. Final report. National Insurance Institute, Research and

Planning Administration. Jerusalem. (69 pages).

5. Levin-Rozalis, M., (2002) Evaluation of the Almaya Early Childhood dissemination

programs in 20 localities in Israel. Ben-Gurion University of the Negev. (111 pages)

6. Gordon, D., Hoz, R., Levin-Rozalis, M., Keinan A., and Bar-on, N., (2002) “The 41

hour per week law". Evaluation of the implementation of the law for extended school

day in kindergartens and elementary schools in Israel. Submitted to the Ministry of

Education, The Chief Scientist Office (573 pages).

7. Bar-On, N., Levin-Rozalis M., (2003). The Kedma program for integrating Ethiopian

origin youth in the high educational system. The Jewish Agency, The Ministry of

Education the department for adult education. (46 pages).

8. Gordon, D., Levin-Rozalis, M., Keinan, A., and Bar-On, N., (2003). Evaluation of

inquiry learning in Israeli elementary schools. Ministry of Education. The Chief

Scientist Office (303 pages).


9. Gorodetski, M., Levin-Rozalis, M, Bar-On, N., (2006) Demonstrating schools

annual evaluation report. Demonstrating schools department. Ministry of

education: Jerusalem

10. Levin-Rozalis, M., ar-On, N., (2006) Tafnit program annual evaluation report. Ben

Gurion University: Beer-Sheva

11. Bar-On, N., Bornstein, A., Levin-Rozalis, M (2006) Academia project annual report. Ben

Gurion University: Beer-Sheva.

12. Levin-Rozalis, M., Lapidot, O. & Dover, M. (2006). “Evaluation as a Tool for Teachers

and/or the System and Its Possible Effects on the Definition, Training and Functioning of

the Worthy Teacher”. Research Report, Part 1. Tel Aviv: Mofet Institute. (Hebrew)

13. Sagi, S., Levin-Rozalis M., Bar-On, N., (2007) Youth Futures program annual

evaluation report. The Jewish Agency for Israel: Jerusalem

14. Bar-On, N.,, Sagi, S., and Levin-Rozalis, M (2008) Youth Futures program annual

evaluation report. The Jewish Agency for Israel: Jerusalem

15. Bar-On, N.,, Sagi, S., and Levin-Rozalis, M (2009) Youth Futures program annual

evaluation report. The Jewish Agency for Israel: Jerusalem


16. Levin-Rozalis, M. (1987), A Model for Evaluating Multi-dimensional Community

Reports, thesis for M.A. degree, under the supervision of Dr. Z. Peled and Dr. R.

Chermesh, Ben Gurion University, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, 1987, funded

by the International Committee for Evaluating Project Renewal

17. Levin-Rozalis, M., Bar-On, N., (1993) Summary of Four Years’ Activity of the

Montreal Jewish Federation in Beer Sheva. The Jewish Agency, the Ministry of

Housing, Beer Sheva Municipality (507 pages).

18. Alexander, G., Bar-On, N., Levin-Rozalis, M., (1996) Four Schools - Four Types of

Integrating Computers into Teaching and Learning. Evaluation Report of a Follow-up

Study on the Use of Computers in Schools, using different plans and methods, July

1996 (120 pages).


19. Bar-Nadav, B., Levin-Rozalis, M., Bar-On, N., (2000) The early childhood

educational system in the two regionals: Shaár Hanegev and Yoav (88 pages).

20. Blatman-Rodoy, R., and Levin-Rozalis, M., (2000) Evaluation reports 1986-1999 a

meta analysis. Beer-Sheva: Ben-Gurion University

21. Bar-On, N., & Levin-Rozalis M., (2006). Evaluation of the envoys' preparation course.

Jerusalem: The Jewish Agency

II. Non Competitive (invited) major reports


1. Levin-Rozalis, M., Bar-On, N., Erez, N., (1995) Evaluation of the TAAM

Technological Educational Project. A joint project of the Kfar Hayarok Computer

Communications and Ministry of Education and Culture

2. Levin-Rozalis, M., Schneider, P. (1995), Evaluation of 11 Settlements with a joint

program of the Joint Distribution Committee, the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs,

and the Association for the Advancement of the Child and the Family in the Ethiopian

Community -.Joint Venture of JDC-Israel; The Ministry of Labor and Social Affaires;

The Ministry of Absorption; The Community Center Company (94 pages).

3. Levin-Rozalis, M., Dayan-Perel, G., (1999) Evaluation of "A.L.E - community activist

for the Ethiopian emigrants" J.D.C. Israel (70 pages).

4. Levin-Rozalis, M., Schneider, P. (1996), Final Report of joint program of the Joint

Distribution Committee, the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, and the Association

for the Advancement of the Child and the Family in the Ethiopian Community, 1994 -

1996 (76 pages).

5. Bar-Nadav, B., Levin-Rozalis M. (1999). Evaluation of the dissemination process of

the Association for the Advancement of Family and Child in the Ethiopian Community.

Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, The Unit for Evaluation and Research (67



6. Leon, T., Levin-Rozalis, M., Bar-On, N., Reikin, R., (2001). “Eshet Hayl” –

Retrospective evaluation and future perspectives” – evaluation report. Mishtanim –

Evaluation and Organizational Advisory. (42 pages).

7. Levin-Rozalis, M., (2003). Family on net. Evaluation of the national program for

connecting Ethiopian origin parents to their children and to computers by the mean of

roots exploration. JDC-Israel, Community Centers Company and EduSystems. (70


8. Levin-Rozalis, M., Lapidot, O. & Dover, M. (2006). “Evaluation as a Tool for Teachers

and/or the System and Its Possible Effects on the Definition, Training and Functioning of

the Worthy Teacher”. Research Report, Part 1. Tel Aviv: Mofet Institute. (Hebrew)

9. Levin-Rozalis, M. & Lapidot, O. (2008). Evaluation Training of Teachers in Israel.

Research Report. Tel Aviv: Mofet Institute Intercollegiate Research Authority. (Hebrew)

10. Levin-Rozalis, M. & Lapidot, O. (2009). Evaluation Training of Teachers in Israel.

Summative Research Report. Tel Aviv: Mofet Institute Intercollegiate Research Authority.



11. Levin-Rozalis, M., Erez, N., (1995), Evaluation of the Early Childhood Center,

Intermediate Report for the School Year 1994/5 (56 pages).

12. Levin-Rozalis, M., Schneider P., Bitton-Rubinstein, L., (1997), Evaluation of the

Early Childhood Center, Beer Sheva. Final Report for the School Year 1995/96 (97


13. Bar-Nadav, B., Levin-Rozalis, M,. (2000). Research report - Children who graduated

Almaya Early Childhood programs in Beer-Sheva – level of integration in public

kindergartens. Ben-Gurion University of the Negev and Almaya Association. (15



Other reports

I. Won public competitive bid


1. Sade, N., Levin-Rozalis, M., Bar-On, N., (2002). The program for training Ethiopian

immigrants as bus drivers for Dan Cooperative. The Jewish Agency, Dan Cooperative

and Yedidut Fund. (30 pages).

2. Levin-Rozalis, M., Haramati, I.., Kupietz, K., (2003). The program for preparing

released soldiers to civilians’ life. The Gruss Foundation (37 pages).


1. Shahaf, G., Levin-Rozalis, M., Ben Porat, A., (1984), Evaluation of the “Open

Apartments” Project of the Unit for Welfare Activities, Ben Gurion University, Ben

Gurion University, Humphrey Institute, Evaluation Unit

2. Ben-Porat, A., Levin-Rozalis, M., Tubin, D., Dubkin, U., (1984 .(Graduate project -

Evaluation report .Ben-Gurion University ,The Project Evaluation Center .27 pp .


3. Tubin, D., Levin-Rozalis, M., Ben Porat, A., (1985), Evaluation of School Graduation

Project of the Unit for Welfare Activities, Ben Gurion University, 1985 Ben Gurion

University, Humphrey Institute, Evaluation Unit (Hebrew).

4. Levin-Rozalis, M., Bar-On, N., Degani-Zemel, Y., Bar-Shai, S. (1994), Evaluation of

the Educational Welfare Programs in Beer Sheva ( “MABAR Matriculation

Program”, “Nurtured Classes Project and the “ETGAR” (Hippy) Program. (165


5. Levin-Rozalis, M (2002). Evaluation for the program for Bedouin Women

Empowerment in eight Bedouin localities in the Negev. Shatil. Ben-Gurion University

of the negev.

6. Levin-Rozalis, M., (2002). Evaluation of the university program for enhancing

approach to higher education. Ben-Gurion University of the Negev. (37 pages).


II. Non Competitive (invited) reports

1. Levin-Rozalis, M., (1982), Education and Community Project - Ofakim,

Evaluation of the year 1981, Ben Gurion University, Humphrey Institute,

Evaluation Unit (90 pages).

2. Levin-Rozalis, M., (1983), Evaluation of Interpersonal Group Dynamics among

People active in the Community, 1982. Sapir Negev College, Sderot, the Social

Research Unit.

3. Levin-Rozalis, M., (1983), Education and Community Project - Ofakim,

Evaluation of the years 1982/3. Ben Gurion University, Humphrey Institute,

Evaluation Unit (96 pages).

4. Schneider P., Levin-Rozalis, M., Ben Porat, A., (1985), Moshavim (Collective

Settlements) Project of the Society for Education and Community, Evaluation of

the year 1984/5, Ben Gurion University, Humphrey Institute, Evaluation Unit (100


5. Levin-Rozalis, M., (1986), Final Report on Education and Community Project -

Ofakim, Evaluation of the years 1978/84. Ben Gurion University, Humphrey

Institute, Evaluation Unit

6. Levin-Rozalis, M., Bar-On, N., (1988), The MAKHISH Computerization Project,

Report on Activities No. 1 for the period July 1986 - July 1987, Ben Gurion

University, the MAKHISH Project, Department of Education, Ministry of

Education and Culture, Department of Education, Arad Local Council, Education

Division, Ashkelon Municipality (71 pages).

7. Levin-Rozalis, M., Bar-On, N., (1990) The MAKHISH Computerization Project,

Final Report for the period July 1988 - July 1989, Ben Gurion University, the

MAKHISH Project, Department of Education, Ministry of Education and Culture,

Department of Education, Arad Local Council, Education Division, Ashkelon

Municipality (211 pages).

8. Levin-Rozalis, M., (1989) Community Computerization Projects - The Anatomy of

Community Computerization, Ben Gurion University, Department of Education

and The Ministry of Education and Culture.


9. Bar-On, N., Levin-Rozalis, M., (1994) Summary of Four Years’ Activity of the

SHEVACH Educational Advancement Project in Dimona, Ben Gurion University,

Department of Education, SHEVACH Project

10. Levin-Rozalis, M., Degani-Zemel, Y., Schneider P., Yasu, Z., (1995), Evaluation

of the Activities of the Association for the Advancement of the Child and the

Family in the Ethiopian Community, Intermediate Report (82 pages).

11. Levin-Rozalis, M., (1995); Evaluation of the “Angles on Science” Project in

Yerucham. Ben-Gurion University of the Negev.

12. Degani-Zemel, Y., Levin-Rozalis, M., Schneider P., (1996) Evaluation of the

Activities of the Association for the Advancement of the Child and the Family in

the Ethiopian Community, Intermediate Report (96 pages).

13. Barkan, S., Levin-Rozalis, M., (1999). Evaluation of Bamale - Program for

Ethiopian Dropouts, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev.

14. Levin – Rozalis, M., Kupietz, K., Ganem, A., (2002). Enhancing accessibility for

high education. Ben-Gurion university of the Negev (35 pages).

15. Levin – Rozalis, M., Kupietz, K.,Birenbaum, L., (2003). Enhancing accessibility

for high education. Ben-Gurion university of the Negev (41 pages).

Un-refereed or invited professional articles and publications

1. Levin-Rozalis, M., (1999). Grasping the stick from all three ends – a position paper.

(Submitted to the Effectiveness Initiative international research members, Van-Leer

Foundation, The Netherlands).

2. Levin Rozalis, M., (1998). The blowing winds are threatening to break the house’s

walls: On the situation of education in Israel. Bamot [The Tel-Hay Teachers’ Center

Journal] (Hebrew)

3. Levin-Rozalis, M., (2005). The use of abduction research logic to built an explanation in

an evaluation process. In: Ruthie Lustig (ed). Article collections - the conference book.

IAPE-Israeli Association for Program Evaluation. (Hebrew)


4. Sadeh, N. and Levin-Rozalis, M. (2005). Using the theory of "social representations" in an

evaluation. In: Ruthie Lustig (ed). Article collections - the conference book. IAPE-Israeli

Association for Program Evaluation. (Hebrew)

5. Levin-Rozalis, M., and Rosenstein, B. (2005). The role of the evaluator in organizational

Learning process. In: Ruthie Lustig (ed). Article collections - the conference book. IAPE-

Israeli Association for Program Evaluation. (Hebrew)

6. Hartaf, H., Levin-Rozalis M., and Bar-On, N., (2005). Learning from Evaluation: The case

of Beit-Noam In: Ruthie Lustig (ed). Article collections - the conference book. IAPE-

Israeli Association for Program Evaluation. (Hebrew)

7. Levin-Rozalis, M., (2005) Cybernetics – a mutual work-system of internal and external

evaluators. In: Z. Ben-Ami (ed). Assessment and Evaluation, Accountability and

Transparency as a Managerial Tool in Service of the Educational System. Mofet Institute:

Tel-Aviv (Hebrew)

8. Levin rozalis, M., (2006) Between the worthy and the available. Book review of: M.

Shabtay and L Kacen (eds.) "Mulualem" Ethiopian Women and Girls in Spaces, Worlds

and Journeys between Cultures. Welfare and Society. (Hebrew).

9. Levin rozalis, M., Lapidot, O and Dover, M., (2007) evaluation activities and evaluation

qualification in the teacher colleges in Israel. Research Paths, 14. 63-70 (Hebrew)

10. Levin rozalis, M., Lapidot, O (2008) The issue of teacher training for educational

evaluation. Research Paths (Hebrew)

11. Levin-Rozalis, M., (2009) Some bothering questions: School Evaluation Coordinator,

why? What? Who and how? In: R. Lustig (ed) IAPE Conference Book. IAPE: Tel-Aviv

12. Bar-on, N., Zilbiger, R., Carmeli, M., Levin-Rozalis, M., and Strakov, V., (2012). The

holes that make the net: The rol and structure of an evaluation unite in a complex

environment. In: Lustig, R.,(ed.). IAPE Conference Book. Tel-Aviv: IAPE



Lectures and Presentations at Meetings and Invited Seminars not

Followed by Published Proceedings

a. Invited plenary lectures at meetings

1997 – “Evaluation of What and How”. Organizational Forum, Department of Behavioral Sciences, Ben-Gurion University.

1999 – “Evaluation and research, what is the difference”. Organizational Forum, Department of Behavioral Science, Ben-Gurion University.

2000 – “Abduction as a criterion for program evaluation”. The Forum for Qualitative Research, Ben-Gurion University.

2001 – “The differences and the connections between evaluation and research”. The Researchers Forum. Kay Teachers College, Beer-Sheva.

2002 – “Evaluation, is it a science?” The School for Education Continuation. Ben-Gurion University of the Negev.

2004 – The differences between evaluation and research. The department of Evaluation and the faculty of Psychology, the UNAM (Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico) Mexico City, Mexico.

b. Presentation at Conventions

Heimann, A., and Levin-Rozalis, M. How to combine a square, a triangle and a trapezium into a coherent organization. Evaluation with Appreciation conference. Tel-Aviv, 2012

Bar-On, N., Levin-Rozalis, M., Zilbiger, R., Carmeli, M and Strakov, V. The holes that make the net: The role and function of an evaluation unite in a complex organization. IAPE conference, Tel-Aviv, 2011

Levin-Rozalis, M. The process of writing an evaluation proposal. Evaluation with Appreciation conference. Tel-Aviv, 2011

Levin-Rozalis, M. Some bothering questions: School Evaluation Coordinator, why? What? Who and how? Israeli Association for Program evaluation conference, Bar-Ilan University, Israel February, 2009

Levin-Rozalis, M. Precarious balance: ECB in the era of globalization. The AEA annual conference, Baltimore, USA, November 2007


Levin-Rozalis, M., and Lapidot, O., Teaching evaluation in teachers' training colleges in Israel. The international conference on teachers' training, Mofet Institute, Tel-Aviv, 2007 Levin-Rozalis, M., Using system-approach in evaluation. Israeli Association for Program evaluation conference, Ben-Gurion University, February, 2007 Levin-Rozalis, M., Does knowledge counts? Inquiry based learning in Israel – evaluation results. Inquiry learning: building bridges to practice. Twente, The Netherlands 29-31 May 2006 Levin-Rozalis, M., Crossing the Boundaries of Culture and Time: A Tracer Study (10 Years Later) of an Early Childhood Intervention among Ethiopian Immigrant Children . American Evaluation Association and the Canadian Evaluation Society, 25-30 October, 2005 Levin-Rozalis, M., Crossing the Boundaries of "a Secret", of Time and of a Culture Using Projective Tools. American Evaluation Association and the Canadian Evaluation Society, 25-30 October, 2005 Levin-Rozalis Miri and Dorit Tubin (2005). Double Rule and Multiple Roles: The Inter-organizational Organization. Presentation at the International Institute of Sociology 37th Congress in Stockholm, Sweden, 5-9 July 2005, Sessions on Social Change, Organisational Democracy & Participation.

Levin-Rozalis, M., The use of projective techniques in evaluation. 11th Qualitative Health Research conference. Utrecht, the Netherlands 11-13 May 2005

Levin-Rozalis, M., Using Abduction research logic for explanation building in evaluation process. IAPE-Israeli Association for program Evaluation annual conference. 16-17 Feb. 2005

Sadeh N., and Levin-Rozalis M. Social representations as a theoretical idea for creating a cultural sensitive project. IAPE-Israeli Association for program Evaluation annual conference. 16-17 Feb. 2005

Levin-Rozalis, M., The relations between internal and external evaluation. On Evaluation and assessment. Conference at Mofet institute, Tel-Aviv 12 Jan. 2005

Levin-Rozalis, M., A question of identity. The Prevention Program annual meeting. Ben-Gurion

University, 2003

Rosenstein, B., Levin-Rozalis M., The One-Year Evaluation Course - a Theoretical and

Conceptual Framework. AEA Annual meeting 2002 Washington

Rosenstein, B., Levin-Rozalis M., Program Evaluation and Organizational Learning: A

Theoretical Perspective. EES Annual Meeting, 2002 Seville


Rosenstein, B., Levin-Rozalis M., Program Evaluation and Organizational Learning: A

Theoretical Perspective. AEA Annual Meeting, fall 2001 Hawaii

Rosenstein, B., Levin-Rozalis M., The role of evaluation in learning organizations –

theoretical aspects. AEA Annual Meeting. Saint Louis. 2000

Hartaf, H., Levin-Rozalis, M., Bar-On. N., What can we learn from our evaluee – The case of

Beit-Noam. The third Conference of IAPE – Israeli Association for Program Evaluation, Arad,

Israel. 2001

Rosenstein, B., Levin-Rozalis M., Evaluation and Organizational Learning. AEA Annual

Meeting. Orlando, 1999.

Miri Levin-Rozalis: Groups for children of drug addicts as means to empower the children.

28th ICSW International Conference on Social Welfare, Jerusalem, Israel, July 5-9. 1998.

Miri Levin-Rozalis: The Culture of Law among the Israeli Middle Class - the 27th Conference

of the Israel Sociology Association, 21-22 February, 1996

Levin-Rozalis, M., The Board of Directors of the Association for the Advancement of the

Ethiopian Child and Family - a process of growth - the Empowerment of Minority Youth

Convention, Brooklyn College, City University, New York, 1995

II. Presentations at informal international seminars and workshops

1999 – “What is evaluation in comparison to research”. The Hibraica University, Mexico DF,


2003 – “Social representations – what is it all about? The case of the Ethiopian immigrants to

Israel”. ISS – Institution of Social Studies, The Hague, The Netherlands.

2004 – "The scope of evaluation as unique dicsiplin" The UNAM – Universidad Nacional

Autonoma de Mexico, Mexico DF, Mexico.

Research Grants

1998 – Granting institution: The Association for the Advancement of the Ethiopian family and

Child. Subject: Evaluation of the association’s programs. Amount: $22,000


1998 – Granting institution: JDC (Joint) Israel. Subject: Evaluation of the A.L.E programs for

empowerment of Ethiopian immigrants. Amount: $25,000

1999 – Granting institution: The Association for the Advancement of the Ethiopian Family and

Child. Subject: Evaluation of the association’s programs. Amount: $26,000

1999 – Granting institution: Brookdale Research Institute. Subject: Evaluation of the Three-Year

Comprehensive Program for Preschoolers, in Cooperation with the Cleveland Community.

Amount: $12,000

1999-2000 – Granting institution: The Yoav-Sha’ar Hanegev Regional Council. Subject:

Evaluation of the early childhood system in the two regions. Amount: $12,000 (10 months).

1999-2000 – Granting institution: The Bernard Van-Leer Foundation, The Netherlands. Subject:

Tracer Study. Amount: $30,000

2000 – Granting institution: The Association for the Advancement of the Ethiopian Family and

Child. Subject: Evaluation of the association’s programs. Amount: $38,000.

2000 – Granting institution: The Association for the Advancement of the Ethiopian Family and

Child. Subject: Researching the integration of children graduated from the association programs

in kindergartens. Amount: $7,000

2000-2001 – Granting institution: The Ministry of Education. Subject: Evaluation of the

implementation of the 41-hour study week at school law. Grantees: Prof. D. Gordon (p.i.), Prof.

R. Hoz (p.i.), Dr. A. Keinan (p.i.) Dr. M. Levin-Rozalis (p.i.) Amount: $227,000

2000-2001 – Granting institution: The Ministry of Education. Subject: “Evaluation of

inquiry learning in Israeli elementary schools.” Grantees: Prof. D. Gordon (p.i.), Dr. A.

Keinan (p.i.) Dr. M. Levin-Rozalis (p.i.) Amount: $81,000

2002-2003 - Granting institution: Shatil - Services for volunteers' organizations. Subject:

evaluation of women empowerment program in the Negev. Amount: $40,000

2002-2003 - Granting institution: The Anti-Drug National Authority. Subject; evaluation of the

academic program for qualification of field workers in prevention. Grantees: Levin-Rozalis, M.,

Bar-On, N. Amount: $18,000

2003 – Granting institute: JDC (Joint) Israel. Subject: evaluation of the “Family on net” program.

Grantee: Miri Levin-Rozalis. Amount: $9,000


2004 – Granting institute JDC (Joint) Israel and GCCD Association. Subject: Learning and

creating manual for group activities with Ethiopian origin males. $18,000

2004 Granting institution: Shatil - Services for volunteers' organizations. Subject: evaluation of

women empowerment program in the Negev. Amount: $9,000

2005 – Granting institute: Daroma – Idan Hanegev. Amount: $22,000

2005 – Granting institute: Shatil; Women empowerment: 9,100$

2005 – Granting institute "Academia Project": 25,000$

2005 – Granting institute: JDC-Israel and GCCD: evaluating groups for Ethiopian origin fathers:


2005 – Granting institute JDC-Israel, project for working Ethiopian origin women: 2,700$

2006 - Granting institute Sakta-Rashi foundation 17,000 $

2006 – Granting institute JDC Israel 2,444$

2006 – Granting institute Ministry of Education 56,000$

2006 – Granting institute BGU 2,500$

2006 – Granting institute Mofet Institute 22,000$

2006 – Granting institute Humanitarian Association 27,000$

2007 – Granting institute Humanitarian Association 27,000$

2007 - Granting institute Ministry of Education 68,000$

2007 – Granting institute Jewish Agency for Israel 95,000$

2007 – Granting institute Mofet Institute 22,000$

2008 – Granting institute Mofet Institute 22,000$

2008 – Granting institute: Humanitarian Association 25, 400$

2008 – Granting institute: Jewish Agency for Israel 117,850$

2008 - Granting institute Sakta-Rashi foundation 10,000 $

2008 – Granting institute: Eshel Hanasi Youth-Village 5,500$


2009 – Granting institute Jewish Agency for Israel 100,000$

2009 – Granting institute: Eilat municipality 17,000$

2009 – Granting institute: Testimony House 12,000$

Sum (alone and in partnerships): $1,275,550

Conventions – executive committees

1998 - IAPE – Israeli Association for Program Evaluation – annual conference

1999 - IAPE – Israeli Association for Program Evaluation – annual conference

2000 - IAPE – Israeli Association for Program Evaluation – annual conference

2001 - IAPE – Israeli Association for Program Evaluation – annual conference

2002 - IAPE – Israeli Association for Program Evaluation – annual conference

2003 - IAPE – Israeli Association for Program Evaluation – annual conference

2003 – 2004 - AYALA – The Israeli Organization for Research in Education

2003 – Women Health and Strength in a Changing World

2003-2004 – The international conference for qualitative research methods

2004 - The international conference on evaluation of drug abuse preventing program

2005 - IAPE – Israeli Association for Program Evaluation – annual conference

2006- The international conference for qualitative research methods

2006 – Ethics dilemmas in education. Mofet institute.

2006 – Highlights in Evaluation. Ben Gurion University

2007 – The international conference for qualitative research methods

2008 – Scientific committee of the 10th conference of IAPE. Bar-Ilan University

2010 – Scientific committee of the International conference for qualitative research methods

2011 – Scientific and executive committee of the Evaluation with Appreciation conference

2012 - Scientific and executive committee of the Evaluation with Appreciation conference


IV. Other professional committees


2003 - 2005 The university advisory committee for teaching improvement via evaluation and

better uses of the teaching evaluation survey (chair: prof. Gadi Rabinovitz).


2002-2003 - The planning committee for: “The Branco – Weiss Educationalist Program” – a master degree for initiators in education.

2003 - The committee for the department’s structure and set of rules.

2004 – The committee for establishing graduate and post graduate degree in Evaluation, Department of Education Ben-Gurion University

2005 - The joint committee of the department, Kai college, and the regional unit for evaluation of the ministry of education: planning and implementing Academy for Evaluators.