MIPS, ECI and Portal bulk lodgements Transition to preferred channels UNCLASSIFIED – MIPS, ECI and...

MIPS, ECI and Portal bulk lodgements Transition to preferred channels UNCLASSIFIED – MIPS, ECI and Portal bulk lodgements 1

Transcript of MIPS, ECI and Portal bulk lodgements Transition to preferred channels UNCLASSIFIED – MIPS, ECI and...

MIPS, ECI and Portal bulk lodgements

Transition to preferred channels

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MIPS, ECI and Portal

In the lead up to Tax Time 2014, we worked closely with stakeholders to encourage clients to lodge electronically through the Business Portal (BP) or Standard Business Reporting (SBR).

The campaign was a success:

67% decrease in MIPS

15% decrease in ECI

182% increase in portals

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Transition to preferred channels

File-based reports lodged by channel


MIPS, ECI and Portal

From late May through to June 2015, clients who lodged via MIPS and ECI in 2014 were again reminded of the easier way to lodge.

Key messages of the campaign were:

> announcing the ceasing of the MIPS service and that all lodgements must be made online

> software generated reports can be lodged via:

– the File transfer function on the Tax Agent, BAS Agent or Business Portals

– directly from their software if it supports SBR

Supporting the transition away from MIPS:

MIPS has been removed as a reporting option from the electronic reporting specifications (ERS) where applicable

2015 MIPS lodgers will receive correspondence informing them of final year of lodgment via that channel

MIPS lodgments received post Dec 2015 will be not be processed

Continue to develop communication strategies to transition those lodgers who remain post Dec 2015

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Transition to preferred channels


MIPS, ECI and Portal

> MIPS - will be decommissioned at the end of 2015

> ECI - a decommission date has not yet been finalised

– it will not be decommissioned until all services are available in the preferred channels

– we will continue to decommission specific services from ECI once our client base has had sufficient time and support to make the transition

- for example: following planned changes next year in preparation for single touch payroll TFN Decs will be removed from ECI by TT16

- and changes required to managing Employee Share Scheme data to improve the ATO’s ability to receive, process, monitor, report and pre-fill Employee Share Scheme (ESS) data will see it also removed from ECI by TT16

ECI users can easily transition to portal as they already have AUSkeys and will have an improved client experience due to other digital services being available through portal > registrations functions, accounts and transactions details

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Progress of transition


MIPS, ECI and Portal


> Super Reform 2015 will be completed in October 2015

– ATO executives and Industry representatives have agreed on a phased approach for delivering the new interactions

– Super Reform 2017 is being scoped for tentative delivery in October 2016 & October 2017

- Scope is pending business directions on criticality and industry readiness

- ECI and legacy apps will support the revised schedule

Activity Statements

> AS functionality has been offered through SBR and the portals for years, and yet a significant number are still lodged via ECI

– Discussions have commenced with some large corporate clients to understand their preference for this channel, or the difficulties they are experiencing or foresee in making the transition

– Likewise, we’d like to hear from any software developers who support the use of the AS xml file

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Progress of transition


MIPS, ECI and Portal

Current accepted portal files:

Taxable payments annual report – Version 1.0.0 and 1.0.1

Payment summary annual report – Versions 9, 10 and 11

TFN declarations – Version 2.2 and 2.3

Quarterly TFN and ABN report – Versions 6.0 and 6.1

Annual investment income report (AIIR) – Versions 8, 9 and 10

Superannuation member contributions statement (MCS) – Version 10.1

Employee share scheme report (ESS) - Version 1

Foreign account tax compliance act report (FATCA) - Version 1.1

Private health insurance report - Version 3

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Progress of transition


MIPS, ECI and Portal

The ATO’s preferred interaction is SBR, but in the event we do need to develop new functionality in the portals it will be in the composite architecture that underpins the design of the new ATO Online Platform

For business users they will still transact via a portal, but for those existing services that get migrated to the new platform, or any new services should they be developed, they will have the look and feel of the ATO online services

This approach will allow for the ATO to be more agile and responsive in providing a contemporary online user experience to a broader pool of customers and devices

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What’s next for portal?

Current technical issues


Current technical issues

Some browsers do not support AUSkey

AUSkey holders using Chrome

> Netscape Plugin Application Programming Interface (NPAPI) support has been disabled by default from v42 of the Chrome browser and removed completely in v45

– This security change means Chrome will no longer work with plug-ins such as AUSkey.

– Users can still participate online but they have to change browsers

Microsoft Edge browser released with Windows 10

> The default browser for Windows 10 does not include ActiveX support. AUSkey users will experience the same issues with Edge as they have with Chrome. Clients are still able to use Internet Explorer (IE) 11 with Windows 10. IE11 still includes ActiveX support meaning Auskey will continue to work with IE11.

For AUSkey/browser compatibility refer to https://abr.gov.au/AUSkey/Help-and-support/Setting-up-AUSkey-troubleshooting/AUSkey-compatibility/

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The changing environment


The changing environment

Given the useability issues with AUSkey, the ATO is working to provide alternative methods to access our online services with a focus on useability for clients across service offerings and channels.

For example, as of 1 July 2015 sole traders can access business online services in the ‘ATO Online’ environment using their myGov credential.

Sole traders no longer need to access Business Portal using their AUSkey as all the functionality they require is now available to them in ATO Online

Work is also underway to provide an alternative authentication method for representatives of business to access Business Portal this year, which will also remove the need to use an AUSkey.

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The changing environment

The ATO is focussed on making it easier for business to transition to, and use online (cloud) software.

As of 1 July 2015, there is a new “cloud appointment” function in Access Manager that allows a Business User to set up a relationship with the specific AUSkey of the Cloud Provider they intend to use for SBR lodgements.

> The business agrees to the T&Cs that describe the software provider’s role

– i.e. not an agent, not a lodger, not authorised to prepare lodgments

– secure transmission service only

> a unique ID is provided by the software that is used to identify each unique subscription or instance of software.

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AUSkey in the cloud


The changing environment

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AUSkey in the cloud


The changing environment


Simplified on-boarding process for business clients with minimum ongoing maintenance.

Businesses do not need to register for and obtain an AUSkey to transmit via cloud providers

Businesses do not need to maintain or renew AUSkeys in the cloud

“Providers Cloud Device AUSkey” nomination by the Software Provider is only required once

Software Providers can nominate multiple “Provider Cloud Device AUSkeys” if required

Dedicated Provider Cloud Device AUSkey limits the potential for fraudulent access by unauthorised


No concentration of client AUSkeys in a single location

Compliant with current policy

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AUSkey in the cloud
