Minister: Rev David Atkinson September 2013 - … · Minister: Rev David Atkinson September 2013...

Minister: Rev David Atkinson September 2013 “Enter to worship, depart to serve” Please join us Church Meeting 1st September 12.30pm Lunch@ChristChurch Saturday 14th September 112pm Harvest Festival Service Sunday 15th September 11am Table Top Sale and New Gift Stalls Saturday 28th Sept 25pm Holiday Memories Saturday 12th October 5pm

Transcript of Minister: Rev David Atkinson September 2013 - … · Minister: Rev David Atkinson September 2013...

Minister: Rev David Atkinson

September 2013

“Enter to worship, depart to serve”

Please join us Church Meeting 1st September 12.30pm

Lunch@ChristChurch Saturday 14th September 11—2pm Harvest Festival Service Sunday 15th September 11am

Table Top Sale and New Gift Stalls Saturday 28th Sept 2—5pm Holiday Memories Saturday 12th October 5pm



11.00am Morning Worship

(Holy Communion - first Sunday)

(Family Parade Service - third Sunday)

11.00am Adventurers

12.30pm Church Meeting Bi-monthly - see diary


2.15pm Friendship Club Once monthly - see diary

6.00pm - 7.30pm Anchor Boys (5-8 years)

6.00pm - 7.30pm Junior Section (8-11 years)

7.30pm - 9.30pm Company Section (11-15 years)

7.30pm - 9.30pm Seniors (15-18 years)


9.45am - 11.30am Combined Bible Study

at Lancaster Road URC Twice monthly - see diary

12.30pm Friendship Club Once monthly - see diary

(lunch at the Moon Under Water, Chase Side)


5.00pm - 6.15pm Rainbows (5-7 years)

6.00pm - 7.30pm Brownies (7-10 years)

7.30pm - 9.00pm Guides (10-14 years)

7.30pm - 9.00pm Rangers (14-20 years)


8.00pm Elders Meeting Bi-monthly - see diary


Dear Friends, On Friday, 12

th July I was watching the news and heard two items that

dismayed me. The government has decided to scrap the proposal to make cigarette companies sell cigarettes in plain packets and so stop them advertising the cigarettes on the packaging. It also indicated the government has dropped its plan to introduce a minimum price per unit of alcohol. The move to plain cigarette packets and a minimum price for alcohol would almost certainly reduce the amount of cigarettes smoked and alcohol drunk and so improve the health of the nation especially young people’s health. The Conservative MP Ms Sarah Wollaston, a GP in Totnes, tweeted, “RIP public health. A day of shame for this government; the only winners big tobacco, big alcohol and big undertakers”. As I heard the news I thought presumably the big tobacco and big alcohol firms give financial support to the Conservatives, and maybe the Liberal Democrats, and so their interests have been given greater priority than the health of the general public. Or am I just being too cynical? The Health Secretary, Mr Jeremy Hunt, defended the decision by saying that Australia has already introduced plain packets for cigarettes and the government is waiting to see how effective this has been in deterring young people from smoking in Australia. However, the Health Secretary in 2010, who was then Mr Andrew Lansley, said, “The evidence is clear that packaging helps to recruit smokers”. In addition the government’s own web site says, “Smoking causes more preventable deaths than anything else- nearly 80,000 in England in 2011”. Earlier this year, Sir Richard Thompson, President of the Royal College of Physicians, which represents hospital doctors, said that the report Health First shows clear evidence that the government must introduce a minimum unit price for alcohol. A 50p minimum unit price could prevent over 3000 drink- related deaths per year and 40,000 crimes annually in England.

Mission Statement Christ Church URC aims to provide through its worship,

work, witness and mission an effective contribution to the spiritual and social welfare of the Church family and the

wider community.

RETIREMENT Most of you will know that I will be retiring at the end of November 2013. My last Sunday services will be on 17th November 2013. There will also be a Farewell Service on Saturday 16th November 2013 at 2.00pm followed by a tea at Lancaster Road Church. All are welcome. David.

I believe that one of the important purposes of government is to promote the good health and welfare of the people and especially its young people. This could clearly be done by putting restrictions on the advertising and sale of tobacco and alcohol. People would still be free to buy tobacco and alcohol but it would just be less attractive and more expensive. Tragically this government is putting the interests of big business before public health! As far as Christianity is concerned Jesus went about healing the sick and helping the vulnerable. May the love and peace of God be with you all. David. LEA VALLEY AREA FORUM The next Lea Valley Area Forum is on Thursday, 10

th October at

7:15pm for 7:30pm in Lancaster Road Church Lounge. The Reverend David Atkinson will speak on “A Reflection on 38 Years Ministry”. All are welcome. David.


Lily Smith has been in Barnet hospital with swollen legs and feet. Sylvia Coombs has been unwell. Audrey Langley has had a fall and broken her pelvis.

Let us remember all our church family in our prayers and caring. David.

If you are a Facebook or Twitter user, be sure to check out the pages for Christ Church URC on these sites! Facebook: find us at Twitter: find us at

Nominations for Elders at Christ Church U.R.C. for 2014

Nominations are invited for Elders for 2014. All those who have been members for 1 year are eligible to stand. The consent of the nominee should be obtained.

Signed nominations should be received by the Church Secretary no later than Monday, 7th October 2013. All valid nominations will be brought for election at the Church Meeting on Sunday 3rd November 2013 when up to 12 Elders maybe elected

Please speak to Stephen Gilburt, church secretary with any questions

Friendship Club Autumn Programme 2013

Monday 2.15pm in the Church Hall

September 23rd - Revd David Atkinson (Last visit before he retires and moves to Lancashire)

October 21st— Mr Stephen Gilburt. Slides of

Virginia and Southern States of the USA

November 18th— Mr Peter Williams. My Music

December 2nd—Rev Amanda James. Approaching Christmas, followed by Tea

Wednesday 12.30pm

October 9th - Lunch at the Moon Under Water Chase Side, EN2

November 6th - Lunch at the Moon Under Water Chase Side, EN2

‘The Lord your God will be with you

wherever you go’

We welcome everyone to our friendly meetings For more information please contact

Marion Wiley on 020 8364 5652

9th Enfield Guide Camp - 2013

By Katherine Fisher

In the first week of the summer holidays all of the 9th Enfield guides went to CTT (Come To Tolmers). Each year it has a theme. This year it was sci-fi and everyone at flag down had to wear a costume linked in with the theme. Every evening after flag down there are evening activities which you can go to such as; Pedalos Movie Quiz Scavenger hunt Tolmers Campfire (on Thursday) Disco/foam party (on Friday)

There is a Tolmers Got Talent and the three winning people got to perform their acts in front of everyone on Thursday at flag down. In total there are 52 activities to do but my favourite was water zorbing, I didn't have time to do any kayaking or canoeing but I did have time in the evenings to do the pedalos. I am looking forward to doing it all again next year. The leaders always make it worthwhile and fun. Big thank you to all of you. From the guides. :)

Harvest Festival September 15th

At Harvest festival we are asked to bring gifts of food to church as a sign of our thankfulness to God for the many ways in which he provides us with food. These gifts will be sent to Christian Action Housing Association which for many years has been helping needy people in Enfield, particularly young homeless people. Items wanted All non-perishable, non-meat products Pasta Tins—Beans/soup/vegetables/pulses Rice Tea Coffee Biscuits with long shelf life. In the past years these have always been gratefully received by staff at the housing association. The loose offering on that day will be sent to Sight Savers International. They work with partners in over 30 developing countries.

The money collected on Harvest Sunday will transform lives!

3rd Enfield Boys' Brigade Sainsbury's Active Kids vouchers Thank you to everyone who helped us to collect Sainsbury's Active Kids vouchers this year. In total we collected 2200 vouchers, which exceeded our total from last year. The voucher scheme provides groups with the opportunity to order new sports, games and cooking equipment with the vouchers they have collected. Collecting them has allowed us to order new items for the boys to use once the new session gets under way in September.

End of term BBQ and entertainment from 9th Enfield Guides

On Friday 19

th July, the 9

th Enfield Rainbows, Guides and Rangers

performed some end of term songs & dances for their parents and this was followed by a BBQ. It ended a very productive and special term for the 9

th Enfield group. The leaders began by saying a few words.

They read poems about the importance of the Guides, Rainbows and Rangers and thanked helpers and others for making the term a great success. After this, the first act began to perform. This was the Rainbows, Guides and Rangers performing “Gangnam Style” by Psy. It was very funny, especially for us Rangers, because we were dancing on tables and every time we jumped we could feel the tables moving which was interesting! Throughout the evening, the Rainbows performed a “dragon dance” and a “hula dance” which were very cute, the Guides performed the “Haka” and the cup song and we Rangers performed Morris dancing and Bollywood dancing which were challenges to learn for us but we found greatly fulfilling and fun once we learnt the routines.

After all of these dances which everyone thoroughly enjoyed performing in and watching, the Guides and Rangers performed our “bungalow” dance where someone is picked to do a dance move and names are called so that we move around the whole circle seeing everyone’s dance moves and copying them. To round off a very successful term of Rainbows, Guides and Rangers, the BBQ followed where family and friends had an opportunity to socialise and eat tasty food as well as reflect on an enjoyable term at 9

th Enfield and begin to

prepare for camp a week later. Thanks to all of the 9th Enfield leaders

who continue to make our Friday’s brilliant, term by term! By Olivia Devereux-Evans (Ranger)

Sunday 29th September 2013 11am in the Church

Morning worship with Rev David Atkinson

Back to Church Sunday is, in its own words,

“an opportunity to act together each year and take the simplest and shortest step in

evangelism; inviting someone we already know to our Church.”

Paul Bayes, Bishop of Hertford, says “Back to Church Sunday is a fantastic

opportunity for us to grow the Church. We know there are at least 3 million people in

England who would come back to Church if they had an invitation. And we know there

are hundreds of thousands of Christians who want to invite their friends.”

On 29th September, why not take part in this

initiative by inviting someone you know to come with you to Christ Church?

For more information about Back to Church

Sunday visit

Holiday Bible Week 2013 took place from

5th to 9th August at Edmonton County

School (Cambridge Campus).

The theme for the week was "The Adventure Cruise" and nearly

200 children took part in a fun-packed week of crafts, games,

sports, drama, singing, dancing and much more! Each morning and

afternoon started with some time all together in the main tent,

featuring songs and visits from Bert and Lucy (the puppets), the

Watt Family (for some dramatic sketches), some stories from the

Skipper, a chance to get active in the morning with Super Sally

and of course the infamous HBW Quiz! During the rest of the

time the children went in their age groups to do various activities

in smaller groups.

Everything that formed HBW was based around a Christian theme,

and the idea of the whole event is to introduce children to Jesus

in a way relevant to them. HBW is supported both financially and

by volunteers from a number of different Churches in Enfield and

the event is totally free for children to attend.

Plans will soon be underway for the 2014 event. On 5th October

there will be a fundraising Quiz Night, which will take place at

Armfield Road Hall (Lancaster Road URC). Full details will be on

the Church noticeboards and on the HBW website at shortly.

please visit the Holiday Bible Week Enfield

website at

Holiday Bible Week 2013

How a foodbank works

Food is donated

Schools, churches, businesses and individuals

donate non-perishable, in-date food to the

foodbank. All food given out by foodbanks is

donated. ‘Supermarket Collections’ are one of the main ways that

food is donated: These are food drives held at supermarkets where

volunteers give shoppers a ‘foodbank shopping list’ and ask them to

buy an extra item or two for local people in crisis.

Food is sorted and stored

Volunteers sort food to check that it’s in date and pack it into boxes

ready to be given to people in need.

Frontline care professionals identify people in need

Care professionals such as doctors, health visitors, social workers,

CAB and police identify people in crisis and issue them with a

foodbank voucher.

Clients receive food

Foodbank clients bring their voucher to a foodbank centre where it

can be redeemed for three days emergency food. Volunteers meet

clients over a cup of tea or free hot meal and are able to signpost

people to agencies able to solve the longer-term problem

The North Enfield Foodbank is staffed by a team of volunteers drawn from the congregation of Jubilee Church and the local community. Tope Koleoso, the lead pastor of Jubilee Church explained, “We run the Foodbank because as Christians we are called to help anyone that finds themselves in need, in such a way that honours and maintains the dignity of the individual. The Christian Church has a long history of reaching out to help needy people. It is what Jesus commanded us to do when he said ‘Love thy neighbour.’

We collect donations for the Enfield Food bank at Christ Church, please bring it to Christ Church on a Sunday or leave it labeled in the Hall kitchen.

3rd Enfield

Enfield Battalion Junior Section Weekend Camp From Friday 28th June to Sunday 30th June, members of the 3rd Enfield joined with members from four other Companies for the Enfield Battalion Junior Section Weekend Camp at Felden Lodge (Boys' Brigade HQ). On the Friday evening the boys all arrived on site and shortly after there was a camp fire which included the chance to cook some marshmallows. On the Saturday morning, the boys enjoyed rifle shooting and Aeroball at Phasels Wood, a trip to Aquasplash in the afternoon followed by a water slide and full scale water fight back at Felden Lodge afterwards! In the evening there was a barbecue followed by football in the sports hall and then a quiz. On Sunday the boys did archery on the field at Felden Lodge followed by a game of rounders. After dinner there was some time for some more football before leaving to go home.

3rd Enfield

Enfield Battalion trip to Drayton Manor Theme Park On Saturday 6th July, members of Anchor Boys and Junior Section from Companies across Enfield Battalion went on a trip to Drayton Manor Theme Park. In total there were 30 people on the trip, including three boys from the 3rd Enfield. The boys got the chance to go on a variety of rides, including some of the rollercoasters and the water rides (which were especially welcomed on what was a very hot day!).

Prayer Diary for September

1st - Pray for God's guidance at our Church Meeting this afternoon 2nd - Pray for the Anchor Boys as they start back for the new session this evening 3rd - Pray for all children and young people who are returning to school this week 4th - Pray for the meeting of the Joint Bible Study Group at Lancaster Road URC this morning 5th - Pray for our Elders and that their leadership over our Church will be guided by God 6th - Pray for the Rangers as they meet this evening 7th - Pray for a successful weekend for the Enfield Town Show in the Town Park 8th - Pray for the Worship Group as they lead our service this morning 9th - Pray for the Boys' Brigade Open Evening today and that new members will be encouraged to join 10th - Pray for anyone who is suffering from sickness or ill health 11th - Pray for an end to the violence in Egypt and other areas of the world where there is conflict 12th - Pray for David, our Minister 13th - Pray for the Guides as they meet in the hall this evening 14th - Pray for the Lunchtime @ Christ Church event taking place today 15th - Give thanks for the food we have as we celebrate our Har-vest Festival today 16th - Pray for the Company Section and Seniors as they meet in the hall this evening 17th - Pray for the external groups who hire our Church premises 18th - Pray for the Joint Bible Study Group as they meet this evening 19th - Pray for all those who come to lead worship at Christ Church 20th - Pray for the Rainbows, meeting in the hall this evening 21st - Pray for the work of Christ Church in the local community

22nd - Pray for the Adventurers and that more children may join the group 23rd - Pray for the Friendship Club as they meet in the hall this afternoon 24th - Pray for those who are starting at university around now 25th - Pray for the leaders of our Church organisations 26th - Pray for God's guidance over future ministry at Christ Church 27th - Pray for the Brownies as they meet in the hall this evening 28th - Pray for a successful afternoon at the Table Top Sale 29th - Back to Church Sunday: pray that people will be encouraged to join us in worship today

Missed a service, or just want to hear a talk again?

Recordings from our Sunday services are being made

available on the Christ Church website

Check out the “Media” page to find recordings of the all

age talks and sermons - simply find the one you want,

click the play button and you can then listen to the whole


And now... watch online!

We are also trialling making some all age talks and

sermons available as videos through the website. These

can also be found on the “Media” page

Church contacts

Website: Email: [email protected]

Minister Rev David Atkinson 020 8363 4571

Secretary Mr Stephen Gilburt 020 8363 0031

Treasurer Mr David Fisher 020 8482 4610

Bookings Secretary Mrs Pamela Mansley 07936 798 722

Website Mr Tom Boorman 07903 605 545

Worship Group Miss Rosemary Milns 020 8363 6571

Friendship Club Miss Marion Wiley 020 8364 5652

Joint Bible Study Group Details via Rev David Atkinson 020 8363 4571

BB Anchor Boys Miss Sue Bullock 07961 504 123

BB Junior Section Mr Tom Boorman 07903 605 545

BB Company Section Mr Adrian Bullock 07951 223 634

BB Seniors Mr Adrian Bullock 07951 223 634

Rainbows Mrs Tracy Rainbow 07971 171 511

Brownies Mrs Kathy Brown 07958 153 066

Guides Miss Vicki Stratton 07968 483 609

Rangers Mrs Tracy Rainbow 07971 171 511

Adventurers Miss Rosemary Milns 020 8363 6571

Newsletter (February, April, June, September, November)

Mrs Pamela Fisher 07775 505 999

Newsletter (December/January, March, May, July/August, October)

Mr Tom Boorman 07903 605 545

September Church Diary

Sun 1st



Rev David Atkinson Holy Communion - offering for the Communion Fund Duty Elder - Stephen Gilburt Church Meeting

Wed 4th

9.45 - 11.30am

Joint Bible Study with Lancaster Road at Lancaster Road URC

Sun 8th

11am The Worship Group Duty Elder - Sylvia Coombs

Sat 14th

11am - 2pm

Lunchtime @ Christ Church

Sun 15th

10.30am Harvest Festival Service The Worship Group Duty Elder - Rosemary Milns

Wed 18th

9.45 - 11.30am

Joint Bible Study with Lancaster Road at Lancaster Road URC

Sun 22nd

11am Martin Wells Duty Elder - Pamela Fisher

Mon 23rd

2.15pm Friendship Club Revd David Atkinson last visit prior to his retirement

Sun 29th

11am Rev David Atkinson Duty Elder - Stephen Gilburt

Advance dates for 2013

Church Meetings

12.30pm in the Church

1st September

3rd November

Elders Meetings 8pm

Monday 7th October

Wednesday 4th December

Lunchtime @ Christ Church

11am - 2pm in the Church Saturday 14th September

Saturday 19th October

October Church Diary Wed 2nd

9.45 - 11.30am

Joint Bible Study with Lancaster Road at Lancaster Road URC

Sun 6th


Rev David Atkinson Holy Communion - offering for Shanigramman Duty Elder - Sylvia Coombs

Wed 9th

12.30pm Friendship Club Lunch at the Moon Under Water, Chase Side

Sun 13th

11am The Worship Group Duty Elder - Pamela Fisher

Table Top Sale

2 - 5pm in the hall 28th September

Holiday Memories

5pm in the hall **12th October—Note

change of date**

Location of Christ

Church URC

Articles intended for inclusion in the November

issue should reach the Editor by the

second Sunday of September

Please contact Pamela Fisher with any items to be included in

future issues. Items can be received either in paper form at

Sunday worship or by email.

Phone 020 8482 4610 A/M please leave a message

**Adventurers/Junior Church**

Please join us in the church at 11am when the children join the congregation for the all age start to the service. Then we go into the hall for games, drama, craft activities and fun based on a Bible theme. Any questions ring Rosemary Milns 8363 6571