minerals great presentation


Transcript of minerals great presentation

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I would l ike to express my special thanks of I would l ike to express my special thanks of gratitude to my all teacher as well as our principal gratitude to my all teacher as well as our principal (Name of the principal )who gave me the golden (Name of the principal )who gave me the golden opportunity to do this wonderful project on the opportunity to do this wonderful project on the topic (Multi Disciplinary Project On Minerals ) , topic (Multi Disciplinary Project On Minerals ) , which also helped me in doing a lot of Research which also helped me in doing a lot of Research and I came to know about so many new things I and I came to know about so many new things I am really thankful to them.am really thankful to them.Secondly I would also l ike to thank my parents Secondly I would also l ike to thank my parents and friends who helped me a lot in f inalizing this and friends who helped me a lot in f inalizing this project within the l imited t ime frame.project within the l imited t ime frame.

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Minerals are the bui lding blocks of rocks. They are non-l iving, sol id, Minerals are the bui lding blocks of rocks. They are non-l iving, sol id, and, l ike al l matter , are made of and, l ike al l matter , are made of  atomsatoms  of  of  e lementselements . There are many . There are many different types of mineralsdifferent types of minerals  and each type is made of particular groups  and each type is made of particular groups of of atomsatoms . The atoms are arranged in a network cal led a crystal lattice . . The atoms are arranged in a network cal led a crystal lattice . The latt ice of atoms is what g ives a mineral its crystal shape.The latt ice of atoms is what g ives a mineral its crystal shape.

Different types of minerals have different crystal shapes. Most Different types of minerals have different crystal shapes. Most minerals can grow into crystal shapes if they have enough space as minerals can grow into crystal shapes if they have enough space as they grow. But there are often so many different crystals growing in they grow. But there are often so many different crystals growing in the same l itt le area that they al l compete for space and none of the the same l itt le area that they al l compete for space and none of the crystals is able to grow very largecrystals is able to grow very large . .. .

There are two main ways that new crystals of minerals grow. Some There are two main ways that new crystals of minerals grow. Some minerals form when molten rock, cal led minerals form when molten rock, cal led magmamagma  be low a planet’s  be low a planet’s surface and lava above, cools and atoms bond together into mineral surface and lava above, cools and atoms bond together into mineral crystals . Other minerals form when crystals . Other minerals form when  waterwater  that has atoms of dissolved  that has atoms of dissolved e lementselements   in it , evaporates away. The atoms get very c lose to each other   in it , evaporates away. The atoms get very c lose to each other and may bond together to form sol id minerals.and may bond together to form sol id minerals.

The spec ial shapes of minerals are not the only difference between The spec ial shapes of minerals are not the only difference between them. Minerals can be identif ied by other them. Minerals can be identif ied by other physical propertiesphysical properties  as wel l .  as wel l . Each type of mineral has its own spec ial character istics .Each type of mineral has its own spec ial character istics .

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A micronutrient defic iency  (or  trace mineral defic iency) is a  A micronutrient defic iency  (or  trace mineral defic iency) is a  physio logical plant disorderphysio logical plant disorder  which occurs when a  which occurs when a  micronutrientmicronutrient   is   i s defic ient in the defic ient in the  soi lsoi l   in which a   in which a  plantplant  grows. Micronutrients are  grows. Micronutrients are distinguished from distinguished from  macronutrientsmacronutrients   (such as   (such as  nitrogennitrogen ,  ,   phosphorusphosphorus , and , and potassiumpotassium ) by the re latively low quantities needed by the plant. It also ) by the re latively low quantities needed by the plant. It also represents a human physiological disorder which occurs when a person's represents a human physiological disorder which occurs when a person's diet does not contain required nutrients and/or when i l lnesses (such as diet does not contain required nutrients and/or when i l lnesses (such as diarrheadiarrhea or malaria) cause rapid loss of nutrients through feces or vomit.or malaria) cause rapid loss of nutrients through feces or vomit. [1][1]

 Untreated, sub-c l inical defic iencies can manifest as serious physical  Untreated, sub-c l inical defic iencies can manifest as serious physical disabi l it ies or l ife-threatening disorders, such as disabi l it ies or l ife-threatening disorders, such as  Beriber iBeriber i   (thiamine   (thiamine defic iency) ,  defic iency) ,   scurvyscurvy   (vitamin C) or    (vitamin C) or   exophthalmiaexophthalmia   (vitamin A)  (vitamin A) . . A number of e lements are known to be needed in these small amounts A number of e lements are known to be needed in these small amounts for proper plant growth and development.for proper plant growth and development. [ [ .. Nutrient defic iencies in Nutrient defic iencies in these areas can adverse ly affect plant growth and development. Some of these areas can adverse ly affect plant growth and development. Some of the best known the best known  trace mineraltrace mineral  defic iencies include:  defic iencies include:  boron defic iencyboron defic iency ,  ,  calc ium defic iencycalc ium defic iency ,  ,   i ron defic iencyiron defic iency ,  ,   magnesium defic iencymagnesium defic iency , and , and manganese defic iencymanganese defic iency ..Micronutrient Defic iency can also be found in people . Micronutrient Micronutrient Defic iency can also be found in people . Micronutrient defic iencies in chi ldren are associated with 10% of all chi ldren 's deaths. defic iencies in chi ldren are associated with 10% of all chi ldren 's deaths. Micronutrient Defic iencies are when a chi ld is lacking essential Micronutrient Defic iencies are when a chi ld is lacking essential vitamins or minerals such as Vitamin A, i ron, and zinc. These vitamins or minerals such as Vitamin A, i ron, and zinc. These defic iencies are caused by a long-term lack of nutritious food or they defic iencies are caused by a long-term lack of nutritious food or they can be caused by infections such as worms. can be caused by infections such as worms. ..   

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BoronBoron   is bel ieved to be involved in carbohydrate transport in plants; it   i s bel ieved to be involved in carbohydrate transport in plants; it also assists in metabol ic regulation. Boron defic iency wil l often result also assists in metabol ic regulation. Boron defic iency wil l often result in bud diebackin bud dieback ..

ChlorineChlorine   is necessary for    i s necessary for   osmosisosmosis  and ionic balance ; it also plays a role  and ionic balance ; it also plays a role in in  photosynthesisphotosynthesis ..

CobaltCobalt   is essential to plant health. Cobalt is thought to be an   is essential to plant health. Cobalt is thought to be an important catalyst in nitrogen f ixation important catalyst in nitrogen f ixation .. It may need to be added to It may need to be added to some soi ls before seeding legumessome soi ls before seeding legumes ..

CopperCopper   is a component of some enzymes and of vitamin A is a component of some enzymes and of vitamin A . . Symptoms of Symptoms of copper defic iency include browning of leaf t ips and chlorosiscopper defic iency include browning of leaf t ips and chlorosis ..

IronIron   is essential for chlorophyl l synthesis , which is why an iron   is essential for chlorophyl l synthesis , which is why an iron defic iency results in Cdefic iency results in C hlorosishlorosis ..

ManganeseManganese  activates some important enzymes involved in  activates some important enzymes involved in  chlorophyllchlorophyll formation. Manganese defic ient plants wil l develop  formation. Manganese defic ient plants wil l develop  chlorosischlorosis  between  between the veins of its leavesthe veins of its leaves . . The avai labil ity of manganese is partial ly The avai labil ity of manganese is partial ly dependent on soi l phdependent on soi l ph ..

MolybdenumMolybdenum  is essential to plant health. Molybdenum is used by   is essential to plant health. Molybdenum is used by plants to reduce nitrates into usable formsplants to reduce nitrates into usable forms . . Some plants use it for Some plants use it for nitrogen f ixation, thus it may need to be added to some soi ls before nitrogen f ixation, thus it may need to be added to some soi ls before seeding legumesseeding legumes ..

ZincZinc  partic ipates in chlorophyl l formation, and also activates many  partic ipates in chlorophyl l formation, and also activates many enzymesenzymes . . Symptoms of zinc defic iency include chlorosis and stunted Symptoms of zinc defic iency include chlorosis and stunted growthgrowth ..

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·  Necessary for formation of amino acids, the bui lding blocks of ·  Necessary for formation of amino acids, the bui lding blocks of prote in  prote in  ·  Essential for plant ce l l division, vital for plant growth ·  Essential for plant ce l l division, vital for plant growth ·  Necessary component of vitamins ·  Necessary component of vitamins PHOSPHORUSPHOSPHORUS

·  Involved in photosynthesis , respiration, energy storage and transfer , ·  Involved in photosynthesis , respiration, energy storage and transfer , ce l l divis ion, and enlargementcel l divis ion, and enlargement· Improves qual ity of fruits , vegetables , and grains.·  Improves qual ity of fruits , vegetables , and grains.POTASSIUMPOTASSIUM  ·  Increases photosynthesis   , water-use effic iency  ·  Increases photosynthesis   , water-use effic iency  ·  Essential to protein synthesis   ·  Essential to protein synthesis   ·  Improves qual ity of seeds and fruit  ·  Improves qual ity of seeds and fruit ·  Increases disease resistance·  Increases disease resistance

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Iron  is a  chemical e lement with the symbol  Fe  (from Latin: forum) Iron  is a  chemical e lement with the symbol  Fe  (from Latin: forum) and atomic number 26. It is the most common e lement (by mass) . Itis and atomic number 26. It is the most common e lement (by mass) . Itis the fourth most common element in the Earth's crust . Iron 's very the fourth most common element in the Earth's crust . Iron 's very common presence in rocky planets  l ike  Earth  is due to its abundant common presence in rocky planets  l ike  Earth  is due to its abundant production as a result of fusion  in high-mass stars .production as a result of fusion  in high-mass stars .

Iron metal has been used since ancient times, though copper al loys, Iron metal has been used since ancient times, though copper al loys, which have lower which have lower melt ing melt ing pointpoint temperatures , were used f irst in history .Pure i ron temperatures , were used f irst in history .Pure i ron is soft (softer than aluminium), but is unobtainable by smelting. The is soft (softer than aluminium), but is unobtainable by smelting. The material is s ignif icantly hardened and strengthened by impurit ies , such material is s ignif icantly hardened and strengthened by impurit ies , such as carbon, from the smelting process. A certain proportion of carbon as carbon, from the smelting process. A certain proportion of carbon (between 0.002% and 2.1%) produces steel , which may be up to (between 0.002% and 2.1%) produces steel , which may be up to 1000 times harder than pure i ron. Crude iron metal is produced in  blast 1000 times harder than pure i ron. Crude iron metal is produced in  blast furnaces, where ore is reduced by coke  to pig i ron, which has a high furnaces, where ore is reduced by coke  to pig i ron, which has a high carbon content. Further ref inement with oxygen reduces the carbon carbon content. Further ref inement with oxygen reduces the carbon content to the correct proportion to make stee l . Steels and low carbon content to the correct proportion to make stee l . Steels and low carbon iron al loys along with other metals (al loy steels ) are by far the most i ron al loys along with other metals (al loy steels ) are by far the most common metals in industr ial use , due to their great range of desirable common metals in industr ial use , due to their great range of desirable properties and the abundance of i ron.properties and the abundance of i ron.

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Iron is the most useful of al l metals . It is also the cheapest avai lable metal . Iron is the most useful of al l metals . It is also the cheapest avai lable metal . Most i s used to manufacture stee l . Ordinary carbon stee l i s an al loy of i ron Most i s used to manufacture stee l . Ordinary carbon stee l i s an al loy of i ron with carbon (about 1.5%), with smal l amounts of other e lements . Wrought with carbon (about 1.5%), with smal l amounts of other e lements . Wrought i ron is i ron containing a very small amount of carbon, and is tough, mal leable i ron is i ron containing a very small amount of carbon, and is tough, mal leable and less fusible than pure i ron. It i s hard, br itt le , fair ly fusible and is used to and less fusible than pure i ron. It i s hard, br itt le , fair ly fusible and is used to produce other al loys including stee l .produce other al loys including stee l .

Biological ro leBiological ro le Iron is an essential and non-toxic e lement. It i s part of the act ive s ite of , Iron is an essential and non-toxic e lement. It i s part of the act ive s ite of ,

hemoglobin and carr ies oxygen in the b loodstream. Iron is also an essential hemoglobin and carr ies oxygen in the b loodstream. Iron is also an essential e lement for al l forms of l ife . a lot of which c i rculates as hemoglobin in the e lement for al l forms of l ife . a lot of which c i rculates as hemoglobin in the blood, the job of which is to carry oxygen from our lungs to where i t i s needed. blood, the job of which is to carry oxygen from our lungs to where i t i s needed. Foods such as l iver , k idney, molasses , brewer’s yeast , cocoa and l iquor ice Foods such as l iver , k idney, molasses , brewer’s yeast , cocoa and l iquor ice contain a lot of i ron.contain a lot of i ron.

Natural abundanceNatural abundance Iron is the fourth most abundant e lement, by mass , in the crust of the Earth. Iron is the fourth most abundant e lement, by mass , in the crust of the Earth.

The core of the Earth is thought to be largely composed of i ron with about The core of the Earth is thought to be largely composed of i ron with about 10% occluded hydrogen. Commercia l ly , i ron is produced in a furnace by the 10% occluded hydrogen. Commercia l ly , i ron is produced in a furnace by the reduction of haematite or magnetite with carbon monoxide and carbon, the reduction of haematite or magnetite with carbon monoxide and carbon, the carbon monoxide be ing produced in s itu by the burning of coke. Iron is an carbon monoxide be ing produced in s itu by the burning of coke. Iron is an enigma - i t rusts eas i ly and yet i s the most important of al l metals ; world enigma - i t rusts eas i ly and yet i s the most important of al l metals ; world production exceeds 700 mil l ion tonnes a year. Small amounts of carbon is production exceeds 700 mil l ion tonnes a year. Small amounts of carbon is added to iron to produce stee l and when chromium is added to this , the result added to iron to produce stee l and when chromium is added to this , the result i s non-corroding stainless steel . .i s non-corroding stainless steel . .

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Iron can be found in meat, whole meal products, potatoes and Iron can be found in meat, whole meal products, potatoes and vegetables. The human body absorbs iron in animal products faster vegetables. The human body absorbs iron in animal products faster than iron in plant products. Iron is an essential part of hemoglobin; than iron in plant products. Iron is an essential part of hemoglobin; the red color ing agent of the blood that transports oxygen through our the red color ing agent of the blood that transports oxygen through our bodies .bodies .

Iron may cause conjunctivit is , choroidit is , and retinit is if i t contacts Iron may cause conjunctivit is , choroidit is , and retinit is if i t contacts and remains in the tissues . No physical impairment of lung function and remains in the tissues . No physical impairment of lung function has been associated with siderosis . Inhalation of excess ive has been associated with siderosis . Inhalation of excess ive concentrations of i ron oxide may enhance the r isk of lung cancer concentrations of i ron oxide may enhance the r isk of lung cancer development in workers exposed to pulmonary carcinogens. LD50 (oral , development in workers exposed to pulmonary carcinogens. LD50 (oral , rat) =30 gm/kg. (LD50: Lethal dose 50. Single dose of a substance rat) =30 gm/kg. (LD50: Lethal dose 50. Single dose of a substance that causes the death of 50% of an animal population from exposure to that causes the death of 50% of an animal population from exposure to the substance by any route other than inhalation. A more common the substance by any route other than inhalation. A more common problem for humans is i ron defic iency, which leads to anemia. A man problem for humans is i ron defic iency, which leads to anemia. A man needs an average dai ly intake of 7 mg of iron and a woman 11 mg; a needs an average dai ly intake of 7 mg of iron and a woman 11 mg; a normal diet wil l general ly provided all that is needed.normal diet wil l general ly provided all that is needed.

Iron is a lustrous, ducti le , malleable , s i lver-gray metal (group VIII of Iron is a lustrous, ducti le , malleable , s i lver-gray metal (group VIII of the periodic table ) . It is known to exist in four dist inct crystal l ine the periodic table ) . It is known to exist in four dist inct crystal l ine forms. Iron rusts in damp air , but not in dry air . It disso lves readi ly in forms. Iron rusts in damp air , but not in dry air . It disso lves readi ly in di lute acids . Iron is chemical ly active and forms two major ser ies of di lute acids . Iron is chemical ly active and forms two major ser ies of chemical compounds, the bivalent i ron (II) , or ferrous, compounds and chemical compounds, the bivalent i ron (II) , or ferrous, compounds and the tr ivalent i ron (III) , or ferr ic , compounds.the tr ivalent i ron (III) , or ferr ic , compounds.

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The Eiffe l Tower  i s an The Eiffe l Tower  i s an  ironiron   lattice towerlattice tower   located on the    located on the  Champ de MarsChamp de Mars   in   in  ParisParis . It . It was named after the engineer  was named after the engineer  Gustave Gustave EiffelEiffel , whose , whose company designed and bui lt the company designed and bui lt the

towertower ..

The Delhi The Delhi i ron iron pi l lar is an pi l lar is an example of the i ron example of the i ron extraction extraction and processing and processing methodologies methodologies of early India. The iron pi l lar of early India. The iron pi l lar at Delhi at Delhi has withstood has withstood corrosion for the last corrosion for the last 1600 1600 years .years .

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Iron meteorites are Iron meteorites are meteorites that consist meteorites that consist overwhelmingly of an overwhelmingly of an  ironiron–– nickelnickel    al loyal loy  known as  known as meteoric ironmeteoric iron  that usually  that usually consists of two consists of two mineralmineral phases ,   phases ,   kamacitekamacite  and  and taenitetaenite . Iron meteorites . Iron meteorites or iginate from planetary or iginate from planetary cores  of  planetesimals .cores  of  planetesimals .

Iron meteorites, or Iron meteorites, or their  meteoric i ron was their  meteoric i ron was one of the earl iest sources one of the earl iest sources of usable i ron available of usable i ron available to  humans, before the to humans, before the development of  smelting development of  smelting which signaled the which signaled the beginning of the  beginning of the   i ron age.i ron age.

Tamentit Iron Meteorite, found in 1864 in the Sahara Desert,[1] weight about 500 kg. On display at Vulcania park in France.

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The normal distr ibution of i ron within the body is shown. Adults The normal distr ibution of i ron within the body is shown. Adults typically have 3–5 g in total . About 0.5–2 mg of dietary i ron is typically have 3–5 g in total . About 0.5–2 mg of dietary i ron is absorbed each day through the proximal small intestine . This intake is absorbed each day through the proximal small intestine . This intake is balanced by loss of a s imilar amount of i ron, through blood loss and balanced by loss of a s imilar amount of i ron, through blood loss and the sloughing of skin and mucosal ce l ls . Most i ron is found in the the sloughing of skin and mucosal ce l ls . Most i ron is found in the erythroid bone marrow and in mature erythrocytes, contained within erythroid bone marrow and in mature erythrocytes, contained within the moiety of hemoglobin. Iron for new red-blood-cel l synthesis is the moiety of hemoglobin. Iron for new red-blood-cel l synthesis is pr imari ly supplied by ret iculoendothel ial macrophages, which recycle pr imari ly supplied by ret iculoendothel ial macrophages, which recycle i ron from old red blood cel ls . Stored iron is pr imari ly found in the i ron from old red blood cel ls . Stored iron is pr imari ly found in the hepatocytes of the l iver .hepatocytes of the l iver .

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The several countries in which distr ibution of iron done is :-The several countries in which distr ibution of iron done is :- IndiaIndia RussiaRussia Austral iaAustral ia UkraineUkraine South AfricaSouth Africa United States United States ChinaChina BrazilBrazil MexicoMexico CanadaCanada SwedenSweden EgyptEgypt New Zealand Etc………New Zealand Etc………

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' Health Is Wealth ‘' Health Is Wealth ‘ Rich or notRich or not We all have gotWe al l have got Chances in l ifetimeChances in l ifetime To l ive quite subl ime.To l ive quite subl ime.   More r ich people become r icherMore r ich people become r icher And the majority poor more poorerAnd the majority poor more poorer It 's not how much money brings boostIt 's not how much money brings boost But having enjoyed l ife not its cost .But having enjoyed l ife not its cost .    Healthy body makes an active mind Once sick can 't make good things rewind Beware of taking too much of everything Good health is wealth and the best thing.

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A very good morning to our respected principal, dedicated teachers and fellow students. First of all, I wish to A very good morning to our respected principal, dedicated teachers and fellow students. First of all, I wish to thank the principal for giving me this golden opportunity to stand before you and deliver a speech. Now, I thank the principal for giving me this golden opportunity to stand before you and deliver a speech. Now, I would like to talk to all of you today on health care.would like to talk to all of you today on health care.

Why should we have a health care? Undoubtedly, health is better than wealth. But nowadays, many of us Why should we have a health care? Undoubtedly, health is better than wealth. But nowadays, many of us live sedentary lives. We come to school and remain seated most of the time for our lesson. When we go home, live sedentary lives. We come to school and remain seated most of the time for our lesson. When we go home, we spend a lot of time watching television or doing our revision. After a long time, we will suffer health we spend a lot of time watching television or doing our revision. After a long time, we will suffer health problems. If you want to live a longer life, health care should be your own responsibility.problems. If you want to live a longer life, health care should be your own responsibility.

Firstly, we should get a balanced diet every day. A balanced diet is one which has the right amount of Firstly, we should get a balanced diet every day. A balanced diet is one which has the right amount of carbohydrate, proteins and other materials. Our bodies need nutrients to build up and repair tissues, thus, you carbohydrate, proteins and other materials. Our bodies need nutrients to build up and repair tissues, thus, you are encouraged to eat plenty of vegetable and fresh fruits which are essential for our body. Besides, we should are encouraged to eat plenty of vegetable and fresh fruits which are essential for our body. Besides, we should reduce our intake of high salt and sugar, for instance, fast food and process food. If we take too much of it, it reduce our intake of high salt and sugar, for instance, fast food and process food. If we take too much of it, it lead to health problem such as heart attack, hypertension, obesity and so on. Avoid junk food altogether. lead to health problem such as heart attack, hypertension, obesity and so on. Avoid junk food altogether. Remember to consume more fibre to prevent constipation.Remember to consume more fibre to prevent constipation.

Next you must have an enough exercise because all work and no play makes Jake a dull boy. Exercise is a Next you must have an enough exercise because all work and no play makes Jake a dull boy. Exercise is a prerequisite to good health. We should have physical exercises such as jogging, climbing mountain, cycling, prerequisite to good health. We should have physical exercises such as jogging, climbing mountain, cycling, jungle trekking and more. Sports can promote strong muscles strong and improve blood circulation. As we all jungle trekking and more. Sports can promote strong muscles strong and improve blood circulation. As we all know, exercise can help us to release our stress and unwind ourselves. Moreover, we can keep our body in know, exercise can help us to release our stress and unwind ourselves. Moreover, we can keep our body in shape and lose weight.shape and lose weight.

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