Michelle Lee McKinnis and Teresa Claffey Conversation 11/04/12

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Transcript of Michelle Lee McKinnis and Teresa Claffey Conversation 11/04/12

  • 8/13/2019 Michelle Lee McKinnis and Teresa Claffey Conversation 11/04/12


    Michelle Lee McKinnis and Teresa Claffey Conversation

    November 11, 2013 at 1:42pm

    Michelle Lee McKinnis

    hey I heard that you are talking to Rob and that you believe him that I some how made up what he did to me that day

    ? T iv never lied to you, nor will I start now. I'm not sure how I supposedly gave myself all those bruised and ruptured

    a disk in my neck that is pinching off the nerve to my right hand.. really ? just like he didn't say "why when I had aknife in my back pocket the whole time I was on top of you and could have slit your throat and left you in a pool of

    your own blood, why didn't I ? you were there T.. so was Marshall. did he tell you he is Facebook messaging my

    boyfriend 5 or 6 messages daily ? the last few have been threatening me.. he also sent my .bf a copy of his own mug

    shot from when his son beat the shit out of him at 17 and Torrey hit back. I called his p.o. and she told me to call and

    file a police report. I don't see any other choice but to do it. I told you from day one that I didn't think I could ever go

    back to him because I couldn't trust it to never happen again.. but I don't hate him. I know it was the alcohol that

    caused him to do what he did that day. I told him in my letters that I hope he gets the help he needs and that I don't

    wish anything bad on him. like I told you, I was having a hard time because i couldn't hate him for what happened..

    yes I sent him pics of Natasha and Lyla because I thought that he would want to see them. I did send one of me, so he

    could see I was ok... I don't know what all he has you believing, all I can say is at least I know my heavenly father

    knows I'm not lying about anything that's happened. I have no reason to, I did nothing wrong. I'm just truly sorry if I

    lose my sis over all this crap. you always said you believed me and already knew the type of person Rob is.. I just ask

    that you be careful.. I love you, no matter what crap he is filling your head with. you know me T... I still pray for him

    every night, I don't and never have wished anything bad on him. I loved him with all my heart. he is the only one I

    ever have been able to fall asleep in the crook of his arm..

    11/4, 5:23pm

    Teresa Claffey

    yes I talk to Rob and I didn't say that. I said that I didn't want to get in the middle of this. Robbie is my friend Michelle

    and he NEVER hurt me. I do not like the fact that your going to put him in jail again and for what. He has not comeafter you. he doesn't want his shit back and HE NEEDS TO REBUILD WITH HIS DAUGHTER . I do not appreciate

    Marshall putting me in the middle. Robbie has always been a friend to me. I am done discussing this. If you want to

    remain friends fine but do not talk to me about robbie k

    11/4, 5:24pm

    What I said is that your ptsd could of dramatized it in your mind. I never said you lied.

    11/4, 5:30pm

    Michelle Lee McKinnis

    I don't want to do anything.. all I wanted was for things to be done and over.. he is the one that won't leave us alone.he is the one sending threatening text. if he would stop, I'd drop it but I'm not gonna live my life in fear of him. I

    never dramatitized anything that happened that day. I don't care who believes me because god knows what

    happened that day. he is the only one who truly matters.. I won't contact you again

  • 8/13/2019 Michelle Lee McKinnis and Teresa Claffey Conversation 11/04/12


    Teresa Claffey

    He showed me the letters you wrote him and whatever. I love you I just do not have the energy for you and Rob's

    problems. He is not allowed to talk about you either. I stuck up for you. PERIOD

    their always two sides to a story the other persons mine and the truth. We all perceive things different. Ya know I

    love you. Robbie saved me from a dangerous man. Bought me medicine and protected me for years. I do not believe

    you capable of a horrific lie.

    Teresa Claffey

    I have ptsd from tama and my mind does feel extreme fear even when I am not threatened, but I perceive that I am. I

    am only saying I did not want to be in the middle for My child is facing felonies for beating her husband and has her

    daughter taken away. I have enough on my plate. If you want to end our friendship because I still love my friend go

    for it. It hurts but it is not fair. Everyone makes mistakes. Marshall put Jodie in the hospital and you still fucked him.

    What is the deal with this ? I would never expect you to disown a life long friend because of my personal problems

    with someone. He still needs his friends he has NOTHING OR NO ONE COME ON REALLY MICHELLE?

    11/4, 5:45pm

    Michelle Lee McKinnis

    I never wrote anything bad in the letters.. I tried to be supportive. I don't now or ever have wished anything bad on

    Rob. even though everyone wanted me to write awful letters and burn his things, I chose to write him and let him

    know that even after what happened I wouldn't give up on him as a friend. like I told Torrey and I will tell you, I swear

    on the lives of my kids and my granddaughter that I never lied about what happened that day. I offered to do a Polly

    graph test but they didn't need it. I would never lie and have someone put in jail because I got tired of the drinking. or

    because my parents didn't want him there anymore. if that had been the case, I would have moved out with him,

    because he is my husband and that's where I belonged was at his side. I loved him.. why would I make up any of it ? I


    11/4, 5:50pm

    Michelle Lee McKinnis

    I'm not dis owning you.. nor am I unfriending you.. I just meant I won't talk to you about him again. I don't blame you

    for still being Robs friend.. I'm glad you are. He needs a friend right now. I wouldn't expect any less..

    11/4, 5:58pm

    Michelle Lee McKinnis

    if Marshall hadn't of been there for me after it happened, calling to make sure I was alright 3 to 4 x a day, I would

    have never gotten attached to him the way I did.. that I'm pretty sure had to do with the ptsd.. even though I knew he

    was no better or different from Rob, the fact that he was my rock that I leaned on through that time, made me ignore

    the fact that I knew he was an abuser he had been a good friend.

    11/4, 5:58pm

  • 8/13/2019 Michelle Lee McKinnis and Teresa Claffey Conversation 11/04/12


    Teresa Claffey

    Ok and I never said you lied. Just couldn't understand why you got him a job in a liquer warehouse if you hated his

    drinking.I stood up for you to him that you loved him and if that was not how it went down that you didn't lie it felt

    like that to you. period. I am not ever given up on my friends. But I won't be in the middle right now to much of my

    own shit. ya know

    11/4, 6:00pm

    Michelle Lee McKinnis

    I wanted to come home.. the only person I knew that could get him a job was my brother inlaw..

    11/4, 6:08pm

    Michelle Lee McKinnis

    if I had stayed there much longer away from my kids, I would have had a nervous break down..I was already severely

    depressed. my sister suggested it so I could come home. that's how he got it..I didn't mind his drinking most of the

    time, just the times he way over did it. like when he thought I poisoned him and ran through the apartment complex

    shouting that I had, or when he was growling at us in the kitchen or the day he beat me.. he could get loud and

    obnoxious but most of the time even that didn't bother me.

    11/4, 6:14pm

    Michelle Lee McKinnis

    I did ask him to stop for himself because I was getting worried because his eyes were getting yellow. which you had

    even noticed. I loved him and didn't want to lose him. also right before we left, he coughed up a whole lot of blood. it

    was all over in the sink. he called me in to look because it scared him also. I fell in love with him alcohol or no.. but I

    was afraid I was losing him to liver damage from drinking and that scared me.

    11/4, 6:22pm

    Teresa Claffey

    k gotta run