Animals teresa


Transcript of Animals teresa

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REPTILES• Reptiles are vertebrates, of cold blood. That means that the hot parts of her body it depends in the hot of the place

were they live; because of these reason, they go after the hot places when is very cold , and they go after the cold places when is very hot. They usually live in tropical places or warmed because the temperature is almost warm. It exist more than 6.000 types of reptiles.

• Do you now that they are only 2 lizards whit poison? One is the GILA MONSTER and the other is the ADORNED LIZARD.• Do you now that the tong of the CHAMELEON OF MELLER it let him hunt birds?• The poisonous snake of the word is the Navy snake . ¡Her poison is 80,000 times more powerful than the snake bell! It

live in the Timor island and in Indonesia. The second poisonous is the Taipán snake ¡Her poison is 800 times more powerful than the snake bell! This snake is of the family of the cobras and it live in Australia.

• The terrestrials turtles are the turtles that live more. One terrestrial turtle can live more than 100 years .

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AMPHIBIANS• The amphibians live in all the world except in the seas. The also don´t live in the Atlántida, on

the peaks of the mountains with snow and in the deserts. They are vertebrates of cold blood. That means that the hot parts of their body depends of the temperature of the place were they live. The word AMPHIBIAN means THAT THEY CAN LIVE IN THE WATER LIKE ON LAND but there are amphibians that they never go to the water. They live in lagoons, marshes, pools, brooks, meadows, bogs, trees, cave´s walls, between the leaves of trees, etc…. Her skin is smooth, without scales and humid and they use it for breathing.

• It exist more than 4,000 of different types of amphibians that they are classify in three orders: • - The amphibians whit tail, or URODELOS, for example: the salamander, the tritons. • - The amphibians without tail or ANUROS, for example: frogs or toads.• - The amphibians without legs or APODOS, for example: the cecilidos.• Some amphibians, produce poison on the skin for defend of her enemies. This poison isn´t

poisonous for humans, but if it didn´t enter in to the body in a open wound or if we eat it. But go whit taken care of you, because it irritate the eyes, the nose and the mouth.

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FISH• The fish are vertebrates animals of cold blood, that means, that the temperature

of their body, depends on the water of the place where they live. For obtain the ideal temperature, they swim to different depths. Most of the fish have scales, they breath from gills and they have an skeleton of spins o cartilages. The fish are oviparous, that means that they reproduce by eggs. We now more than 30,000 types of fish. They can live in salt water or in fresh water. The fish also drink the water. They descend the salt water by two ways:

• - By the urine.• - And by the gills.• If the place where they live have a lot of water, they put sick because her body can

´t take out all the salt of theirs body. The fish can´t blink, because they don´t have blinks. The only fish, that can blink are the family of the sharks. The fish can´t stop growing until the end of her live.

• Do you now that seeing the scale of the fish, we can now their years of each one? If you take a magnifying glass, and you watch a scale of a fish you can see some chains of rings like the chains rings of the trees. They are the rings of growing, that it increase each year of their life.

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Normal fish



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BIRDS• The birds are vertebrates animals, that have the body covered by feathers. ¿ Do you

now that the birds have about 1,000 to 3,000 feathers? There are birds that have a lot of feathers more, for example the singing swan, that has about 25,000 feathers. Now in the actuality we now more than 9,000 types of birds in all the world. They are animals of warm blood, that means that their temperature corporal constant, independently of the temperature environmental. They have the sense of the eye very good. The eyes are on the sides and there are different one of the other; very little times they see with the tow eyes at the same time. They have they protective by three membranes. The birds are oviparous. Not all the birds put the same numbers of eggs, each type is different.

• The first bird that they found is the ARCHAEOPTERYX, it doesn´t have peaks, but it has wings and feathers. It lived in the Jurassic.

• Do you now that the colibrí is the smallest bird in world? It only measures 5 centimeters from the peak to the tail. It is the only bird that can fly towards after. And is the bird that move the wings very quickly: it do 80 wings movements by seconds.

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• Singing swan Colibrí

• Archaeopteryx

• Membranes of the birds

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MAMMALS• The mammals are vertebrates animals that they characterize, because the girls have mum. In

this glands they do milk that they give to their babies the firsts months of the live. They are animals of warm blood, that means that the temperature of their body it keeps the temperature of the place where they live, and they breath by lungs.

• The mammals reproduce by two ways: viviparous or oviparous. There are more viviparous than oviparous, that means that the embryos develop in the mothers stomach, and the oviparous by eggs. Only two mammals are oviparous that are the ORNITORRINCO AND THE EQUIDNA.

• They exist about 5,000 types of mammals. There are more mammals terrestrial than the tow mammals that live on the water and the mammal that fly.

• ¿ Do you now that the BAT OF THE NOSE OF PIG, of Tailandia, is the smallest mammal on world? It measure about 3 centimeters, their wings measure 13 centimeters of side to side, and it weight 2 grams. Is a animal very stranger and it is protected.

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