Messenger - Lakeside United Methodist Church Messenger.pdf · Methodist Constitution we express...

1 We envision Lakeside United Methodist Church to be God’s HANDS in our community and beyond: Hospitable, Always faithful, Nurturing, Discipleship, Service. Koinonia Prior to his ascension Jesus commanded his followers to “Go and make disciples of all nations.” There are three Greek words which describe the actions necessary to fulfill this mission: Kerygma, Diakonia and Koinonia. Kerygma (pronounced ker-IG-ma) is the Greek word used in the New Testament for the proclamation of the Good News. Diakonia (pronounced dee-ack-oh-NEE-ah) is the word for service. And then Koinonia (pronounced coy-noh-NEE-ah) is the word for the caring, grace-filled fellowship of the Holy Spirit that characterizes the church. In other words, ‘community’. Messenger Lakeside United Methodist Church October 2017

Transcript of Messenger - Lakeside United Methodist Church Messenger.pdf · Methodist Constitution we express...

Page 1: Messenger - Lakeside United Methodist Church Messenger.pdf · Methodist Constitution we express this belief: “The church is a community…of all true believers under the Lordship


We envision Lakeside United Methodist Church to be God’s HANDS

in our community and beyond: Hospitable, Always faithful, Nurturing, Discipleship, Service.


Prior to his ascension Jesus commanded his followers to “Go and make disciples of all nations.” There

are three Greek words which describe the actions necessary to fulfill this mission: Kerygma, Diakonia

and Koinonia.

Kerygma (pronounced ker-IG-ma) is the Greek word used in the New Testament for the proclamation of

the Good News. Diakonia (pronounced dee-ack-oh-NEE-ah) is the word for service. And then Koinonia

(pronounced coy-noh-NEE-ah) is the word for the caring, grace-filled fellowship of the Holy Spirit that

characterizes the church. In other words, ‘community’.

Messenger Lakeside United Methodist Church

October 2017

Page 2: Messenger - Lakeside United Methodist Church Messenger.pdf · Methodist Constitution we express this belief: “The church is a community…of all true believers under the Lordship


Community is at the very core of who we are as Christians. And when we think of community we should

think ‘relationship’. Thus, Christians are people who live in community. The model for community and

therefore relationship, begins in the Trinitarian God—Father, Son & Holy Spirit. The three persons of the

God-head live, love, exist and relate to one another in perfect community. From God the offer of

community is extended to every human being. To live by faith is to live in community (relationship) with


At the core of religion is a relationship between God and each person. However God unites us together

into something much larger than any one of us alone; God has formed us into the church. In our

Methodist Constitution we express this belief: “The church is a community…of all true believers under

the Lordship of Christ.” Literally the very first words of our church Constitution state our unwavering

belief that, we are one and we exist in community; first with God, then with each other, then with the

world around us.

To live in community as God intends means to live a certain way as we relate to each other. Some of the

words we use to describe this way of relating in community include: love, mercy, forgiveness,

compassion, and nurture. We strive to live out this ideal of community because this is how God relates

to us. God loves, has compassion, shows mercy, offers forgiveness to us—and we know this as

GRACE. Because God acts with grace toward us, we should act with grace toward each other and the

world around us.

Only when we are living well in community are we able to extend that grace of community to the world

around us. Only when the church community is healthy can we do God’s work in the world. Thus it

naturally follows that a primary work of the church is to be constantly vigilant in caring for our community.

This is why ministries of healing, wholeness, forgiveness and reconciliation are so vital to the church.

For us to be effective in sharing God’s grace to those outside the church, we must first share God’s

grace inside the church. Where we find broken relationships we must work for healing, wholeness,

forgiveness and reconciliation.

Before any congregation can become effective in ministry outside its walls it must attend to its need to be

a healthy community. Paul speaks to this ministry in 2 Corinthians 5:18-19: “All this is from God, who

reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation: that God was

reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting their sins against them. And he has committed to

us the message of reconciliation.”

I invite you to consider these additional thoughts about koinonia:

*The church’s mission is not only to tell the good news but to be the good news. The church’s mission is

to be a Christian community for people. Koinonia is the family of God being realized among us.

Koinonia is life together in grace. It is where people discover grace as a way of life.

*If the church does not live in grace, then what witness can we give the world? If the church is not

learning how to live in peace, then where can hope be found in our troubled world?

*The church’s mission isn’t to be a showplace for the perfect but rather a home for real people seeking

wholeness, where people feel accepted in their weaknesses and strengths, where they are inspired and

supported to become new creations in Christ.

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*Koinonia is the spiritual family in which persons are related to God, to each other and to the world, as

they are renewed and re-formed by grace.

I share one final statement from our Constitution which speaks to our challenge: “The church of Jesus

Christ exists in and for the world, and its very dividedness is a hindrance to its mission in that world.”

This is an actually statement from our Constitution. These words echo in my heart and I pray I would

never be a hindrance to the mission of the church. Yet, the sad reality is that the church is and has often

been divided. This is not just a modern reality. However, there is always hope for us. Let it be said that

Lakeside UMC is a place of koinonia, where healing, wholeness, reconciliation and forgiveness happen.

Lakeside UMC is a GRACE place…and let it begin with me.

Grace upon grace!

Pastor Mark

Children’s Ministry News

Children’s Calendar for 2017 and 2018

Sundays Children’s Choir

Practice 4:00 – 4:30 pm

First Sunday of

Every Month

Birthday Recognition

December 9, 2017 Christmas Craft Workshop Saturday, 10 am - noon

December 10, 2017 Spontaneous Christmas Pageant Sunday, 10:50 am

Worship Service

March 31, 2018 Celebration and egg hunt Saturday, 10 am - noon

June 18 - 22, 2018

- Daytime

Vacation Bible School Monday - Friday,

9:30 am - 11:30 am

June 24, 2018 Vacation Bible School Celebration

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Music Notes

It’s time for our two annual October events! First is the GREAT CHILI COOK-OFF, on Sunday, October 15, after church. If you want to compete, just prepare a crockpot of your favorite chili recipe and bring it ready to plug in to keep it warm. Please let a choir member know now if you are participating so we can be sure we have enough chili. If you want to bring chili, but not participate in the judging, you may do that also.

Second is the music revue Some Enchanted Evening, presented by our choirs (and friends) on Saturday, October 28. You won’t want to miss this, so get your tickets early from any choir member or through the church office. Tickets for dinner and the show are $12.00 for adults, and $8.00 for children age 10 and under. Tickets for the show only are $8.00 for adults and $4.00 for children age 10 and under. The final day of ticket sales is Sunday, October 15, unless maximum seating is reached prior to that date. No take-out orders for this event.


Linda Pomfrey’s Chicken Casserole

Salad Rolls

Dessert Beverage

(Please consider donating a dessert to help defray costs)

Proceeds will benefit Summer Arts Camp and the Choir Fund

Lakeside UMYF Youth Group News

Pumpkin Patch 2017

The Pumpkins are arriving on Saturday September 30th at 12:00 NOON!

Sales will run daily from 10AM - 8PM (Mon. – Sat.) & 12PM - 8PM (Sun.) through October 31st.

The profit from the Pumpkin Patch goes to support the mission and ministry of the Lakeside United Methodist Church Youth Group. Please come out and serve as a member of the” pumpkin chain” getting the pumpkins off the truck. Even little children can help unload the tiny pumpkins. See you at the “pumpkin truck”. You can sign up in the “Pumpkin” book which should be located on the Welcome Table in the Narthex. The youth really need your help during the day time hours. Grab a friend and come and enjoy the beautiful weather and help the youth with this fund-raiser. The youth will cover the weekends. If you have any questions, please contact [email protected].

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Sunday October 1st - No Youth

Sunday October 8th – Regular Youth

Saturday October 14th - LUMC’s Community Festival Youth meet at LUMC at 9AM to assist

Sunday October 15th - No Youth

Sunday October 22nd - Regular Youth

Sunday October 29th - Regular Youth 5th Sunday (Youth Greet & Usher)

Upcoming Events:

Calling All (Hungry) Men! You are invited to meet and eat at the Shoney's near Virginia Center Commons. At 8:00 AM on the first Wednesday of each month, a group of ROMEOS enjoys a buffet breakfast. ROMEOS stands for Retired Old Men Eating Out Sometimes, but you do not need to be retired, or AARP

eligible to join us: Next breakfast: Wednesday, October 4, 8:00 AM. You need only be hungry and be able to take a little time off on those mornings. If you really try to get your money's worth at the buffet, you can

probably make up the time by skipping lunch. We look forward to seeing you! Bob Friend

Brunswick Stew Sale starts October 9 October means the Lakeside United Methodist Men’s amazing Brunswick Stew can’t be far behind; $ 7.50 per quart. To order your stew, send an email to [email protected] with the number of quarts you want to buy. Please include a contact phone number in case we have any questions regarding your order. We should be able to make a minimum of 800 quarts, but sales are usually brisk and we will implement a standby list as sales approach the 750 quart mark.

So if you want to guarantee you’ll get your fill of this amazing concoction, fire up your email and have your finger on the send button on October 9 or contact Butch Kelchner at 804-746-9005; if I don’t pick up the phone, please leave a message and I will call you back confirming your order. This is a major production by the United Methodist Men, but we also rely on help from Methodist Men spouses, choir members and members of the Lakeside UMC softball team. This is truly a team effort each year, and our thanks go out in advance for you purchase, your help and appreciation of our effort.

Community Fair, Saturday, October 14,

10:00 AM to 2:00 PM. Community Fair, Saturday, October 14, from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM; games: world of sports, Giant Connect Four, Pedestal Jousting, Soccer Darts, Rainbow cloud Bouncy Castle; Food; snow cones, popcorn, hot dogs,

water; plenty of prizes; fire trucks; Community Service Informational Groups

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Adult Library: October 2 – 6 and October 9 - 13. The Church Council voted at their meeting to do away with the Adult Library. After discussing the pros and cons of the library, it was decided to open the library so the members could go through the books and take the books desired, and make a donation. A basket will be placed on the desk. This process is much like the way the Children’s library was handled when it was decided to do away with it. The dates and hours will be October 2 through October 6 and October 9 through October 13. Hours are 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM every day with the exception of the two Wednesdays and Thursdays of both weeks, there will be evening hours 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM for those members who work. Please take a moment and see what treasurers are in the library.

Mission Opportunity---Cents-Ability or 2 Cents a Meal Did you know if you put aside $.02 a meal per day for one month you would have saved $1.80. Multiply that times one hundred people and we as a congregation will have raised $180 per month and multiply that amount times 12 and we will have raised $2,160 for hunger. This is not a new program. It originated in 1976 by the Presbyterian Women to involve people to help stop hunger and has expanded throughout the United States. It began as 2-cents-a-Meal; then the name changed to Cents-Ability. Containers are on the Welcome Center. WE HAVE DESIGNATED THE LAST SUNDAY OF EACH MONTH AS COLLECTION SUNDAY. There will be a collection container on the Welcome Center. We will be helping the Back-Pack program by providing food for children for the weekend.

Serve in Ministry at Lakeside Elementary School We have had a ministry partnership with Lakeside Elementary School for a numbers of years. In previous years some of the ministry activities we have carried out include: collecting school supplies, tutoring, and providing breakfasts for the teachers. Our ministry coordinator to the school is Dina Giese.

Here are some ways you can serve in ministry with Lakeside ES: Offer your time to read with the children, help the kindergarten students to learn the alphabet; help with the teachers’ breakfast, or assist with tutoring. In order to serve at the school, there is a HCPS required “Volunteer Form” that must be completed. The forms are located on the Welcome Center. Once completed the form should be returned to the church office to be sent to Lakeside School.

Send your friends at LUMC a Christmas Card free of charge! By the time you receive this newsletter Christmas is about 2 months away. The Outreach Team is going to make your life a bit easier as well as your pocketbook. Beginning on Sunday, December 1, there will be a Christmas Card Box located on the Welcome Center. You simply address your cards to the members of the church only, put them in the Christmas Card Box and on Sunday, December 17, the cards will be available for pick up. We will not be mailing any of the cards. So, get your Christmas Card list together and plan to send your friends at Lakeside UMC a Christmas Card free of charge!

The LAMB’s Basket Schedule-Our Pantry Needs Food The LAMB’s Basket is our community food pantry sponsored by the churches in the Lakeside and surrounding areas. Donations needed are: jelly, peanut butter, canned meat/tuna, Lunchables, canned pasta, macaroni & cheese, snacks for children’s bags, crackers, soup, personal items, dish detergent, toilet paper, cat and dog food, dried pasta, spaghetti sauce, cooking spray, butter, cooking oil, salt and pepper, laundry detergent, paper and plastic grocery bags. These hours are all during the mornings. To volunteer, contact Jo Anne Kelchner at 746-9005. (No previous experience required.)

Friday October 6 Monday October 16 Friday October 27

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We Express Our Deepest Sympathy to:

Buddy and Sylvia Arbogast, Delaine Arbogast, and Ann Cowles and family over the recent passing of their uncle, Dick Ford.

The friends and family of Patricia Utley. Pattie passed away on August 30, 2017

Appreciation: Dear Friends, In the days and weeks since Mom's passing, there have been so many messages of kindness and compassion that I can only make this palest expression of thanks. To everyone, you are special. Your assistance was very much appreciated, and know that memories still weave themselves into tapestry. Again, thank you. In His love, Barry D. Iglehart

To the Ladies of Lakeside U.M.C.,

Thank you all for the wonderful reception in honor of Mother, Pattie E. Utley. Your thoughtfulness is

greatly appreciated and the food was enjoyed by the family.

Thanks for your many kndnesses.

Fondly, Virlinda U Heindl

Thank you dear church family for all your thoughts, concerns, well wishes and especially your prayers

during my recent knee replacement surgery. It is so comforting to know that our church is truly a

FAMILY and we care for and watch over each other.

God bless you all.

Pat Niemczyk

Thank you notes from the teachers at Lakeside Elementary school:

Dear Friends of Lakeside, Your supporting, smiling faces were such a treat to see, as we transitioned from our summer life to school life!! Thank you so much for providing such a delicious breakfast for us. We appreciate your support throughout the years! We are glad you are our neighbor! Thank you for your thoughtfulness! Fondly, 1st grade team, Susan, Peggy, Kelly & Michelle Thanks to all who came to our school on our first day of Teacher Work Week! You spoiled us with such a

wonderful breakfast and helped so many of us in our rooms! We are blessed with your partnership!

Thank you!


Cindi Cole, Lakeside Elementar

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October Birthdays 2017

Cody Dedmon 10/01 Kelly McGuire 10/13 Barbara Kamanda 10/26

Butch Kelchner 10/05 Michelle Pitts 10/14 Alexandra Gomez 10/27

Gavin Bell 10/06 Jessica Moore 10/14 Linda Willis 10/28

Sylvia Barefoot 10/07 Austin Hedrick 10/18 Vicki Perkins 10/28

Leslie Whitman 10/07 Tammy Bell 10/20 Audey Seward 10/29

Debbie Gillis 10/08 Joseph Teel 10/23 Chris White 10/30

Melinda Kates-Tate 10/10 Maurice Hancock 10/23 Kay Robertson 10/30

Janine Johns 10/11 Lelia (Teel) Duncan 10/26 Ruth Haden 10/31

Doris Culley 10/12

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Sunday October 1

World Communion Sunday

9:40 AM Sunday School

10:30 AM Worship Service

12:30 PM Mountain Top Sunday

School/Worship - Hispanic

2:00 PM Seed International

Worship Service –African

4:00 PM Voices of Praise Choir

5:30 PM Knit Wits

Monday October 2

10:00 AM Yoga for Seniors

2:00 PM Fit for Life

7:30 PM Mountain Top Bible Study

Tuesday October 3

6:30 PM Children’s Ministry

6:30 PM Seed International

Worship Service - African

6:30 PM Henrico Pops

7:00 PM UMM Exec. Board

7:00 PM North-Side Steps (AA)

8:00 PM Narcotics Anonymous

Wednesday October 4

8:00 AM ROMEOS Breakfast 10:00 AM Bible Study

Thursday October 5

9:00 AM Tai Chi Class

10:30 AM Tai Chi Class

2:00 PM Fit for Life

6:30 PM Adult Bells

7:30 PM Chancel Choir

Friday October 6

11:00 AM Tai Chi Class

6:00 PM AIM

Saturday October 7

9:00 PM Mountain Top Pentecostal

Church of God - Hispanic

Sunday October 8

9:40 AM Sunday School

10:50 AM Worship Service

12:30 PM Mountain Top Sunday

School/Worship - Hispanic

2:00 PM Seed International

Worship Service African

3:00 PM Charge Conference

4:00 PM Voices of Praise Choir

5:30 PM Knit Wits

Monday October 9

10:00 AM Yoga for Seniors

2:00 PM Fit for Life.

7:30 PM Mountain Top Bible Study

Tuesday October 10 6:30 PM Seed International

Worship Service - African

6:30 PM Finance Meeting

7:00 PM Henrico Pops

7:00 PM North-Side Steps (AA)

7:30 PM North-Side Steps Exec. Bd

Tuesday October 10 (cont.)

8:00 PM Narcotics Anonymous

Wednesday October 11

10:00 AM Bible Study

Thursday October 12

9:00 AM Tai Chi Class

10:30 AM Tai Chi Class

2:00 PM Fit for Life

6:30 PM Adult Bells

7:30 PM Chancel choir

Friday October 13

11:00 AM Tai Chi Class

6:00 AM AIM

Saturday October 14

9:30 AM Girl Scouts

10:00 AM Community Fair

6:00 PM Mountain Top Pentecostal

Church of God (Hispanic)

Sunday October 15

9:40 AM Sunday School

10:50 AM Worship Service

12:15 PM Church Luncheon –

Chili Cook-Off

1:30 PM Mountain Top Worship -


2:00 PM Seed International

Worship Service African

4:00 PM Voice of Praise Choir

5:30 PM Youth Dinner/Program

5:30 PM Knit Wits

Monday October 16

10:00 AM Yoga for Seniors

2:00 PM Fit for Life

7:30 PM Mountain Top Bible Study

Tuesday October 17 6:30 PM Church Council

6:30 PM Seed International

Worship Service - African

7:00 PM Henrico Pops

7:00 PM North-Side Steps (AA)

8:00 PM Narcotics Anonymous

Wednesday October 18

10:00 AM Bible Study

Thursday October 19

9:00 AM Tai Chi Class

10:30 AM Tai Chi Class

2:00 PM Fit for Life

6:30 PM Adult Bells

6:30 PM Neighborhood Watch

7:30 PM Chancel Choir

Friday October 20 11:00 AM Tai Chi

6:00 PM AIM

Saturday, October 21

6:00 AM Mountain Top Pentecostal

Church of God -Hispanic

6:00 PM Mountain Top Pentecostal

Church of God - Hispanic

Sunday October 22

9:40 AM Sunday School

10:50 AM Worship Service

12:30 PM Mountain Top Sunday

School/Worship - Hispanic

2:00 PM Seed International

Worship Service African

4:00 PM Voices of Praise Choir

5:30 PM Youth Dinner/Program

5:30 PM Knit Wits

Monday October 23

10:00 AM Yoga for Seniors

2:00 PM Fit for Life

7:30 PM Mountain Top Bible Study

Tuesday October 24 6:30 PM Seed International

Worship Service - African

7:00 PM Henrico Pops

7:00 PM North-Side Steps (AA)

8:00 PM Narcotics Anonymous

Wednesday October 25

10:00 AM Bible Study

6:30 PM United Methodist Men

Thursday October 26

9:00 AM Tai Chi Class

10:30 AM Tai Chi Class

2:00 PM Fit for Life

6:30 PM Adult Bells

7:30 PM Chancel Choir

Friday October 27

11:00 AM Tai Chi Class

Saturday October 28

6:00 PM Broadway Revue Dinner/Show

6:00 PM Mountain Top Pentecostal

Church of God - Hispanic

Sunday October 29 Laity Sunday

9:40 AM Sunday School

10:50 AM Worship Service

1:30 PM Mountain Top Worship - Hispanic

2:00 PM Seed International

Worship Service - African

4:00 PM Voice of Praise Choir

5:30 PM Youth Dinner/Program

5:30 PM Knit Wits

Monday October 30

10:00 AM Yoga for Seniors

2:00 PM Fit for Life

7:30 PM Mountain Top Bible Study

Tuesday October 31 6:30 PM Seed International

Worship Service - African

7:00 PM Henrico Pops

7:00 PM North-Side Steps (AA)

8:00 PM Narcotics Anonymous

If you need to schedule an event for your ministry, contact the church office at 266-7016. Thank you.


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Council Meeting Highlights: September 19, 2017 At the September meeting Church Council leaders began discussions in regards to a reorganization of our leadership structure. For part of our discussion Pastor Mark introduced the GRACE Leadership Model. A portion of this model is re-printed below which highlights how our programatic ministries cover five grounds of G-R-A-C-E:

Glorifying God through Worship

Reaching out in Mission

Accepting all persons through Evangelism

Caring through Congregational Care

Educating/Equipping through Christian Education

How may this new GRACE Leadership Model enable effective ministry at LUMC?

Emphasizes the priority of program ministries over other areas of ministry

More clearly defines areas of ministry responsibility

Provides a structure for ministry on which we can build in the years ahead

Offers clearer boundaries so that leaders can be trained more efficiently

Aligns our purpose with our leadership structure

Church leaders will be prayerfully discerning this new model as we plan for effective ministries in the coming year. Please keep all of our church leaders in your prayers.

Library Books At the August Council meeting a task force was appointed to look into the disposition of the books in the Adult Library. Pastor Mark, Hal Costley, Chris White, and Dina Giese met on September 12, to develop a plan of disposition. On September 18, Mr. Martinelli of Excalibur Books, a local used book dealer, came by and examined the contents of the library; unfortunately, we did not own any rare, signed, first editions. Mr. Martinelli did leave with about 15 volumes and made a $ 25.00 donation to the church. Beginning October 2nd through October 13th, the Library will be open from 9 AM – 3 PM. Then on October 4th, 5th, 11th, 12th the Library will be open from 6 to 7:30 PM for anyone who wasn’t able to get by in the daytime. A donation basket will be available for monetary gifts should someone decide they found that perfect book they couldn’t live without. Stop by and see if you can find a treasure.

Lakeside Elementary

As you know, Lakeside Elementary School is right around the corner, and Lakeside UMC has reached out in to help and support the teachers and students in any way that we can. On August 28, a group of volunteers descended on the school at 7:30 AM with various breakfast goodies and set up a breakfast buffet of fruit, pastries, and coffee to greet the teachers on their first official day back from summer break. At Noon, more volunteers assembled to await instructions on assisting the teachers in setting up their classrooms. Furniture was assembled, books organized, and bulletin board themes were taken down and new ones put up. Who knew Pastor Mark was a creative genius. As our assignments wrapped up we felt a sense of accomplishment in knowing that our efforts, as small as they were, were appreciated and that we were making a difference in someone’s life.

On the first day of school, September 5th, more volunteers gathered at Lakeside Elementary and bathed the school in prayer as the students arrived for their first day of classes.

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Like Lakeside Elementary, Election Day is right around the corner….November 7. The school will be officially closed, but used as a voting precinct, and the teachers will have a workshop day. In appreciation for the hard work these teachers put in, and the love they share with their students, we are again hosting a teacher appreciation pancake breakfast. Seek out Dina Giese to find out how you can assist in appreciating these teachers on Election Day.

LUMC Treasurer’s Report for the period ending August 31, 2017 Hal Costley

Statement of Financial Position

The Statement of Financial Position indicates all accounts are in balance and reconciled with the other financial statements. Our YTD deficit at the end of August was $4,951 (See Net Activity on 2nd page). We have $788 in the budget checking account and $245 in Working Funds Savings for total cash available of $1,033 to carry over into September 2017.

Statement of Revenue over Expenses We paid some back apportionments in August and are $10,254 behind. We paid our missions commitments for August. Year to date we have received $23,883 less revenue than budgeted. Our deficit through the month of August was $4,951 but we have not paid $10,254 in apportionments. Our total deficit year to date with unpaid apportionments was $15,205. All groups kept expenses to a minimum.

Comparison Report In addition to the information shown on the first page, which is a monthly summary of the revenue and expense report, there is supplemental information on page 2 to compare this year’s results to last year’s and against budget. Our giving rate compared to last year was 103.4% having received $5,872 more than last year through August. We received $7,758 more this August than last year. We have received 88.5% of what is needed to meet our budget. If we receive the same amount September through December as last year we will end the year $26,000 behind budget.

Designated Funds Spreadsheet Missions – The Pastor’s Welfare Discretionary account has a balance of $760. Memorials – No significant activity. Specials – Funds were transferred to budget accounts to reduce B&G costs and allow greater apportionment payment. Other funds were transferred as appropriate. Music Funds – A summary of the music funds available within the various other funds is shown for the convenience of the Music Committee and staff.

Statement of Activities These accounts represent non-budget accounts. They show the activity for the Endowment Funds and the Building Funds. The Endowment Funds decreased by $1,004 in August for a total increase of $26,594 YTD. Building Fund revenue was $282 in August with $297 paid towards the mortgage payment and $1,700 for maintenance and repairs. Overall We are slightly ahead of last year’s revenue for the year but have a year to date cash deficit of $4,951 plus are behind in our apportionment responsibilities by $!0,254. In 2016, at the end of August we had a cash deficit of $6,920 and $22,327 of unpaid apportionments for a total deficit of $29,317. In 2017 our total deficit is $15,205 when including unpaid apportionments. So we are YTD in 2017 ahead of 2016 by $14,112 largely due to reductions in pastor’s expenses. We have four months remaining in the year to catch up. If we receive the same amount this year as last year in those four months we will be behind budget by approximately $26,000 so we need to increase our revenue for the last four months in order to meet our budget.

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September results have been much worse than last year and we are currently further behind as we reach the end of the month. If you can possibly do so, an increase in your contributions will be greatly beneficial to the church

Council Meeting Highlights: August 15, 2017 Ministry Focus – Children’s Ministry Robin Smith highlighted the numerous activities that occur throughout the year to engage not only the children attending LUMC, but also the children of the neighbor. In an effort to keep the children engaged, there are activities, outside of worship, being planned for Fall, Christmas, VBS and Summer Arts camp. The Children’s Ministry Team met and discussed how more children might be reached if VBS were held during the day rather than during the evening; for 2018, this approach will be tried.

Membership Reconciliation – Angela Harper Angela presented a report on the efforts of the Membership Reconciliation Team

2016 LUMC membership statistics submitted - 622 full members

Draft Inactive Full Member list with 253 names circulated to 11 active members for review. The list was reduced to 160 names who had not participated in the life of the church in last year

160 letters sent [16 returned; 1 resent; 4 requested staying; 11 asked to be removed; 5 joined other churches; 2 joined other UMC’s; 4 deceased

Oct. 2017 Charge Conference will be given a list of members who cannot be located

The last complete church membership audit was conducted in 1998

Online Giving Update – Butch Kelchner

Online giving has been set up with VANCO a payment processor

The LUMC website has a “Give Now” button that directs the giver to a secure website where A profile can be set up for the purpose of making a onetime gift or an automatic recurring gift

The LUMC Facebook page has a QR code that can be used to access the VANCO portal

A QR code will be printed on the weekly bulletin for the purpose of facilitating giving from the pews

Project Task Force – Kip Robinson, Debbie Gillis

A Task Force, or ad hoc, committee has been established to determine to prioritize and coordinate funding from Finance/Endowment for six major maintenance and repair projects. The projects totaled $150,464, plus an estimate of $6000 to replace the garage roof at Hope House. The task force was just empanelled and has no report on the projects as to bids, priority, estimated start or completion dates. The above numbers were compiled from conversations with contractors/vendors when the needs were brought to the attention of the Trustees.

October is Pastor Appreciation Month. Remember your leaders who have spoken God’s word to you. As you carefully observe the outcome of their lives, imitate their faith… Obey your leaders and submit to them, for they keep watch over your souls as those who will give an account, so that they can do this with joy and not with grief, for that would be unprofitable for you. Pray for us; for we are convinced that we have a clear conscience, wanting to conduct ourselves honorably in everything. (Hebrews 13:7,17-18)