Memo2008223183 Guidelines and Pageant Mechanics on the Search for Mutya Ng Kalikasan 2008...

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  • 8/13/2019 Memo2008223183 Guidelines and Pageant Mechanics on the Search for Mutya Ng Kalikasan 2008 121213256347


    Republic of the PhilippinesDepartment of Environment and Natural Resour cesVisayas Avenue, Diliman, 1106 Quezon City632)929-6626t 29; 29-6252; 29-6633t 35; 29-7041 43E-mail: wew; Website:



    FROM RICARDO S ISIPAssistant Secretary for Management erv icesHead, Oversight Committee Search for Mutya ng KaMkasan 2008SUWECT GUIDELINES AND PAGEANT MECHANICS ON THE SEARCHFOR UMUTYANG KALIKASAN 2008"DATEIn connection with the authority issued in the conduct of the Search for "Mutya ngKalikasan 2008" a s p e o the celebration of the Environment Month and theforthcoming DENR Anniversaq Celebration on 10 June 2008 the following Guidelinesand Pageant Mechanics are hereby issued for information and guidance of allconcerned:I. RATIONALEThe "MUTYA N KALIKASAN 2008" is a beauty and personality search for DENR rankand fie employees who will serve as an ambassador of the Department in promotingEnvironmental Concerns and Issues. She will also attend program and activitiesrelevant to her title.This will be participated in by representatives from the Central Office, Regional Offices,Bureaus, and Attached Agencies. The respective offices will choose their representativeaccording to their own set of criteria.The candidates will compete on the following categories 1. Filipiniana or NativeCostume; 2. Sportswear Cdmpetition; 3 Talent Competition; 4. Long GownCompetition; and 5 Question an d Answer Portion.The PRE-PAGEANT NIGHT: Presentation of Candidates and Talent Competition will beheld on Ju ne 6, 2008 a t the DENR Social Hall an d the Pageant and Coronation Nighton Ju ne 10, 2008 a t the DENR Multi-Purpose Covered Court.

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    11. CANDIDATE S MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONThe Search is open to single and married female employees who meet the followingminimum requirements:

    1. bonalide employee (regular, casual, contractual) including detailed andreassigned employees of respective offices with a t least six (6)months inservic,eas of Ju ne 10, 2008.2. Within 18 to 35 years old bracket.3. Presently reporting in the Region/Bureau/Attached Agency sh e isrepresenting.In . PAGEANT MECHANICS

    1. Each participating office will choose their representative according totheir own set of criteria. They are required to submit their candidate'spersonal da ta, half-bust 3R picture and proof of employment on or beforeMay 30, 2008 thru email mutyan~kalikasan2008in yahoo comAnendorsement of the head of office is required.

    2. Each candidate will compete in the following categories:PRE-PAGEANT NIGHT: une 6 , 2 0 0 8i. Presentation of Candidates candidates will present themselvesand th e office being represented.ii. Talent Competition every candidate will be given a maximum oftwo (2) minutes for their talent presentation at the DENR Social

    Hall, 2nd Floor DENR Main Building. They are to be ratedaccording to their Execution (80%) an d Audience Appeal (20%).iii. Interview candidates will pick a number corresponding to apicture/video about environm ental issues. They will be given two(2) m a t e s to discuss the environmental issue presented in thescreen and what she can contribute to manage or solve theproblem. The 50% score for the Intelligence in the Top 5elimination will be taken from this discussion.

    PAGEANT NIGHT: une 1 0 , 2 0 0 8i. Filipiniana Attire or Native Costume in the presentation ofcandidates during the Pageant Night, candidates will be in theirFilipiniana Attire or Native Costume. They will be rated accordingto its Design (50%)an d Poise Bearing (50%).ii. Sportswear Competition in this category candidates will berequired to wear the sports attire of their choice that highlightstheir physical fitness to satisfy the criteria in which 50% is forFigure, 30% for Beauty and 20% Poise Bearing.iii. Long Gown Competition candidates must show proper poiseand bearing while in their Long Gown. They will be rated based ondesign and fitting (50%)and Poise Bearing (50%).iv. After the Long Gown Competition, Special Awards will be handedou t. The Top Five (5) Candidates will be chosen according to thesecriteria:

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    a. Intelligence 50 - based on the Pre-Pageant Night in theInterviewb. Talent 20 - based on their performance during theTalent Competitionc. Beauty Personality 30 based on the Pageant Nightperformancev. ,In the Final Round, previous scores will be disregarded and theTop Five candidates will be rated based on the final performanceon the following criteria:

    a. Intelligence 50b. Beauty 30c. Poise Personality 20vi. The Top Three (3) Candidates will be declared as Mutya ngKalikasan 2008, 1st Runner Up an d 2nd Runner Up.vii. The decision of th e Board of Judg es is final an d irrevocable.

    IV AWARDS PRIZESThe following Special Awards and the comesponding prizes will be given to candidatethat tops each category:

    1. Best in Filipinianal Native Costume P5,000.00 Sash2. Best in Sportswear P5,OOO.OO Sash3. Best in Talent P5,000.00 Sash4. Best in Long Gown P5,000.00 Sash5. Most Photogenic P5,000.00 Sash6. Congeniality Award P5,000.00 + Sash

    The Major Awards and Prizes are the following:1. Mutya ng Kalikasan 2008 P30,000.00 Sash plaque2. 1stRunner Up P20,000.00 Sash plaque3. 2nd Runner Up P10,000.00 Sash plaque

    Consolation Prize of Five Thousand Pesos (P 5,000) each.

    V. SCHEDULE OF ACTIVITIESMay 30,2008 Deadline of Submission of representative's name, personal data,picture and proof of employment in the DepartmentJune 6 ,2 008 Arrival of Candidates

    10:OO am Orientation and Briefing of CandidatesRehearsal Blocking for Pre-Pageant Night

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    12 :00 Luncheon Meeting with Secretary Atienza3:00 pm Preparation for the Pre-Pageant Night6:00 pm PRE-PAGEANT NIGHT:

    Presentation of CandidatesTalent Competition andInterviewVenue: DENR Social allJune 7,2008 Rehearsal for the Production Number andTree Planting Activities at PAWBJune 8,2 008 Rest DayJune 9,2008 Final Rehearsal 8 BlockingJune 10,2008 PAGEANT 8 CORONATION NIGHTVenue: DENR Multi-Purpose Covered Courtll offices, with or without candidates, are required to contribute Twenty ThousandPesos P20,000.00) for this activity chargeable against their respective office funds,subject to the usual accounting and auditing rules and regulations.

    For information and guidance.