· meeting place of the medieval trade guilds whilst all the threads of Carlisle’s life and...

Holidays & short breaks in the city or countryside 2010 www.historic-carlisle.org.uk

Transcript of  · meeting place of the medieval trade guilds whilst all the threads of Carlisle’s life and...

Page 1:  · meeting place of the medieval trade guilds whilst all the threads of Carlisle’s life and times are woven together in the displays of Tullie House Museum and Art Gallery. At

Holidays & short breaks in the city or countryside 2010


Page 2:  · meeting place of the medieval trade guilds whilst all the threads of Carlisle’s life and times are woven together in the displays of Tullie House Museum and Art Gallery. At


Find yourselfWith a holiday or short break in historic Carlisle, you can relive the

fascinating heritage of a 2,000 year city, indulge in some serious shopping

then relax in accommodation of the highest quality. Close by in Hadrian’s

Wall Country, you can marvel at the legacy of a once mighty Empire, walk or

cycle through beautiful countryside or unwind by tranquil lakes and streams.

Contents...Introducing Carlisle05 Historic Carlisle07 Alive with History09 Walk in the footsteps of legionnaires11 Explore the Wall

Great days out13 Hidden Treasures15 Shop ‘til you drop17 Find adventure19 Take time out21 The Winter City23 What’s on in Carlisle

Where to stay27 Choosing your accommodation29 Accommodation listings38 Places to Eat42-43 How to get here & Useful maps44 Tourist Information

The Pennines

Lake District


Hadrian’s Wall

Main front cover image: A facsimile of a Varus imperial face mask found at Kalkriese in Germany. It was often worn by cavalrymen and today is used by those staging re-enactments for dramatic effect.

Below: Carlisle Castle

1. Outside Carlisle Cathedral 2. Shop ‘til you drop 3. Bitts Park, Carlisle 4. Lanercost Priory 5. The Citadel, Carlisle City Centre 6. Hadrian’s Wall Path

Page 3:  · meeting place of the medieval trade guilds whilst all the threads of Carlisle’s life and times are woven together in the displays of Tullie House Museum and Art Gallery. At

Carlisle Cathedral

03 04

Page 4:  · meeting place of the medieval trade guilds whilst all the threads of Carlisle’s life and times are woven together in the displays of Tullie House Museum and Art Gallery. At

In its 2000 year history, Carlisle has seen Celts, Romans, warring families and invading armies leave a legacy foryou to explore. In Carlisle’s Historic Quarter, you will find a castle, cathedral and museums in a compact area,criss crossed with ancient thoroughfares. Within its confines, you can learn about the past, away from the hustleand bustle of city life.

For more information on Historic Carlisle visit historic-carlisle.org.uk

The magnificent Castle, founded in 1092

by William the Conquerer’s son, stands as

testament to years of feuding over the

English-Scottish border. Once the prison

of Mary Queen of Scots and home to the

King’s Own Royal Border Regiment, you can

explore its dungeons and labyrinths, find the

Licking Stones and prisoners’ carvings and

discover how it was captured by Bonnie

Prince Charlie in 1745.

Carlisle was once enclosed by mighty walls.

The West Walls built from 1122 are all that

remain but are a fine example of what these

defences looked like. Carlisle’s commercial

success is revealed in the Guildhall

Museum. Built in 1407, it was once a

meeting place of the medieval trade guilds

whilst all the threads of Carlisle’s life and

times are woven together in the displays of

Tullie House Museum and Art Gallery.

At the centre of the Historic Quarter is

Carlisle Cathedral. Founded in 1122 and

battered by centuries of warfare, it was built

for the glory of God and prayers have been

said there daily for nearly 900 years. The

Cathedral contains many items of historical

interest, including a display of silver and

treasures illustrating the history of

Christianity in Cumbria over the centuries,

and a number of stained glasses dating

back as far as the 14th century.

Historic Carlisle...

05 061&2. Carlisle Castle 1. Musketeer 2. The Old Town Hall & Tourist Information Centre 3. Carlisle Cathedral 4. Guildhall Museum 5. Cursing Stone 6. Carlisle Cathedral

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07 08

Tullie House Museum and Art Gallery is an

excellent choice for a great day out for all the

family. The Old Tullie House is a Grade One

listed building, dating back to the 17th century,

surrounded by wonderful gardens and

containing beautiful architectural features

such as an original Jacobean staircase.

The Old Town Hall, dating from 1717 and

set in the city centre, is now home to our

award winning Tourist Information Centre.

It is an imposing Grade One listed building

and serves over 180,000 visitors a year.

Close to Carlisle’s Historic Quarter stands

the Citadel, an impressive pair of oval

towers guarding the southern entrance to

the city. The ‘twin drum’ bastions were built

by Henry VIII to reinforce national defences

as a precaution against reprisal from Europe

for the dissolution of the monasteries. Two

new towers were added at the beginning of

the 19th century and some original masonry

from the 16th century still exist today.

Carlisle’s railway station is also known as

the Citadel station. It was built in 1847 by

William Tite who was also responsible for

the London Stock Exchange.

Carlisle’s Historic Quarter continues to

evolve to this day and will play an even

greater role in the business, social and

cultural life of Carlisle in the future.

...alive with History

1. The Key to Carlisle Castle © English Heritage 2. Carlisle Castle 3. Tullie House Museum & Art Gallery 4. Carlisle Cathedral 5. The Old Town Hall & Tourist Information Centre 6. Citadel 1. Carlisle station 2. Tullie House Museum & Art Gallery

For more information visit historic-carlisle.org.uk

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During the Roman occupation of Britain, most of the Northern lands were under the control of native Britishtribes. General Agricola, Britain’s first Roman Governor appointed in AD78, decreed to tame these ‘wildbarbarians’ in the North.

For more information on Hadrian’s Wall visit historic-carlisle.org.uk

When Hadrian arrived in AD122, the

barbarians were still at large, with some

Pictish tribes (ancient inhabitants of

Scotland) leading raids on Roman territory.

In order to defend his empire’s boundaries

and physically mark the frontier of the

Roman Empire, Hadrian ordered the

building of a mighty stone and turf barrier

stretching across the border from the

Solway Firth in the west and ending after

73 miles (or 80 Roman ones) at Wallsend

on the north east coast.

When completed there were more than

30 forts on the frontier with 80 milecastles

and 160 turrets. Hadrian’s Wall is now one

of the most important designated World

Heritage Sites in existence.

Today there are many major Roman sites

and museums to discover along its route.

You can explore the stunning landscape on

foot or by bike, at your own pace or by

using one of the recommended itineraries,

taking in the fantastic atmosphere of

market towns and quaint villages you

will find along the way.

The 84 mile Hadrian’s Wall Path National

Trail allows you to walk in the footsteps

of Roman Legionnaires on a fascinating

journey across the North of England,

taking in some of the country’s greatest

archaeological monuments and relics from

the time of Roman occupation. Using

Carlisle as a base, you can explore many

parts of the Wall.

Walk in the footsteps of legionnaires

1. Roman re-enactment 2. Hadrian’s Wall 1. Walking the Wall 2. Hadrian’s Wall 3. Roman re-enactment 4. Hadrian’s Wall path 5. Roman helmet 6. Housesteads

Page 7:  · meeting place of the medieval trade guilds whilst all the threads of Carlisle’s life and times are woven together in the displays of Tullie House Museum and Art Gallery. At

11 12

To the east of Carlisle, spectacular stretches

of the Wall are still intact at Birdoswald

Roman Fort and Visitor Centre including a

fort, turret and milecastle. The Visitor Centre

has interesting displays and reconstructions,

tracing the history of the Wall via audiovisuals,

strikingly life-like figures and excavated

artifacts. The section of Wall leading to the

east of Birdoswald is the longest continuous

span still visible to this day.

To the west of Carlisle, the Trail offers a

pleasant walk through to Bowness on

Solway providing spectacular views of

Scotland and the Galloway Hills. Further

down the coast, there are more Roman

sites and artefacts to see. Senhouse Roman

Museum stands on cliffs overlooking the

Solway Firth, next to the Maryport Roman

fort built by Marcus Agrippa. The museum

displays the largest group of Roman military

altar stones and inscriptions from any site

in Britain and unique examples of Romano-

British religious sculpture.

The 174 mile Hadrian’s Cycleway gives

cyclists the opportunity to enjoy these

inspiring sites as it winds across the North

of England from coast to coast, starting at

Ravenglass Roman Fort or Glannaventa as

the Romans called it. It contains the

remains of a Roman bath house which are

some of northern Britain’s tallest surviving

Roman structures standing almost 13 feet

high. For more information visit


Alternatively, why not take a trip on the

Hadrian’s Wall Bus and visit the main

Roman sites or friendly market towns

and villages along the Wall? The AD122

runs between Carlisle and Newcastle and

at certain times, heritage guides will travel

with you on the bus.

For a timetable and information

visit www.hadrians-wall.org

or call 01434 322002 or

see the advert on page 41.

....explore the Wall

1. Roman re-enactments 2. Walltown Craggs, Hadrian’s Wall1. Hadrian’s Wall Country Bus ©Roger Clegg 2. Walkers on Hadrian’s Wall 3. Ravenglass Bath House 4. Solway sunset 5. Arthuret Church Longtown 6. Walking the Wall

For more information on Hadrian’s Wall visit historic-carlisle.org.uk

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The countryside around Historic Carlisle contains many hidden treasures in contrasting landscapes that are sureto delight. Nine miles east of Carlisle is Talkin Tarn Country Park, a 65-acre lake set amid 120 acres of farmlandand woodland. The tarn is an ideal place for a quiet stroll through mature woodlands or an active day of bikeriding and watersports.

For more information visit historic-carlisle.org.uk

Talkin Tarn was formed by a glacier around

10,000 years ago and is fed by underground

streams. Many events are held throughout

the year, such as activity days and craft fairs.

In the pretty town of Brampton, St Martin’s

Church contains one of the most exquisite

sets of stained glass designed by Sir Edward

Burne-Jones and executed in the William

Morris studio.

Nearby in rolling countryside, the beautiful

Lanercost Priory founded by Augustinian

canons in 1166 provides peace and

tranquility for all. When completed in 1220,

canons came from a priory in Norfolk, and

remained for some 370 years until the

Dissolution of the Monasteries.

North of Hadrian’s Wall, the countryside was

once a lawless place, scarred by battles

between rival families called Border Reivers.

Until the 17th century, reiving – raiding for

cattle and sheep – was the only way to

survive. Reivers held no allegiance to the

Crown, only to their family surnames. When

the reign of the Reivers ended, many of

their descendants spread across the

country and beyond. The first man on the

moon was an Armstrong, descended from

the Reivers of that name.

Traversing this region and down to the

Yorkshire Dales is the 72 mile Carlisle to

Settle railway with 14 tunnels and 17 major

viaducts spanning the ravines. On ‘steam

days’ you can experience the sights, sounds

and smells of the great Steam Age.

Hidden Treasures

1. Talkin Tarn 2. Look out for red squirrels 3. Brampton 4. Arthuret Church, Longtown 5. Hermitage Castle 6. Viaduct – Settle Railway1. Milecastle 37 2. Lanercost Priory Church

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Carlisle offers one of the most compact, level and visitor friendly city centres in the country. Whether you’re herefor a major spending spree or simply wish to explore its many craft, furniture and countryside food outlets, it’s avibrant and convenient destination. Don’t forget! Many city centre stores remain open until 7pm each Thursdaywhen there’s also free car parking in all Carlisle City Council car parks after 5pm.

For more information visit historic-carlisle.org.uk

The Lanes Shopping Centre, situated in

the city’s Historic Quarter, is the premier

shopping destination in Cumbria. Built on

the site of medieval lanes that once crossed

Carlisle, it has over 70 stores including Next,

New Look, Disney and Cumbria’s biggest

Debenhams store as well as several

independently run businesses. Undercover,

The Lanes is an ideal all weather destination

and has been awarded the Park Mark for

its 600 secured parking spaces and a 5 star

‘Loo of the Year’ award for its toilet facilities!

Visit the award-winning Market Hall, now

one of the few remaining covered Victorian

Markets in the country. It is known for its

unhurried feel and has a wide variety of

stalls, with everything from fresh meat, fish

and veg, clothes, haberdashery, florists and

much more.

Historic Carlisle can also boasts an award

winning Farmers’ Market which is held

regularly in the city centre and offers an

excellent choice of local produce and crafts.

The city also takes on a European theme

when dozens of French, German and Italian

stallholders arrive for one of the many

Continental Markets bringing in specialist

produce and gifts from near and far.

When you need to stop and recharge your

batteries, Carlisle caters for every

gastronomic taste and pocket! From

pavement cafés and coffee shops to the

finest international cuisine, from pub meals

to multi course candlelit dinners – you’ll find

a great variety for all.

Carlisle Shopmobility

Visitors with mobility difficulties

can take advantage of the free

Shopmobility scheme providing

wheelchairs and powered scooters.

Please contact the Shopmobility

Office, Level 2 of The Lanes car park.

Tel – 01228 625950.

Shop ’til you drop...

1. Café culture Carlisle City Centre 2. Victorian Market Hall 3. Shopping Heaven 4. Christmas Market 5. Shop window 6. Hoopers department store1. Take time out 2. Regular Farmers’ and Continental Markets

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Historic Carlisle and Hadrian’s Wall Country offer an unparalleled choice of ways for all the family to get active!Whether it’s walking, cycling or other outdoor or indoor pursuits such as golf, horseracing and swimming, you’llenjoy your favourite here.

For more information visit historic-carlisle.org.uk

Walking Experience the Hadrian’s Wall Path

National Trail, an 84 mile signposted trail

stretching coast to coast from the salt marsh

of the Solway Estuary to Wallsend. With links

to 80 short walks, it is suitable for all ages

and abilities.

For something a little gentler, pick up

a City Walks leaflet and try a guided or self

guided walk around Carlisle itself.

Cycling Carlisle is where the Inverness to

Dover route crosses many official cycle

ways including the Reivers Cycle Way,

Hadrian’s Cycle Trail and the City to City

routes over the Pennines.

Call 01228 625600. www.sustrans.org.uk

Pony Trekking Kershope Forest is home

to Bailey Mill Riding Centre whilst north

of Carlisle is Blackdyke Riding School.

Golf Several top class golf courses are

dotted in and around Carlisle.



Watersports Talkin Tarn Country Park

covers 180 acres, 65 of which make up the

tarn itself. It’s great for windsurfing, sailing

and canoeing plus you can also hire rowing

boats. www.carlisle.gov.uk

Bird watching The Solway is a superb place

for birdwatching and the RSPB’s

nature reserve at Campfield Marsh, near

Bowness-on-Solway and the Geltsdale area,

with its RSPB reserve, are both worth a visit.

Fishing The Rivers Eden, Esk and their

tributaries are famous for Salmon,

Sea Trout and Brown Trout.

Horseracing Racing in Carlisle dates back

to the 16th Century. There’s racing every

month and accompanied children aged 16

and under can go free!


Swimming The Pools in Carlisle has 3

heated pools and magnificent Victorian

Turkish baths. www.carlisleleisure.com

Find adventure

1. Carlisle Racecourse 2. Skate Park 3. Mountain biking 4. Go fishing 5. Top class golf courses 6. Pony Trekking1. Canoeing 2. Walks suitable for all

Page 11:  · meeting place of the medieval trade guilds whilst all the threads of Carlisle’s life and times are woven together in the displays of Tullie House Museum and Art Gallery. At

For more information visit historic-carlisle.org.uk

There’s also an excellent selection of live

music venues throughout the city. Make your

visit complete with a meal in one of many top

class restaurants and bistros. Whatever you’re

looking for – Italian, Indian, Chinese, Mexican,

Greek, Turkish or something a little more

traditional – you’ll find it here.

Check out this small selection of what’s

on offer:

Tullie House Museum and Art Gallery –

situated in the historic quarter close to the

Castle and Cathedral, this award winning

museum has collections currently

containing 188,000 objects and includes

interactive exhibits of Hadrian’s Wall, a

Border Reivers audio visual show plus

fine art, natural sciences and local

history presentations.

The Millennium Gallery offers art lovers

an excellent choice of exhibits all year

round in ultra modern surroundings.

The Sands Centre is Cumbria’s premier

live arts venue hosting classical, pop and

rock music plus superb theatre, drama

and ballet productions.

You can also experience recitals at Carlisle

Cathedral including the International

Summer Music Festival and dramatic

productions at West Walls Theatre.

Enjoy the state of the art, multi screen

cinema. Try the thrill of Laserquest whilst the

AMF Bowl offers excellent 10-pin bowling.

For family fun on the farm, visit Walby Farm

Park at Crosby on Eden. Try the exciting

indoor and outdoor play areas or explore

the nature trail. New Mills Trout Farm at

Brampton offers superb trout fishing, plus

an excellent tea room.

Take time out

19 201. 10-pin bowling 2. Tullie House 3. Array of nightclubs 4. Ballet at The Sands Centre 5. Choice of places to eat 6. Walby Farm Park1. The Cursing Stone, Tullie House ©www.EscapeToCumbria.co.uk 2. Dining out

Carlisle’s pedestrianised area is the location for regular street entertainment organised by Carlisle TourismPartnership and the city council. With several open air cafes, it’s the ideal place to sit and enjoy the fun andwatch the world go by. When the sun goes down, you’ll never be short of evening entertainment. The vibrantBotchergate area of the city centre comes alive with an array of bars and nightclubs.

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Capture the magic of Christmas in Carlisle. It’s the best Christmas experience in the North! Each Christmasseason, the city of Carlisle comes alive with a fantastic festive programme of spectacular lights, events, marketsand activities.

For more information visit historic-carlisle.org.uk

Hot on the heels of the Fireshow and

following the switch-on of some of the

most spectacular Christmas lights you’ll

ever see, Carlisle is host to fabulous family

entertainment including pantomimes and

variety shows at West Walls Theatre and

The Sands Centre; a carol parade, hog roast

and carol concerts in the splendour of the

Cathedral; imaginative themed walks

around the city; brass bands and choirs in

the city centre and Christmas fun at Tullie

House Museum & Art Gallery.

Carlisle is even more of a shoppers’

paradise at Christmas. Every Thursday from

mid November, The Lanes Shopping Centre

and other stores stay open until 9.00pm to

ensure that you have plenty of time for all

those presents.

And throughout the festive period, Farmers’

Markets, Made in Cumbria craft and food

events and a spectacular Christmas Market

with over 50 stalls selling gifts and foods

from across the Continent add to the fun.

The Winter City

1. The Lanes Shopping Centre at Christmas 2, 3 & 5. Christmas in Carlisle City Centre 4. Fireshow1. Christmas Angel 2. Carlisle - The Christmas City

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What’s on in CarlisleHistoric Carlisle and Hadrian’s Wall Country is always alive with great eventswhenever you plan to visit. From headline events to local community festivals& fairs, from cultural and sporting events to activities for the kids, there is abusy calendar to suit all tastes.2010 starts with superb exhibitions at Tullie House Museum & Art Gallery and concerts at The Sands Centre.Carlisle Castle lets you step back in time whilst who can resist a day at the races?

On Saturday 13th March, in a once in a lifetime event, Hadrian’s Wall will form a spectacular line of light across thecountry from coast to coast. Illuminating Hadrian’s Wall will see around 500 individual points of light follow theroute of the 84 mile long Hadrian’s Wall Path National Trail. At the same time, the ‘Lakes Alive – Welcoming theLight’ event will see a magical torchlight procession led by international artists in the air and on the ground foreveryone to enjoy.

Easter is always popular with visitors with many events to enjoy either indoors or outside in the spring sunshine.

Summer sees Historic Carlisle and Hadrian’s Wall Country really buzz with events to tickle your taste buds, get youdancing & singing or pretending to be a Roman soldier. Carlisle plays host to 2 major international events not to bemissed. 3 - 4 June ‘We Built This City’ and 23 - 24 July Carlisle will host the spectacular Theatre Titanick (Germany)in a not to be missed event at the Castle. (see www.historic-carlisle.org.uk for further information and updates)

The annual Carlisle Fireshow has been thrilling crowds with a spectacular firework display set to music for over 20years. Closely followed by a whole host of events to celebrate Christmas and brighten up those crisp winter days.

Here is just a flavour of performances and activities to enjoy in Historic Carlisle and Hadrian’s Wall Country in 2010.And as the year goes by, more and more events will be announced so remember to contact the local Tourist Information Centres for updates.

January05 Jan L S Lowry In ContextTullie House Museum & Art Gallery

10 Jan Down On The FarmTullie House Museum & Art Gallery

11 Jan Monday Alternative Film - TheVisitor (15) Tullie House & Art Gallery

14 - 16 Jan The Chinese State CircusThe Sands Centre

17 Jan Viking Crafts And FactsTullie House Museum & Art Gallery

18 Jan Monday Alternative Film - ThreeMonkeys (15) Tullie House & Art Gallery

21 Jan Stephen K Amos - TheFeelgood Factor The Sands Centre

23 Jan - 11 Apr Saved For The NationTullie House Special Exhibitions Gallery

23 Jan Clasps & Buttons In Silver ClayTullie House Museum & Art Gallery

23 Jan Write Your Own Life StoryTullie House Museum & Art Gallery

25 Jan Monday Alternative Film -Looking for Eric (15)Tullie House Museum & Art Gallery

28 Jan North Cumbria Recitals LouisSchwizgebel-Wang - PianoSt Cuthbert’s Church

29 Jan Roy Chubby BrownThe Sands Centre

30 Jan Let’s Dance The TangoTullie House Museum & Art Gallery30 Jan Drawing Made EasyTullie House Museum & Art Gallery31 Jan Candlemas EvensongCarlisle Cathedral31 Jan Cumbrian Clouds And CoastsTullie House Museum & Art Gallery

February01 - 06 Feb Murdered To DeathGreen Room Club, West Walls Theatre 01 Feb Monday Alternative Film -Helen (PG)Tullie House Museum & Art Gallery02 Feb The Road To WembleyTullie House Museum & Art Gallery05 Feb Rue And The RocketsThe Sands Centre 06 Feb Urban OrienteeringCarlisle City Centre 06 - 07 Feb An Introduction to BronzclayTullie House Museum & Art Gallery 07 Feb Viking Crafts And FactsTullie House Museum & Art Gallery08 - 13 Feb Joseph and the AmazingTechnicolour DreamcoatThe Sands Centre 08 Feb Monday Alternative Film - In The Loop (15)Tullie House Museum & Art Gallery

10 Feb National Hunt RacingCarlisle Racecourse, Durdar Rd

10 Feb Jem Southam - Illustrated TalkTullie House Museum & Art Gallery

13 Feb Once Upon a Tiger, ChineseInk Painting & Toys From JunkTullie House Museum & Art Gallery

14 Feb Make A Medieval Love TokenTullie House Museum & Art Gallery

15 Feb Tiger TalesTullie House Museum & Art Gallery

15 - 19 Feb Horrid History ToursCarlisle Castle, Citadel & Old Crown Court

15 Feb Monday Alternative Film -Sunshine Cleaning (15)Tullie House Museum & Art Gallery

16 Feb Shrove TuesdayTullie House Museum & Art Gallery

17 Feb Eucharist and Imposition ofAshes/Healing serviceCarlisle Cathedral

17 Feb It’s A Spring ThingTullie House Museum & Art Gallery

18 Feb Be A Spring SpotterTullie House Museum & Art Gallery

19 Feb Royal Liverpool PhilharmonicOrchestra The Sands Centre

19 Feb Clay DayTullie House Museum & Art Gallery

20 Feb A-lad-in Trouble (Adult Panto)The Sands Centre

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30 - 31 May King Arthur’s WarriorsBirdoswald Roman Fort

31 May Upperby Gala Hammonds Pond

31 May - 05 Jun 5 Finger ExerciseGreen Room Club, West Walls Theatre

31 May Bank Holiday Racing CarnivalDay Carlisle Racecourse

June03 - 04 Jun We Built This City see amagnificent city of dreams built in aday. City Centre

03, 10, 17 & 24 Jun MusicLive@Lunchtime Carlisle Cathedral

14 Jun Flat Race MeetingCarlisle Racecourse

23 Jun Bell & Plate DayCarlisle Racecourse

July01 Jul Music Live@LunchtimeCarlisle Cathedral

01 Jul -27 Aug (Week days)Carlisle Citadel Guided Tours

03 - 11 Jul Carlisle FestivalCarlisle Cathedral

03 Jul CFM Summer Family FestivalStarring Jools Holland In ConcertCarlisle Racecourse

04 Jul Saj Ghafoor’s Culture BazaarTrinity School

16 - 18 Jul Brampton LiveWilliam Howard School, Brampton

17 Jul Cumberland ShowCarlisle Racecourse

23 - 24 Jul Lakes Alive: CarlisleTheatre Titanicks theatrical performance presented in themajestic grounds of Carlisle Castle.

24 Jul - 30 Aug Time Travellers Go…myths & LegendsBirdoswald Roman Fort

24 Jul - 01 Aug Love Parks WeekCarlisle

25 Jul Racing & X Factor ConcertCarlisle Racecourse

26 Jul - 01 Aug Border Reiver ToursCarlisle Castle

29 Jul - 15 Aug Carlisle & CumbriaArtists Exhibition Carlisle Cathedral

August02 - 15 Aug Guided Tours Carlisle Castle

02 - 07 Aug Behind The Times GreenRoom Club, West Walls Theatre

02 Aug Edinburgh Woollen Mill LadiesNight Carlisle Racecourse

14 - 15 Aug Border Battles onHorseback Birdoswald Roman Fort

14 Aug Dalston ShowThe Showfield, Dalston

16 - 22 Aug Bonnie Prince CharlieTours Carlisle Castle

18 Aug Family Fun DayCarlisle Racecourse

23 - 31 Aug Guided Tours of CarlisleCastle Carlisle Castle

23 Aug Caribbean Night at the RacesCarlisle Racecourse

25 - 28 Aug The Great West Walls RevueGreen Room Club, West Walls Theatre

26 - 30 Aug Food FairCarlisle City Centre

26 Aug Music Live@LunchtimeCarlisle Cathedral

28 Aug Cumbrian Themed Race NightCarlisle Racecourse

29 - 30 Aug Roman Soldier &Gladiator SchoolBirdoswald Roman Fort

September02, 09, 16, 23 & 30 Sep MusicLive@Lunchtime Carlisle Cathedral

17 Sep Craft & Gift FairHoughton Hall Garden Centre

19 Sep RAF Service Carlisle Cathedral

26 Sep Harvest ThanksgivingCarlisle Cathedral

October04 - 09 Oct The Small HoursGreen Room Club, West Walls Theatre

07, 14, 21 & 28 Oct MusicLive@Lunchtime Carlisle Cathedral

08 Oct National Hunt RacingCarlisle Racecourse

09 - 10 Oct Border CathedralsFestival Carlisle Cathedral

21 Oct Beer Festival Race NightCarlisle Racecourse

25 - 29 Oct Ghost And Ghastly StoryTours Carlisle Castle

31 Oct Countryside Family DayCarlisle Racecourse

November04, 11 & 18 Nov MusicLive@Lunchtime Carlisle Cathedral

06 Nov Carlisle FireshowBitts Park Carlisle

14 Nov Remembrance ServiceCarlisle Cathedral

24 Nov Carlisle Ghost Tour &Cumbrian Supper

28 Nov Family Fun DayCarlisle Racecourse

29 Nov - 11 Dec AladdinGreen Room Club, West Walls Theatre

29 Nov R.A.C RallyCarlisle City Centre

December08 Dec Carlisle Ghost Tour

09 Dec Age Concern Carol ServiceCarlisle Cathedral

10 Dec Eden Valley Hospice CarolService Carlisle Cathedral

15 Dec Carlisle Ghost Tour &Cumbrian Supper

19 Dec Family Fun DayCarlisle Racecourse

19 Dec Festival of Lessons and CarolsCarlisle Cathedral

24 Dec Crib service/Festival ofLessons & Carols/Midnight EucharistCarlisle Cathedral

25 Dec Eucharist & ChristmasEucharist Carlisle Cathedral

27 - 29 Dec Victorian Lantern ToursCarlisle Castle

21 Feb The ChippendalesThe Sands Centre

21 Feb Saved For The NationTullie House Museum & Art Gallery

22 Feb National Hunt RacingCarlisle Racecourse

22 Feb Monday Alternative Film - Katyn(15) Tullie House Museum & Art Gallery

25 Feb North Cumbria Recitals ArdeoString Quartet St Cuthbert’s Church

27 Feb Over The Rainbow - Eva Cassidy Story The Sands Centre

28 Feb Cumbrian Clouds And CoastsTullie House Museum & Art Gallery

March01 Mar Monday Alternative Film -Shifty (15)Tullie House Museum & Art Gallery

06 Mar The Hollies The Sands Centre

06 Mar - 09 May AndrewLivingstone: Parallax ViewTullie House Museum & Art Gallery

07 Mar EarthwiseTullie House Museum & Art Gallery

08 Mar Monday Alternative Film -Moon (15)Tullie House Museum & Art Gallery

11 Mar National Hunt RacingCarlisle Racecourse

13 Mar Cumbria Rural ChoirsThe Sands Centre

13 Mar Illuminating The WallHadrian’s Wall & Carlisle City Centre

13 Mar Lakes Alive - Welcoming the LightHadrian’s Wall & Carlisle City Centre

14 Mar Mother’s Day CraftsTullie House Museum & Art Gallery

15 Mar Monday Alternative Film - 35 Shots of Rum (12)Tullie House Museum & Art Gallery

19 Mar Hallé - OrchestraThe Sands Centre

20 Mar Abbey Singers SpringConcert Carlisle Cathedral

20 Mar Lee Mack Going OutThe Sands Centre

20 Mar MosaicsTullie House Museum & Art Gallery

21 Mar Sporting Champions Family Raceday Carlisle Racecourse

21 Mar SpringtimeTullie House Museum & Art Gallery

22 - 27 Mar The Crucible GreenRoom Club, West Walls Theatre

22 Mar Monday Alternative Film -Mesrine: Killer Instinct (15)Tullie House Museum & Art Gallery

25 Mar North Cumbria Recitals BartholdyPiano Trio St Cuthbert’s Church

26 Mar Afternoon JumpsCarlisle Racecourse

27 - 28 Mar Play The Ukulele in a WeekendTullie House Museum & Art Gallery

28 Mar Eucharist and Procession of Palms Carlisle Cathedral

28 Mar New ViewsTullie House Museum & Art Gallery

28 Mar Performance of Franz Liszt’svia Crucis and Choral PassionCarlisle Cathedral

29 Mar Monday Alternative Film -Fish TankTullie House Museum & Art Gallery

April01 - 05 Apr Easter ContinentalMarket Carlisle City Centre

01 Apr Maunday Thursday EucharistCarlisle Cathedral

02 Apr Good Friday ServicesCarlisle Cathedral

02 - 09 Apr Life In A Medieval CastleTours Carlisle Castle

02 - 05 Apr Easter Fairy Trail ForChildren Carlisle Castle

03 Apr Bad Boy Johnny and theProphets of Doom The Sands Centre

03 Apr Easter CeremoniesCarlisle Cathedral

03 Apr Easter Family DayCarlisle Racecourse

04 Apr Eucharist and Easter

Eucharist Carlisle Cathedral

05 Apr Secret City Walking Tour

City Centre

07 Apr - 3 May Book of Psalms Art

Exhibition Carlisle Cathedral

15, 22 & 29 Apr Music

Live@lunchtime Carlisle Cathedral

16 Apr Royal Scottish National

Orchestra The Sands Centre

17 Apr Rhod Gilbert

The Sands Centre

21 - 24 Apr Elixir of Love - Opera

West Walls Theatre

23 - 24 Apr Pirelli International Rally

Carlisle Stage

24 Apr Most Haunted

The Sands Centre

24 Apr - 09 Jul Wildflowers

Tullie House Museum & Art Gallery

25 Apr The Little Big Club in Concert

The Sands Centre

28 Apr Dara O’Briain The Sands Centre

29 - 30 Apr Hot Flush - Musical

The Sands Centre

May02 - 03 May Spring Show

Victoria Park, Bitts Park

06, 13, 20 & 27 May Music

Live@Lunchtime Carlisle Cathedral

11 - 24 May Art Exhibition by Carlisle

Day Services Carlisle Cathedral

13 May Ascension Day Eucharist

Carlisle Cathedral

15 May - 04 Jul Magic Show’ Art

Gallery Exhibition

Tullie House Museum & Art Gallery

18 May Singles Night Race Evening

Carlisle Racecourse

22 May Moscow State SymphonyOrchestra The Sands Centre

24 May Flat RacingCarlisle Racecourse

While every care has been taken in the accuracy of producing this list of events, the publisher is not liable for any errors or omissions that may inadvertentlyoccur. Details of events are subject to change at any time and should be checked with the venue before travelling. All details are correct as at December 2009.

Page 15:  · meeting place of the medieval trade guilds whilst all the threads of Carlisle’s life and times are woven together in the displays of Tullie House Museum and Art Gallery. At

Choosing your accommodationKey to symbols

When looking for somewhere to stay, you need a rating system thatyou can trust. In order to be eligible for inclusion in this Guide, weat Carlisle insist that every accommodation establishment musthave a valid national classification.

Never has Quality meant so muchAll the accommodation featured in this guide has been qualityassessed by either VisitBritain or the AA, or has recentlyapplied for a rating and is awaiting assessment. Please beaware that ratings may change throughout the year.

All accommodation is assessed and awarded one to five stars(highest) to reflect the overall quality of the experience. Thisincludes comfort; the range and quality of facilities and food;welcome and service; and most importantly the cleanliness.

When choosing your accommodation look for theQuality Rose, the official marque of the EnjoyEngland national tourist board rating scheme.

Places that ‘go the extra mile’ to make your stay a specialone, will be awarded a high star rating and hotels and guestaccommodation may achieve a Gold or Silver award.

Gold and Silver awards for Hotels and Guest AccommodationSilver Awards recognise exceptionalquality at all levels and Gold Awards are given to the very ‘best of the best’.

Higher star-rated accommodation tends to have morespacious bedrooms and bathrooms, and in hotels a higherstaff to guest ratio, so service should be very attentive.

At five star, you can really expect to be pampered inluxurious surroundings!

Welcome to ExcellenceStaff have been trained to provide high levels of service and customer care.

In addition to VisitBritain and AA ratings, you willalso see Quality Cumbria. This is a local initiativecommitted to raising accommodation standards.All have been assessed to an agreed minimumstandard so you can book with confidence.

Accommodation to suit youFor serviced accommodation, there are two separateschemes – one for hotels and one for guest accommodation.

Hotels have to be licensed, offer dinner at least 5 nights a week (unless categorised as a Metro Hotel) and have allrooms en suite or with private bathrooms.

The different hotel categories are: Hotel, Small Hotel,Country House Hotel, Metro Hotel, Town House Hoteland Budget Hotel.

Guest accommodation categories are: GuestAccommodation, Bed and Breakfasts, Guest Houses, Inns,Farmhouses and Restaurants with Rooms. They tend to bepersonally run by the owners.

Guest accommodation owners have to provide certainadditional facilities and services at the higher star levels.

For self-catering accommodation, the layout and design of the accommodation and the range and quality of thekitchen equipment is assessed, as well as the quality andcomfort of the bedrooms and bathrooms and mostimportantly, the cleanliness.

Campus – Enjoy England’s campus scheme covers theuniversities and colleges that are able to accommodate visitorsduring the vacation periods on a bed and breakfast basis.Generally the rooms are en suite and there will be plenty ofsingle rooms, so large groups will not present a problem.

Hostels – Hostels provide safe, budget-pricedaccommodation for young people, families and largergroups and are star-rated. Higher rated accommodationoften provides en suite rooms.

Holiday, touring, and camping parks and holiday villages:Enjoy England awards star ratings reflecting the overallquality of the park from one to five stars – five stars beingreserved for parks of exceptional quality.

Not happy?If you have any issues that have not been resolved by theproprietor/ manager and which you would like to bring toour attention, please write to:

For Enjoy England ratings:

Quality in Tourism, Farncombe House, Broadway, Worcestershire WR12 7LJ.E: [email protected]

For AA ratings:

The AA, 15th Floor Fanum House, Basing View, Basingstoke RG21 4EA. E: [email protected]

PricesAll prices given in this Guide include VATand service where applicable.

Hotels Pages 29-30Inns, Guesthouses, Bed and BreakfastPages 30-35Prices for serviced accommodation givenin this Guide are Per Person based on twopersons sharing a twin or double roomfor Bed and Breakfast unless ‘room only’is indicated. Single room prices areindicated where available.

Self catering Page 35-37Self-catering prices refer to the yearround weekly range per unit from thesmallest in low season to the largest inthe high season.

Camping & Caravan Parks Page 38Prices for camping and caravan parksrefer to the price per pitch per night for two persons, including car parking if appropriate.

Locate your AccommodationThe map reference shown against each entry will help you identify theapproximate location of accommodationestablishments. Map references arecolour coded – Black (eg F4) for thepage 42 map and Red (eg G8) for themap on the fold out flap at the back ofthis guide (page 43).

Look out for these symbolsThose establishments displayingthis symbol offer all three of thefollowing facilities:

• Drying facilities for wet clothes

• Secure, lockable storage for cycles

• Details of local cycle specialists

Stay on a working farm. Look out for the tractor symbolin the B&B and self-cateringcottage pages.

Be sure to ask about reductionson the normal tariff for shortbreaks of two or more nightswhere you see this symbol.

Establishments displaying thislogo use Fairtrade products.

We strongly recommend that, timepermitting, all telephone bookingsshould be confirmed in writing to helpavoid any misunderstandings. All theTourist Information Centres (TIC’s)shown on page 44 offer a free localbed booking service to personal callers.Carlisle’s Visitor Centre can makeadvance bookings on your behalf.

Accessible AccommodationAccommodation establishments that display one of the symbols below care aboutaccessibility and have been independently assessed by the National AccessibilityScheme (NAS) against demanding criteria.


Level 1 (M1)

Level 2 (M2)

Level 3 (M3-I)

Level 3 (M2-A)

Committed to improving quality in partnership with VisitBritain

General symbols for ALL providersB Credit cards accepted} Garage or off-street parkingP Street Parking] Totally non-smoking^ Telephoneb Central/fixed heatingi Unlicensedy Laundry/valet service; Hairdryer available( Television in bedroom) Television available* Children’s facilities/playroom0 Outdoor heated swimming pool! Indoor heated swimming pool* GardenC Dogs/pets by arrangement( Children’s open-air play area} Conference facilitiesf Cots availableI Electric shaver pointsQ Family rooms% Games roomh High chair availablev Ironing facilities2 Use of Leisure Club facilitiesz Radio in bedroomn Horse riding facilities/pony trekkingT Farm trailJ Satellite TV¥ Internet accessÇ Computer for guest use

WIFI Connection

Hotel & Guest AccommodationF Ground floor bedroom£ Four poster bedG Lift/elevatorR Lounge for residents use% Tea/coffee making facilities in bedroomv Restaurant/eating placeT Packed lunches providedx Special diets catered for) Special rates for children

Self-Catering & HostelI Linen providedJ Linen for hireP Extra charge for electricity/gasO Microwave cookers RefrigeratorA Dishwashere Open Firesb Cooking by electricityc Cooking by gasd Electric/gas firesq Water heater

Caravan & Camping8 Chemical closet disposal pointsP Showers5 Electrical points( Gas cylinders9 Food shop or mobile food shopE Drying facilities3 Holiday caravans for hire1 Campervans/motor caravans admitted6 Water drainage7 Water points; Lighting throughout park9 Communal wash basins undercover0 Communal wash basins not undercover! Washing up sinksm Cubicles with wash basin27 28





Hearing Impairment

Level 1 (H1)

Level 2 (H2)

Visual Impairment

Level 1 (V1)

Level 2 (V2)





Page 16:  · meeting place of the medieval trade guilds whilst all the threads of Carlisle’s life and times are woven together in the displays of Tullie House Museum and Art Gallery. At

29 30

HotelsPrices for serviced accommodation given in this guide are PER PERSON based on two persons sharing a twin or double room.

BedroomsTotal No.No. with

facilities(f)No. of


Price range perperson inc.VAT

Daily B&B rates in £’s

Min MaxMonths


HotelsPrices for serviced accommodation given in this guide are PER PERSON based on two persons sharing a twin or double room.

BedroomsTotal No.No. with

facilities(f)No. of


Price range perperson inc.VAT

Daily B&B rates in £’s

Min MaxMonths


Helen Stevenson, Brampton, Cumbria CA8 2NGt: 016977 46234f: 016977 46683e: [email protected]: www.farlamhall.co.uk

AA Top Hotel & Inspectors Choice. Enjoy therelaxed comfort, hospitality and fine food thatthis elegant country house hotel is famous for. 3 miles from Hadrian’s Wall it is the ideallocation from which to explore either by car orbicycle, or even on foot. 3 Red Stars. One of theAA top 200 hotels in UK. Michelin Red Turrets.

E6Map A

All Year






Farlam Hall Hotel Country House Hotel���



} BxCI£=b v y R T ] } z v ^ (¥Ç

Rachel & Martin Perry,14-16 Scotland Road, Carlisle, Cumbria CA3 9DGt: 01228 227277f: 01228 531895e: [email protected]: www.angus-hotel.co.uk

Victorian period hotel on Hadrian’s Wall.Personal hospitality. Superb food in AlmondsRestaurant. Local sourced produce. Home bakedbreads, chutneys, desserts. Ideal base forshopping, theatres, museums, Borders and theLakes. Weddings, conferences. Golfing, walking,cycling groups welcomed.

Angus Hotel & Almonds Restaurant Small HotelHIGHLYCOMMENDED���



) } f B x CI G b h v y R T ]} z v P% ^ (¥ Ç

A3Map B

All Year







Carrie Bellas, 32 Scotland Road, Carlisle, Cumbria CA3 9DGt: 01228 522887f: 01228 514796e: [email protected]: www.bw-cumbriaparkhotel.co.uk

Victorian terrace standing on site of Roman Fort ‘Petriana’. Leisure facilities including sauna, steam room, jacuzzi and gym. Excellent restaurant serving à la carte menu. Bar meals also available.

Best Western Cumbria Park Hotel Hotel���



) } fB x I G £=b hv yG 2 R T } zv P% ^ (

A3Map B

ClosedXmasDay &








Derek A Savage, Botchergate, Carlisle,Cumbria CA1 1RPt: 01228 518000f: 01228 518010e: [email protected]: www.ibishotel.com

This modern hotel in the centre of Carlisle is ideally located for shopping, eating out and exploring the wealth of attractions in the area. Excellent value for money, and a warm welcome await!

G4Map B

All Year






Ibis Hotel Hotel��





David Crossley, English Street, Carlisle CA3 8HZt: 0845 4093314 f: 01228 514553e: [email protected]: www.peelhotels.co.uk

Elegant Edwardian hotel situated in the heart ofCarlisle, adjacent to the cathedral and Old TownHall. With our own swimming pool and excellentfacilities, it is a perfect base from which toexplore the Lake District and Borderlands. Secure car parking for 50 cars.

Crown & Mitre Hotel Hotel���



f B xCIG b h v y G 2 R T } z v P ! % ^ ( J ¥ Ç

E3Map B

All Year






Claire Flint,Court Square, Carlisle,Cumbria CA1 1QYt: 01228 531951f: 01228 547799e: [email protected]: www.hallmarkhotels.co.uk

Refurbished in 2009, this contemporaryboutique style hotel is located adjacent toCarlisle railway station, 5 minutes walk from theCity Centre. There is a superb brasserie offeringa fantastic lunch & dinner menu. Non-residentsare also welcome.

Hallmark Carlisle (formerly The Lakes Court Hotel) Hotel���



} f B xCIG £ b h v y G T ] } z v P % ^ ( J ¥

G4Map B

All Year







Denise Atkinson73 Burgh Road, Carlisle, Cumbria CA2 7NBt: 01228 521860e: [email protected]: www.vallum-house-hotel.co.uk

A small family and friendly run hotel servingexcellent home cooked food set in its ownnatural gardens on the west side of the Cityalong the Hadrian’s Wall Trail only 11/2 milesfrom the City Centre.

F4Map A

ClosedXmasDay &New








Vallum House Hotel Small Hotel���



} f B xCIG bhv T] } zvP%(

Mrs P Sedgwick, High Crosby, Carlisle, Cumbria CA6 4QZt: 01228 573618f: 01228 573428e: [email protected]: www.crosbylodge.co.uk

The Sedgwick family and their staff provide thehighest standard of accommodation andpersonal service. Crosby Lodge restaurant,renowned for dessert trolley, homemade bread,preserves, exciting menus using local produce,fantastic wine list by on site wine merchantPhilippa Sedgwick.

Crosby Lodge Hotel Country House Hotel���



} fB xC=b hR T ] } zv P^ (

E5Map A

All YearExceptXmas &








Paul Hicks, Station Road, Wetheral, Carlisle, Cumbria CA4 8ESt: 01228 561888f: 01228 561637e: [email protected]: www.crownhotelwetheral.co.uk

Set in the picturesque village of Wetheral near the River Eden. Well appointed bedrooms,extensive leisure facilities with pool. Thedelightful conservatory restaurant offers anEnglish/ French style of cooking using localproduce. Traditional village pub servingwholesome food. Beautiful landscaped gardens.

The Crown Hotel Hotel���




) } f B x C I G £F b h v y 2 R T ] } z v P ! % ^ ( ) J ¥ Ç

F5Map A

All Year








Inn, B&Bs and Guest HousesPrices for serviced accommodation given in this guide are PER PERSON based on two persons sharing a twin or double room.

BedroomsTotal No.No. with

facilities(f)No. of


Price range perperson inc.VAT

Daily B&B rates in £’s

Min MaxMonths


Patsy Knowles, Church Lane, Bowness on Solway, Cumbria CA7 5AFt: 016973 51055e: [email protected]: www.wallsend.net

Wallsend House – ‘The Old Rectory’ Bed & Breakfast����

xCIG b v y R T ] } z ! % ( i¥ ÇBown


on S



E2Map A

All Year







Peaceful, friendly old rectory in wooded grounds.All rooms en-suite. End of Hadrian’s Wallopposite Roman ‘villas’ (town). Collect/returnavailable to Carlisle station. Pub/excellent food150 metres. Car parking/heated pool for guestsby arrangement. Easy access to North Lakes.

Donald JacksonTalkin Village, Brampton,Cumbria CA8 1LEt: 016977 3452f: 016977 3396e: [email protected]: www.blacksmithstalkin.co.uk

All the hospitality and comforts of a traditionalcountry inn. Enjoy a meal in our bar lounges orour well appointed restaurant. Real cask ales. All bedrooms en-suite with T.V. Near Talkin Tarnand convenient for Brampton Golf Club.

E6Map A

All Year







The Blacksmiths Arms Inn����

) f B xI F b h v T ] } z v P % ^ (Bram


Sheila Stobbart, Talkin, Brampton,Cumbria CA8 1LBt/f: 016977 46668e: [email protected]: www.hullerbank.co.uk

Georgian farmhouse dated 1635-1751 set in owngrounds. Welcoming, comfortable and peacefulwith excellent breakfasts. 9 miles Carlisle M6(J43), 3 miles Brampton, near Talkin Tarn, golfcourse and Hadrian’s Wall. Sorry no smoking.

Hullerbank Bed & Breakfast����

B xIb v R ] } P % ( i JBram


E6Map A







Pru Irving, 31 Howard Place, Carlisle, Cumbria CA1 1HRt/f: 01228 597080e: [email protected]: www.number31.co.uk

A bolthole of informal serenity. Oasis of calm oozinga relaxed style of comfort in Carlisle’s highest gradedguest house. Style without pretension. Arrive intime, you’ll enjoy tea and homemade cakes &biscuits in a fine lounge. Refreshingly unique foodwith inspiring dishes, changed daily with a specialityof fish. Arrive as a stranger, return as a friend.

Number Thirty One Small Hotel�����



} B x I £b v y R T ] P z v P % (

E5Map B

All Year






Page 17:  · meeting place of the medieval trade guilds whilst all the threads of Carlisle’s life and times are woven together in the displays of Tullie House Museum and Art Gallery. At

31 32

Inn, B&Bs and Guest HousesPrices for serviced accommodation given in this guide are PER PERSON based on two persons sharing a twin or double room.

BedroomsTotal No.No. with

facilities(f)No. of


Price range perperson inc.VAT

Daily B&B rates in £’s

Min MaxMonths


Inn, B&Bs and Guest HousesPrices for serviced accommodation given in this guide are PER PERSON based on two persons sharing a twin or double room.

BedroomsTotal No.No. with

facilities(f)No. of


Price range perperson inc.VAT

Daily B&B rates in £’s

Min MaxMonths


Colin Ramsay, Faugh, Heads Nook, Brampton, Cumbria CA8 9EGt: 01228 670297f: 0871 5227832e: [email protected]: www.stringofhorses.com

A traditional 17th Century Coaching Inn set in aquiet village only 10 minutes from Carlisle andJ43 of the M6. Great food in the restaurant, allrooms en-suite. Free Wi-Fi in all rooms. FullEnglish breakfast included in the price.

String of Horses Inn Inn���

} B xCIG £b h R ] } v P % ^ (¥Bram


F6Map A

All Year






Lorna Ashman, Tantallon House, Gilsland,Brampton, Cumbria CA8 7DAt: 01697 747 111e: [email protected]: www.hadrians-wall-bed-


We are located on the border of Cumbria andNorthumberland, overlooking the longestunbroken stretch of Hadrian’s Wall. We offer a peaceful getaway spot and an ideal gateway to the many places of interest in this area.

Tantallon House Bed & Breakfast����

f x I b v y R T ] } P % (¥Bram


D8Map A

All Year





Mrs Margaret Mounsey,Walton, Brampton, Carlisle,Cumbria CA8 2AZt: 016977 2117f: 016977 41697e: [email protected]: www.waltonhighrigg.co.uk

Peaceful and friendly at this C18 attractivefarmhouse 3/4 mile from the Roman HeritageTrail. Large comfortable rooms, excellentbreakfast with homemade preserves, free rangeeggs. A dairy/sheep farm where children can feedchickens or lambs – go for a farm trail to thewaterfall. Private facilities available.

Walton High Rigg Farmhouse���

( ) f x I G b h v R T ] } z % )



D6Map A

All Year






Viv Wilson,Brisco, Carlisle,Cumbria CA4 0QZt: 01228 528994e: [email protected]: www.crossroadshouse.co.uk

A warm welcome awaits you at this peacefulhouse set in the country. Superb lakeland views and 100ft Roman well. Only two minutesfrom M6 and three miles from Carlisle. Highstandards, excellent breakfasts and licensed.

Crossroads House Bed & Breakfast����

) f BxCIGb hv R ] } z P % ( J ¥Bris


G4Map A

All Year







Julie Gaitskell,Highfield, Boustead Hill, Burgh By Sands, Carlisle CA5 6AAt: 01228 576060e: [email protected]: www.highfield-holidays.co.uk

Highfield Farm Farmhouse Bed & Breakfast����

* ) f x C I G b h v R T ] } z P % ( ¥ ÇBurg

h By



E3Map A

All Year




£30.00Highfield Farm offers a great way to enjoy one of the most beautiful scenic areas of Cumbria.Stay in our tastefully appointed double or twinrooms with either a shower or Jacuzzi bathroom.Enjoy magnificent views over Burgh Marsh & theSolway coast. Hadrian’s Wall path passes directlyin front of Highfield Farm.

Martin Doherty, Monkhill, Burgh By Sands,Carlisle, Cumbria CA5 6DBt: 077847 36423e: [email protected]: www.romanwall-lodges.com

Roman Wall Lodges Bed & Breakfast, awaiting inspection

B x CI G =b v R T ] } z v P % () i¥ ÇBurg

h By



E3Map A

All Year






A quiet site offering bed & breakfast or self-catering accommodation in log cabins. Tentpitches also available. Three minutes walk fromHadrian’s Wall, just West of Carlisle. Enjoy cityconveniences and peace and quiet.

The Manager,33 Victoria Place, Carlisle, Cumbria CA1 1HPt: 01228 521645e: [email protected]: www.abberleyhouse.co.uk

Abberley House Guest Accommodation����

I b v R ] } z % ( i



E5Map B

All Year







Imposing town house offering informal,comfortable, high standard accommodation a shortwalk from the city centre with its variety of shops,restaurants, pubs, cathedral, castle & Tullie HouseMuseum. Also close to Stony Holme and Swifts golfcourses, Sands sports & leisure centre and the RiverEden. The Hadrian’s Wall Path is only 1/2 mile away.

Patrick Cody, 59 London Road, Carlisle, Cumbria CA1 2LEt: 01228 532927f: 01228 524079e: [email protected]: www.arkalecarlisle.co.uk

Completely remodelled in 2007. New water/central heating system. Power showers etc. Allmajor cards accepted. All rooms FreeView TVsystem. Lounge. Cycle lock-up. 6 mins fromrail/bus stations. Easy access from M6 J42/43.Full English breakfast. Packed lunches, specialdiets catered for. Car Park CCTV. Open all year.

H5Map B

All Year







Arkale Lodge Guest House, awaiting inspection

) f B x CIG F b h v y R T ] } z v P % ( ) i J ¥Carli


Caron Archibald, 11 Lazonby Terrace,Carlisle, Cumbria CA1 2PZt: 01228 523500e: [email protected]: www.ashbourneguesthouse.com

A warm welcome awaits you in our family runVictorian guest house. Providing comfortable,well appointed bedrooms with TV/DVD players & welcome trays. With easy access to M6 (J42)and city centre. Excellent breakfasts. Well recommended.

J7Map B

All Year







Ashbourne House Bed & Breakfast���

) x C I G F b v y T ] P z P % ( i ¥Carli


The Manager,24 London Road, Carlisle, Cumbria CA1 2ELt/f: 01228 528696w: www.abbeycourtguest


Abbey Court Guest House����

I G F b h v T ] } P z P % ( iCarli


H5Map B

All Year







City Centre – Award-winning Victorian guest housein heart of Carlisle. Attractions inc. castle, cathedral& award winning museum. Fine variety of bars,restaurants & cinemas. Excellent shopping centres,golf & fishing. Close to the Lakes, Hadrian’s Wall &Scottish borders. Mins from bus & rail depot. Easyaccess from M6 (J42). Groups welcome.

Allan Dawes, 46 Victoria Place, Carlisle CA1 1EXt: 01228 521631 e: [email protected]: www.ashleighguesthouse.com

A warm welcome awaits you in thisbeautifully decorated Grade II listedVictorian town house situated in aconservation area within 2 minutes walk of the city centre. Recently refurbished, all rooms en-suite with colour TV’s and welcome trays. Excellent EnglishBreakfasts. Central to all amenities. Well recommended by guests. Free Parking.

Ashleigh House Guest House����

x G F b v y T ] } P P

% ( i J ¥Carli


E4Map B

All Year







David & Alice Mawson,173 Warwick Road, Carlisle,Cumbria CA1 1LPt: 01228 543094e: [email protected]: www.cambrohouse.co.uk

Cambro House is an attractively decorated and well maintained guest house highlyrecommended by guests. The spacious en-suitebedrooms are stylishly decorated. Within 1/2 milefrom Hadrians Wall Trail. Close to historic citycentre & golf course. Easy access M6 (J43).

Cambro House Guest Accommodation����

B x F b v T ] } P z P % ( i¥ ÇCarli


F7Map B

All Year







Linda Mackay, Denton Mill, Brampton,Carlisle, Cumbria CA8 2QUt: 016977 46759e: [email protected]: www.scarrowhillhouse.co.uk

Retired, professional couple offer qualityguesthouse accommodation in idyllic ruralsetting. Close to Hadrian’s Wall, Carlisle, theLake District and the Scottish Borders, ourprofessionally trained cook offers a first classdinner menu based on quality local produce.

Scarrow Hill House Bed & Breakfast����

f B x C b h v R T ] } z v P % ( ) i J ¥ ÇBram


E7Map A

All Year






Page 18:  · meeting place of the medieval trade guilds whilst all the threads of Carlisle’s life and times are woven together in the displays of Tullie House Museum and Art Gallery. At

33 34

Inn, B&Bs and Guest HousesPrices for serviced accommodation given in this guide are PER PERSON based on two persons sharing a twin or double room.

BedroomsTotal No.No. with

facilities(f)No. of


Price range perperson inc.VAT

Daily B&B rates in £’s

Min MaxMonths


Inn, B&Bs and Guest HousesPrices for serviced accommodation given in this guide are PER PERSON based on two persons sharing a twin or double room.

BedroomsTotal No.No. with

facilities(f)No. of


Price range perperson inc.VAT

Daily B&B rates in £’s

Min MaxMonths


Margaret Sutton,87 Petteril Street, Carlisle, Cumbria CA1 2AWt/f: 01228 541942e: [email protected]: www.cherrygroveguesthouse.co.uk

This beautifully presented Victorian Guest Housesituated a short walk from historic city centreattractions and amenities. All rooms en-suite,comfortable dining room, excellent breakfasts.Only 1/2 mile from Hadrian’s Wall Trail. Easyaccess M6 (J43). Private on-street parking.

Cherry Grove Guest House Guest Accommodation����

) B x I G F b v T ] } P z % ( iCarli


F7Map B

All Year






Be & Steve Coggan,107 Warwick Road,Carlisle CA1 1EAt: 01228 521733f: 01228 514060e: [email protected]: www.cornerwaysbandb.co.uk

Recently refurbished character Victorian property,situated in a conservation area. Just 5 minutes walk to city centre & from Train/Busstations and ‘Hadrian’s Wall Heritage Trail’. M6 J43 only 1.25 miles. Recommended bytravellers guides ‘The Lonely Planet’ & ‘Lets Go’.

Cornerways Guest House Guest Accommodation����

) Bx I G b v T ] } P z P % ( ) i¥Carli


F5Map B

All Year







Marjorie Dawes, 169 Warwick Road, Carlisle, Cumbria CA1 1LPt/f: 01228 522767e: mdawes@courtfieldhouse.


Courtfield Guest House Guest House����

x I G b v y R T ] } P z P % ( i



F7Map B

All Year







Recently refurbished Victorian town houseoffering high standard en-suite accommodation.Short walk to historic city centre, bus / trainstations. Ideally situated for Hadrian’s Wall Trail,within 1/2 mile. Whether it’s a short break or astop over ‘Courtfield’ offers everything for acomfortable stay. 1 mile from J43 M6.

Geoff & Mary Bell, 9 St. Aidans Road, Carlisle, Cumbria CA1 1LTt: 01228 511930e: [email protected]: fernlee-guest-house.co.uk

Quality comfortable family run guest house, wellappointed bedrooms all en-suite. Breakfast ofgood quality, locally produced food. Short walk to historic town centre. Riverside walks andHadrian’s Wall trail. Carlisle has a lot to offer.Fernlee is well recommended .

Fernlee Guest House����

) f B x I G £ F b h v y R T ] } z v P % ( i J ¥ ÇCarli


F6Map B

All Year







Susan & Peter Harper, Orton Grange, Wigton Road,Carlisle, Cumbria CA5 6LAt: 01228 711953e: [email protected]: www.hazeldeantherapycentre.com

A family run guest house in pretty location onlya few miles west of Carlisle, offering a friendlyatmosphere with comfortable accommodation.During your stay enjoy a massage, Reflexology or Reiki treatment by a qualified therapist.Spacious parking. Hot Tub and Sauna available.

Hazeldean Guest House and Therapy Centre Guest House���

( ) } xCIb h v R T ] } z P % ( i ¥Carli


F4Map A

All Year







Tony & Charlotte Carr, 90 Warwick Road, Carlisle,Cumbria CA1 1JUt: 01228 529842e: [email protected]: www.howard-lodge.co.uk

Highly recommended by all who stay, HowardLodge is a friendly, family run guest house with spacious, en-suite accommodation. Only a short walk from Carlisle city centre. Excellentbreakfasts, welcome tray, private car park.

Howard Lodge Guest House Guest House����

) f x C I G b h v T ] } P z P % ( iCarli


F5Map B

All Year







Kate Dawes, 6 Lazonby Terrace,London Road, Carlisle,Cumbria CA1 2PZt: 01228 539577e: [email protected]

Become Kate’s personal guest in this Victoriantownhouse c.1897 with its unique unhurriedatmosphere & country style (Laura Ashley,farmhouse pine, homemade preserves, new laideggs, fresh local produce). Midway (11/2 miles)M6 J42 City centre, 24hr petrol/shop, bars,restaurants, cinema nearby. Short/long stay.

Kate’s Guest House Guest House���

x Ib v T ] P % ( J ¥Carli


J7Map B

All Year







Anita Martin, 368 Warwick Rd,Carlisle, Cumbria CA1 2RUt/f: 01228 533663e: [email protected]

Friendly, comfortable guest house. First one off M6 motorway (J43). Car parking for 6 cars.Good base for Lakes, Borders and Hadrian’s Wall.Railway station, golf club and close to citycentre. Telephones in all rooms. Come and seeour exclusive chamber pot collection!

Warren Guest House Guest House���

I G F b v } z P % ( iCarli


F9Map B

All Year





James & Elaine Knox, Townhead Farm, Houghton, Carlisle, Cumbria CA6 4JBt: 01228 523019m: 07908 659785e: [email protected] w: www.thesteadings.co.uk

Welcome to our beautiful barn conversion.Stylish and independent in lovely courtyard. Also available, 5 hospitality lodges forshort/longterm stay and B&B. Adjacent to Worldof Miniature museum. Extremely easy to find,country location yet just 3 miles from Carlisle.

The Steadings Bed & Breakfast, awaiting inspection

) B xIG F b v y R ] } )Carli


E1Map B

All Year






Christine & Duncan Weston,153 Warwick Road, Carlisle,Cumbria CA1 1LUt: 01228 598782f: 01228 525530e: [email protected]: www.townhousebandb.com

Friendly, family run Victorian Guest House.Spacious, comfortable en-suite bedrooms. 5 minutes to city centre, bus/train services,J43/M6. Good base to visit the Lakes, Hadrian’s Wall, Scotland and West Coast. Free internet/WiFi access. Highly recommendedby guests. Excellent breakfasts.

Townhouse Bed & Breakfast Bed & Breakfast����

f B x CI G F b h v R T ] } P z P % ( J ¥ ÇCarli


F6Map B

All Year







Elaine Packer, Gilsland, Brampton,Cumbria CA8 7DAt/f: 016977 47214e: [email protected]: www.hadrians-wallbedandbreakfast.com

The Hill On The Wall Bed & Breakfast�����

x IF b v y R T ] } z P % ( i¥ ÇHadr



l D8Map A

All Year


£37.50 £42.50Fascinating 16th Century fortified farmhousewith panoramic views over Hadrian’s Wall andthe beautiful Irthing Valley. Ideal stopover forthe Borders, North Pennines and Lakes. We offera warm welcome, delicious food and the greatestof comfort. Journal Publishing Co. Award of Merit for Quality and Service. Runner-up– The Cumberland News Countryside Awards 2002 ‘Best Place to Stay’.

Nigel Jarvis,Longbyre, Greenhead,Cumbria CA8 7HNt: 01697 747972e: [email protected]: www.four-wynds-guest-house.co.uk

A friendly, warm welcome. Just two minutes offthe Hadrian’s Wall Trail. Situated in breathtakingscenery. Close to the Roman Forts. We arepleased to offer our guests lifts, local knowledgeand assistance with holiday planning. We useorganic ingredients.

Four Wynds Bed & Breakfast���

* ( ) fB xCG b h v y R T ] } z v P % ( ) i JGree



Map AAll








Yvette Rogers, 6 & 14 Howard Place, Carlisle, Cumbria CA1 1HRt/f: 01228 530440e: [email protected]

[email protected]: www.langleighhouse.co.uk


Langleigh and Derwentlea Guest House Guest House����

( ) } f B x IG F b h v y R T ] } P z v P % ( ) i¥Carli


E5Map B

All Year







Highly recommended by many touristorganisations with luxury accommodation. Offmain road in quiet conservation area. Private carpark. Five minutes from city centre. Welcome traysin all rooms. Evening meals available. Spaciousen-suite bedrooms. 5 minutes from M6 (J43).

Melanie Anthony,44 Victoria Place,Carlisle, Cumbria CA1 1EXt: 01228 522077e: [email protected]

A warm welcome awaits you at our family runVictorian Townhouse with a home from homeatmosphere. Ideally situated to all localamenities, city centre, rail/bus station andHadrian’s Wall Heritage Trail. Visit EnglandBreakfast Award Winner. Have drawn praise fromall that have stayed here.

Cartref Guest House Guest House����

) f x CI G F b h v T ] } P z P % ( i JCarli


E4Map B

All Year







Page 19:  · meeting place of the medieval trade guilds whilst all the threads of Carlisle’s life and times are woven together in the displays of Tullie House Museum and Art Gallery. At

35 36

Inn, B&Bs and Guest HousesPrices for serviced accommodation given in this guide are PER PERSON based on two persons sharing a twin or double room.

BedroomsTotal No.No. with

facilities(f)No. of


Price range perperson inc.VAT

Daily B&B rates in £’s

Min MaxMonths


Keith & Kathy Mashiter,Brampton Road,Longtown, Carlisle,Cumbria CA6 5TNt/f: 01228 791538e: [email protected]: www.briarleahouse.co.uk

Family run country house with ground floorrooms and heated swimming pool and gardens. 4 miles from famous Gretna Green and minutesfrom M6, A7 and A74. Comfortableaccommodation ideal for touring Lakes, Bordersand Scotland. WiFi Available. Private parking.

Briar Lea House Bed & Breakfast����

fBxCIG F b hv ] } z P0 % ( iLong


D4Map A

All Year







Margaret Sisson, Catlowdy, Longtown, Carlisle, Cumbria CA6 5QPt: 01228 577219f: 01228 577019e: [email protected]: www.bessiestown.co.uk

Bessiestown Country Guest House Guest House�����

B xI£F b v R ] } z v P ! % ( ¥Long


B5Map A

All Year






Featured on TV, multi-award winning Best GuestHouse, warm welcome, delightful public rooms,pretty newly refurbished – some ground floor – en-suite bedrooms (1 wheelchair accessible), deliciousfood, indoor heated pool, luxury honeymoon suite.Easy access M6 (J44) A7 Longtown, follow signsCatlowdy. Self Catering in courtyard cottages.

Self-Catering CottagesPrices given for self-catering properties refer to the seasonal weekly range PER UNIT. Type of



shortbreaks /Min. no.of nights



Price rangeinc.VAT

per week in £’s

From To

Philip Howard, Naworth Castle Estate, Brampton, Cumbria CA8 2HQt: 01697 73229e: [email protected]: www.lanercost.co.uk

Lanercost incorporates Mike Farley’s acclaimedTea Room and Restaurant, a Farm and Gift Shop,a function room and six magnificent self cateringholiday cottages – all with en-suite facilities -and finished and furnished to an exceptionallyhigh standard.

Lanercost Holiday Cottages Self-Catering����

bE9b v y I ] s P q ) B } A O ¥Bram


E6Map A

All Year




All Year

3 nts

£475 £1600

Stephen & Joyce Wightman, Castle Carrock, Brampton,Cumbria CA8 9DPt: 01228 670615f: 01228 670727e: [email protected]: www.tottergill.co.uk

Exclusive cottages enjoying breathtaking viewsover Castle Carrock reservoir to the Lake Districtand Scottish hills. Set within 50 acres of it’s owngrounds, Tottergill Farm makes a superb base foran unforgettable holiday of exploring or peacefulrelaxation.

Tottergill Farm – Self-Catering���������



bcfCEIb hv y I ] 2 s P q) B } e * A O T $ ¥

F6Map A

All Year



3 nts

£315 £1340

Jon Copland, Atlantic House, Fletcher Way, Parkhouse, Carlisle CA3 0LJt: 01228 599960f: 01228 599970e: [email protected]: www.cumbrian-cottages.co.uk

Largest selection, with over 900 holiday homes in Carlisle, Eden Valley and the Lake District. AllVisitBritain inspected. Short breaks throughoutthe year. Offices in Carlisle and Lakes. Visit ourwebsite with online availability and booking orcall for a brochure.

Cumbrian Cottages – Self-Catering��������

bcfCEI b d h v y I s P q) B } e * A O J ¥Carli


All Year



3 nts

£280 £4640

Ron & Christine Palmer, Manor Croft, Moorhouse, Carlisle, Cumbria CA5 6ELt: 01228 575153e: [email protected]: www.lowmoorhouse.co.uk

This Georgian Country House dating from 1734has a host of period features and sleeps nine in five spacious bedrooms. Log burning stovescompliment the oil fired central heating.Dedicated drive leads to large parking area with large front gardens.

Low Moor House Self-Catering����



F3Map A

All Year




ExceptBankHols3 nts

£670 £1690

bfCEI b v y I ] s P q) } e * ( A O

David & June Bates, Carleton, Carlisle,Cumbria CA4 0AJt: 01228 527549e: [email protected]: www.newbigginhall.com

Two characterful and comfortable apartments(for up to 6) and a charming ground floor cottage(2/3) in an historic Grade II* listed mansion.Beautiful grounds with spacious lawns andwoodland. Only 4 miles south of Carlisle, primeposition for exploring Northern and WesternLakes, Southern Scotland and Roman Wall area.

Newbiggin Hall Self-Catering, awaiting inspection



bfEIZ b d h v y J ] s P q) } *( O

F4Map A

All Year

2 Flats1 Cott



3 nts

£250 £525

Debbie Graham, Shield Farm, Longburgh, Burgh-by-Sands, Carlisle,Cumbria CA7 5AFt: 01228 576138/07940553327e: [email protected]: www.katescumbriancottages.co.uk

Newly refurbished cottage in centre of Bowness.A mix of traditional and modern, with log burner,comfy sofa, modern kitchen and utility with slatefloor, luxury roll top bath and shower room. Cosyspacious bedrooms. Gravelled, walled garden.BBQ and seating.

Rose Cottage Quality Cumbria Self-Catering



bfCEI b h v y I ] s P ) } e * AO

E1Map A

All Year

1 Cott



2 nts

£500 £600

Self-Catering CottagesPrices given for self-catering properties refer to the seasonal weekly range PER UNIT. Type of



shortbreaks /Min. no.of nights



Price rangeinc.VAT

per week in £’s

From To

Mrs A Stamper, Cringles, Cumwhinton,Carlisle,Cumbria CA4 8DLt: 01228 561600e: [email protected]: www.westcottagecumbria.co.uk

Luxury cottage adjoining a Georgian listed housein a village location 3 miles from Carlisle. Anideal base for visiting the Lakes, Hadrian’s Wall,Eden Valley and Scotland. Fishing and golfnearby, mountain bikes available.

West Cottage Self-Catering����




bcfCEIb d h v y I s P q ) } *O J

F5Map A

All Year

1 Cott



2 nts

£295 £485

Jude Walker,Raughton Head, Carlisle, Cumbria CA5 7ANt: 016974 76779f: 016974 76827e: [email protected]: www.hallhills.co.uk

North West’s Self-Catering Holiday of the Year 2009/10. 17th Century barns creativelyconverted to provide beautiful accommodation.A sophisticated rural retreat in the Roe Valley; a peaceful stunning location away from thecrowds and yet ideal for exploring Cumbria.

Hall Hills – Self-Catering���������

bfEIb h v y I s P ) B } * A O $ J ¥Dals


H4Map A

All Year

3Cotts,1 Apt,1 B’lowSleeps2-20


3 nts

£490 £800

Lyn & William Haugh, Irthington, CarlisleCumbria, CA6 4NNt: 016977 42478e: [email protected]: www.vallumbarn.co.uk

Enjoy peace and tranquility at our spaciousconverted barn in pretty rural location only eightmiles from Carlisle. Ample off-street parking,village pub serves excellent evening meals.Delicious breakfast using local and Fairtradeproduce and our free range eggs.

Vallum Barn B&B Farmhouse����

* ) f x CI G F b h v R T ] } v P % ( i




E6Map A

All Year





Susan Grice, Newtown Farm, Newtown, Irthington, CarlisleCumbria, CA6 4NXt: 016977 2768e: [email protected]: www.newtownfarmbedandbreakfast.co.uk

Newtown Farm is situated on Hadrian’s Wall TrailWorld Heritage Site. Ideal for walkers and cyclists.We offer two spacious en-suite bedrooms and adelicious English breakfast to set you up for theday. Within easy reach of many local attractions.

Newtown Farm Bed & Breakfast Farmhouse���

) f x I T ] % (Irth



E6Map A

All Year






Page 20:  · meeting place of the medieval trade guilds whilst all the threads of Carlisle’s life and times are woven together in the displays of Tullie House Museum and Art Gallery. At

37 38

Self-Catering CottagesPrices given for self-catering properties refer to the seasonal weekly range PER UNIT. Type of



shortbreaks /Min. no.of nights



Price rangeinc.VAT

per week in £’s

From To

Harriet Sykes, Talkin Head, Brampton,Cumbria CA8 1LTt: 016977 3435e: [email protected]: www.longbyres.co.uk

Seven specially designed houses on hill farm.Home-cooked meal service. Good walking.Peaceful, excellent base for touring Hadrian’sWall, Lake District, Scotland, North Pennines.Good local pubs within walking distance. Fishing, boating and golf all nearby.

Long Byres at Talkin Head Self-Catering���

bcfCEb h v y I s ) B } * O ¥Talk

in H


E6Map A

All Year




3 nts

£178 £560

Diane Veevers, Thurstonfield, Carlisle, Cumbria CA5 6HQt: 01228 576205e: diane@the-granary-

thurstonfield.co.ukw: www.the-granary-


Tastefully converted granary loft of an old watermill, sleeps 2 in a cozy atmosphere with originaloak beams. Down steps to an acre of delightfulgardens. Conveniently situated on the B5307 5 miles west of Carlisle.

The Granary Self-Catering����




bcCEI b d v y I ] s P q ) B } * O J

F3Map A

All Year

1 Cott



3 nts

£250 £420

Student Residences Self-Catering FlatsPrices given for self-catering flats refer to the seasonal weekly range PER UNIT. Type of



shortbreaks /Min. no.of nights



Price rangeinc.VAT

per week in £’s

From To

Mrs Dee Carruthers, Impact Housing Assoc.,Bridge Lane, Caldewgate,Carlisle, Cumbria CA2 5SRt: 01228 597352 f: 01228 594631e: [email protected]: www.impacthousing.org.uk

Situated next to the castle within easy walkingdistance of all attractions and amenities. We offer high quality flats to accommodate up to 6 people. Each is fully equipped withkitchen/ dining room, bathroom, shower and WC.Disabled access/facilities are also provided.

The Old Brewery Student Residences Self-Catering���



bfCEI b h v y I ] s P q )B } * O ¥ Ç

E1Map B



6 Flats



4 nts

£300 £500


Caravan & CampingPrices given for caravan and camping sites refer to the price PER PITCH per night for two persons. Type of



Price Range Per 2 Persons Pitch

& Parking inc.VAT in £’s

C’vans M/Camps Tents

Barbara Inglis, Blackford, Carlisle,Cumbria CA6 4EAt/f: 01228 674611e: [email protected]: www.caravan-camping-


A quiet Countryside Park situated 1.5 miles N. of M6 (J44) on right of A7 Galashiels road at Blackford. Ideal overnight halt or base forvisiting historic Carlisle, Scottish Borders orRoman Wall. Lake District 45 mins by car. Beside Reivers cycle route. Now mainly adults.Childrens activities restricted.

Dandy Dinmont Caravan & Camping Park Touring & Camping Park����

1 5 7 ; 8 9 ! CEI( y P^Blac



E4Map A

ClosedNov to


47 Pitches







Places to eat

Carlisle’s leading Italian restaurant, established in 1974, serving a vast selection of fine Italian cuisine, situated opposite Carlisle CivicCentre in a surrounding you’ll never forget. Whether its a romanticmeal for two or a party of 6 to 100 let Adriano cater for your needs.

Special set menu and Happy Hour available.The ultimate dining experience.

Open: Mon – Sun 11.30am – 1.50pm; 5.30pm – 9.50pm. Closed Sun lunch1 Rickergate, Carlisle, Cumbria CA3 8XP

Tel: 01228 599007 Fax: 01228 599008


Crosby Lodge HotelMrs P Sedgwick, High Crosby, Carlisle, Cumbria CA6 4QZ t: 01228 573618f: 01228 573428 e: [email protected] welcome. Outstanding restaurant and wine list. Local produce. Light dishes available. Situated on Hadrian’s Wall path. Only four miles from exit 44 M6 motorway. Privately owned.

Open: 12.00–1.30pm; 7pm–8.30pm

Farlam Hall HotelQuinion Family, Brampton, Cumbria CA8 2NG t: 01697 746234f: 01697 746683 e: [email protected]

Enjoy the best of modern Englishcountry house food in this relaxed andwelcoming country house hotel.Morning coffee and light afternoonteas are served in the comfortablelounges or gardens (weatherpermitting). Dinner is in the elegantrestaurant overlooking the gardenseach evening.

Open: No lunches. Closed 24th-30th Dec.

Vivaldi Restaurant PizzeriaMr Matteo Marras, 30 Lowther Street, Carlisle, Cumbria CA3 8DH t: 01228 818333 e: [email protected] restaurant for all occasions. Enjoy fine food & wines. Contemporary, yet classical surroundings and experience the true Italian taste. Happy Hour available.Open: Mon to Sat 11.30am–2pm; 5.30pm–10pm

Carlisle has an excellent selection of restaurants and bistros to suit anytaste, here is a small selection of establishments well worth a visit...

Mrs Sarah Hodgson, The Grange, Drumburgh,Carlisle, Cumbria CA7 5DWt: 01228 576551e: [email protected]: www.thegrangecottage.co.uk

Relax and enjoy a holiday in The Stable, now a comfortable well appointed cottage. Viewsover the Solway from the beamed bedroom. In Winter watch Barnacle Geese, in SummerSwallows nest in barns. Hadrian’s Wall Trail and Nature Reserve nearby.

The Stable Self-Catering����



bf CEIb h v y I ] s P q ) B} * O

G2Map A

All Year

1 Cott



2 nts

£250 £320

Jill Jones, Roweltown, Carlisle, Cumbria CA6 6LJt: 016977 48186e: [email protected]: www.lowluckensfarm.co.uk

The Centre offers clean & comfortableaccommodation for groups, families andindividuals, on a working organic farm. TheCentre is surrounded by natural river & woodlandhabitats and is within reach of Hadrian’s Wall, the Scottish Borders & Lake District.

Low Luckens Organic Resource Centre Self-Catering/Hostel���



C5Map A

All Year




1 nt





bfCEId h v y I ] s P q} e *( O T

(Nightly Rateper person)

Mr J Elwen, New Pallyards,Hethersgill, Carlisle,Cumbria CA6 6HZt/f: 01228 577308e: [email protected]: www.4starsc.co.uk

Set amidst beautiful countryside, our centrallyheated cottages offer a high standard ofaccommodation with modern facilities. Largebungalow and an 18th Century modernised stonecottage. Owners always available. B&B also available.

Meadow View & Burn Cottage Self-Catering����




bfCEIP bhv y I ]s Pq)B } e *( AO¥

D5Map A

All Year

1 Cott1 B’low



£220 £720

Page 21:  · meeting place of the medieval trade guilds whilst all the threads of Carlisle’s life and times are woven together in the displays of Tullie House Museum and Art Gallery. At

39 40

© E


h H



Advertisement feature

Days out worth talking about.When you become a member of English Heritage you can enjoy days out atover 400 historic sites in England for free, plus free or discounted entry tohundreds of events all year round. Sign up at any of our sites or for a list ofall the member benefits visit www.english-heritage.org/uk/membership

Dominating the city centre, Carlisle Castle has witnessedmany conflicts and sieges in the notoriously turbulentwestern end of the Anglo-Scottish border.

Famous for the confinement of Mary Queen of Scotsafter her flight from Scotland in 1568, follow in herfootsteps and imagine her horrific ordeal in the ghastlydungeons. See where parched Jacobite prisoners soughtmoisture to stay alive from the legendary ‘licking stones’.Hear how Border Reiver Kinmont Willie Armstrong wasalso held captive but made a daring escape much to

the fury of his captors. Be taken on a historical journeywith chilling stories of life, death and survival at thisfascinating medieval fortress.

English Heritage has some of the most beautiful and captivating historic sites in Cumbria. Let yourimagination run wild and imagine what life would havebeen like in days gone by at Stott Park Bobbin Mill,Furness Abbey and Lanercost Priory to name just a few.

For more information call 01228 591922 or visit www.english-heritage.org.uk/carlisle

Are you ready for 900 years of historyat Carlisle’s best loved landmark?

Stunning places to visit...Carlisle and its surrounding area have more to discover

To help find your way around Carlisle, there’s a handy pullout page at the back of this brochure which features a map and Tourist Information contacts.

75 top name storesunder one roofincluding:• Debenhams• H&M• Disney• Next • HMV• Game

All weatherdestination

Situated in thecentre of Carlisle

600 awardwinningsecured parking spaces

Enjoy shopping at The Lanes, Carlisle

More of what you want...

www.thelanesshopping.co.ukOpening hours: Mon – Sat 9am-5.30pm Sunday 11am-5pm (Most stores) Tel: 01228 529356

Late Night Shopping 'til 7pm every Thursday (some stores)

To find the perfect setting for your next event, take a closer look at what the venues of Carlisle & Cumbria have to offer.

Venues available include Hotels and a Castle, a Racecourse and a Museum, a Business Centre and an underground attraction. Whether situated on the lakeside or at the seaside, in the city or the tranquil countryside, you’ll be surprised where you can meet up.

Carlisle & Cumbria Conference Group

Carlisle & Cumbria Conference GroupProviding the perfect venue, for an inspirational event.

visit www.carlisle-conference.org.uk or www.lakedistrict-conferences.info

To discuss your requirements, give us a call on 01228 817155

Page 22:  · meeting place of the medieval trade guilds whilst all the threads of Carlisle’s life and times are woven together in the displays of Tullie House Museum and Art Gallery. At

41 42

Getting here & map A

Getting here...By road Carlisle is linked directly with the North West,Yorkshire and Humberside by the M6, M61, M62 andadjoining motorways. Take the M25, M1 (or M40) and M6 fora speedy journey from London and the South East. The M74/A74, A7 and A69 are the quickest routes fromGlasgow, Edinburgh and Newcastle respectively. Carlisle isapproximately a 2 hour drive from Stranraer on the A75.

By rail Virgin trains from London (Euston) reach Carlisle inabout 4 hours on their way to Glasgow and Edinburgh.Northern Rail provide an excellent service to Carlisle fromstations across the whole of Northern England. The City’sCitadel Station is the terminus for 3 of the country’s scenicrailways – The Tyne Valley line from Newcastle, The CumbrianCoast line from Lancaster and the historic Settle to Carlisleline which brings passengers from Yorkshire across thePennines and along the Eden Valley. National Rail Enquiries08457 48 49 50. www.settle-carlisle.co.uk

By coach National Express operate services to Carlisle fromall major cities. For further information call 08705 808080.There are regular bus services from Newcastle 0871 2002233.

By air Carlisle Airport (01228) 573641 can accept mostprearranged private and commercial aircraft.

Car hire For further information please write, telephone or visit: The Visitor Centre, Old Town Hall, Carlisle CA3 8JE. Telephone: (01228) 625600.

Taxis Radio Taxis (01228) 527575, Citadel Station Taxis (01228) 523971, County Cabs (01228) 596789.

Distances shown in miles are those usingmotorways, primary routes and A-roads and are not necessarily the shortest routes.

Miles from Carlisle:Birmingham . . . . . . .195Bristol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .277Cardiff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .303Edinburgh . . . . . . . . . . .96Fort William . . . . . . . .196Glasgow . . . . . . . . . . . . . .96Hull . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .169Lancaster . . . . . . . . . . . .67Leeds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .153Lincoln . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .181

Liverpool . . . . . . . . . . . .120London . . . . . . . . . . . . . .301Manchester . . . . . . .119Middlesbrough . . . .94Newcastle . . . . . . . . . . . .57Norwich . . . . . . . . . . . .289Perth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .136Preston . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .89Sheffield . . . . . . . . . . . . .187Stranraer . . . . . . . . . . .105York . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .121

All bus, rail and boat journeys to and within Cumbria.Lines are open 0700-2000 7 days a week and all calls are

charged at National Rate.National Rail Enquiries: 08457 484950

www.traveline.info*Calls provided by BT will be charged at 10p per minute plus 6p set up fee per call.

Mobile, business and other providers’ charges may vary.


Whilst every effort has been taken to ensure that the information contained in this publication is accurate, CarlisleTourism Partnership cannot accept responsibility in respect of any error or omission that may have occurred. Forfurther information, visit the Carlisle website: www.historic-carlisle.org.uk

Design, production and copywriting of this guide by Hunter Johnstone Marketing Solutions. For further informationcontact Neil Hunter on 0191 230 1560.Photography by D&H Photographers www.dandhphotographers.co.uk, Carlisle City Council, English Heritage, TullieHouse Museum & Art Gallery, Sands Centre, Graeme Peacock, Charlie Hedley, Laura Boyle, Brian Sherwen, Dave Willis,Charlie Little, www.EscapeToCumbria.co.uk, Roger Clegg, Dave Holbrook, Graham Oliver, Archaeology in Europe andwww.britainonview.com© All material printed in this brochure is the copyright of the parties mentioned and cannot be reproduced in any formwithout written permission. If you would like this publication in another format or language, please contact CarlisleTourism Partnership, 7th Floor, Civic Centre, Carlisle, CA3 8QG Tel: 01228 817000 or email: [email protected]

The papers used for the cover and text bothhave a minimum of 50% recycled content.

Hadrian’s Wall by BusJump aboard to explore Hadrian’s Wall Country

• The Hadrian’s Wall Country Bus (AD122) is an easy andsustainable way to get around: going to all the right placesand some take bicycles.

• The AD122 runs between Newcastle and Carlisle and thereare linking bus and train services allowing visitors to travelthroughout Hadrian’s Wall Country from Bowness-on-Solwayto Wallsend.

• The service also links into the Hadrian’s Wall Path National Trail,enabling hikers to walk shorter or longer stretches of the Walland catch the bus when they get tired and for cyclists there isHadrian’s Cycleway, Route 72 on the National Cycle Network.

• A more frequent service runs to the main Roman sites in the central section with an on-board guide traveling withpassengers at selected times.

• The AD122 service operates from Friday 2nd April to Sunday31st October 2010. For alternative winter bus services pleasecall the Hadrian’s Wall Information Line on the number below.

For more information pick up a timetable from localTourist Information Centres, phone 01434 322002 orvisit www.hadrians-wall.org.



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all C


ry B

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Page 23:  · meeting place of the medieval trade guilds whilst all the threads of Carlisle’s life and times are woven together in the displays of Tullie House Museum and Art Gallery. At

Carlisle, city map B 1. Carlisle Castle & Border

Regiment Museum

2. St. Cuthbert’s Church

3. Guildhall Museum

4. Linton Visitor Centre

5. Tullie House Museum & Art Gallery

6. The Pools

7. Cinema

8. Sheepmount Sports Ground

9. AMF Bowl

10. Cumberland Infirmary

11. Lanes Shopping Centre & Central Library

12. LaserQuest

13. Carlisle College

14. University of Cumbria –Brampton Road Campus

15. University of Cumbria –Paternoster Row Campus

16. Catholic Church

17. 24hr Petrol Station

18. University of Cumbria – Fusehill Street Campus

19. Carlisle Cathedral

20. Police Station












A7 to M6 (J44)Longtown & EdinburghA74/M74 Glasgow(A75 Dumfries & Stranraer)

A69 to M6 (J43),

Hexham & Newcastle

A6 to M6 (J42),Penrith, Kendal &


To West Cumbria A595

To Cemetery and Crematorium


To Racecourse�


Mapping produced by Lovell Johns Ltd., Witney, Oxford. Tel: 01993 883161


metres0 400


Page 24:  · meeting place of the medieval trade guilds whilst all the threads of Carlisle’s life and times are woven together in the displays of Tullie House Museum and Art Gallery. At


To get the maximum enjoyment from your holiday and to see and do as much as possible, be sure to make full use of our network ofTourist Information Centres (TIC’s). They are staffed by friendlylocal people who know the area well and will do everything they can to make your holiday or short break as enjoyable as possible.Carlisle Tourist Information Centre has won two prestigious TIC of the Year Awards in the Cumbria for Excellence 2004 andEngland’s Northwest Tourism Awards.

Friendly, helpful staff at Carlisle Tourist Information Centres(TIC’s) are happy to advise on interesting places to visit, the bestroutes, bus and train times, car and cycle hire, event details &

Ticketmaster booking system, shopping and eating out information as well as where to stay; fromhotels to camping sites.

All our local TIC’s offer a free local accommodation booking service to personal callers and operatethe nationwide Book-A-Bed-Ahead (BABA) service.

A £3 charge is made for advance booking of local accommodation either by telephone with yourcredit card number or in writing with a cheque deposit.

For information on Longtown and surrounding area call 01228 625600.

Carlisle zWC z

The Visitor Centre, Old Town Hall, Carlisle CA3 8JE. Tel: (01228) 625 600 Fax: (01228) 625 604 Open: March to June & Sept to Oct Mon – Sat 9.30am – 5pm July & Aug Mon – Sat 9.30am – 5.30pmMay to Aug Sun 10.30am – 4pm Nov to Feb Mon – Sat 10am – 4pm Bank Holiday Mondays 10am – 4pm

Brampton zWC z

The Moot Hall, Brampton CA8 1RW. Tel/Fax: (016977) 3433Open: Easter to Sept Mon – Sat 10am – 5pmOct Mon – Sat 10am – 4pm

Southwaite zWC z

M6 Motorway services (North Bound), Carlisle CA4 0NS. Tel/Fax: (016974) 73445Open: April, May & Oct Mon – Sun 9am – 5pm, June to Sept Mon – Sun 9am – 6pm Nov to March Mon – Sat 10am – 5pmClosed Sundays. All TIC opening times are subject to change.

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zWC Toilets for wheelchair users

z Wheelchair access

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n <TouristInformation

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Page 25:  · meeting place of the medieval trade guilds whilst all the threads of Carlisle’s life and times are woven together in the displays of Tullie House Museum and Art Gallery. At