Meet up digital trends 2017

Digital Trends for 2017 Rachel Racoosin Digital Director @LEVICK @rachelracoosin

Transcript of Meet up digital trends 2017

Digital Trends for 2017Rachel Racoosin Digital Director @LEVICK@rachelracoosin


#1 Influencers Rule Client name to go here.

Influencer Marketing• How to break through clutter online? • Rise of Influencers on YouTube, Instagram,

Snapchat --> dominate advertising and brand endorsements.

• Benefits: • Increase brand visibility by leveraging

their built-in networks.• Help build genuine relationships and

earn consumers trust. • FTC disclosures (#ad, #sponsored) become

the ‘new normal’.

Stats Don’t Lie: 92% of people trust recommendations from individuals over brands, even if they don’t know them!

#2 Rise of the ChatbotsClient name to go here.

Chatbots• What is a Chatbot?

• A computer program that mimic conversation with people using artificial intelligence (AI).

• Why use Chatbots?• Have more personalized exchanges, provide one-on-one engagement.

• People are already interacting with Chatbots using Facebook messenger, WhatsApp, Siri, and Amazon’s Alexa.

• Future use: • Resolve customer service issues, answer common questions, and

complete transactions.

Stats Don’t Lie: More than 1/3 of people prefer social media over calling customer support.

#3 Go Live or Go HomeClient name to go here.

Live Streaming• Facebook and Instagram Live

have made live-streaming mainstream

• Live video content has higher engagement then any other content format.

• Helps connect users to brands in the moment, in an unscripted, unedited & genuine way.

Stats Don’t Lie: Live video gets 3 times the amount of engagement as pre-recorded video.

#4 It’s About to Get (more) Real

Augmented Reality• What is AR?

• AR involves overlaying visual objects and information on top of the physical world.

• Ex: Snapchat Spectacles • Overtime ability for the wearer to

display information within the lenses. • Ex: Search engines expand image search

capabilities. • Eventually point a camera at

something and search for information based on picture.



Stats Don’t Lie:60% to 70% of consumers see clear benefits in using AR in their daily life and at work.

#5 Quality Mobile Content is King

Think Mobile First• Higher demand for digital content +

increased time spent across multiple screens.

• Google updates support we are moving toward a mobile-only world.

• So what? • We must embrace different

ways of storytelling that relay better on a mobile screen.

• Must have a strong understanding of the platforms your audiences use.

Stats Don’t Lie: 65% of digital media time is consumed on mobile.

PS. 75% of Americans with mobile phones use their phones in the bathroom.

#6 Year of the CDO

Big Data is Booming• Consumers desire instant

gratification.• Harness big data and analytics to

create a more personalized and successful consumer experience.

• Focus on securing big data. • Role of the CDO

• Balance the benefits of big data with the reality of data security risks.

Stats Don’t Lie: In April 2016, 61% of CIO’s polled said they wanted to see a CDO hired within the next 12 months.


There is no “digital strategy” anymore, just strategy in a Digital World.