Medieval Life: Feudalism & Peasants slideshare

Medieval Life Feudalism & Peasants

Transcript of Medieval Life: Feudalism & Peasants slideshare

The Middle Ages

Medieval Life Feudalism & Peasants

FeudalismA loosely organized economic system of rule in which powerful local lords divided their landholdings among lesser lords.It provides protection to the common people in return for work.This is a political system based on land control.The king owns ALL land.


The king owns the land !!!

FeudalismEmerges from 850 to 950.A lord (ruler of a territory) gives fiefs (land grants/estate) in exchange for services. Vassals a lesser lord in the system of Feudalism.They receive the fiefsBecome powerful landholders


The Feudal PyramidPower in feudal system much like a pyramid, with king at the topKings are served by nobles who are served by knights; Knights (mounted warriors) defend their lords land in exchange for fiefspeasants at bottom


The Feudal System


Medieval feudal system classifies people into three social groups: those who fight: nobles and knightsthose who pray: monks, nuns, leaders of the Church (clergy)those who work: Peasant (serfs)

Social Classes


Social ClassesSocial class is usually inheritedMajority of people are peasantsMost peasants are serfspeople lawfully bound to place of birthSerfs arent slaves, but what they produce belongs to their lord


The Lords EstateThe lords estate, or a manor, has an economic system (manorial system)Serfs and free peasants maintain the lords estateGrow foodgrain, etc The lord provides housing, farmland, protection from bandits


Manor SystemThe manor was the heart of feudal lifelords estateMedieval manors include lords house, church, workshops, village


Manor SystemThey cover a few square miles of land and are largely self-sufficient.Most of the population were serfs.


Manor SystemMost serfs never traveled farther than a few miles away during their entire lives.



Think of Feudalism like this:You have two cows.Your lord takes some of your milk..and anything else he wants.


Manor SystemPeople lived in small villages and nearly everyone had to farm to provide enough food. (agriculture!)If everyone is farmer, there are no artists, lawyers, teachers, etc.This made the loss of knowledge even worse.

15Simpsons - Agriculture

Medieval life





Lowest of the social classes.Peasants did hard, physical work and received very little for it.Even simple things like wood had to be paid for.Life was not fun.


19Terry Jones Medieval Lives - Peasants

The Harshness of Manor LifePeasants pay taxes to use mill and bakerypay a tithe (church tax) to priestone-tenth of a peasants incomeSerfs live in crowded cottages with dirt floors, straw for beds


The Harshness of Manor LifeDaily grind of raising crops, livestock; feeding and clothing family.Poor diet, illness, malnutrition make life expectancy 30-35 years.Serfs generally accept their lives as part of Gods plan.


FoodMeat was rarely in their diet. Bread/vegetablesEverything had to be boiled because of the fertilizer used.Human pooMain food was pottage.Youd take whatever food you could and boil it.

22Terry Jones Medieval Lives - Peasants

Church InfluenceAlmost everything people did, believed or thought was centered around the church.Heaven and Hell were very real to them.If the church told you to do something, you did it almost entirely without question.