Media questions uncovered so


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Page 1: Media questions uncovered so

Media Questions Uncovered

Solyanna Keflom

Page 2: Media questions uncovered so

I will be analysing these 3 different posers within this PowerPoint.

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I will be asking my self these questions:

1. How do all these work to create an overall effect?2. What fonts and colours were used and why?

3. Why do they look that way?

4. What are they telling there target audience?

5. What fonts were used?

6. What about the colour{s} used, could these be substituted with other colour{s}or are the colour{s}indeed Symbolic Codes?

7.What about the overall colour scheme used?

8. Why do you think they designed the posters layouts this way?

9. What link does it have with the trailer and do you think it has been successful in carrying a message that will push the target audience to watch the film?

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• The backing is black and mysterious, which reflects on her hidden identity-which is later confirmed in the trailer and we begin to ask ourselves the question: Who is Salt?

• The font and colours are quite dark…with mainly blacks and t is made up of shadows. Her eyes are ringed with black make-up and she has harsh eyebrows. She looks dangerous and shady.

• This is clearly telling the target audience that there is going to be a twist in the plot involving the mysterious woman on the cover(Angelina Jolie).

• The font used is almost like it has been typed out. It look’s like it has come out of a case file and that it is in focus. There is also repetition of the name salt in the background, this really emphasises the point about how crucial the name is to the plot.

• The audience would probable really enjoy the way her face is not centred and disjointed as this could really tell us something about the character or even the whole idea of the movie. It blends well with the whole theme of undercover and mysteriousness.

• The poster almost leaves us with a cliff hanger on what the film is about so I certainly feel that this would hook the audience to go and watch the trailer and really enjoy the movie.

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• There are quite dark and moody colours such as blacks and blues involved in this poster which is a usual feature of most action movies. There are also illuminated lights in the background which are not revealing to much, yet still telling us that something is there.

• These conventions really work together to give an overall mystical and intriguing effect. As its title mentions it almost ‘pushes’ us to watch it.

• They have made it look this way, so that the almost tell the story without giving to much away. There is slight juxtaposition as it appears that the man is leading the girl, when in actual fact he comes to find her for help. It challenges the usual conventions of a film ad really open up our eyes to what the movie is really about.

• They are setting up a wide rage of target audiences from young adults to the older more mature people. It appeals to all kinds of people and in that sense has fulfilled its criteria.

• The font used is quite bold and quite imposing. It also got patches on the letters which my late reflect on the film.

• The colours used in this are quite symbolic in that they reflect on the authenticity and uniqueness of the film.

• It links to the trailer in that the 3 main characters are shown. We get an idea of the plot although the mystical side may not have across quite so well on the poster as a pose to the trailer.

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Law Abiding Citizen

These all work to create an overall effect by leaving us in quite an intrigued mood.The main colours used are black and red, this really emphasises that this is to reflect on some sort of chase or bloodshed within the plot.The two men on the front cover look very menacing and are almost looking for something as you can sense the tension in their eyes.They are literally telling their target audience that there is a thick plot and that they should come and watch it as they are not giving too much away in the front cover.The colour could be substituted with other colours such as maybe purple or a deep green as these too would give the same type of mysterious effect and would also challenge symbolic codes as well.They designed the posters layout this way because it really would appeal to the target audience as they would be intrigued by the challenging of the typical conventions.It links with the trailer and I do you think it has been successful in carrying a message that will push the target audience to watch the film because the poster doesn’t give that much away, in that in only gives what you can imagine is two main characters and after that you have to figure out the rest for yourself unless you look at the trailer in which it will inevitably lead you to do.