Mechanical Report 2015

 ANNUAL OUT AGE REPORT BY Syed Fahim Kazmi and Ali Dost - The f ollowing r eport is an over view of th e ac tivi ties we witne ssed and learned in the Uch 2 outage 2015. HRSG - On day one we got t he wo rk pe rmit to o pen t he ma nholes and gates o f the !"# compartments to let it cool down for a day or two.  This is $ecause in inside temper ature of the $oiler is very high% so a cooldown time is re&uired for safe inspection and maintenance. - 'fte r opening and cooling of the manholes% The inside of the !"# was inspected for any hotspots and insulation damage.


outage report of uch power plant

Transcript of Mechanical Report 2015

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and Ali Dost

- The following report is an overview of the activities we witnessed and

learned in the Uch 2 outage 2015.


- On day one we got the work permit to open the manholes and gates of

the !"# compartments to let it cool down for a day or two.

 This is $ecause in inside temperature of the $oiler is very high% so a

cooldown time is re&uired for safe inspection and maintenance.

- 'fter opening and cooling of the manholes% The inside of the !"# was

inspected for any hotspots and insulation damage.

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' few hotspot locations we identi(ed $y the inspection teams and were

welded and glass wool insulation was re(lled for $etter operation.

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"ca)olding was installed to reach the upper *oints where hotspots were

detected. +ar$on steel plates were installed and welded at these


,urthermore% on destructive testing of the welds was done with the

help of ye /enetrant testing and agnetic /article nspection to make

sure there are no cracks% pinholes of damage to the welded portion.

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'fter the !"# manholes were opened and cooled for a$out two days%

e started T of the pipes installed at the $ottom of the !"#.

- 3imestone was placed inside these con(ned spaces to a$sor$ any

moisture in this compartment. ,urthermore% there are 4 inch and inch

diameter pipes located within the right and left gates of this

compartment. /T and / of the welds of these pipes were done $y

the third party to (nd any cracks% pinholes or any damage which could

result in leakage of the pipes.

- 'fter the $oiler drums% /% / and ,eedwater drums were opened andcooled% they were thoroughly inspected visually for any damage.

,urthermore% /T and / were done to (nd any cracks% pinholes or

any damage on the welded *oints.

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- / compartment of the drum from the inside.

- / compartment of the drum from the inside.

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-  There was a crack and a missing piece found inside the surface of the

,eedwater drum. ue to the darkness inside the drum% no picture could

$e taken. That crack has now $een repaired $y installing a car$on

steel sheet and welding it to the sides. ,urthermore% T was

performed $y third party to ensure there are no cracks% pinholes or any

damage on the welded *oints.

- nspectest engineer performing /T inside the feedwater drum.- T was performed on 6T and +6T tanks. 6efore this% they were

thoroughly cleaned with the help of a grinded since the inside surface

gets corroded due to the chemicals and high temperature.

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- ' crack was found of 5mm inside the surface of 6T of !"# 2. t has

$een claimed $ut is yet to $e repaired. ,urthermore% a transmitted was

removed and installed at a lower location on the 6T.- ' 17mm crack was found inside the surface of +6T. t is yet to $e


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