Means, - Marxists Internet Archive · Tile h •ture a f the •lectlafl w.o• the high vote...


Transcript of Means, - Marxists Internet Archive · Tile h •ture a f the •lectlafl w.o• the high vote...

Page 1: Means, - Marxists Internet Archive · Tile h •ture a f the •lectlafl w.o• the high vote ruched by John W. Jahflston. h•h wll•gtr. • fld ;11Uist.,fll ICCrl luy of the Tr.,de
Page 2: Means, - Marxists Internet Archive · Tile h •ture a f the •lectlafl w.o• the high vote ruched by John W. Jahflston. h•h wll•gtr. • fld ;11Uist.,fll ICCrl luy of the Tr.,de


Foster and Gitlow Campaign · 'wedr$sday, Sept. 24th

. at 2733 HIRSCH BOULEVARD Speakers:

WM. F. DUNNE A . BIITELMAN C•nd ld•te for C0vernor, w h '! hn Member of the Centr• l I!IOecutJ.~e

Ju•t returned from Ruula. Co"'"'lttu of the Worker• Party

M. SHUCHTER will preside. CO:\IE Al.L AUMISSI0:-1 FHEE

Au1plces: Folter-Cltlow Clf'lnpaien Conference.


OF CHICASO LABOR J oh11 F lup•trlck wn rc-clcetcd

wltho~o~t oppo• llio n t o Hie olfln of pr u ldcn t of t ile Cl'llcago Fcd"a tlon o f L abor. and Edw.rd N ockelt agai n took ot'rlcc aa u crctary, 1 110 unop­

pond, a t t he '"'' electlan a f l h1 Chle•ea body.

T ile h •ture a f t he •lec t lafl w .o• the h ig h vote ruc hed by John W. J ahflston. h•h w ll•gtr. • fld ;11Uist., fll ICCrl luy of the Tr.,de U11lon Edu· c:atlon•l Luo ue. lor the office at member of the u ecutlv• boud. H e pol led 62 vote• • .1r1d J o hn Werllk , Joi'IO ihcr mllll" fl t , go t ll.

Ar11e Sw.,.beck. left wino c:andl· d•tefordeleg•teto thecan ventlon o f the Amerlc:&fl Fedent lofi ,OI L•· bor, got 21 votu. Thom•~en· I'ICdy wn eleCie d t o t he pnltlon.

Otc., r ,., Nelun w•• re-l!lected vlu·pru lden t a l the ledcntlon.

--- I

(Specl ~tl to the D~ILY WORKEfU DETROIT, Sept. 22.-Edwurd ~

C~ld)', rcptUtlltlllg the America Federation of Labdr. rece ived a ve ry lukewa rm r eception f ro"' t he dclcgatu to the mach lnllh' col\vc"· tlo 11 when he •PPCi tld here t oda )' to del iver L eulogy of Samuel Gom· perc a nd Pr•nldtllt W illiam H. Johii iiOI\. McGrady failed to evoke ally t,~~thu.lnm and wu awarded b y only a fcw hl ndcllopc OII t he con· c luclon of hla apuch, Tlu forcl'loon wu c11llr c ly ukcn up w ith a jurla­d lct lona l d ll piiiC o ve r :~utomobllc

fOIU:hl lllc c. ----St orm 11'1 South Bend.

SOt'TJI DF:SD. l~vl~ ~cpt ~uth !tend w~ n ••o .. erhu: tO!.Ia y i

!~:: :k•;•~u":.,:~·~~~:~:=~ oil:',:.~%~ ~· Inc ua.!ft1. lur.UIII!; tree• • nd , .. 1,.. phone pole, , dltm .. nt<'llnc lh::ht :~~ no!

pow<'r l!nea . .lluodlr:~: th,.. 11ty from r;uttc.'r 10 ,t;UIIf'r :m ol rlrt"n l hlnl:: t hou JO:ullt" ot amu~('m,.nt ~,.,.l<,.tf

Operator l(llled 11'1 Stort'l'l. :-;t:w t ',\ STLt:. ln•l . :-:~·Pt. ~= -

,\ tlol••n" S' r w;~.rt , Qf l..f•ulu •lli<·." 1••1•· J•huU'! npo•rltlnr In t h r•t e ll )-. "'·•~ IIIII~.,[ :11111 t 'l'n otht•r ~;irh llf' rtOtllll )' ln)un ••l tn an alll l)mlh11•• ll.N h!Pnt olurln l:: • ''"avy .r lt ln , corm l:a~t n tl::hl on th•• !\'allonal llo11d 't'n mil"l •oucb '' ' thb

Means, the Detective, · Decides t~· Stick by His .Pal, Daugherty . . . .

Simiiarly wit h Wheeler. As prosecutor of the department of justice, he spent his t ime chasing bootleuers and under· world characters of many kinds, instead of using t he oppor-

tunitft t!!sla~~~:~e~~~i~!~.~~i~~':,,&j~:;;~~~~~tonh:r~~ break the nation-wide strike of the railroad ahopmen:

g~~~~~!re~c~i~~fr:end b:~~~v~~ti~:t~~~':ft O:~;~~~.~t~:~ in the ahopmen's strike would be raising t he class Issue of the railroad workers against the "'rail road capitalis_!!,....-Especlally It would show that the government was but an Instrument In the hands of money oligarcty> of Wall StreeL

The golden opportunity t o render a real service to the American working class knocked at Wheeler'• Inquisition chamber. He refused to listen. He would not t urn upon his own clas~the capitalist class He would not attack hl1 own

fto::~~";~~t;;;!~Y A0'r:~~~o~:::!a~i~~ ':~~enr':ent-showlna: Instead ho spent his t ime in dabbllna: wft h characters

like Cn.ston B. Muns, t he detective of Oau~herty nnd Burn•; :::;. R:~~e ~t!•~~o·~·awe aw~i1-rio~f ~~":n~m~!~'r p:~r0~ ?.~~f~ whtsky permit&: Ceorge Remus, the millionaire boot leg&er: Howard Ma nnington, the keeper of ' 'The little Creen House on K. Street" and a host of others.

But never, at any t ime, did Wheeler call a sing1e witness t o t he stand to expose t he strike-breakin& activities of t he department of justice.

Never, at ""Y t ime. did Wheeler call a single witness to expose the " red bait ing" activit ies of Bur~s and Daugherty :tgainst militant labor.

the c~~~~~is~1c~;;s;~e~~~c~~::!e~~~~c~~!! ~~:~:h~~~~~ ~i~:~~ r~~~lt~:o;e~~~i~~e~ca~r~~~~i~~t~:t~:~~n b~~~;r~ stool pigeons :tnd other rJf-raff of the underworld that has wormed its way into th: up~or s~ctal. strat a.

is w:yhft ~;~~';~~i;~~~~'h': :;:,~kWh~~i!r,c~a~s~~~f~v~"!~oJ~;! nnd Dawes, Davis and Bryan. all upholders of t he most op­pressive clAss rule in all history, the American capitalist dictatorship. ·

T he class struggle leads on to t riumph of the Workers' Dictatorship over the Capit alist Dict atorship. But where t he dictatorship of capita lism is an instrument for maintalnin&

f;~~~~~~~t~~\t;:f~d ~hned~~~t~~~sehto~~~~n~:~~~i!t1; ::;; nil classes have disappeared: where there a re no parasitic shirkers nor c;ruelly exploited workers. where all are common producers in ~njoy~ent. of t~eir ~abor.

OnlY th~p.~~munist candidates in this campaign, Williilm z. Foster, for presi4ent, and Benjamin Citlow, for vice president, cMry the standards of the clus fi&ht against

c:tpitl~~~~iptte- nnd Wheeler, Jepublicnn an'd democratic · t hemselves, t\t'lve helped the Wall Street p:trt ies, better than

!~:~~g~l·;~wTh1:y '::~~:~r~:~o~~t;~fu~~o~h!~!to~~;~ ~~sJt.,o:'~~ "open shoppers," more s uc<J.ssfully than ever, t O carryr-fn

thelr6~1;\~~~~!~e!h~u7e0~~ t~~ Workers' and Farmers··OJc . .. t:ttorship will win t he final victory for city nnd l:tnd lnbor over capit:tlism :tnd all its lackeys, ev-v1 down to the La­Follettes and the Wheelers.



{Col:lt1D1t .. trvm .,.,. 1.)

orpnluUoa Ill tlle c:outry, tile WOf'tl e,. Party. . L .. rfl Ruf INWI .... _ Werb't.. I

Hwe, Ule arsdenlped worll:en ~ eaUtd tblll mHtlq ae tbt ~. ~ eno of C!Jicqo D.ay leua Uae r..a • saes llelore the W' of tlale coaa. tty in thla eampaln U4 we caD .,.. yoa · mea a1tt1 womea of Uae wOniaa et ... to aueod lllb meetlq u4 a..n ::•,.!:a_ctl that •1;!,.-real alp:lleaaet

HCome to the meeuaC of the Fe»~ Gltlow CODflll'Uic:e tomorTOW 11i1tlt at t7:U Hinch Dl"d- at elcht o•cJociL Admlu loa La free. Come ud ~ your trteada. '

"Signed : Memben of the Amal..,... aterl Clothing Worifen or Ame rf .. l Hyman Sebaeld. Phillip • ANabel'S. Kalman Dune. N. Deraoe, A. 8aJoD. N. Oreea.l. Oersb.

Membera atttle lnterflatliuul LMI_. CJorment Wortce n : I. Crown, M. N-. rtc.k, N. Held. ·J . Gerber , 8 . LeTt~~, n..

er, 5 . COhe11.. L L. Dlnldtoa, C. Oarbl11..


acru,J;u• Meet Votes to Cut Down

on Ofliceholden (ContJ11ued f rom PAl• 1) t

wu beld by the cur of Ru11~ Ia bW attack, tbo laboi- baa,t ot Uae machl11· 1111 .. t Mouat Veraoa came Ia fcw Ita 1ban, Nleboleou pol11tluc oat that w& of tb11 !I dlrecton, OIIIY lh'o "curl .. carda:· Accordllllt to blm, It wu ao\ a l1bor ba.a lr: a t a ll, but u ope.11 ahopt , tlnandal laatltutloo. ~ecuUu Doard member, McM.._

ml4a ule Jtateme.ut that tba Oraad.

~!~ :;~tt.= ~11~~~~:~:~; ::~ Of'1:1111I CMI 011 ttlr payroll, htJtead of caon!OIIt theae dODih artJILI Ud &it'• In~; 110me moaey to Ule • mea oat • 1trth or U!on Ia Jail for the Of'l .. lUtlOII.

The real 1truute will tale ttace a. tbe qaettlo11 or a ppol11tJa1' or electlal "' the o n:aulun . and It Ia espect .. Ulat the ran k aod tile will aol • o te tor Uae J o b111100. propollllt!D, IIDU JobaJto. wtntA to hue tbe rl1tl'lt to eppq .. t ., them. wblle the len wlnlt waat.1 to hue the melu!_.Cfl by the dlatrletaat,,

~~c~he '!.~~· .~!~,:~n!r 11.~;:: ... ~ •" It h .. doue ap to now. tbe eoa•ea· l ion will no doubt, ro dowa 111 tbe hluor:r nf "the A11tertcaa labor mo•• ment 1a ooe ot tbe 111011 P1'04lHut•e· e"cr bekt b7 tbe 111tflnlllloua l AaiD' d alloa of llachJot.U. - •' ..

Page 3: Means, - Marxists Internet Archive · Tile h •ture a f the •lectlafl w.o• the high vote ruched by John W. Jahflston. h•h wll•gtr. • fld ;11Uist.,fll ICCrl luy of the Tr.,de

~~~~~~~--~~~~---------~~--~~·~/~~~'.·~·~.~--~,~-~-9·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--£ _ : __ .· _,,

Page 4: Means, - Marxists Internet Archive · Tile h •ture a f the •lectlafl w.o• the high vote ruched by John W. Jahflston. h•h wll•gtr. • fld ;11Uist.,fll ICCrl luy of the Tr.,de





D.L'TROIT, Mlcb., ~!;~~;~~\\!J~U.::t 1 Yt. "r:b~.'t~o. lotern:utooal pre.t· dent of the mublollu, •u maklns n IP'f«b t.o l.lio cotu•cotlon. bere. It w:u a eanf11UY preparli'd spccc.b for lhe ro1neot1on on tbC! l.:lf"OII"tt ... l\"hcct"r campa.!a:ll..

liHI~ or no mo~tt. lil t' I ,;nino: l o t la· ~r olanc lnl:

and lh:n l b· 1 ~·r fo rru:ance" J11al u be wu telllna the deiPcatl!tl what a 11 \ce, bu aWul pcnona\11)" : u c oh l! ~;ed to ~:;! .-. · :H " 1 ~ many

J..aFollett.e bad, bow he h1d aucb a bll: hurt. ho• t:e loYed e~enbodr. the n aea Yul~;n alld tl r ~; r:ad l n~; . •orlren aDd the booo and e~orr· +-bodr. a..nd llo• the e man trute )Jr. Johnaton !hat threw him Into Tun Birth Conjroi Cli nic . •Ill •urelr cet them I bey don't bide white fe.-er :and bl! tii'IIM for them 1).\LI.AS. Te.r , S ••(lt. : : - ·' """' bthiJld Laf"olleUe'e aproll. • ·bal be thrown out and the door• ba rrN nedr. national ~ retarr ahonld be IPJ but thOitl terrible Com· Wh11n the DAIL\' WORKEit Ia IJ lrth C.:ontrol ''""1:ue 1 munllll 1clllll&" the DAII.l" WOilKF"..H. t!uowo out lhru tbl! door It IIndt Ita puroosu or the nn::anil .. li"n

Sow the DAIL\' WOrtK~;n It a dlt· •aT in thrtl lhe wtodow. The dele· • ·en JHt li'tHied m"'· ll n ~; ~ In I!U! turbtnr- element tor )1r. JoboJIOn at Katca did ttl! coplu or !be Commun llt hall. The tn~t lno:• •· •·r~ I a meetiUI or the rnadllolsta. E..-err ~per. Jobtuton and tbe r .. t of !he tDany !oc:o.\ r>h JRicl a n ~

Ume he ~: et. re1dy to put o"t"er one ol fate labor leadera of tbe worlriD;; Ia•· In T<' I.:U 1o~ alnat

lboe• deale ncarut to bll heart. alon11: I clue cannot boa •a~ed from tbe dump birt h .:on lrol methods. i t. 11 l!fO. comet the DAILY WOit.Kt:lt and hi!IP awalunc tbem.. •·or tbe •· o~k · POsed 1ha1 :a o; !J nlc be ., .,l;abl~en: ap\1111 the beaoe. lett _. t "O"trywhere are rudiDI !he ----

~SO :::.;,•w:~:t -~~n:p~bl:n:I~:•P:; ~~;\ ~1~~~\~0:~~ '":a:;: aold luatdc Dai ly,·· ~ ·._.

Twl~ cv~~;ry wcck-thla eol\lmn ·.,no;ova1'11 to your .. raw tho · moth,.t flOwer behiN:f the DAI LY WOAKER. Hert for the lntlre.t and lnaplr•tlon of every rudel"-and • •Peclally the DAILY WORK.6R agenh and eomml«u-ara trltd and proven '"'1i10• .. Uona and t CilOIIIpllahtnrnta to drl"' U1t DAILY WORKER to fur1har conquut ..

Hera Ia POWER-the po-r of brain and effort of man and women of tht working clue wl\o not only belln-but ACTI

Inventory. SOME sections and many comrades in our Party are thoro­

ly American. Even to the extent of taking part in the great American sport of ''kidding themselves."

Despite their opinion today's great opportunity for the Party and the DAILY WORKER Is not bernJ made most of. Altho the DAILY WORKER tod,ay Is established and truth­fully has become " The National l abor Daily" it is not a:ain· ing in leaps and bounds that it should during a pruid•ntial

. e lection campaign. Perhaps no better time than this could be chosen to take

~;c~~i!0p!~~~ ~~~o~~~t ofu;o~~eh~e~~;hhu~fd~:~stber~~edh~ui~ ~h~:~t~ ~r;~~sE~v~:e~~E ~:iF HhA'lf N0~T .;~~e~~~~e~ . OF THE PARTY IS NOT BEINO UTILIZED to drive the DAILY WORI<tR to greate r gains and strength. This would be serious "if it we re the only fact ou r inventory discloses.

Of the remaining half only fifty per cent can deservingly be called active. Only one quarter of the branches of our Pl'lrty have hustling, hard working agents for the DA ILY WORKER! Today, due to the efforts · of. only a quarter of our branche.s and a handful of valiant, loyal comrades (not 1 all Party members!) the DAILY WORKER Is the leader in the working c lass press. A leader and l'ln influence in t he American Labor Movement.

the ~~t Ya.~~~~~Ffe;~;~t~~i!fP!~!:~'Jl o~f;':!"o~[~v~~~ growth of the Workers Party be accelerAted but the DAILY WORK~R wou ld gain in strength to better fi$ht the work· ers' battles. And tho first Communist elect1on campaign would have a greater drive behind it.

Today wo can-we must-make a greater use of our opportunity. New York, Minneapolis, St. Paul and other locals are showing the way by first thoroly ORGANIZING themselv~. Wherever this Is done results are immediately forthcoming. If your local o r branch has not done tlils as yet see it is done NOW-AT ONCE.

1-A DAlLY WORKER agent must be chose n for your city-from among your most capable comrades.

2-Every branch (regardless of language) must have a OAIL Y WORKER agent.

3-The branch agents, with the city DAILY WORKER agent compose a body (meeting at least once a month) that systematically secures subscriptions and renewals and ar· ranges for tlie sale of the DAILY WORKER at factory gatel.

;:~~"~\e~~c.wi~~o~~e: !~:!k~~ }~f0t~!nh;;~~i~Or;;K~h~ on the program.

To keep function ing always at its bost, the DAILY WORKER committee must see that branches otre visited when they have not chosen a DAILY WORKER agent-or

~~ye·~ ~~~~~a~~o;,tsa;~!i~y0~:~~~t!f,"~~1theE00:.{L ~e~~~nK~h~ ' should come from this body and be put in operation on the approval of the City Central Committee. .

mostA~[~~~a~;~~·=a;!':.!er~: ~~~s dao~n~e~t;so;v~~u';C~~~ munist duty. The DAILY WORKER can be built into the greatest weapo n of the American workers-if it has the fu ll rhoew=h~!l .the Party behind it- if it has YOUR shoulder~at

Tbey ain' t aonna relp no mort~.

Yes, by heck. lbey'll aet It In lhe nulr,

~nd tbey ain't aol'lna relp

Oh ~flater. buy a paper, We lrnow you Wl"ll'l't rdu1e. Wa"ye lOt the DAILY WORKER. nut down with tbe Dally Newa . 'J'hue were two atanau of the

br the Vanauard branch ~~: roupa of tbe Worker.

rou•lol!: r~ entertahu:nent • ~~:ne Sunday atlernOOil- rendM& of the.11nlon hall at Ce11lraUa

Cet out Paper. h&Ye '•laned amdnll.• repodlaUq . the utntalnmeat the Joalor. their ..-ordtct. and ·ror muy otbei"I'M- '

:o~!':.c:l:~~=·:~~~~r:·:~~ Ill :a"~.'::,,~~·:,'!: ~~~~,~~~';7:: ' paxu newa or the Communlll ln"ll:ton to pVdon th• elabt J. "'!· "'!"'·

which the yo\ln&" reYolu· who hue be-en beh ind· the bart oe carrylnit 011 In . •ec:ond de,;:ree morder c:barau lor llll•

and amon~~: the put nu J8&rll. 1 They ,.-ere ...n... me11t on tbe 1 treetL The after .American lt!IIOa rolter. wbou. prott11111y IIJ 111 tr.t~ •ltb uulted the Centralh• f . W. W. ball oa

of Communl•t c:bltdren Jn day In 191' bad ~a lr:llltcl. loll&llled by the IUIIII~

tbe J e~~:lon, trie4 to 1et a · ~ • eon..-lcUon bat Ia .,Cte of

and lhe preJadlctt , Jury ~:ue :. ncoo.d cSepee

aeltde.tenae. Tlle w .. 15 40 yoara. Labor

the world Ia qttatltl&" Ia No worll:er. oow burte4 lliYI •

Walla penlteotlary.

Page 5: Means, - Marxists Internet Archive · Tile h •ture a f the •lectlafl w.o• the high vote ruched by John W. Jahflston. h•h wll•gtr. • fld ;11Uist.,fll ICCrl luy of the Tr.,de
Page 6: Means, - Marxists Internet Archive · Tile h •ture a f the •lectlafl w.o• the high vote ruched by John W. Jahflston. h•h wll•gtr. • fld ;11Uist.,fll ICCrl luy of the Tr.,de