Meaningful play 2014 chris yap slides pd fv_01

Conceptualizing Player-side Emergence in Interactive Games: Between Hardcoded Software and the Human Mind in Papers, Please and Gone Home Christopher Michael Yap Youki Kadobayashi Suguru Yamaguchi Nara Institute of Science and Technology Meaningful Play 2014, Oct. 17 th , 2014.


(Presented at the International Academic Conference on Meaningful Play 2014, Michigan State Univ. Oct 17, 2014) The concept of emergence--that a certain thing may emerge from several distinct (and not necessarily related) parts, which is different, larger in scope, and mostly originally unintended or expected--exists in many fields such as Philosophy, Information Science, and biology. With respect to the modern video game, emergence can potentially manifest as emergent narrative and/or emergent gameplay. Furthermore, emergence in games can potentially manifest through true technological, procedurally-generated gameplay and/or a game design which encourages emergence from the game elements within the mind of the player. In this paper, we engage in a critical discussion about what it means for an interactive video game to have emergence. Firstly, we will be briefly discussing what emergence means to other scientific disciplines, and in doing so delineate specifically how we will be using the term "Emergent" in reference to interactive video games. We then frame the discussion of Emergence in games by considering a range of recent video game examples, and a close critical look at the indie games Papers, Please and Gone Home. From these analyses, we propose a concept of "Player-side emergence in games," in which emergence in the form of narrative is expressible and observable in games as the result of the current technological capabilities of games, which relies not on the game software itself, but rather upon the complex system of the human mind for reconstruction of the game experience and a subsequent expression of emergence. In this proposed concept, the constituent narrative pieces offered by a game can be expressed emergently as a unified, overall game narrative experience by the player mind. Based on this concept, we propose that emergence in a game need not wait or rely upon the advent of a truly, technology-based procedurally-generated platform, but rather can be an expression of player-side experiential reconstruction. We conclude that emergent narrative between video game and player can manifest so long as a human player can be encouraged via the game's mechanics towards an overall narrative reconstruction whose blueprint does not wholly originate from the source game, and we also contend that such an emergent design consideration can be potentially useful for designers who are trying to deal with the trade-off of Ludo-Narrative Dissonance in their games.

Transcript of Meaningful play 2014 chris yap slides pd fv_01

Page 1: Meaningful play 2014 chris yap slides pd fv_01

Conceptualizing Player-side Emergence in Interactive Games: Between

Hardcoded Software and the Human Mind in Papers, Please and Gone Home

Christopher Michael Yap

Youki Kadobayashi

Suguru Yamaguchi

Nara Institute of Science and Technology

Meaningful Play 2014, Oct. 17th, 2014.

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C. Yap

Conceptualizing Player-side Emergence in Interactive Games

Meaningful Play 2014, Oct. 17th, 2014.

This research has been crowdfunded on IndieGoGo

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Conceptualizing Player-side Emergence in Interactive Games

Meaningful Play 2014, Oct. 17th, 2014.

Alessandro Arena-Derosa

Tom Blessington

Amar Husejic Dan Paredes

Luiz Sampaio Dr. Daisuke

Miyamoto Kevin Nelson Jason Baguio

Iimura Takuji Jon Hood “Prometheus” Anthony


Major Contributors to Video Game Studies “The Patriots!”

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C. Yap

Conceptualizing Player-side Emergence in Interactive Games

Meaningful Play 2014, Oct. 17th, 2014.


1. What is emergence?

2. How might emergence occur in games?

3. Conceptualizing Player-side Emergence

1. Papers, Please

2. Gone Home

4. Discussion

5. Conclusion

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emergence is the idea that a surprising and novel

thing can "emerge" from a complex system

1. What is Emergence?

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Conceptualizing Player-side Emergence in Interactive Games

Meaningful Play 2014, Oct. 17th, 2014.

Results often do not exhibit those characteristics

Results difficult to predict

Computer Science



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Biological example of the concept of


1. What’s Emergence?

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Meaningful Play 2014, Oct. 17th, 2014.

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wide state







Key Factors for emergence

1. What’s Emergence?

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Meaningful Play 2014, Oct. 17th, 2014.


Ambiguous Design

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Conceptualizing Player-side Emergence in Interactive Games

Meaningful Play 2014, Oct. 17th, 2014.

2. How might emergence occur in games?

• Two non-mutually-exclusive approaches




Procedural Generation




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Conceptualizing Player-side Emergence in Interactive Games

Meaningful Play 2014, Oct. 17th, 2014.

2. How might emergence occur in games?

Tech Approach:



Computer Dungeon


• We’re not there yet

• We’ve come pretty

close, but arguably

game innovation


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Conceptualizing Player-side Emergence in Interactive Games

Meaningful Play 2014, Oct. 17th, 2014.

2. How might emergence occur in games?

Design Approach:

Indicate/guide player


“Sleight of hand”

• Current examples indicate that a kind of

emergent experience can still be rendered

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Meaningful Play 2014, Oct. 17th, 2014.

3. Conceptualizing Player-side Emergence Key factors for emergence in games


wide state








Ambiguous Design

Fixed elements from the game software:


Events Audio/visual

Arrangement of elements to indicate or

suggest an experience or interpretation

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Conceptualizing Player-side Emergence in Interactive Games

Meaningful Play 2014, Oct. 17th, 2014.

3. Conceptualizing Player-side Emergence

The need for a complex system:

Emergence is encouraged if the system is complex.

Current Industry tech cannot render emergence in the essential sense

Through careful balance of tech and design, we can invoke another system, extraneous to the game software

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Conceptualizing Player-side Emergence in Interactive Games

Meaningful Play 2014, Oct. 17th, 2014.

3. Conceptualizing Player-side Emergence

I can do that!

Invoke a complex system, extraneous to the game software

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Conceptualizing Player-side Emergence in Interactive Games

Meaningful Play 2014, Oct. 17th, 2014.

3. Conceptualizing Player-side Emergence

The brain is always looking for patterns

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Conceptualizing Player-side Emergence in Interactive Games

Meaningful Play 2014, Oct. 17th, 2014.

3. Conceptualizing Player-side Emergence

Sometimes the brain

contextualizes things for you

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Conceptualizing Player-side Emergence in Interactive Games

Meaningful Play 2014, Oct. 17th, 2014.

3. Conceptualizing Player-side Emergence Player-side Emergence Concept:

Game Elements + Ambiguous Design


Emergent Experience


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Meaningful Play 2014, Oct. 17th, 2014.

3.1 Player-side Emergence in Papers, Please

Lucas Pope 2013 (PC)

Paperwork Simulator


Interactions are morally-implicit

Effects/Outcomes are stated as simple facts with

little to no emotional indication

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Conceptualizing Player-side Emergence in Interactive Games

Meaningful Play 2014, Oct. 17th, 2014.

3.1 Player-side Emergence in Papers, Please

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Conceptualizing Player-side Emergence in Interactive Games

Meaningful Play 2014, Oct. 17th, 2014.

3.1 Player-side Emergence in Papers, Please

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Conceptualizing Player-side Emergence in Interactive Games

Meaningful Play 2014, Oct. 17th, 2014.

3.2 Player-side Emergence in Gone Home

The Fullbright Company

2013 (PC)

“Story Exploration”


Explore an empty house—find out where your

sister went

Story construction is free-form, but the end is


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Conceptualizing Player-side Emergence in Interactive Games

Meaningful Play 2014, Oct. 17th, 2014.

3.2 Player-side Emergence in Gone Home

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Conceptualizing Player-side Emergence in Interactive Games

Meaningful Play 2014, Oct. 17th, 2014.

3.2 Player-side Emergence in Gone Home

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Conceptualizing Player-side Emergence in Interactive Games

Meaningful Play 2014, Oct. 17th, 2014.

3.2 Player-side Emergence in Gone Home

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Meaningful Play 2014, Oct. 17th, 2014.

3.1 Player-side Emergence in Gone Home

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The game is not a horror story.

Rather, this is how the game encourages/suggests the construction/interpretation of its narrative

Empty House

Ghost Story

Bloody Bathtub

Horror Story

3.2 Player-side Emergence in Gone Home

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Player-side emergence, as a design

consideration/principle, can potentially be

helpful in addressing Ludo-Narrative


Allows the player’s own mind to account for

discrepancies in mechanics and narrative

Designing towards Player-side emergence

also allows players to interpret centralized,

directed/embedded game narratives with their

own subjective tones/inflections


4. Discussion (1)

C. Yap

Conceptualizing Player-side Emergence in Interactive Games

Meaningful Play 2014, Oct. 17th, 2014.

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However, the balance between reliance on

tech vs. reliance on design, as well as the

degree to which designers can be ambiguous

with their designs while retaining the integrity

of the overall gaming experience is still being

investigated in terms of Player-side


As games become increasingly more

sophisticated, immersive, and interactive,

considerations for Player-side emergence will

also change significantly.


4. Discussion (2)

C. Yap

Conceptualizing Player-side Emergence in Interactive Games

Meaningful Play 2014, Oct. 17th, 2014.

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The examples of Gone Home and Papers, Please

show that a kind of Player-side Emergence which

invokes the complex system of the player mind to

render the emergence can be crafted utilizing

current technology if the design space is

sufficiently ambiguous and the contextual direction

is effective.

Future work:

Test and select an appropriate theoretical

framework for this concept

Analyze other games to see how this concept

applies/doesn’t apply (ARGs)

Devise and experiment with ways to both observe

and show Player-side emergence in action


5. Conclusion

C. Yap

Conceptualizing Player-side Emergence in Interactive Games

Meaningful Play 2014, Oct. 17th, 2014.

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Let’s talk

[email protected]


C. Yap

Conceptualizing Player-side Emergence in Interactive Games

Meaningful Play 2014, Oct. 17th, 2014.