MD 24 I TRANSITION UPDATE February 10, 2018 Winter...

MD 24 I TRANSITION UPDATE February 10, 2018 Winter Conference 1 1

Transcript of MD 24 I TRANSITION UPDATE February 10, 2018 Winter...

Page 1: MD 24 I TRANSITION UPDATE February 10, 2018 Winter · Background 1. MD 24 approved the District Merger plan in May 2016


February 10, 2018 Winter Conference

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Page 2: MD 24 I TRANSITION UPDATE February 10, 2018 Winter · Background 1. MD 24 approved the District Merger plan in May 2016

Ø  How did we get here? Ø  LCI requires 1275 members and 35 clubs

in a District to support a DG. Ø  Three Districts (E, F, and B) were below that threshold

Ø  Point of Contact Appointments

Ø  Assignment of Duties

Ø  Leadership Team Assistance

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Page 3: MD 24 I TRANSITION UPDATE February 10, 2018 Winter · Background 1. MD 24 approved the District Merger plan in May 2016

Background 1.  MD 24 approved the District Merger plan

in May 2016 v Plan merges existing 6 districts to 3

A + C = L E + F = C B + D = I

v  B: 40 Clubs 923 members v  D: 56 Clubs 1,375 members v  I: 96 Clubs 2,298 members v New district effective July 1, Lion Year 2018 – 19

2.  The MD 24 plan for redistricting was approved by LCI as submitted.

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Page 4: MD 24 I TRANSITION UPDATE February 10, 2018 Winter · Background 1. MD 24 approved the District Merger plan in May 2016

MD 24 Transition Plan Timeline

Ac'on   Jan   Feb   Mar   Apr   May   Jun   Jul  Founda'ons                          District  Organiza'on                          Cabinet                          District  Directory                          Budget                          Cons'tu'on                          Districts  SOP  Revise  Adopt  Elec'ons                          Property                          Bank  Accounts                          Websites                          NewsleHer                          Grant  Applica'ons                          

No  Ac)on   In  Process   Completed  

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Page 5: MD 24 I TRANSITION UPDATE February 10, 2018 Winter · Background 1. MD 24 approved the District Merger plan in May 2016

Ø Task Leaders: D: PCC Clay Senecal Ø Progress: All 24 B & D Foundations have been

identified and contacted. Ø Action: Respective Foundations will continue to

serve current geography. •  B: Lions of Central Virginia •  D: Lions of Southeastern Virginia

Ø Timeframe: January - June Ø Status: B Completed. D in process


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24 I Foundations 24B will continue to service current geography •  Central Virginia Lions Hearing Aid Bank (CVALHAB) •  VLERI - Center of Central Virginia •  Lions of Central Virginia MHU, Inc. Partners in Service: Virginia Voice, Virginia Rehabilitation Center for the Blind, Virginia Relay (Hearing Impaired), Old Dominion Eye Foundation, Inc., Virginia Workers for the Blind (Burkeville Lodge), Anthem.  


 24D will continue to service current geography •  Lions of Virginia Eye Glass Recycling Center of Eastern Virginia •  Mobile Sight and Hearing Unit of 24D •  Lions Charity Foundation of District 24-D •  Lions Medical Eye Bank & Research Center of Eastern VA Partnerships:  Homeless  Connect  Events,  Diabetes  I  Camp,  Interna)onal  Youth  Exchange    

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Ø  Task Leaders: 1VDG Jeff Gaddis 1VDG Calvin Easter

Ø  Progress: All Clubs, Regions, and Zones reviewed for new District.

Ø  Timeframe: January – March Ø  Status: Completed


Regions   Zones  I Lynchburg / Danville/S. Boston A B

II Amelia/ South Hill / Emporia C D

III Greater Richmond Metro and counties E F G/H

IV NK, NN, MP, Newport News, Hampton Rds. I J K

V Norfolk, Chesapeake, Sussex, Franklin L M N

VI Virginia Beach – Eastern Shore O P Q

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6  Regions  Zones  A-­‐Q  

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Page 9: MD 24 I TRANSITION UPDATE February 10, 2018 Winter · Background 1. MD 24 approved the District Merger plan in May 2016

District Action Teams Items 1. Each Merging District appointed a Chair:

–  District 24I Chair: 1VDG Jeff Gaddis, 24D

–  Vice Chair: 1VDG Calvin Easter, 24B

2. Develop leadership succession plan for MD 24 I.

Nominations and Elections plan of action: a)  Gentlemen’s agreement for the new district governors.

Jeff will progress to DG, and Calvin will stay as 1VDG

b)  First vice district governor (1VDG) options: 1)  Remaining IVDG will continue in position for additional year.

2)  Note: 2VDGs are eligible to run.

c)  Second vice district governor (2VDG) options: 1)  2VDG can run according to gentlemen’s agreement for succession.

Pat Jones 2VDG 2018, Lew Adams 2VDG 2019.

2)  Or Sitting 2VDG will run against each other.

3)  Any qualified candidates in the 2 districts is eligible to run.  9  


Page 10: MD 24 I TRANSITION UPDATE February 10, 2018 Winter · Background 1. MD 24 approved the District Merger plan in May 2016

Ø Task Leaders: IVDG Jeff Gaddis, 1VDG Calvin Easter, DGs Beth and Ann

Ø Progress: All cabinet positions in 24B & D have been identified. Committee chairs and team member approach is being implemented. q  DG: Jeff Gaddis, 24D q  1VDG: Calvin Easter, 24B q  2VDG: Pat Jones, 24D q  2VDG 2019: Lewis Adams, 24B, (Region 2 Chair)

q  Secretary: PDG Ray Yannello, 24D q  Treasurer: PDG Lee Winder, 24B q  IPDG Beth Stevens and IPDG Ann Ragland

Ø Timeframe: February – May Ø Status: Pending Nomination/Election


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•  Task leaders: •  D: PDG Barbara Senecal •  B: DG Ann Ragland

•  Progress: review in process

•  Timeframe: February - May

•  Status: Work in progress

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 Task Leaders: B: PDG Lee Winder D:Lion Evonne Green

Ø  Progress: Copies of budgets will be shared to compare cost accounting codes and practices for cross walk. PDG Lee Winder transition team member, cross walk reviewed, investigating banks and new practices.

Ø  Timeframe: January – July

Ø  Status: ONGOING  


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•  Task Leaders: PDG Lee Winder Lion Evonne Green

•  Progress: Recommendation made to use BB&T Bank no fees for Organizations.

• Actions: Set up new bank account for 24-I after July 1 and after 2017-18 district audits are complete. Close existing accounts, deposit funds and move to

new accounting codes established. •  Timeframe: June to July

•  Status: on-going

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Ø Task Leaders: PCC Harry Parker Ø Progress: MD24 C & BL have been reviewed and

changes have been submitted to COG for adoption at LOV convention.

Ø  Clubs incorporated with Foundations may need to check listing of District with SCC.

Ø Timeframe: March – May Ø Status: Proposed Changes were reviewed by Council of

Governors in January. Pending adoption during LOV General Session in May.


CONSTITUTION Virginia and District

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Page 15: MD 24 I TRANSITION UPDATE February 10, 2018 Winter · Background 1. MD 24 approved the District Merger plan in May 2016

District 24 I Standard Operating Procedures •  Tasks Leaders: DG Beth Stevens, DG Ann

Ragland, 1VDG Calvin Easter, 1VDG Jeff Gaddis •  Districts 24 B and D each have Standing

Operating Procedures/Standing Rules. •  Process: Copies of each will be shared and new

SOPs developed taking the best practices of each District into consideration for operations beginning July 1, 2018.

•  Timeframe: March – May

•  Status: on going: Final revisions will be distributed at LOV State Convention Cabinet meetings for Delegates from B and D to review for adoption at the first District 24I Cabinet Meeting in July.

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•  Task Leaders: Nominations Chairs: PDG Rich Evans (B) PDG: PDG Donnie Johnson (D), PCC Ken Isaac, State Chr. Election Chairs: PDG Jay Overbey*(B)(*State Chr), PCC Clay Senecal Note: District and State Nominations Chairs must receive all nominations letters by Mar 17.

•  Progress: Election procedures reviewed. District A & D will hold meeting to endorse respective ID candidates 45 min. prior

to District meetings. Each candidate will be given time to speak.

•  Recommend: 1. holding joint meeting for nominations speeches and 2. separate meetings for elections and for final cabinet meeting.

•  Timeframe: February – May

•  Status: on going


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•  Task Leaders: DG Beth Stevens/DG Ann Ragland

•  Progress: B: All property is owned by Foundations

or Clubs. District 24B has no real value property.

D: Owns Spots, Sound systems, etc.

•  Timeframe: May – June

•  Status: on going


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WEBSITES Ø  MD 24Task Leader: 1VDG Scott McMurrain, 24C District: DG Beth Stevens, DG Ann Ragland Ø  B and D currently both use “Go Daddy” older version

which is not mobile friendly. Ø  MD Progress: Developed Goals:

q  Consolidate website content into fresh new framework resembling LCI website

q  Enable for District clubs if wish to do so q  100% “Active” club websites by 1 July 2018

Ø Timeframe: May - June Ø Status: seek vendor for contract &

development. on going

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Ø  Task Leaders: B: PDG Rich Evans D: Lion Sherene Nolan Ø  Progress: Discussions to be held between two

current editors. Continue to use Constant Contact with Grant Funding from merger.

q  Hold Newsletter naming Contest Feb to May 1. Ø  Timeframe: May – June

Ø  Status: On Going

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•  Task Leaders: B: DG Ann Ragland D: Beth Stevens

•  Progress: No action at this time •  Area of Focus for Grants: May use Constant

Contact costs and new website development costs to support new member growth.

•  Timeframe: May – June •  Status: on Hold, until May and June

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Where there’s a need, There’s a Lion in

District 24 I . Thank you.        

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