MCN 2013 (ffrench) From Documentation to Discovery: Preservation Photographic Imaging Leaps from the...

My name is John ffrench and I am the Director of Visual Resources at the Yale University Art Gallery. I oversee the imaging department which photographs the collecBon and also events, exhibiBons, etc as well as overseeing the Rights and ReproducBons office who deal with the disseminaBon of images for external requests. With the project I am discussing today, I was more of an organizing parBcipant or intermediary if you will between the conservaBon staff and the computer science group. It is important to know a few things before we begin. I am NOT a computer scienBst – though I can claim to have several as good friends. And I am not a conservator, though my group does provide treatment photography for the conservaBon department. Also I happen to be married to a conservator so that helps! Recently, new two and three dimensional imaging modaliBes have been found useful in gaining insight into the restoraBon of damaged painBngs. NonInvasive Imaging is parBcularly useful in restoraBon as it provides extensive informaBon about a work without physical contact. However, combining the results of different modaliBes is extremely difficult, and conservators generally use informaBon from each mode in isolaBon. In this project, soSware was developed to overcome the barriers in combining data and to create an intuiBve interface for conservators to examine works. The soSware allows the conservator to combine images in a common view and idenBfy the same region in the work in mulBple images simultaneously. The soSware further allows the conservator to combine data values to idenBfy materials 1


During this panel presentation information was shared on a collaborative project between the Yale University Art Gallery and the Yale CS department. Staff established that significant imaging data potentially crucial to the work of restoring damaged paintings, could be improved by leveraging the combined strengths of multiple modalities. we therefore aimed to undertake a collaborative exploratory project, with the assistance of Post-Doc students in the Computing and the Arts department of Computer Science at Yale, to design new software that would allow these modalities to be used together. For further information contact the presenter.

Transcript of MCN 2013 (ffrench) From Documentation to Discovery: Preservation Photographic Imaging Leaps from the...

Page 1: MCN 2013 (ffrench) From Documentation to Discovery: Preservation Photographic Imaging Leaps from the Illustrative to the Quantitive (PRESENTATION NOTES)

My  name  is  John  ffrench  and  I  am  the  Director  of  Visual  Resources  at  the  Yale  University  Art  Gallery.  I  oversee  the  imaging  department  which  photographs  the  collecBon  and  also  events,  exhibiBons,  etc  as  well  as  overseeing  the  Rights  and  ReproducBons  office  who  deal  with  the  disseminaBon  of  images  for  external  requests.  With  the  project  I  am  discussing  today,  I  was  more  of  an  organizing  parBcipant  or  intermediary  if  you  will  between  the  conservaBon  staff  and  the  computer  science  group.  It  is  important  to  know  a  few  things  before  we  begin.  I  am  NOT  a  computer  scienBst  –  though  I  can  claim  to  have  several  as  good  friends.  And  I  am  not  a  conservator,  though  my  group  does  provide  treatment  photography  for  the  conservaBon  department.  Also  I  happen  to  be  married  to  a  conservator  so  that  helps!  

 Recently,  new  two  and  three  dimensional  imaging  modaliBes  have  been  found  useful  in  gaining  insight  into  the  restoraBon  of  damaged  painBngs.  Non-­‐Invasive  Imaging  is  parBcularly  useful  in  restoraBon  as  it  provides  extensive  informaBon  about  a  work  without  physical  contact.  However,  combining  the  results  of  different  modaliBes  is  extremely  difficult,  and  conservators  generally  use  informaBon  from  each  mode  in  isolaBon.  In  this  project,  soSware  was  developed  to  overcome  the  barriers  in  combining  data  and  to  create  an  intuiBve  interface  for  conservators  to  examine  works.  The  soSware  allows  the  conservator  to  combine  images  in  a  common  view  and  idenBfy  the  same  region  in  the  work  in  mulBple  images  simultaneously.  The  soSware  further  allows  the  conservator  to  combine  data  values  to  idenBfy  materials    


Page 2: MCN 2013 (ffrench) From Documentation to Discovery: Preservation Photographic Imaging Leaps from the Illustrative to the Quantitive (PRESENTATION NOTES)

In  an  interdisciplinary  collaboraBon,  art  and  computer  imaging  experts  from  the  Yale  University  Art  Gallery  and  the  Department  of  Computer  Science  began  a  project  in  2011  to  examine  selected  Early  Italian  panel  painBngs  combining  a  variety  of  imaging  techniques  that  include  digital  photography,  3D  scanning,  tomography  and  a  novel  form  of  photography  called  Polynomial  Texture  Mapping  (PTM).    At  that  Bme  no  soSware  existed  that  allowed  for  the  various  imaging  modaliBes  to  share  common  coordinate  systems.    For  example,  it  was  not  possible  to  overlay  the  PTM  data  on  the  correct  corresponding  secBon  of  a  3D  model.    Irma  Passeri,  a  conservator  at  the  Art  Gallery’s  laboratory,  working  with  Holly  Rushmeier,  Professor  of  Computer  Science,  established  that  significant  imaging  data  potenBally  crucial  to  the  work  of  restoring  damaged  painBngs,  could  be  improved  by  leveraging  the  combined  strengths  of  mulBple  modaliBes.    Professor  Rushmeier  therefore  aimed  to  undertake  an  exploratory  project  in  collaboraBon  with  Ms.  Passeri,  with  the  assistance  of  Post-­‐Doc  students  in  the  CompuBng  and  the  Arts  department  of  Computer  Science  at  Yale,  to  design  new  soSware  that  would  allow  these  modaliBes  to  be  used  together.    When  fully  refined  and  tested,  the  soSware  applicaBon  was  be  made  available  as  an  open  source  product.  



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In  2011,  while  there  were  means  to  display  informaBon  showing  various  conservaBon  image  types,  there  was  no  way  for  a  conservator  to  do  comparaBve  analysis  of  different  file  types  without  using  several  programs.    

 There  were  certainly  programs  such  as  the  Ghent  altarpiece  Project,  however  these  were  more  a  means  of  educaBon  for  the  public  than  that  of  a  research  tool.  

 Also  Yale  developed  West  Campus,  a  off-­‐site  arts  and  sciences  area  which  has,  or  will  have  shared  and  collaboraBve  imaging  labs,  as  well  as  conservaBon  labs.  The  parBcipants  of  those  spaces  were  looking  for  ways  in  which  to  create  new  means  of  Campus  collaboraBon  and  a  project  like  this  was  a  good  test-­‐bed.  


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In  extreme  short,  the  project  aimed  to  provide  a  means  for  varying  images  to  be  overlaid  with  each  other  in  a  computer  environment  to  beaer  enable  conservators/curators  the  ability  to  study  works  of  art  (image  sources  were  tradiBonal  photography  -­‐  historic  images  and  modern,  mulB-­‐spectral  imaging,  UV,  IR,  xray,  CAT  scans,  PTM,  and  3D  laser  scans  to  name  a  few).  

 This  was  seen  as  an  exciBng  collaboraBon  with  the  Computer  Science  department  and  one  of  the  cultural  insBtuBons  on  campus  as  start  of  many  more  collaboraBon  projects  on  campus.  

 IniBal  1  year  grant  was  awarded  in  the  amount  of  $80,000  which  would  cover  the  acquisiBon  of  capture,  equipment  for  the  capture  and  research  of  objects  (NextEngine  3D  scanner,  materials  to  build  a  hyper-­‐spectral  camera,  computer  systems  to  store  data  and  build  out  the  soSware  interface),  and  funds  to  cover  50%  of  the  salary  of  a  programmer/imaging  scienBst.  

 Yale  University  Art  Gallery  would  provide  the  object(s),  studio  space  and  20%  of  staff  Bme  of  a  conservator  and  imaging  specialist.  



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I’ll  aaempt  to  run  the  soSware  at  the  end  of  this  talk,  but  for  now  will  step  you  through  a  few  of  the  features  of  the  program.  We  all  know  how  live-­‐demo  scenarios  oSen  go  and  given  that  this  program  is  processor  intensive.    Here  you  can  see  a  screenshot  of  what  the  interface  looks  like.  There  are  four  sample  files  loaded  into  the  system,  a  3D  model  created  from  a  NextEngine  scanner,  a  CAT  scan  of  a  panel  painBng,  a  Hyper-­‐spectral  image,  and  another  view  of  the  CT  scan.  

 The  rogram  is  Mac/PC  based  –  though  admiaedly  it  performs  best  on  a  PC.  


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Here  you  can  see  the  various  menu  opBons  available.  In  the  top  menu  you  can  have  the  opBon  to  open  a  2D  or  3D  file  directory.    


The  two  leSmost  icons  allow  easy  access  to  the  dialog  box  for  opening  files.  The  first  opens  2D  and  3D  images,  and  the  second  opens  CT  imaging  data.  


The  following  five  icons  are  only  usable  when  working  with  3D  meshes.  •  Lightbulb:  Toggles  the  direcBonal  light.  

•  Points:  Displays  the  mesh  as  a  series  of  points  or  verBces.  

•  Wireframe:  Displays  the  mesh  in  wireframe  mode.  •  Surface:  Displays  the  surface  polygons  on  the  mesh.  

•  Texture:  Toggles  the  texture  display.  


These  two  icons  alter  what  you  see  in  the  image  panel  when  displaying  an  image.  •  Spiral:  Toggles  the  use  of  interpolaBon  on  the  picture  or  texture.  

•  Info:  Toggles  the  display  of  computer,  image,  and  perspecBve  informaBon  in  the    


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CT  Image  Control  This  toolbox  is  only  acBve  when  working  with  CT  scanning  data.  You  can  use  it  to  navigate  through  a  series  of  2D  image  slices  or  to  select  display  opBons  when  working  with  3D  models.    

2D  Image  Stack  Control  

These  opBons  are  only  accessible  when  the  “2D  Rendering”  mode  is  selected.  From  here,  you  can  see  the  current  slice  that  is  displayed  in  the  image  panel,  as  well  as  the  total  number  of  slices  available  to  scroll  through.  You  can  also  change  the  view  in  the  image  panel  to  a  front,  side,  or  top  perspecBve  and  flip  the  image  upside  down.  Perhaps  most  importantly,  you  can  navigate  through  the  full  range  of  slices  by  dragging  the  slider  at  the  boaom  from  beginning  to  end  and  back  again.  If  your  image  has  many  slices  and  the  slider  is  not  precise  enough  to  navigate  to  your  desired  slice,  you  can  also  move  more  slowly  through  the  slices  with  the  leS  and  right  arrow  keys.  


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Spectrum  The  Spectrum  toolbox  is  most  useful  when  working  with  hyperspectral  images  and  textures;  it  can  be  used  for  standard  RGB  images,  but  will  only  contain  three  meaningful  data  points—the  red,  green  and  blue  reflectance  values.  The  toolbox  has  no  effect  when  working  with  3D  meshes  with  no  texture  or  medical  imaging  data  in  grayscale.  To  use  the  Spectrum  toolbox,  simply  right-­‐click  on  a  given  pixel  or  cell  to  display  a  graph  of  the  available  wavelengths  ploaed  against  the  normalized  reflectance  values.  The  ultraviolet  spectrum  consists  of  those  wavelengths  to  the  leS  of  the  violet  line  on  the  graph,  while  the  infrared  spectrum  appears  to  the  right  of  the  red  line.    


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To  view  movie  navigate  to:  hap://    


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The  source  code  and  supporBng  documentaBon  is  posted  on  Sourceforge    

At  the  recent  VAST  conference  a  collaboraBve  paper  was  wriaen  on  the  project    

There  has  been  limited  demonstraBon  of  the  product  to  the  audience  it  was  IniBally  desBned  for.  At  last  years  MCN  it  was  shown  to  a  few  people  aaending  (hence  the  interest  and  request  to  present  our  findings  this  year).  It  was  going  to  be  presented  at  IS&T  however  a  conflict  of  interest  in  reporBng  on  the  same  findings  as  announced  at  the  VAST  conference  required  us  to  pull  out  at  the  last  minute.  


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Currently  the  program  is  being  further  developed  with  new  CS  programmers  and  there  is  focus  on  a  new  imaging  project  underway  to  study  medieval  manuscripts  and  the  pigments  used.  Through  that  project,  addiBonal  tools/features  are  being  added.  These  new  tools,  while  potenBally  useful  to  the  iniBal  parBcipants,  are  more  aimed  at  the  needs  of  the  2nd  phase  supporters  of  the  project  than  further  establishing  the  core  needs  of  the  original  group.    

Unfortunately  the  iniBal  partners  of  the  project  are  not  using  the  program  as  intended  the  new  direcBon  of  the  program  is  more  in  support  of  a  previously  unknown  need,    



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WHAT  NEXT??    Projects  take  Bme  and  money  to  complete,  but  we  don’t  always  plan  into  project  Bme  for  usability  tesBng,  or  promoBon  of  products.  It  is  an  important  step  to  factor  in.  

Gewng  this  into  more  test-­‐users  hands,  ideally  conservators  who  have  the  need,  but  can  also  provide  valuable  feedback  and  suggest  further  development.  


While  we  are  starBng  to  see  some  level  of  conservators  and  imaging  scienBst  express  interest  in  the  program,  sharing  this  program  through  conservaBon  circles,  such  as  AIC,  would  be  the  next  logical  step  and/or  finding  partners  outside  of  Yale  to  work  with  on  the  collaboraBve  development  of  such  programs.    

Ideally  trying  to  work  closer  with  another  group  interested  in,  or  working  towards  similar  ends  would  be  logical.    

More  so  in  recent  years,  Yale  is  keen  to  openly  share  informaBon,  resources  and  is  looking  for  wider  collaboraBon.  But  we  as  a  community  need  to  find  beaer  ways  in  which  to  bring  awareness  of  such  programs.