MBA 2nd Communication

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  • 8/7/2019 MBA 2nd Communication


    Deepmalaa Shrestha, Lecturer, MBA 2nd Tri, Nov 29th

    Effective Communication

  • 8/7/2019 MBA 2nd Communication


    Deepmalaa Shrestha, Lecturer, MBA 2nd Tri, Nov 29th

    What is the communication ?...


    An interpersonal process of sending andreceiving symbols with messages attached tothem.

    Key elements of the communication process:



    Communication channel. Receiver.

    Interpreted meaning.


  • 8/7/2019 MBA 2nd Communication


    Deepmalaa Shrestha, Lecturer, MBA 2nd Tri, Nov 29th

    Functions of Communication...



    Emotional Expression


  • 8/7/2019 MBA 2nd Communication


    Deepmalaa Shrestha, Lecturer, MBA 2nd Tri, Nov 29th

    The Communication Process...









  • 8/7/2019 MBA 2nd Communication


    Deepmalaa Shrestha, Lecturer, MBA 2nd Tri, Nov 29th

    What is the communication process?

    Sources of noise in communication:

    Poor choice of channels.Poor written or oral expression.

    Failure to recognize nonverbal signals.

    Physical distractions.

    Status effects.

  • 8/7/2019 MBA 2nd Communication


    Deepmalaa Shrestha, Lecturer, MBA 2nd

    Tri, Nov 29th

    What is the communication process?

    Poor choice of channels.

    Choose the channel that works best.

    Written channels work for messages that:

    Are simple and easy to convey.

    Require extensive dissemination quickly.

    Convey formal policy or authoritative directives.

    Spoken channels work best for messages that:

    Are complex or difficult to convey where immediate

    feedback is needed. Attempt to create a supportive, even inspirational,


  • 8/7/2019 MBA 2nd Communication


    Deepmalaa Shrestha, Lecturer, MBA 2nd

    Tri, Nov 29th

    Communication Process Conti....

    Guidelines for making oral presentations:

    Be prepared.

    Set the right tone.

    Sequence points.Support your points.

    Accent the presentation.

    Add the right amount of polish.

    Check your technology.

    Dont bet on the Internet.

    Be professional.

  • 8/7/2019 MBA 2nd Communication


    Deepmalaa Shrestha, Lecturer, MBA 2nd

    Tri, Nov 29th

    Failure to recognize nonverbal signals.

    Nonverbal communication takes place through

    gestures, facial expressions, body posture, eye

    contact, and use of interpersonal space.

    Mixed messages occur when a persons words

    and nonverbal signals communicate different


    The growing use of communicationtechnologies causes important nonverbal

    communication to be lost.

  • 8/7/2019 MBA 2nd Communication


    Deepmalaa Shrestha, Lecturer, MBA 2nd

    Tri, Nov 29th

    What is the communication process?

    Physical distractions.

    Include interruptions from telephone calls,

    drop-in visitors, a lack of privacy, etc.

    Can interfere with the effectiveness of a

    communication attempt.

    Can be avoided or at least minimized

    through proper planning.

  • 8/7/2019 MBA 2nd Communication


    Deepmalaa Shrestha, Lecturer, MBA 2nd

    Tri, Nov 29th

    Status effects.

    Occur when an organizationshierarchy of authority creates a

    barrier to effective

    communication.Status effects include:

    Filtering the intentional distortion of

    information to make it appear favorable to the


    Subordinates acting as yes men.

  • 8/7/2019 MBA 2nd Communication


    Deepmalaa Shrestha, Lecturer, MBA 2nd

    Tri, Nov 29th


    The process of telling others how you

    feel about something they did or said,or about the situation in general.

    Constructive feedback guidelines:


    ive it directly.Make it specific.

    Give it when the receiver is willing/ableto accept it.

    Make sure it is valid.

    Give it in small doses.

  • 8/7/2019 MBA 2nd Communication


    Deepmalaa Shrestha, Lecturer, MBA 2nd

    Tri, Nov 29th

    Active listening...

    The process of taking action to help

    someone say exactly what he or she really

    means.Rules for active listening...

    Listen for message content.

    Listen for feelings.Respond to feelings.

    Note all cues, verbal and nonverbal.

    Paraphrase and restate.

    How can communication be improved?...

  • 8/7/2019 MBA 2nd Communication


    Deepmalaa Shrestha, Lecturer, MBA 2nd

    Tri, Nov 29th

    Ten steps for good listening...

    Stop talking.

    Put the other person at ease.Show that you want to listen.

    Remove any potential distractions.Empathize with the other person.

    Dont respond too quickly; be patient.

    Dont get mad; hold your temper.

    Go easy on argument and criticism.

    Ask questions.

  • 8/7/2019 MBA 2nd Communication


    Deepmalaa Shrestha, Lecturer, MBA 2nd

    Tri, Nov 29th

    How can communication be improved?

    Use of communication channels.

    Channel richness is the capacity of a

    communication channel to carry information inan effective manner.

    Low channel richness is impersonal, one-way,and fast.

    High channel richness is personal, two-way, and


    Managers need to choose a channel with theappropriate richness for the communication.

  • 8/7/2019 MBA 2nd Communication


    Deepmalaa Shrestha, Lecturer, MBA 2nd

    Tri, Nov 29th

    Ways to keep communication channels open

    through interactive management.

    Management by wandering around (MBWA).

    Open office hours.

    Regular employee group meetings.

    Computer-mediated meetings and video conferences.

    Employee advisory councils. Communication consultants.

    360-degree feedback.

  • 8/7/2019 MBA 2nd Communication


    Deepmalaa Shrestha, Lecturer, MBA 2nd

    Tri, Nov 29th

    Different languagesA one-sided conversation might go like this:

    SANDRA: How was your day?

    LARRY: OK.

    SANDRA: What happened?

    LARRY* The usual.

    SANDRA: What do you feel like doing this weekend?

    LARRY. I don't care. What do you want to do?

    SANDRA: Do you want to invite our friends over?

    LARRY: I don't know. Do you know where the TV schedule is?

    SANDRA: (upset) Why don't you talk to me?

    LARRY: (Stunned and silent.)

    SANDRA: Do you love me?

    LARRY: Of course I love you. I married you.

    SANDRA: How could you love me? We never talk any more. How can you just sit there

    and say nothing. Don't you care?

  • 8/7/2019 MBA 2nd Communication


    Deepmalaa Shrestha, Lecturer, MBA 2nd

    Tri, Nov 29th

    Summary:At this point, Larry would get up and

    go for a walk. When he came back

    he would act as though nothing hadhappened. Sandra would also act as

    though everything was fine, but

    inside she would withdraw her loveand warmth.

  • 8/7/2019 MBA 2nd Communication


    Deepmalaa Shrestha, Lecturer, MBA 2nd

    Tri, Nov 29th


    When a woman asks "What's the matter?"

    A Man Says A Woman Responds

    "I'm OK" or"It's OK.' = "I know something's wrong. What isit?"

    "I'm fine" or"It's fine." = "But you seem upset. Let's talk."

    "It's nothing." = "I want to help. I know something is

    bothering you. What is it?"

    "It's all right" or"I'm all right." = "Are you sure? I am happy to

    help you."

    "It's no big deal." = "But something is upsetting you. I think

    we should talk."

    "It's no problem.


    "But it is a problem. I could help.


  • 8/7/2019 MBA 2nd Communication


    Deepmalaa Shrestha, Lecturer, MBA 2nd

    Tri, Nov 29th

    1)Meaning ofI am OK-, Ican deal with

    my upset

    She hears-I am not willing to share with

    you my upset feelings.I

    do not trust youto be there for me."

    2) "I am fine -IfIdo Iwill askShe hears-"Idon't care about what has

    happened. Even if it upsets you, Idon't care.

  • 8/7/2019 MBA 2nd Communication


    Deepmalaa Shrestha, Lecturer, MBA 2nd

    Tri, Nov 29th


    Women say things like this Men respond like this

    "We never go out." "That's not true. We went out last week."

    "Everyone ignores me." "I'm sure some people notice you."

    "I am so tired, I can't do anything." "If you don't like your job,then quit."

    "I want to forget everything." "That's ridiculous." "The house is always a mess." "It's not always a


    "No one listens to me anymore." "But I am listening to youright now."

    "Nothing is working." "Are you saying it is myfault?"

    "You don't love me anymore." "Of course I do. That'swhy I'm here."

  • 8/7/2019 MBA 2nd Communication


    Deepmalaa Shrestha, Lecturer, MBA 2nd

    Tri, Nov 29th

    1) "We never go out" -I love beingwith you

    Male hears: We never do anythingtogether anymore because you arelazy, unromantic, and just boring."

    2) "I am so tired, -I can't doanything" -Iam so lucky to haveyour support.

    Mars hears: "Ido everything andyou do nothing. You should domore. Ican't do it all. I feel sohopeless. Iwant a 'real man' to live

    with. Picking you was a big"

  • 8/7/2019 MBA 2nd Communication


    Deepmalaa Shrestha, Lecturer, MBA 2nd

    Tri, Nov 29th

    3) "I want to forget everything" - I just

    want to feel you understanding thepressures I feel. It would make me feelso much better. It helps me to relax.Tomorrow Iwill get back to being

    responsible and handling things."

    Mars hears: Ihave to do so much thatIdon't want to do. Iam so unhappy with

    you and our relationship. Iwant abetter partner who can make my lifemore fulfilling