May 2011 CPYF dialogue newsletter - community development with agile

1 2011年五月對話新訊息 運用AGILE敏捷軟體建構社群 五月份的朝邦對話新訊息,談及的是一群教育者如何 運用U型理論帶來啟發,改變教學方式,分享他們使 用理論的方法,以及建立社群的軟體《Agile》的過 程。 今年夏天,來自全國各地的教師、行政人員、學生、 家長、社區成員、商界代表和政府領導人都在美國亞 利桑納的圖森,參與一場稱為《雪球營地(Camp Snowball)》的活動(網址: http:// ),希望建立一個可延續的社 會運動,將教育思維從工業社會的年代轉化為以思考 為基礎的做法的教育系統,支持學生的創意思想,引 領他們成為「系統思維的公民」。 系統思維的公民是全球社群的一份子,致力於了解複 雜的現今世界,並以了解現狀的態度展現改變的能 力。就如馬爾文亞當斯(Marv Adams (TD Ameritrade營運長,曾任花旗集團資訊長、福特汽車 企業策略部門資訊長與負責人)所說: 「如果缺乏思考的技巧,根本無法在大多數的產業中 達成有效率的領導、訂定目標、執行較高階主管的工 作。很可惜的是,太多的領導者發展出左腦思考為導 向的管理方式,但在右腦的開發,也就是整體性思考 的領導能力上卻顯虛弱。究竟是因為左腦思維的當道 促成現有的學府與培訓課程的模樣,還是這是系統上 的天性使然?如果不是本質上的問題,那麼,趁年輕 及早開發系統性思維,才能為創新的教育提供更多的 契機!」 雪球營隊就是社群啟動的活動,在這之後,主辦單位 希望在網際網路上建立互動的平台,串連起各種教育 的倡議,並運用持續性的能力訓練服務提供支援。我 受邀參與這項創舉,和大家一起想出可以讓這個社會 運動更有規模的科技。以下是雪球營隊目前策略的重 點,也示範出團隊如何促成社會性變革、漸立可續性 社群的模式: 拓展在雪球營隊中所建立的跨領域、學校系統 與社區的關係,建立足夠的空間讓每個團隊可 以說明並分享他們的工作成果。來自全世界不 同地區、想法多元的團隊聚集在一起時,產業 與產業交流、社群成員與其他社群成員互動、 教育者與學生則可以加入其他教育者與學生的 團隊,也強化了在雪球營隊所栽培的學習。具 有多元需求與觀點的跨領域關係,對於建立起 創意的張力、擴大這些活動規模的層面上,也 是關鍵的要素。 在雪球營隊活動結束後,參與者透過持續性的 教練式指導,持續引導各人與系統性的變革。 遠在雪球營隊開始之前,支援性的結構、規畫 與最初步的活動就已經完整規畫好。 學生成為平台開發的主力。如果學生對於教育 改革感到有所啟發,成人也會受到感染。 打造「容易找到、運用、並可行的東西」,像 是經由同行評估的資源與教材。 針對運用或造就出系統性變革的案例在網路上 提供獎勵、肯定、刊登表揚。 以上腦力激盪的成果是運用P.O.S.T.步驟所產生 是一種透過策略做思考的方式: ( ) 當參與的人士、目標與策略都找到以後,最後就要思 考運用的科技。為什麼?因為經常網頁是最先架構出 來的,然後我們就假設社群會自然而然地受到吸引而 來。但是我卻認為充滿活力的社群和真正目標的實 踐,都是先來自面對面的關係,並不會因為有了科技 而就自然產生。全球性的網路,如果能夠連結活絡的 當地關係時,效能最理想;反之,如果關係只是建立 在網路的互動,效果反而不太理想。「全球本土化 Glocal」對我的意義就是深度地連接至當地的思維與 背景,同時做一個全球性家族的成員。 以下為各位分享一些Agile理念可以幫助 Glocal全球本 土化 社群促成共有的理想的重點。

Transcript of May 2011 CPYF dialogue newsletter - community development with agile

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朝 邦 文 教 基 金 會







力。就如馬爾文‧亞當斯(Marv Adams (TD Ameritrade營運長,曾任花旗集團資訊長、福特汽車企業策略部門資訊長與負責人)所說:



• 拓展在雪球營隊中所建立的跨領域、學校系統與社區的關係,建立足夠的空間讓每個團隊可以說明並分享他們的工作成果。來自全世界不同地區、想法多元的團隊聚集在一起時,產業與產業交流、社群成員與其他社群成員互動、教育者與學生則可以加入其他教育者與學生的團隊,也強化了在雪球營隊所栽培的學習。具有多元需求與觀點的跨領域關係,對於建立起創意的張力、擴大這些活動規模的層面上,也是關鍵的要素。

• 在雪球營隊活動結束後,參與者透過持續性的教練式指導,持續引導各人與系統性的變革。遠在雪球營隊開始之前,支援性的結構、規畫與最初步的活動就已經完整規畫好。

• 學生成為平台開發的主力。如果學生對於教育

改革感到有所啟發,成人也會受到感染。 • 打造「容易找到、運用、並可行的東西」,像是經由同行評估的資源與教材。

• 針對運用或造就出系統性變革的案例在網路上提供獎勵、肯定、刊登表揚。

以上腦力激盪的成果是運用P.O.S.T.步驟所產生 – 這是一種透過策略做思考的方式:




以下為各位分享一些Agile理念可以幫助 Glocal全球本土化 社群促成共有的理想的重點。

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有限的投資達到最好的成效: · 加強需要的事項 · 去除所有不會帶來價值的事物 · 一出差錯就停止



Rally Software舉辦的第一次的社群研討會 (。雖然在一群敏捷軟體專家之中,我顯得有點突兀,但是仔細聆聽,希望能在這個









1. Co-­‐Ini)a)ng共同啟動建立共同的意圖。停止,聆聽其他人,了解生命需要你做的是什麼。

2. Co-­‐Sensing共同感知觀察,觀察,再觀察。走到最有潛力的地方,用你的心智聆聽,開啟你的心胸。

3. Presencing共同湧現連接到靈感啟發與意願的根源處,走向沉靜的地方,讓內在的已知浮現。

4. Co-­‐Crea)ng  共同創造建構新的生命範例原型,透過行動來探索未來。

5. Co-­‐Evolving共同演化擁抱可以從整體面向觀察與行動的全新生態系統。






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This May Dialogue Newsletter tells the story of a group of educators aspiring to transform the way education is taught and how they are using Theory U and a software development process called “Agile” to build their community.

Teachers, administrators, students, parents, community members, businesses, and government leaders from across the globe are gathering this summer in Tuscon, Arizona, at an event called “Camp Snowball” (, and intend to build a scaleable social movement that will shift education from industrial era paradigms to a systems thinking-based approach which supports kids as innovators and enables them to become “systems citizens.”

Systems Citizens are members of a glocal community who strive to understand the complexities of today's world and have the informed capacity to make a difference. The pragmatism of this idea is expressed well by Marv Adams (COO of TD Ameritrade!; former CIO of Citigroup; former CIO and head of Corporate Strategy of Ford Motor Company):

"Without systems thinking skills, it is impossible to effectively lead, set direction and execute in senior executive roles across most industries. Too many leaders, unfortunately, have emerged with well-developed left brain thinking methods of management, but underdeveloped right brain, holistic thinking leadership abilities. Is this dominance of left brain thinking a result of our schools and our training and development programs, or is this inherent? If it is not inherent, then there are few greater areas of leverage for innovation in education than by developing systems thinking skills with kids starting from a young age!"

Camp Snowball is the community launch event, following which the organizers want to build an online platform that will connect education initiatives and offer support through ongoing capacity building services. I was invited to think together with them about what kind of technology would enable their social movement to scale-up. Highlights from Camp Snowball’s current strategy are listed below as an example of one groups approach to developing social change and sustainable community:

• Build on the relationships formed at Camp Snowball across sectors, school systems, and communities by creating spaces for teams to present and share their own work. When diverse teams from different parts of the world come together, businesses can connect with other businesses; community members connect with other community members; educators and students can join with other educators and students, thus reinforcing the learning that is seeded at Camp Snowball. Cross-sectoral relationships highlighting diverse needs and perspectives are also critical for building creative tension and thereby driving these activities to scale.

• After the Camp Snowball event, participants benefit from ongoing coaching support for personal and systemic change challenges. A support structure, plan, and initial activities are in place before Camp Snowball starts.

• Students are enrolled as the main drivers of platform development. If the students get excited about transforming education, the adults will follow.

• Make it easy to find & use “stuff that really works” such as peer reviewed resources and curriculum materials.

• Awards, recognitions and post criteria are applied to showcase online contributions about applying or accomplishing systemic change.

The brainstorming above was produced by using P.O.S.T. - a way to think through one’s strategy:


Once the people, objectives and strategy are identified, lastly consider the technology. Why? Because too often websites are built first with the belief that community will naturally be drawn to it, yet I believe vibrant community and real mission realization grows from genuine face-to-face relationships and don’t emerge simply because the technology exists. Global networks function best when they’re connecting vibrant local relationships, and doesn’t work well when relationships are based solely on internet exchanges alone. “Glocal” to me means, being deeply connected to local contexts while also behaving as a member of the global family.

Briefly below I highlight how aspects of the Agile philosophy can help Glocal communities realize a shared mission.

May 2011


Community Building with Agile

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Applying Agile to social change

Agile is used in the software development industry and values collaboration and process adaptability throughout a project’s life-cycle. It developed from lean manufacturing: a process made famous by Toyota’s revival of the Japanese economy after WWII and revolutionized industrial era conventions. Lean manufacturing values getting the best out of limited investment: · Build only what is needed · Eliminate anything which does not add value · Stop if something goes wrong

Agile grew from this tradition where requirements and solutions evolved in iterations through collaboration among small self-organizing, cross-functional teams. Through the discipline of brief and daily face-to-face communication where teammates report 1) what was done on the previous day, what is intend for today, and current roadblocks are, the community is able to address issues as they arise and adapt quickly.

This May I attended the first Agile community conference hosted by Rally Software, a world leader in Agile technology ( Despite being an odd-ball in the crowd of Agile experts; I listened with the question in mind: “how can Agile help facilitate positive social change and sustainable community development in a non-technology context?” I soon discovered that Agile parallels remarkably to Theory U.

Theory U and the Agile methodology:

“Co-Initiating”: Agile’s POST process. Understand what the client really wants.

“Co-Sensing” and “Presencing”: Agile’s daily meetings where sharing, reflection and sensing the emergent reality take place.

“Co-Creating”: Agile’s iterative prototypes.

“Co-Evolving” Agile’s delivery stage where user experience is integrated into ongoing project work.

*Read more about the U Theory in April’s Dialogue Newsletter.

The design process for Camp Snowball’s ongoing community building mimics Theory U and Agile as well. My involvement was itself a prototype of what facilitating positive social change and sustainable community development could look like. This brief newsletter doesn’t do justice to the depth of each tool mentioned here, I encourage you to look further into Agile, POST, Theory U, and Camp Snowball for experimenting with how you too could apply them to your mission!