May 19th



Have a great Week!

Transcript of May 19th

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Plain field News Press Release


Landmarks • Districts • Certificate of Appropriateness (COA) • Econom-ics • Preservation Links • Frequent-ly Asked Questions • Documents The Plainfield area was first settled in the 1820s with the construction of a sawmill on the DuPage River. The first 13 blocks of the Village of Plain-field, surrounding the current Vil-lage Green, were laid out by Chester Ingersoll in 1834. The urban core continued to expand and evolve over the next 150 years. Recent growth has significantly affected Plainfield. In 1990, there were 4,557 people in the community, and according to the 2010 Census, Plainfield had a popu-lation of 39,581.

The Historic Preservation Commis-sion (HPC) formed in 2004 follow-ing the passage of a Historic Pres-ervation Ordinance. The HPC is comprised of nine citizen appointees who have special knowledge or train-ing in fields closely related to historic preservation. The HPC meets the second and fourth Thursday of every month at 7 p.m. at the Village Hall. Interested members of the public are invited and encouraged to attend meetings.

The HPC designates local historic landmarks, local historic districts, and reviews COA and COEH ap-plications. It is also recognized by the Department of the Interior as a Certified Local Government. This designation gives the HPC the ability to review National Register Nominations, participate in grant

programs, and participate in other federal and state incentive programs.

City of Joliet News Press Release

GR2012 Celebrat-ing Sustainability Festival Saturday, May 19, 2012 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Rain or Shine Joliet Junior College, 1215 Houbolt Road, Joliet, Illinois 60431 Free Family Festival full of ac-tivities, exhibits, speakers, dem-onstrations, and entertainment! Local Farmers and Artisans Expanded Arts and Activities Tent Speakers Series featuring over 20 Sustainability Experts Nature walks through JJC Natural Areas and Fen Tours of the LEED Cer-tified Campus Center Alternative Fuel Vehicle Display Film Screenings of Tapped and Vanishing of the Bees Eight Bands on the Main Stage Student Art Exhibit at Gallery 7 Recyclepalooza Rock Climbing Wall Farm Animal Petting Zoo Please visit for more information. The festival runs from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm. Come for the festival and stay for the party! To see what can and cannot be recycled please go to New this year, The Grand Pic-nic! Come join us as we cele-brate sustainability throughout our

communities! Bring your pic-nic basket and a blanket and come listen to the sounds of Hoots and Hellmouth with your fam-ily and friends. The party runs from 4:00 pm to 7:00 pm. The festival is possible due to the sup-port of multiple founding partners including the City of Joliet, Forest Preserve District of Will County, Jo-liet Public Library, Joliet Junior Col-lege, Joliet Park District, Joliet Job Corps, Joliet Township, Joliet Public School District 86, University of Il-linois Extension, and Will County.

City of Naperville Press Release

New Hours New Service Hours

Police Department Front Desk Effective April 1, 2010, the hours of operation for the Naperville Po-lice Department’s front desk will be limited to Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. Front desk staff will not be available during overnight hours each weeknight, nor will staff be present on weekends and holidays.

Community Connection The Naperville Police Department will be closing Community Connec-tion, located at 535 Fairway Drive Suite #103, on April 1, 2010. Any citizen needing non-emergency po-lice services, previously offered at Community Connection, should vis-it the police department front desk during normal business hours.

Finance Department Beginning on March 1, 2010, the

Finance Department counter will be open from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Wednesdays. The Finance Depart-ment will be open from 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays.

City of Aurora By Mavis Bates

May 16, 2012, Aurora, IL – What is a Celebration of Sustainability? Find out at the Aurora Green Fest on June 9th at the Prisco community Center, 150 W. Illinois Ave., Aurora,

IL 60506, from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. The sustainable community of the Fox Valley will be there to energize and motivate our visitors with new ideas for greener living. “It’s our third year in Aurora, and we are bringing together the bright-est stars in our environmental com-munity to create the most exciting Green Fest ever,” said Mavis Bates, Chairman of the Aurora Green Fest. “Our emphasis this year is to raise awareness for making positive changes in our daily lives, from the food we eat, to the cars we drive, to the choices we make every day that affect the air we breathe, the water we drink, and our whole quality of life.”

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The event combines local businesses with environmental non-profi ts. It is an opportunity for people with an in-terest in a green life-style to meet lo-cal non-profi t environmental groups, eco-businesses, including sustain-able energy businesses, local farm-ers, and healthy home advocates. A big attraction this year is the “Solar Powered Concert”, featur-ing the very popular Chicago-area eco-friendly band, The Giving Tree Band, and powered by WCP Solar. As the grand fi nale of the day, Au-rora Green Fest will raffl e off the $25,000 solar photovoltaic (PV) system, which includes installation, donated by WCP Solar, Inc. Raffl e tickets are now available, and win-ner need not be present. Send in-quiries to [email protected] Highlights of the Au-rora Green Fest include:•“Solar Powered Concert” with a raffl e of a $25,000 so-lar PV system and installation•Green car show•Green kids activities•Rain barrels for sale•On-site recycling—Styrofoam, elec-tronics, cell-phones, compact fl o-rescent light bulbs, and old medi-cations, sponsored by Fox Metro.•Shred-it-and-forget-it, from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.•Rich Centeno, The Magical Balloon Man•SOAR, Inc., Save Our American Rap-tors, will bring rescued birds of prey•Food by River’s Edge Café and Ezra's Chameleon Kitchen & Road Show

This is a family-friendly event, with plenty of activities for kids. SOAR, Inc. will exhibit their rescued birds of prey. Kids activities will include art projects from recycled objects, face painting, nature-themed bal-loon creations, and “kids teach-ing kids”. Parents, bring your kids. Kids, bring your parents.Aurora Green Fest promises to be an exciting and engaging way to learn more about sustainable practices and resources in the community, with networking with local people and businesses that share an inter-est in preserving the earth. For in-formation on the festival please visit or “Like” Aurora Green Fest on Facebook.

###The Aurora Green Fest is produced by Aurora Green Lights, in affi liation with The Conservation Foundation. Aurora Green Lights is an independ-ent, non-profi t citizens group, with a mission to promote sustainable liv-ing in Aurora and the Fox Valley.

Contact:Mavis BatesChairman, Aurora Green [email protected] @auroragreenfest 630-605-9244

Coffee Shop By Brian Basilico

What’s Your Number???

OK… Based on my expericence (and Facebook Insights), I am guess-ing that you are not 20 years old!

Remember back in the 70s or 80s or 90s when the best pickup line was “What’s your Sign?” or What’s your number?”. Well that’s made a comeback in 2012… especially if you run your own business and market it over the internet! So I ask you… ”What are your looking for?”, 1) a long term relationship, or 2) a one night stand? My guess is you chose #1! Then why would you treat your #1s like #2?

The diff erence is it takes time and commitment to grow and build a re-lationship… It takes a smooth talker to create a one night stand!

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In the internet marketing world… ”What’s Your Sign?” is Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Pintrest, You-Tube, etc.! “What’s Your Number?” is “How Many Followers You Got?”! If you base your business (and self worth) on the numbers of follow-ers you have, then you are doing it all wrong (sorry to some of you). I have some customers with 1000s of followers and others who have 10s! Sometimes, the one’s with 10s are more successful with Social Media than ones with 1000s (bought you from India and China). If you have an international product, that might be cool… if you are selling a service to a local audience, not so much!

What matters the most is measurement!

You have multiple opportunities to see how your Social Media is creat-ing sales! Sticking with Facebook, you have insights that gives you de-tailed information about what you post and how people interact with them. What you see above is fairly typical… out of 555 fans, 222 ac-tually see the post. If fans feel your are talking to them and giving use-ful information.. you get 5-6% to in-teract with it or share it. If you are selling yourself, you will get less in-teraction. User interactions of 1-2% is a valid number (eMail clicks, Ad-Word clicks, Post Card redemption) throughout all marketing. It sounds small but in reality it’s average. IF you are getting 4-5% (or more) in-teraction, then you are creating a buzz!

Other numbers that should matter to you, is your website Analytics (I use Google). You can measure how your Social Media is driving traffi c to your website, where they go and

what they do! Managing over 50 an-alytics account, I have a good handle on what average is! Above, you can see that LinkedIn may drive more traffi c to my website, but I get more engaged users (more time and visits more pages) from Facebook!

Now… I can’t give you the “Magic Numbers” for your business. Eve-ry business, website, Social Media, campaign has diff erent metrics and measure-ments. What I can tell you, is that if you are not measur-ing your data, you are missing valuable infor-mation. Sadly, too many peo-ple who do col-lect data, don’t check it as often as they should. Even worse, they really don’t un-derstand what these numbers mean relative to their business.

Now the good news… You can use Social Me-dia to drive more traffi c to your website… but it comes with some “IF”‘s! ”IF” your audience is au-thentically interested in what you have to say! ”IF” you are treating them like people and not just another advertising medium! ”IF” you value their relationship enough to actually communicate back with them if they communicate with you!

PEOPLE… Social Networking is NOT ADVERTISING.

If you treat people like a number, your are more than likely doomed to fail. People have much better things to do than constantly read your ads. Facebook is for FUN (that’s why it’s the most popular social network for consumers). Get to know your audi-ence and treat them like friends…

not prospects!

Here is some basic advice to raising your numbers (and engagement) of people who care about you and your brand…

Don’t ROBO-POST - Re-member the Ea-gles song “New Kid In Town”? Nothing says you could care less about peo-ple than post-ing stuff that is not personalized and directed to a specifi c audi-ence! People can smell shot-gun marketing a mile away! If

you are not sending specifi c mes-sages to a target audience then you are just more noise! Take the time to personalize and more importantly… RESPOND with personal interac-tions with those who interact with you! Pulling out the bullhorn and constantly thanking new followers, may make them feel good, but makes

others who follow you less interested in interacting with you in the future!

Be You – You have a personality… use it! You have a brain… cre-ate original thoughts! You are dif-ferent… tell people how and why! There are 1000s (sometimes 10s of 1000s) of people who do what you do! Nicole Tudisco of Wheat-land Realty calls herself “The Cure for the Common Realtor“. In net-work meetings, emails, blog posts and in person, and she is clear that she does things diff erently and is not shy to tell you how and why!Be There – Nothing replaces Face-to-Face Networking. Make an ef-fort to get to know other people and connect with them. That is the cor-nerstone of getting people to pay at-tention to you! God gave us 2 ears and 1 mouth to listen twice as much as we speak (and stereo is nice). Nothing screams SPAM, SCAM, and WHAM (not the 80s band who had great hair… but a closing door sound) as marketing to people who don’t know, like and trust you! Spend time getting to know them fi rst and

CREATE A RELATIONSHIP!The number that really matters is the number of phone calls, emails, refer-rals and jobs you get. All of the rest of the stuff is window dressing. I have 5000 combined connections (small by some standards) with all my so-cial media but I care about only 1… the one I can be the best resource to next! Whether you do businesses with them or point them in the right direction to solve their problem or is-sue… they are the most important person to you!!!

Brian Basilisco

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Top 10 Ways to find a Job posted from career builder

While the popularity of online job boards puts millions of jobs at one's fingertips, it has also made the job applicant pool that much bigger. For this reason, national job search sites and the Internet as a whole have gotten a bad rap from some industry professionals as an ineffec-tive job seeker tool; on the contrary, the Internet actually can be a great resource for job seekers -- they just need to know how to use it.

When it comes to a fruitful online job search, successful job seekers fol-low these 10 guidelines.

1. If you build it, they can come. Instead of simply posting your ré-sumé on a Web site, take it one step further and design an easily-navi-gable Web site or online portfolio where recruiters can view your body of work, read about your goals and obtain contact information.

2. Check yourself to make sure you haven't wrecked yourself. Google yourself to see what comes up -- and what potential employers will see if they do the same. If you

don't like what you find, it's time to do damage control.

3. Narrow your options. Many job boards offer filters to help users refine their search results more quickly. You should have the option to narrow your job search by region, industry and duration, and, often-times, you can narrow it even more by keywords, company names, expe-rience needed and salary.

4. Go directly to the source. Instead of just applying for the post-ed job opening, one of the best strat-egies to finding a job is to first figure out where you want to work, target that company or industry and then contact the hiring manager. Also, many employers' career pages invite visitors to fill out candidate profiles, describing their background, jobs of interest, salary requirements and other preferences.

5. Find your niche with industry Web sites. Refine your search even more by vis-iting your industry's national or re-gional Web site, where you can find jobs in your field that might not ap-pear on a national job board. More and more employers are advertising jobs on these sites in hopes of getting a bigger pool of qualified applicants.

6. Try online recruiters. Recruiters will help match you with jobs that meet your specific skills and needs. Not sure where to start? Sites such as,, and provide links to online headhunters for job seekers.

7. Utilize video résumés. Video résumés are just one more way to stand out to employers. In-tended as supplements to -- not re-placements for -- traditional résu-més, video résumés allow job seekers to showcase a little bit of their per-sonalities and highlight one or two points of interest on their résumés.

8. Run queries. You run searches on everything else, from your high school sweetheart to low-fat recipes, so why not jobs? Enter a query that describes the ex-act kind of job you're seeking and you may find more resources you wouldn't find otherwise (but be pre-pared to do some sorting).

9. Utilize job alerts. Most job boards have features that allow you to sign up to receive e-mail alerts about newly available jobs that match your chosen criteria. Or go a step further and arrange an RSS (really simple syndication) feed from one of these job sites to appear on your customized Internet homepage or your PC's news-reader software.

10. Get connected. How many times have you been told that it's not what you know, but who you know? Thanks to the emergence of professional networking sites like, job seekers no long-er have to rely on the old standby of exchanging business cards with strangers. These sites are composed of millions of industry professionals and allow you to connect with people you know and the people they know and so forth. (A word of caution: When you sign up for online social networking sites, you are in a public domain. Unless you are able to put a filter on some of your information, nothing is private, and it can be dif-ficult to erase once it is posted.)

Job Tracker Labor Ready Housekeeping save jobLocation Varies 0 - 5 miles After School Care Provider in Aurora save jobAurora, IL 0 - 5 miles Manpower Inc Test En-gineer - (BB14067) save jobBatavia, IL 0 - 5 miles AvonAVON Independent Sales Rep-resentativeWork at Home0 - 5 miles Earn from home. Earn online. Monday Babysit-ter For My 3 Year Old Daughter save jobAurora, IL 0 - 5 miles Be The Boss NetworkSales and Marketing From Home-Work at Home0 - 5 miles 23 People Needed ASAP to Work From Home Petco Pet Stylist save job348 South State Rte 59 0 - 5 miles Labor Ready Housekeeper save jobLocation Varies 0 - 5 miles Randstad Warehouse Pick-ers needed for 2nd shift ASAP save jobAurora, IL 0 - 5 miles

Petco Sales Associate save job1660 Orchard Gate-way Blvd 0 - 5 miles Randstad Warehouse Pick-ers needed for 2nd shift ASAP save jobAurora, IL 0 - 5 miles Clean House Needed For Move-out! save jobAurora, IL 0 - 5 miles Petco Grooming Assistant save job1660 Orchard Gate-way Blvd 0 - 5 miles SURVEYSAY.comSurvey Tak-erWork at Home0 - 5 miles Get Paid To Take Surveys Online Randstad Transportation Clerk save jobAurora, IL 0 - 5 miles US Bank Universal Banker 1

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save jobNaperville, il 0 - 5 miles Petco Store Associate Dog Trainers save job1660 Orchard Gate-way Blvd 0 - 5 miles Carson's Furniture Gal-lery Furniture Sales Job save jobNaperville, IL 0 - 5 miles Live In Nanny save jobAurora, IL 0 - 5 miles Manpower Inc Cus-toms Analyst - (VM14317) save jobBatavia, IL 0 - 5 miles Macy's Retail Cosmetics Sales - Beauty Advisor, Part Time save jobAurora, IL 0 - 5 miles Very Hap-py 1 Year Old Needs Sitter! save jobAurora, IL 0 - 5 miles

Macy's Administrative Sup-port Team Associate, Part Time save jobAurora, IL 0 - 5 miles

Job Tracker !Check out more Jobs at Energetic, Reli-able Live-Out Nanny Need-ed (Full-Time, Year Round) save jobBatavia, IL 0 - 5 miles Home Care Personal Servic-es, Inc. Office - Entry Level save jobNaperville 0 - 5 miles UnitedHealth Group Part-Time Sales Operations Coordinator - Aurora, IL save jobAurora, IL 0 - 5 miles AvonAVON

Independent Sales Representa-tiveWork at Home0 - 5 miles Earn from home. Earn online. Randstad Equip-ment Maintenance Clerk save jobAurora, IL 0 - 5 miles SURVEYSAY.comSurvey Tak-erWork at Home0 - 5 miles Get Paid To Take Surveys Online Randstad Warehouse Pick-ers needed for 1st shift! save jobAurora, IL 0 - 5 miles Petco Inventory & Pricing Dept Mgr save job1660 Orchard Gate-way Blvd 0 - 5 miles Petco Grooming Salon Manager save job1660 Orchard Gate-way Blvd 0 - 5 miles

Petco Store Associate Dog Trainers save job348 South State Rte 59 0 - 5 miles Need Babysitter save jobAurora, IL 0 - 5 miles Petco Part-Time Sales Associate save job348 South State Rte 59 0 - 5 miles TCF Bank Teller / Sales Associate save jobBatavia and Sur-rounding Areas 0 - 5 miles Be The Boss NetworkSales and Marketing From Home-Work at Home0 - 5 miles 23 People Needed ASAP to Work From Home Petco General Manager save job348 South State Rte 59 0 - 5 miles TCF Bank Teller / Sales Associate save jobNaperville and Sur-rounding Areas 0 - 5 miles Petco Inventory & Pricing Dept Mgr save job348 South State Rte 59 0 - 5 miles Labor Ready Mainte-nance and Janitorial save jobLocation Varies 0 - 5 miles Petco Dog and Cat Department Mgr save job348 South

State Rte 59 0 - 5 miles Manpower Inc Labratory Technician save jobNaperville, IL 0 - 5 miles Rosati's Pizza Order Tak-er - Customer Service save job334 E. Wilson St. 0 - 5 miles Petco Grooming Assistant save job348 South State Rte 59 0 - 5 miles Petco Pet Stylist save job1660 Orchard Gateway Blvd 0 - 5 miles

Kendall County Forest Preserve News by Kriss Heiman

Program Highlights

Family Fitness With Fido (Fam-ily): Sunday, May 20; 2:00-4:00PM, Hoover FP; Fee: $20 per family, one dog per each adult.

Enhance your bond with your dog, stay fit with your family, and en-joy the beauty of spring all in one class! Angela Murray, Certified Dog Trainer of Nature Your Pet, will lead this class that includes training dis-cussion, 1-mile hike with challenge stations, and tips on pet nutrition with free samples from Go Dog Go of Oswego. No flexi-leads, choke, or pinch collars and you are required to pick up after your dog.

Badge Bonanza Day (Ages 6-12): Friday, June 8; Girl Scouts from 9:00-11:45, Cub Scouts from 1:00-3:45PM, Rookery Building, Hoover FP; Fee: $5

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Girl Scouts from Brownies to Ca-dettes, Cub Scouts from Wolf to Webelos, and individuals looking for something fun to do will have a blast working on requirements for achievement patches. Deadline to register is May 2

Profile in Business by Jennifer Flowers

A neighborhood place to visit if you are every in need of Auto Repair would be Discount Tire located 230 south Douglas Road in Oswego. Re-cently I had an emergency and need their service. I had encountered a flat tire on my automobile and need-ed tires. So being local I called and spoke with the Store Manager Steve Smith who immediately became my trusted advisor in solving my dilem-ma. Instead of up selling me Steve approached the issue and related and sympathized with my Dilemma. After speaking with him and arrang-ing to immediate bring the Vehicle to his shop the entire dilemma was solved; so airing the tires and driving to the shop was all the work I needed to put into solving this issue. Being pressed for time that day and need-ing a quick resolution Steve allowed and afforded me the opportunity

to have a much brighter day rather than dealing with the Auto motive issue. Not being pressured and deal-ing with the staff at the Discount tire was a treat and a pleasure. Being a

supporter of Shopping Locally I would recommend Steve Smith and his polite staff to everyone. So if you are in need of their service and would like a great experience please

call them at 630-906-7131 and ask for Steve.

Jennifer Flowers Publisher of Kendall Weekly Times

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Cubs Contiue Pattern by Dick Kolf

The Cubs continue to keep the sta-tus quo, being five games under 500 and 5 games back in the Central be-hind the Cardinals. The Cubs con-tinue to struggle, scoring runs with solid starting pitching.

Starlin Castro leads the team in average and stolen bases and has improved in the field at shortstop. Geovany Soto is having a good year, leading the club in homers. And with the summer months upon us, here comes Soto, a warm weather player. Soriano continues to struggle early, only hitting 250 for his average, al-most 20 points below his career av-erage of 271. Ryan Dempster con-tinues to struggle and capture that first win. The Bullpen is a surprise, helping to keep the Cubs in the thick of things. Jeff Samardzija is leading the club in wins. Coming into a dif-ficult situation and bringing in the win is the role of the middle relief. The Cubs are still trying to find their form. Only five games back, they still are on the plate for a June run to help their fortune. However, the

need to make a move is upon them. With the need for pitching and hit-ting, the Cubs need to look now for some good trade opportunities. This year, they are playing their division opponents tough, and that will carry them so far. With inter-league play here, the Cubs need to reposition the conversation to fundamentals that will allow them to play mistake-free baseball.

The Sox come a calling in the next week, and the Cubs need to play for pride. A week ahead, the Cubs finish up with the Cardinals and Phillies as a tune-up for the cross-town classic.

Sox Report by W. Kyle Veeder

Dunn continues his streak, leading the Sox with 12 home runs. Mean-while, Paul Konerko leads the team in average with 331. Jake Peavy heads the pitching staff with 4 wins and 1.89 ERA.

With the cross-town classic around the corner, the Sox appear ready to make their move in the Ameri-can League Central. The Cubs

come calling this weekend, and with the Sox just 2.5 games back of the Tribe, this team continues to stay on the thick of things. Robin Ventura has been a steady hand guiding the South Siders.

Look for the big three—Konerko, Dunn, and Peavy—this week to carry the Sox to sweep their north-side rival.

NBA Beat By Tim Flowers

Eastern Conference 2nd Round Action Pacers vs. Heat – Series tied up 1-1, Pacers youth vs Heat talent. The Heat have way too much fire power and will advance in 5 games.

Boston vs. 76ers – Fresh off the up-set of the Bulls, the 76ers are this year’s Cinderella team. They now face a Celtics team a little long in the tooth, but still capable of great things. Series-tied Celtics will bring the luck of the Irish and will advance to conference finals against Heat. Western Conference

Lakers vs. Thunder – On paper, this should be a no brainer, young vs old and the passing of the torch, Durant to inherit from Bryant. The truth, however, is the Lakers have one more run and will over-come the youth to win and advance. Spurs vs. Clippers – Enough said, the Clippers had a great season, but Duncan is ready. This will be a quick sweep, and Duncan and the Spurs will be waiting for the Lakers.

That is the Way it is by Martin Flowers

This has been a tough year for Chi-cago sports fans with the collapse of the Bears, Hawks, and Bulls.

As we are now here in mid-May, we are in the midst of a baseball season where both teams work very hard to be mediocre. As a town that has been spoiled the last decade and a half with championships, this brings us to an interesting conversation: Which big city has the most champi-onships overall?

8 (tie). St. Louis – 13 Championships {Taken from US NEWS Article} The Cardinals’ unexpected World Series run last year gave fans in St. Louis plenty to cheer about. Albert Pujols helped the team to its 11th World Series win before bolting for the sunny Anaheim, Calif., weather. Their most impressive run came in the early 1940s, when sluggers Stan Musial and Enos Slaughter led the team to three championships be-tween 1942 and 1946. The Rams, led by quarterback Kurt Warner and running back Marshall Faulk, won the city’s only Super Bowl champi-onship in 1999. The St. Louis Hawks won an NBA championship in 1958 before the team moved to Atlanta in 1968. The Blues have lost in the Stanley Cup Finals three times, without ever winning the trophy.

8 (tie). Oakland / San Fran-cisco – 13 Championships The Oakland Athletics won most of their World Series while still in Phil-adelphia, but have won four since moving to Oakland, including the 1989 "Battle of the Bay" over the San Francisco Giants, who won their only World Series in San Francisco last season. Quarterbacks Joe Mon-tana and Steve Young led the San Francisco 49ers to five Super Bowls in the 1980s and 1990s. The Oak-land Raiders won two Super Bowls before heading to Los Angeles in 1983—they haven't won since mov-ing back to the Bay Area in 1995.The Golden State Warriors have won one NBA Finals title since moving to the Bay Area from Philadelphia.

8 (tie). Green Bay – 13 Championships With just over 100,000 people, this football-crazed city 112 miles north of Milwaukee is the smallest on the list. The Packers are the NFL's most

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successful team, with 13 champion-ships, although nine came before the Super Bowl was created in 1967. The Packers won the first two Super Bowls, with legendary quarterback Bart Starr leading the team to wins over the Kansas City Chiefs and the Oakland Raiders, respectively. The team is also the NFL's most recent champion, beating the Pittsburgh Steelers 31-25 in February.

7. Pittsburgh – 14 Championships The Steel City has had success in all three sports it plays—the Steelers' six Super Bowl trophies are the most of any team, and the Penguins have won three Stanley Cup trophies, most recently in 2009. The Pirates, who haven't finished above .500 since 1992, enjoyed success during the 1970s and in the early part of the 20th century—they've won five World Series.

6. Philadelphia – 17 Championships Philadelphia has won 17 champion-ships, but Philly fans will insist they are long-suffering. The Eagles' three championships all came pre-Super Bowl, and the Flyers' two Stanley Cups came in 1974 and 1975. The last of the 76ers' three championships came in 1983. The City of brotherly love's saving grace? The Phillies won the latest of their two World Series in 2008. Philadelphia's most successful

team doesn't even play in the city anymore—between 1910 and 1930 the Connie Mack-managed Phila-delphia Athletics were the only team to regularly challenge the New York Yankees for American League domi-nance, winning five World Series be-tween those years. The team moved to Kansas City in 1955 before mov-ing to Oakland in 1968. The Phila-delphia Warriors basketball team also won two championships before moving to San Francisco.

4 (tie). Detroit - 22 Championships One of MLB's oldest franchises, the Tigers have won the World Se-ries four times, and the Pistons won back-to-back NBA championships in 1989 and 1990, before winning again in 2004. The Lions won four championships, all pre-Super Bowl. The 11 championships won by the Red Wings, one of the NHL's "Origi-nal Six," makes them America's most successful hockey team. Between 1950 and 1955, 23-time All-Star Gordie Howe guided the team to four championships.

4 (tie). Los Ange-les- 22 Championships With 16 championships, the Lakers are basketball's second-most suc-cessful team, after the Boston Celt-ics. But the franchise won five of those championships while playing

in Minneapolis. Los Angeles has had a history of teams moving to and leaving the city—the Dodgers won one of their six championships while playing in Brooklyn, the Raid-ers, who spent 13 years in the City of Angels between stints in Oakland, won one Super Bowl in L.A., and the then-Los Angeles Rams won an NFL championship in 1951. The L.A. Galaxy have won two MLS ti-tles, and the Anaheim Ducks and Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim have also won a championship each, both in the past 10 years.

3. Chicago - 27 Championships The Cubs are well-known for not having won a World Series since 1908, when they won the second of their championships, but Chicago as a whole has had plenty of suc-cess. Michael Jordan led the Bulls to six NBA championships in the 1990s, the Blackhawks won their fourth Stanley Cup last year, and the White Sox have won three World Se-ries. The Bears won their only Super Bowl behind one of the best defenses of all time in 1985, but their glory years came much earlier—the team won eight championships before the Super Bowl was established. Before eventually landing in Arizona, the Chicago Cardinals football team won a championship game in 1947. In 1925, the Cardinals were em-broiled in a championship controver-sy when the Pottsville Maroons were suspended by the league; the Cardi-nals became the NFL champions by default. The Chicago Fire have also won an MLS championship.

2. Boston - 34 Championships Legendary coach Red Auerbach led the Celtics to nine NBA champion-ships in 13 seasons between 1957 and 1969, making up more than half of the team's 17 titles. Boston's teams haven't been shabby of late, either—after an 86-year drought, the Red Sox were able to shake off the "Curse of the Bambino" in 2004, winning their sixth title. They added another in 2007. The Patriots won three Super Bowls in four years be-tween 2001 and 2005, the Celtics won the NBA finals in 2008, and the

Bruins won their sixth Stanley Cup in June. The Boston Braves also won a World Series in 1914 before mov-ing to Milwaukee, then Atlanta.

1. New York - 55 Championships With 27 World Series titles, the Yan-kees are America's most successful franchise thanks to a revolving cast of legends including Babe Ruth, Joe DiMaggio, Mickey Mantle, and Derek Jeter. But New York's other baseball teams have won titles as well. The Mets have two World Se-ries wins, and the Giants and Dodg-ers won a combined five World Series before moving west. The Knicks have won two NBA finals, and the metro-politan area's three NHL teams—the Devils, Rangers, and Islanders, have won a combined 11 Stanley Cups. The football Giants have won seven NFL championships, including three Super Bowls. Behind quarterback Joe Namath's promise, the Jets won their only championship in 1968.

Join this week’s debate on our Facebook Page: who was the greatest dynasty in sports!

Home Improvement by Ron Bartlett

This Old Home In-spection for the buyer Over The next several weeks we will talk about Inspecting and evaluating the old home start-ing with the roof and working through all areas of the home. Evaluation of the old home is always a matter of compromise. The need for minor repairs like painting and patching walls or freeing up stuck windows may have you looking for another home if you are only mar-ginally interested, wile major repairs like foundation or roofing repairs might seem acceptable if you have found the old home of your dreams.

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Fortunately many old homes are very well built, in years gone by ma-terials and labor cost were low so these homes have top quality ma-terials and top quality craftsman-ship. But in order to make a sound decision about an old-er home you should have it Inspect-ed by a professional home Inspector with experience dealing with the old home for two reasons, the fi rst is to make sure there are no major fl aws in the structure of the home, like ma-jor foundation movement or sagging and leaking of the roof decking and framing. The second is to bring in the proper con-tractors so you can arrive at a realis-tic estimate for the renovations you are going to have to face.

If you have decided on a home be fi rm in your request for a mini-mum of 2-3 hours to have a thor-ough Inspection preformed, the sellers may seem cool to the idea of bringing in a home Inspector but be fi rm that you want the Inspection. The home owner will want to show off the best features of the home and not mention areas of concern, on the other hand the home In-spectors job to fi nd the issues not easily spotted by the untrained eye. Next week’s article we will begin the step by step process of Inspect-ing the home, starting at the curb. Ron Bartlett: President Bar-tlett’s Home [email protected]

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Summer Fun by Susan Johnson

Come Join the Fun of Summer Theatre at Yorkville High School!ETC! Arts Camp is off ering two ex-citing theatre experiences for area children. High school aged students can sing, act, and dance their way through Legally Blonde, the Musical

from July 9-29, and incoming 1st-8th graders are “Free to Be Me!” from July 9-21. Both camps are

“hands on” fi ne arts camps providing dance, music, art, and stage experi-ences—musical theatre at its fi nest!

Camp for the younger folk is from 9am-11am, M-F with shows July 20 & 21. Cost for this anti-bullying