Material s. Presentation 1

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  • 8/2/2019 Material s. Presentation 1


    Term paperpresentationon:



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    Objectives of special experimental

    techniques are:

    To understand the structure, size and

    arrangement of objects which can notbe detect with human`s naked eye

    To investigate and search new

    findingsTo approve theories etc.

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    Special experimental techniquesSpecial experimental techniques

    Light microscopy

    X-ray diffraction


    Electro microscopy

    TransmissionElectro microscopy

    Electron probe x-ray

    Electro microscopy

    Scanning Electromicroscopy

    Scanning transmissionElectro


    Scanning tunnelingElectro


    Scanning ForceElectromicroscopy

    Energy dispersive

    X-ray spectroscopy

    Types of special experimental techniques

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    Microscopy is the technical field ofusingmicroscopesto view samples andobjects that cannot be seen with the

    unaided eye (objects that are not withinthe resolution range of the normal eye).

    There are three well-known branchesof microscopy, optical, electron, andscanning probe microscopy.
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    Ocular lens (eyepiece) (1)Objective turret (to holdmultiple objective lenses) (2)Objective(3)Focus wheel to move the

    stage (4 - coarse adjustment,5 - fine adjustment)Light source, a light or amirror (7)

    Diaphragm and condenserlens (8)Stage (to hold the sample)(9)
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    With optical microscopy, the light

    microscope is used to study the


    optical and illumination systems are its

    basic elements.

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    Normally, careful and meticulous

    surface preparations are necessary toreveal the important details of themicrostructure.

    The specimen surface must first beground and polished to a smooth and

    mirror like finish.

    This is accomplished by usingsuccessively finer abrasive papers andpowders.

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    The microstructure is revealed by asurface treatment using an appropriatechemical reagent in a procedure termed


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    5.15adepicts the surface structure as it might appearwhen viewed with the microscope.

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    Figure 5.15bshows how normally incident light isreflected by three etched surface grains, each

    having a different orientation.

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    A photomicrograph of a polycrystalline specimenexhibiting these characteristics is shown in Figure

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    Also, small grooves form along grain

    boundaries as a consequence of etching.

    Since atoms along grain boundary

    regions are more chemically active, theydissolve at a greater rate than thosewithin the grains.

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    These grooves become discernible when viewed under

    a microscope because they reflect light at an angle

    different from that of the grains themselves.

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    Figure 5.16bis a photomicrograph of apolycrystalline specimen in which the grainboundary grooves are clearly visible as dark lines

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    Total magnification of a microscope

    may be determined by the product ofthe eyepiece number and objective

    lens magnification number.

    For example: 10X-power eyepiece

    used in conjunction with a 50X

    objective lens gives a magnification of

    500; or X500.

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    Advances Material Sciences


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    Presented by Tamerat Awash

    X-ray generation & x-ray diffraction

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    X-rays are electromagnetic redaction that have high energy & a shortwave length.

    Electron beam is focused into the sample being studied.

    The higher energy electron also inner-shell electron is ejected(out oforebit) from its orbit through the ionizations processes.

    The higher-shell electron falls into this vacancy and mustliberate(loss) some energy (as an X-ray) to do so.

    As electron collide with atoms in the target & slow down, acontinuous specterm of x-ray are emitted.

    The number and energy of the X-rays emitted from a specimen can

    be measured by spectrometers.

    X-ray generation

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    These quantized x-rays are characteristic of the element

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    X-ray diffraction: one of the most useful tools in the study of crystal structure of solids

    is x-ray diffraction.

    X-ray have wave lengths about equal to the diameters of atoms( 10-10 m).

    Diffracted waves from different atoms can interfere with each other and the resultant

    intensity distribution is strongly modulated by this interaction.

    If the atoms are arranged in a periodic fashion, as in crystals, the diffracted waves will

    consist of sharp interference maxima (peaks) with the same. symmetry as in the

    distribution of atoms.

    Measuring the diffraction pattern therefore allows us to deduce the distribution of atoms

    in a material.

    X-ray diffraction

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    The peaks in a x-ray diffraction pattern are directly related to the atomic distances.

    Consider the two parallel planes of atom A-A & B-B which have the same miller indices &

    are separate by the inteplaner .

    Let us consider an incident x-ray beam interacting with the atoms arranged in a periodic

    manner as shown in 2 dimensions in the following illustrations.

    n =dsin +dsin

    X-ray analysis of crystals

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    2dsinq = n l

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    Here dis the spacing between diffracting planes, is the incident angle, n is any integer,

    and is the wavelength of the beam.

    These specific directions appear as spots on the diffraction pattern called reflections.

    Thus,X-ray diffraction results from an electromagnetic wave (the X-ray) impinging on a

    regular array of scatterers (the repeating arrangement of atoms within the crystal).
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    Scanning Electron

    Microscopy (SEM)

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    The scanning electron microscope (SEM) is a microscope

    that uses electrons rather than light to form an image.

    It uses a focused beam of high-energy electrons togenerate a variety of signals at the surface of solid


    The signals that derive from electron-sample interaction

    reveal information about the sample including externalmorphology (texture), chemical composition, and

    crystalline structure and orientation of materials making up

    the sample.

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    The SEM is also capable of performing analyses of

    selected point locations on the sample; this approachis especially useful in qualitatively or semi-

    quantitatively determining chemical compositions

    using EDS, crystalline structure, and crystal

    orientations using diffracted backscattered electrons(EBSD).

    The design and function of the SEM is very similar to

    the EPMA and considerable overlap in capabilities

    exists between the two instruments.

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    Figure 1. A typical SEM instrument

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    Figure 2. Cross section of generic SEM

    F d t l P i i l f SEM

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    Accelerated electrons in an SEM carry significant amounts of

    kinetic energy, and this energy is dissipated as a variety of

    signals produced by electron-sample interactions

    Fundamental Principles of SEM

    Figure 3. Electron sample interaction

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    These signals include secondary electrons (that produce

    SEM images), backscattered electrons (BSE), diffracted

    backscattered electrons (EBSD) that are used to determinecrystal structures and orientations of minerals, photons

    (characteristic X-rays that are used for elemental analysis),

    visible light (cathodo-luminescence-CL), and heat.

    Secondary electrons and backscattered electrons arecommonly used for imaging samples: secondary electrons

    are most valuable for showing morphology and topography

    on samples and backscattered electrons are most valuable

    for illustrating contrasts in composition in multiphasesamples.

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    SEMs always have at least one detector (usually asecondary electron detector), and most haveadditional detectors.

    The SEM is routinely used to generate high-resolution images of shapes of objects (SEI) and toshow spatial variations in chemical compositions:

    acquiring elemental maps or spot chemical analysesusing EDS,discrimination of phases based on mean atomicnumber using BSE, and compositional maps based

    on differences in trace element "activators"(typically transition metal and Rare Earthelements) using CL.

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    SEMs equipped with diffracted backscattered electron

    detectors (EBSD) can be used to examine micro fabric andcrystallographic orientation in many materials.

    Backscattered electron images (BSE) can be used for rapid

    discrimination of phases in multiphase samples

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    Figure 4a.Silica spheres image formed by SEM

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    Figure 4b. Ag powder image formed by SEM

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    Transmission electron microscopy

    (TEM) Transmission electron microscopy(TEM) is a

    microscopytechnique whereby a beam ofelectrons istransmitted through an ultra thin specimen,interacting with the specimen as itpasses through.

    Details of internal micro-structural features are accessibleto observation

    An image is formed from the interaction of the electronstransmitted through the specimen; the image is magnifiedand focused onto an imaging device, such as a fluorescent

    screen, on a layer ofphotographic film, or to be detected bya sensor such as a CCD camera. Magnifications approaching1,000,000 times are possible

    with transmission electron microscopy
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    Transmission ElectronMicroscopy

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    Scanning Transmission Electron

    MicroscopyAscanning transmission electron microscope

    (STEM) is a type oftransmission electron microscope(TEM). As with any transmission illumination scheme,

    the electrons pass through a sufficiently thinspecimen.

    However, STEM is distinguished from conventionaltransmission electron microscopes (CTEM) by

    focusing the electron beam into a narrow spotwhichis scanned over the sample in a raster.
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    The Scanning Transmission Electron Microscope(STEM) produces images of the internalmicrostructure of thin specimens using a high-energy scanning electron beam, in the same way aScanning Electron Microscope (SEM) produces imagesof bulk surfaces.

    STEM is also used to describe the group ofcrystallographic and compositional analysis methodsknown collectivelyas Analytical Electron Microscopy(AEM)

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    Presented by: Tadele Belay

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    Developed in 1981 ByGerd Binnig and Heinrich Rohrer (at IBM Zrich), the Nobel Prize

    winners in Physics in 1986

    A powerful instrument for imaging surfaces at the atomic level

    Expected to possess: 0.1 nm lateral resolution and

    0.01 nm depth resolution

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    The scanning tunnelling microscope (STM) is widely used to obtainatomically resolved images of metal and other conducting surfaces.

    This is very useful for characterizing:

    oSurface roughness,o Observing surface defects, ando Determining the size and conformation of aggregates of atoms

    and molecules on a surface

    Increasingly STM is used to manipulate atoms and molecules on a surface.

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    Components of STM

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    Operation of STM

    It works by measuring the tunneling current between a conducting tip

    and conducting sample when a DC bias voltage is applied.

    Resolution in z (perpendicular to surface) is ~0.01 nm and in x/y is ~0.1nm,resulting in atomic-resolution images.

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    Operation of STM

    Consider two metals, one is a tip and the other is a surface,separated by a finite distance implies that a uniform potential barrier.

    Electron wave function can tunnel through the barrier and leads to

    finite current.

    As the two metals move apart, the probability of electrons tunnelingdecreases exponentially and as they move closer the tunnelingincreases.

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    Scan directiontip

    Lower currentConstant height

    Higher current

    Atomic surface

    The air

    gap(barrier) isseveralnm

    I (nA)

    x (nm)

    The currentprofileduplicates theatomic surface

    Operation of STM

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    it is possible to image individual nickel atoms.

    Application areas:

    Application areas:

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    it is also possible to manipulate individual iron atoms

    on a copper surface

    Application areas:

    it is also possible to have some fun
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    Iron on copperCarbon monoxide on platinum

    it is also possible to have some fun

    Xenon on nickel

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    The atomic force microscope (AFM) is widely used to obtain atomically

    resolved images of non-metal and other non-conducting surfaces

    An AFM works by scanning a ceramic tip over a surface. The tip ispositioned at the end of a cantilever arm shaped like a diving board.

    The tip is repelled by or attracted to the surface and the cantilever armdeflected.

    The deflection is measured by a laser that reflects at an oblique anglefrom the very end of the cantilever.
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    Principle of operation

    Measure the forces between the sharp tip and sample surface.
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    How are forces measured?Hookes law: F= -ks

    Laser Beam Deflection Method
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    Fabrication of Cantilever

    Made from SiN or Si As soft as possible to achieve high sensitivity

    Spring constant of the cantilever is less than equivalentspring constant between atoms of sample in order to

    avoid dragging the atoms out of its atomic site.
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    Fabrication of Tip

    Made from SiN or Si As sharp as possible

    The radius of curvature of the tip does not influence

    the height of a feature but the lateral resolution

    The machine looks:-
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    Materials Science

    Polymer Science

    Data Storage : Help in design hard disk drive at nanoscale level

    Semi conductor

    Surface topography ofZnO


    Image of polymer blend DVD

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    With an atomic force microscope it is possible to image the carbon

    atoms of a carbon tube.
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    Electron Probe X-RayMicroanalysis (EPMA )

    Electron Probe X Ray
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    Electron Probe X-Ray

    Microanalysis (EPMA )

    EPMA is non-destructive analytical technique thatuses a narrow electron beam( usually with a diameterless than 1 millimeter) focused on a solid specimen to

    excite an x-ray spectrum that provides qualitativeand quantitative information characteristic of theelements in the sample.

    Electron probe microanalyzers are designedfrom the ground up for the analysis of x-rays whichare emitted from the specimen whenprobed(explored) with an electron beam.

    F d l P i i l f El
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    Fundamental Principles of Electron

    probe micro-analyzer (EPMA)An electron microprobe operates under the

    principle that if a solid material is bombarded byan (accelerated and focused) electron beam, the

    incident electron beam (has sufficient energy to)liberate both matterand energy from the sample.

    These electron-sample interactions mainly liberateheat, but they also yield both derivative electronsandx-rays.

    X ray Generation
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    Electron beam is focused into the sample being studied.An inner-shell electron is ejected from its orbit.

    A higher-shell electron falls into this vacancy and must liberate someenergy (as an X-ray) to do so.The number and energy of the X-rays emitted from a specimen canbe measured by spectrometers.These quantized x-rays are characteristic of the element.

    X-ray Generation
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    Electron probe micro-analyzer (EPMA)

    Instrumentation - How Does It Work?
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    A li ti f EPMA
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    Applications of EPMA Quantitative EPMA analysis is used for chemical

    analysis of geological materials at small scales. In most cases, EPMA is chosen in cases where

    individual phases need to be analyzed (e.g., igneous andmetamorphic minerals), orwhere the material is of small

    size or valuable for other reasons (e.g., experimental runproduct, sedimentary cement, volcanic glass, matrix of a meteorite,

    archeological artifacts such as ceramic glazes and tools).

    EPMA is also widely used for analysis of synthetic

    materials such as optical wafers, thin films, microcircuits, semi-conductors, and superconducting ceramics.

    Strengt s of EPMA
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    An electron probe is essentially the same instrument as anSEM, but differs in that it is equipped with a range of

    crystal spectrometers that enable quantitative chemicalanalysis at high sensitivity.

    An electron probe is the primary tool for chemical analysisof solid materials at small spatial scales (as small as 1-2micron diameter); hence, the user can analyze even minute

    single phases (e.g., minerals) in a material (e.g., rock) with"spot" analyses. Spot chemical analyses can be obtained, which allows the

    user to detect even small compositional variations withintextural context or within chemically zoned materials.

    Electron probes commonlyhave an array of imagingdetectors that allow the investigator to generate images ofthe surface and internal compositional structures that help

    with analyses. Flexible in varying parameter or another to circumvent instrumental


    Limitations of EPMA
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    Although electron probes have the ability to analyze

    for almost all elements, they are unable to detect thelightest elements (H, He and Li); as a result, forexample, the "water" in hydrous minerals cannot beanalyzed.

    Some elements generate x-rays with overlapping peakpositions(by both energy and wavelength) that mustbe separated.

    Due to the low X-ray intensity, images usually take anumber of hours to acquire.

    Probe analysis also cannot distinguish between thedifferent valence states of Fe, so the ferric/ferrous ratiocannot be determined and must be evaluated by othertechniques.
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    Thank you!