Match study presentation - Social TV by Havas Media - 5 12 2013

MATCH STUDY 05-12-2013


A cross media study - TV and social activity - ran by Havas Media Brussels and Tevizz.78 days of analysis. 6 channels, 258 broadcasts, 23 programs in the North a,d 5 channels, 165 broadcasts, 20 programs analyzed in the South which lead to a powerful set of insights about Social TV and how to better measure it.

Transcript of Match study presentation - Social TV by Havas Media - 5 12 2013

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MATCH STUDY 05-12-2013

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Selection TV programs

Duration : 1 september - 17 November 2013 (78 tracking days)

Selection manual by experience of HAVAS MEDIA (cfr TV September grids) and TEVIZZ

North : 258 broadcasts, 23 Programs, 6 channels (2BE, EEN, SPORZA, VIER, VIJF, VTM)

South : 165 broadcasts, 20 Programs, 5 channels (CLUBRTL, LA DEUX, LA UNE,


Partnership : HAVAS MEDIA and TEVIZZ

Tracking method, search and filtering (via STORYZZ) :

All relevant keywords, links and accounts related to the community and audience of

programs and specific broadcasts (ex. Hashtags, keywords, cast, guest star) : fully

automated by TEVIZZ

Automated text-mining technologies to curate and expand search (+10-20%)

Example :

spelling mistakes : “Kooompany”

language variation : “diables” = “devils”=“duivels”

relationship between key words: “goal” + “RTL”

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CIM TV Audimétrie GFK, 15-54 year, Live+Guest, rating (000-%), reach (20% non cum.)

Difference between PROGRAM (total broadcast) and BROADCAST (Diffusion of a program)


AUDIENCE SOCIAL : Number of Twitter and Facebook messages related to a program (20

minutes before, during, 20 minutes after)

MESSAGES : “Noise” for Twitter (tweets and retweets) and Facebook (post on the official fan

page of the program and comment on post)

UNIQUE USER : Number of active users accounts during the TV program monitoring

COMMUNITY : Number of likes/fan (Facebook) and followers (Twitter) of the related program

official account

SENTIMENT : Estimated percentage on the basis of opinion (positive-neutral-negative)

expressed in tweets about the TV program

DEMO-GENDER : Estimated % from automated datamining based on account names when

available on Twitter messages

TAG CLOUD : Visualization (centrality and size of words) of the frequency of most quoted

words about the program

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Sport and candidate shows are the most social

1. 5.751 Qualification Coupe Du Monde, Croatie vs Belgique - 11/10

2. 5.553 UEFA Champions League, Benfica vs Anderlecht - 17/09

3. 4.307 C'est du belge: Rendez-vous Grand-Place - 27/09

4. 3.717 Belgium's got talent - 22/09

5. 2.542 Soirée CAP 48 - 13/10

6. 2.140 UEFA Europa League, Standard vs Esbjerg FB - 19/09

7. 2.110 Cyclisme, Championnats du monde sur route - 29/09

8. 780 La nouvelle star - 31/10

9. 741 Le meilleur pâtissier - 28/10

10. 707 L'amour est dans le pré - 05/11

1. 6.498 World Cup Qualifier, Kroatië – Belgie - 11/10

2. 5.997 UEFA Champions League, Anderlecht vs Paris SG - 23/10

3. 4.248 So you think you can dance - 13/10

4. 2.441 Wielrennen, WK Wielrennen Firenze - 29/09

5. 1.833 De slimste mens ter wereld - 31/10

6. 1.604 Belgium’s Got Talent - 11/10

7. 1.449 De zevende dag - 13/10

8. 996 De grote sprong - 04/10

9. 554 Het lichaam van coppens - 12/09

10. 479 Cofidis cup, Oudenaarde vs Club Brugge - 25/09

Source : Top 10, broadcast with no duplication, North & South based on number of messages


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Social Media noise, an highly concentrated metric







50% 80%

Source : Pareto’s curve model

Of tracked programs

Of tracked messages mentions = noise

Of tracked programs

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Men tend to be more active & engaged viewers except for the candidate shows



Social & TV data

Sport Candidate Show Variety Political Magazine

Source : National, Twitter, gender, >100 messages and >50 unique users


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Women in the South are less social than their Flemish counterparts, men show the same behavior North&South

49% Social Index 84 vs TV Index 119 vs TV

Index 103 vs TV

38% Social Index 69 vs TV

82% Social Index 164 vs TV Index 168 vs TV

83% Social Index 130 vs TV

82% Social Index 125 vs TV

Source : North&South, Top feminine & top masculine, by category, Twitter

71% 29%

58% 42%

83% 17%

83% 17% 82% 18%

82% 18%

49% 51%

38% 62%

Candidate Show




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Sentiment is linked to the topics more than the programs and vary week on week

16/10 18/09

11/09 13/10

Alimentation et

faux sucres





Affaire Wesphael : l'immunité

parlementaire en question

Best of international

avant le lancement de la saison 2

Opération de solidarité

de la RTBF Pourquoi malade dans

les transports

Animaux qui baignent dans le

luxe et vivent comme des humains

La maternité trop vue

comme un hôtel ?

Caméras intelligentes, une

bénédiction ou une malédiction?

Source : Top North&South positive&negative sentiment on Twitter, Selection broadcast = >100 messages and >50 unique users

20% 17%

53% 45% 44% 40%

13% 14%

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North is more Social TV friendly… wrong !



Croatie vs Belgique

Belgique vs Pays de Galles

Belgique vs Colombie

Anderlecht vs Olympiakos

Anderlecht vs Paris SG

Paris SG vs Anderlecht

IF Elfsborg vs Standard

Genk vs FC Thoune

Genk vs Rapid Vienne

Rapid Vienne vs Genk

Championnats du monde de cyclisme sur route

Selection Sports

Because Exact same broadcast North & South

61% 39%



Belgian population

Smoothing Index calculation basis

Total Messages






Source : North&South, Category Sports, Messages Facebook&Twitter

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South is slightly more familiar with Social TV

33% 54

Selection Candidate Show

Because of high similarities on North & South

67% 173

Total Messages Index


Selection Political

Because of high similarities on North & South

94% 154 6% 15

79% 129 21% 55





Sports, Belgium’s got talent, Politicals 57% 94 43% 110 VS VS

Source : North&South, Category Candidate Show and Political, Messages Facebook&Twitter

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For each show a specific community profile



; #




NEW OLD Twitter Facebook Intermediate

Source : Example North&South on different broadcast, Community Facebook&Twitter

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Evolution of the community is dependent on the maturity of the program



; #











+26% +15%




NEW OLD Twitter Facebook Intermediate

Source : Example North&South on different broadcast, Community and evolution Facebook&Twitter

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Vast majority of messages are generated on Twitter



; #











+26% +15%




NEW OLD Twitter Facebook Intermediate

Source : Example North&South on different broadcast, Community and evolution Facebook&Twitter

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Social & TV : The perfect MATCH

Source : North&South, Broadcast, difference between tweetw messages/minutes during program vs during advertising

Tweets/minutes Tweets/minutes

Region Advertising Program

(adv excluded) Pg vs Adv

North 17 26 +52%

South 16 27 +73%

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Source : Audimetrie CIM, 2013 (26/08-03/11), Commercial channels North : VTM, 2Be, Vier, Vijf, Vitaya; South : La Une; La Deux, RTL-Tvi, Club

RTL, Plug RTL, 15-54, 18h55-22h35, Live+6, Spots entractes, only commercials time bands, Lead in/ out 5min

Programs buzz = Ranking programs Sept-Oct, top 40 on messages, TEVIZZ

During ads, second screen becomes first one

Programs that generate “buzz” suffer less from zapping -58% -38%

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The Havas Social TV indicator

SRP : Social Rating Point

= X 100

Source : National, Reach 000 (20% non cum.), 15-54 year


Audience TV Reach

Total Messages

Reach TV (20%)

How to read SRP ? 2 SRPs = 2% of TV reach is also messaging about the show on social networks with 1 message by unique user

2 SRPs = 1% of TV reach is also messaging about the show on social networks with 2 message by unique user

Average: national 0,18

north 0,13

south 0,27

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Croatia - Belgium

SRP = 0,77 (av. 0,13) SRP = 0,91 (av. 0,27)

TV Reach 20% - 842 640

Total messages – 6 498

Source : SRP on Sport, North&South, 15-54 year

TV Reach 20% - 632 609

Total messages – 5 751

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Top SRP – North

Program SRP

UEFA Champions League - Anderlecht vs PSG (23/10) 1,35

So you think you can dance (13/10) 1,03

WK Wielrennen Firenze (29/09) 0,84

De zevende dag (13/10) 0,78

World Cup Qualifier - Kroatië vs Belgie (11/10) 0,77

Astrid in wonderland (20/09) 0,35

De slimste mens ter wereld (31/10) 0,29

Belgium's Got Talent VTM (11/10) 0,25

Cofidis cup - Oudenaarde vs Club Brugge (25/09) 0,21

Singl3s (11/09) 0,21

Source : Top 10 North by broadcast, ranking on SRP

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Top SRP – South

Program SRP

UEFA Champions League - Benfica vs Anderlecht (17/09) 2,32

Championnats du monde de cyclisme sur route (29/09) 2,19

Rendez-vous Grand-Place (27/09) 2,09

Soirée CAP 48 (13/10) 1,36

Belgium's got talent (22/09) 1,10

UEFA Europa League - Standard vs Esbjerg FB (19/09) 1,02

La nouvelle star (31/10) 0,95

Qualification Coupe Du Monde - Croatie vs Belgique (11/10) 0,91

Mise au point (03/11) 0,56

Un gars, un chef (18/09) 0,40

Source : Top 10 South by broadcast, ranking on SRP

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Mapping SRP – North (no sports)

Source : TV audience index North av. Program (no sports) 15-54 ; index Social audience 13+ based on #messages tracked

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Mapping SRP – North Zoomed (no sports)

Source : TV audience index North av. Program (no sports) 15-54 ; index Social audience 13+ based on #messages tracked

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Mapping SRP – South (No Sports)

Source : TV audience index South av. Program (no sports) 15-54 ; index Social audience 13+ based on #messages tracked

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Mapping SRP – Zoom South (No Sports)

Source : TV audience index South av. Program (no sports) 15-54 ; index Social audience 13+ based on #messages tracked

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Mapping National - Sports

Belgian’s team games generate better audiences both on Social Media & on TV

but audiences are averagely more qualified and committed for less main stream

games (cfr Cyclism & Anderlecth).

Source : TV audience index National Sports 15-54 (duplication) ; index Social audience 13+ based on #messages tracked

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Mapping National - Categories

Sport & Candidate show are unsurprisingly over-performing in terms of audiences.

Political show are broadcasted during the day but :

Combined Audience Indicator (CAI) is as strong as for candidate shows

& Social Frequency Indicator is the strongest (2,73 mentions/unique user)

Source : TV audience index National av. Program (no sports) 15-54 ; index Social audience 13+ based on #messages tracked

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Facebook + Twitter

Total Messages

Facebook & Twitter

Viral Impressions

Social Audience’s friends

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Facebook + Twitter

Total Messages

Facebook & Twitter

Viral Impressions

Social Audience’s friends

2 933

125 207

4 248



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How to improve ?





Facebook + Twitter

Total Messages

Facebook & Twitter

Viral Impressions

Social Audience’s friends


Active Users

Viral Impressions

Social Audience’s friends

Total Messages

Facebook & Twitter


Facebook + Twitter

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