Mass Media Handout

Caribbean Studies Module 2: The Mass Media and Development The mass media is referred to those institutions which use the increasingly sophisticated technological developments of industrialization for the communication of ideas, for the purpose of information, entertainment and persuasion, to large audiences. (Beckford, 2007) Functions of the Mass Media The media is an agent of socialization and social control. They serve as sources of information and ideas for large number of people consuming their products. In fact, we are consumers of the mass media and as such, it provides us with direct and indirect experience of events and processes happening beyond our social experience. The media ensures an unrestricted public airing of differences of opinion on issues of public interest and concern which is a healthy prerequisite for any democracy. The media acts as a neutral autonomous servant of the public, not only in raising issues thus acting as a watch dog of the society. Provision of Information Media is responsible for the dissemination of information to citizens. Television, radio, newspaper and internet provide a wealth of information from politics, natural disasters, fashion, entertainment, economic and financial trends. The media has covered local, regional and international events, even if they do employ some degree of sensationalism to attract readership and listenership. Events such as crime, general elections and budget debates are brought to the public’s attention. Behaviour Change


mass media

Transcript of Mass Media Handout

Page 1: Mass Media Handout

Caribbean Studies

Module 2: The Mass Media and Development

The mass media is referred to those institutions which use the increasingly sophisticated

technological developments of industrialization for the communication of ideas, for the

purpose of information, entertainment and persuasion, to large audiences. (Beckford, 2007)

Functions of the Mass Media

The media is an agent of socialization and social control. They serve as sources of

information and ideas for large number of people consuming their products. In fact, we

are consumers of the mass media and as such, it provides us with direct and indirect

experience of events and processes happening beyond our social experience.

The media ensures an unrestricted public airing of differences of opinion on issues of

public interest and concern which is a healthy prerequisite for any democracy.

The media acts as a neutral autonomous servant of the public, not only in raising issues

thus acting as a watch dog of the society.

Provision of Information

Media is responsible for the dissemination of information to citizens. Television, radio,

newspaper and internet provide a wealth of information from politics, natural disasters,

fashion, entertainment, economic and financial trends.

The media has covered local, regional and international events, even if they do employ

some degree of sensationalism to attract readership and listenership. Events such as

crime, general elections and budget debates are brought to the public’s attention.

Behaviour Change Whatever information is disseminated to the populous it should be of such that it

promotes the health of the society and as such the media ought to be vigilant in the type of information they provide.

The media should be of such that it educates citizens on issues such as news, sports, politics, health, economic trends, music, fashion and cinema. For example, a documentary on global warming can be informative and might show what can be done to conserve energy which the viewer can apply to the context of their society to promote sustainable development. This might help to change the behavior of individuals and their attitudes towards the environment as well as demonstrates a sense of self-efficacy that he or she can make a difference.


Much of the information transmitted by the mass media is in the form of

advertisements for goods and services. Advertisers bring in a lot of money so that their

interests tend to be promoted where programming is concerned.

Advertisements should be geared more towards promoting the quality of life of citizens

and not only be used to market products to make profits.

A Free Press

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A free press is indicative of a developed democracy. If democracy is being enhanced by a free press, then certainly that would be evidence that human development is taking place.

A free press suggests equity and that everyone has a right to express their views, so long as they do not commit slander or libel. This would mean that even marginal groups would have a voice in national affairs.

Entertainment and Enjoyment The mass media entertain through music played, the movies, soap operas, music videos

and talk shows aired celebrity interviews and the feature stories about various social issues in our society.

The media provides that opium where individuals can relax and release stress which is an essential aspect of balanced lifestyle. In this sense the mass media can be a source of recreation.

Forum for cultural expression The mass media provide a place where the talents of musicians, singers, actors,

novelists and story tellers can be showcased. It provides an opportunity for the entertainment industry to grow and for individual

artistes to gain fame and increased income. The boost that entertainers get from being showcased on the mass media helps to

develop cultural industries- music recordings, local television serials, dramatic presentations- that are widely disseminated not only in the region but among the Caribbean diaspora as well.

National Identity The media helps a country to be in charge of its destiny and to build the national

consciousness of its citizens. The media educates the public about the government’s activity and issues of national

importance. It also allows local culture and national heroes to be celebrated, thereby building a

sense of belonging and a collective destiny. This is important in independent countries with significant number of people belonging to different ethnic and racial groups.

Helps develop our culture through regional programmes which helps to promote integration.

Media and Economic Development Public and private sector depend on the media to facilitate flow of information on

programmes of economic nature. It informs the public on the economic policies of the government. Informs people on redevelopment plans Helps in marketing business ventures/ investments Assist in informed decision making among consumers Advertising employment opportunities Create partnership with private sector to promote economic ventures- world cup

Cricket.Media and the political Process

Carries political advertisements during political campaigns Explains citizens rights in the political processes Provides feedback to government re performance/ popularity Promotes/ negates policies of ruling government Indoctrinate masses on political ideology Disseminates political manifestos of governments/ political parties.

SourcesMOHAMMED, Jeniffer. (2007). CAPE Caribbean Studies, An Interdisciplinary Approach. Macmillan Caribbean. Beckford, Evol. (2007) Caribbean Studies Study Notes

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