Masahiro SHIZU Deputy Director Arms Control and ... · PDF fileMasahiro SHIZU Deputy Director...

Masahiro SHIZU Deputy Director Arms Control and Disarmament Division Ministry of Foreign Affairs, JAPAN 24 th IAEA CEG Plenary Meeting ,29 September-1 October, Ottawa, Canada

Transcript of Masahiro SHIZU Deputy Director Arms Control and ... · PDF fileMasahiro SHIZU Deputy Director...

Masahiro SHIZUDeputy Director

Arms Control and Disarmament DivisionMinistry of Foreign Affairs, JAPAN

24th IAEA CEG Plenary Meeting,29 September-1 October, Ottawa, Canada

Contents1111 IntroductionIntroductionIntroductionIntroduction

2222 Assistance for RussiaAssistance for RussiaAssistance for RussiaAssistance for Russia

3333 Assistance for UkraineAssistance for UkraineAssistance for UkraineAssistance for Ukraine

4444 Assistance for KazakhstanAssistance for KazakhstanAssistance for KazakhstanAssistance for Kazakhstan

5555 Assistance for BelarusAssistance for BelarusAssistance for BelarusAssistance for Belarus

6666 ConclusionConclusionConclusionConclusion

1 Introduction




●●●●●●●● Locations of moored Locations of moored Locations of moored Locations of moored Locations of moored Locations of moored Locations of moored Locations of moored

decommissioned decommissioned decommissioned decommissioned decommissioned decommissioned decommissioned decommissioned

nuclear submarinesnuclear submarinesnuclear submarinesnuclear submarinesnuclear submarinesnuclear submarinesnuclear submarinesnuclear submarines / / / / / / / /

МестоМестоМестоМестоМестоМестоМестоМесто стоянкистоянкистоянкистоянкистоянкистоянкистоянкистоянки

списанныхсписанныхсписанныхсписанныхсписанныхсписанныхсписанныхсписанных АПЛАПЛАПЛАПЛАПЛАПЛАПЛАПЛ

Russian Far EastRussian Far EastRussian Far EastRussian Far EastRussian Far EastRussian Far EastRussian Far EastRussian Far East / / / / / / / / ДальныйДальныйДальныйДальныйДальныйДальныйДальныйДальный ВостокВостокВостокВостокВостокВостокВостокВосток PetropavlovskPetropavlovskPetropavlovskPetropavlovskPetropavlovskPetropavlovskPetropavlovskPetropavlovsk--------Kamtchatskiy Kamtchatskiy Kamtchatskiy Kamtchatskiy Kamtchatskiy Kamtchatskiy Kamtchatskiy Kamtchatskiy




Northeast RepairNortheast RepairNortheast RepairNortheast RepairNortheast RepairNortheast RepairNortheast RepairNortheast Repair CenterCenterCenterCenterCenterCenterCenterCenter / / / / / / / /


ремонтныйремонтныйремонтныйремонтныйремонтныйремонтныйремонтныйремонтный центрцентрцентрцентрцентрцентрцентрцентр

Bolshoi Kamen/ Bolshoi Kamen/ Bolshoi Kamen/ Bolshoi Kamen/ Bolshoi Kamen/ Bolshoi Kamen/ Bolshoi Kamen/ Bolshoi Kamen/

гггггггг. . . . . . . . БольшойБольшойБольшойБольшойБольшойБольшойБольшойБольшой

КаменьКаменьКаменьКаменьКаменьКаменьКаменьКаменьVladivostokVladivostokVladivostokVladivostokVladivostokVladivostokVladivostokVladivostok ////////

гггггггг. . . . . . . . ВладивостокВладивостокВладивостокВладивостокВладивостокВладивостокВладивостокВладивосток



Zvezda Shipyard / Zvezda Shipyard / Zvezda Shipyard / Zvezda Shipyard / Zvezda Shipyard / Zvezda Shipyard / Zvezda Shipyard / Zvezda Shipyard / СудостроительныйСудостроительныйСудостроительныйСудостроительныйСудостроительныйСудостроительныйСудостроительныйСудостроительный заводзаводзаводзаводзаводзаводзаводзавод


①"Star of Hope"(Programme for Dismantling Decommissioned Nuclear Submarines)

2 Assistance for Russia

・The purpose of the project is to secure the long-term and stable storage of the RCs of dismantled NS.

・In 2006, Japanese government has decided to provide one floatingdock, one tug boat and two jib cranes, which are key components of the facility.

・In August and September 2010, work contracts for procurement of the equipment were signed in Vladivostok.

②Cooperation in the construction ofLong-Term Storage Facility for the RCUs

5Signing Ceremony for the Jib Cranes(20 August, 2010)

Signing Ceremony for the Floating Dock(27 August, 2010)

Designing Manufacturing Transportation & Installation

Delivery Schedule of Equipment

Contract & Sign








Temporary Temporary Temporary Temporary

Storage SiteStorage SiteStorage SiteStorage Site

Construction Site of the LongConstruction Site of the LongConstruction Site of the LongConstruction Site of the Long----

term Storage Facility for the RCsterm Storage Facility for the RCsterm Storage Facility for the RCsterm Storage Facility for the RCs

Tug BoatTug BoatTug BoatTug Boat

Floating DockFloating DockFloating DockFloating Dock

32ton Jib Crane32ton Jib Crane32ton Jib Crane32ton Jib Crane

10ton Jib Crane10ton Jib Crane10ton Jib Crane10ton Jib Crane

Long term storage

of RCs

Separation of the buoyancy

compartments from the RC


Expansion of

the platform

Additional assistance to secure the safe Additional assistance to secure the safe Additional assistance to secure the safe Additional assistance to secure the safe

RC storage is now under discussions RC storage is now under discussions RC storage is now under discussions RC storage is now under discussions

between the Governmentsbetween the Governmentsbetween the Governmentsbetween the Governments

Site of the Long Term Storage Facility

1 Assistance for identification of bulk-form nuclear materials stored in the Institute2 Assistance for strengthening PP of the facility

Approx 2 ml USD

・・・・Implementing Arrangement and FinancingContract are under finalization.

・・・・Negotiation is underway

3 Assistance for UkraineNuclear Security Upgrade for Kharkiv Institute of Physics and TechnologiesNuclear Security Upgrade for Kharkiv Institute of Physics and Technologies

Pillars of cooperationPillars of cooperation

Current StatusCurrent Status


Working Meeting with the representatives of KIPTWorking Meeting with the representatives of KIPTWorking Meeting with the representatives of KIPTWorking Meeting with the representatives of KIPT

14141414----16 September, Kharkov16 September, Kharkov16 September, Kharkov16 September, Kharkov

Working Meeting with the representatives of KIPTWorking Meeting with the representatives of KIPTWorking Meeting with the representatives of KIPTWorking Meeting with the representatives of KIPT

14141414----16 September, Kharkov16 September, Kharkov16 September, Kharkov16 September, Kharkov

1 Assistance for strengthening PP of Ulba Metallurgical Plant2 Assistance for strengthening PP of the Institute of Nuclear Physics

Approx 5 ml USD

Implementation scheme is underdiscussion between Japan, Kazakhstanand IAEA.

4 Assistance for KazakhstanNuclear Security Upgrade for Ulba Metallurgical Plant and Institute of Nuclear PhysicsNuclear Security Upgrade for Ulba Metallurgical Plant and Institute of Nuclear Physics

Pillars of cooperationPillars of cooperation

Current StatusCurrent Status


1 Deployment of mobile response laboratories for radiological incidents at borders

2 Establishment of integrated communication system for radiation monitoring at borders

3 Improvement of detection capabilities of the border patrol including “green border”

Approx 1 ml USD

・・・・The Project has been under implementation since July 2010

・・・・Expected duration - 12 months.

5 Assistance for Belarus

Pillars of cooperationPillars of cooperation

Current StatusCurrent Status


Cooperation for Prevention of Illicit Trafficking of Nuclear and Radioactive Materials at State Borders of BelarusCooperation for Prevention of Illicit Trafficking of Nuclear and Radioactive Materials at State Borders of Belarus

Mobile operationalresponse laboratoryMobile operationalresponse laboratory

Mobile radiometric laboratory

Mobile radiometric laboratory

Equipment for modernization of the system of the command center and the

regional command posts

Equipment for modernization of the system of the command center and the

regional command posts

Equipment for radiation detection at local-traffic border checkpointsEquipment for radiation detection at local-traffic border checkpoints

Radiation detectors for borderradiation monitoring at aviation patrol


Radiation detectors for borderradiation monitoring at aviation patrol


Radiation detectors for borderradiation monitoring at water border


Radiation detectors for borderradiation monitoring at water border


Equipment for radiation monitoring and data processing of the Border

Guard Institute

Equipment for radiation monitoring and data processing of the Border

Guard Institute


6 Conclusion