
By George and Will


Mars. By George and Will. What Mars means. Mars was the roman god of war and agriculture In Greek mars means Ares Mars is often called the Red Planet. Mars’s land. Has craters, also some icy poles Has volcanoes, valleys and desserts - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Mars

Page 1: Mars

By George and Will

Page 2: Mars

Mars was the roman god of war and agriculture

In Greek mars means Ares Mars is often called the Red Planet

Page 3: Mars

Has craters, also some icy poles Has volcanoes, valleys and desserts

Has the largest mountain know in the solar system called Olympus Mons

Also has the largest valley called Vall’s Mariners

Page 4: Mars

Mars’s orbit takes it just inside of the asteroid belt

The northern hemisphere of Mars covers 40% of the planet

Atmospheres gases are nitrogen, oxygen and Argon

Rotation takes 24 hr. and 37min.

Page 5: Mars

The first space craft to land on Mars is called the Mariner 4

The second one to land on Mars is called Mars Pathfinder

Another one to land on Mars is called The Phoenix

Last but not least there are 2 Vikings Landers that landed on Mars

Page 6: Mars

On Mars are two Mars exploration rovers

There names are Spirit and Opportunity

Sadly, Spirit crashed into the sand

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Mars has two moons, they are called Phobos and Deimos

But they may be captured asteroids

Page 8: Mars

One thousand years ago there was possibly martions

Of course there are none today but scientists have found fossils but they are microscopic

Page 9: Mars

Mars and Mars rovers :

Phobos and Diemos


Mars orbit:
