Marketing research project on Search User Interface


Transcript of Marketing research project on Search User Interface

Marketing Research Project Search User Interface


ObjectiveDesigning Search user interface for children and elder peopleAn important quality of a user interface (UI) is itsusability

1. Since nearly everyone who uses the Web uses search, the interface design must be understandable and appealing.2.For elder people search is a mentally intensive task when a person is looking for information, they are usually engaged in some larger task, and do not want their flow of thought interrupted by an intrusive interface.

4. a term which refers to those properties of the interface that determine how easy it is to use




Data Collection

Giving different tasks to primary school children and finding problems there out of itDesigning questionnaire for elderly people

How easy is it for users to accomplish basic tasks the first time they encounter the interface

How quickly can users accomplish their tasks after they learn how to use the interface

After a period of non-use, how long does it take users to reestablish proficiency


Finding ChallengesCategorizing the obtained problems into specific groupsFinding major problems out of them

How many errors do users make, how severe are these errors, and how easy is it for users to recover from these errors

How pleasant or satisfying is it to use the interface


Designing Solutions

Exploring the difficulties with present search interface design and gathering a set of design guidelines tailored specifically for certain age group

obtaining reactions from potential users, and revising the designs based on those reactions.

For children : Addressing the Vocabulary Problem

For elder people : Reducing the memory load 6

ConclusionDesigning possible solutions to overcome the problems in different age groups.Proposing a prototype search interface

the interface design must be understandable and appealing to a wide variety of users of all ages, cultures and backgrounds, applied to an enormous variety of information needs.7

G Manikanta-12216005Mitul Rawat-12216013K saiteja-12116023

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